“When the city (Jerusalem) came into view, he wept over it, saying, ‘if you had only recognized this day, and everything that was good for you!’” — Luke 19:41 (The Message Bible)
Written by: Bishop Bob Hayes
Did you know that Mark Twain, the great American humorist and author of the late 1800’s, also considered himself to be an inventor and entrepreneur? Very few people know that Twain financed hundreds of designs and inventions, but after wasting a fortune with nothing to show for his investments, he was finally able to say “no” to a young upstart by the name of Alexander Graham Bell who wanted him to invest in a new gadget called a telephone, a device that would transmit speech by electric waves! Twain called it absurd, and missed his opportunity to become a rich man. Or, take the case of the prominent Virginia physician who refused to let his daughter marry a lowly pharmacy clerk in Waco, Texas, by the name of Wade Morrison. Hurt and disappointed, Morrison decided to name a local drink he bought and developed after the daughter’s father who jilted him, and he called the drink, “Dr. Pepper!” A missed opportunity of great proportions. I could go on and on with stories such as these, but none can compare with the greatest missed opportunity ever recorded in the history of humankind. It was the day Jesus stood over his beloved City of Jerusalem and wept because he painfully realized that the people he came to save and redeem were about to reject him. Here he was, the bread of life, coming to feed his people, but rather than eat the bread that would satisfy their hunger, they chose to starve. Here he was, the light of the world, but instead of letting his light shine in their lives, they chose to stumble in darkness. It was a missed opportunity and a tragedy waiting to happen because forty years after Jesus was rejected, Jerusalem lay in ruins. During this Lenten season that takes us from Ash Wednesday to Calvary, and finally, to the Tomb, Jesus draws near to us and gives us the chance in these 40 days to repent of our sins; to examine ourselves and clean up the mess that we’ve made inside; and maybe for the first time make him Lord of our lives and receive him as our Savior and friend! For Christ’s sake, don’t miss this opportunity that he affords us, because everything good for us can be found in him! May God’s peace and blessings be with you all.
Mark Twain once said about the longing for the coming of spring: “It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want – oh, you don’t quite know what it is you want, but it just makes your heart ache, you want it so!” I’ve been looking at the trees and shrubs in the yard for any small sign of new buds. I’m already looking forward to the arrival of the hummingbirds that should be returning on their migration in a couple of weeks, and the glorious bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush to cover the fields. It is time for the green, the growing and the colorful to return to our lives isn’t it? We long for new life and vibrancy to return to the world. There is an even deeper longing that is within us that is also a part of this time of the year. “As the deer longs for the flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” (Psalm 42:1-2) Easter is the ultimate fulfillment of the heart’s desire for new beginnings and a real encounter with the living God. The cross, the darkness at noon, the lifeless body and the cold, hard rock of the tomb, are all about to be part of the past. With Easter Sunday the darkness, doubt and death of the past is replaced by an angel with an appearance like lightning and clothes white as snow who comes to roll the stone away and proclaim that Jesus has been raised from the dead. The promise of Easter, and the promise of Jesus is, “Behold, I make all things new!” We hope for the newness of spring in this world. We long for new life and new beginnings. In Christ, we have even more than hope – we have assurance for today, for tomorrow, and forever. Anticipating spring, and rejoicing in Easter! Lee
WOODFOREST LUNCH BUNCH Lunch Bunch at Rudy’s Bar-B-Q. A big thank you to Jerry and Nedra Brandt for making the beautiful desserts to share at lunch.
WINTER STORM URI BRINGS SNOW Winter Storm Uri is one for the history books!
PERSPECTIVE CLASS Juliet’s Luncheon at The Butler House.
