May 2013

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Selling Your Property? Energy Efficiency Certificates: The Facts

Find out Page 13

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important changes to the law

Cut Strokes & Heart Attacks

pg 42

The long awaited announcement to make the Energy Efficiency Certificate (EPC) obligatory by law came on 5th April attention estate agents! see page 5

Soraya SĂĄenz de SantamarĂ­a, spokesperson to the government of Spain headed by Mariano Rajoy confirmed that from 1st June this year it will be obligatory for anyone wishing to sell or rent their property to have first obtained an EPC. No different from other European countries, apart from the fact it is happening far later than it should have, implementation of this new

law is likely to cause further hardship to those who can least afford it. There are many who believe that giving potential purchasers and tenants more of an idea of what they are getting themselves into is long overdue however, let us not lose sight of the fact that the country is in a terrible mess and higher and new taxes are necessary in order to reduce our debt. The EPC is

one of those taxes which like all others, cannot be ignored, cannot be avoided and to do so will result in penalties. A budget of â‚Ź100 million has been set aside for grants in order to make savings in energy used and increase the efficiency of those who qualify. There is no pass or fail with certification, the efficiency of the property is rated from A being the most energy

efficient to G being the worst. The introduction of certification is being branded as a way of reducing our carbon footprint, to accept responsibility for the damage being done to our planet but, if that were really the case surely people would only need an EPC at the point of sale rather than at the outset of marketing their property. Talk about the blind leading the blind!



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The Word Avda 13 Octubre 87, Los Alcazares, Murcia. Deposito Legal MU 903-2012 Newsdesk

Publishers’ Statement All rights reserved. No paragraph or other parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying and recording without written permission of the publishers. Whilst every reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no liability in respect of any loss or damage occasioned directly or indirectly as a result of publication of any advertisment, advertorial or article or any loss or damage occasioned directly or indirectly by any total or partial failure, however caused, of publication of any advertisement, advertorial or article scheduled to appear. The publishers take no responsibility whatsoever on behalf of advertisers and individuals with regard to any claims made by opinions expressed or information given in advertisements, advertorials, editorials or articles contained within this publications. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors as a result of poor quality artwork, logos or images supplied by the advertiser. Advertisements designed by the publishers remain the property of the publisher.

Editor’s comments

Dear Readers Electricity is still dominating the news although for the first time in ages, it is the good news that prices are actually falling due to auction prices being low because there is not the same demand in the second quarter as there was in the first. The price reduction relates to the charges which are not fixed by the government only so, as taxes make up about half of your bill, the 6% reduction translates into a 3% reduction. Not quite as attractive as previous reports would lead us to believe.

I would hate to burst anyone’s bubble but has anyone mentioned what the knock-on effect could be for the third quarter? Watch this space. EPC’s seems set to be the next major thing we all need to deal with. What has surprised me most with this subject is the sheer lack of information being passed down to the media. Something as major as this, which will affect many thousands of people in the coming couple of months and beyond has simply been ignored. Is it because it hasn’t

happened yet therefore we shouldn’t worry about it? This seems to be the Spanish mentality so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case. Let’s all panic at once – safety in numbers. As a newspaper, we are spreading our wings, moving further north to include our Valencian neighbours and would be happy to hear from those in Alfaz, Denia, Altea and Benidorm. The same goes for those living in Mojacar, Turre and Velez Rubio/Blanco and the rest of Almeria. It seems there are as many

people reading our paper on-line as in the printed form, which is great news for the trees. Any feed-back you can give us is welcomed, good, bad or indifferent - we want to hear from you.

Th e Ed i to r

chinese whispers

Talk about the blind leading the blind!

open to financial penalties. It is completely irresponsible of these so called professionals to tell it as they think it is rather than obtaining the hard facts. Sadly, their word is being accepted because well, let’s face it, much of what they are saying is welcomed news to the people they are telling it to. People are more likely to accept something if it is what they want to hear.

Amazing variations

As news of the new law forcing people to obtain an energy performance certificate before they market their property for sale or rent spreads throughout the community, so do the many varying versions of what are or are not, the facts. We have been absolutely

amazed to hear what estate agents, property managers, solicitors and even notaries have told people in their ignorance. It begs the question; why won’t people simply admit to knowing something rather than making a “best guess” stab in the dark?

Completely irresponsible What these people, people in a position of trust and respect have to realise, is their failure to relay the truth will cause many of those who accept what they are told to unwittingly break the law and may even leave them wide

In the last couple of weeks, the number of calls and emails we have received about the EPC have been greater than all the other subjects put together. It is obviously something which concerns a great number of people. S i n ce the official announcement on 5th April that the EPC is a legal requirement, we have heard of an estate agent who went to a solicitor to discover what would be required. The solicitor didn’t know so they went into the notary office. The notary had not done his homework and knew nothing of

theWord continued from page 2

the new law and therefore told the solicitor, who then told the estate agent “just ignore it”. Thankfully, the estate agent made further enquires, had a chat with our mutual friend Google and managed to get to the bottom of the matter. Then there was the property management company who sent their entire database an email informing people that there was a new law but it didn’t affect them” and they should take no action. It went on to say they had spoken with a solicitor who knew nothing about it therefore, it could not be true.

What are The truth these people behind the like? rumour At the end of the day, it is the property owner who will be in the firing line and anyone who mis-advises them will certainly not accept any responsibility for whatever trouble they find themselves in. Most foreign residents in Spain actually moved here for an easier, more relaxing lifestyle. Taking advice from the wrong person is the number one cause of headaches and strangely, we never seem to learn.

Make no bones about it; from 1st June it is THE LAW to have an EPC before you start to market your property for sale or rent. If you do not have one you should remove your house from the market or face the possibility of a fine. If you are lucky enough to find a buyer and get to the notary office, the sale will not be allowed to complete. There will be a honeymoon period but that is not to say people will not be penalised from day one.


iberdrola "special" offer Read the small print or literally – buy now, pay for it later

Many of our readers have contacted us to tell us about experiences with “doorstep business” carried-out by Iberdrola salespeople. It seems they are calling on homeowners and convincing them to sign up for an incredible "fixed rate" deal where their rates will not increase for two years. However, when the small print is studied, it seems that it is the standing charges which are fixed and not the kilowatt rate. This is exactly what consumer association FACUA have warned people about stating that the "special offer" ultimately means we end up paying

your advert


11% more for our supply than if we had not changed in the first place. No-one gets something for nothing and as a company which has held the monopoly for years, Iberdrola have not suddenly turned over a new leaf and decided to follow the philanthropist route. They naturally want you to pay more for your supply and the sad part, there will be no recourse, no protection or retribution proffered by the government because higher bills means higher taxes.

We are looking for writers/contributors If you feel you would have something to contribute and would like to see your by line in The Word. Please get in touch with us at: Advertise your business or service here from €10 Call for details: 902 026 105

Sorry there is no remuneration at present.



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calling all estate agents and property managers

Important changes in the law will affect your clients

All of your clients will need an EPC before 1st June or you will have to cease marketing their property. If you do not, you will be breaking the law yourself and encouraging your client to do the same. You need to contact everyone who has a property for sale to advise them of this change to the law, they will obviously be looking to you to assist them in obtaining one.

Help is at hand We offer a collaboration agreement which will help you and your clients through this confusing and worrying time. Please send an email to and we will do everything possible to avoid penalisation to your cllients and disruption to your business. Visit our website:





More Tricks

Help your family and friends back home to save money

Reports have been coming in that people who have switched their electricity supply away from Iberdrola have been receiving phone calls informing them that their current contract was not complete was completed correctly and they are due to be cutt off in several hours unless they vsit the local office and sign a new contract. Naturally, some people have done this and found themselves back with Iberdrola but others, people who have either chosen to ignore the call or who have not been able to get to the Iberdrola office have not experienced any loss of supply, nor heard any more about it. Obviously yet another b u l l y - b oy tactic adopted by the king of the monopoly companies.

Having one of our free 0844 numbers means your family and friends in the UK can call your Spanish landline for the price of a local call. Free 0844 number (For calls to your mobile). Callers from the UK pay just 5p per minute to call you on your mobile in Spain. The calls are charged

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huge bills which in turn, will mean you call them less, reducing your own bill. YOU PAY NOTHING to receive the call and there is no set up cost Simply ask for a 0844 number which is pointed to your Spanish line FREE. The caller only dials your 0844 number and not your actual landline number If you move or your number in Spain changes you keep the same 0844 number To get your FREE numbers or to find out more simply call us on: 902 027 517

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Particularly during the party season, this innovative gadget is very useful for indicating your “morning after” alcohol level and could prove to be a wise investment to help ensure the safety of you and those around you. Alcohol absorption is affected by many factors (such as weight, muscle mass and recently consumed food or beverages) meaning it’s impossible to

accurately gauge intoxication levels without a measurement tool like a Breathalyser. People are often surprised when they measure their alcohol levels, particularly on different occasions after the same amount of alcohol is consumed. Of course, we do not condone drinking and driving and if you are thinking of drinking, you should not drive at all. There is no safe alcohol limit.

Similar models are currently available in the UK from leading suppliers (such as Amazon)for anything from £49 and upwards. We are offering this fun and handy alcohol tester which can be used again and again, for just €24.95 plus p&p.

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*Small Print: 18 month contract - €69 installation Charge




death and taxes

Two things we cannot avoid There is no point worrying about the things in life we have no control over, but we still do nonetheless. I don't think there is any doubt in the mind of anyone that the new EPC law is simply another form of taxation but I would mch prefer the government to simply tell us they need more money from every working person rather than introducing new initiatives (and I use the word loosely). New initiatives (laws) which affect the few heavily rather than everyone globally, but on a much smaller scale.

We know taxes resulting from house sales are down dramatically, we also know that many of the people selling their houses are doing so because they cannot afford the mortgage. Surely this new tax will hit those people the hardest. Make no mistake, moving forward we can expect more of the same. I think an "honesty tax" would be preferable; sorry but we don't have enough cash so we will need an extra few bob from every tax payer. This amount can be increased as the crisis worsens

or the brown envelopes need padding-out. A much fairer and acceptable option in my opinion.

Commission slams Spain over buildings' energy efficiency The Commission decided on 24 November to refer Spain to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for failure to fully comply with the Directive on the energy performance of buildings. Buildings are responsible for around 40% of energy consumption and 36% of the CO2 emissions in the EU and the European legislation aims to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, helping to combat global warming and strengthen the EU’s energy security. Under Spanish law, the adopted methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings and the requirements for handing over an energy performance certificate are applicable only to new buildings and existing

buildings undergoing a major renovation, whereas the EU legislation requires establishing a methodology and certificates for all types of buildings. The Energy Performance Certificate provides a clear framework on the quality of the building in terms of energy savings and the associated costs. It is an important instrument in building purchase or rental agreements. Fu r t h e r m o re, the Commission concluded that Spain still has not put in place the necessary measures to establish a regular inspection regime for boilers, which can constitute an important part of the heating costs.



the crazy world of health and safety Following the recent ban by a school of triangular shaped flapjacks, we take a look at some of the “over the top� guidelines in UK Health & Safety barmy Britain. THESE days it seems even the safest occupations are a minefield of hidden hazards. No job goes without a long list of rules and regulations, as staff at Renfrewshire Council recently found out. When one worker slipped and broke his collar-bone while collecting hedge trimmings, all 8000 staff, including teachers and office workers, were issued with guidelines to make sure it didn't happen again. But Renfrewshire Council is far from being alone in taking an ultra-cautious approach. Here are some other examples of health and safety getting in the way of common sense...

reduce the value of the car. But Councillor Brian Mortimer said: "The Queen has a flag and an emblem on her official car. If it's good enough for the Queen, it should be good enough for us."

Banner Banned

Being a police officer is a dangerous job. From violent offenders to highspeed pursuits, we all know the risks. But you wouldn't think cycling would be one of them. But Cheshire Police had other ideas, and last year forced all officers to pass a cycling proficiency test before they could go on patrol on bikes. Tory MP Philip Davies described the rule as ridiculous.

Local politicians have always been fans of the trappings of public office, so the Maidstone mayor was furious when the flag bearing the town crest was removed from her limo. Denise Joy was told by council officials that the flag breached rules as it could be a hazard to drivers and pedestrians if it fell off. They later claimed it would

Height of Nonsense

When 98-year-old Florrie Tranter was given the allclear to leave hospital after suffering breathing problems, the West Midlands pensioner was keen to go home. But she was kept in hospital while transport bosses deliberated over whether it was safe to do so because of a four-inch step at her front door. Two safety assessments were carried out and she was only given the go-ahead to be taken home when her sonin-law contacted newspapers about the situation.

Blooming Daft

For years, Wiltshire pensioner June Turnbell had done her bit for her local village by tending a council owned flower bed. The 79-year-old spent hundreds of pounds of her own money on plants and garden tools, but it still wasn't enough for council officials. They decided that her efforts breached safety rules because of a bend in the road beside the plot. If she was to continue, she would have to erect "Men at work" signs, wear a fluorescent jacket and even employ a look-out. The defiant pensioner said: "This is health and safety gone mad. They can send me to jail if they like."

Pants to That

Pedal Power Mad

But when Abbotts got his big break earlier this year on BBC1 show The One And Only, studio bosses warned him he could trip and fall on the underwear as he strutted across the stage. An army of the 42-yearold's family and friends had arrived with their own supply of knickers to throw at Simon, but had to be content with waving them around after being ordered not to launch them by BBC killjoys.

