THE YORK SCHOOL (an independent school) 1320 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4T 1X2
PERSPECTIVE 2003-2004 ----
This Yearbook is really just a Memmy Bank. . . something you can return to, re-read and conjure up wonderful memories of your years at The York School. This year, each class, from The Early Years to Grade Eight has had some marvelous events such as the Lip Sync contest, the Junior Plays, the Guild Fun Fair, Mansfield, the Quebec trip, Oochathon, Halloween, Shakespeare Day, Science Fair and the PYP Exhibition etc. etc. This edition is crammed full of memories. Many thanks to the yearbook staff headed up by Mme. Almeida and suppmted by Ms. Hickman, Mrs. Bell, Ms. Bauld and Mr. Snow. Enjoy!! Barbara Goodwin-Zeibots Head 2
As always, York's students and staff eagerly await the arrival of the latest "Perspective" and we are never disappointed. None of us can ever begin to remember a year's worth of activities anywhere, let alone at a school as busy and as creative as York. Take a morning or an afternoon, pull all of the "Perspectives" off the bookshelf and enjoy the memories. Many, many thanks to Katherine Almeida and to Gill Hickman for preserving the year so superbly! Marilyn Andrews Admissions
The York School
Art Adams Maintenance
Katherine Almeida Primary French
Debbie Alvarez Reception
John Anderson Building Manager
Jo~ie Andrews 路cafeteria Staff
Christine Appadurai Accounting
Maria Barnden Glebe
Matthew Barry Grade 58
Ginny Bate~ York Shop
Sarah Bauld Grade 6B
Anne Bell Grade 3B
Anuradha Bhattacharya Reception
Jenny Briones Cafeteria Staff
Nancy Bunyard Instrumental Music
Murray Calvin Security
Andrea Charlton Grade 5C
Faculty and Staff
Vanessa Colabawalla Administrative Assistant
Sophie Doig Glebe
Moira Dossetor Director of Development
Dianne Dowman Academic Head of Technology
Gerald Feeney Director of Athletics
Megan Gardner Geography/ History
Frank Gibbs Security
Liz Gilbert Senior Library
Tasca Guardino Administrative Assistant
Shelagh Gustavison Grade 4G
Marth Hall Phys. Ed.
Gordon Hefford Lunchroom and Maintenance
Gillian Hickman Phys. Ed.
Patricia Indart Accounting
PatJerred Curriculum Coordinator Lower School
Jacqueline Jesser Science
The York School
Ian johns Maintenance
Katharine Jurkovic Development Assistant
Talei Kunkel Grade 8K
Danielle Lemieux Grade 7L
Justin Medved Geography and Phy~. Ed.
Julie Meskis Grade 1M
Shannon O'Neil Grade 7N
Grade 2M
Lisa Kessler Glebe
Melissa Kolodziechuk Geography
Lois Lewis Vocal Music
Eric Maerov Grade 7M
Leslie Miller Mathematic~
Sean Mitchell Phys. Ed.
David Paris Grade 6P
Kathleen Peak I.T. Support
Faculty and Staff
Mark Persaud Network Administrator
Christine Pouliot Glebe
Daphne Radford Grade lR
Eric Robertson Middle Years Programme Coordinator
Brian Schofield Cafeteria Manager
jeanette Seymour Glebe
Hugh Shankland Lunchroom and Maintenance
Merces Silva Cafeteria Staff
Harriet Simand Grade 3S
Julian Smerdon Instrumental Music
Karen Smith Junior French
Bart Snow
Sara Spencer junior Library
Carolyn Steele Administrative Assistant
Chris Steele Maintenance
Janet Stefanyk Grade 2S
The York School
Kevin Stewart Grade 8S
Lesley Stewart Grade 4S
Tim Stone Grade TS
)anine Suboch Art
MaryTeoli1> Glebe
Sally Warren Adminbtrative A1>1>istant
Annette Whiteley Director of Finance
Marjorie Willoughby Glebe
Faculty and Staff
Glebe Upstairs
Daanyal Chaudry
Robe1t Ash
Sydney Corbett
B1yann Ysabel Davidson
Elliot Fung
Jordan Gottlieb
Bryn Harvey-Raymond
Harrison Salish
Pierce Spasojevic
Fraser Stevenson
Elias Nikolas Volonakis
Sam Wortsman
Absent: William Bellamy and Sarah Miller
Glebe Downstairs
Roslyn Brenzel
Kai Brown
Max Caplan
Sarah Craig
jacqueline Davidson
Ben De Bresser
David Eden
Katie Henderson
Isabel Kamin
Carson Lamont
David Mansour
Richard Nauman
Laura Osborne
jonathan Shammas
Danielle Salish
Paige Tuchner
Absent: Liam Black, Louisjarvis, Kiana Karellas, Alison Miller and james Nash
Glebe At Play
