theYorkschool 2010.2011
A Higher Perspective Volume 12
Letters from Administration . Pg. s Faculty & Staff .......................... Pg. ~~~...L.,..._--
ents ...................................... Pg.
Graduates ................................... Pg.
Clubs ............................................ Pg.
Community & Service ............. Pg.
Arts .............................................. Pg. 7 4 Athletics ..................................... Pg. allenge
eek ....... :............:: Pg. tOo
Student Life ............................... Pg.
Editors' Note ............................. Pg.
theYorkschool Some school yearbooks merely document the events that happen in a school over a year· Some go beyond to capture the feeling and mood of the school and sense of place· /his yearbook successfully does these things, but it goes farther: it is a dramatic source of memories· Don't believe me? /hat's fine, but check back in a few years· Five, ten, twenty years from now this will be a historical document that transports you right back to who you were in 2070-2077· /his yearbook is a time-machine· I congratulate and thank the editor, editorial support staff, the reporters, photographers and class representatives of the 2077 edition of our yearbook· It is obvious from these pages that they spent countless hours producing this superb record of your achievements at /he York School· Of course, none of this would be possible without the direct effort of our staff advisor in overseeing and facilitating the efforts of the yearbook student staff- We all thank /Yis flragona who has contributed her time and expertise in facilitating this wonderful memory· I know that you will take down the book from your bookshelf from time to time· /his important and interesting time of your ·life will come alive and years from now, as you read the yearbook, you will remember friends from York and reconnect with them· flfter all, some might argue that these pages are more about friends than they are about the events they report· With best wishes,
rrl~· tzio Crescenzi /--lead of School
theYorkschoo /he 2077 York School graduating class shares many characteristics with other graduating classes, namely '18 work out', '18 stressed', '18 checked out', '18 done' and 'Is the 18 conversion applied?' J-lowever, this is where it ends· /he class of 2077 is the first graduating class to occupy the entire building at 7320 and have classes on each floor· /hey are also recipients of the best real estate in the building; the north east quadrant of the 3rd floor· /his includes approximately 700 square feet, wrapped with 5 large windows, equipped with a flat screen 1V panel, a foosball table, bean bag chairs and brand new sofas· Relaxing in the lounge has brought on a whole new experience· It is also the year the house council spirit was bright and colourful; staging great costume days, festive school decorations, lune luesdays, and many zany house challenges· /hey also embraced the grade sixes as part the Upper School showing kindness and support, like big brothers and sisters· /he fall drama production, Goodnight Desdemona (Good /Yiorning J'uliet), and the Upper School flrts night showcased the many artistic talents held by the members of the graduating class· In classes, their participation during discussions was a cohesive and animated one· /hey will be most remembered as building a community that embraced more than academics· Congratulations to the yearbook editors, Serena and Brigitte, as well as the yearbook committee for capturing this spirit· lo class of 2077, I wish you well and look forward to hearing about your adventures· ;:.• /J-)1 '/".~ '
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J/ f.-lelen Gin Vice Principal of the Upper School y
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theYorkschoc J-low many st;udent;s, st;aff and parent;s does it; t;ake t;o make a great; school? fill of t;hem路 For great; t;hings come from people working t;oget;her - whet;her it; is t;o overt;hrow a long-st;anding corrupt; government; in E'gypt; or t;o put; on a spirit;ed Uouse challenge! /his year we have wit;nessed t;he York communit;y coming t;oget;her t;o put; a new face on our school - new t;rips, including t;he Grade 8 exchange t;o Chicout;imi and t;he service t;rip t;o lanz.ania, new facilit;ies, including t;he 拢,ower School at; 1639 Yonge St;reet;, a new Grad lounge, and t;he new fit; ness room, and new programmes and event;s, including a new int;ramural programme, IE'DxiBYork, and a new IYIYPjr division路 find behind t;he new face we found a familiar spirit; running t;hrough t;he school, a spirit; t;hat; is so well capt;ured by t;he pict;ures in t;hese pages - a spirit; of joy, caring, openness, compet;it;ion, creat;ivit;y, and inquiry路 find how many st;aff and st;udent;s does it; t;ake t;o make a great; yearbook? fl whole bunch! So t;hank you t;o Brigit;t;e and Serena and t;heir commit;t;ee, and /Yis flragona and /Yis Clarke-Campbell for put;t;ing such a great; face on a great; school year!
