The Senior Point — October 2020

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POINT THE PRICE OF LIVING There’s a line from an old musical. You know the last part of it even if you don’t know the musical. It says, “And love can come to everyone because the best things in life are free.” I think I know what that means. But I don’t believe it, not really. If the best things in life are free, why are the rings in a box of crackerjacks nothing like the one’s you buy at Tiffany’s? If the best things in life are free, why do you pay a stock broker to manage your investments instead of taking your brother-in-law’s advice about the market? If the best things in life are free, why do we talk about the high price of freedom? If the best things in life are free, why, when we remember the very best thing that has ever happened, do we hold up a loaf of bread and say, “The body of Christ broken for you”? Why do we lift a cup and say, “The blood of Christ shed for you”? I know the death of Jesus is a gift. I know we do nothing to earn it. But that doesn’t mean a price wasn’t paid. The best thing in my life, my salvation, it wasn’t free. A price had to be paid, a terrible price. Something costly had to be done. THEN JESUS TOLD HIS DISCIPLES, “IF ANYONE WOULD COME AFTER ME, LET HIM DENY HIMSELF AND TAKE UP HIS CROSS AND FOLLOW ME.” — MATTHEW 16:24

That’s the way it works, Jesus taught us. We experience the fullness of life, not by holding on, but by letting go. We don’t bring life to others by protecting ourselves, but by denying ourselves. We never step into glory by living life on the cheap but only by paying a cost.

In great stories, where we admire the hero and wish to be like him or her, the hero must always die to something he or she has held onto. He must die to the plans he has made for himself, the comforts he has expected to enjoy, the rights he has claimed as his own, the life he has expected to live. She must deny the passions that would distract her, the fear that would paralyze her, and the self-image that tells her she’s not capable of making a difference. I have lived long enough and so have you to know that even though life is a gift, living well is always costly. Dying to self allows me to love othes. Dying to bitterness and unforgiveness brings freedom and joy. Dying to perfectionism and judgementalism enables me to see the beauty in the people around me and receive the gifts of each new day. Dying to fear empowers me to step into the big story of what God is doing to redeem the world. A life like that – it’s not cheap and it’s not free. It comes only when a price is paid. A sort of death occurs. A cross is taken up. But it’s the life Jesus calls us to. It’s how he lived. And it’s why we love him so. Rob Renfroe, Loft Lead Pastor




It is difficult these days to keep a positive attitude, isn’t it? With covid changing our lives in so many ways, and just turning on the news to see and hear about some new crisis in the country or in the world, it can easily cause us to focus on the negative. It takes effort to find and focus on the good yet to be. Alice was a dear member of a smalltown Methodist church. Everyone in town knew who she was because of her sunny disposition and her continual acts of kindness and care for those around her. She was the kind of person who lit up the room when she entered. Her pastor came to visit her one day, and as they were visiting she surprised him by bringing up what she wanted for her funeral service some day in the future. “There is one specific thing I want you to remember for my service, pastor,” she said. “I want you to make very sure that I have a fork in my hand when I am placed in my coffin for everyone to see.” The pastor was caught completely offguard and asked her why she wanted to be buried with a fork in her hand. “You know when we have pot-luck dinners at the church? When someone comes to pick up the plates they say ‘keep your fork! Something good is coming for dessert!’ And I know that when my life here is over something really good is coming next!” Something good is coming next! Who knows what good thing the Lord has in store for us the rest of this day and tomorrow? It takes choice and an effort to anticipate good things, but the Lord is faithful and will continue to be. Blessings to you all, Lee

CELEBRATING OUR 90 AND OLDER MEMBERS! The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock.” — Psalm 92:12-15 Our church is blessed to have ample evidence of the Lord’s blessings in a very special group in our church family. We have over eighty members who have reached the age of 90 or above! I want to pay a special tribute to each of you who have reached this marvelous milestone in your lives. Thank you for all you mean to our church, and for the difference you make by your lives, your prayers and your love of the Lord. Make it a point to reach out to some of these special people and let them know that you appreciate them and are thinking about them! Blessings! — Lee

Marianne Ed and Thelma Evans were honored as centurions at our tribute in 2019.

