Issue 8, Volume 122

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Thursday Mar 29 2012

Volume 120 Issue 20


Thursday, November March 21, 2012 28 2013 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Volume 121 Issue Issue815 Sean McEvoy122 | (902) 870-9431



Sean Ron Jeremy McEvoy

MANAGING EDITOR Lewis Peter North Forward Joe T hibault | (902) 867-3732



SPORTS & HEALT H EDITOR Molly Burt Simmons Schreiber Micha Saade



Laura J.K. Rowling O’Brien




General Kaleigh Nas inquiries Bent (902) 867-5007 Advertising inquiries (902) 867-3732 Fax (902) 867-3941 E-mail



Aaron Big 111D, L Thornell Rm. Bloomfield Centre PO Box 924 St Francis Xavier University Antigonish NS, B2G 2X1 SENIOR DIST RACT REPORT IONS EDITOR ERS

The Xaverian Laura Oprah Aloisio WinfreyWeekly is the official student newspaper of St Francis Xavier Megan Dewey University. The Xaverian Weekly is Julia O’Hanley published on Thursdays by the Xaverian Weekly Publications Board and is SPORTS & HEALT H EDITOR editorially autonomous. Jared “Subway” Fogel COLUMNISTS The Xaverian Weekly is a proud member Maria Rizzetto University Press, North of the Canadian America’s largest cooperative of student Matt SENIOR MacDonald REPORT ERS newspapers. Campus Plus is the Xaverian Peter Parker Weekly’s national advertising agency.

news STUDENTs’ UNION SUMMARY WE WERE THERE TO COVER THE ACTION AT The most recent council meeting JULIA O’HANLEY | Senior Reporter

With SU President Ben Gunn-Doerge in Ottawa with CASA, remaining councillors and SU executives continued on with the show. Ongoing concerns with computer labs were mentioned by both Science and Arts councillors. Education councillor Sarah Cavan noted success of Halloween events, including Halloween at the Inn. Talks of a potential graduate student conference for Nova Scotia were mentioned by Grad Student Councillor Katelyn MacNeil. MacNeil mentioned working with Acadia to create this initiative in the lovely locale of Nova Scotia. Sunday evening’s BurMac soccer game was mentioned by both upper and lower campus councillors. Upper campus councillor, Isaac Turner also spoke of Lane Hall’s upcoming coffee house. Lower Campus Councillor Matt Cormier noted lots of events between upper and lower campus. Bishops Ball, MacDonald’s toy drive, and MacPherson’s partnership with OC to offer candy grams were some of the programs he mentioned. Governor’s goddess and admirable apartment style representative Siobhan Morris called attention to the recent Power’s flood, telling council that some of her constituents were finding

a lack of communication between themselves and residence life on the issue. Off campus councillors noted success of resource fair, and mentioned the upcoming “Ugly Christmas Sweater Skating” positive rivalry event planned with Plessis. Frosh Councillor Erin Abbott commented on the first set of midterm exams for this year’s frosh. She said it has been a great first year so far for the class of 2017. Good job frosh, you’re almost 1/8th of the way to your degree. During executive reports, VP Taylor Mason reminded students to wear purple on Nov 18, International Homophobia Day. Faculty representative Greg Tkacz stressed the importance of class attendance this time of year to fill out course evaluation forms. In committee reports, success of health and dental plan opt out and mental health groups were mentioned by the Health and Dental Plan Committee. A possible hot-chocolate-handout by the Union Service Advisory Committee was discussed. The evening was filled with polished and perfectly prepared presentations to council, beginning with a group called WUSC: a student refugee sponsorship program. In a nut-shell, WUSC is a program which sponsors a refugee to attend

StFX each year. (see pg. 3: At A Glance) In his financial update to the Union, StFX VP Finance and Operations Ramsay Duff noted a 3% increase in tuition over the past five years here at X, due in part to a loss of government funding. A drop in full time and international student enrollment was mentioned by Duff, with an increase in part time attendance. This riveting financial presentation was followed by the auditor report of Students’ Union financial statements. Union VP Finance Gareth Winsor mentioned a drop in surplus for 2012-13 year due to investment in study space and last year’s strike. Senators presented the five main issues concluded from last month’s sticky note campaign on campus. Main issues outlined included: study space, instituting a fall reading week, exams, textbooks, and course evaluations. Students expressed increasing difficulty in finding study space on campus leading up to exams. As for exams themselves, the campaign showed that some students are feeling a lack of coordination between professors in final exam schedules. Students also expressed displeasure in cost of textbooks, and noted disappointment in the lack of use of required texts in some classes. Senate notes ongoing research into the pros and cons of a fall

reading week, and finally students had expressed interest in scheduling course evaluations earlier in the semester. The final presentation of the extravagant evening was brought to council by, well, us. Co-editor in Chief Lewis Forward and Business Manager Graham Haynes presented the Xaverian Weekly’s proposal to separate ourselves from the financial hands of the Student’s Union, and become an independent, student funded organization. The Xav proposed a change in our funding structure, to one that is run on a student levy. The pair noted many on-campus newspapers in the region are already operating with this type of system. A levy in the range of $7.50 – 9.50 was proposed by the pair which if approved would come out of student fees each year. Students who did not wish to pay this fee would have the ability to opt out of the payment. If the motion were to pass, the possibility of an AGM was mentioned; a yearly meeting where students would be able to voice opinions and concerns about our publications. With motions to ratify the Ski and Snowboard Society and implementation of an Executive Structure Review AdOn Committee passed by council, the three hour long Sunday evening experience had ended. Adios for 2013, Student’s Union.


Angela MacKenzie opinions



LEWIS FORWARD | Co-Editor-in-Chief

Opinions expressed in the Xaverian Veronica Farley Weekly are those of the author and Rachel DIST RIBUT RevoyION MANAGER do not necessarily reflect those of Devon T heXaverian Flash GreeneWeekly or the Xaverian the Weekly Publications Board. for more info contact EIC at



Laura McLaughlin All materials appearing in the Xaverian Weekly copyright their creator(s) Generalare inquiries: (902) 293-4366 and may not be used without Advertising inquiries: (506) 378-3326 permission.


Fuel Rod Removal Underway

Chinese Airspace Declaration Provokes US response

Wikileaks Releases TPP Draft.

Engineers began the removal of fuel rods last week from Fukushima’s most damaged reactor unit. In what has been called the most dangerous operation in nuclear history, volunteer workers and engineers saw initial success, moving the first 22 damaged rod assemblies (out of 1500) into a temporary cooling pool. The operation, with timeline estimates between 18 months and several years, is a delicate operation. Risking another massive release of radiation, workers must move the fuel rods while preventing them from shaking or rubbing against each other.

Following China’s declarion of an “air defense identifcation zone” over several small islands in dispute with Japan located in the East China Sea, two unarmed US B-52 bombers performed a flyover on Tuesday. Earlier in the week, China issued a warning that it would take “defensive emergency measures,” against any aircraft who violated the airspace boundary. The islands , known as the Senkaku islands in Japan and the Diaoyu islands in China, are at the center of the dispute. Vast oil reserves have been discovered in the area surrounding the island chain.

A draft of a closed-door trade agreement between 13 Pacific nations including Canada known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been published by Wikileaks. Negiotations between each nation’s representatives have occured in secret, and have far-reaching repercussions for intellectual property law, including agreements which force intenet service providers to police copyright violations. Advocacy groups and members of Congress have criticized the bill, which they say will have a detrimental impact on the availability of affordable medicine as a result of the extended patents contained within the bill.

Journalist Arrested as NB Enforces Fracking Protest Injunction

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The editor-in-chief and thethose section St. Opinions Francis expressed Xavier are University solely of their aueditors reserve the right to refuse to Antigonish, thors and do not NSnecessarily B2G 2X1 reflect the views of print submitted material and to edit The Xaverian Weekly or The Xaverian Weekly submissions for length and/or style. The Xaverian Weekly not print mateOpinions Publications expressed Board.arewill solely those of their authors rial that is racist, misogynistic, sexist, and All materials do not necessarily appearing reflect in The the views Xaverian of The Weekly Xavehomophobic, or libellous. rian are copyright or The Xaverian those of Publications their creator(s) Board.and may not

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JAMES permission. ted materialMALLOV, and to edit submitted MAYSmaterial(s) CHAMI, for LAURA Editors length/style. reserve O’BRIEN, The the right Xaverian to refuse Weekly LIAM to print will PROST, submitted not print BREANNA material materialand thattoisedit racist, MITCHELL submitted misogynistic, material(s) sexist, for length/ homostyle. phobic, The orXaverian libellous.will not print material that is racist, misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, or libellous.