(5?6 David 1--/amilton Principal of the Upper School
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Dennis Frolov Jordy Gliklich Nicholas Graham Gazelle Halajha Tanis Helman Allison Hoffman
lan Johnson Stefan Jovanovic Adam Kanellakis Christopher Kousinioris David Lazzam Louis Lechanteur
~ theYorkschool
Jared ~assicotte Marllila Nicholson Emily Oel6aum Trevor O'Leary • Joy Patterson Jaci a Perret
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Harriet Daniel Kah Samantha Kay Elizabeth Kondo Matthew Norman Adam Nowaczynski
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-G\,4 . ejs,a-&ly
UoM""l\Tfe.e.: ~cav\e.e. G.assaJay, ~\M (.~e., G.assao'\Jt"a.QI~e.o,
-~---n-. '1"' frn"''ls• ""~e.a tlat".Je.y"" ~.£1Wl...,.Da"'l M,,...."" l.:c.~"'J""I!
M.t"e.t:b Taha ~\e. I>'\, ~W ~l"''e,Dy\ao'\ M.:BvM&'f• l.c.1\a f\'\c~\vs~e.y~ P\hy~ No'V-'aC&Ifo'\S~I. '4be.cca R,p~a. Na~v
Or" -;J'v\\a
P1z:u\cfo. B.o!\:;-~e. Pope.. ""\"'a c<.6'r,ie.o'\, ~\\1& Svt"ch\o'\, 'E:"...,...,a ~...,pso"'-.MvrP~v. 1V1~1
u.. . i~os
.0\t"&lTot"s: S\ol(lvo'\ .R,pse..;l\\Cl\,.D...,rr,..l ~ah~ Go...,...,rrre.e.: ~sc\-1(1 G.assaJay, tl\acav\e.e. G.assaJay, ~~...,,(..~~&.> G.assao'\Jt"a Dltl\all"e.o, ~1h""'f"'- for,o'\os, "~a tlaf'Ve.y G..~&rw:t...,.DQ>'\1 M.t~e.o'\,'\Jt~a Ta\\a ~\e. I>'\, ~'V-I
fl\at"t"Oo'\C.•.D'f\ao'\ f\'\cBvt"~e.'f> l.c.1\a ~~\vsky, ~\\ya lVO'V-/O.C'Z.'fo'\S~I.
'4be.cca R,psa. ~~v Or" ~vllel f!1u.o\ciTo, ~1:;rrre. Pope.. ""\"'a
~~~~\he. Svt"c~l~ etl')Mo. ~fSO"l-MVt"f'~'f.. lV\~1 Ut"\~os ao'\J Ge.t"a\J fe.e.o'\e.'f
-· G.Otv\~\U\1\0rVS ~~\ -
D!t"&Cio,...: 5\-l(lho'\01!. f..Gt"J Go...,...,rrre.e.: ~te.x Ba\J\sse.t"a, ~\e.x\s ~\ol(l~lll!SI-.Oe.scoffl""l&. IVdTha\\e. ~ble., "3re.p~o'\DoJ:;e.. S\ol(l~a%. fa,..J. S..t"e.o'\a Go..~.. Sh\Oo'\o'\1!. tl1Tch""lO>'\, P...oTroy tlvsse. \>"\, 'E\\zalot!:'l'\..
~o'\Jo, ~Oo'\o'\'f tf\ot"t"'o'\e., Bl"e.o'\Jao'\ ~Oho'\ Pe.OT. l.a~h""l\la..vo'\,
f\Je.a\, tl'\lc~e.\ O!D'V-",
.&. $EQ..\J\GE' ~~\ fIll
.Dol"e.clol"s: :::!ac~ ~~e.s_. ~a~e.s G.aMpbe.\\
~~~:rrT'e.e.: (;.ol"bot'l Bl"oact_. ~-~ ~~se._, l.avl"e.t'l L\al":foe. \A_. ~a ~e. .Da"'cy5e.l"_.· Be."' fe. \~~Cl"'J fl"asu ~l"~s.. ~\et' ~Dot'\;
Mol"e."'J'IAI"a Ta\;a ~\e.;"~. R....ya"'
~VCQt'\, F'.jJat'l Ma\\9'!_'f.. ~"" ~I"I"Ot'\e.
