HSEQ Direct - Strategic Partner invitation

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Management System LET’S CREATE SAFER & HEALTHIER WORKPLACES TOGETHER! Invitation to become a Strategic Partner © HSElife World B.V. - All rights reserved

What is it, what can you do with it and what’s in it for you?

Management System

Industrialization has reached unprecedented proportions today. In an effort to keep up with a competitive environment, most companies are expanding their fields of activity and consequently employing an increasing number of employees.

Additionally, technology is advancing, facilitating economic growth.

Considering these factors, the care provided for workers in many countries, especially those in high-risk work environments, remains insufficient. There are numerous reasons that contribute to this situation, ranging from uncontrolled growth in activities to the unwillingness of management to allocate funds for adequate training and information.

Is there a way to change this alarming trend? Let’s begin by outlining our vision: everyone deserves a safe and healthy workplace.

That is why, after years of close cooperation with frontline workers, managers and their organizations, we have developed a global online all-in-one digital platform for Health, Safety, Environment and Quality called HSEQ Direct, the Management system for creating a safer and healthier workplace.

Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner

The reasons why: prevention!

Did you know that, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO), that some 2.3 million women and men around the world succumb to work-related accidents or diseases every year; this corresponds to over 6000 deaths every single day. Worldwide, there are around 340 million occupational accidents and 160 million victims of work-related illnesses annually. This means that ONE out of every TEN workers is a victim of a workplace accident! The gross underreporting of occupational accidents and diseases, including fatal accidents, is giving a false picture of the scope of the problem.*


Keeping that in mind, our mission is to deliver a comprehensive set of essential risk awareness information and training modules to the global workforce. We aim to equip employees with the necessary knowledge to reduce workplace-related accidents and maintain that knowledge over time.

We strongly believe that well-trained, properly informed, and consistently aware frontline employees can effectively prevent incidents in the workplace. With our extensive experience in serving the Energy industry in Western Europe and beyond, through a digital platform that provides interactive training modules, innovative campaigns, and essential HSEQ information, we are fully prepared to create safer and healthier workplaces worldwide!

Where does this apply? Which industries, sectors can benefit from our initiative?

* source: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner


Our 25 years-long experience in supporting high-risk industries has shown that the “old way” of thinking and developing one’s own safety awareness materials is time and money-consuming. It also requires relevant in-house personnel, often resulting in expensive and complicated information delivery to the workplace.

It is worth mentioning that many medium to small-sized companies do not even have the financial and organizational means to accomplish this on their own.

Our approach is to provide essential information that is directly usable and, at the same time, free from company-specific details. This makes it applicable for a wide range of uses!

Industry sectors/branches that can directly benefit from using our platform include:

• Energy industry

• Chemical industry

• Maintenance sector

• Factories / Manufactoring industry

• Agricultural sector

• Construction industry

• Mining

• Forestry

• Mechanical & Electrical engineering

• Transportation

• Metal production

• Food industry, and others...

Does your organization represent one (or more) of above mentioned industry sectors? If so, join us and help HSEQ Direct achieve our goal of changing the workplace safety landscape and preventing unnecessary loss of life and injuries by becoming our Strategic Partner!

What is the role of Strategic Partner?

Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner

Strategic Partner role

The facts published by the International Labour Organization confirm that the opportunities in the market for raising risk awareness in the workplace are limitless!

Considering the fact that there are approximately 3.4 billion working people and 340 million workplace accidents in 2022 alone, it means that ONE out of every TEN workers is a victim of a workplace accident! Let’s put an end to these disastrous numbers... TOGETHER!

Since we strongly believe that PREVENTION is the key to changing this, we need your help in creating safer and healthier workplaces!

One of the ways HSEQ Direct utilizes to expand its user base and extend its presence in different regions and countries is by joining forces with established organizations like yours.

We consider this type of cooperation a true strategic partnership, where we aim not only to achieve the goals mentioned above but also to empower both organizations.

Years of experience and proactive work with governmental policymakers, company managers at all levels, and frontline employees put us in a strong position to be a reliable partner in any industry, sector, or association organization.

Let’s first explore what exactly HSEQ Direct is, what our goals are, and how you and your organization can assist us in achieving them.

What is HSEQ Direct?

Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner

What is HSEQ Direct?

HSEQ Direct is a global online all-in-one Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management System incorporating interactive learning, certification, communication and registration - vital for any workplace involving risks... in any industry... anywhere!

Designed for the Manager and to be used specifically in the workplace! Applicable to varying industries and sectors from manufacturing and process facilities, agricultural locations... through to state-of-the art assembly lines.

The HSEQ Direct platform promotes cooperation between workfloor, management, company, (sub) contractors and suppliers, with the aim of speaking the same clear language and prevent incidents and/or accidents.

In other words, for any workforce that is facing hazards and risks during its daily activities.