Helen Acord

Marianne Ed

David Koogler

Marjorie Peterson

Lyle Sorum

Charlotte Adams

Thelma Evans

Margery Koogler

Bonnie Phillips

Dot Spence

Dolly Barrett

Frances Flory

Bill Krause

Glenn Proffitt

Mary Stewart

Bea Bottolfson

Lorrie Foster

Mary Eileen Kuster

Ed Prunty

Laveta Still

Dick Bottolfson

Jim Galey

Rose Lee

Pierina Quicci

Steve Subtelny

Anna Brandt

Louise Griffith

Mark Lewis

Lois Ramey

Patsy Tarvin

Shirley Bridwell

Floyd Guest

Guillermo Licon

Margaret Randerson

Margaret Thompson

Bernice Brown

Margery Haselton

Eloise Lindahl

Hugo Urquizu

Norma Buckley

Gene Hengst

Charlie Lindahl

Mary Grace Randerson

Al Carl

Lee Hirsch

Erika Ludtke

Eva Rathmann

Mary Warner

Joyce Carnes

Arlene Holden

James Lyon

Jim Carnes

Ruby Hoose

Bob Mares

Mary Cleere

Howard Jordan

Marcella Mayeur

Audrey Cole

Betty Jordan

Lillian McBride

Evalyn Corley

Scott Kimball

Elaine McDow

Pat Curtis

Bill Kimmons

Mary Middlebrooks

Anna Deden

Betty Kinney

Bob Naugle

Betty Dole

Bill Kolbe

Pete Peterson

Richard Read Mary Ellen Roach Martha Robb Fran Roemershauser Chuck Settle Betty Shimp Mary Skillern

Elizabeth Voran Jacquie Weidemeyer Marilyn Wells Charles Williams Jack Wilson Eileen Withers Beryl Yakim

Mary Jon Smith

FRIENDSHIP CLASS Friendship Class works on decorating and stuffing breakfast bags for Montgomery County Meals on Wheels. Friendship Class assembles Manna bags for our friends at 1960 Hope Center.

UPCOMING EVENTS FUTURE EVENTS There are many opportunities to lend a hand from home! Check out our local missions’ projects!

THE WOODLANDS CAMPUS *NEW* PASTOR LED LUNCHTIME STUDY Every Wednesday though October 28 Noon | Via Zoom Join our new pastor Rev. Lee A. Brewer for a senior adult bible study! Humanity’s Search for Meaning: Religion from Its Beginnings to United Methodists Today. Join us as we travel the winding road of faith leading up to the Christian Church and the theology that guides our path today. Register for this event at *NEW* THE HOLY WALKAMOLIES Tuesday’ and Thursday’s October 6 - December 7 9:00 a.m. | Meet at the Recreation Center Join our new senior adult walking club! Meredith Covell our Sports Director will lead this group. We will meet at the Rec Center for light stretching, a short devotional and a walk on the Woodlands waterway. Tuesday’s is our half-mile beginners group and Thursday’s is our one-mile beginners group. Distance will be added gradually. Groups are limited to fifteen people per group. Bring a friend! Find more information at *NEW* SENIOR ADULT FLU SHOT EVENT October 7 | 9:00 – 1:00 p.m. | Aldersgate Hall It’s time for your flu shot. In addition to Flu Shots, Pneumonia, Tetanus and Shingles Part 1 and 2 will also be available. Medicare patients please bring your card and a photo id and Medicare will be billed directly. If you are not on Medicare, Walgreens will file a claim with your health insurance for reimbursement. You do not need to be a member of the church to take advantage of this service. In order to maintain social distancing, we ask that you register (registering instructions in 15 minutes increments). Register for this event at event?EventOccurrenceId=1003 THE WOODLANDS CAMERA CLUB October 5 | 7:00 p.m. | Via Zoom Did you ever want to check out the camera club? Now is a good time to take up a new hobby! Jean Drummond shared, “The Camera Club continues to thrive on Zoom, with its SIG (Special Interest Groups) teaching regularly. These are free to everyone! Club members are meeting exciting Daily Photo Challenges on Facebook. Our next big meeting, open to everybody on Zoom, will be October 5th. If anyone has any questions, they can email us at PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MEETING October 9 | 10:00 a.m. | Via Zoom Join us for virtual fellowship! Zoom details shared via email. For those who love to knit, or crochet are invited to participate! Hand work may be done at home and we will meet occasionally for fellowship and to pray for the recipients of our shawls. Shawls will be given in faith, hope and love to those in need. For more information on this ministry, please contact Connie Norton at or 281.292.3875

PRIME TIMERS LUNCHEON This group is taking a break! For more information about our Prime Timers gatherings, please contact Helen Burgdorf at 281.397.3726 SENIOR ADULT GAME NIGHT This group is taking a break and will reconvene soon. For more information, contact Ann Armstrong at 281.419.2666 or Karen Freeman at 858.204.0012 LUNCH BUNCH This group is taking a break. Stay-tuned for future gatherings! All senior adults are welcome to join us for this time of food, fun and fellowship! For more information about this group, contact Dolly Loftiss at 210.844.2062