ErV\1\Q._OtJ{\'\EtJT ~~\') 1 JU .0\t'e.C'T"of': ~a Jfltat~.Ye.y-G.he.&tWlM G.oMMrrl"e.e.: ~scha G.assaAay. WaVf'&t'l G.\at'~"\ciA~· · t '
G.aua.,;J.,.q-.DI~e.o. VICToria .0t'\e.sMat'l. G.oAy ~oc~•.Dat'\1 Mf'C.>'\i ~at'\ ~vca>1. f'.1Aat1 f.'\allo.Yy.
tv\lchae.l O!.D""'fe.t'. :!ohr'\4Thot'l Pe.o'T. B('I~'Tre.
?ope.. F\\1\e. Svf'chl>'l. ·va.,e.ssa Tot"pe.y. 01\.Ye.f' 'Nol~ot'lA ill"'.t fV\~~~ G.aMpbe.\1·
SO~\N.. G.O~~\
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.0\t'e.CTot': ~""'l"nt'lft'l f61'ot10S G.oM~'i'ITre.e.: ~~c\vl ~ssaAo.y. \...avf'e.t'l G.\a~\e.IA. G.assa~t'a
.Ditv\OTre.o. E"Ae.t1 Ge.\,ociT, QvtM 1ia1Ma>1. ~""tW.a Jfltaf'.Ye.y- G.h&&tWlM. G.o.ty"t1ot:'i-. f\le.xa ~Ay•.DilVll ~('..>1. Le.a.,At'a ~f'e.>'l. Ma~-.... f.'\af'Ot'le.•.Dyla., ~Bvf't'le.y. Pa19e. McBVf't'l&.y. l,.,e\\a -~<..l~s~e.y. Na~v
or.• :!vi \a
?1"ZZ.OI6To, Bt'l9rrt"e. Pope. ""lt'la ~1,;..>1. Q.psa. • f'.\1\e.
Svt'ch\~ eMMa ~Mpso.,-tv\Vt'phy. To('\ h''lst"&\>1.
IVav~at'l "~~aA.DoMit'l\c Brro.,Ao. :!a~es G4~pbe.\\. ~sc~ G.assaAay. :!a'!l.e.Dat'lc'/~e.t". ~~V\ fOF,.,o~:' 'lvs,se. \\ -\'lat'lSOVl. "t'l~e.a ¥.sa(lvey~~e£Tha~.
DaV'\\ f.e...-e._,. D~rrr\ ~ah'!l.-1 ~o\\.,e "\Aa., ~\\ovy. '3ac'!l. ~e.t'l'lc.e.$.. :!a'!I.e. :Pe.r\fflVTfe.t". BW""\~rrl"e. Poee.• S~v., ~se~\. 'E~~a 1\..o~psot'l-~vfp~'f" 'S~~t'la2.. fat"A
a., J ~r\e. ""'a~ot'la. l2._.1"a .Pa'!l.. Se.a., ~rrc~e.\1
Da.Y\J Gf'Ovt:, ~1\&y ~IMsa. Sabf'lt'la Le.o.,-La.,Je.99af'. Tobias Spa~r. ~'i-a ~"'A :!a'i-e.;_Pa.,cyse.f'. ('OIIt'le. S..a., tv\lTche.\1
~'€'~ Q..Ees_ . ~~c~e.\ 'No\.(e., \/\lf01'\a.C,..Ie.s""'a"" ~~~ ~~a"l..OMie.\\e. 'Bat"ls"'- "-\\y
-\1o.(.(f'I'IQ"U u~ "-h. :::!ac~
...r~\orr,._ SaM
Bro~"l. "-hcf, ·Schcl«e.\, :::!a...
