theWord December 2012

Page 1


Risk Free TV & Radio 150 Channels just €15 per month! See back page



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Just how much can you save? We provide you with a few ways to reduce your annual outgoings...

Can someone please explain to Iberdrola, the meaning of a FREE MARKET?

per month

See article Pg 5


Savings of

around 25% See pg 23


Worried about the impending switchoff and how you will be affected? Register online to reconnect on pg 23


Having been a monopoly for so long, the electricity market is a popular route for consumers wishing to get more from their household budget. Unfortunately, Iberdrola have taken a rather different view of switching providers. Having lost the battle to block the exodus to other providers, we believe they are doing their utmost to scare and intimidate those

who have had the bare faced cheek to leave them, into going back to them. Employ ing creative tactics, Iberdrola (or iberrobber as some people call them) have resorted to sending ex-customers letters suggesting there is a debt linked to their account which, if not addressed, could result in loss of electricity supply. Thousands of people have been affected by this

situation which has been going on for far too long and we believe it is our responsibility to address the matter and put people’s minds at rest. Let’s imagine that you receive a bill today, it could be for anything. Normally, it is posted ten days prior to the money being taken from your bank account. During those ten days, the money is not due – but it is nevertheless,

owed. Therefore, technically, you have an unpaid debt for those ten days. It seems that Iberdrola are taking advantage of this convenient window by sending letters to consumers stating there is a debt for which the new supplier is responsible and, if it remains unpaid, the supply will be cut. There is an element of continued on page 3

BACK CHARGES FOR ELECTRICITY All consumers in Spain are due an additional bill, compliments of the government. At this time, you may not be

aware that the government’s decision to freeze electricity prices last October was overturned on 23rd March 2012 by the Supreme Court of

Spain and their actions were deemed, unlawful. As a result of the Court Decrees made in March all electricity companies

are obligated to revise the bills issued for electricity consumed between 1st October 2011 and 31st March continued on page 2



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got a story?

The Word Avda 13 Octubre 87, Los Alcazares, Murcia. Deposito Legal MU 903-2012 Newsdesk

Publishers’ Statement All rights reserved. No paragraph or other parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying and recording without written permission of the publishers. Whilst every reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no liability in respect of any loss or damage occasioned directly or indirectly as a result of publication of any advertisment, advertorial or article or any loss or damage occasioned directly or indirectly by any total or partial failure, however caused, of publication of any advertisement, advertorial or article scheduled to appear. The publishers take no responsibility whatsoever on behalf of advertisers and individuals with regard to any claims made by opinions expressed or information given in advertisements, advertorials, editorials or articles contained within this publications. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors as a result of poor quality artwork, logos or images supplied by the advertiser. Advertisements designed by the publishers remain the property of the publisher.


Dear Readers I hope you are enjoying theWord and consider it to be a welcomed addition to the existing English language newspapers already available to you. It is our aim to provide a “Good News” newspaper. Of course, we need to bring you information about the issues that affect you on a day to day basis but, unlike most other newspapers, we want to avoid the negativity and pessimism associated with articles which dwell on things that most of us would prefer not to think about. Naturally we will need to touch on these items from time to time but it is our belief that delivered in the right way, without sensationalism, many of these items can be seen in a “glass is half full” perspective. Every page is printed in full

colour, the paper is stapled so it can easily be passed from person to person and as we grow we will print more and more copies so that eventually, everyone in our catchment area can have their own copy. As we stated in the first edition, we will not be making claims of greatness which means we will not be telling you how wonderful we are in comparison to the other newspapers. Everyone has their favourite and we are simply hoping than many of you will see us, in time, as yours. We have great plans for theWord. We intend to introduce a fantastic reader opportunity which I am sure will be eagerly received. Unfortunately, I can say no more than this at the moment for fear of plagiarism but, as we say in the business – watch this

space. Now, to our advertisers: We are not here just to take your order for advertising. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience which we will share with anyone wishing to get more out of their advertising budget. Our rates are almost sure to be less than you currently pay, we will publish more copies per capita than the newspaper you currently use to promote your service or product and, we are prepared to put our money where our mouth is and include a “try before you buy” offer. Reader or advertiser, we welcome your comments. See you next time,


Electricity back charges, continued from page 1

2012, a six month period. How did this happen? With the general election last December, the (previous) government thought it would be a popular decision and likely to get them votes if they froze electricity prices. It was stated in “El Economista” that their decision would mean they would have to reverse their decision if they won the elections or, would present the new government with an unwelcomed announcement shortly after gaining power. The latter turned out to be the case and although it has not been widely publicised in English publications, was the reason behind demonstrations in Madrid earlier in the year. Almost immediately the

government made their “good news” announcement, the electricity industry commenced legal proceedings and as we know, won the case in March. As a result of this, the elec tr icit y company supplying you during the first part of this year, have no choice but to re-invoice you, and charge you the difference between the access tariffs published then, and now. The access tariff is not the whole of the kilowatt price shown on your electricity bill, it is the part of the kilowatt price that is regulated and fixed by the government. This additional charge applies to all consumers of electricity, irrespective of their current supplier. Electricity companies are

obligated by law to make this charge, it does not represent profit for them and will be passed directly to the grid company responsible for generating and distributing electricity which in the majority of cases will be Iberdrola. The court ruled that the back charges should be split between the remaining bills of 2012 but as we are already at the end of the year, it means one single charge will or maybe already has been, applied to your bank account. It seems that the charge, which will depend on your usage during that six month period, is on average, anything between €20 and €50. Commercial and high consumers will obviously pay much more.

NEWS BITES Doorstep Challenge Reports are coming in from all over Alicante and Murcia of bogus callers claiming to be from the electricity and water companies. It seems they are trying to solicit anything from new contracts with suppliers to “important and necessary work” to be carried out urgently for cash payment. Our advice remains, do not conduct business at the doorstep, there will often be no recourse.

Sobriety Rules As we move closer towards the festive season, drink-driving tests will be stepped up. Each year the Guardia Civil draft in unmarked cars specifically targeting drink drivers and catching as many in the morning, as in the evening. Don’t be a statistic.

Environ-mental People who have opted for Green Energy (Energia Verde) are paying up to 20% more for their electricity even though they are using exactly the same supply as the neighbours. Paying more is supposed to make you use less which in turn, is good for the environment, Most people on this tariff are unaware of it and consumers are being urged to check their bills to then make an informed decision.



British resolve, continued from page 1

fact to their letter but it is quite unnecessary not to mention unreasonable, in our opinion. Now for the really clever part of their cunning plan: the letter is posted a month after the actual event which means the “issue” has already been dealt with and has become a non-issue. Example: Mr Smith in Los Alcazares received a letter from Iberdrola on 17th October, stating that on 17th September they sent the supplier a reminder for a payment of an invoice dated 24th August. It went on to say, if the situation continued, they would proceed to suspend the supply from 20th November. If their bill was on 24th August, it means it covers a period from about 14th June to 14th August – 60 days as standard. Are we really to believe that Iberdrola would cut someone off sometime towards the end of November for electricity they consumed in June, some six months later? Have they gone completely soft? The secret lies in the letter itself. To cover themselves, there is a single line of small print at the very bottom of the page, hardly noticeable. It reads: This notification may be disregarded if the invoice has already been paid before it is received (actual replication). Quite simply, Iberdrola themselves are saying the letter should be ignored because the “debt” they refer to was paid long before the letter was even sent out, and they know it, even if they would never admit it. Not content with this, for extra dramatic effect the letter is sent by registered post. The recipient has to sign a form and show a copy of their passport. Of course, as they are sending out wads of letters to the many thousands of people that have left them, there are queues of disgruntled people at the post office - mutterings of condemnation can be heard throughout the Costa’s. Many of the people which whom, we have spoken have questioned why any company

should be allowed to get away with such unreasonable behaviour. Last year they and the other four electricity producing companies were fined a combined €61 million for applying delay tactics to customers who chose to leave them for greener pastures. This meagre sum of money paled into insignificance compared to the additional revenue the grid companies were able to bill to tens, or even hundreds of thousands of accounts. The punishment did not fit the crime, but why? Conspiracy theorists would say it is because of the tax revenue they bring in. Does the government really want a free market so competition forces prices down, meaning less electricity tax, less IVA? They appear to encourage free market competition but hang on, what’s this I hear about making joining the free market compulsory and applying penalties for those who don’t switch? The old “in one hand out of the other” ploy, now it all begins to make sense. Up until recently, placing obstacles in the path of the free market providers and rejecting the applications for no apparent reason saw the switch process take months and in a few isolated cases, almost two years. Thankfully, it now only takes a month or two. It was reminiscent of some of the stunts employed by Telefonica when the telephone market was deregulated. That said, hats off to Iberdrola, they are much more inventive and determined than Telefonica could ever claim to be. EU regulations state that a supplier should release a customer to another provider in no more than 45 days which, Iberdrola have now conceded to. On average, six weeks will see a switch completed so long as the paperwork is correctly presented. We spoke with Iberswitch, Spain’s leading USC (Utility Switching Company) to get a different perspective on the situation. Handling the accounts of thousands of consumers they were not very

complimentary of the bully boy approach. A spokesperson said, “It doesn’t seem to bother them that many of the recipients of these letters are pensioners on a fixed income or people who switched simply to be able to deal with a company in their own language.” They went on to say, “Most people we speak with seem happy to take our advice and ignore the threats that are doled out month after month but there are those who, under the threat of being cut off, have gone straight to the bank with cash in hand which they paid into Iberdrola’s bank account. They are unlikely to get that money back and if they do, it will take a long time”. As a move to stop the letters which have been circulating since November 2011, Iberswitch moved thousands of people to alternative providers. As an additional precaution, negotiations have brokered an agreement with the suppliers providing services for their customers that all payments due to Iberdrola will be voluntarily paid earlier than the due date to eradicate the possibility of a repeat performance. The spokesperson said, “Naturally we would like to do more, we would like to take legal action but it would be costly, lengthy and fruitless. It would be better to simply ride it out and wait for the inevitable acceptance of the facts; we will not give up, will not go away and will not allow our customers to be bullied.” People who have been receiving these letters for months, and have ignored them, have heard no more, until the next letter that is. We have not spoken with anyone who has been cut off or, who even know someone that has been. It seems that the sending of letters by registered post is a vain attempt at adding an undertone of seriousness to this whole futile exercise. Maybe Iberdrola should Google the definition of “British resolve”, it may save them a lot of money in postage.




ADVERTISING Apply within In each edition of The Word we are offering three adverts completey free of charge. The first three names pulled out of the hat, regardless of the size of their ad, will be able to promote their services and products without charge – even if you already have an ad with us! Why are we doing this? It’s simple: We believe it is time that newspapers who claim to be the biggest, the best or insist their publication will bring the most calls, put their money where their mouth is. As the crisis worsens, as business running costs increase but incomes decrease, it is time that we offer whatever help we can to assist the businesses in our area to continue in business. To enter the draw simply go to the website: www. and click on the free advert icon. Fill in your details and if you are successful, we will let you know. The Editor

We are looking for writers/contributors If you feel you would have something to contribute and would like to see your by line in The Word. Please get in touch with us at: Sorry there is no remuneration at present.




To be avoided at all costs...


One of the NHS posters to promote antibiotics awareness

...but if you cannot avoid them and one day a penalty drops through your letter box, make sure you pay it

straight away. By doing so, you get a 50% reduction on the fine, well worth it. Of course, it is much better

not to get one in the first place but then again, we can’t all be perfect can we?

LOOKING FOR A WORTHY CAUSE Can you help? At theWord we are looking for a charity or organisation that we can support in any way either through raising awareness, organising or promoting fund raising events or making contributions.

We would like your help in finding a worthy and needy cause in our coverage area and welcome any suggestion you may have although the staff at theWord are leaning towards anything to do with children.

Do you know of any children’s homes, orphanages or clubs for underprivileged kids? Please email with any suggestions and as much information as possible to

Routine ailments are likely to prove dangerous as resistance to antibiotics grows. Antibiotics are losing their effectiveness at a rate that is alarming and irreversible – similar to global warming... Bacteria are adapting and finding ways to survive the effects of antibiotics, ultimately becoming resistant so eventually, they will no longer work. The warnings follow a similar report earlier this year by the head of the World Health Organization, who warned of a “global crisis in antibiotics”. Most common illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats and stomach upsets, get better by themselves and without the need for antibiotics. Antibiotics (and other antimicrobials such as antivirals and antifungals) certainly have an important and often lifesaving role in healthcare but prescribing them unnecessarily contributes to the issue of bacteria developing resistance to the antibiotics to which they once would have been susceptible. This creates a need for developing stronger antibiotics in the future, but

whether this can be achieved or not, is not certain at this time.