An injunction granted to a ompany involved with shale gas surveying in New Brunswick requiring protesters to stay 250m away from theirvehicles has resulted in the arrest of Halifax Media Co-op journalist, Miles Howe on Tuesday. Howe was reportedly arrested for resisting a police check. Halifax Media Co-op editors, however accused RCMP of chilling Howe’s coverage of demonstrations. Three protesters were also arrested Monday. New Brunswick premier David Alward says his government will pursue natural gas development despite the protests and the large number of New Brunswickans opposed to the deal.


The Xaverian-Volume 122 Issue 8

DIRECTOR OF STUDENT LIFE STEPS DOWN CORINNA FITZGERALD to leave position at end of semester, accepts position at humber college SEAN MCEVOY | Co-Editor-in-Chief

The StFX administration now has another major gap to fill with the resignation of Director of Student Life Corinna Fiztgerald. Fitzgerald tendered her resignation, effective December 13, to take the position of Director of Student Life Programs at Humber College, a polytechnic institute in Toronto. “I’m leaving for primarily personal reasons, and it was a good opportunity that came up quicker than I thought. I’ve always said, we’d see after three or five years how long I’d stay and it’s kind of right in the middle with four years”, says Fitzgerald. “ It was a good opportunity so I decided to take it.” Fitzgerald was formally welcomed into the position in January of 2010 coming from McMaster University where she held the position of Judicial Affairs Coordinator. She also completed a Master of Arts Degree in globalization at the university. Fitzgerald’s states that her new roles and responsibilities at Humber will be very similar to those she currently has. “It’s almost the same role actually. Humber College is a much bigger institution, 27,000 students. I think it’s a really diverse student population, it’s a different kind of student, I’ve never worked at a college before so I look forward to that. I also have a lot of family and friends in Ontario so that was one of the biggest pulls for me. I’ve enjoyed my time here and I think the time I’ve had in this role will prepare me for that job as well. It’s residents, conduct, orientation and transition, Student Union relations, chaplaincy, and leadership. It’s a smaller portfolio, but a bigger campus.” No replacement has yet been named for Fitzgerald, and it is not

yet clear as to whether her replacement will come from within StFX or from an external search. “In the next week or so they’ve committed to making some announcement before I go about what’s

going to happen” says Fitzgerald. “We’ve talked about interim plans. It’s a big portfolio and there’s lots to conside r . Ramsay(Duff ) or Dr.(Sean) Riley will make the announcement in the next couple weeks.” Looking back on her achievements in the position, Fitzgerald is proud of what her team has accomplished. “I think one of the things that I really tried to do is to bring the student service areas together and collaborate better. To be consistent and transparent for students. I think that’s been our focus and I think we’ve gotten better at those things. The Leaders Forum is something that I hope continues, I believe students really appreciate that investment in them. Some of the work that we’ve done with the international, aboriginal,

STFX AT A GLANCE WUSC: StFX Refugee Aid WUSC, a student refugee sponsorship program at StFX presented to council on Nov 17, outlining who they are and what they do. The main initiative of the WUSC (World University Service of Canada) society is their Student Refugee Program (SRP); a program which provides sponsorship of one student refugee, covering all costs of their first year at StFX. This program is active in over seventy campuses across the country, and has been involved with StFX for the past twelve years. The goal of the SRP is to create a more sustainable livelihood for the refugee and their home community. A $4/student levy covers most costs associated with WUSC sponsorship, with the student’s tuition, residence, and meal plan donated for their first year. An additional $3000 is allotted per student for their final three years of study.

Charity Wheelchair Basketball Game: Sunday at 6PM On Dec 1, Service Learning and the Best Buddies are hosting a wheelchair basketball game to raise awareness for people living with diabilities. Tickets are $2. StFX athletes will compete in wheelchairs during the game. The group hopes to illustrate the lack of accessibility for the mobility-impaired in Antigonish. Local Jeff Murray has been petitioning the transportation board to increase accessibility options in Antigonish, and organizers are hoping to garner more support to help his process. On Wednesday, StFX students held an Accessibility Day, where students could only use accessible routes to navigate campus to highlight StFX’s serious lack of accessibility for disabled students and faculty. Donations and box office proceeds will help support entrepreneurial ventures of disabled CACL participants.

and black students has been important to me and I think important for the campus. Hopefully students see our office as a resource, that during the good times and the bad times they can come to us.” Fitzgerald also acknowledges that her term in office has not been without its challenges. “There’s a lot of change. I know I’m going to add to that by leaving and that makes me feel not so great. But I feel there’s always a lot of turn over in staff and I think certainly working with students and the Student’s Union in particular with the strike last year and changes in leadership, it can make it difficult to have sustainable change and sustainable impact. But I think we’ve done our best to work through that. I believe I’ve hired a lot of good staff in my time here. I’m really proud of the work that they do. I think we’ve worked well together and I’ll know they’ll continue to do so after I leave.” Fitzgerald adds that communication with students will be a key element to the success of her replacement. “Get to know the students. The number one reason why I came here was the students. It’s probably the thing I’m going to miss the most and I think it’s what’s helped me do my job as well as I could. It’s that I know a lot of students and I try to stay relevant to students so that they feel comfortable talking with me. That’s crucial for anyone in my role for sure.” “Continue to be kind to one another and look out for one another,” Fitzgerald concludes. “University is a tough time so we all have to be a little bit more understanding and compassionate about what students are going through.”

President Search Update: Press Release Macbeth Auditions After completing a successful run of The Great Gatsby, Theatre Antigonish now begins preparations for it’s third full production of the year. Artistic Director Ed Thomason will be holding open auditions for William Shakespeare’s classic Macbeth, Thursday November 28th from 7-9pm at the Bauer Theatre. These informal auditions will take the form of reading sessions directly from the script which will be provided. Following auditions, early preparation sessions for the production will begin in December with full rehearsals starting in January. The production of Macbeth will run for eight nights, February 6-9, and 13-16. Also in December, returning for its tenth anniversary year is Jeremy Webb’s one man adaption of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. The show will play at the Bauer Theatre, December 10th and 11th at 7:30pm. Tickets are $25.

“I am pleased to share an update on the progress of the search for the next President and Vice-Chancellor. Since the position profile was approved by the Board in early October, the search consultants have been reaching out to potential candidates. I want to thank all of the StFX community who have provided suggestions as to potential candidates – this input has been very helpful. The response from the market has been very positive. StFX’s strong national reputation has proven to be very attractive to potential leaders. Over the past few months, the Selection Committee has met on a number of occasions and is pleased to be making progress consistent with our original timelines. We continue to be optimistic that the Board will be in a position to announce our next President by March 2014. Thank you again for your support through this very important process.” - Vice Chancellor, Selection Committee Mark Wallace


Thursday, NOVEMBER 28, 2013-The Xaverian

SU TO SUBSIDIZE STUDENT FITNESS PASSES 200 30-class punch cards will be available to students, in a pilot program coordinated by the union and stfx recreation LAURA ALOISIO | Senior Reporter

