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InformIng | EducatIng | EntErtaInIng

July 18, 2013 | Vol. 6 Issue 6

New Options for WSC Petro Students

WILLISTON, N.D. – Williston State College is responding to the industry needs of Western North Dakota by developing an Automation and Control option to be added to the Petroleum Production Technology program. Adding automation and control to the current Lease Operator offering will greatly expand the program. The program will include three options for participants: two-year Associate in Applied Science Degree, one-year certificate, and a dual credit option for high school students. In order to most effectively impact energy developments, WSC hopes for the program’s participants to work closely with significant industry and community groups while enrolled. This collaborative effort will help to ensure that students are adequately prepared for careers in the field, as well as creating the possibility of internships throughout the students’ education. The focus of the program will stem from the technological aspects of numerous industries including gas, utilities, oil, etc. It is anticipated that it will become the center program at the Western Star and Technology Center, providing students with the skills necessary to remain competitive in their long-term career. Jerry Barrow, the newly hired head of the program, has very high hopes for what it can achieve. “I know the program [Petroleum Production Technology] will be a great success because the industry here in Williston and surrounding area is behind it,” stated Barrow. “The school administration has made a great commitment to the program’s success by providing wonderful laboratory and training space at the Western Star along with state-of-the-art equipment.” The addition of automation and control as an option under the Petroleum and Production Technology program will go through the WSC Curriculum Committee very shortly. The program is scheduled to begin this coming fall, 2013. Students are encouraged to enroll as soon as possible if interested.



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