How antibiotic resistance develops

Antibiotic (or antimicrobial) resistance develops when bacteria (or other organisms) are regularly exposed to the same antimicrobial drug time after time. Some organisms will eventually mutate and develop resistance to this drug. In populations of bacteria exposed to antibiotics, the resistant bacteria survive and replicate in preference to the susceptible bacteria. This means that the favourable ‘resistance trait’ will be passed on to future generations of bacteria. This is a form of evolutionary selection – Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ at work. Using antibiotics to treat common, mild illnesses unnecessarily speeds up the problem of antibiotic resistance. This is because the bacteria are being more regularly exposed to these antibiotics than they would be if they were reserved only for the cases when they were really needed.



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“Internet and telephone with my previous supplier was €41 a month. I am saving over €250 a year and getting exactly the same service. I wish I could find other things that would give me the same kind of savings. ” Mr L Jackson – El Algar

“ I was paying €16.97 for my Telefonica landline alone. For an extra €2.00 a month I now have broadband. I’m a happy lady! ” Mrs T Watson – Orihuela Costa

Reader Offer


Particularly during the party season, this innovative gadget is very useful for indicating your “morning after” alcohol level and could prove to be a wise investment to help ensure the safety of you and those around you. Alcohol absorption is affected by many factors (such as weight, muscle mass and recently consumed food or beverages) meaning it’s impossible to accurately gauge intoxication levels without a measurement tool like a Breathalyser. People are often surprised when they measure their alcohol levels, particularly on different occasions after the same amount of alcohol is consumed. Of course, we do not condone drinking and driving and if you are thinking of drinking, you should not drive at all. There is no safe alcohol limit. Similar models are currently available in the UK from leading suppliers (such as Amazon)for anything from £49 and upwards, we are offering this fun and handy alcohol tester which can be used again and again, for just €24.95 plus p&p. To order your Digital Breathalyser to be delivered in time for Christmas call: 902 026 105

reader offer




The Facts Explained Since 2009, as a legal requirement, all new properties are built with solar water tanks on the roof in order to provide hot water. Looking at the statistics I can see that the government are, contrary to popular belief, doing their bit towards the environment. It may surprise you to know that two people through the heating of hot water alone, using electricity, produce half a ton of carbon each year. That’s five tons of carbon over a ten year period – shocking. For the same couple, it is estimated that they spend around €30 each month to heat water. This is based on them having a relatively new electric emersion heater. If it is several years old, and they live in a hard water area, as most of us do, the tank is likely to have a build up of calcium which can add 40 to 60% to the water heating costs.

Many of us moved to Spain because of the weather. We should all be harnessing the sun´s energy, unlike electricity the cost of the sun does not go up every year. In fact, we have sun whether we want it or not so we really ought to be putting it to good use. There are, as with all things in life, different standards of solar water heaters and there are also certain things to look for in order to avoid unnecessary problems. Try to avoid going for a tank that is too large for your needs as re-heating will obviously take longer. Enamelled tanks reduce the chance of leaks to virtually nil and it also tells you the tank is of a high standard. The only thing worse than paying a big bill, is paying a big bill for sub standard goods. If your new water tank is lined then

calcium also becomes a non-issue, something we suffer from a lot here. Of course, it does come down to affordability so let’s take a look at that: The right system should save a household with just two people in it around €360 per year so it is quite easy to see how it would not take too long to pay for itself. Of course, if you move house, you can always take it with you. We are all looking for ways to save money and the investment will benefit you far more on your roof than in a bank of building society. That and of course what you would be doing for the environment in my opinion equals a real result. The system I would recommend is €1,895 fitted but there are several good ones on the market. Just be sure you can rely on the company you choose to back up their guarantee.

Residencial Alhambras

Mosa Trajectum A 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, ground floor luxury apartment. Overlooking one of the communal pools, the total build area of this property is 77.59M2. In addition there is a porch of 20.1M2, accessible via French windows from the lounge. This property is brought to the market furnished to a high standard and includes golf rights. Spacious Lounge. 2 x patio doors to rear terrace. Double storage cupboards. TV & telephone points. Open plan to kitchen. Kitchen Fully fitted eye & base level units. Electric oven & ceramic hob. Extractor fan. Fridge/freezer. Integral dishwasher & microwave. Breakfast bar. Door to utility room containing washing machine, scrub sink & gas boiler. Natural gas. Bedroom 1 Fitted double wardrobe. TV point. En-suite with corner Jacuzzi bath with shower over. Basin with built in cupboard under. Mirror. W.C. Bidet. Bedroom 2 Fitted double wardrobe. TV point. Bathroom Corner shower cubicle. Basin. Mirror. W.C. Bidet. In addition there is ducted air conditioning throughout the property, electric persianas on all windows, alarm system & video entry phone. An underground parking space and a trastero are included. There is a large rear patio which is fully tiled and includes a porch area. South east facing this is a high quality property with luxury fittings throughout.

Reduced to €150,000. Call: 664 050 979

FAMILY & FRIENDS Help family and friends to save money when calling you in Spain

We give you a UK number that connects directly to your Spanish landline number. When your friends and family call you from the UK using your 0844 number they will only pay 3p per minute which

is about the same as a UK local call. There are NO International prefixes and NO hidden costs! To get your FREE Friends & Family number call: 968 583 511 today.




Winter driving conditions call for better driving Luckily, in this part of Spain we are normally spared the snow and ice that other regions experience during the winter months. However, that doesn’t mean to say we can drive our cars in the same way we do the rest of the year. One day it can be warm, the next very cold, it can rain heavily and then the sun comes out to dry everything within a few hours. All these things have an effect on the road surface condition and can ultimately have a bearing on the safety of the driver, passengers and other road users.

One of the most important factors regardless of the weather or road conditions is our tyres. I would hope that most of us would change our tyres if they ran low on tread, let’s take that as a given. Tyre pressure is extremely important especially when driving in wet or slippery conditions. Did you know that for every five degrees drop in temperature, the pressure drops about 1psi? A regular check of tyre pressure during winter is very advisable. Most people only have the wheels

aligned when they get new tyres fitted, there are many reasons why additional alignment checks could be beneficial. Remember that the sun is much lower in winter too, the need for sun glasses is greater during this season especially if the roads are wet or if there has been a night mist, the reflection off the road surface can be a real issue. Stopping distances should be extended to allow for slippery conditions. The road may not appear greasy but often, after rainfall particularly, heavy or even normal braking

can result in skidding and we all know what that can lead to.... higher insurance premiums. Another tip for winter is to regularly check that your windscreen washer bottle is kept topped up. It is a good idea to carry an extra bottle of water in the boot in case you run dry midjourney. The biggest problem is often other drivers not taking heed to these pearls of wisdom or simply not demonstrating common sense, no advice to offer on that one I am afraid.





I LOVE McDONALD’S A fast food chain which is full of goodness If you would like to visit the website go to: In 2001 I visited my brother in Australia because his son was seriously ill and had to undergo a very long and arduous course of treatment which meant prolonged stays in hospital. I was amazed to find that within the hospital grounds was a custom built, hexagonal shaped building consisting of about 10 family bedrooms, kitchen, dining and lounge areas. It was built specifically for parents so they could stay close to their children whilst they were receiving treatment. The patients could also stay there, with their parents and family if the treatment they were receiving permitted it. It was a fantastic set-up and as if by magic, the giant fridges were re-stocked through the night,

the floors cleaned, beds made and bathrooms scrubbed. The name of the building was Ronald McDonald House and I was thrilled to learn that the burger chain had built, fitted it and funded the running of it. It was run by people under the employ of McDonalds but mostly by a team of dedicated volunteers. It was December when I was there, summer time. The volunteers had organised barbeques, Christmas Carols from visiting choirs and even the Sydney branch of the Harley Davidson crew turned up on their bikes to give the kids a spin round the block. During my stay I witnessed massive emotional, physical and financial contributions

One Bed Apartment – Los Alcazares

from the volunteers and staff. Those involved are certainly answering a calling and it made me wish I too could do something as worthy. When I returned to the UK, I went onto the internet and Googled the centre. I was shocked when I learned that where I stayed was only one of 14 houses across Australia and many worldwide. There are 15 such centres in the UK alone! Incredibly, in the UK alone, McDonalds provide 450 family rooms for each and every night of the year which is an unbelievable 164,250 nights of accommodation. In addition to the centres, they provide accommodation in the form of family rooms actually within the hospitals

themselves. There are 25 of these rooms across the UK where families of children receiving treatment can stay free of charge, for as long as they need. Those of us who give the fast food chain a hard time fo r selling food that is not good for you (not if you eat too much of it too often anyway), spare a thought to the many millions of pounds, euros, dollars and

Commerical Unit

other currencies they donate to make to support the families of children suffering from serious illness.

Beach Side Plot suitable for Water Sport Activities

Playa Honda Plot: 2,600 m2 Situated at Playa Honda. Previously used for a sailing school. The plot is located in Playa Honda and suitable for water activities with direct access to the beach. The ground is level and has a perimeter fence. Facilities for water, electricity, sanitation, etc are available.

100 metres from the beach

Call for more information

Situated in the centre of the town just 100 metres from the beach.

Situated next to the AP7 between Los Alcazares and San Javier this corner unit has two access points and all modern facilities.

Hot and cold air conditioning, fully equipped and with lift. Available for short or long term rental.

Divided into two parts: 300m2 and 280m2.

Legal use (licensed) is for nautical sports and other activities linked to this activity. The plot is licensed to install a building for business use, entertainment and recreation. Licence includes installation of accommodation for guests and for people who manage the company’s business. Excellent rental terms available and may consider sale for the right offer.

Please call for more information: 968 58 22 77 or email Paqui:

10 theWord reader offer


Fuel Saving Device If saving money on petrol or diesel is of interest – read on! The VIABTOR fuel saving device simply plugs into the 12V cigarette lighter in your car and reduces consumption and emissions and is available to our readers with a 10% discount - saving you even more! Over the past few years an

driving it is no problem for the power supply to continuously generate a voltage within this interval. Unfortunately steady driving is not actually possible. In normal traffic the driver often has to brake and accelerate over and over again. During the acceleration the voltage from the car’s power supply

increasing demand for in-car electronics to operate equipment such as satellite navigation, DVD, TV etc. has emerged. Electricity is furthermore needed for other electronic components such as the engine’s computer (ECU), the climate control system, the head/ rear lights etc. As most cars have a power supply providing between 12 to 14.5 Volts and with all the cars electrical components running at the same time electricity can actually run short for brief periods of time. Even though this occurs for only a fraction of a second it is still enough to disturb the combustion process of the engine. This will cause an increase in CO2 emission. A car engine’s combustion is controlled by a micro computer called an ECU (Engine Control Unit). The ECU continuously calculates the optimum air/fuel ratio in order to achieve the most efficient combustion process at all times and thereby reduces the CO2 emission. The ECU needs between 13.5V and 14V continuously in order to calculate the air/fuel ratio. At steady

will reach levels below 13.5V for a fraction of a second resulting in the ECU briefly stopping calculations for the optimum air/fuel ratio. There will be thousands of these small calculation breaks on every normal drive. The core of the VIABTOR’s technology is based on voltage compensation principals. A bespoke electrical circuit has been developed to stabilize the voltage from the car’s power supply thus eliminating the brief outages of the ECU. A stable and consistent electrical flow secures optimum performance. The effect of the VIABTOR is that the car’s combustion process is stabilized and optimized thus reducing the CO2 emission of the car. The VIABTOR works independently of the car’s ECU, thereby leaving the car’s original system untouched. The VIABTOR normally retails at €49.90 but you can order your discounted unit by calling: 968 583 511 You can also visit the website:

Citroen Picasso 1.6 Diesel €5,250 ono

One owner from new, full Citroen service history, 179,000 km. Registered January 2007, No accidents, no insurance claims, new CAM belt. Tel: 664 050 979

Renault Megane 1.4 Diesel €5,000 ovno

Full Renault service history. One carefull lady owner. First to see will buy Tel: 680 556 133




Not just your car!

We have created a 50 point safety check for domestic installations.

Why is it that we give our car an MOT every couple of years but there is no official requirement or procedure for checking our properties for issues which left unattended, can cost us a small fortune at a later date? Over the last couple of years, we have installed literally hundreds of ICP units for people in the Alicante and Murcia regions. We have been shocked at the high number of illegal and dangerously wired installations where people have “upgraded” their supply using qualified and respected electricians who have taken it upon themselves to fit larger main fuses, than the contracted supply.

