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1 1Dr.GopikrishnaS.,Dr.MeghaKS.



toWHOwithafrequencyof83,000bites perannumwith11,000deaths.ThemostoftheenvenomationwasbyRussell'sViperfollowedbyKraitsandCobras.SnakebitesareconsideredasamajorhealthprobleminNorthKerala,amongbites,Humpnosedpitvipercasesarerelativelymoreandtheineffectivenessoftheantivenomagainstitsbiteworsentheproblem.Highest numberofcaseswasreportedfromKozhikode(1,125)followedbyKannurandPalakkadandleastnumberofcasesinIdukki.AgadTantradealswithalmostallpossibilitiesofpoisoningespeciallysnakebitemanagement.Keralahasdevelopeditsownsnakebitemanagementprotocolsbywidelypracticingvishavaidyasatthattime andrecordedinKeraliyavishachikitsagranthas Theyhadintroducedspecialtreatmentmodalitieslikeoothchikitsa,talam,Tukkudharaetc.Thisreviewdetailssuch specialtreatmentmodalitiesmentionedinVishavaidyaJyotsnikaandPrayogaSamuchayawithspecialreferencetoDarvikaravishachikitsa.


Introduction: Acharya has pinpointed the minute details about the symptomatic changes occurring in an envenomation case in accordance with the passage of time throughtheconceptofvishavega Vegaiscalculatedasthetimetakenbyvishato spread from one dhatu to next dhatu Symptoms produced by visha in each dhatu is quite different and by noticing these symptoms physician can easily understandthepathwayofvishaandcangivetreatmentsattheearliesttoprevent its spread into next deeper dhatus. So faster acting medicines and treatments havegivenprimeimportanceinthecontextofSarpavishachikitsa.Keraladueto its geographical peculiarities encountered envenomation more than any other placeswhichnecessitatedthephysiciantogetexpertisedin visha chikitsa.Thus theydevelopedtheirowntreatmentprotocolsusinglocallyavailablemedicines. InbriefsnakebitemanagementinAyurvedacanbeclassifiedunderthese4headings:

1) Sadyakaraniyainsarpavisha

2) Samanyachikitsaofsarpavisha

3) Viseshachikitsaofsarpavisha

4) Upadravachikitsa

Sadyakaraniyainsarpavisha: The first aid management was explained by all textbooks except Gauthamiya kashayapasamhita BhrihatrayisandVishavaidyajyotsnikahasmentionedsimilarmeasuresandoneexceptionisthat Vishavaidyajyostnika hasnotmentioned Aristabandana Andallthetextbooksstatestheimportanceof sadya karaneeya chikitsaupayasbysayingthatthevishawillremainonlyfor100matraatthebite 1 site. (Gauthameeya kashayapa samhita states it as 500 matra) All textbooks hasmentioned Hridayavaranam butin vishavaidya jyotsnika termhasnotmentionedbutseveralghritayogashavementionedwhichcanbetakeninthisregard.

TableNo.1: Bhrihatrayi's

References Procedures

Charaka 2Samhita Venika bandana – nispeedana – acushana – raktamokshana –seeta pradeha and seka

Susrutha 3Samhita Aristabandana – dahana –acushana – raktamokshana –Agada lepanam – parisekam

Astanga 4sangraha Utkartana – bite the snake / stone – application of karnamala – aristabandana with mantra – nispeedana – acushana –Agada lepanam – sechanam – raktamokshana - seethalepa and sekha- hridayavaranm – Vamana


Importanceofmantraishighlighted.Firstaidmeasuresarementionedinthatprimarily asked to bite the snake itself for regaining the confidence of patient. Application of srothramala and dahanam with lohadi is indicated. Therafter jaladhara and dhatugata visha chikitsa is mentioned which is same as that of Prayogasammuchayam.


Theforemostprocedurementionedinthisbookistobitethesnakeitself,whichis meant to increase our confidence / manobalam frighteneing will cause vatavridhi which further causes spread of visha into deeper tissues.After that, application of srothramala as said in ashtanga hridya is mentioned here also. First measure to be adopted is raktamokshana and after that dahana karma is indicated.The dahana karma is contraindicated in mandala damsa Dahana is followedby parisekham.Here jaladhara isindicated. Dhara helpsinreducing the peripheral circulation, thereby reduces spread of venom. In contrast to classical texts, aristabandana is said to be done after these procedures Aristabandana should be done above 4 angula , triangular in shape with two knotsandsamesimilieexplainedbySusruthaAcharyahasquotedhereinorderto signify the usage of aristabandana Thus the chapter sadhyodashta chikitsa 5 comprisesofmeasureswhichcheckthespreadofvenom