The Lower School Grades 1 to 6 As part of their math programme the grade one students informed us that on February 16th we will reach our lOQth school day and they plan to celebrate that day! As always, life
at The York School continues to be busy and eventful and we have much to celebrate. One year has passed since we became authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Primaty Years Programme and, as I said at the time, this is not an end, but an incentive to keep moving forward in our teaching and learning. In September we began a collaborative five year programme with Dr. Barrie Bennett from OISE/ UT exploring the concept of Instructional Intelligence strategies in order to enhance and increase teaching skills in the classroom. This involves planning instruction to include multiple intelligences and taking into account different learning styles in order to teach more effectively. Evidence of this can be seen in the classrooms as teachers work with graphic organizers, concept attainment and collaborative learning. Also in September, the grade one teachers, aided by Pat ]erred our curriculum director who had done the initial research, statted piloting a new math programme Everyday Math, which focusses on understanding and exploration of concepts through concrete materials, and on problem solving and critical thinking. It has been so successful with the grade one classes that we plan to extend it through to grade six next year, holding a training session for teachers in August. In February we had Andrea Rossinger an IBPYP trainer from Frankfutt International School, Germany give a workshop to Lower School Faculty on Assessment and Pottfolios. This was vety he! pful and you will see the results in some of the changes we make for the Student Led Conferences in April. Two teachers are attending n IBPYP workshop in Halifax in March and some teachers will also attend IPBYP workshops in June. Right now the grade one to four students under the expert guidance of Mrs. Yorke are excitedly preparing for the drama production to be help on February 24th. It promises to be a great event. The grade six students are statting to think ahead to the PYP Exhibition to be held June 4th on the theme Global migration affects us all. Last years exhibition was informative, vibrant and exciting. This year we will incorporate suggestions and improvements into the planning of the exhibition as we continue to learn more about the process of inquity and collaboration and help our students to become life-long learners. The grade fives are busy getting to know their intergenerational pen-pals and planning their "not to be missed" concett in May. So, our learning progresses and the openness and involvement of the faculty in these various projects continues to make York the dynamic and creative place it is for both teachers and students. Barbara Galbraith Head of the Lower School
Grade 1M
Zakariya Ali
john Boright
Alistair Carscadden
Keven Cheung
Nicolas Corbett
Bronte Dowell
Conrad Edwards
Tom Freund
Charlotte Grieve
Sabrina Landegger
Matthew Lloyd
Trevor O'Leary
Andrew Patel
Orli Silverberg
Hannah White
Raquel Kerbel
This page is sponsored by Hannah White and family
Grade lR
Nicholas Bell
Colin Brandt
jack Brown
Evan Capstick
David Cash
Chloe Conacher
Sharon Davidov
Sabrina Dhalla
Nicholas Fortier
David Francis
David Grout
Chloe Lai
Aaron Lengyel
Grant Lillie
Matthew Patel
Jamie Tennen
page is sponsored by Jack Brown and family
Grade 2M
Madeleine Cavanagh
Kevin Clifford
Willis Daellenbach
Jenna Fletcher
Robbie Freund
Zoe Grieve
Riley Hanson
Clare Harvey-Raymond
Christina Jewell
Alec Kennedy Dowell
Luka Kopunovic
Paula Murmann
Ashley Murray
Ben Pitfield
Courtney Rider
Cassandra Rota
This page is sponsored by Riley Hanson and family
Aaron Shafton
Max Salish
David Walker
Ms. Moffat]ohannson and class
Mitchell Wortsman
Grade 2S
Max Brenzel
Jarita Chan
Lauren Clarfield
Michael Cole
Charles Cornish
Elisabeth Feldstein
Connor Guy
Lauren Hoffman
Nicole Kay
Rohan Khara
Lianne Menkes
