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InformIng | EducatIng | EntErtaInIng
July 25, 2013 | Vol. 6 Issue 7
sturgis: ready to ignite
You can see the hustle and hurry on everyone’s face through out the Sturgis area this week, as the Rally draws closer starting July 29 this year. Many of the venues have already advertised extensive line ups of events and entertainment, making this a must experience year. Whether you would be a rookie showing up in your mini-van or rally vet showing up on customized Electra-glide you are bound to have a good time. I often hear people here in Williston talk about a lack of events or entertainment, saying their bored or need some adventure. Well this coming week should not be a week of boredom, if you can sneak off the rig and out of the camp long enough to make the five hour drive, this week should be something you never forget. This year we reached out to one of my favorite venues and asked them to advertise with us, they were gracious enough to, while on the phone I got to hear a little about what is to come this year and I assure you no one attending will be bored. Friday - August 2nd Queensryche Zwarte Rhythm Rockers Midstroke Charlie Brechtel Iron Cowgirl Missy The Living Deads The Mods Saturday – August 3rd The Cult
Buffalo Chip Main Stage Line Up
Buckcherry Pop Evil
Sunday – August 4th ZZ Top Halestorm 4ontheFloor Monday – August 5th Kid Rock Doobie Brothers Jared James Nichols
Tuesday – August 6th Toby Keith Tesla Sweet Cyanide Wednesday – August 7th Rob Zombie Mastodon Machine Head Thursday – August 8th Lynyrd Skynyrd
Brantley Gilbert Madison Rising Friday – August 9th Robby Krieger Sublime with Rome Saturday – August 10th Fuel Lit Alien Ant Farm