The end of November marks the time of year that all students flock to the gym. For some it’s the impending X-Ring ceremony and the race to lose weight before the third. Others blow off some steam caused by the overwhelming stress of exams. Then there is the lucky group of students who are getting in shape for a fabulous holiday vacation. Unfortunately, the cost of fitness is more then just early hours, sweaty clothes and sore muscles. That little sticker on the back of your ID card is funded by the activity fee which is part of your tuition. At the start of each year students print off their forms and head to the fitness desk to be handed the gym membership that will serve as a constant reminder to work harder and be balanced. But the gym can be crowded, and lifting weights or running on a treadmill is not for everyone. Luckily, St. FX has offered fitness classes to help everyone reach their fitness goals. However, these classes are not included in the stan-

dard membership and have become an expensive userpay program for anyone wanting to get in shape in a group setting. The Students’ Union has worked to make great strides in providing students with a more affordable fitness options. At the last council meeting, the SU and Campus Recreation struck a deal that supported student health while being fiscally responsible. The two sides worked together to form a program which, according to Laurie Boucher, Coordinator of Recreation and Aquatics, would be “more affordable for St. FX students and, at the same time, encourage more participation.” The old system’s 30-punch pass that cost $57.39 and expired at the end of the term is being replaced by two options: a 30-punch pass for $30 with no expiry date or a $50 pass with unlimited access that is valid for one academic term. Laurie Boucher explained to the Xaverian: “if a student has to buy two punch passes in a term it would be

more economical for all parties to implement the All Access Pass.” The cost for providing free fitness classes to students would have come with a painful pricetag: $11,000, but the chance to join forces with Athletics was an option the SU could not pass up. The vote to help support students was unanimous, but some members of council voiced concerns about finding room in the budget in years to come . Off Campus Councillor Kerrin Duggan spoke during council to the sustainability of the program. “My concerns surround offering a service for a semester, then not offering and then offering it again, it’s not fair to provide students with inconsistent services, this is why I made the amendment to have this issue reviewed by the budget and finance committee” explained Kerrin.” This plan has all groups delighted to have an economical group fitness plan in place, but with all the excite-

ment it is easy to forget that someone has to cover the cost of reducing the price of admission. The Students Union has agreed to subsidize the plan up to $2,600 and Recreation is committing to bring down the costs in order to meet the new fee levels. VP Finance Gareth Winsor states the breakdown will have the SU “contributing $13 towards the 30-punch pass and $25 to the All Access Pass” which will be in place until all of the $2,600 is used. After that, students will have to purchase cards under the old system. So, in case your finance skills are a bit rusty or inverted mathematics is not your major, let us break it down for you. If you attend fitness classes more than fifty times a semester, buy the all access pass. Looking to the future, Gareth Winsor told The Xav “plans to incorporate fitness funding into the budget” will be discussed at a “meeting with the budget and finance committee as they are mandated to discuss the long

term sustainability of The U’s contributions to fitness classes.” The Students’ Union and Campus Recreation have meetings to look forward to, but right now the rest of campus is focused on finals. So if you are wondering how much better you would feel if you had gone to class more often, or if attending class with your peers would have motivated you to work harder, the opportunity to act is now. The new punch passes go on sale Dec 4 and the program starts in the New Year. This means you can buy it now and put your New Year’s resolution into action before the clock strikes midnight. These punch passes also provide parents, relatives, friends and anyone else you can think of with the perfect idea for a stocking stuffer or last day of Hanukkah gift. Or get it for yourself, so that when your friends ask if you are going to make more of a commitment to go to class next year, you can show them your pass and say: “See, I already have”.


The Xaverian-Volume 122 Issue 8


Frosh week is over and the impending doom of exams has forced students to trade in their beer for books. Although the party lifestyle is not in the foreground of campus life these days, issues such as sexual assault are still very real. Caution and consent are strongly emphasized during the first few hectic weeks of school but as students become more comfortable in their new environment, the importance starts to wear off. There is a common misconception that sexual assault only happens when a girl is attacked while walking home alone late at night or when people get drunk and carried away. These situations are very serious instances of sexual assault but they are not the only ones, nor are they the most common. 80% of sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows. Sexual assault is any form of unwanted sexual activity, even just a touch. It can happen in public or private, night or day, and to men and women alike. No one would disagree with the fact that sexual assault is wrong, but that doesn’t mean that every incident is black and white. Clear, firm communication is the first step to avoiding grey areas. It is important to know how to properly and legally give consent and it is equally important to know how to recognise whether or not someone is consenting to sexual activity. First of all, consent must be voluntary. Saying “yes” to something because you are being coerced, feel guilty or are afraid

is not consent. Secondly, consent is not transferable across different situations. Just because someone consents to making out does not mean they consent to sex. Just because someone consented to sex yesterday does not mean they consent to sex today, tomorrow, or ever again. One thing that many people forget is that being in a relationship with someone does not automatically mean they have to consent to anything, and it does not mean that you have to consent to them. Whether you are seeing someone new or are in a long-term committed relationship, you do not owe your partner anything. Keep communication open and clear throughout all stages of your relationships to make sure you and your partner are on the same page. Last but not least, consent cannot be given while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This doesn’t mean the person is so messed up that they can’t communicate, it means that if they can’t legally drive a car they can’t legally give consent. Almost 62% of sexual assaults have been found to be alcohol facilitated. It is considered a form of date rape drug and is taken very seriously. Consent cannot be given even if both parties are under the influence so if you are going to have a few drinks be careful, be moderate, and be responsible. Most people are fortunate enough to never be involved in a crisis situation; this means that when such a situation occurs, few people know how to react. If you can, get to a safe environment

with someone you trust. For immediate assistance call 1-877-880-SANE (7263). This is a 24/7 help line available in Antigonish which will put the caller in contact with the Antigonish Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) are registered nurses who are specially trained in sexual assault care and can provide victims with the necessary information about how to proceed after an incident occurs. SANE nurses will conduct a thorough examination of injuries, test for possible infections and pregnancy and begin treatment if necessary. The nurses are also specially trained to collect forensic evidence which can be used if you decide to file a police report. This option is available to everyone if desired even if you decide not to press charges. Involving the police is a difficult situation for many victims of sexual assault and it may take some time to fully process the incident. Forensic evidence can be frozen for up to six months to give you time to decide if you would like to proceed with an investigation. Victims of sexual assault are encouraged to refrain from showering, brushing their teeth or changing clothes prior to an exam as this may destroy the forensic evidence. If you really have to change clothes, bring the clothes with you to your physical exam so they can be examined for evidence. This process will proceed based on your consent. You can choose to stop the examinAtion at any point

and choose whether or not you want to involve the RCMP. This valuable resource is available to both men and women who require immediate help and is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The road to recovering from a traumatic incident is long and difficult. Having a network of support which includes other survivors as well as trained professionals helps to ease this recovery process and ensure that feelings are explored in a safe and healthy environment. The Antogonish Women’s Resource Centre offers support groups for women who have suffered from sexual trauma as a child or as an adult. These groups show women that they are not alone and can help relieve much of the guilt that is commonly felt by survivors of sexual assault. For more information about the Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre visit www. or phone (902) 863-6221. Sexual assault is a very real and very serious problem, not just in Antigonish but everywhere. Victims of sexual assault, both male and female, are encouraged to report their incident and seek medical attention. Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services are available to anyone in need of help, but when in doubt and in need of immediate assistance, don’t hesitate to call 911. Remember to take it easy during exams and enjoy the holidays, but be smart and be safe!

people you’re with? I crave simplicity with friendship. Call me old fashioned, but I like conversations with people. I like speaking to them, just us. I like sitting in a room disconnected from the outside world with my friends, entertaining ourselves with nothing but our own terrible senses of humour. I like meeting a new person on a plane, or in the line at Mini Moes. In one of my classes, our professor gives us two minute breaks once a class. He’s quite the guy. “Ok,” he says, “Take two minutes, I can see some yawns.” Instantly the phones come out. Eighty percent of the class takes theirs out. The majority stay on it for the entire break. It’s such a small thing. Two minutes. At first, I was doing exactly the same thing. After all, I had an email waiting. Then I noticed what we were all doing, and I wondered what we were all missing. Phones have only been around like

this for six or seven years. Did people sit silently those two minutes before then? I doubt it. For the rest of the semester, I made it my goal to leave my phone in my pocket. Those two minutes were a lot more fun after that. When Google Glass gets introduced, and a thin glass with interactive information displayed sits in between our eyes and those we look at, this problem may be even more pervasive. I hope that etiquette springs up and we collectively realize, as many of us already have, that constantly using our phones makes the other people in the room feel left out. I hope we can all leave our phones outside the room sometimes when we’re together. I want to spend some uninterrupted time with my friends, and with my thoughts. I miss the shared moments of quiet that punctuate true friendship.