Burning Issue

Fire-fighters have always risked their lives running into burning buildings and climbing high ladders, but they risked being grounded thanks to the Fire Brigades Union last year. Union officials in Humberside said that using stepladders to fit smoke alarms broke the rules over working at heights. While some fire-fighters said the move was unnecessary, brigade chiefs agreed to carry out a review.

Puff Maddy Tom Jones impersonator Simon Abbotts is used to having pairs of knickers chucked at him. When you're copying the legendary Welsh crooner, it's an occupational hazard.

A swimming pool is one place where strict safety rules are needed, but even there it seems possible to get your priorities wrong. Pools in Bournemouth were told to stop lending inflatables to families who hadn't brought their own as they couldn't

guarantee they'd be free of bacteria. Parents slammed the move, which was designed to stop them contracting bugs from blowing up rubber rings and water wings. One father said: "This is the nanny state gone mad. They would rather have children drown than have them catch someone's cold."


The offices of the Health and Safety Executive should be the ideal place to stay out of danger. But even there, bosses have taken some puzzling precautions, including banning staff from moving chairs around in case they hurt themselves. Anyone wanting to move furniture was told to book a porter to do it, and give them 48 hours' notice.

Schools - Dangerous Places

Pupils at one school are forced to put on goggles before using Blu Tack to prevent them rubbing the common adhesive into their eyes. In another, teachers are given a five-page briefing note on the dangers of Pritt Stick before they may use it with their charges. In some schools, kids are not allowed to make anything from egg cartons for fear of salmonella poisoning.

10 theWord

Is Your electricity installation safe and legal? It is quite normal to only call an electrician when there is a technical issue, to fix something when it goes wrong. Of course, we also call one when we need a new light or electrical socket fitting but when he comes, does he look at the rest of the installation? Many properties go for years and years without any safety checks and there are an abundance of things that could go wrong and which may ultimately cause major issues, including risk of shock and unnecessary waste. One thing in particular which is found in many properties and which most people are actually unaware of is the installation of a much higher main fuse than there should be which is illegal and in the unlikely event that an insurance claim was

made, is likely to make the policy void and, could even result in a fine. Knowledge is power and in this case, could also be peace of mind. We offer a 50 point safety check which covers the entire installation and gives a written report detailing any issues which should be attended to. The charge for this service is €50 which of course, we believe to be money well spent. Alternatively, you can just opt for the earth leakage test which will tell you if you are throwing money out of the window (see our ad on page 5). The charge for this is €30. For more information please call: 902 027 517

Have your bills doubled? There are several possible reasons why your electricity bill may have doubled in the last couple of years. • Prices have increased almost every 3 months during the past couple of years • If you have an electric water heater and live in a hard water area it may be full of scale which will have a dramatic effect on consumption • Your water heater could have a very small leak • The earth connection for your property may be corroded • Your meter may be faulty if it is an old analogue type • The rubber seal on your fridge may be damaged • You may simply be consuming more power because you have more appliances/equipment • You may be on the wrong tariff for your use

Whatever the reason, there is a solution and help and advice is only a phone call away

Call Iberswitch on 902 027 517


Residencial Alhambras

Mosa Trajectum A 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, ground floor luxury apartment. Overlooking one of the communal pools, the total build area of this property is 77.59M2. In addition there is a porch of 20.1M2, accessible via French windows from the lounge. This property is brought to the market furnished to a high standard and includes golf rights. Spacious Lounge. 2 x patio doors to rear terrace. Double storage cupboards. TV & telephone points. Open plan to kitchen. Kitchen Fully fitted eye & base level units. Electric oven & ceramic hob. Extractor fan. Fridge/freezer. Integral dishwasher & microwave. Breakfast bar. Door to utility room containing washing machine, scrub sink & gas boiler. Natural gas. Bedroom 1 Fitted double wardrobe. TV point. En-suite with corner Jacuzzi bath with shower over. Basin with built in cupboard under. Mirror. W.C. Bidet. Bedroom 2 Fitted double wardrobe. TV point. Bathroom Corner shower cubicle. Basin. Mirror. W.C. Bidet. In addition there is ducted air conditioning throughout the property, electric persianas on all windows, alarm system & video entry phone. An underground parking space and a trastero are included. There is a large rear patio which is fully tiled and includes a porch area. South east facing this is a high quality property with luxury fittings throughout.

Reduced to â‚Ź150,000. Call: 664 050 979


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12 theWord

letters to the editor... Dear Editor, I have received my third recorded delivery of a threatening letter from Iberdrola. The cost of these letters must be astronomical! The letter states my supply may be cut off if my present supplier does not pay a network access fee of around €30. As I have seen from other press reports I am not alone and the people who took up the case with Iberdrola were all informed that they could not pay the bill themselves, it had to be the current supplier. This of course is the old catch 22. They want you to panic and resume supplies from them. Resist, they will most likely do nothing, until they send you another nasty letter in the next quarter. My last "cut off date" was to be 23 December. Nothing happened. The next time I had contact with Iberdrola was from two men who cold called at the house with a new contract deal with a guarantee of fixed prices for two years. They could not answer my query about prices per unit for dual tariff customers, so I asked them to send me details. On reading the terms and conditions, it turns out the fixed charge is for the standing charge only, the cost per unit will increase as and when necessary. My advice is to stay out the way of Iberdrola altogether and keep on with an independent supplier. They will not treat you with contempt. Brian Bourdon - Orihuela Costa Dear Editor, Regarding your article about Spanish hospital standards: I have experiences with different health services in England, Spain, Germany, Sweden,Denmark, Norway and Finland. Organisation of these services is principally the same. Germany is organized otherwise. The very best service you get in Sweden and Norway with high staff resources and cleanliness. Then comes Finland and Spain with long waiting lines. In hospitals you have to be patient. In the Central Hospital Yväskylä I had to wait 11 hours before hospitalising with extreme fever and pain. In the waiting rooms in Torrevieja Hospital you have to throw your clothes on the floor, no hangers or cupboards are provided. What is very questionable, if not outright dangerous is the Spanish culture of not washing the hands. Neither doctor nor nurse are washing or disinfecting their hands after a patient. Anybody can experience this habit in health centres and hospitals. The United Kingdom come next where the waiting time is approximately en par with

those in Finland. Only the cleanliness of the premises was wanting. But this should be no generalisation, as I experienced only one hospital. Germany is different as you can choose your doctor and your hospital. A patient from Hamburg can have his operation in Munich if he so decides. There are no waiting lists for treatments. Generally there is a shortage of staff. A patient cannot expect empathy from a nurse. Because the hospitals are under different ownership their standards differ from excellent to appalling. The same stands for the doctors, from outstanding to quacks. So everybody should choose his doctor and hospital with care. The internet and facebook help a lot. Apart from the excellence in Sweden, Danmark and Norway the mentioned countries have a very satisfactory health system with a low mortality. Because of a special care system in Finland, the country has the lowest child mortality in the world and has held this record for over 40 years. Arnold Dietz HLL

and in some instances foreign languages were available to assist in translation. On odd occasions the volunteer was instrumental in taking me to the respective corridor. It was an elementary exercise to locate the appropriate Medical Ward’s destination. Personal details were received. A waiting period was required. Treatment was received without any major waiting time. On leaving the hospital any prescribed medication was available at the Pharmacy conveniently sited at the entrance/departure of the hospital. Another major plus factor bus transport was available to and from the main entrance of the hospital grounds, if required. Result satisfaction and highly recommended. While I do not wish to elaborate on all the medical positives received at the Royal Derby Hospital during my treatment in the period December 2012, the NHS particular the BBC centralises on negative criticism of the NHS. Such information is a regular factor in news broadcasts and the newspaper media. To me this is total negative reporting. Make no mistake Royal Derby Hospital UK carrying out NHS services is “Second To None” Name Withheld - San Fulgencio

Dear Editor, A recent article in “the Word” comparing the Spanish Health System with the National Health Service in the UK is the subject of this reply. The statistics in the newspaper article from my perspective are questionable. The article refers to a report comparing 16 countries, placing the NHS UK in 14th position. Following this it outlines the NHS experiences of an ex-pat who left the UK, 12 years ago, directed to the A & E Department Bedford UK. It concludes in the article, the NHS unsatisfactory experience has been safely assumed things have not actually improved, so by default they must be worse or at the very least the same! For comparison purposes of my experience of the NHS in the UK is addressed to the: Royal Derby Hospital in the East Midlands. The treatment and medical analysis provided for a deep vein thrombosis in the left leg was outstanding From the introductory entrance to the hospital I reported to the Reception Centre. The initial response was to enquire if I required any hospital mobile movement. Electrical driven buggies were available, for any such request. This was not required. Having been provided with directions at the Reception I was able to contact through hospital volunteers positioned in the hospital layout corridors for any further directions. On enquiries the information was received in a friendly manner

Dear Editor I would like share my experience with Iberdrola. I own a small two bedroom house with not a lot of electricity in use and I am very careful not to leave any lights on and every night I pull out the main plug disconnecting TV etc. My bills some 3 years ago were never more than 20 euro’s even in winter as I have no electric heaters. My bill came in for two months at 187.10 euro’s and I was stunned! I phoned Iberdrola on their customer care no. Spoke with someone, got absolutely nowhere. They just told me electricity had increased! I then noticed that my mobile has run out of credit and on checking, realised that my 11 minute phone call to them had taken 42 euro credit. So my warning to people is not to telephone this 902 number printed on their account as it’s a very high cost and quite frankly a waste of time! Just to confirm, my bill was for two months and was based on an actual reading. Wendy Hanks DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your letters to: As a responsible publisher and where appropriate, we will always afford any second party mentioned in your letters, the opportunity to quote should comments directed towards them be considered inflammatory.



is your house leaking electricity?

20% Of Properties Suffer From Leakage It has been estimated by major electricity generating companies in Spain that more than 20% of properties suffer from electricity leakage. A poor electrical installation can cause electricity to simply “bleed” away. An indication that you are suffering from this issue is if your electricity usage has increased significantly in the last few years.

Technical Information

In some cases, a short circuit can be made to the earthing system. This situation is created when a “live” wire (one which carries the electric current) connects to an earthing wire. This is often caused by faulty, old or

decaying insulation (material that covers the wires) which can expose the core of the wire to the elements. If this exposed “live” wire is allowed to touch an earthing wire (or any ground, such as metal water piping or wet earth), a short will be made that can allow an uncontrolled and continued release of electricity to flow into the ground. This results in wasted electricity and often, a very high electricity bill. A RCD (trip switch) is installed in most properties to avoid the dangers of leaking electricity, but many of these divides do not function correctly.

High Electricity Bills

To eliminate this cause as a

reason for spiralling electricity bills, a simple, relatively inexpensive test can be carried-out using a specialist piece of testing equipment called an Earth Leakage Device. This tool allows the test to be carried out without needing to disconnect the supply. The cost of the Earth Leakage Test is €30 and will give you peace of mind that your electrical installation is intact and functioning properly or, will highlight an issue which when resolved, will save you money. If you feel you are included in the estimated 20% you can have this test carried out by our team, call Iberswitch SL Spain’s

largest USC (Utility Switching Company) and they can arrange for one of their team of highly qualified electricians to visit your home. Within minutes they can tell you if your house has electricity wastage. It is fairly rare for a property to have no leakage whatsoever, and in some extreme cases can be attributed to very high electricity bills. Many Iberswitch customers have already benefited in safety and monetary terms. Give Iberswitch a call today on 902 027 517 to arrange an Earth Leakage Test, as with most things, if a problem exists, it is always better to know.

14 theWord

it’s all about politics


Watch out A sideways glance at UK current affairs there's a By Quentin Cope Humphrey About


Why our meters are padlocked

The Cyprus Robbery Caper..! Last month finally heralded the near arrival of a new season; a time when thoughts linger on hopes for the future and all things new. We had a new Pope, a new Archbishop of Canterbury; a new Governor of the Bank of England and a new job for one half of the Milliband Brothers cabaret act, scurrying off to the USA to take charge of Thunderbirds Are Go.!! The new Pope wants to make Catholicism a more open and caring religion; one that will dump all the secrecy and ceremony and ‘embrace’ the weak and the poor once again. Well, best of luck there then! The new Archbishop is looking to revive the general fortunes and flagging coffers of a church that encourages women to become top quality flower arrangers but not bishops. The new Canadian BOE Governor is bringing with him the icy

wind of change from North America and plans to stop the old Etonians from using silly phrases like ‘quantitative easing’ and call such ill managed policies what they really are … ‘printing money’. With David Milliband due to take over the navigation of ‘Rescue One’ next month, one hopes he will be using a better compass than that employed in steering a rather convoluted and unsuccessful path toward the leadership of the Labour Party. So, all in all, do we have something to look forward to here on the sunny Costas? The new revived and invigorated religious hierarchy will no doubt be girding their loins to provide a few more soup kitchens for the 5 million unemployed. The new man at the BOE will probably end up dickering about with Sterling in an attempt to make it perform like the Canadian dollar … ( no comment ) … and DM

will be firing up his team in America to come to our rescue at the first sign of a North Korean missile heading in our direction. That’s all good then! But hold on a minute. Something else happened last month that was also new, something that sent a reverberating shock wave throughout Europe and particularly here in Spain. Yes, you have it … ‘The Great Cyprus Robbery Caper’. The event appeared to be planned to perfection; all alarms in the Cyprus Central Bank seemingly switched off and the vault left wide open when they broke in to count the money. It is of course no secret that Cyprus has been the haven of ‘dodgy’ cash for many years, but the same banks that hold such poor pedigree currency are also the ones that have a firm grip on the life savings of Mr and Mrs Average, recently retired train driver

and teaching assistant from Barnsley. The big question is … where next? The robbery policy is now a tried and tested tool in the rather greasy hands of the EU money lenders and one they will be eager to use again. To echo the well founded fears of some financial experts ‘Why would you risk putting any of your hard earned money in Italian, Spanish or Irish banks after this?’ This … is no doubt the final nail in the banking coffin of confidence as seen by most normal individuals, and perhaps leads us to worry less about the Euro Sterling exchange rate on pension transfer day, and more about what could happen … without warning … when it gets here! Don’t forget however, whatever the final fate of your retirement finances, it’s not really about the money … It’s all about Politics!