THE HOLY WALKAMOLIES Tuesdays and Thursdays | 9:00 a.m. Meet at the Recreation Center Join our spring senior adult walking club! Meredith Covell our Sports Director will lead this group. We will meet at the Rec Center for light stretching, a short devotional and a walk around the neighborhood. Tuesdays is the beginners’ group and Thursdays is our advanced group. The advanced group will cover more distance and be faster paced. Groups are limited to fifteen people per group. Bring a friend! Register online at www. thewoodlandsumc.org/group-detail/215102
THE WOODLANDS CAMERA CLUB No meeting in April due to Easter Monday. We’ll see you next month.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MEETING April 13 | 2:00 p.m. | Via Zoom Join us for virtual fellowship! Zoom details shared via email. Those who love to knit or crochet are invited to participate! Hand work may be done at home, and we will meet occasionally for fellowship and to pray for the recipients of our shawls. Shawls will be given in faith, hope and love to those in need. For more information on this ministry, please contact Connie Norton at concetta44@comcast.net or 281.292.3875 PRAYER MINISTRY John Wesley describes the Christian life in relation to prayer, making it his fourth mark of discipleship. Prayer is the way we create, commune, and sustain our relationship with God. Wesley viewed prayer as “the chief of these means of grace, whether in secret or with the great congregation.” We at The Woodlands United Methodist Church are a praying Church. We have Prayer Teams available in the Harvest, Loft, Traditional and Woodforest services. If you would like prayer, prayer team members are available after the Chapel and Traditional services. We would love to pray for you! In addition, if you have a heart for prayer or the gift of prayer, we would love for you to join our prayer team as well. — Margarita J. McCarthy, Caring Ministry Prayer Assistant
GRIEF SHARE Beginning Wednesday, May 26 | 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. | Otterbien If you are experiencing a season of grieving, join Grief Share for a 13-week small group experience navigating the challenges of grief. This course explains both the spiritual and practical issues of grief and suggests specific strategies to guide you back to fullness of life. Register online at www. thewoodlandsumc.org/group-detail/195017 PRIME TIMERS Meets the first Wednesday of each month Prime Timers is taking a break until the May picnic. Stay-tuned for new programming. SENIOR ADULT GAME NIGHT Second Friday of each month | 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Main Campus Aldersgate Hall This group is taking a break and will reconvene in 2021. For more information, contact Linda Henderson at 936.273.3167 or Karen Freeman at 858.204.0012 LUNCH BUNCH Second Tuesday of each month | 11:00 a.m. | Main Campus This group is taking a break! Stay-tuned for future gatherings! All senior adults are welcome to join us for this time of food, fun and fellowship! For more information about this group, contact Dolly Loftiss at 210.844.2062
WOODFOREST LUNCH BUNCH April 18 | 2:00 p.m. | Crighton Theatre Outing & Dinner Join us for the matinee showing of Nunsense and dinner afterwards at Pacific Yard House in Conroe. Cost of theatre ticket is $19, dinner is a dutch treat. Deadline for making a reservation is Monday, April 5. Please note COVID protocols are in place at the theatre. For additional information please call Ann Horton at 936.588.1663. Register for this event at www. thewoodlandsumc.org/event?EventOccurrenceId=1307
SENIOR ADULT GAME NIGHT Fourth Friday of each month | 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Woodforest Campus Worship Center This group is taking a break. Join us for Senior Adult Game Night in Woodforest! Let’s play Mexican Train, Hand and Foot, Scrabble, Bridge or 42 together! Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play, we’ll teach you! Bring a dish to share! The cost for this event is $1 per person. All senior adults are welcome! No registration required. For more information, contact Teri Rossi at trossi@twumc.org
SMALL GROUPS Our small groups are re-opening with COVID-19 protocols in place. We hope you will join us if you feel safe. Check out our hybrid options in many groups.