~~"'Ae."" L1a"'"''" Me."'~e.s, Lav;-."' G.\a""'\!'Y• EAe."' Ge.\~oOT. 'ivJ.y\y"' 'N~\\\af'l'ls, Gtra
'"a "-ssoaA SldTt"\c~ G.4~Ary
:::!o\..i\dThol'l Pi.df G.\e1t"\ssa
G.4i\i\Ot" Pe.......£1" a~ ~v\lo"' SM~t"Aot~
~'"lh\&&i\ Bo~MQi\
~lc~e.\Gos"'e.\\ ~~ fe.rre.\~.. ,..~
""A. .~w- Tvfle..S't-1 a~ :::!v\\a"'
'i...y,..a "-ssoaA, 'i...\f'l'l G.\"' G.\..a,..\le. Go,.."' Is"'- "-\\y Ba\J\sse.t"a, .~&&i\ BoW>""'O"U SyA"'e.y Bt"lcl\e., 'NI\\\sD4~\\~c~ S\~a"'
...Doy\e., '3af'l'le.s.Ov"'t:a"l. ""'A,..-.~ EoSTo, :::!ohi\ fe.o'"lhe.t", ~~~ fe.tre.\be.t"9> ~e.y f\e.\st:Wlla")"l.~~s f-i'«&Matlo ~t"'l'\
G\1~\W:~ ~~Go\~~ ~lc\\ Gos"'e."• .PdTl"lc~ G...a\'\Of'l'l, :losip\..\dTa., Q..\\e.~ -\lai\SO"U ~c~1 ~1,1"'9> Ta\\a 'i...\e.l"l. :lo"'~"'
~l_f~ Aaro"' ~c\.., M~y ~cl~, "-\1s\..o ~pv,.., ~o La"'Ae.~~e.,..., :::!o.i\Oh LdTs~y•.Oa~;e.\ La&&af'l'l, Ge.o~la ~ ...~a~\s, Ga~_t'"\e.\\'"" Mt:G..v\\o"{~h-'MVl"t"~'f• P-<fft"lc~ ~e.ce.~-~...~. fe.\\pe. ~ni&.So~ fohlf'l'l f\'\os\..o,..~a.(, B,..a~o"' ~rrc\..e.\\, SST~:~arrr; ~-ai'\.
'N\\\\a"" OD~e.,.., No"" .Pasre.,.."'a~r~"'01'
p.,,.....e:r:, :::!ohi\~"' Pc.dT. G.\a~\sa ~f,e."l. ~Ff-rte;y- ~~~
W\;~y. ~
So\1s"'- -\la"'"'a\., Spat"'WO$S&.f'l 'So...&.~ ~lc\..oe.\ ~...(l~a~\\o., ""'A,....~ T Vt"&s~i. ~che.\ lyf'l'l\ai\s~i. ~rrtV;&\\ 'NoiTsf'l'la"l. :::!o\..o"'"' " 'f.o"'"'\..o_vs~"' ,~,At ;t'"ll'll_'f'\.~&t"Ao"' -..-.·
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G.assa('"a D;Ma-rTe.o~ ~aoMe.S Dvt"'t:d~ ~t'\f\tl
E\\'""lh ~1'\.to~ ~\is~ 'f...apvt"~ Ge.o:r~;a Mat"~~•s~
~VFf''i'le.y ~Je.""~ Ga\e.y Sava~e.~ ~\he. Sv.v-~h\f'l at1J
t2J:,ss fre.e.~aM, -\la"'"'a Spar"'t-lQsse.f" Soro~, eh&.c~b£1\.. ~Ao. L~a"'"'e.
