The Senior Point — August 2015

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GRAND CANYON TRIP Recently 46 members of the Senior Adult Ministry traveled to Sedona, Arizona to view the spectacular sights of the Grand Canyon and surrounding areas. The tour began with a Sedona Trolley ride featuring the Chapel of the Holy Cross and Airport Mesa. We got to visit uptown Sedona, shop the Spanish-Mexican Village of Tlaquepaque, take a guided (Pink!) Jeep Tour into the back country and a helicopter ride over Sedona. We traveled aboard the Grand Canyon Railway to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, visited the Montezuma Castle National Monument and the old mining town of Jerome. A highlight of the trip was our ride on the first class Verde Canyon Railroad. This trip was a great way to see the wonders of God’s creations while spending time with friends.

Summer is a good time to read good books. Among my choices this summer was The Road to Character by David Brooks. He was inspired to write this book after hearing a rebroadcast of a program following the Allied victory in World War II. He was impressed by interviews of returning soldiers and leaders who had every reason to be proud and egotistical because of their great military victory but who, on the contrary, sounded humble, self-effacing and grateful. He realized that the group we call ‘The Greatest Generation” had great moral character. When comparing them to the present generation, which is so full of egotism, self-promotion and narcissism, we see a different moral country, a different attitude about what is important in life, and a different formula for how to live a life of character and depth. Unfortunately, we have left this tradition behind and lost the understanding of how character is built. Mr. Brooks says we can’t return to the past, but he feels we can rediscover this moral tradition, relearn this vocabulary of character, and incorporate it into our own lives. I say “amen” to that. We are living in a culture that has shifted from encouraging people to think humbly of themselves to a culture that could be called “The Big Me”, that encourages people to see themselves as the center of the universe. We need to learn again what it takes to build character. After all, our Lord did say, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12) The Road to Character is an excellent read. I hope you also have discovered a good book and that you are having a summer of enjoyment and relaxation. Your Friend, Don







3 8:45 am – 1:00 pm The Gathering Place (AG)

4 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise (AG)


11 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise (AG) 11:00 am Lunch Bunch (Eden Cafe)

16 leave at 4:30 pm Hymn Sing (First UMC – Westchase Campus)






7 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise (AG)



14 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise (AG) 6:30 – 9:00 pm Senior Adult Game Night (AG)


11:15 am lunch Prime Timers (WH)

12 10:00 am Men’s Book Study (IC)

2:00-3:30 pm ShepherdCare Meeting (JL)

18 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise (AG) 12:00 – 2:00 pm Peggy’s Book Club (MS)


20 2:00 pm Trip Informational Meeting (JL)

21 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise (AG) 5:30 – 9:00 pm Friendship Class Ice Cream Social (WH)








28 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise(AG) 2:30 – 5:00 pm An Afternoon at the Movies (MS) 4 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise(AG)

8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise (AG) 30



1 8:30 – 9:20 am Senior Exercise(AG)

11:15 am lunch Prime Timers (WH)

Loft – Craft Circle Rm. JL – Jones Library MS - Music Suite W H – Wesley Hall DC – Dunnam Conference Rm. AG – Aldersgate Hall RC - Robb Chapel GC – Gallaway Conference Room IC – Infant Care Room


COMING EVENTS THE GATHERING PLACE Monday, August 3 The Gathering Place is an outreach program for adults who have early to moderate Alzheimer’s or dementia. Volunteers arrive at Aldersgate Hall at 8:45 a.m. and our guests arrive at 10:00 a.m. The theme will be “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” For more information, contact Connie Norton at 281.292.3875. PRIME TIMERS Wednesday, August 5 Join us at 11:15 a.m. for our monthly luncheon in Jones Library. Performers will be The Miller Brothers (a musical two-brother act) who will sing and play the piano and violin. Mark Swayze, TWUMC Director of Contemporary Music, will give the devotional. Reservations are due by noon on Monday, August 3, to Joyce and Ken Nesmith at 281.367.5519. The cost is $7 per person and checks are preferred, payable to TWUMC. LUNCH BUNCH Tuesday, August 11 Join us at Eden Cafe at 11:00 a.m. For more information contact Joanne Black at 936.273.3045. SHEPHERDCARE MEETING Thursday, August 13 Join us from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. in Jones Library. Susan Jones, Executive Director of the Grace Point Counseling Center will be our speaker. For more information, contact Senior Adult Ministries at 281.297.5935. SENIOR ADULT GAME NIGHT Friday, August 14 Join us from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. in Aldersgate Hall for a night of fellowship, games and light refreshments. Play Mexican train, bridge, hand and foot, and Rummikube. Cost is $1. For more information, contact Wilda and Jim Brunson at 281.376.7649. Please bring a snack. HYMN SING Sunday, August 16 We will leave the church at 4:30 p.m. on church buses to attend the 15th Anniversary – Part 2 Hymn Sing with Gerald Ray at First United Methodist Church – Westchase Campus. This will be an evening featuring old hymns with guest artists. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. and last about two hours. Please contact Helen Burgdorf 281.397.3726 for more information. TRIP INFORMATIONAL MEETING Thursday, August 20 Join us in Jones Library at 2:00 p.m. to find out more about the trip we are planning to California May 11-18, 2016. We plan to visit San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and the Napa Valley. For more information, contact Helen Burgdorf at 281.397.3726. FRIENDSHIP CLASS ICE CREAM SOCIAL Friday, August 21 The annual Friendship Class Ice Cream Social will be held at 5:30 p.m. in Wesley Hall. Sign up by Sunday, August 16. For more information, please contact Judi Bonds at 281.292.4971. AN AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES Friday, August 28 Come see the movie Ground Hog Day on the big screen. Meet in the large choir rehearsal room at 2:30 p.m. Snacks will be served. Sign up or call Dee and Dave Megee at 281.364.7114 by Tuesday, August 25. All senior adults are welcome.

SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES GOLDENAIRES CHOIR The Goldenaires rehearse each Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30. This is a group of folks who like singing together and providing music for various functions such as Prime Timers, funerals and visits to senior facilities. There is no need to audition. For more information, or to get involved, contact Ed Wandling at 281.355.0053. The group will not rehearse during the summer months but will resume in the fall. MEN’S BOOK STUDY Join us for a new men’s book study which will meet on Wednesday, August 12, at 10:00 a.m. in the Infant Care Room at the church. We will be studying the book, “I Love Getting Older But I’ll Never Grow Old,” by J. Ellsworth Kalas. Contact Judith or Frank Wilson at 936-273-2597 for more information. SENIOR EXERCISE Join us to exercise Tuesdays and Fridays 8:30-9:20 in Aldersgate Hall. This is a muscle toning workout featuring strength training and some stretching using hand weights, tubes and chairs. Lite Body Sculpting is an unintimidating, less strenuous class with modifications for any fitness level. Segments include Warm-up, Strength, Stretching and Cool-down. There is no charge. Please wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. For more information please contact Jackie Martini at 281.451.3844. OK QUILTERS OK Quilters will not meet in August but will meet again on September 16. PEGGY’S BOOK CLUB Bring a brown bag to lunch to the Large Choir Rehearsal Room at noon on Tuesday, August 18. We will watch the movie “Out of Africa” which was based on the book by Isak Dinesen. Contact Libby Heintz at 936.271.7660 for more information.

UPCOMING SENIOR ADULT TRIPS: August 16 - Hymn Sing in Houston at First United Methodist Church - West Chase September 10 - Habsburg Splendor exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston September 30 - October 1 - Fredricksburg October 30 - Houston International Quilt Festival Also, join us on August 20 to find out more about our California trip, May 11 – 18, 2016.

Visit for information about these and other church events.


TWUMC members aged ninety and over with Dr. Mark Lewis (l) and Rev. Don Meador (r).

The Prime Timers luncheon on June 3 was a special celebration honoring our members who have been blessed with 90+ years. Seventeen of our forty-five TWUMC members who are ninety or older were treated to lunch. Dr. Mark Lewis honored them with a talk entitled, “Celebration of Long Life.� The Goldenaires made the last stop in their spring performance schedule, singing religious and Broadway tunes.

TWUMC MEMBERS AGED 90+ Helen Acord Jeanne Akers Mary Elizabeth Brown Helen Bynum Sherm Campbell Dora Colley Virginia Cray Donna Donaldson Marianne Ed Heino Erichsen Thelma Evans Thelma Farr Frances Flory LaRue Goodrich Nancy Head

Marge Hendrick Irene Hutchings Bill Jensen Bill Kolbe Lewis Manson Marcella Mayeur Jay Medley Jack Morton Bob Myers Joe Nachman Rosemary Nachman Pierina Quicci Dalton Reddick Florence Saltzman Gladys Smallwood

Lyle Sorum Lorraine Sorum Bill Specht Jane Specht Dot Spence Charles Stephenson Steve Subtelny Maurine Sullender Dortha Taylor Billie Thompson Clarence Thompson Margaret Thompson Marjorie Townley Jacquie Weidemeyer Mariann Wickert

Sherm Campbell

Lorraine Sorum

Marianne Ed

Thelma Farr

Charles Stephenson with his wife, Sue

LaRue Goodrich

Thelma Evans

Virginia Cray

Clarence Thompson

Bob Myers with his wife, Ruth

Helen Bynum (r) with friend, Mary Perry

Jack Morton

Gladys Smallwood

Florence Saltzman

Marjorie Townley

Lyle Sorum

Dot Spence

The Woodlands United Methodist Church 2200 Lake Woodlands Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77380 281.297.5900




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BBQ AND BLUEGRASS On Saturday, June 6 forty-eight TWUMC senior adults rode a chartered bus to Magnolia to enjoy BBQ and Bluegrass. The group ate dinner at the Hickory Corral in Magnolia then went to the West Montgomery County Community Development Center where they enjoyed the First Saturday Bluegrass Show and Jam featuring local bluegrass bands.

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