THE WOODLANDS CAMPUS CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP Friday, April 9 and 23 | 11:00 a.m. | Allen Parlor A support group for caregivers of family and friends with chronic, long term or terminal illness. Group will be led by Dr. Lee Brewer. No registration needed. THE GATHERING PLACE Currently serving our clients through “at home” projects The Gathering Place ministry is an ecumenical ministry for adults who have been diagnosed with early to moderate dementia. This ministry is provided in partnership through the Care Partners organization. There is a simple eligibility process to determine if this program is the right fit for you. For more information about The Gathering Place, contact Pam Baker at 832.381.4514 MEN’S BOOK STUDY April 14 and 28 | 10:00 a.m. | Via Zoom We are studying Max Lucado’s book “Out Live Your Life.” Come join us in this discussion of the book along with a short DVD by the author. It’s not enough for you to do well. You want to do good. You want your life to matter. You want to live in such a way that the world will be glad you did. But, how can you? How can I? Can God use us? For more information about this group, contact Jerry Barney at 281.826.3232 HYBRID SENIOR ADULT FITNESS Senior Adult Intermediate Fitness Mondays | 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center Activity Room 1 Senior Adult Basic Fitness Wednesdays and Fridays | 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Woodforest Senior Adult Basic Fitness Tuesdays and Thursdays | 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Continue your health and wellness journey by joining us for a hybrid senior adult fitness class. The hybrid class will follow all CDC guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. Please wear a mask upon entry to the building, during exercise the mask may be removed. Registration is required to secure a “face-to-face” spot. Our online class via Zoom will meet the same time as the face-to-face classes. Zoom Meeting ID: 735 678 773 | Password: SFIT PEGGY’S BOOK CLUB April 20 | Noon | Aldersgate Hall Join us in April to discuss Educated by Tara Westover. If you would like to read ahead, in May we will review The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. Bring your sack lunch and beverage to join us for a lively discussion. Men and Women are welcome. For more information about Peggy’s Book Club, contact Libby Heintz at 936.271.7660 or Kathy Wisenbaker at wisenbaker@ sbcglobal.net GOLDENAIRES CHOIR This group is taking a break. The Goldenaires, our senior adult choir, is the perfect way for you to spread joy through singing. No audition is required. For more information, contact Ed Wandling at 281.355.0053 SINGLE LIFE WIDOWS This group is taking a break. Stay-tuned for future activities! This group is designed to offer support and create fellowship as we discover new ways of doing life alone. For more information, contact Terry Loughridge at 281.297.5932
WOODFOREST CAMPUS WOODFOREST CRAFT CIRCLE 2nd and 4th Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. | Woodforest Gymnasium We welcome all who have creative skills or no skills to join us in sewing, knitting, painting, crafting, and holiday cheer to create beautiful works to sell at our Craft Circle Boutique! All proceeds go to our Missions Ministry. Times are flexible. Bring a sack lunch or a snack! For more information contact, Barbara Green at 713.248.1228 PICKLEBALL Mondays | 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Woodforest Gymnasium Join us for Pickleball! Pickleball is a paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn. This game will be played indoors, with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. The game is played as doubles or singles. No registration required. Masks required when off the court. WOODFOREST BOOK CLUB April 15 | 11:30 a.m. | Woodforest Classroom Let’s meet for lunch and a book review! Join us in reviewing The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate. If you would like to read ahead, in May we will review Elizabeth Street by Laurie Fabiano. No registration required. For more information about this group, contact Diane Oakley at 936.701.8067 SENIOR ADULT FITNESS Tuesdays and Thursdays | 8:30 a.m. | Woodforest Gymnasium For more information, please refer to the same listing under The Woodlands Campus. Please note the Woodforest class is a face-to-face class only.