1\'\e."''#.e.s. ~\ar\ssa
~.)e..-u ~u~"'e.y l2..;Je.r.La'#.s~\ Tat'V>'U
G"t..Y"'&Th "l"hor\a' ~ra~ \.J\\\so>'\,. S~vl')';
GU\""JM.ErVSEM~ ~aMe.s G.aMpbe.\\. ~f"O;'\ G1\~\\c"'
D~rl"fi ~f"ah~. ~e.o L:.;'\Ae.~~e.t". fg\.-.\M fY\os\"~a.f. ~aM t0owac%Jf;'\S~\~ ~aM PaSTe.f'('lat:~ a;'\A fab\o B\a9\at"e.\h
\tJTE:'Q..~ED~le G.~\~
Daf'l\&\\& Bc:wo~"'- E'Moat"' ~\,.,o.vAf'y. \/;lfot"\a o ,..;e.SMQ¢U Soph\e. ft"ase.t"~ Na~VQ(\~~Dahha ~a MAy. SaMat"'1ha -\'1e.t"1Ae.t"so~"\STophet" ~VS \f'I\Ot"\s• Sabt"\f\a Le.ot'\'\Je.~~e.t"• ~t'\Q;'\
ftja \\ovy. EM; \y Oe.\bavM• .Bf"y;'l ~at"ve.y-{2_p.yMo;'lA a;'l.t ~;'\;'le.-~t"\e.Dvbvc
SAX.Of'W)tJEE~BL£ ~t"Ot'\ Gh~\\c~ ~\~c.\ Gost'\e.\\,
~ot'la~:.La'f•~y.. ~i'd~t'\ ~rrc~\\.. -
• RPb 'St'l\Ae.t"MOt'\ a~A *""t'\&-~t"\e.Dvbvc
~ra 1\ssaaA. f\vi'li~ Bassar~ ~har\\e. '-oM\s~ ~..,..;\\a fara~\\\, ~M fe.~c.r. ~o~ah Bvr'i.&-~\e.;~..,..a~ 1\at~o~
~c~ ~ro\\~e. ~t't'\so~ La~As. ~a..,..e.s .Dv~ca~ Q.,;,ss fre.e.Ma~ 1"\lchae.\ Gos~e.\\. ~a~ ~ca~ ~\JaM rVo.....,acz.v~s't-1. ~~c5'lho~
Pe.Or. Q..pbe.IT~IAe.t!MO~ "f\'\rrche.\\ 'Non-s..,..a~
a~A fab\o Bla,\are.\\\.
~\OQ..B~GLUB .00.,\c.\\e. Bat~iS\, Q..p~ ~~u.\. '€\o\sa G&Na..;Tc.s. 1\\\'t~-'MO~ ~t'\M ~sse...,... $?a\'e. ~rrr&o fV\crTne.
P\ccl~\~~\, 1\\\ce. Pe.e.b\e.s. ~....., Sha.te. S;\\/e.r. So-'\a S~'i'.~l~a. ~v..;Te.r . So\\•.Oa~\&\\e. So\\s\, , a~A Ll~ Gl\be.t"f
~\e.c.~ Bo~a~ Sue.~a Goe.\. TIM~'f ~t:l't..• .Oa~\e.\\1• SaM fr'\;.:l.te.~
~~~h Spa~ass&t' Sot'o't..a"""J~e......,_
Tvre.s't..l anJ LI~GI~t'T
~~lt\51 Ale.xls u...-..t'Duco..,...,e.,.OO.,\,~')o~c~ f"\e.o~~~u, ~
T-.-tl No..., All. ~~t'\ya A l.~bt'16l\a Bao'\~t'~r'l~ Srroo~~ild,~b Bvtt'UTT, :J'oM&S <:...Mp~N.\1. ~~~~ssls, E,a..,' ~me~. E\oisc{G..e._Na,.n'~ 0\1~-.. !'dt'..n..-, E-iitl G.l..av!-ry, U.,.. ~t'e.t'OS, ~..p_ \o.e..... ~e., ~1<:\.,0e.l frld"""", f;.h.r'l ~~iS&re..,.. Goe.l. (\'\1<:\.,acl ~-1\;M~~~tl>Dar'l\e.l 6 ~ ~"'"" ~"' ~\;,.vNa:"'.$.a....-.l\a.,ls, ~--\o¥1 ~..""' ~ ~ 'rllo ~~. . . Abbie. 1..41,-D_ai\\&l L4&&a~ G.ase.y L.....rrt """"'a"' f"\allo"'l• ~.,.. f"\dle.t'os, Uai-\r'\& fl'\&r'I~&S, Sa..., f"\lr'l.t&r'l. ~sl. ft'\osu, ~1-.r'\~ P...rr; G.~lssa la4T',~&r'l, !.ovl'f'r'l&'f
~--. ~a...J ~\6rr, Allee. "Scl.o-f-f!!-1. A)..x S1:;e.l. ~Mal. ~""""sse.t' So....~. Dai!~e.lle. Solls"'-~vdl"..,. Soli, f"''e.\pr'lle.