On the face of it, it sounds like a good dodge, a way to beat the system. Unfortunately, if there is a fire and the house owner needs to make an insurance claim, the policy becomes void when the inspector sees what is in the fuse box. One gentleman whose house was about 20 years old and had never needed any electrical work, innocently applied to Iberdrola for the dual tariff meter (white meter). As his electricity supply had never officially been inspected, upgraded or changed since the original install, before Iberdrola agreed to fit the digital meter, they requested a “boletin”. A boletin is a stamped

certificate from an approved electrician which states that in his opinion, the installation is safe and legal. So, Mr. C from Torrevieja simply called a recommended electrician and asked him to pop round. Later that day, the meter was removed from the cupboard in the street and the house was condemned. It took several weeks and over €2,000 to get the meter reinstalled. If Mr C had a safety check before he had requested his digital meter (to save him money ironically) he would have been pre-warned of the potential outcome and could have made an informed decision. For these and other

reasons, we have created a 50 point safety c h e c k f o r domestic installations. Once completed it gives you a clear picture of your supply, highlights any areas of concern and o f fe r s suggestions how to remedy them. Naturally this comes at a price which has been fixed until 31st December 2012 at €40 plus IVA. We recommend Tony Sparks for this area and he can be contacted on: 626 693 440 or by email: tony@

Visit Tony Sparks’ blog at: http://tonysparksinspain.

12 theWord

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR... Dear Editor I want to warn people about something that happened to us very recently so that others don’t have to go through the same experience. My husband was alone when we had a visit from someone saying they were from Iberdrola. The caller stated that this was now the rule in Spain, and he had some forms which needed signing for us to accept this. Undergoing treatment for serious illness, my husband is easily confused and said he would prefer it if he would come back when I was home. The person applied a lot of pressure for the signature to be done there and then and eventually, my husband did. When I returned and looked at the paperwork, it turned out that it was not an acceptance for two-monthly billing, it was a brand new contract with full terms and conditions. I was very angry as it had taken me months to get away from them and it looked like we were going back. I called my solicitor and was told there was a “cooling-off” period so it would only mean a phone call and that would put a stop to it. Imagine my surprise and anger when I saw the date written on the form was back-dated by ten days. My solicitor called Iberdrola who said they had not sent anyone to our house and it must be an agent. I thought the local Iberdrola shop was exactly that but it turns out they are a private company with an Iberdrola licence.

Dear Editor After speaking with some of my friends who had also switched from Iberdrola, it seems ours was not an isolated case. We managed to get the matter reversed but the affair has caused us, particularly my husband, a great deal of stress. I for one will never sign anything from someone who knocks on my door out of the blue and I strongly urge others to do the same. Mrs B - Rojales

Dear Editor

Having only lived in Spain for a few months, I have been taken aback by the wonderful, sunny and warm weather we have been experiencing here. I have also been surprised by the banter I have been hearing at the local watering hole about the negatives relating to living here. Maybe I am speaking out of turn but I get the feeling that many of those who have lived here for several years have forgotten what the initial attraction was. It may be an idea for people, when they feel like that, to take themselves down the beach with a picnic and I am sure they will soon realise that things are not quite as bad as they thought. Just an idea. John Watson Punta Prima

Can anyone tell me why the Check-out Chicks at the supermarket insist on sending your goods through the scanner as if the end of the world was coming? Saturday morning I had a huge trolley load and whilst the person in front was still packing her things away, my food, floor cleaner, bread and chicken was being piled up with no regard to what was going on top of what. I found myself in exactly the same position as the previous lady, I had a huge pile still to pack and was being asked for my money, so I ignored her. I packed at my own pace careful not to mix bleach and meat and making sure tins of beans did not go on top of eggs. She asked again for my money and I told her to wait so she kindly grabbed a bag and began to shove anything and everything in as fast as she could. To her annoyance, I removed the bag of salad from underneath the tins she had piled on top and repacked as I wanted it. Finally, I paid but not before she started hurling the next person’s goods in my general direction. Why do they do it, they all do. They must be trained that way. If anyone can help me understand the logic I would be most grateful. Mrs P Davies La Union

Send your letters to





If you own a property in Spain or are considering owning a property in Spain or know someone with a property in Spain then you need to read the rest of this article. Most owners are not aware that their heirs and their estate may have to pay inheritance tax both in their country of domicile and in Spain. Spanish law dictates that the beneficiary of your estate must pay tax on the amount that they inherit. The level of tax payable is not a fixed rate and is determined by the relationship to the deceased, their residency status and their existing wealth in Spain. In addition the estate of the Deceased could be liable to pay inheritance tax in their country of domicile. For example if the Deceased was UK domiciled and had worldwide assets in excess of £325,000.00 then the Estate could also be liable for inheritance tax at 40% payable in the UK. What are the options to minimise the liability? Unfortunately it is common practice for lawyers and tax advisers who are not conversant with both jurisdictions to advise based on their own knowledge and this is often insufficient. We have known of cases in the past where property owners in Spain have been advised to prepare a Spanish Will to avoid the tax. In fact this does not avoid any tax and it is unnecessary to have a separate Will in Spain. The tax is paid by the person inheriting the asset and therefore the existence of a Will does nothing to minimise this. There are also times when the existence of a separate Will in Spain complicates matters and increases legal costs. It is vitally important

that all British owners of Spanish property have a UK Will dealing with their worldwide assets and therefore no other Will is required in any other country. Another misconception is that by simply taking out a mortgage on the property it will reduce the tax liability on death. It is true that the value of the asset will be reduced by the amount outstanding on the mortgage however, the Banks often insist that life policies are taken out which pay off the mortgage on death and the beneficiaries are back to inheriting the whole of the unencumbered property. Even if there is not a life policy then there is a substantial debt outstanding which will have to be paid before the property can be transferred. Finally the most dangerous option that is put forward is to transfer the property to your children or beneficiaries now. The Spanish tax is payable not only on the inheritance of a property but also the gifting of a property so the tax would be paid sooner rather than later. Also once the property is in the names of your beneficiaries then you have to be able to trust that they will not dispose or charge your asset and leave you homeless. Issues of insolvency, divorce and your beneficiary predeceasing you can also add complications to what appeared to be a simple transaction. At Wincham our solution has been tried and tested for many years and we are constantly updating our processes to ensure that the advice we give is in line with current legislation both in Spain and the UK. Our business is expanding and we have recently opened an office to provide assistance

for Spanish Property Owners who originate from Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

The Solution

Quite simply you invest your Spanish property into your own UK Company of which you will be the Director and shareholder and have total control. Contrary to popular belief there would be no 7% Property Transfer Tax payable on this transaction. Our method enables you to utilise Spanish legislation to conveniently own and maintain your home within

a corporate structure in the most tax efficient way. Although the use of an off shore Company creates an additional 3% tax burden each year, the UK is not classed as off shore and in line with EU treaties Spain must provide UK Companies with the same benefits and opportunities that they allow their own Companies. If you would like to know more about our solution and to receive your ‘complimentary’ Spanish Inheritance Tax illustration please visit www. or scan the QR code to the right. Alternatively contact one of

our advisers on +44 (0)1260 299700 (UK) or 0034 965 830 991 (Spain). We aim to provide a friendly and professional service for our Clients with a unique ability to cover their affairs in both jurisdictions with a comprehensive approach.

14 theWord

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF... World AIDS day 1st December

World AIDS day is the day which promotes discussions about HIV and tries to spread information about the disease. By talking about HIV it is hoped that the secrecy surrounding it is eradicated. Greater understanding about HIV and AIDS means less prejudice and better prevention. HIV is a disease which attacks the body’s immune system and affects the ability to fight infection and disease. AIDS develops when the immune system can no longer fight infections that can normally be kept at bay. There are several misconceptions surround HIV. For example; that only gay men contract the disease. While more than 34,000 gay men live with HIV in Britain, many are heterosexuals one third being women. What about the myth that there are no symptoms of the disease? This is true for some people. But others may develop symptoms that include a rash, fever or a very sore throat. HIV is a sexually transmitted disease but can also be passed on through sharing of equipment for injecting drugs. While there is no cure for the disease, treatments can help people who suffer from AIDS to live active lifestyles, albeit with side effects. World AIDS Day promotes safe sexual practices and discourages sharing injecting equipment for drugs. While spreading information about HIV and AIDS, events on 1 December are aimed at reducing stigma for those living with HIV.

Wear your red ribbon to symbolise my support for the pro-active attempts to tackle spread of the disease and contribute to reducing discrimination. If you do one thing on World AIDS Day, learn the facts about HIV and AIDS, help educate friends and family and debunk the myths.

International Anti-Corruption Day 9th December

International Anti Corruption Day In 2010 the Secretary-General of the United Nations broadcasted a message loud and clear about the role of the day! So what is anti corruption? It is businesses taking the initiative to adopt strong policies against corruption. Why? Because corruption crimes like bribery and extortion, corporate espionage can be detrimental to businesses and eventually democracy. The UK bribery bill continues to be revised and reviewed as unfortunately corruption has risen rapidly in the UK recently. The bill takes corruption very seriously. Those involved will be punished not just for bribing a person ... but if you are the person accepting the bribe, you will be punished then as well! Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has opened a past event which saw her voicing some very serious words about the issue. She emphasised the importance of fighting together to prevent the weakening of our economic climate by stopping criminals from feeding into black markets. Basically, the clearer the rules and leadership, the more transparent organisations will be

forced to become! In order to sustain democracy, NGOs, multilateral institutions and businesses all need to be working together. Strength in numbers as they say! For anti-corruption day 2010 Egypt ran the theme “Education’s Role in Reinforcing Transparency and Integrity”. The event meant the bringing together of students, ambassadors, officials and education experts! School is where it all starts after all, and is the best chance to instil good morals that stay with people through to adulthood.

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2 December 2012

There are 27 million slaves in the world today Living in a modern society, it’s disturbing to think that slavery is still happening in other parts of our world. So what are the reasons to abolish slavery? No one should be treated unfairly to suit the advantages of others but slavery and capitalism go hand in hand. Awful forms of child labour and human trafficking take place in poorer parts of the world. It seems a million miles away from where we are but one million kids a year are pushed into acting as slaves, many for sexual exploitation. So what are people doing to help turn things around? The online and print media promote the day through news, debates and forums. Flyers and newsletters are put up in public places

like universities, where students will learn about the negative impact of slavery on people and society.

International Persons Disabilities Day 3rd December


International Day of Persons with Disabilities draws awareness to persons with disabilities and the problems they are faced with in their everyday lives. It is estimated that persons with disabilities around the world make up 10% of the population, and 80% live in developing countries. But, even where disability laws are in place, its effectiveness can be held back by negative attitudes towards disabled persons. Because so many types of disabilities exist, understanding them all individually can be a difficult task. But here is your chance to learn more. Are you disabled or do you know someone who is? Everyone has different skills, and interests, so why not find a way to celebrate that, whatever it is? The Paralympics is a great example of how disabled people can show off their talents to the rest of the world. For more information on disability rights and disability aid visit the International Day of Persons with Disabilities website. This year the theme of the day is ‘removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all’. The aim is to draw attention to, and address exclusion by promoting accessibility and the removal of barriers for all.


PORK SOLD AS BEEF An EU Warning Things are not always as they seem – nothing new there then.

injected with red food colouring to give a beef like appearance. The testing led to The National Food Agency issuing an EU wide alert because of the concerns relating to the dye itself but also to the possible health risks associated with undercooking pork. The meat was purchased from Hungary and labelled as Argentinean Beef.

Tonnes of pork were sold as beef to wholesalers in Sweden which has resulted in an EU warning being issued by the country’s National Food Agency. The discovery was made when a wholesaler

returned their purchase complaining that the meat was “too moist”. Following the discovery, the meat was sent to the National Food Agency for testing and was confirmed as “fake beef” which was really pork that had been

We all take a chance with the food we eat, it makes you wonder exactly what you are buying when fresh produce is not what it seems. Never mind, it will soon be Christmas and we can put this behind us as we tuck into our turkey and stuffing... or is it seagull and stuffing.


16 theWord


There are many misconceptions about vitamins and the health benefits they offer. Vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy. However, taking large doses of certain vitamins can actually be harmful for us. For most people, it is best to get the vitamins our bodies need from eating a variety of healthy, unprocessed foods rather than by swallowing pills. Vitamin supplements are frequently misused and taken as a form of medicine to treat ailments such as colds or to counteract lifestyle issues such as stress. Contrary to popular belief, vitamins aren’t drugs or miracle cures. They are organic compounds that have metabolic functions. High-dose supplements should not be taken unless recommended under medical advice.

Isolating the ‘active ingredient’ will not help...

Proper balance and adequate levels of essential nutrients is important for a range of complex processes in our body. When vitamins are taken as supplements, they are introduced into the body at levels that could never be achieved by eating even the healthiest of diets. They are also sent in ‘alone’. When they occur in food, vitamins have many other companions to help them along the way. For example, pro-vitamin A (beta-carotene) in food is accompanied by hundreds of its relatives. Simply taking a vitamin pill is not an instant fix for feeling run down or lacking in energy. It is the combination of a whole range of compounds (most of which we probably

don’t even know about) in plant foods that gives us the protection. When you artificially remove one of them and provide it completely out of context, it may not be as effective and, in the case of some vitamins, can have negative effects.