Patrick Meredith-Karam
Maya Murmann
James Osborne
Jamie Perlmutter
Alex Steinberg
Lillie Tennen
Johann Von Tiesenhausen
Ms. Stefanyk and class
Ben Zolf
Grade 3B
Annie Boright
Vanice Cheung
Savannah Coffey
Bronwyn Colford
Ross Freemen
jenny Henderson
Helen Huband
jack Kamin
Theo Landegger
Dillon Lawrence
Claire McCallum
Sarah Evelyn Moor
Lamond Maurice Jr. Murray
Olivia Segsworth
Michelle Sprackman
Kirsten Sullivan
This page is sponsored by Ross Freeman and family
Andrew Tureski
Shawn Vickar
Charlie Walker
Mrs. Bell and class
Kevin Wallace
Grade 3S
Lorraine Capone
Liam Caven
Chas Conacher
Alex de Loos
John Feather
Ben Fickling
Rowan Galbraith
Rachel Hung
Alexa Jarvis
Sammy Kronick
Nurisha Ladak
Allison McLurg-Lovas
Lauren Miller
Shaelyn Newmarch
Madeline Pendrith
Evan Stein
Ms. Simand and class
Grade 4G
Bryan Brodie
Spencer Blaiklock
Robyn Chan
David Cherney
Roberto De Pasquale
Teresa Denison
Rachel Dinoff
Camilla Faragalli
Nicholas Freund
Madeline Goldberg
Russell Hanson
Ross Hinds
Natasha Kopunovic
Graham Pitfield
Stephanie Rider
Alys Shee
Ms. Gustavison and class
john Acker
Ellen Aiello
Emma Carscadde.n
Christy Chan
Patrick Cowdrey
James Duncan
Luke Farewell
Ca1ter Grieve
Rebecca Guy
Kath1yn Haas
Natalia Hartog
Elizabeth Kondo
Ryan Lee
jake Perlmutter
Victoria Schwartz
Haley Steinberg
Ms. Stewart and class
Grade SB
Lucas Burns
Cassandra Di Matteo
Mary Howard
Alexa Kady
Dmitri Kralik
Ryan Kucan
Harrison Lands
James Maclell
Ian McCallum
Virginia McKinnell
Jack Menkes
Emily Miller
Paighton Newmarch
Savannah O'Lemy
Anisa Rawhani
Alex Shieck
Geoffrey Sugar
Jacob Tillmann Dancyger
Saskia Walker
Mr. Barry and class
Spencer Watson
Grade SC
Harry Ainley
Corbin Broad
Charlie Connell
Meghan Davies
Conor Denison
Francesca Dill
Serena Goel
Aleksa Hartog
Ryan Kady
Jesse Kronick
Brandon Linds
Shea Mandolesi
Genny Miller
James Ratcliffe
Stella Speigel
Mitchell Stein
This page is sponsored by Shea Mandolesi and family
Allie Surchin
Jenna Tabatznik
Elijah Teitelbaum
Ms. Charlton and class
Absent: Philippa McDougall
Leah Bandler
Mary Claire Bass
Oliver Carscadclen
Madeline Cherney
Samuel Daviau
Adam Dinoff
Verity Eaton
Emily Goldberg
Molly Hanson
Samuel Hirsch
Lilianna Jdanovitch
Shayna Lechcier-Kimel
Amanda Leibow
Gillian Love
Jonathan Martin
Catherine Mary Moor
Zoe Radden
Louisa Schwarz
Melissa Serpe
Ms. Bauld and class
Joshua Wahler
Grade 6P
Chas Beatty
Alexandra Cassels
Dora julianna Csopak
Nicholas Fabro
Cara Fletcher
Melissa Florence
Joseph Huband
Clare Kordyback
Stuart Layland
Pablo Leibovici
Adam Litman
David Mcintyre
Leah Beth Mersky
Robbie Mingay
Madeleine Oswald
Olivia Parry
Emily Peckham
Zak Tabatznik
Mr. Paris and class
Absent: Mark Aiello andjacelyn Tu
The Middle School As you glance through the pages of the yearbook, you will see numerous pictures of the Middle School students involved in their classes, patticipating in extra curricular activities and enjoying school events that took place in the 2003/ 2004 school year. It was a busy and exciting fall term starting with the three day leadership and team building experience at Camp Kandalore for the grade sevens, the introduction of the IB Middle Years Programme, and United Way Week. Once again, a vety successful music afternoon was held in early December. January was the girls' basketball tournament in Montreal and Februaty meant the annual Middle School downhill ski day at Horseshoe Valley as well as the boys' basketball tournament in Vancouver. Just before March break, the Middle School students and teachers were all invited to share in the celebration of the third annual grade eight Shakespeare Day. April brought with it The York School's first Poetly Day, our annual Oochathon, studentled conferences and Earth Day celebrations. This year the grade eights travelled to Quebec City in the second week of May. They were able to experience a little French Canadian culture while using their French speaking skills that they had been practising all year! The grade eight students