6 Jaladhara :

Keraleeyavishachikitsagranthasas afirstaidmeasureandwaspractisingwith much importance. It is said to maintain a continuous flow of water as dhara Seetha Parisekham / dhara helpstodecrease pitta prakopa andalsodecreases therateofperipheralcirculation byVasoconstrictionand therebyretardingthe spreadofvisha



Bite the same snake or stone or stick etc immediately

Ch. Sa Su. Sa As. San VVJ KK

û û û ü ü ü ü

Bite site smeared with sputum or ear wax û ü ü ü ü ü

Arista bandana ü ü ü û ü ü Utkartana ü ü ü ü ü ü Nispidana û ü ü ü ü ü Cusana ü ü ü ü ü ü Agni ü ü ü ü ü ü Parisheka ü ü ü ü ü ü Siravedha ü ü ü ü ü ü Hridayavaranam ü ü ü ü ü ü

Vamana ü ü ü û û ü Jaladhara û û ü ü ü ü


General treatment includes both Mantra and Aushadha Prayoga. Bhrihatryai explainsthegeneralsnakebitemanagementindifferentway Charaka acharya explains24treatmentmodalitieswhichincludesbothemergencyandconserva7 torymanagement Theconditionofthepatientdecidesthetreatmentprocedure

Research Paper Management E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 10 | Oct 2022
12 InternationalEducation&ResearchJournal[IERJ]
1FinalyearPGScholar,DepartmentofAgadTantra,VPSVAyurvedaCollege.Kottakkal. Edarikode.Malappuram(DT)-676501 recognizessnakebiteastoppriorityneglectedtropicaldisease.Snakebiteenvenomationisanimportantpublichealthissuemostlyaffectingthosewholivein ruralarea,indevelopingcountries.Indiaisestimatedtohavehighestnumberofsnakebitemortalityintheworldaccording


1) Mantra 2) Arishta(tourniquet) 3) Utkartana(incision) 4) Nishpeedana(applicationofpressurearoundbite) 5) Chooshana(suction) 6) Agni(cauterization) 7) Parisekha(washing) 8) Avagaha(immersioninwater) 9) Rakthamokshana(bloodletting) 10) Vamana(inductionofemesis) 11) Virechana(inductionofpurgation) 12) Upadhana(applicationoffleshoveranincisiononhead) 13) Hridayavarana(protectingheartwithmedicaments) 14) Anjana (application of medicaments on lower palpebral conjunctiva) 15) Nasya(intranasaldrugadministration) 16) Dhooma(inhalationofmedicatedsmoke) 17) Leha(oraladministrationofsemisolidmedication) 18) Oushadha(administrationofdrugs) 19) Prasamana(medicationforsuppressionofsymptoms) 20) Prathisarana(stimulationofsecretion) 21) Prathivisha(useofantidotes) 22) Samnjasthapana(restorationandstabilizationofsenses) 23) Lepa(applicationofmedicineinpasteform) 24) Mruthasanjeevana(restorationoflifeindead)

Eventhough Charaka Acharya hasexplained mantra prayoga itisnotdetailed. Susrutha samhita and astanga sangraha detailsabouttheimportanceof mantra prayogabutitdoesn'tincludehowmantraprayogahastobeperformed.

Samanaya chikitsa: Additional treatment modalities in keraleeya visha granthas:

1) Uttu 2) Talam 3) Tukkudhara 4) VelaPrayoga 5) Karuprayoga

8 Uttu :

ThetreatmentprocedurehasmentionedinYogaratnakaraasphuthkarachikitsa. Thewidespreaduseofthattreatmentprocedureisseenamong keraleeya traditional vishachikitsa practitioner's as UTTU chikitsa. The references can been seeninallkeraleeyavishagranthas

Visha residinginfirstthree dhatus ( twak, rakta and mamsa)eliminatedbythe treatmentprocedurecalled'uttuchikitsa”.Itisaprocedureofblowingmedicated airintobothearsandatmoordhaby3personsatatimeupto150times.Forchewingdrugs;sunti,dushsparsha, marichaandvishavegaismentionedandallthese 4drugstobetakeninequalquantity

9 Talam :

Applicationofmedicinesinvertexistermedastalam Itiswidelypractisedtreatment procedure among Keraleeya Visha Vaidya's it is considered to be a best measuretocheckthespreadof visha intodeeper dhatus.Itisusuallyappliedas soonasthepatientapproachesthephysician.Itisadvisedtochangethemedicine applied on the vertex for every 1 ½ - 2 hr gap and continued till the treatment stops.


