Dear Friends,
things will change.
As you know our church is in a time of transition. Our founding pastor is retiring after a lengthy, incredible ministry and in July we will have a new senior pastor. So,
I have written a piece that details some of the many reasons I am grateful for and indebted to Dr. Robb. I have served with him for twenty-seven years. I know him well and I am proud to call Edmund my friend, my mentor and my pastor. I hope you will read my article that will be printed in a commemorative magazine the church is producing in his honor. So, I’m grateful for the past. And I am excited about the future. Let me share just three reasons why with you. Mark Sorensen is a person of prayer. The Bible states “unless the Lord builds the house those that labor, labor in vain.” Mark knows that. He has recently been praying through our membership, lifting you up to the care and the guidance of God. He is arranging a time for all our pastors to meet weekly for prayer. Mark is a deeply, genuinely spiritual person with a heart for prayer. Mark cares about discipleship. The last command Jesus gave us was to “make disciples.” Mark takes that seriously. His goal is for all our members to be involved in some ministry which has discipleship as its primary focus and he is working with a team to provide powerful and creative ways for real discipleship to happen at The Woodlands UMC. Mark is committed to traditional worship. Of course, he loves contemporary worship. The Harvest has exploded under his leadership and that would not have happened if he didn’t appreciate new forms of worship. But repeatedly, I have heard him state how he values traditional worship – the hymns, the rituals, the organ and the orchestra and the choir. He possesses a genuine appreciation that different people worship in different ways and all these ways need to be valued parts of what we offer. We will miss Dr. Robb. No doubt about that. We will be grateful that God has brought Mark Sorensen to lead us into the future. I have no doubts about that.
A Message from Lee Brewer, Pastor to Senior Adults Thirty years ago, I was pastoring a church in Eldorado, Texas. Among the many wonderful members was a man by the name of Billy Frank. He grew up in parched West Texas during the depression and told how they would have cornbread and fresh milk for breakfast, and the clabbered milk and cornbread for supper. They literally had nothing but the absolute necessities of life when he was growing up. He was a veteran who had served in the Marines during the Second World War. He was among the first wave to go ashore on Iwo Jima and was terribly wounded in his right leg almost immediately upon reaching the beach. By the rules of triage and the terrible numbers of wounded the medics were treating, his wound shouldn’t even have been treated and his story would have ended there. But one medic refused to pass him by and gave him enough treatment and transfusions to save him. Placed upon a hospital ship, they had to amputate his leg and he began the long journey back to Hawaii. However, on the second day of their voyage, the ship was torpedoed by the Japanese and quickly began to flood. By some miracle he was one of the few who survived. He had been placed on the top bunk which was the most miserable place to be because of the heat. However, he was able to swim out before the water rose too high. He said if he had been where he wanted to be, he never would have made it. He returned to his home in West Texas after a year of rehab in Hawaii and worked for the Post Office as well as being a rancher. He was always positive, smiling and totally engaged in the life of the church, community and those in need. He spent years as the scoutmaster, as a deacon in the church, and the poor and the widows in the community often found a basket of fresh vegetables from his garden on their porch. He spent any free time memorizing the Bible. He could quote the book of James word for word. He blessed my life in countless ways. When life becomes uncomfortable or discouraging, I think about Billy Frank and focus on how very blessed I am and the opportunities I have to help others. Billy Frank’s life was never easy. But he didn’t just memorize the book of James: he lived it out. I thank God for bringing this friend into my life. I believe that all of us can receive a blessing from hearing the stories of other people. So, I would love to hear a story from you about someone who has changed your life by how they lived for Christ. Write it down or come by the office and share it with me, and I will write it down to share with others. I’m calling it “Your Story: Our Story,” and I hope you will be a part and bless us all!