Recommended dietary intakes

Many people mistakenly believe that if small amounts of vitamins are good for you, then large amounts naturally, must be better. In the case of vitamins, it is always better to follow the rule of ‘less is more’. The vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble, which means they can be stored in the body. Taking high doses of these vitamins, especially vitamin A, over a long period of time can sometimes result in harmful levels in the body unless you have a medically diagnosed deficiency. Some of the water soluble vitamins can also cause side effects in high doses. For instance, vitamin B6 has been linked with nerve damage when taken in large doses. For a healthy normal adult, if supplements are used, they should generally be taken at levels close to the recommended dietary intake (RDI). High-dose supplements should not be taken unless recommended under medical advice by your GP.

Deficiencies and illness

The human body is able to store vitamins. The fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be locked away in the liver and body fat and stored for a long time. The water soluble vitamins, including vitamin B-complex and

vitamin C, are normally only stored for a short period of time. A vitamin deficiency takes weeks or months before it will affect your health. For example, it would take months of no vitamin C before you developed scurvy. An occasional lapse in good eating will not harm you if your usual diet includes a wide variety of fresh foods.

Sometimes supplements



Supplements do have a role to play for some groups of people. For example; people on long-term restrictive weight loss diets or people with problems such as diarrhoea, celiac diseases, cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis can benefit from supplements. Folic acid supplements are strongly recommended for women planning to get pregnant to reduce the risk having a baby with defects. People who are advised by their GP that they need to take vitamins are encouraged to consult an accredited dietician, who can work with their doctor to provide dietary advice related to the persons situation. If you need to take a supplement, it is best to take multivitamins at the

recommended dietary level, rather than single nutrient supplements or high-dose multivitamins.

C per day and any excess amount is excreted.

The common cold and vitamin C

Stress, depression and anxiety

Many people think that vitamin C helps prevent the common cold. Despite exhaustive research across the world, there is still no strong evidence to back this up. Some studies show that taking high doses of vitamin C (more than 1,000mg per day) continuously or at the start of a cold may ease some of the symptoms and the duration – on average, making it about half a day shorter. It does not prevent you catching a cold. You also need to consider the health risks associated with taking vitamin C. Large doses may cause nausea, abdominal cramps, headaches, fatigue, kidney stones and diarrhoea. It may also interfere with your body’s ability to process other nutrients – for example, it could lead to dangerously raised levels of iron. Excessive amounts of vitamin C in the body can also interfere with medical tests, such as diabetes tests, giving a false result. Adults need about 45mg of vitamin

Some vitamin and omega 3 fatty acid deficiencies can lead to emotional disturbances. However, if you are feeling run down, it is more likely to be due to stress, depression or unhealthy lifestyle habits (such as insufficient sleep or smoking) rather than a vitamin deficiency. Feeling under pressure doesn’t automatically lead to a vitamin deficiency, so taking a vitamin supplement won’t necessarily make the stressful feelings go away. More serious mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, aren’t caused or prevented by vitamins, although a healthy diet and good nutrient intake can help support a person to better cope with their condition.

Anti-ageing vitamins

Vitamin E is often singled out as the potential fountain of youth. However, there is no evidence that taking continued on page 19



18 theWord

SOLAR CENTRAL HEATING An acceptable alternative to massive winter fuel bills We are all fed up with talking about how electricity prices are spiralling out of control, how much our bills are compared with previous years and how much it costs to heat our homes, homes that were not built with the cold damp winters in mind. Solar power has moved on over the last few years and we can now heat our homes for free during the winter. By free of course I mean without running costs, installing solar systems are not free but then again, they cost nothing like they used to, but before we move on to that... Fotovoltaic panels are the Rolls Royce of the solar world and only three panels are needed to heat an average

home compared with the lesser quality panels which would need to cover the entire roof in order to achieve the same.

Extra advantages of solar heating The thing that makes this system a “no-brainer” for those who can afford the initial outlay, is the fact that in addition to no heating costs in winter, during the summer months when you are not using the power generated to heat the radiators, you can utilise it for your other electricity needs. During daylight hours your three panels produce 600 watts an hour which

can be used for your air conditioning, pool pump, fans, fridge, and so on. It may not generate the power you need completely but whatever it does provide, you won’t need to draw it from the grid – essentially, putting money into your pocket.

Mind boggling When you go out, your panels continue to put electricity into your system, even if you don’t use it. When this happens, if you have an analogue meter fitted, it actually turns your meter reading backwards. Let me just repeat that in case you missed it:

You go out for the day or maybe a week, when you come back, the reading on your meter will actually be less than it was before you left. You put unused power back into the system and for that, you are credited. I didn’t believe it at first either but from 2nd January 2012, it became law. If that is not incentive to have solar, I don’t know what is.

Cost justification So, we come to price. How much can we expect to pay for such a wonderful system? Well, a five radiator system, fully installed and guaranteed costs €5,700. We are all watching our pennies and spending our savings is something we have to think very carefully about.

Here is one way to look at it: €5,700 in a high interest savings account will earn you around €160 a year. Savings bonds will earn you around €230 a year so, if we compare this to what you would save in electricity costs from day one with a solar system, you can clearly see that your money earns you far more by sitting on your roof, than it does in a bank. In fact, looking at the overall income and expenditure, most people would be better off financially after just one winter bill which I have to say, I find completely staggering. If you would like a free survey and quotation without obligation, call Cosy Casa on 968 584 562 or visit the website:



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Pay only for the time you are online No contract ties! No monthly charge! Purchase the dongle for just €79. Includes €10 worth of credit.

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PAYG Internet is cost effective and convenient for people who are not permanent residents, who have low usage and cannot justify the high monthly charges, use dial-up or do not have a fixed line. With the Plug & Play dongle, you will be on-line within minutes and, once you are connected, you are in complete control of what you spend. Chargeable at just 3 cents per MB you can enjoy high speed Internet combined with terrific value for money.

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966 265 089 continued from page 16

large doses of any vitamin can either stall or reverse the effects of ageing. Neither can any one vitamin restore a flagging sex drive or cure infertility. Vitamins and chronic disease In developed countries like Australia, vitamin deficiency is rare but the inadequate intake of some vitamins is not so rare and has been linked to a number of chronic diseases. These include cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis. There is ongoing research to study the effects of taking vitamin supplements to prevent chronic disease, and evidence around nutrition and diet is constantly changing. It is important you consult with your doctor before taking vitamin supplements in high doses. Some Things to Remember Vitamins are not drugs or miracle cures. Taking large doses of vitamins can be harmful because your body only

needs vitamins in very tiny amounts. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and cereals will give your body most of the vitamins your body needs at the right level and in the right balance. Vitamin supplements can’t replace a healthy diet, but a general multivitamin may help if your diet is inadequate. People who may need vitamin supplements include pregnant and breastfeeding women, people who consume alcohol over the recommended level, drug users and the elderly.

your advert


Advertise your business or service here from €10 Call for details: 902 026 105

20 theWord

DON´T PANIC Is the future of English TV in Spain really in the balance?

There has been a lot of talk in the last few months regarding the launch of the new Astra Satellite and how it will affect those of us who have a satellite television service. The new satellite has already been launched, that much is true but no-one really knows how we will be affected until the existing one is switched off. This has to happen soon (within the next few months), before the fuel which has been reserved to send it off to the junk yard in the sky, runs out. The “footprint” of the new satellite is reported to be greatly reduced and it is suggested that ex-pats living in France and Spain will be outside of the coverage area and however big your dish is, if you are outside the new footprint, you simply will not receive a signal.

In our opinion, anyone investing in satellite equipment right now is taking a real gamble. And those who have had dishes and receivers for some time could be left high and dry if and when events unfold as we are all being told they will. Most people who have lived in Spain for any length of time may well have installed several TV systems which have turned out to be a waste of time and money - delivering a service for a relatively short period before it disappears, leaving them with a pile of useless equipment. Ex-pat viewers are divided into two camps: Satellite TV and Rebroadcast subscribers. We cannot be sure how it will affect the re-broadcasters but as the

system itself is not strictly legal, nor is it known as being very reliable, it is not something we would care to comment on. The CMT (Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones) have already fined one of the companies currently offering this service and it may well lead to more serious consequences. And who remembers Telemicro? They were an established television rebroadcasting company with thousands of subscribers, which disappeared overnight. The police raided their offices and confiscated their equipment stopping them in their tracks and leaving their customers in the lurch. We understand that this could be repeated with the remaining rebroadcasting companies, if the Guardia Civil suddenly feel that way inclined. If what we understand about rebroadcasting signals being drastically reduced at the moment is correct, it seems people are losing channels left right and centre anyway. There is one company offering a “no risk” service – Iberswitch TV. They install a full satellite TV system, but they do not charge for the installation, the dish or the receiver box (which is an HD box). Effectively, they provide people with a free system. Sounds too good, what’s the catch? Quite simply, there is no catch. They charge a monthly rental of €15 plus iva for the TV service which includes the freeview channels, currently over 100 of them, which makes them better value than all the other providers. They can also offer an additional entertainment package with includes Sky Sports.

They seem to be going to a lot of trouble to provide a service that may not be available for very much longer. When asked, they assured us that a solution was already in place and their customers should not be affected.

service and aside from that, our monthly rental is less than the other TV companies and you will have improved viewing by using our HD box, something which people who have a rebroadcast service, cannot currently experience”.

They would not be pressured into revealing exactly what their solution is but it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever for them to install full systems without charge, just a few months before a probable “switchoff” unless it was actually true. This may be something we should all be looking into now. To wait until the signal is lost would likely mean having to join a queue and the possibility of having to wait weeks or even months before normal service can be resumed. A spokesperson said, “Those people

Many of us at theWord have already changed our service to Iberswitch TV and we all agree, whether the switch off affects us or not, viewing quality has improved, the cost has reduced and their confidence in being able to provide continuity of service in turn, gives us confidence too.

with existing satellite systems should contact us and get their names onto our register, that way, when the inevitable d o e s happen, we can m a k e good their system a n d ensure minimal downtime”. He went on to say, “ It costs

nothing to switch to our



22 theWord


There has been a great deal of publicity (and rumour) regarding dual tariff electricity, and its possible benefits. Exactly what is it and, if a dual tariff system is as great as we are led to believe, why are we not all on it? Let’s look initially at how the dual rate works. Firstly, you need the new Smart Meter, it records your usage through the day and through the night. For the night usage when historically, most people use less electricity you pay a very low rate and during the day when, you’ve guessed it, most people consume more energy, you pay a slightly higher than the standard rate. So the only way to make

this system work for you is to be sure your night time usage is greater than that of the day and there should be a clear distinction between the two - with at least 50% of usage taking place between 10pm and 12noon (times vary depending on time of year) but the great news is, there are 14 hours of the cheap rate tariff. Most people who use this system typically see around 20% savings on their bills which over the year, represents a huge saving. If you save money using this system, it means the electricity company is losing money, so why do they do it? After all, we are talking about companies that have

held the monopoly until just recently. The answer of course is simple, most of the population have a usage which is greater during the day than through the night and this includes the people who have inherited this tariff when they moved in. In reality, the electricity companies may well lose out for a small percentage of dual rate customers who have night storage radiators or who are extremely vigilant about the time they use the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher. However, because people on this tariff pay a premium for their day time energy, those who should not be on this system more than

compensate the electricity providers for the customers who really benefit. Rumours have been circulating that the dual tariff may be withdrawn altogether and it probably will be just as soon as it no longer benefits the providers. That said, the peak rate has risen yet again which guarantees additional revenue is being generated to help balance the books. The problem with choosing this tariff is - you don’t actually know how much you can benefit until you try it. Those who already have the day and night rates need to look at their bill and see just how many kilowatts they consume for the two different times of the day.

It will either be a pleasant surprise or, they will be applying to change back to the 24/7 single tariff rate as soon as they can. Regardless of the tariff you are on, the most important thing that everyone who receives an electricity bill needs to do is fix the rate. We all need to protect ourselves from the price increases that we know are coming and unless we do something about it soon, the New Year increase which is likely to be a large one will have a noticeable effect on our annual outgoings. According to El Economista, electricity prices are likely continued on page 23

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The Future of Satellite Television Worried about the impending switch-off and how you will be affected?

It costs nothing and by registering your name, you are not committed in any way to use our service, this action is simply so that;

Widely publicised, the new Astra Satellite that was recently launched and is fully functional will be replacing the older satellite narrowing the footprint and is believed that when this happens it will leave tens of thousands of ex-pats throughout Spain, without service.

A. You are informed about what needs to happen in order to get your signal back. B. If you choose to use us to get you switched on, your place in the queue in secured.

Register your name and contact details so that if and when you lose your signal, we can contact you automatically with details of the solution. It doesn’t matter if you are a currently connected to a satellite service, a rebroadcasted service or, have no service at all.

Re-connection will be on a first come first served basis regardless of which package you select or where you live. The Astra satellite could be switched off at any time, act now to avoid unnecessary delays.

