The Compass Spring/Summer 2021 details The Windward School's journey in its DEIB work. Read more on how Windward is continuing to deliver on its program goals with a DEIB lens; a recap of Windward's first-year initiatives in its continually-evolving three-year plan; an introduction to the DivE In Committee; and more.
This issue also honors four retirees who have served a combined 109 years at Windward. Enjoy tributes and photos of Joan Barrett, Ronnie Berish, Stephen Littell, and Leslie Zuckerwise.
The Alumni Office announces the creation of the Alumni Ambassador Program, co-chaired by Denis O'Leary '06 and Grace Desiderio '19.
Read two new alumni success stories about Stephen Flaxman '88 as he reflects on his years at Windward and his experience as an alumni parent of Natalie Flaxman '25. Will Koester '22 highlights a unique research fellowship where he interviewed athletes with learning disabilities.
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