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Free!! June 21 2013 | Vol. 6 Issue2
Bikes Returning to the Area Roger Stout organizer of last year’s Rockin’ the Bakken Motorcycle Fun Run, has announced that a second event is scheduled for this year for June 22. Motorcycle events are not a thing of mystery to most here in the Williston Area, considering Sturgis is less than 5 hours away. Stout acknowledged that with the browing oil boom population there were enough motorcyclist enthusuasts to support a bigger event here locally. With a sponsorship of MT. Moriah Masonic Lodge in Williston, Stout is planing the first Williston Motorcycle rally for June 22 Part of the event is the Williston Rally Ride, Sponsored by MT. Moriah Masonic Lodge, the 125-mile ride begins and ends at the fairgrounds, other activities will be held at the fairgrounds. Vendors, music, games, and more will be carried on through out the day. Safety is a great concern right now with the added congestion of the oil traffic. Stout encourages everyone to be safe and wear a helmet. Stout has lived in the Williston area since 1996. He is a native of Park Rapids, Miss, and serves as the president of Mt. Moriah Masonic Lodge. Stout owns several bikes and conciders himself a motorcycle enthusiasit who has attended strugis for 15 years in a row. Stout is also serves as president of the North Dakota Masonic Motorcycle Association. All proceeds of the event go to charity. The fraternal organization recently donated scholarships to local high schools and is looking for additional charities to support. Stout is expecting a great turn out and asks all members of the publis to support the event. He believed that if rally is successful this year that next year’s rally may be a full weekend. http://www.sturgismotorcyclerally. com/public/images/visitor-info/ img-chamber-williston02.png Williston Motorcycle Rally-- June 22, registration starts at 11 a.m. Registration is $25 per person. For more information, contact (701) 5801068. For more infor contact: Lodge at or P.O. Box 444, Williston, ND 58802.