WOODFOREST CAMPUS SENIOR ADULT GAME NIGHT This group is taking a break! Join us for Senior Adult Game Night in Woodforest! Let’s play Mexican Train, Hand and Foot, Scrabble, Bridge or 42 together! Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play, we’ll teach you! Bring a dish to share! The cost for this event is $1 per person. All senior adults are welcome! No registration required. For more information, contact Teresa Thomas at 936.648.3340 *NEW* LUNCH BUNCH October 8 | 11:30 a.m. | Woodforest Porch Join us for lunch catered by Julio’s Mexican restaurant. We are serving fajita’s; the price is $11.99 per person. Deadline for placing an order is Tuesday, October 6. Face masks and social distancing encouraged. To place an order or for more information about this event contact, Pam Honeycutt 713.725.0130

RESOURCE CORNER CARING MINISTRY We are here to help! Our Caring Ministry team is available by phone or email! If you need assistance or prayer, please reach out to us! Rev. Joy Johnston Pastor of Caring Ministry and Special Needs Ministry 281.297.5900 Dr. Lee A. Brewer Pastor of Caring Ministry and Senior Adult Ministry 281.297.5900 Susan Goldsmith Caring Ministry Administrative Assistant 281.297.5953 Teri Rossi Senior Adult Ministry Administrative Assistant 281.297-5935

SERVE IT UP! Save the date for our senior adult Serve it Up opportunities on October 17 and 24. Events will be offered at both campuses.

SMALL GROUPS Due to the COVID-19 our small groups are not meeting face to face, however, there are many opportunities to meet your friends online via Zoom! We hope you will join some of our unique online opportunities! We are sending prayers for continuous good health and well-being.

THE WOODLANDS CAMPUS GOLDENAIRES CHOIR This group is taking a break and will reconvene in 2021. The Goldenaires, is our senior adult choir, is the perfect way for you to spread joy through singing. No audition is required. For more information, contact Ed Wandling at 281.355.0053 THE GATHERING PLACE October 5 | 10:00 a.m. | Wesley Hall Join us for a Gathering Place Care Kit project. For more information about this program, contact Pam Baker 832.381.4514 MEN’S BOOK STUDY Wednesdays | Noon | Zoom The Men’s Book Study will attend Dr. Lee Brewer’s eight-week Zoom study from September 9 thru October 28, 2020. Beginning November 11, 2020, we will begin the study of Max Lucado’s book “Out Live Your Life.” Come join us in this discussion of the book along with a short DVD by the author. It’s not enough for you to do well. You want to do good. You want your life to matter. You want to live in such a way that the world will be glad you did. But, how can you? How can I? Can God use us? For more information about this group, contact Jerry Barney at 281.826.3232 SENIOR ADULT FITNESS Our senior fitness is currently meeting online Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. We hope you will join us! Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 735 678 773 Password: SFIT Join us for muscle toning, strength training and stretching using hand weights, tubes and chairs. Segments include warmup, strength training, stretching and cool-down. Modifications can be made for any fitness level. PEGGY’S BOOK CLUB This group is taking a break and will reconvene when the church reopens. You may want to join our Women’s Ministry Book Club group! The Women’s Ministry Book Club is meeting the last Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom. This is a great way to stay connected with other avid readers! For more information check the TWUMC website. For more information about Peggy’s Book Club, contact Libby Heintz at 936.271.7660 SINGLE LIFE WIDOWS This group is taking a break. Stay-tuned for future activities! This group is designed to offer support and create fellowship, as we discover new ways of doing life alone. For more information, contact Terry Loughridge at 281.297.5932

WOODFOREST CAMPUS PICKLEBALL This group will reconvene when the WF campus is reopened! Join us for Pickleball! Pickleball is a paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn. This game will be played indoors, with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. The game is played as doubles or singles. No registration required. CRAFT CIRCLE This group will reconvene in the future! We welcome all who have creative skills or no skills to join us in sewing, knitting, painting, crafting, and holiday cheer to create beautiful works to sell at our Craft Circle Boutique! All proceeds go to our Missions Ministry. Times are flexible, bring a sack lunch or a snack! For more information contact, Arlene Seekatz at 936.588.3929 BOOK CLUB *New* October 15 | 11:30 a.m. | Woodforest Patio Let’s meet on the porch for lunch and a book review! Join us in reviewing Beantown Girls by Jane Healey. No registration required. For more information about this group, contact Diane Oakley at 936.701.8067 SENIOR ADULT FITNESS For more information, please refer to the same listing under The Woodlands Campus.

