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Tennis Teams Head to Sectionals
USTA League tennis is played across the entire country, and no one is excluded from competing. From members at a private club or a public facility to someone who only plays outside at a local park, all can join and play. Typically, there are hundreds of teams playing in each of the nation’s 16 sectionals, totaling thousands of teams vying for national championships.
The USTA 18+ and 40+ are the largest two leagues at MAC and also in the country. MAC was able to field 41 teams in the two leagues, with more than 500 members taking part in matches. However, when all was said and done, there were only a few teams left standing to compete at Sectionals in August.
In the 18+ division, MAC has:
• Women’s 3.5, Kayla Casebeer/Jeri Finn team
• Men’s 4.0, Doug Post/Reza Kafi team
These teams are set to compete at Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation Complex (158th Street and Walker Road in Beaverton) from Aug. 9-11.
The 40+ division features:
• Men’s 3.0, Kip Stevenson team
• Men’s 4.0, Doug Post/Reza Kafi team
• Women’s 3.0, Amy Risch/ Melissa Jacobs team
• Women’s 4.5, Shannon Bilstrom/ Annie Duong team
These teams are set to compete at Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation Complex from Aug. 23-25.
MAC typically has some of the largest crowd of supporters and members coming out to cheer teams on. Head out to the courts to join in watching fellow MAC members vie for a chance at a trip to USTA Nationals! It is sure to be a good time.