T t!<l"assos,Dar'lle.l W1s~"" Ale.~ ~e.&aio
a.....t G..ace. IVola....,Do.r,.t Paris
-. ~t.J\tJG -cros~ f\\A~\Ma"l. ::!areJ Bot'\~I"A~ Oh"\e.l" ~~l"e.ST..De.sco;ll')~~ \1\Eroi"~.Ott~\s~~
\at'\ ~t'\SO~ Fa\5e. ~tt.::!ac~ P-.Je.l"se.~ :::!v\\4 ?e.\, ft'\aAAie. P\ccit"'\t"'i~ Bttyt'\ ~r'f/e.y ~'fM<WlA~ 'E:"~i\y S-re.e.~ ~c~\ 'No\£e. a"'tA
tVic't.\ ~Mp';le.\\
~ra ~saact. Garb If\ Bt'Oa.t, 1"\o.\co\t't'l ~t't'let'O') :JaMe-S ~t't'lpbe.\\,
. G.hase..o.
Ect..,.,arA .0\t:'f.sof\, frase.r ~rrs. G.oly ~c~. :Joseph
f\e.\sc\.\MCI~ 'JoW\ 6osf\e.\}, ~f>'l 1Wcaf\J ~t't'\s0>'1' l..a"'As• ~rn_,
L..e. Gabr\e\\e ~w\\ov~\o\,...~vrray. :Joe~ ~t'l'f.e.s, f\1Aa"l fo'\a\\ov¥• Dt't'lrrr1 ~~~~. 1"\o.~..,., Mart'Of\e. ~\chae\ O!D"'Yer. :Jo\.."' ~edT, Shavf\ (;!,pse~\. ~\'f.e SchaA; 0\\llc.t' 'No\~o~A. :Jat't'la\ Ylraf\\, • ~Qf\&.ho\ ~il~e.~\t'\,.Qi(f~~"'.. ~i'r
Macav\e.c. ~ssaAay. 'EAc."' Ge.\~ooJ. :Ja'f.c. ~\'<1\f\;i Sop\.\le. fraser.
'Sa>'ll'l fv\I"'Ae."" :Joy
:PG-rrc.rsof\, Shavf\ \1\t:l-u.·Sara\.. 'N1\\so"' a""' G.of\f\\c. ~0
Q...~~ fQ/t
mE 1W. ~
~1h\e.e.~"" ~\ssa B(loy\e.y~ ~e.f~l'\DoA~~~ ft\a~"v-1 fe.rre.\be.t"~ 6rro Goo\sot"t"o~ :!ose.p~
G.ral'lciT(l~ Sa~ -\'lix, T\M~y ~rdt.~Dol'\\e.\ l.a&%.0~ '/
Ge.o(lj\o ~t"~'f-~-::!ac~ 1"\e.l'l~e.s~ SaM M\l'\Ae.~-\'lal'\l'\0
Sfat"~asse.i' So-re\a~ {.tpb 'St-!\A~(IMQ~ f\\\s\...a 1-.o:pVf'~ {.tpl'lol'l ft\a\\ovy al'\A
Lz. 6\\be.ff
Gabt"\e.\\e. Ba~t"a~ Pov\a Bol'\\"o~ SyAl'le.y f\crrr, Gau.\\e. -\'la\a.;a~ Sabt"\l'la Lc.ol'l-Lal'\Ae.~~a(l~ SvMMe.t" Toy\o(l~ ~\o\(le. WoffsMOl'\ Ol'\A Sa(la~ Bov\A~ 6\l'\o Bol'\cot"e.
