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Williston Weekly RevieW
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Mercy Medical Center recently presented Ba-
sin United Way with a check for proceeds raised from the 2013 Mercy Community Sale. The net proceeds of this year’s Community Sale resulted in a financial success of approximately $47,800 which will be used to benefit area youth. “We enjoyed helping make the Community Sale a success. The funds raised will provide Basin United Way the opportunity to hire a full time executive director, which will help grow our efforts to benefit area youth agencies. We’re grateful to have had this opportunity and can’t thank Mercy Medical Center and the community of Williston enough for their support,” said James Bervig, President of Basin United Way. Leslie Sullivan, Director of Mercy Medical Foundation added, “Each year the
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community sale provides a wonderful opportunity for Mercy Medical Center to work alongside civic organizations that invest a mass of energy, enthusiasm and hard work to benefit our community. This year was no exception and Basin United Way did an amazing job!”
August 15, 2013 | Vol. 6 Issue 10
To date, the Williston region has realized a cumulative total of approximately $774,345 which have been invested in projects for area youth over the past 23 years. The 2013 Community Sale was held on Saturday, May 4th at the Raymond Family Community Center in Williston.
Need a phone number? Look no furtner from now on each week we will provide you with a full business directory. On page 5 of this publication you will see over 1,000 business listings of companies currently doing businss in Willistion and the surrounding areas.