Management System

Watch the HSEQ Direct SITE TOUR video here > Find out more about the HSEQ Direct in the HSElife UPDATE newsletter #18 >

What’s in it for you as a Strategic Partner?

Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner

Strategic partnership

As mentioned, we bring over 25 years of proactive experience, and our digital global platform, HSEQ Direct, is a result of that. A strategic partnership with your organization can have many facets, ranging from fully deploying our expertise and services to offering full access to our platform at a unique 20% discount for your members.

HSEQ Direct has already engaged with several strategic partners, and they view this partnership as very fruitful. The discounted access to the platform is considered a compliment and highly regarded incentive for their members.

It goes without saying that a strategic partnership needs to be created from both sides, taking shape, form, and function to fulfill our mutual goals.

We are well aware that even the journey of a thousand miles always starts with the first step. So, let’s take that first step and start creating safer and healthier workplaces... together!

Does HSEQ Direct provide communication support for marketing and implementation activities?

Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner
Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner Management system for a safe and healthy working environment Management System presented BRIEF & CLEAR GOAL, USAGE and RESULT This brochure provides an overview of HSEQ Direct’s Tools & Services. For each component, we highlight the functionalities plus what the use of that component can mean for an organisation. SUMMARISED IN GOAL, USAGE AND RESULT! INTERNATIONAL EDITION Support HSEQ Direct offers comprehensive communication and implementation support to its Strategic Partners. This support includes various communication tools and products that are readily available, such as newsletters, general and detailed product information, digital FAQs, promotional videos and social media kits. Do you want to join us in our effort to create safer and healthier workplaces on a global scale... together? 9 HSEQ Direct based on LEMACORE method* Where making mistakes can be fatal preventing them is our goal! This company brochure is a brief introduction of HSEQ Direct - a global online all-in-one Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management System. © HSEQ Direct 2022/23 OVERVIEW This slide provides an overview of the usage possibilities of the element HSEQ LIBRARY of the HSEQ Direct Management System LIBRARY HSEQ information topics for daily use CONCISE AND TO THE POINT EVERYONE ON THE SAME PAGE KNOWLEDGE CHECKED TRAINING REGISTERED Interactive quizzes with multiple-choice questions. With results automatically recorded our Learning And Registration System (HSElife LARS). Digital and printable certificates for control and overview. For complete overview of all tools and services of HSEQ Direct, read the BRIEF & CLEAR brochure Onscreen presentations suitable for Toolbox meetings John Smith Thornet Manufacturing Ltd. GENERAL SAFETY AT THE WORKPLACE S S HSE H GOAL USAGE RESULT To allow companies focus on specific HSE subject. Daily, for information, presentations and toolbox meetings. Increased knowledge, awareness and alertness during work. Management System In this edition: update NEWSLETTER #30 HSElife HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT NEWSLETTER for creating healthy and safe workplace The quiet killers For them it might be too late, but... What are Dangerous Substances? Simple solutions These HSE ITEMS are connected to this theme! steps for successful THEME implementation Benefits for you and your company Your HSEQ INCENTIVE MODEL and membership available from €15 per month! Q2 2023 IT MIGHT BE TOO LATE NETHERLANDS EDITION THEME: DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES Dangerous substances are real quiet killers. Exposure to them can lead to serious illnesses and in some cases fatalities, even without noticing. What can you and your company do to protect your most valuable asset... the people? Read on how to prevent exposure to dangerous substances > 24/7 available anytime, anywhere, on any device! CAMPAIGNS LIBRARY CONNECTED AND ALERT COMPANY SPECIFIC registRATION MAINTAINING TRAINING


Join us!

Our approach is to provide essential information that is directly usable and, at the same time, free from company-specific details. This makes it applicable for a wide range of uses!

Industry sectors/branches that can directly benefit from using our platform include:

• Energy industry

• Chemical industry

• Maintenance sector

• Factories / Manufactoring industry

• Agricultural sector

• Construction industry

• Mining

• Forestry

• Mechanical & Electrical engineering

• Transportation

• Metal production

• Food industry, and others...

Does your organization represent one (or more) of above mentioned industry sectors? If so, join us and help HSEQ Direct achieve our goal of changing the workplace safety landscape and preventing unnecessary loss of life and injuries by becoming our Strategic Partner!

Ready to become a Strategic Partner of HSEQ Direct?

Management System
Management System BECOME A STRATEGIC Partner Let’s create together safer and healthier workplaces... everywhere! Management System for any additional questions / information, please contact us: service@hseqdirect.com Would you like to know more about HSEQ Direct and your role as a Strategic Partner? Schedule a max. 30-minute personal talk here. Watch the HSEQ Direct SITE TOUR video here > Find out more about the HSEQ Direct in the HSElife UPDATE newsletter #18 > © HSElife World B.V. - All rights reserved

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