To register, go to: www. complete

the simple online form giving your surname, email address, contact number, town and province. It’s that simple. Let’s be ready for this one together.

DUAL TARIFF ELECTRICITY CONTINUED to increase by at least 20% during 2013. It will make a huge difference to our monthly bills unless we do something about it and the most effective course of action is to nail the rate down. There are several things you can do to reduce your bill but, by fixing the rate you do the thing that has the most positive effect. Sounds good but where do you start? Luckily, help is at hand. Iberswitch S.L. is the only independent USC (Utility Switching Company) in Spain and they negotiate electricity rates on behalf of thousands of consumers. By

using their service you may be able to fix your kilowatt rate and completely avoid paying the price increases. They offer customer services in English and act as a bridge between the consumer and the electricity provider. Give them a call on 968 583 511 or visit their website: w w w. i b e r s w i tc h . co m to see how their service can save you money. The one thing we know for sure, the cost of electricity continues to rise completely out of proportion to the cost of living. Act before the next huge price hike hits.

to register

go to


24 theWord DECEMBER


December movie releases. Some long waited and some Christmas cheer.

The Hobbit

he must contend against all manner of enemies, from dragons, to giant spiders, hostile elves, ravenous wolves, and – perhaps the most perilous of all –Gollum from whom Bilbo wins a magical ring in a riddling contest!

The Impossible

Ian McKellen, Hugo Weaving, Andy Serkis, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Aidan Turner, Synopsis: Prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy finds Bilbo Baggins on the hazardous journey with Gandalf the Grey. Together with 13 fortune-seeking dwarves, Bilbo Baggins will be swept out his door and into a dangerous but grand adventure through the Lonely Mountains, where

and their three sons begin their vacation in Thailand, looking forward to a few days in paradise. On the morning of December 26th, as the family relaxes around the pool, a terrifying roar rises up from the center of the earth. As Maria freezes in fear, a huge wall of black water races across the hotel grounds toward her.

Jack Reacher

This is 40 Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, Alexia Fast, Robert Duvall Synopsis: Ex-military homicide investigator Jack Reacher seeks the truth behind what seems an open-and-shut murder case after a trained military sniper is arrested for shooting five random victims.

The Guilt Trip

Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Geraldine Chaplin, Marta Etura, Tom Hollander Synopsis: Maria, Henry

your advert


Seth Rogen, Barbra Streisand, Colin Hanks, Yvonne Strahovski, Adam Scott, Casey Wilson Synopsis: Andy Brewster is about to embark on the road trip of a lifetime, and who better to accompany him than his overbearing mother Joyce. After deciding to start his adventure with a quick visit at mom’s, Andy is guilted into bringing her along for the ride. Across 3,000 miles of ever-changing landscape, he is constantly aggravated by her antics, but over time he comes to realize that their lives have more in common than he originally thought. His mother’s advice might end up being exactly what he needs.

Django Unchanined

Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Synopsis: Django is a freed slave, who, under the tutelage of a German bounty hunter, becomes a bad-ass bounty hunter himself. After taking down some bad guys for profit, they track down Django’s slave wife and liberate her from an evil plantation owner.

Les Miserables Leslie Mann, Paul Rudd, Megan Fox, Albert Brooks, Melissa McCarthy, Ryan Lee Synopsis: A spinoff comedy from the blockbuster hit Knocked Up that expands upon the story of Pete (Paul Rudd) and Debbie (Leslie Mann) in their current state of life.

Parental Guidance

Advertise your business or service here from €20 Call for details: 902 026 105

three grandkids. When their old-school parenting methods collide with their daughter’s new-school ways, the once-orderly household spins out of control.

Billy Crystal, Bailee Madison, Bette Midler, Marisa Tomei, Tom Everett Scott Synopsis: Comedy legends Billy Crystal and Bette Midler play Artie and Diane Decker, who are called in by their daughter (Marisa Tomei) to help care for their

Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Eddie Redmayne, Samantha Barks, Aaron Tveit Synopsis: Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France,Les Misérables tells an enthralling story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption— a timeless testament to the survival of the human spirit. Hugh Jackman plays ex-prisoner Jean Valjean, hunted for decades by the ruthless policeman Javert (Russell Crowe) after he breaks parole. When Valjean agrees to care for factory worker Fantine’s (Hathaway) young daughter, Cosette, their lives change forever.



Call UK Mobiles from your landline for 8 cents Use the Iberswitch phone dongle to call UK mobiles from your landline for just 8 cents a minute!! No connection fees and charged by the second!!

Keep Existing Line Rental Provider

Telecoms Dongle

No Additional Prefixes to Dial

By using our phone dongle you continue to pay your line rental supplier for the line. Only your calls are routing through us which are paid for using pre-paid credits.

The small phone dongle unit is connected to your phone socket, and then you connect the phone into it. It’s no larger than a Mars Bar and doesn’t require any power from the mains.

The phone dongle autodials the prefix for you, so you don’t have to remember to add prefixes to your calls. This means that every call you make can cost you less.

Honest and Transparent Service

Flexibility With No Contracts

Works On All Spanish Landlines

No dipping into your bank account! Our service is pre-paid which helps you take control of your spending.

We provide you with complete flexibility to use this service. Unlike other providers, if you wish to stop using or transfer it to another location, simply disconnect the dongle.

This solution works with all providers including Telefonica, Europa, Direct Telecom, Telitec, RTN Network and EW Telco. Simply plug the dongle in and calls are directed through Iberswitch instead of your line or call provider.

Decide Which Calls to Route

Auto Top-Up Credit Options

Amazing Global Low Cost Call Rates

What Calls Should We Handle? Only want us to bill you for calls made to the UK or mobiles? Or would you prefer us to route all your calls? You decide and we will program the phone dongle to handle this request for you prior to dispatching it.

You tell us how much and when you would like to top your account up, and when your credit runs low it will be charged to your card automatically. This will ensure you don’t run out of calling. credit in mid-conversation.

Unlike other telecom providers, we not only review our rates monthly, but provide easy methods for you to see the cost of these calls at any time, so you know exactly what you are paying to any destination.

€9.95 INCLUDES €5 FREE CALLING CREDIT All our call charges are clearly displayed on our website and are free from call connection charges or rounding to the nearest minute which makes us one of the cheapest call providers in Spain. ONE-OFF CHARGE FOR THE DONGLE - NO SUBSCRIPTIONS FEES Your monthly line rental on your phone bill doesn’t change each month, it is the cost of your phone calls that pushes your bill up. Our solution helps provide transparency to the call costs and saves you money! If you currently pay a fixed monthly cost for your phone calls, are you getting good value for money from it? They sound good in principle, but unless you make use of all the minutes you may be paying much more than you should be. Paying for only the calls you make can save you a lot of money each month with the Iberswitch telephone dongle. We don’t apply any hidden costs, rounding, or connection charges. What’s more we provide you with €5 free credit to start with!

For more information or to order your Iberswitch telephone dongle call: 966 265 089

a a a a a a a a a a a

Keep your existing number Keep your existing line rental Minimum call charges Calls costs the same price 24/7 - 365 No call connection charge No minimum contract Email warning when credit runs low English customer support Pre-paid facilities Auto top-up option Your pre-paid credit doesn't expire

26 theWord


If you looked really closely at your spending habits, we believe there are many ways you could reduce your annual outgoings Running a household budget is the same as running a business, you have an income which can be variable or fixed and you have your costs. Not many of us create a spreadsheet of both to see our actual disposable income but if we did, we would see more clearly, where savings can be made. We have listed just a few areas of potential savings and figures shown relate to an average consumer spend.

Solar Water Heating An average household spends â‚Ź30 per month heating water using electricity. Solar power can eradicate that cost altogether.

ADSL Changing your ADSL to Eurona can save you money without affecting the performance you receive.



If you transfer your pension each month using a bank, you can save money using a money transfer company such as Moneycorp.

Changing from 24/7 electricity supply to dual tariff (white meter) saves approximately 25% but you must be aware of the cheap rate hours for it to work well.

Line Rental


If you switch your line rental from Telefonica/ M o v i s t a r / E W Te l c o / RTNNetwork/Europa/ Telitec to Iberswitch SL, you can reduce your monthly charge. The calls you make to mobiles in Spain or to the UK can be reduced by more than 50%.

You not only save money switching from Torresat, Ole or Teleast to Iberswitch TV, you change from a rebroadcast system to direct satellite - and in HD quality.

Monthly Saving Annual Saving Pension Transfer (â‚Ź1,000 per month) 45.00 540.00 Telephone line rental



Phone calls to mobile









Dual tariff



Solar Water Heating




140.00 1,680.00

Help, assistance or advice on any of the above can be offered by calling: 966 265 089



28 theWord Customer Support Staff Experienced customer services personnel required to join the Care Team at Iberswitch SL, Spain’s largest USC (Utility Switching Company) based in Cartagena. The successful candidate will be required to deal with customer enquiries and must be able to demonstrate enthusiasm, professionalism and a desire to help others. Other prerequisites include; polite telephone manner, computer literate and able to work within a team. Nonsmokers preferred. Please send your CV to:

Self Employed Agents Promote our portfolio of services on a part or full-time basis. No experience is needed and we offer full training and excellent commission rates. Our services include: Satellite TV, Wifi Internet services, Mobile phone and PAYG mobile Internet services. This is an excellent opportunity for people wishing to add quality, great value services to their own service or, for people wishing to embark on a new career move with a future. For more information please call Susie on: 680 556 133

Telemarketing Staff Part-time and Full-time staff needed for a busy telemarketing office based at Los Alcazares. Obviously we are looking for people with a polite, articulate telephone manner as well as a genuine personality. These things are more important than experience as full training will be given. Please telephone 966 265 089 to find out more.

Qualified Electrician Self employed, qualified and professional electrician required for contract work in the Mazarron/Murcia areas. Please call: 664 050 979 for more information

job spot

ICP Fitting Service Fitting an ICP is law in Spain Protect yourself from penalties Fitting from €70 plus iva

Call for details: 968 583 511


By ‘Stevie Wonderer’, frustrated writer Have you ever fancied writing? I have. I thought I’d write a short piece and see how hard it really was so the first thing I needed was a subject. Easy eh? Well no actually. I needed a subject of general interest which might appeal to the wide-ranging audience of a local paper and what could I come up with? Nothing. On the face of it that should have put an end to my writing whim but when I stopped to think about it, ‘nothing’ is probably one of the most interesting subjects which exist – or doesn’t exist! ‘Nothing’ is clearly something, it’s a noun for starters but is it also just a notion? Has there ever actually been ‘nothing’? Even the Big Bang theory involves an explosion of matter from a singularity at a time when time didn’t officially exist. So where did the matter come from and even when for that matter? So you see, writing about nothing was a minefield and when you think in how many contexts you can express the word or meaning of ‘nothing’ then writing about nothing is something which could clearly take a long time. So I started to rethink the subject matter again when I overheard two people discussing how difficult it was to learn Spanish. Now I’m not going to argue that it is in any way easy but these people were English. English! A language which manages to have at least five meanings for a simple word like ‘cross’.

Think about them. So I got to thinking about language and where words actually came from. Who decided that a horse should be called a horse? And why did his (because it’s always a man who invented words) Spanish counterpart decide it was a caballo? Who decided first? Did they fight? Why couldn’t they have just agreed on the same word and saved us all the hassle of learning different languages? I didn’t want to get into all that so I was still no nearer to having a subject matter about which to write. I was starting to get agitated, surely I could write about something. There are an infinite amount of subjects

out there just waiting to be discussed, opined and dissected so why couldn’t I think of one? I didn’t want to appear controversial so politics and religion were out. Sport and music were too broad to cover in a short article. Global warming – just don’t get me started! I toyed with the ideas of weather, books, food and travel but realized they’ve all been done to death. Then it came to me, just write about what you think and see. So I did. And I thought, ‘who’s going to want to read about nothing and overheard conversations?’ I can’t imagine anybody in their right mind getting to the end of an article like that.