SUPPORT SHEPHERD CARE MINISTRY Shepherd Care is our ministry of friendship for our members who are in local nursing homes, senior adult and private residences. New Shepherds and new Lambs are always welcome. If you know of someone in need of companionship or if you would like to volunteer to be a Shepherd, please contact Kay Meador at 936.321.5159 COMPUTER SUPPORT MINISTRY Computer Tip: Before you click on a link in an email or download an attachment, make sure you know the sender. It is always best to use caution when opening an email or attachment from an unknown sender. If you need computer assistance, please call Jerry Barney at 281.826.3232 ELDERRIDE MINISTRY This group is taking a break! We are so grateful for our ElderRide ministry! Our ElderRide team drives our members to over 125 appointments per year. The total mileage driven is about 4000 miles per year! Contact Ken and Linda Keith at 936.271.3810 if you need a ride to a medical appointment. ElderRide supports The Woodlands and our Woodforest neighbors! Please call at least 48 hours in advance. PARKINSON’S DISEASE EXERCISE AND SUPPORT GROUP For more information on current meeting dates and times please contact HAPS’ at Parkinson’s Disease Exercise and Support Group meets Thursdays at 1:30 pm in Aldersgate Hall. For more information, contact Dale Mefford at 936.443.5351, or go to the Houston Area Parkinson’s Society’s website. We are in the north group.


*Green text represents events at The Woodlands Campus and blue text represents events at the Woodforest Campus








Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom


5 Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom Gathering Place Care Kit Project 10:00 a.m. | Wesley Hall The Woodlands Camera Club 7:00 p.m. | Zoom



Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom



Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom



Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom



The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center


The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center


The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center


The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center

Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom Senior Flu Shot Event 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Aldersgate Hall Pastor Led Lunchtime Study Noon | Zoom

14 Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom Pastor Led Lunchtime Study Noon | Zoom

21 Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom Pastor Led Lunchtime Study Noon | Zoom

28 Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom Pastor Led Lunchtime Study Noon | Zoom


9 WF Lunch Bunch 11:30 a.m. | WF Patio The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center


The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center


The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center


The Holy Walkamolies 9:00 a.m. | Rec Center


Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom Prayer Shawl Ministry 10:00 a.m. | Zoom



Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom


Serve it Up!


Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom


Senior Adult Fitness Class 9:00 a.m. | Zoom

Serve it Up!




THE WOODLANDS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2200 Lake Woodlands Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77380


Find more information at Contact us at 281.297.5935 or Like us on Facebook

The Woodlands United Methodist Church 2200 Lake Woodlands Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77380


The Senior Adult Ministry at The Woodlands United Methodist Church is a vital part of our church, with new and expanding opportunities for involvement.

105 2854

700 Fish Creek Thoroughfare Montgomery, TX 77316



HOW WILL YOU SERVE? “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” — 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

LOCAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE CENTER (CAC) The Community Assistance Center serves at-risk families that live anywhere in Montgomery County. They are in need of volunteers to help in the Unique Resale Shop with sorting and hanging clothes. Other opportunities at CAC are Senior Adult Grocery Delivery, Administrative Assistance, and Food Pantry work. FOOD DRIVES DROP-OFF LOCATIONS Drop off non-perishable food items to help restock these food pantries! Angel Reach Food Pantry Mondays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. 400 Waco St., Conroe 77301 Interfaith of the Woodlands Wednesdays, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. 4242 Interfaith Way, The Woodlands 77381 SOCIETY OF ST. STEPHEN We continue to help families in need, especially now.

PRAY Pray for the homeless, low income families, seniors, all who are sick, and protection for everyone! Sign up for these events at missions, or for more information, contact Sherry Lewallen at 281.466.8627 NOTES OF ENCOURAGEMENT Write notes of encouragement to those who are in assisted living/nursing homes, group homes, prison or those working on the front lines. Bring the notes to the drop box located outside the doors of the main office at The Woodlands and Woodforest campuses. Sign up for this event at missionscoronavirus

NOTES OF ENCOURAGEMENT Caring Ministry delivered notes of encouragement to our friends at Carriage Inn Nursing home, Strake Place Nursing home and Heritage Oaks Nursing home. Our members continue to write notes and provide artwork for our local nursing home residents!

Visit for information about these and other church events.

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