Our Sanctuary renovation is well under way! Fun Facts: • Our Chandeliers are over 6 feet tall and are being completely rewired to support energy efficient lighting. • The entire ceiling has been removed and has revealed there are no bats in our belfry. • We do not actually have a belfry. We have a Carillon system which plays chimes through speakers on our roof.
Prime Timers group met at North Shore Park in May for a picnic.
Dale Birran, Mary Kerr, Wilda Brunson, Ann Armstrong & Lynn Birran
Elizabeth Voran & Sue Stephenson
Harold Kerr, Norma Toth, Mike Widmer
Harry Jones, Terry & Beth Northrup, Karen Jones
Linda Chrisman and Marka White
Martha, LaVerne Hopper, Gin Meinhardt
Mary Grace Randerson & Mary Kerr
Rev. & Mrs. Brewer
HOLY WALKAMOLIES The Senior Adult walking group wrapped up the spring installment in May. Stay tuned for another opportunity in the fall.
FRIENDSHIP CLASS The Friendship class welcomes new members.
Micki Abegg
Renita Harris
HONORING THOSE THAT SERVED Dave Morton wore his Revolutionary war uniform on Memorial Day Sunday in remembrance of those who have served their country. Dale Schrader & Claudia Moon
PASTOR LED LUNCHTIME SERIES WITH DR. LEE A. BREWER Tuesdays beginning July 6 | Noon | B204 Join us for a four-week study called “The Questions You’ve Wanted to Ask.” If there is a question you have always wanted to ask a preacher, now is your chance! We will meet face to face as well as online. Register for this event at
WOODFOREST LUNCH BUNCH *The July Lunch Bunch has been moved to August 12 11:30 a.m. | Kitchen 1488 Join us for lunch at Kitchen 1488 4130 FM 1488, Conroe. This family owned and operated restaurant offers New Orleans cuisine. Offerings include specialty items such as Gumbo, Etouffee, Red Beans & Rice, Beignets and Po’Boys all made from scratch. Deadline for making a reservation is Monday, August 9. For additional information please text or call Angela Street at 281.723.6819
PRIME TIMERS July 7 | 11:15 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Please join us as we welcome back Mary Margaret Mann for her presentation of “A Patriot’s Heart.” Voices of destiny echo through the corridors of time, calling us to consider the contributions of those stalwart patriots whose efforts and sacrifices helped shape America. This inspiring presentation tracing the history of the American spirit is infused with power and drama. See dramatic portrayals of those whose lives are a glorious record of stirring achievements in these enduring stories of what it means to be an American. Cost for the luncheon is $10. For more information about this event please contact Helen Burgdorf at 713.822.5728. This event is limited to 62 people. Registration is available online at TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME Thursday, July 8 | 11:30 a.m. | Church Parking Lot Join us as we watch the Astros take on the Oakland A’s. There will be two buses going to the game. We will have one bus leaving from the TWUMC main campus and the other bus leaving from the Woodforest campus. Both buses will depart at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be at the stadium. This outing is open to school age grandchildren, seniors and friends. Cost of this event is $60. For additional information please call Helen Burgdorf at 713.822.5728. Register for this event at SENIOR ADULT GAME NIGHT Friday, July 9 | 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall Join us for a night of fun, fellowship, games, and refreshments. Our favorites are Mexican Train and Bridge. The cost is $1 per person. For more information, contact Linda Henderson at 936.273.3167 or