Missed encounters Are we in the habit of choosing phones over friends? LEWIS FORWARD | Co-Editor-in-Chief

Think of all the missed encounters we’ve had because of our phones. Like almost all of us, I can get nervous when I sit next to someone I don’t know yet, until I’ve found something to talk about with them. The tiny conversational activation energy required can be formidable. Approaching a stranger is a small skill, but an important one. It is a forgiving experience; they know nothing about you, and you know nothing about them, so everything said is new, and every lapse in knowledge is forgiven. Bad jokes can be made freely. Friendliness is almost always welcome. So why do so many of us cram ourselves into our phone every time we have one of these situations? Who aren’t we meeting because of this? It is rare, now, that we have real one-on-one time. When I’m with people who are always on their phones, I

feel no sense of the quiet intimacy that suffuses the room when friends are together. The sense of simple connection we thrive on when we hang out with friends is severed when one of them is constantly staring into their phone, they’re with other people, in other places, within the world we go into when we look into our phones. They’re no longer in the same room as us, it seems. I recently heard a parent speaking about his daughter’s friends. “I don’t know any of them,” he said. “As soon as I walk into the room, all their noses go down into their phones.” He made a flicking motion with his thumbs, staring at his fingers. “I barely know their names.” Is this the type of socializing we want? Will we always be forced to share our friends with everyone on the other end of a phone? Is it selfish to want a friend for yourself and the


Thursday, NOVEMBER 28, 2013-The Xaverian


Christmas is a time to celebrate, and it’s time we all tried harder to do so LAURA O’BRIEN | Opinions Editor

I’m not sure exactly when I fell in love with Christmas, or if it was just something ingrained in me from a very young age. Either way, I’ve been gung-ho about Christmas my whole life. I was always that kid freaking out about the holiday specials on TV, insisting on putting up the Christmas tree early and crying when we had to take it down, baking cookies and sweets for all my friends and family, and the list goes on. These are the things I loved as a child, and still do today. It was only when I reached middle school that I realized not everyone likes Christmas. Growing up I went to a small, catholic elementary school, so Christmas was not only a key component of our learning activities in December, but our hallways and classrooms were filled with decorations and our teachers opted out their frumpy dresses for cheesy-yet-wonderfully-tacky Christmas

sweaters. We would have gift exchanges, more candy canes than you can imagine, and days well-spent making macaroni ornaments. It would have been extremely difficult to not love Christmas in that environment; it was taught to us like a subject in itself. However, children tend to have a more doe-eyed view of Christmas in the first place: there’s the excitement of Santa, presents, tasty food, and no school. Only when we’re older does the cynicism of Christmas set in and everything becomes, bit by bit, less magical. But why? It’s not like the magical moments we saw and loved as children have disappeared; it’s we who have changed. At some point between losing Santa and finishing puberty we decided to give up on all the things we loved as kids. Maybe it’s a mechanism to appear older. Frankly, I think it’s stu-

pid. The scales of Christmas become weighted by shopping complaints, grumpiness about the weather, and baking and wrapping become nothing more than chores. We switch out the joy of seeing that perfect, sticky, snowman-making-snow to a frown at the thought of shovelling and grouchiness about the saltiness of our boots. We see mall crowds as uncomfortable hazards, instead of realizing that all these surrounding people are buying things with thoughtfulness and care for the people they love. We complain about Christmas songs being played round-the-clock instead of acknowledging the comforting quality of them, that they have persisted year-by-year when all other Top 40 just doesn’t seem to have the same lasting power. We get irritated by Christmas music because it is, for the most part, predominantly happy and celebratory, and

our disillusioned selves just can’t handle all that optimism. We let ourselves become discouraged and upset over the purest example of joy and love that is the Christmas season, so full of giving, celebrating, and innocence. Which is precisely why I’ve never let go of my childish love of Christmas, and neither should you: reclaim the animal-shaped cookie cutters, fight with your siblings on who gets to put the star on the top of the tree, build a snow fort and an arsenal of snow balls to launch at any passersby. Sing Christmas carols at the top of your lungs, or even more specifically, the Alvin and The Chipmunks rendition of “Christmas Don’t Be Late”; I know you still know the lyrics, and let’s be honest here, who can resist the falsetto on the line, “Me, I want a hulahooooooop!”? It’s a childhood classic, just like all the

other moments and things lingering at the back of your mind when you think of being a kid at Christmas. We have eleven and a half months of the year to be responsible, boring adults. We can resist our childish inclinations and straighten out our suits and ties and decide not to snicker when someone farts and not have those seven extra cookies from January to November, but for the sake of your imagination and your sanity please don’t resist on Christmas. Sing, have a snowball fight, buy some footie-pajamas and embrace the kid inside you who sat up listening for sleigh bells and hooves on the roof. The magic of Christmas is never truly gone, whether you believe in the holly jolly fat man or not. The magic of Christmas is in all the little things that add up, the things you’ve known all your life; that’s what truly makes Christmas the most wonderful time of the year.

don’t take the time to call home, or make a spontaneous trip home during the year to see our families. So when the Christmas holiday comes around I take advantage of this time and enjoy the close relationships with my family that took me 20 years to develop. A perfect example of the true meaning of Christmas is portrayed in the classic animated film, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. After the Grinch goes down to Whoville and steals all the presents, he waits on top of the mountain to watch as all the whos cried “Boohoo.” What he sees, however, is a group of whos singing around the space where the Christmas tree used to be. They were welcoming Christmas without any presents and celebrating the fact that they were all together. This made the Grinch pon-

der and the famous line was thought: “Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store; Maybe Christmas is just a little bit more”. Christmas is all about celebrating being together. Gifts are exchanged to show how much you care, but gifts shouldn’t be the primary reason that Christmas is celebrated. Take time to recognize how lucky you are to have amazing people in your world this Christmas. Laugh, make new traditions while celebrating old ones, and make as much time for your families as possible. day growing up, it is easy to become desensitized to it and turn instead to apathy. You begin to view the whole place as a kind of cesspool that merely warrants ignoring, as it is seen to be an unchangeable entity somehow separate from you or your own interests. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

tis’ the season the meaning of christmas isn’t found in a store ANGELA MACKENZIE | Staff Writer

Christmas is defined in the online dictionary as a day of secular celebrations where gifts and greetings are exchanged. However, the meaning of Christmas cannot be defined through an online definition at! Christmas has so much more to offer than a simple definition. This is a holiday that seems to last from after Remembrance Day until New Years. This one day of the year has hours of songs dedicated to it which most people start listening to starting in mid-November. Christmas starts so early because people start scurrying around as fast as possible in order to get the perfect gift for their friends and family. Sometimes the true meaning of Christmas is lost beneath commercial industries fighting over ad space attempting to get the highest amount of consumers flocking to their stores. The mall is playing Christmas Carols and

people are rustling about looking for gifts for their loved ones. The true meaning of Christmas should not have to lie behind gifts; it should be found within families as they gather to celebrate togetherness. This year is the first year that neither my brother nor I will be returning home for the summer, so this year over the break will be the first time we see our parents all year. Christmas will be the only time that the four us of will be able to spend time together so we treasure all the time we have for each other. When we get together, obviously gifts are exchanged and we eat so much that we gain 5 pounds. But the four of us always make time for each other. It’s a tradition that leading up to Christmas we spend as much time together as possible. Every year we sit down to watch

our favourite Christmas specials – The Muppets Christmas Carol is our go-to – and on Christmas Eve after Church the four of us will play a board game until we

are too tired to function. Families are very important in everyone’s life. Unfortunately, it quite often happens that we


The Xaverian-Volume 122 Issue 8


Bells will be ringin’… the sad, sad news. Oh, what a Christmas to have no money. I don’t know about anybody else, but my favorite part of Christmas is finding the perfect gift for each and every person I care about. In light of this semester’s events – cough – getting fired – cough – combined with my inability to adjust to having no income, this will be my first Christmas on that lovely little concept called a budget. Actually, let’s be honest here, even ‘budget’ is a stretch: I’m broke. Don’t worry; I am not going to give a list of creative cheap present ideas. I’m sure we have all resorted to the homemade cards, half-assed treats wrapped in beautiful bows and the infamous ‘coupon’ idea. Thoughtful? Sure. Pointless? Yes. Here is how you can enjoy your Christmas on a budget: Be the present. As much as some of us suck our parents dry all year between tuition and rent (power to the people who take care of their own finances! I remember those days... vaguely), they want you at home. They are not going to hold money against you at Christmas if you do things the right way. I know

you need to hit up your sleazy hometown bar, need to get that ex who you dumped over Thanksgiving back, and need to have that traditional potluck with all your high school friends. SURPRISE. You don’t need to do all of those things. All you need to do is be present. Be home. Be the present! If you sacrifice one or more of those things I promise you it will not go unnoticed. In fact, I’m willing to bet it will be appreciated. Put money in the right places. So your significant other is bringing in the dough and has already hinted about the elaborate gift they’re planning to give you. You’re thinking there is absolutely no way you can give any type of gift let alone one that is going to match up to theirs, according to your roommate who they’ve secretly confided in. Relax. I’m going to go out on a limb and say if they’re planning an elaborate gift it’s because they want to, not because they expect one in return. If this isn’t the case… Well, that’s going to have to be another column. Take the money you were going to use to buy them that hundred-dollar boxed set of their favorite show and use it to take your parents or grandpar-

