WEBB Magazine - Fall/Winter 2020-21

Page 48




Legacy Hall of Fame We wish to give special recognition to the following donors who have given $1 million or more over the course of their lifetime to The Webb Schools and the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology. Their philanthropy has transformed our campus and impacted the lives of generations of students. $5 MILLION OR MORE

Blake ’68 and Andrea Brown Blake Brown and his wife Andrea have helped to transform our campus and educational programs. Their gifts have helped bring the Alf Museum into the modern age with significant support for the Hall of Life campaign, a research laboratory and fossil prep laboratory. They also supported the renovation of a NextGen science lab allowing for the highest level of research, the construction of new faculty housing, and a major renovation of Hooper Community Center in addition to the land acquisition adjacent to campus.

James D. ’42 and Lin Burke Few people or events have had the powerful impact that Jim and Lin Burke have had on Webb. The Burke’s leadership gift to Webb came in the form of a family cabin on a lake. The cabin and surrounding property were sold for over $6 million, making the Burkes’ gift the largest in Webb’s history. With the proceeds of that sale, Webb built the Copeland Donahue Theater in 2008, the first new construction of an academic building since 1987. Jim and Lin’s gift will continue a family legacy of giving back by providing financial aid to deserving students.

Col. John S. Rogers USAF (Ret.) ’59 and the Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation During the past three decades, Col. John and June Rogers and the Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation have transformed the lives of Webb students. Through the Mary Stuart Rogers Endowed Scholarship and the Raymond M. Alf Peccary Society Chair, more than 255 students have received

financial aid and the opportunity of a Webb education. In addition to his dedication to growing the schools’ endowment, Col. Rogers has supported capital projects such as the Mary Stuart Rogers Sports Center and Faculty Field, and provided support for the acquisition of land adjacent to campus.

Anonymous Donor $2.5 MILLION OR MORE

Gretchen Augustyn P ’89 and Family A former Webb trustee and current Alf Museum trustee, Gretchen Augustyn and her family endowed the salary of the Curator at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology and created a fund to support the Curator’s research work with students and the scientific community.

Yan Cheung and Ming Chung Liu P ’10 Mr. Liu and Mrs. Cheung, parents of Ken Liu ’10, made the lead gift towards the Susan A. Nelson Performing Arts Center. They have also generously supported major dorm renovations including the historic Alamo renovation in 2009 and a significant remodel of the chemistry lab in 2016.

Robert A. Hefner III ’53 Robert Hefner’s gifts have been focused on supporting faculty and unbounded thinking, in 1998 he established the Raymond M. Alf Inspirational and Unbounded Teaching Chair in Science. This endowed fund ensures the schools’ ability to attract and retain a teacher of Raymond Alf’s caliber. He also established an endowed fund for Excellence in Science and endowed the Unbounded Thinkers Symposium with the goal of inspiring Webb students to explore new opportunities.

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