Karen Freeman at 858.204.0012 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MEETING Thursday, July 15 | 11:30 a.m. | Jones Library Join us for fellowship and pizza. Those who love to knit or crochet are invited to participate! Hand work may be done at home, and we will meet occasionally for fellowship and to pray for the recipients of our shawls. Shawls will be given in faith, hope and love to those in need. For more information on this ministry, please contact Connie Norton at or 281.292.3875 *NEW* LUNCH BUNCH Monday, July 12 | 11:00 a.m. | Main Campus Join us for lunch at Nona’s Italian Grill at 3091 College Park Dr, The Woodlands. All senior adults are welcome to join us for this time of food, fun and fellowship! Deadline for making a reservation is Friday, July 9 by noon. For more information about this group, contact Dee Megee at 281.793.6622 SENIOR ADULT PLANNING MEETING Wednesday, July 21 | 2:00 p.m. | Jones Library Would you like to help plan our Senior Adult Ministry activities? We would love for you to join our planning team. No registration required. For more information about this group, contact Teri Rossi at 281.297.5935
*NEW* SENIOR ADULT GAME NIGHT Friday, July 23 | 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Woodforest Campus Worship Center Join us for Senior Adult Game Night in Woodforest! Let’s play Mexican Train, Hand and Foot, Scrabble, Bridge or 42 together! Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play, we’ll teach you! Bring a dish to share! The cost for this event is $1 per person. All senior adults are welcome! No registration required. For more information, contact Bobby Powell at 936.449.0495
SUNDAY CHRYSOSTOM CHAPEL PRAYER Prayer is the truest form of worship. As one of our Methodist Hymns express, “Prayer is the soul’s simplest desire, unuttered or expressed, the motion of a hidden fire that trembles in the breast” (Hymn #492). If you have this desire to pray, you are welcome to join us in Chrysostom Chapel on Sunday mornings from 8:00 - 8:20 a.m. as we join our hearts in faith and follow Christ to pray for our pastors and our church family. SHEPHERD CARE MINISTRY *New* Save the Date: Shepherd Care Quarterly meeting Thursday, August 26 | 2:00 p.m. Shepherd Care is our ministry of friendship for our members who are in local nursing homes, senior adult, and private residences. New Shepherds and new Lambs are always welcome. If you know of someone in need of companionship or if you would like to volunteer to be a Shepherd, please contact Kay Meador at 936.321.5159 COMPUTER SUPPORT MINISTRY Computer Tip: Always use a password. Never let your computer remember passwords or supply one for you. If you need computer assistance or assistance with Zoom, please call Jerry Barney at 281.826.3232 *NEW* ELDERRIDE MINISTRY Our ElderRide team is ready to take you to your medical appointments We are so grateful for our ElderRide ministry! Our ElderRide team drives our members to over 125 appointments per year. The total mileage driven is about 4000 miles per year! Contact Ken and Linda Keith at 281.796.7447 if you need a ride to a medical appointment. ElderRide supports The Woodlands and our Woodforest neighbors! Please call at least 48 hours in advance. PARKINSON’S DISEASE EXERCISE AND SUPPORT GROUP Thursdays | 1:30 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall Parkinson’s Disease Exercise and Support Group meets Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. in Aldersgate Hall. For more information, contact Dale Mefford at 936.443.5351, or go to the Houston Area Parkinson’s Society’s website at We are in the north group.