Reports of theft from meter boxes, is on the increase. Almost to epidemic levels, it appears that many of those who default on their electricity bill payments and subsequently get cut off are taking the main fuses from meter boxes that do not have the protection of a padlock to replace their own confiscated fuses. With absolutely no consideration for the people they leave without power these selfish people are responsible for a chain reaction of theft and unneighbourly behaviour. Some of those who find their meter boxes pillaged are simply recovering replacement fuses from some other poor, unsuspecting persons box. With many communities being made-up of holiday homes, many of the people left with no electricity are only discovering it when they arrive back in Spain or even worse, when the holiday makers who rent the property arrive. So, to all those who start this bad practice – pay your bills and keep your hands off other people’s property.


calling all charities


Help the Heros

Take part in a regular "Free Registered charity Market" A community event for all charities to get together, promote and raise money for their worthwhile causes. The mayor of Daya Vieja, Rafa Vives Pertusa, from the Vega Baja area, has kindly asked Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre to host a regular ‘Registered Charities Market’ in the Daya Vieja town market place. It will be held every six weeks, subject to demand. The Mayor’s office will arrange all the necessary licensing, amenities and law enforcement

for the market. All that we ask is for each charity to supply a stall, (free of charge) and a market marshal to help with security and parking. EHCRC are advertising to find out if local registered charities would be interested in participating in the market to see if it is a viable idea. Please contact our Market Co-ordinator, Peter Cameron on 659-828-433 or e-mail market@ to get more information.

Members of the Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch 3456, at the "Help the Heroes" Fun Day at PUNTA PRIMA Shopping Centre on Saturday 30th March, it was a windy day, making problems for the Standard Bearers, but an enjoyable day for the many spectators who enjoyed the Torrevieja Pipes & Drums display and marching, thanks to everyone who attended and to Orihuela Branch who organised the event.

16 theWord 12 Step Programme for a Perfect Marriage By grahame milton-jones Psycotherapist working on the Costa Blanca

There is a twelve step programme for almost everything nowadays, including coming off alcohol or drugs. There is now a new twelve step programme for a perfect marriage.

1 Choose well Marriages with the highest probability of survival have partners with similar ages, backgrounds, education and experiences. There is a concept of “opposites attract” but this seldom works within marriage. 2 Commitment Marriage is for life not just for a few years. It is a blending of two lives not just two people living together. Many people take decades to discover themselves; it will take at least as long to discover everything about a partner. 3 Plan your lives together This should start well before you become engaged. Do not assume that you know your partner’s wishes, they should be discussed in detail and is one of the exciting parts of getting to know your partner. 4 Communicate Communication takes place when people speak to

each other and have a greater understanding as a result. Many marriages consist of one person speaking and not listening.

5 Spend time together Many marriages fail because one of the partners (usually the man) spends too much time working. This causes enormous stresses, yet will be justified on the basis that it is “for the family”. Workaholics need to rethink. 6 Children Children do not just appear; usually they are planned well in advance. If children are planned within the marriage, the timing and number will have been discussed. When there are children, it is important that both parents spend time with them. 7Fun with sex In the past, sex was often one of the reasons for getting married; but this is rarely the case today. Sex is often a difficult issue to discuss, however it is a natural activity that should be approached in a healthy and open way. It should be a source of pleasure, reassurance and enjoyment for both partners. There is no age limit to an active sexual life. 8 Sharing the workload

Some marriages work with one partner looking after the home whilst the other is involved in generating income. It is important that household chores are shared as equally as possible to avoid one partner feeling overloaded.

9 Keeping fit Keeping fit is not just a physical activity. Regular exercise is important and the partners will want to remain healthy and attractive. 10 Be considerate Being considerate is about being aware of your partner’s views and taking them into account. It is not about reducing yourself to being a slave to your partner’s every wish. 11 Honesty One of the cornerstones of a successful marriage is honesty, leading to trust. Once honesty is questioned, the level of trust collapses and the marriage is in trouble. 12 Compromise No one has everything their own way. The whole essence of compromise is that something is given away to gain something even better. Call Grahame for information or an appointment on 96 540 5631 or 699 649 002

Alcohol Anxiety Bereavement Confidence problems

Depression Drug issues IBS Low self esteem

Panic attacks Phobias Relationship problems Smoking

Stress Weight control

Most people have emotional problems, they come from experiences that they have had in the past. It is not difficult to set the mind right provided the problems are approached in the correct way. Psychotherapy is like massage for the mind. It is talking therapy, where discussions are carefully directed so that problems can be uncovered and dealt with. Psychotherapy is safe and in professional hands has no side-effects. It is friendly yet professional, privacy and confidentiality is assured. Grahame Milton-Jones is professionally qualified and was trained in the UK. He has been in practice in Spain for over ten years and has treated people along the Costa Blanca. In addition, he also helps people by telephone if they cannot travel to Creviellente or if they live to far away fro a home visit. Emotional problems should not be allowed to spoil your enjoyment of life. Make the call today and start your life again.




18 theWord

Debt Collection Agencies

Coming to a home near you soon

More and more companies are turning towards the services of debt collection agencies to manage their overdue accounts which would normally be dealt with by in-house accounts departments. As consumers, we will be seeing more letters for overdue bills coming from agencies rather than suppliers. The increase is due to a combination of reasons; reducing the cost of accounts staff, cheaper to out-source to specialists and, reducing the amount of time it takes to clear an outstanding bill. As the crisis continues, and with less cash in the bank and lower credit facilities available, businesses are being forced to address their bad debt situation sooner rather than later. In more buoyant times, overdue accounts are pushed to the back whilst time is spent dealing with the here-and-now. Debt collection agencies should really be referred to as credit managers rather than debt collectors although in essence, what they are doing is accepting the responsibility

for the outstanding debt of the company. Stigma associated with debt collectors should be ignored, they are doing a job which needs to be done and in most cases, the responsibility falls into the lap of the consumer to ensure their account is up to date. That said, the recent bank takeover of CAM to Sabadell caused, and continues to cause, terrible problems with some customer’s direct debits not being honoured. It looks bad on the customer, the supplier is often accused of not applying for the money and, the banks exonerate themselves by saying no request has been made by the supplier. As if that is ever going to be the case! So, if a credit management company writes to you to tell you about an outstanding bill, don’t waste valuable time and effort trying to establish the whys and wherefores, suck it up, pay it and move on. Get on with the more enjoyable and positive things in life.

iberdrola letters

Have they got the message? It seems that the trend of sending registered letters to people who have switched to alternate electricity providers, letters which suggest there are outstandin gbills, is finally coming to an end. Utility switching sompany Iberswitch has reported a massive decrease in the number of calls and emails they are receiving from clients which leads them to believe the harassment is finally on the way out. A spokesperson for the company said, "Their letters have caused a great deal of

concern to a huge number of people, it will be a relief to both out clients and ourselves when they no longer send them". During their campaign of letter-sending which started in November 2011, it is estimated that over 250,000 letters have been posted, mainly to expats, suggesting that their supply would be cut and interestingly, not one person has suffered loss of supply as a direct result of this.



Casa Miguel

A very warm welcome awaits anyone wishing to experience wonderul fresh and wholesome food at Casa Miguel, Avda. 13 de Octubre, Los Alcazares Owner Miguel works in front of house with long serving waiter Joaquin, whilst wife Sani runs the busy kitchen. From early morning to late at night six days a week, the team at Casa Miguel work extremely

hard to ensure you enjoy your eating experience. If there is something you fancy and cannot see it on the menu, just ask. I have tried to catch Miguel out a few times but without success, he always seems to find exactly what I want from somewhere. One of the things over and above the quality of the food is the cleanliness of the entire

establishment. For my part, I won't eat anywhere that neglects kitchen or toilet areas even if the dining areas are spotless. You can literally eat your food from the floor at casa Miguel. Accommodating the foreign clientele is top of the list and Joaquin and Santi are taking English lessons to help them communicate with the growing English contingent who visit for menu del dia which offers a complete meal at an extremely reasonable cost of â‚Ź9 per person. Joaquin will always try and get the Brits to teach him a new word or phase that he can use on you on your next visit. My own contribution was to teach hime to say "talk to the hand" to use when the other locals rib him about his language skills. We recommend a visit to Casa Miquel as soon as possible and if you cut out the voucher and take it with you, you will receive a 10% discount on your bill.



Casa Miguel

Avda. 13 de Octubre, Los Alcazares Great fresh, homemade cusine to enjoy in a very friendly environment

Cut out this voucher and take it along to Casa Miguel for a 10% discount off your bill

20 theWord

Dual tariff electricity

provider as they will offer discounted rates, fixed periods and transparent billing. There are over 150 companies operating in Spain which offer an alternative to the monopoly companies which up until recently have enjoyed being able to dictate the rate you pay. When changing companies, you need to consider the small print to ensure you don’t move from the frying pan to the fire. Using a Utility Switching Company (USC) to move your account is by far the best idea because more often than not, there are additional benefits of being under the umbrella of a company which controls the accounts of large numbers of consumers.

Bridging The Gap Take advantage of half price electricity for an amazing 14 hours per day. The average saving that people who are on the dual tariff enjoy is around 25% of the overall bill. Simply put, if you normally spend around €100 a month your annual saving is likely to be in the region of €300 which is not to be sniffed at. Many people make the assumption that the dual tariff would not work for them either because they think they consume more during the offpeak period or, they think the off-peak time is only through the night.

Clock Watching Until the clock changes, the off-peak hours are from 10pm to 12 noon the following day giving 14 hours a day of half price power. During these

hours, the big consuming items, things like washing machines, dishwashers, pool pumps and water heaters can drastically reduce your bill. Only use the washing machine twice a week? That’s over 100 times a year multiplied by one or two hours of heavy consumption. Does your pool pump run for a couple of hours every day? That’s over 700 hours a year, switching to the dual tariff will half the bill. Fridges and freezers run all day every day and the overall saving to these is in the region of 30%. They work harder during the day when the door is being opened and closed frequently.

Double Whammy Over and above the obvious savings, there is one relatively overlooked issue which switching tariffs will help to eradicate. People with the old style meter, the one with the disk that spins round, are likely to be paying much more than they should be because many of these meters are faulty. Consumer organisation Facua have issued many

statements saying that up to 80% of analogue meters are spinning quicker than they should be, costing consumers a great deal of unnecessary expense. Switching tariff means changing to the new style digital meter which, if your existing meter is faulty,

will fix this issue immediately.

Alternative Choice If you are currently with the grid company for your supply (Iberdrola), you can gain additional benefits by switching to a free market

One such company is Iberswitch S.L. They offer free and impartial advice on all areas of electricity supply whether it is billing, ICP regulations, earth leakage, potencia upgrades or faults likely to increase your bills. Even better, they do this in your own language. Having operated in Spain for some years, they are no

theWord stranger to deregulated market places, having been one of the first to deal with telephone deregulation they are used to dealing with the large organisations that have controlled the market unabated. Not only will they switch you to another provider, they will monitor the market and make subsequent changes to your account if they will benefit you financially to do so. To enable everyone to use their service and not excluding people for reasons of hardship, the people who need it the most, they charge a small monthly fee of just €3.50 plus IVA to control your account rather than charging on a “per switch” basis.

Looking Forward According to El Economista newspaper, electricity prices are set to increase by about 20% during 2013 so there has never been a better time to take control of our bills, to take positive action against rising electricity costs. The one thing we know for sure is, electricity prices will continue to rise and at a rate which is completely out of proportion to the cost of living. Act now before the nest huge price increase. Call Iberswitch on 902 027 517 or visit their website: to see how their service can help you.


dual tariff, Does it really work?

We asked Jeanne from Quesada

The new digital meter

That was the question I asked myself for many months before finally deciding to switch to the dual tariff. Now, I wonder why it took so long and regret all those weeks of indecision. Originally, I thought it would not be worthwhile because my bills were not too bad, around €170 every two months. Then, I work all day and cook in the evenings, so could I really make best use of the off

peak period? Would I really save the cost of installation in the first bill? By putting the washing machine on each Saturday and Sunday morning and finally putting the boiler on a timer switch, which I had been meaning to do for about 2 years, there was nothing else I needed to change. Sure, I had to remember to charge my mobile over night, but really I did not change anything else.

They say the proof of the pudding is in the eating and sure enough, first two month bill, saving made of €34! So wait not longer, give the folks a call and switch to the dual tariff now. Don´t wait till summer and the air conditioner going all night so you can sleep. Call them now and get organised and start saving. I Wish I made the call sooner!!