also had a chance to demonstrate the skills they acquired in the Middle School science programme with their patticipation in the Science Fair at the end of May. The spring term was filled with many a1tistic and athletic activities including the Alt and Music Night, York School's participation in the Independent Schools' Music Festival, the grade seven Cannes Film Festival, the Athletic Banquet, outing day, and sp01ts day. The grade eight House Captains, Sally Engelhart, Becky Organ, Scott Fletcher, Ava Tzankova, Andrew Cooper, Al路ielle Kaplan, Sammy Boggs and Zac Watson, were vety enthusiastic and extremely responsible in fulfilling their duties this year and have raised the spirit level at York by organizing special events, having House assemblies, cheer-offs, and House Challenges. The House points' board located in the south link just outside the gym offices enabled all students to keep a close eye on how their House was faring and created excitement for the students as the Houses vied for first place and the House Cup. This year the four members of the Spotts and Social Council, Devon Howard, Tara Lengyel, Pradeep Sukumar, and Hannah Tolkin, organized a lunch time intramural House league in the gym as well as dances and other social events for the Middle School sn1dents. Over the course of the school year, the Middle School teachers were actively involved in implementing a research in action project with Barrie Bennett and OISE. The focus was on instructional intelligences and strategies to enhance the sn1dents' learning environment. As an MYP candidate school, the Middle School teachers and students were actively engaged in their learning using the areas of interaction as a way to focus and integrate their experiences in the various subject disciplines. I want to thank the Middle School faculty and students for a wonderful 2003/ 2004 school year. Sincerely, Susan Charron
Grade 7L
Katrina D'Urzo
Sarah Davies
Peter Hass
Rebecca Hinds
David Laciak
Joanne Lee
Cara Martin
Harry McCallum
Olivia Meikle
Liam Gregory Morrison
Jillian Oliver
Noah Ross
Maddy Sugar
Jakob Thadani
Alexander Turk
Stacey Wilson
Louis Winston
Katie Connell
Mme Lemieux and class
Absent: Harrison Goad
Grade 7M
Vanessa Battista
Michael Berman
Loren Cohen
Cayla Naomi Copeland
Zachary Garand
Erin Gelgoot
Alexander Gael
Lauren Hammett
Harry Hanson
Jaclyn Kanitz
James Lampe
B1yan Elliott jung Lee
Elspeth Malcolm
Jaime McDougall
Tate Newmarch
Rohan Shah
This page is sponsored by Loren Cohen and family
]essie Stewart
Madeleine Stoddart
Carly Surchin
Mr. Maerov and class
Yong]un (Paul) Yu
Grade 7N
Joanna Berman
Ben Boggs
Alys Boucher
Jessica Chen
Daniel Farewell
Jennifer Feather
Catherine Flynn
Paul Karp-Johnston
Nurfiza Ladak
Ashley (Sang Eun) Lee
Matthew Mayers
Jordan Ross
Kaya Sabag
Coby Savage
Natalie Sprackman
Levan Tamrazov
Absent: Jennifer Kern
Julian Uzielli
Thomas Van Rooyen
Andreas Von Tiesenhausen
Ms. O'Neil and class
Grade Eight Graduates 2004
Ms. Kunkel and clas::.
Mr. Stewart and class 50
Mr. Stone and class
Grade 8K Yasmin Alabed
Chris Beatty
Hi! This is my third year at York. I learned a lot of thing~ here and have enjoyed it a lot. It has been a lot of fun. I want to thank my friend~ Gen, Betsy, Ju~tine, julia, je~~ica and Kat for helping me out. I abo want to thank my te,t<..her~. See you next ye,tr in high ~chool!
Thankb for a great year at York. I am very sad to be moving on to high behoof. Yeah! York Rocks! It is the best behoof. I finally finibhed York '~ Lower School! I can't wait to finibh school. Only four more ye.trs of behoof! Yeah!
Andrew Cooper
Giampiero De Pasquale
to .1ll of my teacher~. friends and family who ha e been so helpful during my ongoing journey at York. Here are some quotes to always remember me by. "I am taller." "No, you can't try my gla~~e~ on." " It'~ going to be alright." "Don't eat my laptop." "Wait until I am done eating before you eat my leftovers." "~ meets world i~ the be~t ~how." Thank you, York.