ents out to dinner. Yeah, it might be your parent’s money, but that is irrelevant. There are a lot of other – more fun – presents you can give your significant other, “Saaaanta baaaaaby…” Stay far, far away from Boxing Day sales. I know this is going to be the big one for me. It is an addiction. DO NOT make plans to go shopping with your friends on Boxing Day. Go skating, go skiing, drink all that leftover liquor from Christmas, read a book — just stay away from the mall. Boxing Day sales are an absolute money sucker and the sales are not even that great. We all want to treat ourselves sometimes but we don’t need any more presents, people. Save those gift cards from your aunts or uncles for when we are back in the ’Nish. You’re going to need them a lot more in the middle of March. Find the flow. I know it is hard to do anything other than absolutely nothing over Christmas break, but most of the people I’ve talked to will be going home for close to a month! Why not use this time to your advantage, money wise? If you’re lucky enough to have had a great relation-

ship with a previous summer employer start laying the groundwork now. If you bailed on your job come September that is okay too. The majority of establishments require extra help during the busy holiday season. It shouldn’t be hard to find some seasonal, part-time hours if you’re willing to put in the effort to look. If all else fails, people pay the big bucks for a babysitter on new years. Don’t pass up a selfless gesture. As Christmas comes each year we are reminded of how lucky we are to even have a budget to manage. The privilege of our lives is enhanced during this time of year but so are the misfortunes of others. You may not be a frequent volunteer at the soup kitchen or the Salvation Army; maybe you’ve never volunteered for anything. It doesn’t have to be a favor for a stranger; it can be something as simple as helping an elderly neighbor wraps some gifts. There is little that will make you feel better than doing something for someone knowing they can never repay you, so what have you got to lose? Merry (early) Christmas to all of my disgustingly spoiled generationY friends!

Oops, I scared the pirates away How pop music is being used as a deterrant for high-seas pirates V. FARLEY | Staff Writer

Need the latest in pirate-repelling technology? Grab a Britney Spears CD or – if that’s too old-school for you – download a couple of the former pop star’s hits. That’s right. You did read that correctly. Britney Spears’ music isn’t just entertainment anymore – it has also been pulling an act as a security system for tankers on the high seas off East Africa. The merchant navy reports “Oops! I Did It Again” and “Baby One More Time” have been particularly effective as preventive measures. Second Officer Rachel Owens told Metro UK that Spears’ music was specifically “chosen by the security team because they thought the pirates would hate [her songs] most.” The rationale behind this new safety measure is that would-be brigands “can’t stand Western culture or music” and Britney Spears, or at least her music, is seen as synonymous with the society they so detest. This approach appears to have worked as the Second Officer Owens claims it is “so effective the ship’s security rarely needs to resort to firing guns — as soon as the pirates get a blast of Britney they move on as quickly as they can”. While it might be amusing to chuckle at the thought of Britney Spears’s reaction to her music-terror-

izing career in all its pirate-deterring obnoxiousness, in this case it’s not about “Britney, bitch.” Spears’s music has been played above the human threshold of pain (130 decibels) by Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) defense systems that can go as high as 162 decibels. They play music at levels that can cause headaches and even hearing loss. Think of it as a loudspeaker that most definitely doesn’t stop at ten and can be aimed in your direction from 3.5 kilometers away. While the LRAD Corporation has made quote a profit off commercial shipping selling their product as a

pirate deterrent, LRADs are also used for crowd control and communication over long distances. Rather than being merely a sonic weapon or method of attack, LRADs are a method of ascertaining intentions from afar and keeping threats at bay. They’ve played a part as deterrents to pirates, alongside more traditional defenses like guns, since as early as 2005. Britney Spears just happens to be the soundtrack of choice. Steven Jones from the Security Association for the Maritime Industry conceded other artists could be just as effective. “Pirates will go to any lengths to avoid or try to overcome the music,” he says, and quips that “using Justin Bieber would be against the Geneva Convention.” Coincidently enough, Britney Spears’s music had been used as a tool to induce pain rather than the desire to dance before becoming the music of choice for shipping LRADs. At Guantanamo Bay, her tracks, alongside Drowning Pool, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Bruce Springsteen, Queen, Nancy Sinatra, Christina Aguilera, and many other artists, have been used as instruments of torture. Although, to be fair to Britney, they had to be played loudly and nonstop to qualify as “enhanced interrogation.” So what’s a little piracy compared to that?


Thursday, NOVEMBER 28, 2013-The Xaverian

The Xaverian-Volume 122 Issue 8




Thursday, NOVEMBER 28, 2013-The Xaverian

Culture Sleep when you’re dead are caffeine induced all-nighters really worth it? DEVON GREENE | Staff Writer

Slackers: we all know them. The students who never do any work and never study, yet they manage to pass their classes every term. Many of these students make it through the years by doing nothing for weeks at a time and catching up on all their work by pulling a couple of allnighters. I have always wondered whether or not you can actually get any quality work done this way, so I decided to find out. 48 hours, no sleep. Day one started at 8:00am and by the time I was finally released from my last class at 9:30pm I was already tired. This is when I had my first dose of caffeine, bringing us to Tip #1. Tip #1: light roast coffee, large and black. Few people know that the lighter the roast, the higher the caffeine content. While dark roast does a better job of bringing out the flavour of the beans, if it’s the caffeine jolt you are after, light roast is the way you want to go. I am pretty caffeine-sensitive so it wasn’t long before the shakes set in and my heart started racing, but I was wide awake. The next few hours were fairly productive and worked without too many dis-

tractions. Around 3:00am I was starting to feel sluggish. With no place on campus to turn to for more coffee, I headed home. Big mistake. Tip #2: Avoid going home if you can. Being so close to a cozy bed or soft couch is just too tempting. There are also distractions everywhere. Although the small pot of coffee I made kept me awake, it was hard to accomplish anything. However, if you are able to effectively deal with distractions you should still make some progress at this point. The beginning of day two was the hardest. At 9:00am I had my third large coffee. It had almost no effect except for making me nauseated. Droopy eyes set in and found myself nodding off while trying to study. At 11:00am I decided to switch tactics and try an energy drink. If you take nothing else away from this article, let it be Tip #3. Tip #3: do not consume energy drinks. It was expensive, tasted awful, and made me want to throw up. Universities across Canada are reviewing the negative effects of energy drinks and some have even banned the sale of these concoctions on campus. (Editor’s

street beats ALEX VANIER

“Definitely residence. You meet a lot of great people- people you’ll never forget. It’s a lasting memory that will stick with me for a long time. And of course, joining rugby. I can’t forget that. It has such a legacy. Residence was great, but you really blossom when you join a club or a society here.”

Note: see Energy Drink Ban pg. 15) It did not give me wings or even increase alertness. I was too busy to find a better source of caffeine for the next few hours so I was forced to see how things would unfold naturally. At first I felt pretty good; I was cheerful and energetic. This new upward mood swing was not a good sign but rather the beginning of the end for many who attempt the allnighter strategy. Tip #4: don’t be fooled by overtiredness. Overtiredness is when you have gone without sleep for so long that you move beyond the point of feeling tired. Common signs of overtiredness include uncontrollable giggles, confusion, and delirium. It is at this point when most people realise they really need to sleep. The transition from giddiness to a mental break-down comes quickly and suddenly. Simultaneous laughing and crying is not unusual during this stage. Your friends will think you have completely lost it and beg you to go home and go to bed. You need to power through this phase because your spurt of energy will be short lived. By 1:00pm I was left with regular tiredness again.