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) If you rent your property for more than four months each year you must obtain an EPC before you start any marketing For the facts regarding the EPC Law visit

22 theWord

Freewheeling in the rain

Rain in Spain did not deter the Freewheelers from their monthly outing. Meeting at the Lo Monte hotel in Pilar de la Horadada it was just a short drive the first port of call, Museum Municipal, Palacio Baron de Benifayo, San Pedro del Pinatar which contains many Roman artifacts and fossils found both locally and across the regions. The museum also has a collection of antiquities from the world of the cinema and includes rare film posters, colour and black & white stills along with cinema projectors from a bygone age. The collator is a classic car owner himself and was looking forward to seeing ours. Unfortunately due to the weather most of them had stayed at home and their owners had come in their every day drive. Nevertheless, he was very happy to photograph those that were there. Next it was

off to Los Alcazares and the Museum Aeronáutico Municipal which contains artifacts, models and pictures from the airfield including maps from the airfield as it was in about 1915. There is also a short film which could well have been at home in the last museums cinema section. There are also a pair of antiaircraft AK-AK type mobile guns out back. Short and sweet but well worth a visit. Entry to both museums is free. So Roberto, visiting museums on a rainy day was not such a bad idea after all. Thank you. Then it was round the corner for lunch, typically Spanish with bread, alioli and salad prior to the three courses, ample wine & beer followed by coffee. Excellent value at a tenner. And so ended another splendid day out for the Freewheelers in spite of the rain

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5 radiators of any size. Combination boiler, 2 gas bottles. No hidden extras All system sizes & designs, gas or oil, bottles or storage tanks. All systems include Cepsa gas certificate ( a legal requirement in Spain)

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meeting set for second group defects action at Camposol Urbanization Since court submission of the first Camposol group action concerning structural issues affecting many owners on the large Murcia development (previously covered by ITV's 'Homes from Hell'), a second group action is now gathering momentum. The legal and surveying professionals that were appointed by residents to compile the original action have now confirmed the date for the first meeting for the new action (16th of April) and stress that not only are there just a couple of years of Decenal insurance cover remaining on most properties but furthermore, it has to be remembered that under Spanish law it is necessary to formerly report the issues within a set period of becoming aware of the defects. In short, the window of opportunity for owners to make a claim (e.g. for repair, rebuild or recompense) is closing fast. Mark Paddon (the Building surveyor appointed for the first action) comments that ‘On numerous visits to the affected zones of Camposol in recent years

I have witnessed a clear process of progressive structural movement affecting many properties. The time will soon come when the owners of these properties will have missed the opportunity to claim for recompense and they will literally be left with a decaying and dramatically devalued liability.’ Under Spanish law it is possible that some owners might even be faced with a demolition bill, should a property become unsafe. According to members of the first action group, it is clear that some owners of defective properties that did not enter the first action believe that if it is successful they may be compensated anyway. This simply will not happen as insurers have got little to lose by turning down a claim, then waiting to see if they (or the insured parties) are taken to court. Furthermore, given the scale and complexity of the court case, it is most unlikely that an outcome from the first action will be known within the remaining period available for making further claims. There is evidently a ‘now or never’ decision to be made

by those who are affected by progressive structural failure of their properties. In addition to defects affecting some properties, sectors C and D have been detrimentally affected by the closure of the main bridge access (due to structural damage) and some properties have problems with legality and embargoes. Those owners of properties that are structurally defective may however finally be able to get some recompense by taking action before guarantees expire. Concerned owners that wish to express their interest in joining the second group action should initially make contact (in confidence) to marypouncey@ or call Martin Hayes (Lawyer) on 963530196 and are invited to attend a meeting on the 16th of April at the ‘Namaste’ Indian restaurant on Camposol sector B (14.30hrs) at which point the surveyor, legal team and a member of the first group action, will be happy to answer any questions about the process involved.

Think Iberswitch for 902 027 517

* New digital Meters * ICP Switches * Switch Electricity Providers * Low Usage Central Heating

24 theWord

Energy Performance Certificates

In 2013 Implementation of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) whenever a property in Spain is built, sold or rented becomes law.

Just as in the UK and most of the other EU countries, property owners will shortly be obligated in law to provide perspective purchasers or tenants with an Energy Performance Certificate. The start-date was originally planned to be 1st January, 2013 but the government have been slow to sign it off which may well mean they are fined by the EU. It is believed that 1st June, 2013 will now be when this Royal Decree becomes effective and penalties for non-compliance will not be long to follow for anyone who fails to have the correct paperwork in place. is your portal to avoid penalties and to ensure you don’t reach the Notary office only for the sale not to proceed because of incomplete paperwork, which will happen if a certificate has not previously been obtained. Most lawyers are already obtaining the EPC on behalf of vendors who are in the process of selling on the basis that the period of validity is 10 years. As part of the Iberswitch Group, offer a complete certification service through a network of qualified EPC Assessors. Applying for the survey is simple; either visit the website or call our office to make a booking.

WHAT THE EPC GIVES YOU: The Energy Performance Certificate provides two ratings: The Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) relates directly to the property’s running costs and measures the overall efficiency of a home. The higher the rating, the more energy efficient the home is and the lower the fuel bills will be. The Environmental Impact Rating (EIR) relates directly to the property’s impact on the environment. The rating given represents the property’s carbon emissions, i.e. the higher the rating the less impact the property has on the environment. The Energy Performance Certificate will show the energy efficiency of the property at the time of inspection. The report will make recommendations for improvements, with low, medium and high cost measures, and offer advice on prioritising the different ways of saving energy, in order to reduce fuel bills and the homes environmental impact. This report gives you information on: • Actual and potential energy efficiency within your home • Suggested improvements e.g. insulation or solar power options • An approximate cost of these improvements • Possible cost savings per year if the improvements were implemented This information can be used to: • Cut fuel and energy bills • Improve energy performance within the home • Help cut carbon emissions • Help you choose a more energy efficient home to buy or rent

The Assessment: An EPC assessment can take anywhere between 25 minutes to over an hour for domestic EPCs. Commercial Energy Performance Certificates tends to take longer requiring several hours or days for a complete inspection. The size of the property, the building's age and the ease of access to the property may influence the duration of the inspection. Energy assessments shouldn't cause too much disruption to daily life. Bear in mind that both an internal and external inspection of the property is required including access to loft spaces (if one exists) and the boiler. In order for Energy Performance Certificates to be granted, the assessor needs to do the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Identify the construction of the walls Measure any roof insulation Confirm the number of double glazed windows Count the number of fireplaces Check the make and model of the boiler according to EU regulations Assess green energy devices such as solar panels or assess the potential for the installation of these devices Count the number of low energy light bulbs in use Inspect the heating system Inspect and categorise the type of material used for hot water pipe insulation Assess the amount of heat loss through the roof Check for excessive window areas in larger homes Inspect conservatories and extensions Count the number of heated habitable rooms

EPC provide ratings for all sorts of different buildings and highlight their energy efficiency based on factors such as: • • • • •

Age and layout of the building Types of activities in different areas Sorts of materials used for its construction Methods in which the building is heated, cooled and ventilated How it utilises lighting

The ratings are then presented in a way that is not uncommon on white goods, such as a fridge or a tumble drier. These are standardised, so that buildings can be compared easily. Like white goods, letters are used, with ‘A’ proving the most energy efficient rating and ‘G’ the least. EPCs not only show the energy performance of the building as a carbon based index, but they also provide: • •

The EPC number and date of issue Details of the energy assessor for that specific EPC (this should include a name, accreditation number, employers name and accreditation scheme)



EPC-SPAIN.ES If you are selling a Spanish property or are a holiday home owner, you must order an EPC for potential buyers and tenants before you start marketing your property or you may face a fine.

FAQs What is an energy certificate? (Certificado de Eficiencia Energética) It is a report that describes how efficient a home is in terms of energy consumption. It assigns an energy rating to each home on a scale which ranges from "A" (best) to "G" (worst).

Will I be able to sell a property which does not have an energy certificate?

No you won´t. You will have to have a certificate before you begin marketing your property.

Who will have to pay for the energy certificate?

The owner of the property which is to be sold or rented is usually responsible for the charge.

How long is the energy certificate valid for?

The certificate is valid for 10 years. This means owners will not have to obtain a new certificate during this period unless they renovate or change the property in any way.

If I want to sell my home and it has a poor energy rating, such as D, E or F, am I obliged to make any improvements?

No, you are not obliged to make any improvements even if your property has a low rating.

Will a low rating affect the sale of my home? Can I sell it without any problems?

You are free to sell your home. The only way it will affect a sale is how the rating influences the buyer.

Who can issue an energy efficiency certificate?

According to the royal decree “energy efficiency certificates should be issued by qualified professional technicians who are authorised to undertake building projects and thermal installations for buildings. The property owner may choose the technician of their choice ".

How much will the EPC cost?

The cost is determined by the size of the property - for a property of up to 100m2 the charge is €295 plus IVA.

Will the technician need to visit the property (generally homes)? Yes. They have to visit the property to take measurements and collect information about the property before drawing up and certifying the report.

26 theWord

MABS HELPS CELEBRATE 125th ANNIVERSARY OF SANTIAGO DE LA RIBERA MABS Cancer Support Group was amongst the 35 local charities, associations and pedanias invited to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Santiago de la Ribera on 7 April. MABS volunteers Alfonso Fernandez, Graham Lord and Sue Thomason were delighted to welcome a new, Spanish volunteer, Rafael Gomez, into their fold. Rafael proved invaluable in getting across information about the work that MABS does in the region and his input was invaluable in raising the MABS profile in the local Spanish community. “We have been members of the Hotel de Asociaciones and Banco del Tiempo for some time” said Sue, MABS Centre

Manager in San Javier. “Since opening the MABS Centre and shops, we have been embraced by the local community, which is something that we very much wanted to achieve.”The Hotel de Asociaciones brings together local associations and charities, and the Banco del Tiempo enables volunteers to dedicate a set amount of time to a charity. The Feria de Asociaciones was a huge success with MABS raising over 100€ on the day handing out many information leaflets in Spanish. “We help all nationalities and we have several Spanish patients, but we wanted to ensure that everyone in the local Spanish communities is aware of what we do.” commented Sue.

Director de la Academia General del Aire, Coronel Juan Antonio Ortega Vazquez. Photographer: Alfonso Fernandez



28 theWord Customer Support Staff Experienced customer services personnel required to join the Care Team at Iberswitch SL, Spain’s largest USC (Utility Switching Company) based in Cartagena. The successful candidate will be required to deal with customer enquiries and must be able to demonstrate enthusiasm, professionalism and a desire to help others. Other prerequisites include; polite telephone manner, computer literate and able to work within a team. Nonsmokers preferred. Please send your CV to:

Self Employed Agents Promote our portfolio of services on a part or full-time basis. No experience is needed and we offer full training and excellent commission rates. Our services include: Satellite TV, Wifi Internet services, Mobile phone and PAYG mobile Internet services. This is an excellent opportunity for people wishing to add quality, great value services to their own service or, for people wishing to embark on a new career move with a future. For more information please call: 664 050 979

Native English Teacher A new, fresh, innovative teacher is required at a local academy. Experience and qualifications preferred. Applicant needs to have TEFL or equivalent. In the first instance please email:

Qualified Electrician Self employed, qualified and professional electrician required for contract work in the Mazarron/Murcia areas. Please call: 664 050 979 for more information

job spot

It's JUST A Question of Power By now, most people know that switching electricity supplier in Spain to save money is possible. Welcomed news indeed - most of Europe did it years ago. Here are some questions and answers that will help you decide what you should do: What kind of saving can we expect? No-one knows exactly how much you will save because the savings are based on the price increases which are applied in the future. We do know that prices have risen by 70% over

the last six years and are likely to supersede this in the future. What about the cheap night rate being offered? Lots have people have moved to Dual Tariff electricity. Cheaper at night but you pay a slight premium during the day. So long as you use the heavy consuming items during the cheap rate times you should see a considerable saving but it is still imperative to get onto the free market and fix your rate. What happens if we don’t switch? Nothing at all, it is a personal

ICP Fitting Service Fitting an ICP is law in Spain Protect yourself from penalties Fitting from €70 plus iva

Call for details: 902 027 517

choice but, as electricity prices continue to rise, so will your bill. Also, the government is likely to penalize those who do not switch just as they did with commercial customers in 2010. Avoid paying unnecessary increases - fix your rate. If you act now, you could avoid paying the January increase which is normally the largest, call Iberswitch on 966 265 089 they will work to fix your rate and protect you from price hikes that have been, and continue to, come thick and fast.



eASY HOrse care rescue center When Sue left the UK for a quiet retirement, fed up with working 7 days a week, she could not have forseen the consequences of opening a small tack shop here in Spain. Unable to continue turning a blind eye to the cruelty all around her, she started Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC). From small beginnings this centre is now home to 52 assorted horses, ponies and donkeys, not to mention dogs, chickens and of course Ernie the turkey that survived Christmas. A typical day for Sue starts at 6.45am with the preparation of 52 individual breakfasts with the necessary addition of medicines and supplements. Once all the animals have been fed, the 30 or so that spend their nights indoors are put out and the stables cleaned. A quick breakfast for Sue and then Dorothea, the equine vet arrives for her rounds. To keep costs down many procedures and operations are performed in-house with Sue acting as assistant. Lunch is next for the horses followed by on-going nursing care. Finally its dinner time for the horses, last round of medications for the day and then the 30 horses that have had the day outside are brought in for the night. With more funding, better and longer fencing could be put in place and this would reduce the need for so many horses to be brought in each night. The rescue centre needs an eyewatering €1700 per week just to cover food costs along with vets and farriers bills. That equates to around €30 per horse. When they get the call that a horse needs rescuing, and they will always try to say yes, then an extra €500 - €600 needs to be found as the initial diagnosis and treatment is expensive. As the leisure boom took hold first in the UK in the 80`s and 90’s and then later

here in Spain, it became fashionable to own a horse and unscrupulous breeders moved in and flooded the market reducing prices. This has resulted in far too many horses today that were not bred for purpose and consequently not of good stock. EHCRC has now become a foundation and vowed to be the first completely open charity with an AGM for members where they can view the accounts. The long term goals are educating the next generation and working with other charities to promote respect of all animals and an end to cruelty. y increasing their membership the work with local schools, police and government can become more powerful.