I have been at the York School for 4 years now. I luve met lot ~ of friends who will become life long apprentiLe~. The school ha~ prepared me for things I'll have to f.Ke in life. Hopefully, thi~ ~light advantage will help me in life a~ I Mride for my be~t.
Sally Engelhart
Anthony Fabro
I ley Yorkie~! 1\ e been ,H York fo r a~ long a~ I ca n remem ber ,mel 0\ er the ye.trs I'\ e m,tde memorie~ that I'll ne\ e r forget. York has been my home for e vetything. From ~port~ teams ,mel Montre.tl, to l\l:u1',1ield and Humber Arboretum, York h.t~ been :m experien<..e that I'll remember forever. I'll be coming b,tck next ye,tr but I've m:tde so many fri end~ who won "t he. l ' llmh~ everyone!
fun . I made ~ome friend!> and learned new thmg~ . To my be~t friencb Ben, Andrew, and Kyle, thanb! I' m bad to say I'm le,tving the middle ~d10ol, but h.tppy about high b<..hool. Wherever I end up, I'll :tlways remember my time at York! York
wa ~
Talya Feldman-Lloyd
Kathryn Green
I ley! This i~ my ~econd year ,tt York but it feels like I've been here fore\ er. Through these year~ I have m,tde :-.ome great friend~ who I will have forever. I abo have unforgettable memorie~. I'm <..oming b,Kk next ye,tr, ~o for tho~e of you who .tre M,tying, I' ll ~ee yo u soon. To the people \\ ho ,tre leaving, good luck next year. I'll miss most of you.
Meow! It i~ my fir~t yea r at the York ~chool and it has been a lot of fun . I wa ~ a little nervou~ at fir~t. but now it feel s like I have been here forever. I enjoyed the ~ki trip. All the snowboarding with my friends wa~ fun, includ ing the fa lb (which are usually the beM part). I hope to see you ,til next year.
Brittany Halpern
Kyle Grover There'!> a message in my Alpha '"00000000!!" Oh wait, those are ye:tr h.t~ been Smurftacular.
Thb w.t~ my fir~t year at York. There are t i me~ tlut I will never forget, like the volleyb,tl l team , Quebec, Ski Day, Wonderland, and ju~t being with friendb. I would like to thank mo~t of my teachers for making thi~ year so interesting and fun. Unfortunately, I am not coming back next year. However, I have made load~ of great friend~ that I will keep and remember forever. Thanks Yo rk, I will mbs you.
Ben Kates
Julia Kozlowski
year at The York School ha~ been very enlightening. I have learned new things and applied new ~kills . My new ~kills will help me along the path of life and I think that I will keep them forever. York i~ a great place to make friends and I hope that I will have them for the rest of my life.
I've only Ma rted York last year and already I've accomplibhed so much. I've been to Kandalore for 3 days (I sprained my ankle because I'm clumsy and fancied jumping on a sntmp) and I tried snowboarding at Mount St. Louis (I think I broke my tailbone). This year I attempted skiing and I've found it a lot easier (I don't fall as much). I've had countless laugh attacks both year~ with my friends.
Emily MacLennan
Zane Mersky I've had a great time at York this past year. I would like to thank all my teachers especially, for working so hard.
jessica Moldave r
Ryan Persaud
Well, the past two years at York have had many ups and downs. I enjoyed going to Kandalore, Mount St. Louis Moonstone and am looking forward to Quebel. TI1e bad thing was that there were no snow days. It was really great to meet K@ and Mary Alice (Upshut). I will still be here next year, so guys, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! Your thoughtfulness refreshes me! Lol julia Kozzy. GOOSFRABA!!!
Ever ~ince coming to The York School in grade 7, I've had ~orne great time~ and have made many good friend~ . I really enjoyed playing on the soccer team and going to Kandalore. I have a great home room and have been fomm,lte to have had many good teacher~. I will be staying at York next year. Let the good times roll.
Areez Remtulla
Maggy Rinaldo
As I 路enmre into the new world of high school,
would like to thank all the middle York for a great year.
teachers at
I have...bee.n..aLYorkJor two year5. Lhave had many memorable experience~ , like the Quebec Trip, CanadJ '~ Wonderland and going to Kanda lore in grade ~even. All tho~e trips were so much fun becau~e I got to be Jround Jll my friends and teachers. TI1roughout the year~ I met ~o many people and made many amazing friend~ that I hope to keep in touch with for years 10 come.