What it really means and what you should expect Roughly translated, ICP stands for “a way to generate more taxes from consumers”. A Royal Decree was passed in 2008 making it law for every household and business to have one, but what does it do? More importantly, if we don’t have one, what happens? The ICP limits the amount of electricity you use at any moment and ensures you do not use more than the contracted capacity. For example, if your supply is 5.5 kilowatts, having an ICP stops you using more than this at any moment and if you do, your power supply trips out – like it used to a few years ago if you boiled a kettle at the same time as using the microwave. Make no mistake, this law was introduced so that those who did not have an iCP could be penalised by doubling the standing charges (which in turn, would increase the electricity tax and IVA payable), and those who had one but the contracted supply was not enough, would need to upgrade their supply

thus pushing up the standing charges. It is customary to be notified by the grid company if you are on the list and normally, you would be given 30 days to do something about it. This custom seems to have fallen by the wayside and now, people are seeing the penalty which is shown as an increase in “potencia” charges, appear on their bills. Those with a contracted supply of 3.3 to 5.5 kilowatts would see their charge increasing to 10 kilowatts and those with 5.5 kilowatts or more would be charged as if they had 20 kilowatts! The penalties, if unchecked, will add around €300 to your annual electricity bill. So, let’s look at the various scenarios: 1. You don’t have an ICP and you are not being penalised In this case it would be prudent to have an ICP pre-installed by a qualified electrician and wait until you a) receive a letter ordering

installation or b) notice a penalty on your bill. You can expect to pay anywhere between €60 – 90 for the installation depending if there is room in your fuse box or an additional box is needed to house the switch. Of course, you can wait until you are ordered to get one before you go to the expense but then time will be against you. 2. You have an ICP but it has not been inspected Excellent news, it means someone has had the foresight to install one previously and it would be a simple case of requesting the grid company to inspect it and seal it to either avoid the penalty or, remove it from your bill if you are being penalised already. 3. You have an ICP, it is sealed but you are still being penalised Unfortunately, this happens all too often and means there is no record at the grid company of an inspection of the unit. It would mean requesting an urgent inspection to rectify

the matter. Rebate of penalty payments? You know the answer to that one already. 4. Your ICP is connected, inspected and sealed but your supply keeps tripping This will happen in a lot of cases because the average contracted supply is not sufficient to service the needs of people with pool pumps, water heaters and the other many items that the modern household now have and without the ICP, take for granted can be ran at the same time. The only way to overcome this issue is to increase the potencia. This will involve contracting a qualified electrician to obtain a Boletin from the grid company. An inspection is made of your electrical installation to ensure the wiring is able to handle the addition load. Once you have paid no small amount for this, your contracted supply will be charged at a higher rate reflecting the revised monthly standing charge. Guidance and Assistance

Help is at hand in the form of Iberswitch SL, whichever of these examples applies to you, they will advise and guide you through the minefield and if you wish, will take the responsibility of communicating with the electricity company out of your hands completely. For a minimal one-off charge of €20 (existing Iberswitch clients pay just €10) they will hold the necessary application for the inspection of the ICP unit and make the request at the appropriate time. This means, when you receive the notification to install or, when you notice the penalty being applied, it takes a simple telephone call to Iberswitch and they will take over. If you are worried you may already be paying too much on your electricity bill either because of the ICP or in general, give them a call and they will offer free advice how you can make reductions to your annual outgoings. Give Iberswitch a call on: 968 583 511

30 theWord

La Marina


ANGEL EXPAT SERVICES We watch over you every step of the way We are a family run company that offers advice and practical help for expats living here in Spain. We deal with everything from car transfers to vehicle re-registrations, hospital and police translations, Spanish driving licences to residencias and NIEs, and if we don’t know the answer we’ll make it our mission to find out. We intend to regularly write about our experiences and to highlight the current issues that are worrying the expat community. We also hope to inform you of certain services that are available in Spain that perhaps you weren’t aware of. To this end, we wanted to highlight the existences of a “baja” on a car, either for a short period of time or permanently. Many people do not realise that a car can be taken off the Spanish registry very easily and for a multitude of reasons. For example, this week we had a phone call from a client who moved back to England two years ago and imported their Spanish car into the UK. Unfortunately the SUMA is still being deducted from their Spanish bank account. In order to prevent this from happening, a “baja” is required to be lodged at Trafico in Alicante. We make it a very simple procedure, which can save you a fortune. Also, in Spain, when you sell a car, it is the responsibility of the buyer to change the titleholder at Trafico within thirty days. However, as there is usually a transfer tax to pay, there is no incentive for the buyer to do it quickly. If, in the meantime, the new owner receives a fine or even worse is involved in an accident, then unfortunately the previous owner is liable. To prevent this, again, a simple “baja” is required to be lodged at Trafico. In the event of theft and prior to a denuncia being issued, the owner of the car is liable for any damages caused by the thief. Lodging a “baja” will prevent this. Or if you are just not using the car at the moment, for example a long visit to England, then the car can be removed from the registry and put back on at a later date. In this instance the insurance can be temporarily suspended. If you would like more information about this or any other topic, please contact us. 650 892 044/656 967 016


PCN Free Hospice Care At Home & Now PCN SL Private Nursing at Home & Diabetic Clinic work together to provide an excellent service to our Community Jennifer founded Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity in 2008 fulfilling a promise made to her son Paul who died at the very young age of 33 from spinal cancer. The charity offers Hospice Care at Home to patients with a terminal prognosis in the later stages. This service is completely free of charge funded by the generosity and hard work of our supporters, charity shops and volunteers. To protect Nurses and Patients the charity holds equipment needed to improve quality and standard of life for patients and help families to manage better at home. Equipment such as hospital beds, hoists, pressure mattresses, commodes, wheelchairs, crutches & much more is available. PCN nurses have helped many patients throughout our community die in peace and without pain. Building on the success of PCN Charity, listening to requests from patients & family members for, ‘long term care at initial diagnosis and more general nursing services for those who are not terminal’. Jennifer launched PCN SL 26th Sept 2012. PCN SL offers a full private nursing, carer, or home help service at home to anyone who needs it for very reasonable prices. With the launch of PCN SL came a new Diabetic Clinic, open two half days a week at the La Marina office. A service greatly in need as appointments already booked prove. PCN nurses are specifically Diabetic trained & have experience dealing with this illness. PCN SL’s profits after tax & expenses will be donated to PCN. PCN/SL nurses are qualified & registered to work in Spain. All of us at PCN & PCN SL are proud of the work that we do to help our community. For full details of services & costs please visit. for PCN Charity Phone the PCN office Mon/Fri 09.30am – 13.00pm 966790363 for all nursing requirements. for PCN SL Services/Costs & Diabetic Clinic Phone the SL office Mon/Tue/Thur 09.30am – 14.00pm 966797016 or email

Can you help us to help you? PCN can now take regular donations through our direct debit scheme. Full details are on our PCN website or phone the office 966790363/966797016 for more information.


Camposol AGE CONCERN AT CHRISTMAS The Christmas Fair is to be held at Lagarto Verde on Saturday 1st December starting at 11.30am and finishing at 3.30pm. The venue is on the Via Axial about half-way round, next to the Cine Bahia, in the Puerto de Mazarron. There is a €1 entrance charge which includes a Christmas draw ticket. The draw has a meat voucher, hamper, cake and much more. The fair is expected to attract over thirty five stalls, with tombola, cakes, plants, sweets, pies, ceramics, clothes, bags, bling, cards, jewellery, spices, curry mixes and more! There will be a special Harlequin Choir performance at 1pm and Santa Claus himself will appear. If you are interested in running a stall, please phone 634 336 484. The bar and café will be open for drinks and food all day. Last year hundreds came through the doors and the whole day was a festive event, enjoyed by all. Fifty three people enjoyed the Menu del Dia at Don Ricardo’s on October 31st. The afternoon was well worth the €10 charge, with good food capped by a “Living in Spain” quiz which everyone enjoyed. The next one is on the 28th November at la Barraca in the port with Johnny Sparrow entertaining. These events are always €10 and always held on the last Wednesday in the month. Advice/information/tickets will be available at the Cultural Centre, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 1pm. On Fridays it will run from 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Tickets will also be available Friday morning 10am until 1pm outside Centro Salud on sector B. Camposol will still be a ticket point, with a bric-abrac sale on the last Friday of the month. For advice, information, and tickets in the port please ring 634 336 484. For Camposol ring 634 310 215




An elderly man in Boston calls his son in Los Angeles and says: “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; 45 years of misery is enough.” “Pop, what are you talking about?” the son screams. “We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the old man says: “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in St. Louis and tell her!” and he hangs up. Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like hell they’re getting divorced,” she shouts: “I’ll take care of this.” She calls her dad immediately, and screams at the old man: “You are NOT getting divorced! Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?” and hangs up. The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. OK,” he says: “They’re coming home for the holidays and they’re paying their own airfares!”


A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of shopping. It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her. Looking in her purse,

she commented: “Hmmm... That’s funny. When I lost my bag there was a €20 note in it. Now there are 20 €1 notes.” The boy quickly replied: “That’s right, lady. The last time I found a lady’s purse, she didn’t have any change for a reward.”


My wife asked me to buy ORGANIC vegetables from the market. I went and looked around and couldn’t find any. So I grabbed an old, tired looking employee and said, “These vegetables are for my wife. Have they been sprayed with any poisonous chemicals?”“The produce guy looked at me and said, “No. You’ll have to do that yourself.”

Little Johnny

One day, Little Johnny’s dad asked him if he knew about the birds and the bees. “I don’t want to know!” little Johnny said, bursting into tears. Confused, the father asked Little Johnny what was wrong. “Oh Dad,” Johnny sobbed: “At age 6, I got the ‘there’s no Santa’ speech. At age 7, I got the ‘there’s no Easter bunny’ speech. Then, at age 8, you hit me with the ‘there’s no tooth fairy’ speech! If you’re going to tell me now that grown-ups don’t really have sex, I’ve got nothing left to live for!”


Susan called her insurance company one day after her barn burned down and said: “We had our barn insured for €50,000 and I want my money.” The agent replied: “Whoa there, just a minute, Susan. Insurance doesn’t work quite like that. We will ascertain the value of what was insured and provide you with a new one of comparable worth.” There was a long pause before Susan replied: “If that’s the case, then I’d like to cancel the policy on my husband.”

A girl’s best friend

An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store

one Friday evening with a beautiful young gal at his side. He told the jeweller he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend. The jeweller looked through his stock and brought out a €5,000 ring and showed it to him. The old man said, “I don’t think you understand, I want something very special.” At that Statement, the jeweller went to his special stock and brought another ring over. “Here’s a stunning ring at only €40,000,” the jeweller said. The young lady’s eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement. The old man seeing this said, “We’ll take it.” The jeweller asked how payment would be made and the old man stated, by check. “I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I’ll write it now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds and I’ll pick the ring up Monday afternoon,” he said. Monday morning, a very peed-off jeweller phoned the old man. “There’s no money in that account. “I know,” said the old man, “but can you imagine the weekend I had?”

Watermelons There was a farmer who grew watermelons. He was doing pretty well, but he was disturbed by some local kids who would sneak into his watermelon patch at night and eat his watermelons. After some careful thought, he came up with a clever idea that he thought would scare the kids away for sure. He made up a sign and posted it in the field. The next night, the kids showed up and they saw the sign which read, “Warning! One of the watermelons in this field has been injected with cyanide.” The kids ran off, made up their own sign and posted it next to the farmer’s sign. When the farmer returned, he surveyed the field. He noticed that no watermelons were missing, but the sign next to his read, “Now there are two!”

32 theWord

SUDOKU Sudoku solutions page 43



Fill in the grids in such a way that every row and every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the number 1-9.






































































































































































































































5 LETTERS Actor Alien Alike Anode Atlas Eater Epees Essay Gleam Gnash

Hired Inept Lamas Lands Leaks Micro Mired Newer Newts Nicer Pines

Fill ‘Em In

Pinup Pussy Serve Sissy Slams Snore Stray Suede Takes Walls Waste

7 LETTERS Animate Cuisine Meander Teacake

Place all the words listed into the grid. Each word can be used once only. The first word has been filled in for you. The Fill ’Em In solution page 43



Cryptogram - Easy

You need to guess which letters are correct. The topic of the resulting sentence: Curiosity. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 12 18 23 6 3 8 19



20 23 18



1 3 26



22 12 20


19 3 25 2 18 7 6 25 4

W E _ _ . 19 18 25 20





21 6 25 12 15 15 26

/ U_ / A__ / 8 13

12 15 15

/ WHE_E / 19 23 18 7 18

A _ _ E _ 12 21 20 18 7







20 23 18





25 6 4 23 20


22 8 25


A W H I _ E, 12 19

23 6 15 18


/ O


2 12 19 25 18 2

3 25

/ HI



23 6 16


Cryptogram solution page 43

TICCYEERILT How many words can you find using the letters above? Must be 4 letters per word or more. 1 word uses all 11 letters. We found: 47 words. Use each letter only once! Our list on page 43.