BECOME A MEMBER – BECOME ONE VOICE The foundation has a 3 tier membership scheme which starts from as little as €10 for juniors (under 16 years). Adult membership is €25 and family membership just €50 per year. All donations and membership is tax deductible for anyone with Spanish Residencia. Membership gives a 10% discount on merchandise and an invitation to the AGM to view the accounts and learn about the achievements of the past year and the plans for the coming year. With no RSPCA here in Spain, EHCRC Foundation needs as many members as possible to make its voice heard and end cruelty to all animals. To become a member or to find out more, log onto or email or call Sue on (0034) 652021980

Pay As You Go Broadband

Pay only for the time you are online No contract ties! No monthly charge! Purchase the dongle for just €79. Includes €10 worth of credit.

No minimum spend! No phone line required!

PAYG Internet is cost effective and convenient for people who are not permanent residents, who have low usage and cannot justify the high monthly charges, use dial-up or do not have a fixed line. With the Plug & Play dongle, you will be on-line within minutes and, once you are connected, you are in complete control of what you spend. Chargeable at just 3 cents per MB you can enjoy high speed Internet combined with terrific value for money. All prices shown subject to IVA

902 027 517

What is your normal daily Internet use? Send 10 emails (without photos) 2MB 1 hour of browsing


Total cost for the day 8MB x 0.3 cts


30 theWord

community Noticeboard... fortuna murcia n.e.

MABS Murcia East Every Wednesday - ART WORKSHOP - Café Golf, San Javier 10.00am - 12.00pm. Bring out the art in you! Informal workshop to get you started on water colours. Donation of 2€ per head for MABS. For further information call Geoff on 968 192 768. Wednesday 8th May - VOLUNTEERS MEETING – Centro Civico, Roda Village - 11.15 am. If you would like to find out more about how you can help MABS, come along to our meeting. For further information please ring Bev on 693 362 823 Tuesday 21st-May – DIAMANTES LADIES’LUNCH, El Mojón- 1.30 pm for 2.00 pm. hree course lunch with glass of wine and entertainment...10.50 €. Raffle in aid of MABS. Come along, dress up and meet and make new friends. Book your place with Diamante’s on 965 352 947 Sat 25th May – VILLAGE FETE, Rio Nalón, Los Alcázares – 11.00 am All the fun of our annual Village Fete, including a fashion show, stalls etc., outside Legs & Co. Every Saturday BOOK SALE. The Arches Restaurant, Los Alcázares 10.00 am - 1.00 pm (weather permitting) The MABS Book Stall is a regular feature at The Arches Restaurant on a Saturday and is popular with book-lovers from Los Alcázares and the surrounding areas. Browse the stall and enjoy a coffee or bargain breakfast while you choose your books. Keep watching the press or visit our website for more events. For further details, please call 634 362 826


Fiesta for Health and Wellbeing on Saturday the 18th of May

On Saturday the 18th of May there is a fiesta to promote health and wellbeing in the Social Centre of Urbanisation Marina, San Fulgencio from 9am to 4pm with all proceeds going to AECC Torrevieja and I wondered whether you would be interested in having a stall at the event. At 9am there will be the 5km Health and Wellbeing Walk / Run around Urbanisation Marina. There is a 5€ entrance

Every Other Monday Sew’n’So’s - Sewing Group with Jan Gough - 2.00 pm Urb. Las Kalendas, Fortuna

2nd Wednesday of the month Fortuna Ladies’ Luncheon Club - 1.00 pm Las Palmeras Restaurant, Baños de Fortuna

1st Tuesday of the month Auction at Bob's Bar - 2.00 pm Carretera Pinoso, Fortuna

Last Wednesday of the Month MABS Fortuna Meeting - 11.30 am La Carcelera, Urb Las Kalendas. Fortuna.

Tuesdays & Thursdays “Pick, Try, Choose, Buy & Donate” second hand store - 10.30 am - 12.00 pm Apartamentos Maruja, across the cycle path, opposite Las Palmeras, Baños de Fortuna.

For further information on Fortuna events, please contact:

calasparra murcia n.W. First and Third Friday of each month - MABS Market Stall in Calasparra Market – 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Situated opposite the Gran Via café Second Wednesday of each month - MABS Murcia NW Volunteer Monthly Meeting – 5.00 pm New venue: Hotel Argos (between Calasparra & Cehegin) – new volunteers welcome. Call 650 103 095 for further details.

Last Friday of every month - MABS Book Stall – 11.00 am – 2.00 pm Outside the Trevol Bar/ Cafe on Urb. Tierra del Sol, Calasparra. (This is held the last Friday of every month) For further information on Calasparra events, please contact:

Originally named MARINA ALTA BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP, their aim was to provide support to cancer patients and their families on the Costa Blanca and the Costa del Sol. News travelled fast and the medical profession was soon referring ALL types of cancers to the Group for support, so the name was changed to MABS CANCER SUPPORT GROUP to reflect this. They provide information on the type of cancer, treatment, side effects, where to buy wigs and prosthesis, etc. MABS provides translators for clinic and hospital appointments, as well as drivers who will collect the person from home and deliver them to the place of treatment, wait for them, and take them home again.

fee and sponsorship forms are also available. From 9.30 there will be classes of Yoga, Hui Chon Cong, Pilates, Body Sculpt, Circuit, Zumba, Children’s’ dance, Pole Exercise and an Osteopath Talk. There will be a Mother and Toddler group between 11.30 and 1.30, Reiki and also general, foot and abdominal massage. Anyone wishing to attend any of the activities can make a donation to the AECC. We are looking for anyone who wishes to have a stall on the day. It just has to be connected to health and wellbeing and so can vary from hairdressers to health supplements, crystal

healing to exercise machines. The cost of a stall is 10€ which goes to AECC Torrevieja. Any further donations from stall holders are appreciated but not compulsory. If you are interested in having a stall, or indeed to do the sponsored walk, please contact me at the Concejalía de Urbanizaciones on 966 443 002, email us on concejaliadeurbanizaciones@ or come into the office on Calle Madrid #5, Urb Marina, San Fulgencio.

The Councillor for the Urbanisations, Jeff Wiszniewski and his team are delighted to announce that the Samaritans in Spain will be working closely with the Office for the Urbanisations in San Fulgencio for the benefit of all English speakers in the municipality. Samaritan Volunteers listen in confidence to anyone in any type of emotional distress, without judging or telling people what


Just for laughs:


to do. Samaritans do not offer advice, but by encouraging our callers to talk about their feelings, we are able to help them explore all the options available to them. Common reasons to need to speak to the Samaritans may be: * Relationship and family problems *Loss, including loss of a job, a friend or through bereavement * Financial worries * Job-related stress or overwork * College or study-related stress * Body image issues There is now also a 24 hour help line the number of which is 902 88 35 35. Talking openly about how you


really feel can often be like opening a door. Talking can put you back in control and often reveals the choices you have. Many people feel pressured into hiding their feelings out of embarrassment, or because they don’t wish to become a burden to their family or friends. But trying to hide your feelings under a calm exterior merely saves the problem for later, resulting in stress building up until it becomes intolerable. If you need any further information, please contact the Office of the Urbanisations, Calle Madrid on 966 443 002, email us on concejaliadeurbanizaciones@ or come into the office.

learn to sing harmony in a day

Ever wanted to sing but not known where to start? Did you sing at school and have now lost confidence? Or do you want a change from Karaoke but are not sure how to go about it? Well, help is at hand, because The Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) is offering a LEARN TO SING HARMONY IN A DAY course on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 at Marcia’s Dance Centre, Calle Benissa, Calpe. Both men and women are welcome to come along. You will benefit from the invaluable experience of Musical Director and SABS President, Gail Grainger, backed up by members of two a cappella harmony quartets: Viva and Chardonnay and men’s chorus, Torrevieja Harmonisers. You will learn various techniques during the day which will help you to improve your singing. "This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their singing voice and to learn about singing four part harmony", comments Gail. “Those with lower voices are particularly welcome as, in our experience, they have often been told in the past that they can't sing, which is usually far from the truth.” “Throughout the day we will learn a new song together and in the evening we will perform live in front of friends and family. This method of learning has proved to be very popular in the UK and we are expecting an enthusiastic response.” There are only 50 places available, so make sure that you contact SABS soon to secure your place - call 686 773 442 or email now. The Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) was formed in October 2008 with the aim of encouraging the people of Spain to enjoy this unique form of a cappella, four-part harmony singing. SABS currently has over 200 members throughout Spain, Portugal and the Canary Islands. If you would like to find out more, please visit their website:

Lawyer: I have some good news and some bad news. Client: Well, give me the bad news first. Lawyer: The bad news is that the DNA tests showed that it was your blood they found all over the crime scene Client: Oh no! I'm ruined! What's the good news? Lawyer: The good news is your cholesterol is down to 130! A woman arrived at a party. While scanning the guests, she spotted an attractive man standing alone. She approached him, smiled and said, "Hello. My name is Carmen." "That's a beautiful name," he replied. "Is it a family name?" "No," she replied. As a matter of fact I gave it to myself. It represents the things that I enjoy the most - cars and men. Therefore I chose "Carmen". "What's your name?" She asked. He answered "B.J. Titsengolf." Soon thereafter, mum sent out her letters of thanks: "Milton," she wrote one son, "The house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house." "Gerald," she wrote to another, "I am too old to travel. I stay most of the time at home, so I rarely use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!" "Dearest Donald," she wrote to her third son, "You have the good sense to know what your mother likes. The chicken was delicious." Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now... I never looked at it this way before: MENtal illness MENstrual cramps MENtal breakdown MENopause GUYnecologist And when we have REAL trouble, it's a... HISterectomy Ever notice how all of women's problems start with MEN? A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to another man kneeling at a grave. The man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, “Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?” The first man approached him and said, “Sir, I don’t wish to interfere with your private grief, but this demonstration of pain is more than I’ve ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent?” The mourner took a moment to collect himself, then replied, “My wife’s first husband.” A policeman was patrolling a local parking spot overlooking a golf course. He drove by a car and saw a couple inside with the dome light on. There was a young man in the driver's seat reading a computer magazine and a young lady in the back seat knitting. He stopped to investigate. He walked up to the driver's window and knocked. The young man looked up, cranked the window down, and said, "Yes Officer?" "What are you doing?" the policeman asked. "What does it look like?" answered the young man. "I'm reading this magazine." Pointing towards the young lady in the back seat, the officer then asked, "And what is she doing?" The young man looked over his shoulder and replied, "What does it look like? She's knitting." "And how old are you?" the officer then asked

the young man. "I'm nineteen," he replied. "And how old is she?" asked the officer. The young man looked at his watch and said, "Well, in about twelve minutes she'll be sixteen." Meaning of... 'potentially' and 'realistically' A young boy went up to his father and asked him, "Dad, what is the difference between 'potentially' and 'realistically'?" The father thought for a moment, then answered, "Go ask your mother if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars. Then ask your sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars, and then, ask your brother if he'd sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars. Come back and tell me what you learn from that." So the boy went to his mother and asked, "Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars?" The mother replied, "Of course, I would! We could really use that money to fix up the house and send you kids to a great university!" The boy then went to his sister and asked, "Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars?" The girl replied, "Oh, good heavens! I LOVE Brad Pitt and I would sleep with him in a heartbeat. Are you nuts?" The boy then went to his brother and asked, "Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars?" "Of course," the brother replied. "Do you know how much a million bucks would buy?" The boy pondered the answers for a few days and then went back to his dad. His father asked him, "Did you find out the difference between 'potentially' and 'realistically'?" The boy replied, "Yes, 'Potentially', you and I are sitting on three million dollars, but 'realistically', we're living with two hookers and a future congressman." The Lone Ranger and Tonto walked into a bar one day and sat down to drink a beer. After a few minutes, a big tall cowboy walked in and said, "Who owns the big white horse outside?" The Lone Ranger stood up, hitched his gunbelt, and said, "I do. Why?" The cowboy looked at the Lone Ranger and said, "I just thought you would like to know that your horse is just about dead outside!" The Lone Ranger and Tonto rushed outside and, sure enough, Silver was about dead from heat exhaustion. The Lone Ranger got him some water and soon Silver was starting to feel a little better. The Lone Ranger turned to Tonto and said, "Tonto, I want you to run around Silver and see if you can create enough of a breeze to make him start to feel better." Tonto said, "Sure Kemosabe", and took off running circles around Silver. Not able to do anything else but wait, the Lone Ranger returned to the bar to finish his drink. A few minutes later, another cowboy struts into the bar and announces, "Who owns that big white horse outside?" The Lone Ranger stands again and claims, "I do. What is wrong with him this time?" The cowboy says to him, "Nothing much, I just wanted you to know you left your Injun running..."