Patrick Smith
Ava Tzankova
DON'T BE A FOOL STAY IN SCHOOL! Thanks to all the Grade 8 Teachers.
Hey! In all my time at York, everyone has made me feel very special! I have had some great teachers, as well as friends , for moral ~upport. I loved all the sports teams. I never knew that York could be ~o competitive! I love all my friend~ and no matter where I end up going next year, I will keep in touch with them! Love you all
Genevieve Westrope Hi York! I have been here for 11 years, all of them great! Everyone, from teacher~ to friend~, has been so awesome! I am not sure if I am coming back, If I am, I'll ~ee you next year. If not, then I'll miss everyone at York!
Grade 8S Byron Ashley
Karim Boucher
IIi everyone. My firM year at York has been rea lly cool. Midwel Vicbr, Michael Sniclerman , Ben Kates, Simon Burn~, Christian Daellenbach and Andrew Cooper have been really nile helping me to feel comfortable here. Tlunk~ to everyone for an awe~ome year! And to the reM of you , ROCK ON!
Over the paM two ye.trs at York I h.tve had lots of gre.il memorie~ . Kanclalore wa~ lots of fun. Thanb for a great year. I would like to ~ay goodbye to I'S. Good luck in your new ~chools, I hope you all have a great time.
Simon Burns
Christian Daellenbach
I h.tvc been tit The York School for 4 year~ now. M} good memories of this school include playing h.t~ketball .mel meeting all my friend~. I will be ~t;t ying at York until Grade 11. JJJJJAMMIN'!!
I h.tve enjoyed my time .tt The York Sd10ol over the paM 6 years. Sho ut out to all my lriencb Simon, Daviau, Mike .md.Jadyn. Thanb to everyone fo r a gre.n year! Good ltKk in high school!
Filip Edehall-Cvetkovic
Lily Enchin
I ha\ e enjoyed many great memorie~ in my 2 year~ at York. I would like to th.mk my friend~ for .til of the great times we h.n e ~lured together. I am looking torw.ucl to another ye.tr at York. Thanks for all the gre.lt times!
I h.tve been .tt York tor ~even year~• I h.tve m.tcle am.t,dng friend~ .mel have memories th.tt I will never forget. From volleyb.tll, having pattie~ in the flute room , turning over to the dark ~ide , to over competitive b.tchmnron, I have alw.ty~ had .t great time at York. I will not be coming b.tck to York for high ~chool. I love everyone ~o much and I will mb~ you all next ye.tr! Bye York!
Photo Not Available
Betsy Heller
Devon Howard
lie} e\ etyone! Thb p.tM year has been gre.n. I have had ~o much fun. I re.tlly enjoyed hanging out .titer ~chool with my friend~ . This ye.tr I ha\ e m.tde ~o many new friends and .un looking forw.trd to ~eeing them next year in high ~d10ol. To tho~e of yo u who are le<tving, rll mis~ you!
I have been ,It York since the end ot grade 3. During thb time I h,tve h.tcl l ot~ of fun time~ and met many cool people. I am not !>Life it I .tm lea\ing ne'\t year, hut if I am I willm.tke ~ure to keep in touch.
Victor jdanovitch
Clare Karasik
ha\ e been at The York School for two ye.tr~. My hr~t year in gntde seven wa~ great because I got my laptop, I met many new people, and I had lot~ of fun. 1\1} higge~t highlights were the downhill ~kiing day~ •tnd the ttip to Kandalore. La~t ye.tr I wa~ the MVI' for the Ul'l badminton team .tnd I hope to keep up the tr.tdition! I have enjoyed the good day~ in the middle ~d10ol, but know it is time to move on! See you .til in high school next year!!!
I've been at York forever a nd I'm going to miss it. have made ~o nuny great friend~ who will he hard to leave behind. From Kandalore to volleyb.tll (let's go ladie~!) , York ha~ gi\ en me ~o m.my great memorie~ . Expelliamu~ - I lARRY I'O'n'ER FOR LIFE!
Sarah Latowsky
Alyssa Louis
Hey Yorkie! I've only been here for two ye.u~ and already I have made many friend~ and memories: obse~~ing over the Cinnabon guy to the clog nmning on the ~idewalk. See you next year!
