1 minute read
On Lyme Disease, Yoga, Parenting, and More
daughter suffer and deteriorate.
It is now five years later and she’s baruch Hashem back to her old self, but there’s no denying the scars that have remained from all that wasted time and the frightening period of not knowing what was going on with our child. Of course, all that was destined to be, but if this article can help just one parent or patient trust their gut and check out the Lyme route when they’re exhibiting any symptoms, it will have been all worth it.
And here’s my embarrassingly belated thanks for an unbelievable magazine that we look forward to every single month. We appreciate all your hard work!
Name Withheld upon Request
On the Road
Issue #90: Torah Wellspring
Soon after reading last issue’s Torah Wellspring, I headed out to the mountains to spend Shabbos with my family. The traffic that awaited was intense, and I usually find it very stressful and upsetting. This time, armed with the inspiration of the thought-provoking article, the bumper-to-bumper heaviness turned out to be a truly growing experience. The way didn’t take any longer, but I felt that I was on the road to something greater and more valuable.
Thanks for the important reminders of Hashem’s central role in our lives,
Menachem K.