SUPPORT SHEPHERD CARE MINISTRY Shepherd Care is our ministry of friendship for our members who are in local nursing homes, senior adult, and private residences. New Shepherds and new Lambs are always welcome. If you know of someone in need of companionship or if you would like to volunteer to be a Shepherd, please contact Kay Meador at 936.321.5159. COMPUTER SUPPORT MINISTRY Computer Tip: When you replace a computer, phone, tablet etc. make sure you delete all sensitive data from the old device. If you need computer assistance or assistance with Zoom, please call Jerry Barney at 281.826.3232 ELDERRIDE MINISTRY This group is taking a break. We are so grateful for our ElderRide ministry! Our ElderRide team drives our members to over 125 appointments per year. The total mileage driven is about 4000 miles per year! Contact Ken and Linda Keith at 936.271.3810 if you need a ride to a medical appointment. ElderRide supports The Woodlands and our Woodforest neighbors! Please call at least 48 hours in advance. PARKINSON’S DISEASE EXERCISE AND SUPPORT GROUP This group is taking a break and will reconvene in the summer. For more information contact HAPS’ at www.hapsonline. org. Parkinson’s Disease Exercise and Support Group meets Thursdays at 1:30 pm in Aldersgate Hall. For more information, contact Dale Mefford at 936.443.5351, or go to the Houston Area Parkinson’s Society’s website. We are in the north group.
APRIL 2021
*Green text represents events at The Woodlands Campus and blue text represents events at the Woodforest Campus
THURSDAY 1 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center
Easter Monday TWUMC Closed
Happy Easter
12 Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Intermediate Class 9:00 a.m. Rec Center, Activity room 1 WF Pickleball 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WF Gymnasium
19 WF Lunch Bunch Creighton Theatre 2:00 p.m.
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Intermediate Class 9:00 a.m. Rec Center, Activity room 1 WF Pickleball 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WF Gymnasium
26 Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Intermediate Class 9:00 a.m. Rec Center, Activity room 1 WF Pickleball 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WF Gymnasium
WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center
13 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center Prayer Shawl Ministry 2:00 p.m. via Zoom
WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center
Men’s Book Study Group 10:00 a.m. via Zoom
WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center Peggy’s Book Club Noon | Aldersgate Hall
27 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center
15 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center
22 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center
Men’s Book Study Group 10:00 a.m. via Zoom
29 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Caregivers Support Group 11:00 a.m. | Allen Parlor
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Caregivers Support Group 11:00 a.m. | Allen Parlor
30 Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall
THE WOODLANDS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2200 Lake Woodlands Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77380
Find more information at thewoodlandsumc.org/senior-adults Contact us at 281.297.5935 or seniors@twumc.org Like us on Facebook
The Woodlands United Methodist Church 2200 Lake Woodlands Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77380
The Senior Adult Ministry at The Woodlands United Methodist Church is a vital part of our church, with new and expanding opportunities for involvement.
105 2854
700 Fish Creek Thoroughfare Montgomery, TX 77316
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” — 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
CARING MINISTRY We truly seek to be the body of Christ at The Woodlands United Methodist Church and to live that out in word and deed. As a Pastoral Care team we are here for you when you may need prayer, support, counseling, or a listening ear. Please feel free and welcome to contact us.
BACKPACK BUDDIES Saturday, April 10 | 9:00 a.m. Montgomery County Food Bank Partner with the Montgomery County Food Bank to pack weekend meals to distribute to elementary children. This is a family-friendly event. Register online at thewoodlandsumc. org/event/1282 THIRD SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE Sunday, April 18 | 8:00 a.m. | TWUMC Parking Lot Collect food and leave it by your car in the parking lot of the church on the third Sunday for volunteers from the Boy Scouts to pick up and deliver to local food pantry. Check out other ways to serve our community at thewoodlandsumc.org or for more information, contact Sherry Lewallen at 281.466.8627.
Rev. Joy Johnston Pastor of Caring Ministry and Special Needs Ministry 281.297.5900 jjohnston@twumc.org Dr. Lee A. Brewer Pastor of Caring Ministry and Senior Adult Ministry 281.297.5900 lbrewer@twumc.org Susan Goldsmith Caring Ministry Administrative Assistant 281.297.5953 sgoldsmith@twumc.org Teri Rossi Senior Adult Ministry Administrative Assistant 281.297.5935 trossi@twumc.org Margarita McCarthy Caring Ministry Prayer Assistant 281.822.8250 mmccarthy@twumc.org
Visit thewoodlandsumc.org for information about these and other church events.