32 theWord

SUDOKU Fill in the grids in such a way that every row and every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the number 1-9. Solution on page 43

in the garden

Wordsearch solution page 43
























Arrow Words The arrows show the direction in which the answer to each clue should be placed. Answer on pg 43

Perplexed State

Football official

Highly Skilled musician


Long (for)

Raise Up _ Hurley, model/ actress

Evergreen tree

Points (at a target) Bring up, raise



Generous, kind Painter or sculptor

Canada's capital

Senior member

Large waterfowl Female sheep

Joined house

Took part in a ballot

Fearful respect Antlered deer

More modern Beast of burden



Word Journey DARK Gloomy _ _ _ _ Playground _ _ _ _ Portion _ _ _ _ Wagon _ _ _ _ Concern _ _ _ _ Peel _ _ _ _ Price FARM Cultivate

Got your thinking caps on? 1. Which country did Italy invade in 1935? ACROSS 1. To the teeth, perhaps 6. Kid stuff 10. Warm up 14. Miss America prop 15. Diamond protector 16. First CinemaScope film, with “The” 17. Some kind of nerve 18. Family keepsake? 19. Veiled responses? 20. Doting tsar? 22. It's dies are cast 23. Stick in the water 24. As You Like It hero 26. Putting all your ducks in a row 31. Blue 32. Ricky, really 33. Lois in “Lois & Clark” 35. Must, slangily 39. The facts 40. Laugher who is spotted 42. Nog time 43. Was eminent 45. Like a close encounter of the first kind 46. It's verboten 47. M&M color of yore

49. Nepali capital 51. Symbol of royalty 55. Carnival site 56. Rock that rolls 57. Messy Popsicle, perhaps? 63. A sign of things to come 64. Spork part 65. Hilarious 66. Proceed along 67. Them in Them! 68. Author of The Right Stuff 69. Slammin' Sammy 70. Ground item 71. Makes mittens DOWN 1. Perched upon 2. Opportune 3. Akbar toon-guy Groening 4. Cleveland Indian? 5. Artificial fabric 6. Court players 7. It's raised on a farm 8. Motto 9. Simple angling needs 10. “That's Amore” singer's dresser? 11. Thinking man's sculptor?

12. WWII buy 13. Trattoria topping 21. T.V. role for Kelly Ripa 25. Jet follower 26. Tallies up 27. One of Jacob's wives 28. Syllogism words 29. Grovel big-time? 30. Like Jimmy? 34. Truly 36. Cel mate? 37. Oversee 38. Jesus with an outstretched arm 41. Shenanigan 44. Word between two dogs 48. Ambrosia 50. High-middle haircut 51. Responds to excess traffic 52. Nana's brooch 53. Finger shooter's cry 54. Heavy herbivore 58. Engrossed by 59. Pressing matter 60. Film star Taylor 61. Artist's workspace 62. Tropical fruit tree

2. In which US state is Fort Knox?

solutions page 43

How did you do? Answers on pg 43

3. Which illness killed Oliver Cromwell? 4. What Naval Rank did James Bond hold? 5. Which actor's first starring role was as Ivanhoe? 6. Alvin, Theodore & Simon were collectively known as Who? 7. Which band was “On the road to nowhere”? 8. Which cowboy sang about “My Wonderful 1, 2, 3, 4 legged friend? 9. Folk singer Mike Harding was known as who? 10. What is the proper name for a Lie Detector Test? 11. What did Al Capone's Business Describe him as? 12. How many years was “Norman Stanley Fletcher” sentenced to?

34 theWord

MAY movie releases The Latest Must See Movie Releases for the month of MAY! Happy viewing...

Iron Man 3

Robert Downey Jr, Don Cheadle, Ben Kingsley, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Hamilton, James Badge Dale In Marvel's Iron Man 3, Tony Stark/Iron Man finds his world reduced to rubble by a malevolent enemy and must use his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him as he seeks to destroy the enemy and his cohorts. Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 3 pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy's hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find

those responsible. This journey, at every turn, will test his mettle. With his back against the wall, Stark is left to survive by his own devices, relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him. As he fights his way back, Stark discovers the answer to the question that has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?

comes to New York City in the spring of 1922, an era of loosening morals, glittering jazz and bootleg kings. Chasing his own American Dream, Nick lands next door to a mysterious, party-giving millionaire, Jay Gatsby, and across the bay from his cousin, Daisy, and her philandering, blue-blooded husband, Tom Buchanan. It is thus that Nick is drawn into the captivating world of the superrich, their illusions, loves and deceits. As Nick bears witness, within and without the world he inhabits, he pens a tale of impossible love, incorruptible dreams and high-octane tragedy, and holds a mirror to our own modern times and struggles.

your advert


formula of the first two films. It's safe to say a reunion between Stu and Jade is on the itinerary. Sources say Mr. Chow will play a larger role in the third installment. Expected to add several well-known actors in cameo roles. As director Todd Phillips explains, "I'm so excited to embark on another ‘Hangover' film with Bradley, Ed and Zach. We're going to surprise a lot of people with the final chapter we have planned. It will be a fitting conclusion to our three-part opera of mayhem, despair and bad decisions."

After Earth

Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Gina Carson, Luke Evans, Michelle Rodriguez

Chris Pin, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Anton, Yelchin, Simon Pegg, Benedict Cumberbatch

The Great Gatsby follows would-be writer Nick Carraway as he leaves the Midwest and

Fast and Furious 6

Star Trek Into Darkness

The Great Gatsby

Leonardo DiCaprio , Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan , Isla Fisher, Elizabeth Debicki .

for, leaving our world in a state of crisis.With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands

Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Brian O’Connor (Paul Walker) and the crew find themselves on the wrong side of the law once again as they try to pull off a high-octane heist on the streets of Europe – with federal agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) hot on their tails.

The Hangover: Part III

Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Mike Tyson, Ken Jeong, Mike Epps,

Advertise your business or service here from €20 Call for details: 902 026 105

This time, there's no wedding. No bachelor party. What could go wrong, right? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off. A Los Angeles-based story that will deviate from the forgotten-debauchery

Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Isabelle Fuhrman, Zoe Kravitz, Sophie Okonedo, Kristofer Hivju A father and son, after a crash landing, explore a planet that was evacuated by humans due to catastrophic events. One thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity's escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind's new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige (Will Smith) returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai (Jaden Smith). When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai's craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.



was it really a decade ago?

Here are a few of the memorable events of 2003 January



13th - Rock musician Pete Townshend of The Who was arrested in London on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children. He was later cleared.

1st - Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard.

5th - In Haifa, 17 Israeli civilians are killed by a Hamas suicide bomb in the Haifa bus 37 massacre.

18th - A bushfire kills 4 people and destroys more than 500 homes in Canberra, Australia.

15th - An estimated eleven million people around the world take to the streets to protest against the looming war with Iraq

24th - The United States Department of Homeland Security officially begins operation.

13th - Human evolution: The journal Nature reports that 350,000-year-old footprints of an uprightwalking human have been found in Italy. 17th - British Cabinet Minister Robin Cook, resigns over government plans for the war with Iraq.

30th - Belgium legally recognizes same-sex marriage.

20th - During a Great White concert in West Warwick, Rhode Island, a pyrotechnics display sets the club ablaze, killing 100 and injuring over 300 others.




7th - U.S. troops capture Baghdad; Saddam Hussein's regime falls two days later.

10th - The Spirit Rover is launched, beginning NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission.

23rd - Beijing closes all schools for two weeks because of the SARS virus.


10th - The highest temperature ever recorded in the UK - 38.5°C (101.3°F) in Kent . It is the first time the UK has recorded a temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

MAY 12th - The Riyadh compound bombings, carried out by Al Qaeda, kill 26. 21st - An earthquake hits northern Algeria killing more than 2,000 people. 22nd - In Fort Worth, Texas, Annika Sörenstam becomes the first woman to play the PGA Tour in 58 years. 23rd - The euro exceeds its initial trading value as it hits $1.18 for the first time since its introduction in 1999. 26th - Only three days after a previous record, Sherpa Lakpa Gelu climbs Mount Everest in 10 hours 56 minutes. The tourism ministry of Nepal confirms this record in July that year. October 7th - Gray Davis is recalled as Governor of California, three years before the official end of his office term. Film star Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected Governor. 15th - The Staten Island Ferry boat Andrew J. Barberi collides with a pier at the St. George Ferry Terminal in Staten Island, killing 11 people and injuring 43. 19th - Mother Teresa is beatified by Pope John Paul II. 24th - Concorde makes its last commercial flight.


2nd - Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy, insults German MP Martin Schulz by calling him a "kapo" during a session of the European Parliament. 22nd - Members of 101st Airborne of the United States, aided by Special Forces, attack a compound in Iraq, killing Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay. 30th - In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolls off the assembly line.

18th - British Sign Language is recognised as an official British language.

11th - A heat wave in Paris results in temperatures rising to 112°F (44° C), leaving about 144 people dead. 27th - Mars makes its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years, passing 34,646,418 miles (55,758,005 km) distant. 28th - An electricity blackout cuts off power to around 500,000 people living in south east England and brings 60% of London's underground rail network to a halt.

SEPTEMBER 12th - In Fallujah, US forces mistakenly shoot and kill eight Iraqi police officers. 12th - The United Nations lifts sanctions against Libya after that country agreed to accept responsibility and recompense the families of victims in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. 14th - In a referendum Sweden rejects adopting the euro. 21st - Galileo mission terminated by sending the probe into Jupiter's atmosphere, where it is crushed by the pressure at the lower altitudes. 22nd - David Hempleman-Adams becomes the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean in an open-air, wicker-basket hot air balloon. 27th - Smart 1 satellite is launched.



12th - With 501 km/h (311 mph) Shanghai Transrapid sets up a new world record for commercial railway systems.

13th - Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is captured near his home town of Tikrit.

18th - In the United Kingdom, the Local Government Act 2003, repealing controversial anti-gay amendment Section 28, becomes effective. 23rd - Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze resigns following weeks of mass protests over flawed elections. 26th - Concorde makes its last ever flight over Bristol, England.

14th - President George W. Bush announces the capture of Saddam Hussein. 17th - The Soham murder trial ends at the Old Bailey in London, with Ian Huntley found guilty of two counts of murder. His girlfriend Maxine Carr is found guilty of perverting the course of justice. 24th - The Spanish police thwart an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of explosives at 3:55 p.m. inside Madrid's busy Chamartín Station.

36 theWord Motivated and Enthusiastic Self-employed Sales Agents Required The Role

Mentor scheme

Our direct sales agents promote our range of services and products direct to the expat and Spanish market. Ultimately the role involves engaging with the general public, canvassing them and explaining the benefits of our range of services, building a rapport and selling to needs in line with professional and courteous prerequisites.

We want you to be successful, but understand that many of our brilliant Direct Sales agents come from backgrounds other than direct sales. With this is mind we dedicate an experienced agent to support you through your first months in the business.

No previous experience is required, but great people skills and the ability to engage with others are a real advantage. Your character, drive and determination is most important to us.

The person • We look for professional, self-motivated individuals who want to earn a substantial income. • You will be a passionate people person. • Historically, applicants from a wide range of backgrounds including small business owners, ex franchisees, retired military and forces have made a success of their own agency.

Our commitment We invest heavily in your training and provide you with the support you require to perform to your full potential. Substantial advertising and marketing is carried-out in order to promote lead generation for our agents.

The benefits With uncapped earning potential, if you have the drive, we will work with you and pass any leads that fall into your geographical area. It’s your business so within reason you can choose where and when you want to work.

Comprehensive training program

Your commitment

At Iberswitch, we're always thinking ahead. Which means, when you join us, you'll be part of a group that equips all of its people and gives them the training they need to get the most from it. We offer a comprehensive training program in which you will learn about our products, services, processes and procedures to fully equip you to drive your own business.

• • • •

Our experience Our industry knowledge is unsurpassed, our management team has years of direct sales experience in the expat market, and will offer training and support to enhance your success.

a r o f g n i "Look n i e g n a ch " ? r e e r a c

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cheapest - not Reader Offer always the best Don’t Drink The Water

When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. The EPC law is bringing the opportunists out of the woodwork. It seems that there are few who really know the true facts surrounding this new requirement and many who are inclined to take a "best guess" approach which, purprise, surprise, often leaves the property owner holding the baby. Last week we heard of someone offering to carryout the survey for just €90 so long as it was within a 10km radius of where they lived. It seems that this person travelled by push-bike which in itself is not an issue, he may be training for the Tour de

France or could be making a conscious effort to reduce his carbon emissions. Anyway, his charge only covered the visit itself and he completley failed to mention there would be other charges involved. When the average cost for an EPC is €300+ maybe those people affected should have asked more questions. In Spain, the Buyer Beware rule applies in most cases so always choose a reputable company, preferably an SL or registered company and never use one whichadvertises a mobile number as the point of contact.