Hey! I've been at York for 5 yea r~ and I've had great time~. I'll alway~ remember the Mansfield, Kanclalore, Norval and Horse~hoe trips. Shout out to Sal, Em, Car, Sar, Bee and Devon •twitch twitch• and to all of my friends. See you next year Yorkie~!
Caroline MacLennan
Michael Neirinck
I have been at York for two years. I have had so much fun on the track team and the cro~~-country team. I remember out last track meet when the tent blew over and hit my arm. I had some fun times ob~e~sing over hot guys with my friends. I will be Maying at York next year and I can't wait to have more great times with my friends.
If you are reading this you have a lot of spare time. I have been at York ~ince Grade Three and it has all been fun. From the trip to Norval to the best trip ever to Man~field. It was all fun. I had so much fun and I hope that more crazy things happen in high school.
Becky Organ
Jonathan Palmer
04 baby was crazy!! I had so many good times from Camp Kandalore to being Champlain Hou~e captain (The Blue Canoe Rocks!). The Quebec trip was so much fun and I had some really great memories. I made some amazing friends in the 2 years I was here. I'm not coming back to York next year, but OCCIF lives on! HI' for LIFE! xoxo
I have been at York for 5 years now. I have made some amazing friends at York over the years. I have great memorie~ of Man~field and when we played a game in the dark and Ben ran into a tree. I am staying at York next year.
Justine Keisler
Pradeep Sukumar My life at York is pretry-hype! I have made so many great friends including SF, ZM, Gl', BK and SE (lol). My paM two years at The York School have been pretty fun and have included trips to Kandalore and all the hype dan~es. I ju~t want to ~ay peace out to all my B-Ball brothers!
Claire Urbaine
Michael Vickar
I have been at York ~ince grade ~even. During this time I have made friends who I will ne\'er forget. I have had ~o much fun, e~pedally during my ba~ketball season and tournaments. I have learnt a lot from the amazing teachers at York and I am looking forward to my high school years here.
My first year at The York School ha~ been great. It was ea~y to get to know everyone bet ause I knew Byron and my two best friends Mike and Devon who helped me get to know everyone. I look forward to going to Quebec in May. School ha~ been great ~o far and I hope it continues to be thb way.
Steve Yin I've only been here at York for a year and I have to admit that I had quite a few memorable moments in grade 8. When I graduate from Harvard Medical School I will remember the good old days at The York School. Good luck in high school and have fun.
Grade 8TS Samantha Boggs
Lissy Brown
I have been here for three years and each year has been better than the last. There are two things I will ,1lway~ remember: the amazing teachers, without whom I never would have come this far, and my friend~. who have always managed to find someway to make school do-able. I'll mis~ everyone who's leaving. I know high school at York is going to be even more "intereMing". See you next year!
I have been at York since grade 7. I've lud many great moments here. From Kandalore, Quebec, Wonderland, and ski day, I've always had fun here. Sadly, I will not be coming b.1ck, but I'm sure I will keep my friends from York forever. I would also like to th.mk my teacher~ for making my two years here memorable. Thanks York, I'll mi>s everything!
Max Daviau
Jackie Ederman
I have been going to York for 4 long ye.1rs. I have met many new friends during my time at The York SLhool. I have had many great times over thi~ la~t year. Some of the~e were ~inging oh Canad.1 and carpooling with ~ome very ~pedal people. I will be going to The York School for .mother long 'I year~ in high ~chool.
I have made m.my friends and have had many good memories, including the dog on the ~idewalk. I will not he returning to York. I will mbs everyone. L'Lhaim. "Abba-Zaba, You My Only Friend."
Scott Fletcher
Ally Florence have been at York for four ye.1r~ . Over that time, I have lea rned so muLh, and made amazing friendships. Even though we are going different ways next year, I hope we willst,ly dose friends. I have so many amazing memories !rom my four year~ at York, memorie~ that I will remember forever. Abo, thanks to all my friends. I love you so much! xoxo
Katie Gosnell
Arielle Kaplan I h.1ve been at York for 5 years ~mel it h.1~ bee n a lot of fun . There have been so m~my great memorie~ that I will remember foreve r; like 2' 1 plaLe in c.1rds, playing footb.lll, .md Super Mario! I have nude so many .1m,1zing f1iend~. Even though I am not LOming back to York next ye.1r, I am excited to keep in touch with you guys! I lo' e you! xOx
Tara Lengyel
Zoe McK.innell
llello! It seem~ like only yeMerday when I walked into the door~ at Glebe for nursery school. I have made many good friends ~ince; one~ I met when I w.Js 4, and ones I met thi> year. Though I don't think I will be returning to York, it h a ~ been a good sLhool. JS rocks! Blinded by the light! jeepers Creepers! Space 1'.1trol! I love the OC. I will mb~ everyone!