I fell asleep almost every time I sat down so I stepped it up a notch with a caffeine pill. This was a little too much caffeine to allow for any real productivity. I had the shakes, it became hard to concentrate, and after about an hour my attention span was reduced to that of a goldfish. Tip #5: don’t overdo it. Going without sleep for this long is going to kill your ability to concentrate and too much caffeine is just going to make it worse. You might not be tired, but you’re also not going to get any work done. If you are going to be unproductive you might as well take a nap. Another negative effect of the caffeine pill is the crash that comes when it wears off. Sleepiness hits you like a Mac truck. The last stage of my adventure began at 4:00pm on day two. The next 12 hours were met with two more large cups of black coffee and another caffeine pill. It turns out that large doses of caffeine will, in fact, turn you into Satan. Everything everyone did was annoying. I was very cranky and very aware of it. The last stage of an all-nighter is when you have the potential to get the most work done, but you have to channel

your anger into pure, unadulterated productivity. Hide from the world, put your head down, and power through. The time went by faster than I expected. Before I knew it, there was the faintest glint of light on the horizon and I realised it was 7:00am on day three. Maybe it was the caffeine, maybe it was the lack of sleep, but I swear as the sun came up it spoke to me and it was saying, “Go to sleep.” I listened. That was the end of my journey and I finally hit the hay. Six cups of coffee, two caffeine pills, and a Rockstar was all it took to finish two assignments and an essay and a half in 48 hours. I got a decent amount of work done, but it is not something I recommend anyone try. You are much better off using your time wisely and maintaining regular sleep patterns. Giving yourself extra hours won’t necessarily translate into getting more work done. Caffeine and lack of sleep will make you easily distracted, confused, and overall less productive. All-nighters might happen but they are a horrible experience and should be avoided at all costs.

Fourth years: WITH X-RING AROUND THE CORNER, WHAT’s YOUR FAVOURITE X Memory so far? LEWIS FORWARD | Co-Editor-in-Chief

Kyle McPhee

“I transferred here last year. Mine isn’t so much a memory. I met people in my time here who will be friends for the rest of my life. That’s my best memory. The people I’ve met here, and the friends that I’ve made.”

Ian douglas

“Definitely frosh week.”

Spencer pomeroy


“The whole thing. Well, everything except for the schoolwork. Moving in with the boys was good.”

“I always love St. Patrick Day, and even though it’s so cliché, homecoming. Those two are always the best. Also, something I’ve noticed in my older yearsthis might be a psychological thing, I’m learning about this in psych right now- but I really do think we have the best profs. They really care. All this week I’ve been sitting down with my profs for like three hours. It’s not really a memory, but I love the profs here.


The Xaverian-Volume 122 Issue 8


THE justamere CAFE: more than just A MERE CAFE an interview with the manager of the justamere cafe DANIEL COCHRANE | Contributor

On one of your many arduous treks across liquor lane to Sobeys and its “spirited” neighbour, many of you may be aware of a delicious dish nestled just across from the Antigonish Mall. If you weren’t, then consider this the unveiling of Antigonish’s best kept secret. The Justamere Café offers the best breakfast in town, and their lunch and dinner menus are sure to satisfy even the most delicate palettes. The locally-produced artwork adorning the walls is second only in beauty to the wait staff, who are happy to overlook your pajamas and breweryscented breath. Whether you want to meet with friends for dinner and drinks or recuperate from your weekend debauchery, the J-Mere has got you covered. I got a chance to touch base with the fetching Miss Jillian Pulsifer, who manages the Café, and discuss a little bit about their background and recent menu changes.

The Xav: Can you give me a little background of the restaurant, and how it has changed since its opening? Jillian: Honestly, when we first began we expected to cater primarily to the hotel guests… but we’ve been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming response from the university population. You would be shocked by how many students need a decent breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning, whether nursing a hangover or just fuelling their studies. We never anticipated that we would be catering to this type of clientele, but we are so happy that our business has taken this shift. The Xav: You changed your menu a few months ago. How has that affected business, and what new menu items have really caught on? Jillian: We were all getting a little tired of the old menu, staff and clientele included. Blah, blah, blah, omelette, blah, blah, blah yogurt parfait.


As a frosh, this first term of living the University dream here at StFX has been absolutely nothing that I thought it would be, because it has been something so much better than anything that I could have mentally prepared for. To start, the month of September left me feeling quite lost and even somewhat lonely. Then October came, things became tough as I began panicking about midterms and wondering if I was on the right path, who I was as a person, and what the meaning of life was (for some reason I felt the need to figure out my entire life). It all seemed far too real and overwhelming. Finally, this November, I am so happy to be at this amazing school and am absolutely content with being here- even to the extent that the only reason I want to go home is to brag about all the fantastic times I’ve already had at StFX. Frosh week was amazing, but once that initial buzz of adrenaline wore off what was left was a shivering young first year feeling uncertain about literally everything. Looking back, I was so eager to leave home and start fresh in an entirely new place. What I didn’t take into account was that being submerged in a completely new surrounding takes an adjustment period. Maybe this only applies to some first years, and maybe some of you had very short adjustment periods, or you’re still going through this. However long it takes, it will come to an end. Now I can safely say I am falling madly in love with StFX and I hope you all have this great feeling too (there is just so much to love). The beauty of it all, the wonderful people, and all the fantastic opportunities, the fun to be had any night of the week, and to top it all off the immense amount of knowledge and learning to experience. Call me a nerd but for once I feel excited about learning. Not only is the atmosphere so ex-

citing, but the feeling that we are at a point in our lives where we can mould ourselves and our goals into anything. There is time for us to slack off, to do something spontaneous, and to not worry about what will happen tomorrow. At least, to an extent. Luckily I quickly snapped myself out of the mopey whatam-I-doing-here phase and realized this experience could be made into anything I wanted it to be. One problem is the pressure placed on students that are told “University will be the best four years of your life.” Yes, this is a great time, but this doesn’t mean you must try and force great things to happen to make it the best, because things will fall into place and if it isn’t the best then you will learn something from that experience. If it’s not that great for you that doesn’t mean that you have no chance of having the best years of your life later on. Also, don’t let people tell you a certain time in your life is going to be the “best,” every year should top the last, because every year we discover more about what exactly will make us happy. Honestly, reflecting on these last three months, I feel like an entirely changed person. Did the first semester live up to my expectations? Not at all. In reality, it would have been better to not have any expectations at all. Has this first semester taught me a heck of a lot and was it awesome and better than anything I could have expected? Absolutely. I hope for all you other first years you can say the same. When we go home for Christmas, I bet most of us can’t wait to brag to our friends about how much fun we’ve had thus far, and tell our parents that we’ve made the right choice by coming here. Thankfully, we are only 1\8 away from out degrees and there is so much more fun to be had here at StFX.

The classics like eggs benedict and the house special stayed, of course, but we’ve included a few more options. Bam! Smoked salmon benny. Deal with it. The Big Breakfast, of course, stayed... good luck. There’s a lot more cheerleaders that can finish this one than football players. Challenge issued. Note: The author has personally have tackled this breakfast on many an occasion and plans on killing two of them in a sitting sometime soon. For those who share my gluttonous ambition I recommend Dan’s double down. Jillian: To the lunch menu we’ve recently added fish tacos, a new stir-fry, new pastas, and the triumphant return of the Justamere clubhouse sandwich. They’ve all been well received – the clubhouse especially! The Xav: What does the Justamere provide that other restaurants in Antigonish don’t? That is, what is your niche in the local dining experience? Jillian: We’ve always believed we are lucky enough to provide meals for students within their price range. For not much more than you would pay for a Big Mac at McDonalds, you can get a fresh cooked and homemade meal at the Justamere Cafe and Bistro… and most times it’s served by someone who remembers your name, or which exam you were last studying for. That is our niche: we live down liquor lane,

we reside by the liquor store, we bring your lunch, and we love seeing a familiar face. The Xav: What percentage of your patrons are students or within the student demographic? Jillian: Students seem to make about 50% of our clientele. It’s awesome to have such a diverse customer base and be able to please as many people as possible. The Xav: What are students eating? What’s the most popular ordered item, both in general and by the student populace? Jillian: Shazam! Easy. Quesadillas. Whether you like all veggie, chicken and cheese, or straight up, this is hands down the most popular item on our menu… That is, of course, unless you want breakfast. Go Big or go House… Big Breakfast or House Special... the choice is yours... but we’ll judge you… The Xav: What can students expect for the holiday season and winter months? Are there any holiday specials that will be offered? Jillian: Students can always get a great deal at the Justamere, but for the Christmas season we have a Peppermint Hot Chocolate, a Mint Chocolate Milk Shake, and other Candy Cane and Christmas inspired treats. Ch-Ch-Check it out! You can find us on Facebook or visit our website www.

Humans of the ‘nish A brief conversation with gary FROM MEAL HALL BENJAMIN KENT | Contributor

The Xav: What was your passion when you were growing up? Gary: Well, I've always wanted to be an artist... to draw. That's what I wanted to do when I was in grade twelve, but there's no money in that, and I was looking for a job and this came up. The Xav: Do you enjoy getting up and going to work every morning? Gary: Oh yeah, I love it. The Xav: That's really interesting... because you know, a lot of people don't. Gary: Really? The Xav: Yeah.