The conversation about drinking tap water in Spain comes up regularly, usually after a trip to the supermarket and the ritual walk from the car to the house lugging the huge bottles of water. Is it really necessary to do this, can we not just draw the water from the tap? Sometimes, the morning cup of tea, to me at any rate, is reminiscent of the local baths I used to go to as a teenager and where my eyes would go completely bloodshot from the chlorine in the water. If it was simply a case of getting used to the taste, I would indeed be drinking the water directly from the tap but as it is, I even use bottled water to fill the kettle otherwise my nice cup of Tetleys would be completely spoilt. Am I being precious? Should I persevere and push past the taste barrier? Well, if the state of my old kettle or my taps is anything to go by I would say no, I am not. Hard water is one of the biggest issues in Spain and as a subsequence, having to carry the heavy water bottles is one of the others. A solution would be to have the water delivered directly to your door.

and it is in my opinion, long overdue. EDEN WATER We h ave all seen the commercial water dispensers in offices with the huge water bottles sitting on top of a cooler unit. Image these in miniature, a desktop version with an eleven litre water bottle. The unit itself comes with two eleven litre bottles and is brought to your home. For replacements, you simply call, text or email and within 48 hours, another three bottles will be delivered. You can order more if you wish but three is the minimum. Eden Water offers this service and the only stipulation is, you order a minimum of 24 bottles per year. As a special offer for theWord readers, the cost of the cooler unit and first two bottles is reduced from €65 to just €25 but hurry, the offer ends soon.

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38 theWord



Eating chocolate is good for you It's many people's favourite vice - but if the latest evidence is to be believed, the last thing you should feel when you secretly tuck into hunk of chocolate is guilty. Scientists have revealed that eating chocolate - in reasonable amounts - makes you feel emotionally better and so improves the smooth running of your body's endorphins. It even protects against heart disease. So here we tell you all you need to know and reveal why we should all, occasionally, indulge in a sweet treat... Chocolate makes you live longer Researchers at Harvard University in the U.S. studied 8,000 men for 65 years and found that those who ate modest amounts of chocolate up to three times a month, lived almost a year longer than those who didn't eat any. They concluded that this is likely to be due to the fact that cocoa contains antioxidants called polyphenols, also found in red wine, which prevent the oxidation of harmful cholesterol. Antioxidants are also known to protect against cancer. Chocolate is good for stress This is thought to be because it contains valeric acid, which is a relaxant and tranquilliser. Also, the sugar in chocolate may reduce stress - sugar has been shown to have a calming and pain-relieving effect on babies and animals because sweet tastes activate the opiate-like substances in our brain. We all know that chocolate makes us feel better There are a number of scientific reasons for this. The smell of chocolate has been found to slow down brain waves, making us feel calm. Most of the time our

brains are dominated by beta waves - normal waking frequency. When our brain activity slows to alpha waves, we experience a pleasant feeling of calm but alert relaxation. Also, because most of us find eating chocolate so pleasurable, we release endorphins (also released during sex) in the brain. These have similar pharmacological actions as morphine, acting as pain-relievers and giving us a sense of wellbeing. Chocolate does not give you spots Although many teenagers blame chocolate for their acne, there's no scientific data to confirm this link. Scientists at Missouri University even gave spotprone subjects chocolate to eat and observed their skin for the next week - with no effect. Nutritionists say that chocolate does not make you put on weight You can't blame any single food on weight gain. So long as you don't eat more calories than you burn off, you won't get fat. Chocolate could boost concentration This can occur, for example, if you eat it mid-afternoon, when blood sugar levels get a bit l o w .

Chocolate has a reasonably low glycaemic index (GI), which means it gives longlasting energy because it doesn't raise blood sugar too quickly. For example, a typical bar of chocolate has a GI of 70 compared with 73 for a bowl of cornflakes. This means a chocolate bar will keep you going for longer. Also, chocolate is a good source of chromium, which helps control blood sugar because it is involved in making glucose available in the body. Chocolate helps us digest milk This means it is good for those who are lactoseintolerant. Researchers have shown that cocoa stimulates activity of the enzyme lactase in the intestine. We need this to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk. Lactose-intolerant patients showed a reduction in bloating, cramping and diarrhoea when one-and-ahalf teaspoons of cocoa were added to a cup of milk. Chocolate boosts the appetite This could be because it contains cannabinoid-like substances that are known to affect the hypothalamus, t h e

part of the brain that controls hunger. This isn't ideal if you're on a diet but, for those who need to put on weight or who are convalescing, chocolate could be just what you need to help get your appetite back. Chocolate can make you more alert It contains a stimulant called theobromine, a caffeine-like substance that is thought to make us more alert. But theobromine doesn't have the side-effect of giving us the jitters, like caffeine, and chocolate contains only minute amounts of caffeine - a mug of coffee has about 85mg compared with just 1mg in three squares of chocolate.

Chocolate is nutritious A 50g bar of plain chocolate contains 1.2mg of iron, and 45mg of magnesium. And milk chocolate is a reasonable source of calcium - a 50g bar contains 110mg. However, we'd need to eat about seven bars to get the recommended daily allowances of these minerals.

40 theWord

How a bad relationship can make you ill... damaging your immune system

Feeling anxious about close relationships could make you fall ill - by damaging your immune system. Not only does anxiety appear to raise levels of stress hormones in the body, it also makes it less effective at fighting off illness. Researchers tested the health effects of 'attachment anxiety' on 85 couples who had been married for an average of more than 12 years. People with attachment anxiety are defined as being excessively concerned about rejection. They also have a tendency to constantly seek reassurance that they are loved, and are more likely to interpret ambiguous events in a relationship as negative, the

researchers said. Couples completed questionnaires about their relationships and had samples of blood and saliva taken. This was so levels of a key stress-related hormone and numbers of certain immune cells could be tested. The participants also reported general anxiety symptoms and their sleep quality. Of particular interest were people considered to be at the high end of the attachment anxiety spectrum. The researchers found that people with high attachment anxiety produced, on average, 11 per cent more cortisol - a hormone associated with stress - than those who weren't so anxious. They also found that the more

anxious people were also less able to fight off infection, as they had up to 22 per cent T- cells than less anxiously attached partners. Stress is already known to negatively affect health, but this study aimed to look specifically at relationship anxiety. And while more women in the study suffered from higher levels of attachment anxiety, the researchers saw the same elevated levels of cortisol and lower T-cells in the men who were anxious. Everyone has these types of concerns now and again in their relationships, but a high level of attachment anxiety refers to people who have these worries fairly constantly in most of their relationships.

We are what we THINK!


In case some of us have a problem with that, let me tell you that there is more truth in that statement than anything else you are likely to hear. You may be bald, overweight, frankly unattractive, with all manner of physical problems, but that is only what you look like. It is not what you are, or who you are. Look at pop stars, football heroes, or anyone else who manages to attract the attention of the masses. Just think what they would look like walking down the street….would the majority of them look outstanding? I don’t think so, but because of their various talents they really believe that they are something special and so that is what they are, both in their own eyes and everyone else’s. If we wonder whether we have talents that would make us that special, the answer is, of course! We all have something to offer life, but we don’t always project our qualities in a way that others notice. Why not be

sincerely inquisitive and spend some few minutes each day just thinking about what is special about you. We all have gifts of personality and it is up to us to find out what they are….ask someone else to tell you what they are if you cannot come up with anything………be careful who you ask!!! In a recent discussion I was having with a young man, I was commenting on the fact that I believe that 90% of the people are around in life out of sheer necessity to keep things turning over, but that the extra 10% are the ones in life who make the difference. He asked me if I thought he was one of the 10%………….I told him he probably was, because he asked the question! So many people wouldn’t even be able to associate with the concept that they are different, or be one of the 10%, because that is not what they THINK about themselves. Don’t allow others to evaluate you…value yourself enough

to believe that you can make a mark somewhere in life and that you are different. Love yourself enough to have this positive thought pattern with you at all times and see what life then offers you. A wonderful book called “No Chance Encounter” says that there is a reason why we meet everyone in our lives, so we should take advantage of that and use every opportunity to find out what the reason is. Since reading that I have been amazed at what can happen in situations involving the people I have met recently and I do believe that we should take more notice of people who come into our lives and the way we handle them. Life offers us such a wonderful opportunity to take the best out of every situation, no matter how mundane….we don’t have to have exciting lives to value the way we handle every situation. Look at the most well known types of work in the service industry……I have noticed street cleaners, toilet cleaners, dustbin

men, waiters and waitresses, nurses etc. etc. who did their job with such an amazing attitude that they did make a difference and it was noticeable. I always compliment people like that

and I get great pleasure out of realising that they appreciate being valued. We can all make a difference, by the way we think about what and who we are!



Victory in villena for supermoto ace unable to pass the two riders in front without risking a crash, and finished a close third. But Mat knew that was enough for the overall victory and made sure that he didn’t make any mistakes that might cost him the win. Once the chequered flag dropped Mat was confirmed as the overall winner and took to the top step of the podium for the first time this year. Mat’s sponsors, Advance

Sunday 14th April saw Spain’s best Supermoto racers descend upon the Chicharra Kart racing circuit at Villena in Alicante for round two of the Spanish Supermoto championship. It was Britain’s Mat FordDunn from Bullas in Murcia who put on a superb display of riding in both of the SM Master 35 races to clinch the overall victory.

With a large crowd watching the days racing Mat qualified his Supermotoland SML 450 race bike on the front row of the grid for the first of his two races. With a good start and a strong pace Mat was in a comfortable 2nd position before a small crash in the dirt section allowed the 3rd placed rider to catch him. But once underway again, Mat

Moves International removals and Stratton Motorsports were delighted with the result and the many expat race fans that turned up to watch a great days racing. Mat is next in action at Oliva in Denia on the 5th May for the 2nd round of the Valencian championship. Further details, race reports and videos can be found at the team’s website

opened a gap and held it to the line to take 2nd position. The Supermotoland race team briefed Mat on the grid for the 2nd of his two races and he knew exactly who he had to beat to gain the overall win. Mat’s start was not so good this time and he was locked in a 4 rider battle for the lead throughout the whole race and despite many overtaking attempts he was

Forearmed is forewarned

The Future of Satellite Television

to register

go to

Worried about the impending switch-off and how you will be affected? Widely publicised, the new Astra Satellite that was recently launched and is fully functional will be replacing the older satellite narrowing the footprint and is believed that when this happens it will leave tens of thousands of ex-pats throughout Spain, without service. Register your name and contact details so that if and when you lose your signal, we can contact you automatically with details of the solution.

It doesn’t matter if you are a currently connected to a satellite service, a rebroadcasted service or, have no service at all. It costs nothing and by registering your name, you are not committed in any way to use our service, this action is simply so that; A. You are informed about what needs to happen in order to get your signal back. B. If you choose to use us to get you switched on, your place in the queue in secured.

Re-connection will be on a first come first served basis regardless of which package you select or where you live. The Astra satellite could be switched off at any time, act now to avoid unnecessary delays. To register, go to: www. complete the simple online form giving your surname, email address, contact number, town and province. It’s that simple. Let’s be ready for this one together.

42 theWord

Mediterranean diet cuts strokes and heart attacks Diet can reduce risk for people who smoke, have type 2 diabetes or exhibit other unhealthy characteristics Eating a Mediterranean diet rich in either extra-virgin olive oil or nuts cuts by 30% the chances of those at risk of heart attacks or strokes suffering either event

their calories come from fat), but most of the fat is not saturated. Because nuts are high in calories, they should not be eaten in large amounts — generally no more

best nutrition, avoid candied or honey-roasted and heavily salted nuts.


Grains in the Mediterranean region are typically whole grain and usually contain very few unhealthy trans fats, and bread is an important part of the diet there. However, throughout the Mediterranean region, bread is eaten plain or dipped in olive oil — not eaten with butter or margarines, which contain saturated or trans fats. The way to prepare a Mediterranean food meal is fairly easy, as everything about the diet plan is kept simple and nice. Spices are being used a lot in preparing the dishes, for instance, mint, oregano, thyme, basil, etc etc.. As we know spices are being used a lot in eastern culture too, and are reported to have a lot of benefits to how our body stays in an optimal condition.

or dying of a heart condition, research reveals. The findings offer hope to those in danger of a heart attack or stroke because they smoke, have type 2 diabetes or exhibit other unhealthy characteristics. The diet common in southern European countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy, which involves consuming a lot of fruit, vegetables, fish and wine, and only small amounts of red meat or dairy products, offers protection against heart problems. Nuts are high in fat (approximately 80 percent of

than a handful a day. For the

Basil is also a good source of vitamin A, which helps to prevent damage to the cells by free radicals. Vitamin A also prevents free radicals from


oxidizing cholesterol in the blood stream, preventing the cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels. Thyme’s essential oils have expectorant and bronchial antispasmodic properties, making it useful in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, sore throats, coughs, and inflammation of the upper

respiratory tract. laryngitis and asthma. Wild oregano is found to have a diverse mineral content including calcium, iron, and potassium. It is also high in Vitamin C. Many believe that an ingredient contained in oregano called carvacrol is the key ingredient that gives this herb its antifungal and antibacterial properties.



Top 10 fun ways to live longer A healthy lifestyle

1. Drink Red Wine

lower your blood pressure and cholesterol while providing an energy boost.