SMALL GROUPS THE WOODLANDS CAMPUS CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP *Friday, August 6 | 11:00 a.m. | Allen Parlor A support group for caregivers of family and friends with chronic, long term or terminal illness. Group will be led by Dr. Lee A. Brewer. No registration needed. *No meeting in July. THE GATHERING PLACE Currently serving our clients through “at home” projects The Gathering Place ministry is an ecumenical ministry for adults who have been diagnosed with early to moderate dementia. This ministry is provided in partnership through the Care Partners organization. There is a simple eligibility process to determine if this program is the right fit for you. For more information about The Gathering Place, contact Pam Baker at 832.381.4514 MEN’S BOOK STUDY July 14 | 10:00 a.m. | Otterbein* July 28 | 10:00 a.m. | Hayes Hall B We are studying Max Lucado’s book Out Live Your Life. Come join us in this discussion of the book along with a short DVD by the author. It’s not enough for you to do well. You want to do good. You want your life to matter. You want to live in such a way that the world will be glad you did. But, how can you? How can I? Can God use us? All men are welcome. For more information about this group, contact Jerry Barney at 281.826.3232. *Please note new meeting location. HYBRID SENIOR ADULT FITNESS Senior Adult Intermediate Fitness Mondays | 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center Activity Room 1 Senior Adult Basic Fitness Wednesdays and Fridays | 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Woodforest Senior Adult Basic Fitness Tuesdays and Thursdays | 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Continue your health and wellness journey by joining us for a hybrid senior adult fitness class. The hybrid class will follow all CDC guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. Please wear a mask upon entry to the building, during exercise the mask may be removed. Our online class via Zoom will meet the same time as the face-to-face classes. Zoom Meeting ID: 735 678 773 | Password: SFIT PEGGY’S BOOK CLUB July 20 | Noon | Aldersgate Hall Join us this month to discuss Gusher! A Novel of The Rockefeller Oil Empire by Bob Davis. If you would like to read ahead, in August we will review The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead. Bring your sack lunch and beverage to join us for a lively discussion. Men and Women are welcome. For more information about Peggy’s Book Club, contact Libby Heintz at 936.271.7660 or Kathy Wisenbaker at GOLDENAIRES CHOIR This group is taking a break until fall 2021 The Goldenaires, our senior adult choir, is the perfect way for you to spread joy through singing. No audition is required. For more information, contact Ed Wandling at 281.355.0053
*NEW* SINGLE LIFE WIDOWS Friday, July 2 | 11:30 a.m. | Nona’s Italian Grill Restaurant is located at 3091 College Park Dr., Suite 185, The Woodlands, Texas 77384. To register, visit our Single Life page online. Friday, July 16 | 8:00 a.m. | Brenham Blue Bell, Rose Emporium, Must Be Heaven and Chappell Hill Lavender Farm are on the agenda. This trip was re-scheduled due to bad weather. We only have FIVE spots available. To register, visit our Single Life page online. For more information, contact Terry Loughridge at 281.297.5932.
WOODFOREST CAMPUS WOODFOREST CRAFT CIRCLE 2nd and 4th Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. | Woodforest Gymnasium We welcome all who have creative skills or no skills to join us in sewing, knitting, painting, crafting, and holiday cheer to create beautiful works to sell at our Craft Circle Boutique! All proceeds go to our Missions Ministry. Times are flexible. Bring a sack lunch or a snack! For more information contact, Barbara Green at 713.248.1228 PICKLEBALL Mondays | 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Woodforest Gymnasium Join us for Pickleball! Pickleball is a paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn. This game will be played indoors, with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. The game is played as doubles or singles. No registration required. WOODFOREST BOOK CLUB *July 7 | 11:30 a.m. | Woodforest Worship Center Let’s meet for lunch and a book review! Join us in reviewing A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. If you would like to read ahead, in August we will review The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. No registration required. For more information about this group, contact Diane Oakley at 936.701.8067. *Temporary date change due to VBS event. SENIOR ADULT FITNESS Tuesdays and Thursdays | 8:30 a.m. | Woodforest Gymnasium For more information, please refer to the same listing under The Woodlands Campus. Please note the Woodforest class is a face-to-face class only.
PRAYER MINISTRY “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16 -18 John Wesley describes the Christian life in relation to prayer, making it his fourth mark of discipleship. Prayer is the way we create, commune, and sustain our relationship with God. Wesley viewed prayer as “the chief of these means of grace.” We at The Woodlands Methodist Church are a praying Church. We have Prayer Teams available in the Harvest, Loft, Traditional, and Woodforest services. If you would like prayer, prayer teams are available after each of the services and after the Chapel and Traditional services as well. We would love to pray for you! In addition, if you have a heart for prayer or the gift of prayer, we would love for you to join our prayer team as well. Contact our Caring Ministry Prayer Assistant at 281822-8250.
JULY 2021
*Green text represents events at The Woodlands Campus and blue text represents events at the Woodforest Campus
THURSDAY 1 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Parkinson’s Support Group 1:00 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall
Happy Fourth of July!