Tukkudhara :

Incaseofpoisoning,swellingwithpainandlocalriseoftemperatureandprickingpainisconsideredasindicationof dhara (VVJ).Incaseofextremeswelling tukkudharaisindicated.JalaDharawithspecializedpot(tukkupatra)isconsideredastukkudhara.Another opinionof Dhara with eswaramooli isalsoseenin this contest. In VVJ, Nimbapatra, parasitic plant grown on karaskara vriksha (karaskarathinpullunni),chandana,eswaramooli,kumariswarasa,kusmanda, erandapatra,withjalaisindicatedforcontinuousdharaoverbitesite.Itrelieves swelling and helps to reduce the complications of bite (especially storny hard edemaandvesicobullouslesionformation).

In neelakandeeyam,itisadvisedtodo dhara with1½ para jala (37.32l)witha pothangedjustabovethebitesitewithahole,throughwhich dhara jala comes andthispotshouldbefilledwithnimbapatra.Dharashouldbecontinuedfor1½ hours.Speciallymentioneddrugsfor tukku dhara includes visanika, arkapatra, nimbapatra, kuppamanjal, karanjapatra, erandapatra Swarasa of leaves of theseplantscanbeusedinsteadofjalaintukkudhara

11 VelaPrayoga : Keraleeya visha grantha's has given much importance to the plant Gyndandropsisgynandra. VelaPrayogaisexplainedin kalavanjam, panchama paricheda of prayoga Sammuchaya It is advised to give this drug along with other drugs. The yogas mentioned for lehya, ghrita, taila and gulika should include1part vela (samoolam )andalsoindicatedfor nasya , anjana andexternalapplicationincaseofbleedingfromhairfollicles.

12 Karuprayogam : Isanadditionalmethodappliedincaseofseverenonrespondingcases. Ametal rod(copper/gold),shapedsimilarto dhatura pushpham formales6 angula in guda marga andapply paradam andforfemales8 angula through yoni margam andapply1 panattukkam paradam Karuprayogam isconsideredtobethebest kalavanjanayogaduetomedicolegalissuesitsusewasdeclinedevenatthetime of pra. Sam A yoga named as Narma Prayoga (kalavanjanam chapter of panchamaparicheda)wasconsideredasbestkaruprayogaatthattime.

TableNo.3:Important yogas mentionedin keraleeya visha granthas

References Gulika Kashaya andGhrita Lehya

Pra.Sa 13 Vilwadi gulika Mrutasanjeevani 14gulika Jivaraksha 15gulika Hinguvadi 16gulika Tarunabhaskaram 17gulika 18 Pavitra vatakam Mrutunjaya 19gulika

KK Vishavilwadi 29gulika Vilwadi gulika

Pangthiprasoonadi 20ghritam 21 Neelidaladi ghritam 22 Durva ghritam Amukkuravayambadi 23kashayam Mustarammachadi 24Kashaya Nalpamaram kwatha 25 with pippali Neelikaranjadi 26kashayam

27 Vishahari lehya Garalaghna 28 rasayana

Neelimooladi 30lehyam Palasakshara 31lehyam


References Nasya Anjana Dhara Lepam and taila

Pra.Sa Bhringaraja swarasa Saindhava in tamboola and dhatura patra swarasa

Purana maricha anjana Garudanjan 32 am 33Churnaraja

Kottam 34tagaradi Ghrita saindhava 35dhara Nimbaneelika ranja parisheka (trimoorthi 36yoga)

Sigrupunarnavadi 37 Paranthyadi 38tailam

KK Dasabeeja 39anjana

TableNo.5:Commonlypractisingyogasfrom Visha Vaidya jyotsnika

Yogas Internal Nasyam Anjana External

Iswaramoola + sunti

Aswagandha in water

Trikatu in amla jala

Neelimoola in water

Lasuna + maricham + Hingu + sunti + pippali in Arka ksheera

Sireeshapuspha +hingu + trikatu in arka ksheera

Guduchi + maricham + chandana + ushira


Maricham + surasa swarasa + dronapusphi swarasa

Bhringaraja swarasa with maricham 3) Hingu + maricham + saindhava in Naramootra 4) Lasuna + hingu in chandanavari 5) Katakabeeja nasyam

1) Arkapatram + hingu 2) Iswaramooli + sunti 3) Palasa swarasa + maricham + hingu 4) Agaradhooma + tankana 5) Neelimoola in water 6) Karanjamoola + maricham

Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 10 | Oct 2022
13 InternationalEducation&ResearchJournal[IERJ]