Match the numbers in the grid to the correct letters in order to complete the crossword. We have given you a few letters to get started. Codeword solution page 43


1. Obtained by begging 5. Corpse 7. Stupid (remark) 8. Cable 9. At a distance 10. Improper 11. Hubbub 13. Told falsehood 14. North African desert 18. Available at premises (2-4) 21. Prompts (memory) 22. Phases 24. Fashionable fad 25. Indolent 26. Genuine, ... fide 27. Slithery reptile 28. Contributes 29. Word comparison

Crossword solution page 43


1. Scaredy-cats 2. Athenian 3. Numeral 4. Fiery pepper sauce 5. Fab Four group 6. Local lingo 12. Misjudge 15. Kept clear of 16. Pus-filled sore 17. Woolly llama relatives 19. Few, ... many 20. Entrap 22. Genders 23. Photo book

34 theWord

ECOSENSE = GOOD SENSE Don’t throw good money down the toilet Renting Spanish property has become a less viable option for many people. When comparing the income gained compared to the running costs and in particular, those of electricity, there is often a fine line dividing profit from loss. Even when this is not the case, avoiding wastage means higher profit margins. The first thing that people do when they arrive at the apartment or house they have rented in Spain, is turn on the air conditioner and whizz the control down to 16 degrees, full fan speed, often leaving the cold air blowing as they depart the property for a day at the beach. Accepted by many as a by-product of rental business, you can easily and cheaply eradicate this which over time will put a completely different complexion on your rental income. There are two Ecosense products that will help you to reduce your electricity consumption whilst you are renting your property. One product turns off the air conditioner unit if it doesn’t detect movement after a set period. The other dictates the minimum and maximum temperature levels, as set by you. Ecosense products may be purchased separately or together, if using both you maximise on your potential savings. Visit the Ecosense website for more information: Alternately call our Spanish distributor Iberswitch SL: on 968 583 511 and if you quote reference: TWES you can claim a 20% discount.

EcoRemote Replaces the existing remote control of your A/C unit and allows you to pre-set the minimum and maximum temperatures thus stipulating how hard you are prepared for your equipment to work. By simply reducing the units capability by a couple of degrees at the end of the scale where it works it’s hardest will have a substantial impact on your consumption. The EcoRemote retails at €25

Ecosense 2000 Ecosense uses Passive Infra Red (PIR) technology to scan the room for occupancy. PIR will only detect body heat and will not therefore be affected by items such as ceiling fans, curtains etc. When no movement is detected it will send a signal to the air conditioning (A/C) unit to switch it off. Ecosense also has a comfort night sensor, enabling the A/C to be used, if required, throughout hours of darkness. Reduces energy costs by up to 80% Battery operated Easy installation Built in comfort night sensor Tamper proof lockable function buttons Compatible with most A/C units The Ecosense 2000 retails at €74




The standard package for the forthcoming 2012/2013 winter period consists of 3 x Gabarron radiators including the control box and all the associated wiring. Total power consumption is just 2,700 Watts.

Installation guide price â‚Ź1,699 We offer a free survey, so any adjustment to the price for additional or less radiators can be quoted after we have visited the property.

Call for more details or to arrange a home survey: 966 265 089

Call for your free central heating survey

36 theWord


1. According to Ian Dury, what were Hammersmith Palais, The Bolshoi Ballet, Springtime in Paris, and Wee Willie Harris? 2. What type of parrot did John Cleese buy in Monty Python? 3. Ironically, what was the name of the first Rolling Stones hit? 4. Whose first starring role on TV was as Ivanhoe? 5. Craig and Charlie Read are which Scottish Duo? 6. Who played the police chief Bill Gillespie in the film “The heat of the night” 7. What was Tony Hancock’s TV address? 8. Which film starred Bobby Moore, Pele, Sylvester Stallone and John Wark? 9. Which two British Ladies had a solo hit with “Sailor” in the early 6o’s? 10. Which TV Comedy show was set in “Pledge’s Pickle Factory”? 11. Who is the only Oscar to have won an Oscar? 12. True or False – Until 19th Century Italian Boy Sopranos were castrated to preserve their High Voices?

FOR SALE Year: 2001, Price: EUR 4,000 Tax Paid Located in Costa Blanca, Spain Hull Material: Fiberglass, Engine/Fuel Type: Single Gas This fisher has her own trailer especially modelled for easy launching and towing. Her hardwood was re-varnished in October 2011. She has an auxiliary engine - Suzuki DF 2.5 HP with just 4 hours running


150 TV & Radio channels FREE Installation FREE Dish FREE HD Receiver 966 265 089


PAYG INTERNET DONGLES We are giving away PAYG Internet Dongles credited with 150MB to the first 5 lucky people picked out of a hat. The USB dongle can be plugged into any PC or laptop and will give you broadband. Once you have used the credit you can top-up just as you would with a pay-as-you-go mobile.

ANSWERS 1. Reasons to be cheerful 2. A Norwegian Blue 3. It’s all over now 4. Roger Moore 5. Proclaimers 6. Rod Steiger 7. 23 Railway Cuttings East Cheam 8. Escape to Victory 9. Petula Clarke, Ann Shelton 10. Nearest and Dearest 11.Oscar Hammerstein 12. True!

Contact Boats & Barcos Mediterráneos SL Please contact Lynn on 966 444 111

All you have to do is answer one simple question: What does MB stand for? A Multi-broadcast B Megga-band C Megabyte Tick the box you think is the right answer and complete the boxes below.



Email address Telephone


Postal address

Pop into an envelope and post to: Apartado de Correos 516, 30366, El Algar, Cartagena, Murcia.

WIN! The lucky winners will receive their Dongle in the post and their names will appear in the next edition of The Word.

Good Luck!



WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SCIATICA The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain and possibly tingling, numbness or weakness that originates in the lower back and travels through the buttock and down the large sciatic nerve in the back of the leg. In young and early middle-aged adults, the most common cause of sciatica is a prolapsed disc in the lumber area of the lower back. In older people, changes in the spine due to conditions such as osteoarthritis may be responsible either by causing localised pressure on the nerve or by narrowing of the spinal canal – called spinal stenosis. Other bone disease or local injury may also be responsible. Sometimes, just sitting awkwardly can cause sciatica. More serious symptoms such as loss of sensation around the genital area and buttocks, difficulty passing water or opening your bowels, or progressive weakness all need urgent medical assessment.

Sciatica is often characterized by one or more of the following symptoms: • Constant pain in only one side of the buttock or leg (rarely can occur in both legs). • Pain that is worse when sitting. • Burning or tingling down the leg. • Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot. • A constant pain on one side of the rear. • A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or to walk. Sciatic pain can vary from infrequent and irritating to constant and incapacitating. Specific sciatica symptoms also vary widely in type, location and severity, depending upon the condition causing the sciatica. While symptoms can be very painful, it is rare that permanent sciatic nerve damage (tissue damage) will result.

Sciatica treatments Sciatica sometimes resolves without treatment. However, if it doesn’t you may be prescribed or recommended, the following: • Painkillers • Anti-inflammatory medication • Physiotherapy, osteopathy or chiropractic • Epidural injections • Acupuncture Surgery to correct the underlying cause may be required if these treatments do not resolve the problem. To minimise the risk of sciatica, keep to a healthy weight, learn to lift properly and avoid sitting in awkward positions for long periods of time. Taking regular exercise can also help to reduce the risk. One of the most common causes of frame alignment or discomfort issues is sitting cross-legged for long periods.

How are you sitting right now?

38 theWord


By Eddy Water Descalers

Dealing with Hard Water

There are a number of ways of dealing with limescale deposits caused by hard water, something experienced by most home owners. This article explores the options, and describes fitting an electronic descaling device. This is a simple job to tackle which will alleviate the problems of limescale build up in most homes for substantially less cost than a conventional chemical water softener and is likely to pay for itself many times over.

The problem

Do these problems affect you? Furred-up kettle? High electricity bills? Clogged shower head? Hot taps running slowly due to clogged pipes? Stubborn tidemarks around baths and sinks? White stains on taps, even though you’ve just cleaned them? If you suffer these, then join the majority of the population. You’ve got a hard water problem.

The solutions

There are three possible solutions: 1: Chemical limescale cleaners and lots of hard scrubbing to remove baked on limescale, added to which you will have to keep on top of the problem week after week. You would be surprised how the cost mounts up too! Also the cleaners pollute the waste water, causing yet more problems to the environment. 2: Conventional (ion exchange) water softener - the most expensive option. These devices must be plumbed into

your mains water supply, and consume a large quantity of salt in order to make them function, about €15 per month for a family of four people. The water generated by these systems is truly softened, but sodium from the salt replaces the calcium in your water. This means that treated water has substantially raised sodium levels. Experts advise that this water is not suitable for drinking, so an alternative source of drinking water should ideally be arranged (separate tap in kitchen). This is particularly important if you have children in the house, as they should consume even less sodium than an adult, and on no account should a baby’s formula milk be made with water treated by an ion exchange water softener. Conventional salt based water softeners also generate substantial amounts of waste water with regular flushing of the resin tanks, increasing the water bill for those households with metered water. 3. Electronic or magnetic water descalers. Some devices are simply powerful magnets placed around the incoming mains water pipe. A much more effective device is the electronic water descaler, an example of which is the Eddy Water Descaler developed by the Surrey based manufacturers Eddy. They produce an up rated model, the ED6002P which more than doubles the output level of previous models to combat

even the most severe limescale problems. This device operates by wrapping coils of wire around the incoming water main to pass a magnetic field through the water. The effect of this is to cause the calcium in the water to stay in solution and so inhibit it from adhering to taps, baths and kettles. When developing this device, Eddy Water Descalers sought to better the output level of all rival devices by a significant factor whilst also managing to produce a unit that is economical to buy and run. During the testing phase they found some competing devices to have

output signals so low as to render them almost completely ineffective. Also unlike some inferior devices which operate with only one coil, Eddy Water Descalers have two, so increasing the time for which the water is exposed to the magnetic waveform. This has been a crucial factor in its success. It’s made in Britain too, and comes with a 12 month money back guarantee if not completely satisfied with the performance. Eddy is also kind to the environment as, unlike with a salt based softener; there are no environmentally damaging discharges into your waste water. An Eddy Water Descaler represents an economical and environmentally friendly way of combating the nuisance of limescale. The treated water has an unaltered chemical composition, so is as safe to drink as normal tap water. No dangerous chemicals or cleaners are washed into your waste water. The build up of limescale is radically reduced, not only on visible surfaces like taps and kettles, but also in places where limescale damage cannot be seen, such as heating elements in washing machines, and hot water tanks. In these places, excess limescale results in increased water heating costs and premature heating element failure. After fitting an Eddy water descaler, any small

deposits of limescale that are still present, in kettles for example, should be powdery and easily cleaned away with a quick rinse or a gentle wipe. Furthermore, of great interest to our readers, the device is easily installed as a DIY operation, taking the average householder no more than 30 minutes to fit. Overall, electronic water descalers such as Eddy present a neat solution to a major problem for those of us in Spain (most of us) afflicted by hard water.

However, if DIY is not your strong point, we can even arrange installation of the unit for a small charge. We recommend a visit to the Eddy website to read how installing a descaler system with 100% money back guarantee can save you money and protect your home from limescale. Go to: The Retail Price is €179.99 but when ordering your Eddy Descaler direct from our Spanish Authorised Distributor on: 902 027 517 you can claim a 10% discount if you mention Promotion Code TW5004.



Reader Offer


The conversation about drinking tap water in Spain comes up regularly, usually after a trip to the supermarket and the ritual walk from the car to the house lugging the huge bottles of water. Is it really necessary to do this, can we not just draw the water from the tap? Sometimes, the morning cup of tea, to me at any rate, is reminiscent of the local baths I used to go to as a teenager and where my eyes would go completely bloodshot from the chlorine in the water.

reader offer

If it was simply a case of getting used to the taste, I would indeed be drinking the water directly from the tap but as it is, I even use bottled water to fill the kettle otherwise my nice cup of Tetleys would be completely spoilt. Am I being precious? Should I persevere and push past the taste barrier? Well, if the state of my old kettle or my taps is anything to go by I would say no, I am not. Hard water is one of the biggest issues in Spain and as a subsequence, having to carry the heavy water bottles is one of the others. A solution would be to have the water delivered directly to your door. There is just such a service available and it is in my opinion, long overdue.

EDEN WATER We have all seen the commercial water dispensers in offices with the huge water bottles sitting on top of a cooler unit. Image these in miniature, a desktop version with an eleven litre water bottle. The unit itself comes with two eleven litre bottles and is brought to your home. For replacements, you simply call, text or email and within 48 hours, another three bottles will be delivered. You can order more if you wish but three is the minimum. Eden Water offers this service and the only stipulation is, you order a minimum of 24 bottles per year. As a special offer for theWord readers, the cost of the cooler unit and first two bottles is reduced from €65 to just €25 but hurry, the offer ends soon.

Eden Water Domestic Water Dispensers Europe’s number one water cooler supplier 600,000 customers in 16 countries 368 million litres of water distributed each year To order your water dispenser call: 902 026 105

40 theWord


Brought to you by the UK´s No. 1 Holiday rental site,


Cover yourself

Firstly ensure you are allowed to let your property on a short-term basis and that you understand applicable taxation laws, as you must declare income earned from holiday lets. You also need holiday rental liability insurance and ideally a booking contract to confirm details of the reservation, deposit/ refund/cancellation policies and terms and conditions of tenancy.