Church Holiday
WF Pickleball 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WF Gymnasium Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Intermediate Class 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center Room 1 Woodlands Lunch Bunch 11:30 a.m. | Nona’s Italian Grill
19 WF Pickleball 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WF Gymnasium Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Intermediate Class 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center Room 1
26 WF Pickleball 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WF Gymnasium Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Intermediate Class 9:00 a.m. Recreation Center Room 1
WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Dr. Brewer’s Study Noon | B204
13 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Dr. Brewer’s Study Noon | B204
20 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Dr. Brewer’s Study Noon | B204 Peggy’s Book Club Noon | Aldersgate Hall
27 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Dr. Brewer’s Study Noon | B204
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Prime Timers 11:15 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall WF Book Club 11:30 a.m. Woodforest Worship Center
WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Parkinson’s Support Group 1:00 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall Astros Game 11:00 a.m. Bus from Church Parking Lot
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Men’s Book Study Group 10:00 a.m. | Otterbein
21 Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall SAM Planning 2:00 p.m. | Jones Library
28 Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Men’s Book Study Group 10:00 a.m. | Otterbein
WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Prayer Shawl Ministry 11:30 a.m. | Jones Library Parkinson’s Support Group 1:00 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall
22 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Manna Bag Project 2:00 p.m. | Jones Library Parkinson’s Support Group 1:00 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall
29 WF Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 8:30 a.m. | WF Gymnasium Parkinson’s Support Group 1:00 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Single Life Widows Check Website
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Senior Adult Game Night 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Aldersgate Hall
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall Single Life Widows Check Website
Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall WF Game Night 6:00 p.m. Woodforest Worship
30 Hybrid Senior Adult Fitness Basic Class 9:00 a.m. | Aldersgate Hall
THE WOODLANDS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2200 Lake Woodlands Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77380
Find more information at Contact us at 281.297.5935 or Like us on Facebook
The Woodlands United Methodist Church 2200 Lake Woodlands Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77380
The Senior Adult Ministry at The Woodlands United Methodist Church is a vital part of our church, with new and expanding opportunities for involvement.
105 2854
700 Fish Creek Thoroughfare Montgomery, TX 77316
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” — 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
CONGREGATIONAL CARE Congregational Care is a priority for our pastors. If you or someone you know is hospitalized, in rehabilitation or in hospice care – local or in the Texas Medical Center – we would love to send a pastor or a Caring Ministry volunteer to visit and pray with you and your family.
SAM HOUSTON ELEMENTARY BACK TO SCHOOL CLOTHING DRIVE We will be collecting new/gently used clothing and shoes July 11 – August 1 at both TWUMC campuses. The sale to the families will take place on Friday, August 6. We are expecting about 300 families. We are collecting both children’s and adult sizes. Collection bins will be at all Connection Points and two in the Children’s Area. Children’s socks and underwear are also needed. THESE MUST BE NEW. All sizes are needed. If you would prefer to make a donation, we would love $15 Walmart gift cards. These will be given to families to use for shoes if we do not have any donated in the size they need. Gift cards may be dropped off at the main office. Please write Sam Houston Elementary on the gift card. DRIVING FAMILY FUTURES - DONATE A CAR TO MISSIONS Your car could change a life. Our Missions Ministry accepts donations of vehicles to provide transportation for families coming out of homelessness. Find out more by contacting Sherry Lewallen at
Rev. Joy Johnston Pastor of Caring Ministry and Special Needs Ministry 281.297.5900 Dr. Lee A. Brewer Pastor of Caring Ministry and Senior Adult Ministry 281.297.5900 Susan Goldsmith Caring Ministry Administrative Assistant 281.297.5953 Teri Rossi Senior Adult Ministry Administrative Assistant 281.297.5935 Margarita McCarthy Caring Ministry Prayer Assistant 281.822.8250
Visit for information about these and other church events.