Thursday, NOVEMBER 28, 2013-The Xaverian

sex with an x For female orgasms, the tongue is a mighty instrument CONNIE LINGUS | Sexy Lady

A couple of weeks ago, Sex With An X did an article on why you should love giving blowjobs. Now it is time for the blowjob’s best friend, cunnilingus, to take the stage, because there are so many wonderful reasons to make her the shining star of your sex life. For starters, can it just be said that there is no charming and easy name for going down on a girl? The formality of cunnilingus, the vagueness of “going down”, the creepiness of “eating out”: none sound quite right, and they certainly don’t sound sexy. Can’t some major porn company start a new trend word for this and get it going? If anyone could have the power to do so, it would be the porn industry. Nonetheless, it appears as though we’re stuck with the trio above, and perhaps a few others for the sake of this column.

If you ask women around town, there never appears to be enough lady-part loving going around. Unless you’re in a committed relationship or are a lesbian, consensus says that the boys of StFX (and presumably, the world) are not giving after receiving. Gentlemen, this is not cool. This article is meant directly for you guys out there who don’t see the joy in an opportunity to pleasure the ladies. This is also going out to all the lesbians, but I’m fairly certain that you are the Jedis of oral sex while the male species remains mere padawans. So, in the land of going down, there seems to be a lot more sucking than munching going on. Here are three reasons why you should love going down on a girl: 1. Vag inas are a mag ical mystery adventure. To some, the vagina may

seem scary. But really, the vagina is just an adventure that you get to discover. Every girl responds differently and no two vaginas are the same. Sure, that might sound daunting, but it just means that when you figure out how to do it the way she likes it, it’s all the more rewarding because of the time and effort it took you to get there. The thing that makes vaginas a mystery is because there’s just so much to look at and see and do. But the magic of the vagina is that all these things lead up to you impressing – and undressing – the girl of your choice, and hopefully she’ll be writhing for more. 2. It’s like a game. Think of the va-jay-jay like your favourite video game, and you’re the controller. Sure, you’re familiar with the game overall, but every level and character creates a different experi-

ence. You need to know certain combos to win, but different characters have different game-winning combos. It’s not always about button mashing. You gotta hone your skill for each character to be able to really master the game, but once you have your favourite character and know all the right combos for them, you’re unbeatable. Just like video games, you gotta be able to use your hands– dexterity and fast reflexes can be useful for many things not involving a controller. And all that time you spent with your face stuck in concentration mode, tongue hanging out? Well, you’ve been building muscles there as well will definitely end up coming in handy. 3. Girls get goofy after they orgasm. Here’s a little secret: girls get kinda weird when they come really hard. And be-

cause most girls need clitoral stimulation to orgasm, it’s often from cunnilingus that they have their most intense O’s. Sometimes they can’t walk right away, or feel light-headed. Sometimes they get kinda stupid, like their brain isn’t working quite right, and some girls even pass out it was so good. This is not a suggestion to try to get your girl to pass out every time you go down on her, but if these strange things happen to you afterwards, take it as a job welldone. And we’re all know that good behaviour tends to get rewarded, right? You show her some special attention and you just might get some of your own. That’s another great things about girls: for the most part, they can come and come and come, and once you warm them up in a way that makes them feel sexy and excited, hopefully you will too.


The Xaverian-Volume 122 Issue 8

DiStractions Kaleigh Bent: Editor/ Christmas Elf


















Antigonish Unrated Exam Prep Nightmare

OVERHEARD AT X Blonde: Is your mom going to super sub? Brunette: Oh hell no Blonde: Why? Brunette: Newly divorced and she just got her hair done, Woman is on a rampage.

Instagram of the week

Exam time; it is everyone’s worse nightmare. Jeans turn into sweats, showers become optional, and DCB falls faster than peoples’ dignity at the pub. Some students manage to hunker down and get all their work done, I on the other hand, usually fall victim to the perilous perfect study spot search. That is, spending more time looking for an ideal study location, and not actually studying. First I hit up the PSC, because I have a pipedream someday I will land one of those priceless pods. After that I go to Schwartz, and of course there’s nothing. Finally (and begrudgingly) I saunter over to the good ol’ library, where I can study and enjoy the sauna at the same time. Usually that’ll be full too. So what is my advice for a successful exam period? Don’t waste time looking for places to study, just sit in your room, go to Tims, or maybe even the Tall and Small if you’re artsy like that. Good look fellow Xaverians, I’ll be seeing some of you in that over heated gym come mid December.

Kurt Brothers



SPORTS & HEALTH A look back at first semester PUt down the books and learn about what your x teams accomplished since september AARON THORNELL | Sports & Health Editor

With the approach of the end of the term and a stressful exam season, this is an opportune time to look back upon the semester and the many XMen and X-Women who represented us. Many of the athletes who may share classes, homes, or meals with do a great deal to provide the school with a source of pride. Arriving in mid-August, most athletes are in peak physical condition before many of us even manage to grasp the concept of returning to classes. While we are eating Cheetos off the couch and watching Breaking Bad for the third time that summer, most of our StFX athletes are attending two practices a day and eating half their body weight in protein. Arguably the most followed sport at this school, football has admittedly fallen short of many expectations in years prior. This year, however, the team jumped out of the starting blocks, as they got off to a 2-0 start. This winning streak was something relatively foreign to many students, and even to some of the players here at StFX. The players were feeling good as they put up a combined 66 points in their first two games. Unfortunately, the momentum didn’t last, as the team dropped their next two matches, falling to Acadia and St. Mary’s. They entered homecoming weekend with a 2-2 record, and were facing Mount Allison, who they had beaten in their season opener. In what many consider to be the most important game of the year, the X-Men did not disappoint, squashing the Mounties 30-9 before a crowd of alumni and students. This would be their last win of the season, as they went on to lose their next three games, and closed out the season with a 3-5 record, failing to qualify for the post-season. There were, however, some bright spots throughout the season. Punter Hayden Peters, tackle Terry Hart, widereceiver Devon Bailey, and linebacker Ron Omara were all named to the AUS All-Star Team. Omara was also named the AUS Player of the Year and earned a spot on the CIS All-Canadian Second All-Star Team. The X-Women rugby team, often a source of great pride for the school, had a relatively bumpy season by their stan-

dards. Shock reverberated throughout campus when the X-Women lost their first game of the season to Acadia, a team that would pester them all year. The X-Women bounced back in a big way, winning their remaining seven regular season games, only allowing points against in the final match. They captured their 16th consecutive AUS championship, edging out Acadia in an overtime nail-biter. They would not be able to repeat their CIS success from the year before, however, as they finished fifth in the tournament. Though this may be a disappointment by their standards, what must be remembered is that the XWomen fielded a team without many of the starters who had been integral in last year’s championship. With the leadership and coaching of Mike Cavanagh, nobody doubts the effort put in by the X-Women, nor the fact that they will be a fierce contender next year. The men’s and women’s soccer teams faced adversity this year, but both managed to take some positives out of the season. The men’s side finished an impressive fourth in the AUS division; with six victories, three losses, and four draws, they improved their seventh place finish from the year before. The XMen were eliminated by the Cape Breton Capers in the quarter-finals of the AUS playoffs. They scored twenty goals, led by Randy Ribero. The four-goal scorer was named to the CIS All-Canadian Team, as well as the AUS All-Star Team alongside XMen Natneal Tecle and Ryan Ashlee. The X-Men only conceded twelve goals on the season; Sam Hutchinson and Steven Rodenhizer finished first and second in save percentage, respectively. The XWomen entered the season with a young team, and experienced several long-term injuries to starting player. Despite this, the squad managed three wins, six losses, and four draws. Kevyn Timmons led the team in goal-scoring, as she scored three goals. Midfielder Alix Bruch was named to the AUS second AllStar Team. The StFX cross-country teams can often be seen running around town and campus in dangerously short shorts, making all around

them feel sluggish as they trudge to class. This training pays off, though, as we witnessed this year. Both the men and women’s teams had strong seasons. The X-Women finished second at the AUS finals, with a total of 51 points to Dalhousie’s 27 in a sport that lives by the rule of the fewer points, the better. However, StFX’s Melissa Hardy took home the gold medal, finishing with a time of 22:54 for a 6km race, crushing the rest of the field by more than ten seconds. The X-Men team took home the AUS championship that same weekend, which was their third consecutive championship, with a combined 32 points. The XMen had four runners in the top ten: Riley Johnston, Scott Donald, Lee Wesselius and Bryden Tate. The victory earned the X-Men a spot at the CIS championships held in London, ON. They finished 11th as a team, and Hardy finished 25th on the women’s side. The other varsity sports have only just gotten underway, as both hockey teams and basketball teams have a handful of games under their belts. The X-Men hockey team currently sit in a tie for third with 11 points. The XWomen, defending their third place finish in the CIS championships and AUS domination last year, are perfect on the season, winning all ten games, and scoring an average of over four goals a game. They are led by fourth-year Alex Normore, who has 24 points to lead the league. The X-Women are currently ranked fourth in the nation. The StFX men’s basketball team, following the hockey team’s lead, are also tied for third, with four wins out of their first six games. The XWomen basketball team are off to a tough start, winning only one of their first six. The StFX varsity teams are a great source of pride for our small school, and so far this year they have represented our school well. We look forward to the remainder of the hockey and basketball seasons, and eagerly await the start of track and field. As we see the track and field members sprinting around a track cleared of snow in the dead of winter, remember to look for an opportunity to cheer on a StFX team, and show them your support.