Provide a prompt, professional service

4 5

Set up auto-replies for booking enquiries containing further details of your property and travel options, and have a standard email prepared to send with your booking contract. If your calendar looks out of date, or your rates aren’t clear, you will miss out on enquiries.

Have a local representative


Ideally you should have someone to ‘meet and greet’ your clients. You will also need a cleaner and someone on hand locally to deal with problems. One person can often fulfil all these roles – ask fellow holiday home owners or your property agent for recommendations.

Know your market

Understand your target audience and research the price of comparable properties and alternative accommodation in the area. What type of tourists visit the area and what will they be looking for? Know your seasons and run offers to attract off-peak holidaymakers.

Set the holiday scene

Great photos and descriptions really help set the holiday scene and sell a stay in your property. Take time writing so carefully prepare every shot. Renters will want to see exterior shots, outside facilities and view, plus photos of every room.


Furnish for rentals


Go the extra mile


Provide comments from past guests




Keep furnishings simple and avoid clutter; invest in a lockable cupboard to store away personal knick-knacks. Ensure the property meets health and safety requirements, and consider what practical items guests will expect.

Little extras can make all the difference – include a welcome pack of basics and local goodies, and provide a file with useful information on local attractions, activities and transport.

Positive testimonials from previous guests will help sell your property. Leave a guestbook at your property for feedback and to gather positive quotes.

Having your own website to refer guests to is great, but there are millions of websites online so you need to advertise somewhere you will definitely be seen. Magazines are one option, but reputable holiday rental websites are a cost-effective way to get exposure to millions of holidaymakers and manage booking enquiries. To reduce the impact of seasonality, advertise with a holiday rental website that provides international visibility like

Are holiday rentals for me? Holiday home owners market their holiday home for a number of reasons: Offset mortgage and running costs for the property Earn short term rental income from a property waiting to be sold Earn short term rental income when the property is not being used.

If you are interested in learning more about holiday rentals, see our advert on Page 37

It is important to remember that when renting your property to holidaymakers, you retain full control of when the property is rented, the rental income charged, for how long and most importantly who to.



42 theWord

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When bees disappear, so too will flowers, trees, vegetables and fruit

blame for modifying plant and animal ranges in the past few decades; that, in turn, is altering migration travel patterns. Migratory pollinators journey along routes where flowers bloom at the appropriate time during their migrations. If

the timing doesn’t coincide, plants could suffer less pollination while travelers could face a long flight with no opportunity to replenish their energy along the way. In addition, increased carbon dioxide may change the production of nectar, the

sweet liquid secreted by flowers and gathered by bees for making honey. And these alterations in nectar production can affect foraging pollinator behavior. Another contributing factor is increasing ultraviolet-B radiation caused by ozone

With the extraordinary high levels of rainfall experienced in the UK this year, immediate evidence of the bee’s contribution to fruit production can be witnessed by the decimated crops of apples home growers have had. National apple day, celebrated around the country and usually packed with an abundant display of various apple-based goodies, saw a pathetic show with just the odd basket, very disappointing and quite possibly, a sign of things to come.

PUZZLE ANSWERS TICCYEERILT - How did you do? Here´s our list: celerity celery circle circlet cite citric city critic cycle eerily elect electric electricity elicit elite erect eyer icicle icier icily leer leery letter lice liter litter lyre lyric recite recycle reel relic rely reticle rice rite teet teter tier tile tilt tire title tree tricycle trite yeti EASY CRYPTOGRAM If you have worked it out correctly, the answer should read: “The boy sat up all night wondering where the sun webt. After awhile, it finally dawned on him.”


Crossword Solution


Codebreaker Solution

Evidence suggests that global warming is to

Not Just Warm Weather to Blame

Word Search Solution

Changes in Bee Behavior

depletion, which can delay flowering or reduce flowering production altogether (thus impacting plant and pollinator reproductive success).

Fill ‘Em In Solution

Pollinators are critical for preserving healthy ecosystems, agricultural crops and vegetable gardens. Worldwide, approximately eighty percent of plants grown for food, beverages (including chocolate and coffee) and medicine, need pollinators to transfer pollen between flowers for successful seed and fruit production. Even cotton needs pollination. Honey bees, the most important of these pollinators, are responsible for $15 billion in added crop value in the US alone. About one mouthful in three in the diet, directly or indirectly benefits from honey bee pollination.

44 theWord


Not sure what to do with these funny looking fruits? They´re a little bit funny looking and tough to seed, but once you get the hang of it, the humble pomegranate is a delicious treat packed full of nutrients. It is a power house of water-soluble B-complex vitamins, potassium and folic acid. Plus they are a great source of iron – especially if you are a vegetarian. It is believed that the pomegranate has anti-inflammatory properties and may help protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease. If eating pomegranates isn´t your thing then you can get all the benefits, except the fibre, from pomegranate juice. If you are concerned about free radicals and preventing high blood pressure give pomegranate juice a go. One study suggested that this juice is better than grape juice or red wine. Look out for pomegranate seed oil in health food shops. This is great for your hair, cuticles and nails. Check the ingredients to make sure you are getting 100% pomegranate oil. Pomegranate season is typically from September to February.

Berry Pomegranate Smoothie 1 cup pomegranate juice, chilled 1 6 0z. carton of low-fat, plain yogurt (I use Greek yogurt) 1 1/2 cups frozen mixed berries Place all ingredients in a blender, add several ice cubes and process until smooth.

Free radicals are organic molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage, and possibly some diseases

TIP Have you ever tried to deseed a pomegranate without making a mess? One of the easiest ways to seed a pomegranate is to cut the fruit in half and then in a bowl of cold water gently tear up the pomegranate “washing” the seeds into the water. Any white “pith” can be scooped out of the bowl. Next just strain and enjoy.





Sour Cherries

cerezas ácidas


arándanos agrios








Super easy super yummy Roquefort, Serrano & Pear Salad What to do:

2 perfectly ripe pears, peeled, cored and sliced Juice of 1 lemon 1 bag of peppery rocket 70g - 100g serrano thinly sliced 75g roquefort cheese, cubed - or favourite blue cheese. 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp natural yoghurt Seeds from 1 - 2 pomegranates Serves 4 as a starter, 2 as a light lunch Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 0 mins

1. Toss the pear slices with half the lemon juice. Put the rocket on 4/2 plates, arrange/scatter the pear slices, serrano and roquefort cheese on top. 2. Whisk together the remaining lemon juice, olive oil, yoghurt and seasoning. I think roquefort is salty enough so I don´t use extra salt in the dressing. Drizzle over the salad and sprinkle with the pomegranate seeds.

Pomegranate (en) - Granado (sp) pome “granate”.... granate (Spanish) = garnet (English)

Jewelled Couscous Salad 200 g couscous 400 ml boiling water good pinch of salt (optional) seeds and juice of one pomegranate palmful (50-70 g) of dried sour cherries or cranberries (sugar-free) 50-70 g pistachios, dry toasted and roughly chopped (you want texture, so keep it chunky) 20 g each of flat leaf parsley and mint, chopped (or more to taste) juice of one small lemon and 2 tsps honey) a couple of pinches each ground cinnamon, ground cumin and ground white pepper a good pinch of salt 2 tbsp hot water or pomegranate juice (this loosens the honey) 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

What to do: Put the couscous and salt in a medium bowl; pour over the boiling water. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the cling film and fluff the wheat with a fork to separate (if for some reason the water has not fully absorbed, drain it off ). Add the pomegranate seeds, sour cherries, pistachios and herbs; toss to mix. Put the honey and lemon juice into a screwtop jar along with the spices, hot water/juice and extra virgin olive oil. Give the jar a good shake and pour the contents on the salad and mix well. Serve at room temperature with other salads, grilled lamb or fish, or in a pitta bread. Serves 8, makes 1 generous cake Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 50 mins This salad will keep – dressing and salad separate – for a few days.

“There is no sincer er than the love of fo love od.” George B ernard Sh aw


Woody Allen 1 December

Nicki Minaj 8 December

Donny Osmond 9 December

Ralph Fiennes 22 December




21st March - 19th April Stick to your guns if you believe in a cause and don’t let yourself be swayed with what some people consider “practical considerations.” In business deals, be cautious about signing your name or giving someone the go-ahead until you know all the facts. Romantic attraction to a desirable Leo could prove very exciting and it could involve a very long-term relationship.

23rd July - 22nd August In planning a quiet weekend with your loved-one, make sure that at least one person knows where to reach you in case of emergencies. Job opportunities could abound for you now, but you might be wiser to stay with the one you have, as unexpected promotions could be already in the mill. Try to keep your social life to a minimum for awhile and get some needed rest.

22nd November - 21st December When collecting an old debt, it might be wise for you to make sure you pay one at the same time. Offer a young person the chance to benefit from your experience, but don’t be put out if they refuse it. A new love or the renewal of an old one could make your life brighter for awhile — but don’t depend on it lasting forever.




20th April - 20th May A long vacation trip, possibly involving water, could be on the horizon for you. Take people at their word, but then make sure that they live up to it. Office procedures could be improved by some of your ideas if you will make the move to get them started. Look for correspondence or other messages from a long-time sweetheart, but be cautious in reacting to what seems like a sure thing.

23rd August - 22nd September Get up off your duff and quit wasting time. Your ability to turn out firstrate creative work has never been sharper, but you may not realize it because of sloppy work habits and an ingrained laziness. In romantic situations involving a married person, you would be wise to walk lightly and avoid becoming deeply involved. A close friend may call on you for help.

22nd December - 19th January Good times are in store for you, both at the office and in your romantic life. Keep a smile on your face and avoid being cross or testy for no particular reason. In dealing with colleagues on a touchy situation, allow others to contribute, but try to keep your own hand in, as your experience may be needed. Check on a health problem without delay.




21st May - 20th June Steer away from romantic involvement with a Gemini. They can often be good friends, but seldom make happy lovers. Exercise your right to speak your piece, particularly in a family or close business relationship. Avoid the error of trying to live someone else’s life for him. An excellent chance for you to shine brightly in your community could be offered to you.

24th September - 22nd October Let yourself go wild for a day or two. Indulge a few whims and spend some of your mad money. But don’t let it become a habit. You need a fling now and then, but you should strive to buckle down hard in between them. A good chance at a promotion or new job could be lost if you appear to be too much of a gadabout. Romance may be a little less exciting for a time.

20th January - 19th February Accept what can’t be avoided, but try to do it with a smile instead of a frown. Compromise is not always a dirty word and you might profit by adding it to your vocabulary. Physical exercise and improved health habits could solve a major problem for you, but don’t try diagnosing other people unless you have a physician’s license. Keep your head down and your voice low when it involves office politics.




21st June - 22nd July Maintain your self-respect by refusing to accept unearned money, even when someone attempts to thrust it on you. Home life could be more pleasant if you get rid of the idea that you are the boss. Learn to share responsibility with others and you may find the load is much lighter. Expect others, however, to do their share and then give them the freedom to do so.

23rd October - 21st November Give serious thought to changing your lifestyle to make room for a loving and gentle Leo. Should you decide to do this, plan on a lengthy relationship, as this could be a very serious affair. In business, you could make a killing if you will just use your intelligence and make use of the knowledge that is common to all. Avoid self-indulgence and overdoing things in general for your health’s sake.

19th February - 20th March The good deeds of a friend may prove much more helpful to you in the long run than the flattering words of one who has his own axe to grind. Operate out in the open in romantic affairs as much as possible, because there are those who would like to have information about your affairs that could benefit them at a later time. A relative may need help.




Winter Cut-backs

Winter is a busy period in Spanish gardens because this is when the major garden cutback and clean up takes place rather than in the autumn as it does in the UK. Along our coast, many plants will continue flowering throughout the winter or until

there is a frost, which is rare. However, if you do not cut them back now, they may become leggy and untidy. The later the cutback takes place, the later they will bud-up and flower in the spring or early summer months.

Although the early flowering acacias and almonds are in blossom, or about to be, most flowering and fruiting trees also need pruning. The first to be tackled are the almonds, olives and deciduous fruits. When this has been done, you can move onto the evergreens such as avocados and citrus trees. Fruit trees will also need spraying against fungal attacks after all the recent rains we have all just experienced. By the way, for those that do not yet have an olive tree in the garden just think, if you plant a young tree in the garden now, costing as little as six or seven euro’s in the local garden centre, it could well still be there in the year 3000 when there is nothing left of your house except for a few broken roof tiles. And of course, olive trees can be grown in tubs on apartment terraces and balconies.

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Palms will also need the occasional branch removing as it wilts or obstructs a pathway but lantana, oleander and hibiscus will need pruning once a year to stop them becoming straggly. They are best done when they are not putting out so many flowers and start to look a bit leggy. Oleander and hibiscus should be pruned to about two thirds of their height if you want them to be bushy rather than very tall, cut back to just above a leaf.

However, Lantana thrives on being cut back completely, not even to a leaf; you’ll be amazed when the little green shoots reappear from a seemingly dead trunk.

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