Vegas Susrutha samhita Astangasangraha

st1 vega Raktamokshana

Raktamokshana and madhusarpi agadapana

nd2 vega Vamanam Madhu + sarpi agadam Vamana and agadapanam

rd3 vega Anjanam & Nasyam Nasya and anjana

th4 vega Vamanam & yavagu Vamana, yavagau pana

th5 vega Seetopacharam Vamanam with teekshana dravya Tikshna Virechana

th6 vega Seetopacharam Vamanam with teekshana dravya Tikshna Virechana

th7 vega Tikshna Anjanam Avapeedana Nasyam Apply blood rich flesh on kakapada shaped incision on scalp

Vamana, yavagau pana and sheetopachara

Vamana, yavagau pana and sheetopachara

Teekshana anjana and nasyam, kakapada chikitsa

Table No. 7: Darvikara vishavega chikitsa in keraleeya vishagranthas

Vega 40 Prayoga sammuchaya

st1 vega Siravedham

nd2 vega Siravedham + internally Maricha + ghritham

rd3 vega Chandhana + ushira as seethakashayam for internal administration

th4 vega Kashayam with Tanduleeyakam + aswagandha

th5 vega Siravedham of 5 veins teekshna nasyam

th6 vega Bhringaraja swarasa nasyam

th7 vega Teekshna nasya and anjana


I. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, cakrapanidatta, Ayurvedadipika, Chaukamba SurabharatiPrakasan,Varanasi,Reprint2011,chikitsasthana23Vishachikitsa

II. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, cakrapanidatta, Ayurvedadipika, Chaukamba SurabharatiPrakasan,Varanasi,Reprint2011,chikitsasthana23Vishachikitsa

III. Susrutha , Susrutha Samhita, Dalhanacharya, Nibanda sangraham, Edited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikami Acharya, choukamba surbharathi prakasan, Varanasi,reprint2002,kalpasthanachapter2sarpavishaprathishedhamp23

IV Vriddha Vagbhata, Astanga Sangraham Indu Sasilekha, edited by Sivprasad SharmaChowkambasaskritseriesoffice,Varanasi,reprinted2008,Uttaratantra, Volume3chapter41sarpavishapratishedamp212

V Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Dwithiya paricheda,1999;p.36

VI. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Dwithiya paricheda,1999;p.36

VII. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, cakrapanidatta, Ayurvedadipika, Chaukamba SurabharatiPrakasan,Varanasi,Reprint2011,chikitsasthana23Vishachikitsap

VIII. Narayan, VishaVaidya Jyotsnika, K Mahadeva Shastri – Editor, 3rd Ed, Sri VanchiSethulakshmiGranthavaliseries,printedandpublishedaspertheorderof SriChittirathirunalMahaaraja,1958,chapter4,page24

IX. Narayan, VishaVaidya Jyotsnika, K Mahadeva Shastri – Editor, 3rd Ed, Sri VanchiSethulakshmiGranthavaliseries,printedandpublishedaspertheorderof SriChittirathirunalMahaaraja,1958,chapter4,page26

X. Narayan, VishaVaidya Jyotsnika, K Mahadeva Shastri – Editor, 3rd Ed, Sri VanchiSethulakshmiGranthavaliseries,printedandpublishedaspertheorderof SriChittirathirunalMahaaraja,1958,chapter4,page33

XI. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.172-176

XII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.115-116

XIII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.161

XIV Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.133

XV Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.134-135

XVI. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.161

XVII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.162

XVIII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.162-163

XIX. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama


XX. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Tritiya paricheda,1999;p.87

XXI. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.115-116

XXII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Tritiya paricheda,1999;p.85-86

XXIII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.132

XXIV Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.132-133

XXV Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Tritiya paricheda,1999;p.61

XXVI. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.115-116

XXVII. TampuranKochunni.Prayogasammucchyam((Mal).Sulabhabooks,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.133-134

XXVIII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.159

XXIX. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.115-116

XXX. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.115-116

XXXI. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.115-116

XXXII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.165-166

XXXIII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.170–171

XXXIV Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Tritiya paricheda,1999;p.79-80

XXXV Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Tritiya paricheda,1999;p.80,83-84

XXXVI. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.170–171

XXXVII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Tritiya paricheda,1999;p.82

XXXVIII. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Tritiya paricheda,1999;p.87-88

XXXIX. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Panchama paricheda,1999;p.170–171

XL. Tampuran Kochunni. Prayoga sammucchyam (Mal).Sulabha books,Dwitiya paricheda,1999p.38-39

Table No. 6: Visesha chikitsa : Darveekara visha vega chikitsa
14 InternationalEducation&ResearchJournal[IERJ] Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 10 | Oct 2022

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