Health tip of the week

in this new feature, we will ask one St. FX athlete for a health or nutrition tip that will help you reach varsity athlete-levels of healthy living. Name: mackenzie munroe Sport: track & field Events: hometown: yarmouth, ns Academic program: arts “what i would recommend to everyone is to not skip breakfast. by eating breakfast, you’re giving your body the level of energy it needs to function properly throughout the day. without breakfast, you rob your body of the essential nutrients that would essentially give you the energy to complete high-intensity workouts.

Allie MacDonald | Contributor


The Xaverian-Volume 122 Issue 8

Starting your first race... Now Some tips and motivators to help whip you into shape for spring Running MAT T MACDONALD | Health Columnist

Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape. Running is incredibly effective at making you healthier in a number of ways that can raise your overall health. As an avid runner, I can say with confidence that running will enhance numerous aspects of your life. While some start their morning with a cup of coffee, I start my day with a ten mile run. Upon returning, I feel like a million bucks! With endorphins (feel good chemicals) raging through my brain, I’m not only invigorated, but also focused and better able to enjoy all that life has to offer. Running is a particularly powerful movement and has the ability to give you a great natural high! These are just a few benefits you can receive by incorporating running into your regular routine. Improve Overall Health Running is a great way to increase your overall health. In fact, running will improve your overall cardiorespiratory function and lower your risk for heart disease, which is Canada’s leading cause of death. Running also has the ability to decrease your blood pressure and increase the amount of good cholesterol in your body. Sever-

al studies have indicated that running can actually decrease your risk for developing cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and heart attack. Weight Management Running can be a great way to manage and maintain a healthy weight. This aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories and can be done virtually anywhere. However, if you’re over 200 lbs., try cycling instead. Carrying excess weight can be very stressful on your bones, joints and ligaments. Running with excess weight can lead to injury, which will only set you back further. Relieve Stress and Eliminate Depression When the body becomes stressed it releases a chemical called cortisol. When cortisol is present in the body, you’re at increased risk for developing anxiety, depression, weight gain, heart disease, as well as digestive and sleep problems. Running can help combat stress and benefit the body, mind and spirit. Now, if the thought of running ten miles sounds overwhelming, I would have to agree. In fact, I would never

recommend a new runner tackle this amount of mileage. So if you’re new to running, start small. There are many learn-to-run programs online, such as Coach to 5k, as well as many iPhone apps, which are highly effective. If, however, you’re looking for a little more structure and training support along the way, find a running coach or personal trainer who specializes in running. New Years Resolution – Plan Ahead Last December I made an early New Years Resolution to complete my first ever marathon. In May 2013, I not only reached my goal, but also qualified for the prestigious Boston Marathon. Which, according to a recent study by Jim Fortner only 10.4 percent of marathon finishers ever achieve. With knowledge like this in my back pocket, I won’t be wasting anytime over the winter preparing for April 21, 2014. The key to running your first 5k, 10k, half or full Marathon is to plan ahead. Most major running events take place in either the spring or fall. Therefore, you’ll want to plan ahead and find a running race to reach your

ENERGY DRINK BAN PLANNED stfx student group proposes campus-wide energy drink sales ban SEAN MCEVOY | Co-Editor-in-Chief

During the exam and paper season, many students at on campus turn to energy drinks to get their caffeine fix, however a group of students is hoping to change that. Tristyn Cleveland, Kelsey Munden, and Chloe MacDonald have created an initiative to ban the sale of energy drinks at StFX due to the negative health impacts and to encourage the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in university. “Our first step was researching different surrounding universities to see if any of them had any policies in place, which did not allow energy drinks to be sold on campus”, says Cleveland. “We found that UPEI has a policy with Pepsi against selling energy drinks on campus. This was when we decided to take this initiative into action. As a nutrition student I also believe that we should be good role models to the younger generations. For example, energy drinks are sold at the KMC where younger kids come to play many recreational sports. Seeing energy drinks widely available on a university campus could influence young children to think energy drinks are the norm and encourage consumption of them at a young age.” The group has set forward an online petition to ban the drinks from the university, and have also created a Facebook page to raise awareness for the cause. They plan to eventually

present the petition to Pepsi, the supplier of bottled drinks on campus. “These two interventions have really shown us that there is support out there to make the campus energy drink free”, says Cleveland. “This is not to say that students who want to purchase energy drinks won’t do so outside of campus, but by making them non-accessible on campus is a way to show we are promoting a healthy lifestyle. We have even received private messages on Facebook from students sharing stories about different symptoms they have experienced because they were addicted to energy drinks in the past. This brought to our attention how real this issue really is.” The reaction from students overall has been very supportive of the movement according to the group. “I was surprised to see so many students on par with the removal of energy drinks. I thought that more students would be discouraged and not want to discuss the banning of energy drinks in any degree”, said Munden. “We spoke with the Vice President of Communications of the Student’s Union (Emily Miller) and she brought up our concerns and interests in the(Students’ Union) executive meeting last week. She had told us about an initiative they have come up with as to the removal of all bottled drinks on campus, which may then include energy drinks. We

thought this was also a great plan.... now further communication is needed to get this process moving in the right direction.” The group will also be taking their concerns directly to StFX administration in the hopes of getting executive support for the movement. “Currently, we are working on a short briefing note we hope to present to Bob Hale, StFX’s Director of Ancillary Services and PepsiCo”, says MacDonald. “We are hoping to have a positive response from each them and that they will recognize our concerns and work together to make this initiative happen. We have also prepared a pamphlet with facts about the risks that come along with the consumption of energy drinks. We are hoping to have the pamphlet posted in the Health Center. We are just waiting to hear back from the nurses, and we will be handing them out to students around campus as well.” Although this initiative was initially generated through a Health Policy class project, Cleveland believes the the movement will continue long after the course is over. “We realize it takes time to form policy, so our goal is to gather all the information and ammo needed to make this change happen. By leaving the information needed to take this initiative further with interested parties it should carry on and not end with class.”

goal. For those people living in Atlantic Canada, you can visit to find a running race in your area. Next comes the training! Most training programs are between 16 and 18 weeks long depending on your current level of fitness. If you’re new to running, it is important to allow sufficient time for your bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments to adapt to the stresses of running. If you’re contemplating running half or full marathon in the spring, you should start training in late December or early January. In fact, if you plan on following an 8 week training plan, which is advisable for most first time runners, choose a race, find a training plan and start training 18 weeks prior to your race. Seek out experts that are getting the results you desire! If your goal is to bulk up and get big muscles, then find a trainer who has achieved similar results. If however, your goal is to run a half marathon or marathon, find someone with the knowledge and skills to reach your goals. The best time to start running was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.

Next Week At STFX nov 28th women’s basketball vs acadia - 6 pm nov 28th men’s basketball vs acadia - 8 pm Nov 29th Women’s Ice Hockey vs Moncton - 7 PM Nov 29th Men’s ice hockey vs upei - 730 pm nov 30th women’s basketball vs upei - 6 pm nov 30th women’s ice hockey vs smu - 7 PM nov 30th men’s ice hokcey vs - stu 7 pm nov 30th men’s basketball vs upei - 8 pm check scores and look for live game streams at


Thursday, NOVEMBER 28, 2013-The Xaverian

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