4. Have More Sex

activities that are fun

Sex and touching are thought to be essential parts of health. Sex releases an assortment of beneficial chemicals in the body. Sex and touching help us bond with others, strengthen relationships, and increase our own self-worth. Frequent sex may even extend your life by years.

and pleasurable are

5. Relax

doesn't have to mean

3. Smile

treadmills and salads every day. Many

also good for you. By understanding how these activities can and what to do to get

Red wine is packed with resveratrol, an antioxidant. These work to protect your body against the effects of aging. One or 2 glasses of red wine a day can help keep your body young.

the most benefits,

2. Eat Dark Chocolate

help you live longer

you'll be putting some fun into healthy living.

Puzzle Answers QUIZ ANSWERS 1. Abyssinia / Ethiopia 2. Kentucky

Dark chocolate is a wonderful food that contains a large amount of antioxidants that protect your body from aging. Find good quality dark chocolate, learn to appreciate it, and have a bit of it each day. Eating chocolate may

PARK Playground PART Portion

4. Commander

CARE Concern

6. The Chipmonks


7. Talking Heads

FARE Price

9. The Rochdale Cowboy

FARM Cultivate

8. Sleep

Sleep is an essential body function. Most people do not get enough sleep. Medications, stress, illness and poor sleep habits all can prevent you from getting between 7 and 9 hours a night. The health benefits of sleep include more energy, better immune function, and more.

9. Solve Puzzles and Play Brain Games

DARK Gloomy

CART Wagon

8. Roy Rogers

6. Make Exercise Play


3. Malaria 5. Roger Moore

Smiling is a great way to change your attitude, connect with people and give benefit to your body. Like relaxation, smiling can work to counteract the effects of stress. By forcing ourselves to smile, we "trick" our body into believing that everything is good, thereby reducing stress. Like a switch, smiling can actually change your mood. So put a smile on, even if you don't feel like it, and pretty soon you'll be smiling for real.

Relaxation is the opposite of stress. While stress brings harmful health effects, relaxation helps our bodies to rest, heal and function better. By practicing daily relaxation techniques, you can train yourself to turn off your stress and replace it with calm energy. This will improve your blood pressure, heart rate and ability to cope with life's challenges.

relationships with friends and family to improve your health and your life.

Physical games and sports are a great way to keep both your body and mind healthy. Simple exercise routines are great for maintaining balance, flexibility, endurance and strength. Group games and sports can give your mind a workout as well, as you anticipate other people's actions and how to work together. Find a game and activity that suits your level of physical ability and play often.

Mind games are a great way to stay involved and engaged in the world. Games can exercise different parts of your mind and entice your curiosity. If possible, choose social games like chess or bridge that exercise your brain while keeping you connected with others.

10. Be Positive

10. Polygraph 11. 2nd hand furniture dealer 12. 5 Years Quiz compiled by Rob – Live quiz at The Club in Ciudad Quesada on Thursdays at 8.30 pm

7. Spend Time with Loved Ones

Relationships are an important part of health. Not only do strong bonds with other people mean you will have help when you need it, being connected also means protection from loneliness, depression, and mental illness. Spend time cultivating your

Having a positive attitude about aging can add more than seven years to your life, according to researchers. Avoid the cultural push to glorify youth and regret each passing year. Find ways to pleasure in your increasing age and enjoy greater learning, experience, and control in your life.

44 theWord Warm Chicken & Bean Salad with Wholegrain Mustard Dressing Serves 4, Prepare 10 mins, Cook 10 mins Ingredients: 400g Chicken Breast Chunks 2 sprigs rosemary, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 tbsp olive oil 280g Green Beans, trimmed 400g can Butter Beans, drained and rinsed 2 tbsp Wholegrain Mustard 1 tbsp clear honey 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 1 red onion, very thinly sliced Sliced baguette, to serve

Prawn & Pineapple Stir-fry Serves 4, Prepare 15 mins, cook 10 mins Ingredients: 235g pack essential Waitrose Raw King Prawns, thawed 2 tsp sunflower oil 3cm piece fresh root ginger, shredded 1 red chilli, deseeded and chopped 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp brown sugar Juice of ½ –1 lemon ½ pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into chunks 235g pack Waitrose Green Pak Choi, thickly sliced 2 salad onions, thinly sliced Rice or noodles, cooked, to serve

1 Toss together the chicken, rosemary, garlic and ½ tbsp of the olive oil. Heat a large non-stick frying pan and cook the chicken for 10 minutes until tender and golden brown. 2 Meanwhile, cook the green beans in a large pan of boiling water for 2 minutes, then add the butter beans and cook for a further 2 minutes until the green beans are tender and the butter beans are heated through. Drain well. 3 Whisk together the remaining 1½ tbsp oil, the mustard, honey and vinegar. 4 In a large serving bowl, mix together the warm chicken and beans, mustard dressing and red onions. Serve warm

1 Rinse the prawns and pat dry with kitchen paper. Place in a bowl with 1 tsp of the oil, the ginger and chilli and toss well together. 2 In a small bowl, mix together the soy sauce and sugar then add the lemon juice a little at a time, tasting for your preferred level of sourness. Set aside. 3 Heat a large non-stick wok and, when hot, stir-fry the prawns for 2–4 minutes until pink and cooked through. Tip into a bowl and return the wok to the heat. 4 Add the remaining oil to the wok and cook the pineapple for 2 minutes, then add the pak choi and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes until the leaves wilt and the pineapple is piping hot. 5 Stir the sauce, prawns and salad onions into the wok and cook for a moment or two until well mixed. Serve swiftly, with rice or noodles



Serves 6, prepare 15 mins, Cook 45 mins Ingredients: 175g golden caster sugar Finely grated zest and juice of 2 large lemons 50g Butter, softened, plus extra for greasing 3 medium Free Range Eggs, separated 1 tsp Vanilla Extract 50g plain flour 250ml whole milk Icing sugar, for dusting Cream or ice cream, to serve

Vanilla & Lemon Pudding

1 Heat the oven to 180ºC, gas mark 4. Place the sugar, lemon zest and juice, butter, egg yolks, vanilla extract and flour in a large bowl. Using an electric hand whisk, beat the mixture until smooth. Whisk in the milk. 2 In a separate bowl, using clean beaters, whisk the egg whites until firm. Fold the egg whites into the batter mixture then pour into a buttered ovenproof dish. 3 Sit the dish in a roasting tin and pour in boiling water so it comes halfway up the sides of the dish. Bake for 40–45 minutes until the sponge top is dark and just set and a lemon custard has formed beneath. Dust lightly with icing sugar and serve warm with cream or ice cream.

Crunchy Chicken with Griddled Courgette & Feta Salad Serves 4, Prepare 20 mins, Cook 20 mins Ingredients: 2 tbsp plain flour 1 egg, beaten 100g Tuc Original Biscuits, crushed to fine crumbs 4 Chicken Breast Fillets 2 tbsp olive oil Small knob eButter For the courgette & feta salad: 3 medium courgettes, finely sliced lengthways on a vegetable peeler 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Grated zest and juice of ½ lemon Small handful mint or basil, finely chopped 75g feta, crumbled 1 Place the flour, beaten egg and Tuc biscuits in three separate shallow bowls. Roll the chicken breasts in the flour, shake off the excess and then dip in the egg and finally in the biscuit crumbs. 2 Heat the olive oil and butter in a large frying pan over a gentle heat, add the chicken and cook for 6–7 minutes. Turn over and cook for another 6–7 minutes on the other side or until golden brown on both sides and cooked through. Remove from the heat and set aside. 3 Meanwhile, preheat a griddle pan until hot. Brush the courgette slices with a little oil, season and then griddle in batches until tender and bar marked. Repeat until all the slices have been griddled. 4 Transfer the courgettes to a serving bowl. Squeeze over a little lemon juice and a grating of lemon zest, then scatter with the herbs and crumbled feta and serve with the hot crunchy chicken


46 theWord MAY Famous TAUREANS


5 May (24

George Clooney 6 May (51)

Pete Townshend 19 May (67)

horoscopes Aries



21st March - 19th April

23rd July - 22nd August Keep a tight hold on valuables or something you love could be lost. This is especially true if you’re traveling this month. Try to make the best of a bad situation. Negative thinking makes matters worse. Staying focused helps you keep pace with a busy workload.

22nd November - 21st December A career opportunity could come your way when you least expect it. Before discounting it at face value, take a deeper look. There may be more than meets the eye. If a major purchase is in the works, be sure to shop around. Don’t write out any check unless you’re getting a good deal.




20th April - 20th May Absence makes the heart grow fonder, especially if you’re involved with Scorpio. A decision you made several months ago has an effect on you this month. A problem that arises will be a blessing in disguise. Expect delays. Leo causes you frustration this month.

23rd August - 22nd September Speaking up is the only way to make others aware of your frustrations. Keeping it all bottled in won’t help one bit. A flirtation at work could be a recipe for disaster. Know what you’re getting into before flashing that smile. Leo is involved. A good time to get in touch with old friends.

22nd December - 19th January Look back to the past to help fix a problem today. You’ll find that time has a way of repeating itself. Scorpio offers some words of wisdom. New romance should be avoided this month – especially if a Virgo is in the picture. An introspective mood leads you to answers.




21st May - 20th June A Taurus from your past resurfaces. You’ll find the bull a little deeper than you remember. A mid-month break from your busy schedule brightens your mood. Don’t be afraid to give in to relaxation. It’s really not so bad! Scorpio plays a role. Decisive action is key this month.

24th September - 22nd October Before searching far for something you need, take a look right in front of you. It may not seem so obvious at first, but it will be crystal clear in time. A show of independence will work wonders in a romance – especially with Scorpio. An unusual source tells you of an investment opportunity. Good news comes in threes.

20th January - 19th February A friend’s offer of help may not be totally selfless. There could be some motives you’re not totally aware of. If you’re looking for a new job, this could be a lucky time. Be sure to explore all options. Social invitations are more abundant now. Don’t be afraid to have some fun.




21st June - 22nd July A great month! Something you worked hard for and wanted for some time is finally yours. Don’t be afraid to celebrate in a big way. More free time is on the way, so don’t be afraid to take advantage. An especially romantic weekend is in store. Taurus plays a role. Finances look good.

23rd October - 21st November Time spent alone gives you the opportunity to think through problems. You’ll be able to come to terms with a situation that has been troubling you for some time. If you’re in a management position, you may find that it’s lonely at the top. Change is imminent in a romance.

19th February - 20th March Finances will become an issue – especially if you have moved or taken on additional expenses recently. Careful budgeting will get you through. A “to-do” list helps keep you organized at work. Social activities may have to take a back seat to family obligations this month.

A“Catch 22”situation arises and causes you frustration early in the month. Creative thinking could turn things around, however. Don’t be afraid to try the unusual. A Libra friend shows you the positive side. Cynicism slows you down. Financial problems may arise later in the month.

Thinking of Selling Your Property? New law from 1st June makes it obligatory to have an Energy Performance Certificate before marketing begins

Don't fall foul of the law and don't leave yourself open to penalties For facts visit or call: 902 027 517 today


Eva’s gardening corner

The Spanish Patio

Indulge in your interest in gardening whilst creating a pleasant environment We can thank the Roman occupation of Spain for the indoor garden. Most houses were build around a courtyard or central patio in fact, they

became known as “patio houses”. The courtyard which was in most cases open to the sunlight and elements offered excellent growing conditions. Modern day apartments in Spain re-create these growing advantages with at least two

sides or a terrace and a roof, sheltering plants from the wind and rain. Other European countries favour balconies which are not constructed in the same way. Patios and terraces give the feeling of being both indoors and outdoors at the same time and if you plan your space well, you can create a wonderful area which can be enjoyed all year round. There is an incredible array of ceramic, glazed, wood, iron and plastic pots available which can vary in price from extremely cheap to ridiculously expensive. They can be used to stand on the floor, hang from the wall or from above so you can create hanging baskets. The benefit of growing in pots is being able to offer protection to plants which may not otherwise withstand extreme

Tariff 3

Call cost 3 cts/min SMS cost 8 cts Minimum consumption €9.90/month International calls to land line from 4 cts/min

Tariff 5

Call cost 5 cts/min & SMS cost 8 cts 1 monthly recharge required but without minimum International calls to land line from 4 cts/min Call setup 15 cts

3 cts/min 5 cts/min

Tariff Plan 200 14.90 €/month + IVA

200 minutes at any time to any operator No call setup charge No limit on call length SMS at 8 cts. Simply the cheapest on the market Once your limit has been reached, calls will be charged at 3 cts/min

temperatures, either hot or cold. Being transportable, they can be moved into positions which suit them better as the seasons change. Also, soil conditions do not suit every plant and whereas one type will do very well, another may show little or no signs of growth. In some high mineral areas, the soil has even been known to kill some plants, even hardy palms. If you can position pots near to running water, feeding becomes easier and the addition of a water feature can make the environment a much more pleasant one. The sound of running water and the scent of some of Spain’s plants make for a very relaxing atmosphere. And of course, if you move house, your garden can always come too.


From 1st June 2013 it becomes THE LAW to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) before you begin marketing your property for sale or rental. • Without one you may be subject to financial penalties. • Without one, when you go to the Notary office your sale will not complete. • Without one you are obligated to remove your property from the market.

For full details about this new EU wide law visit: or call: 902 027 517

902 027 517

Penalties to be applied will be decided by each autonomous community in Spain and are likely to vary considerably

Your Estate Agent is obligated to stop marketing your property if a certificate has not been obtained by 1st June

Delaying booking your survey is likely to cause a very long wait as more and more people book closer to 1st June

Spain is likely to be penalised by the EU for not implementing the new law from 1st January 2013

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