My two ye.1 r~ m York have been an experience. I've learned about a lot of Muff and tried so many new things. Even though sometime~ it's been tough , I have made memories th.lt I will never forget. I wish all my cl.ls~nute'> good luck in high '>Lhool. Bye!
Julia Melcher
Max Miller
Graydon Moore
Lianne Selke
I came to York in grade 7. Over the past two years at York, there have been good times and bad. York has been much more challenging academically compared to my earlier years of school. However, I think after going to York I have become much more knowledgeable about the world around me.
I have only spent half the year at York, but I have had a really great year and am looking forward to another. I've learned a lot and met a lot of new people. Hope to see you all next year.
Photo Not Available
Hannah Tolkin
This past year has indeed been an exciting one. I have watched my afro grow. I have shared many a good time with my fellow comrades. I would like to give a shout out to all my homies in 8TS, T-Dogg and all my peeps not in 8TS, as well as anyone who might be reading this.
What is up in the house? Ceiling! My two year~ at York were tough, because of work, but so much fun! Guys' moments, New Year's crew, hot guy~ from mall, bad a ba ba ba, I'm Iovin it, and so much more. I'm going to miss everyone so much, no joke. Love you all xoxo hugs and kisses. -Blinded by the light
Mary Alice Upshur
Ian Witchlow
I have been at York for seven years. Over these years I have made many friends and had many great times in and out of school. I feel like I live here and know every inch of the school. I have enjoyed playing sports, which are extremely fun to play on and help us learn new skills. Thank you to all teacher~ for being very nice and insightful.
6 years at York and now I am off to explore new horizons, to see the real world, to learn and srudy, to boldly go where I have not gone before. I am off to high school to learn, to be ~chooled and to become a better person. I won't look back. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Cameron Woodard Umm .. . Hello? This is a grad comment but really this graduation is no different from a graduation between grades 2 & 3. Anyway, my name is Cam. I like to eat poutine and ski. I've had a pretty good year so far, I guess. And thank to my friends for, like, being friends, and to teachers for, like, the teaching and sruff. And remember, always line-up alphabetically by height. Bye
Looking Back At Spring
Sports Day
Cannes Film Festival at York
Grandparent Tea
Athletic Banquet
Grade Six Exhibition
Grade One to Six Art Night
Closing Ceremonies
Fall Begins
The Staff Just Wants to Have Fun
The Terry Fox Run
And Fun Fair 2003
United Way Week
The Yearbook Cover Contest
Winter Begins
Chinese New Year
Grade 2 Indian Celebration
Music Assemblies
This page is sponsored by David Cash and family
Sports At York
Under 13 Boys Basketball with coach Gerald Feeney
Under 14 Boys Basketball with coaches Mr. Maerov and Mr. Medved
This page is sponsored by Robbie Mingay and family
Under 14 Girls Basketball with coaches Ms. Gin and Mr. Parker
Under 14 Girls Volleyaball with coaches Ms. Radford
This page is sponsored by the York Guild
Sports At York
Under 14 Boys Volleyball with coaches Ms. Jesser and Mr. Vance
Under 13 Soccer with coaches Mr. Mitchell and Ms. O'Neil
This page is sponsored by the York Guild
Under 13 Girls Badminton with coaches Ms. Charron and Ms. Stefanyk
Fall Junior Development with coaches Ms. Hickman, Mr. Snow and M . Meskis This page is sponsored by the York Guild
Sports At York
Winter Junior Development League with coaches Mr. Mitchell, Ms. Kerr and Ms. Spencer
Junior Cross Country with coaches Ms. Gustavison, Ms. Smith and Ms. Stewart
This page is sponsored by the York Guild
Student Council I Choir
Student Council with advisors Mr. Mitchell and Ms. Spencer
Primary Choir Jed by Mrs. Yorke
This page is sponsored by the York Guild
Student Council
This page is sponsored by the York Guild
The Lower School Play
Canada Yea- S.M<os (1960) Um<ed Dow.mnvi:le. Ont:~rio
These pages are sponsored by the York Guild
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Many thanks to all who helped with the 2003-2004 "Perspective". -The Yearbook Committee
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