' EA~ot's: ~t¥)11\a faf'5011i. 1\'\n"clr.c\1 '3Te.l"'- ~\sa ~W~\f"l\ INt<ITe...S: 'hyra f'.ssaa.t, Abloy Be.r'ldTI"ar, ~\e.e.., Bo..,_..a., Bla1re. '-at"l&t''.,.:l"aMe.s ~f"lpbe.l\. ~seW~ ~ssa.lay, Lavre.,.., Uf"IO (.o..;Tre.t'as,Daf"l\'-\a.Oe. ~STa,..z.o, Gassa,..Jra .D1 1\'\tUTe.o, '3Te.p\.,e.f"l .Do.l:;e.. SWIW\az. far.t,"IQ Goe.l, :JoWl Gosf"l&ll. ~f"lf"IO Grove.r, frase.r ~rrs, ~ ~t'Ve.y-G.\.,&&1\,a..,, Lavre.., ~-'-'fVlDf"l. fr\grce.l
:l"ae..,sc~.Daf"l\ ~1'&f"l. .Pal:;e. ~rrr~ Gat"OI\f"l&, :Jac.,_ ft'\e.,..-,.e.s, ua,..,..e. fo':\e.,..-,.e.s, ft\1cW1e.l O~e.r, 'Vaslly Po.tre.~ ~be.t'T S...\Je.N'!Qf"l. ~1\\e. Svrc\.,lf"l. efV)fflG'" ~so ...-1\'\vrp\..y. ~.,,.,."' INI\1\afV)S Qf"l.t 11'\e.~"'
echT~~t·s:'la Goe.\, B,.\,rrre. Pope.
~'I ~dTTat<, :!e."'"'a a-s,e.,~\f'l\t: Btrof'
NiscW. G4ssa&Jy. ~\t"l G.\.\Ose., l.a\!lt'&.f'l ~~\e.\A, ::!acelvve.\\f'le. .Dav\Aso"" ~e.f'~"'.DoA,e.. SI"V-'Of'l ~\e., S\.\0\w\az. fa~A. ~-n..~..., fcm>"'Is, ~f'lf'IO
Grove.,., Qv\l'lf'l ~\;,ti>"'. l.avt<e.f'l -\1o.f-fo¥\a>"'J - ~\f4~ .
1..ot:~Ao, l.c.\\a ~\vs~y. UOf'lf'l& ~'l.e.s, :!v\.\ a B~~'~ 44be.aa Q.j,sa, l.a~hM\ iat'V>"'J E~ ~SO>'\
SyAf'le.y Tv..~. :!ot<Ay 'N\f'l~\e.t<, tV\~\ ~ .. \~os af'IA fv\arle. ~a~f'la
ld AIDS Day Wor emberl Wednesday, Dec RED) Q Casual Day- (wear J l(pay what yau can ~ake
at the J;;tf <p affle â&#x20AC;˘ $2 a ticketcasual day,
ta win eleva tor pass, 's caakl.s, m onth nt doughnuts, Jlmm~J75, $50 res~aura aga pass worth WI. /Tunes gifts cards, cards and muc
World AIDs Day takes place evelY yeac on December 1st This year, gt"ade 11s going on the T8Dzania organized a fundraiser Which inclUded a 'wear red' grub day, bake sale lllld raftle. It was a huge success, they raised $2 900!
rn Away with the Circus was a very fun, yet challenging experience. We learned several new skills and activities throughout the week vhich included static trapeze, aerial hoops, trampolines, and silks. ~er perfecting tricks on the static trapeze we were allowed to particirte in the flying trapeze. The kids who could do a knee hang on the ng trapeze were allowed to be caught by a circus trainer on ring trapeze bar. At the end of the week the students were split into rree groups based on their preferred apparatus, which included the erial hoops, static trapeze, and the silks. After practicing the tricks everal times we performed for our parents to demonstrate our new '<ills. For our finale, we made a human pyramid involving the entire oup, and to top it off we performed a verity of manipulative activities such as: devil sticks and Diablo. ter all, Run Away to the Circus was an exceptionally fun experience at taught us many different skills. We would like to give a big thanks > Mr. Barry, Emma Brickell and to our circus trainers, Libby and Tiffany.
We went to the Bell Lightbox and to learn al the tricks and broke into groups to learn sp~ cial tricks. A guest came in_and we ~~:r~e\\ b t the process of filmmakang. In gr P
~~~a screenplay. Each gro'ftt~~~: :: ideas and we voted on one. e ,
casted our rotles, suOcnhC:swC:~:~ao:ar~l=:~~ crew and ac ors. . . signed we started filming. We did It ov~rbar ' , ain - about 15 takes! It was co~ e路 over ag each got to edit our own versaon c cause we We came back into groups to refir tricks and pn Thursday morning of us came to York really early to ge some We then went to Bell Lightbox t' costumes. F "d y v ractice our magic show script. 0 n n a P went to the lower school to do a rehearsal. We all had a great tame.
During Challenge Week, eight Grade 6 and 7 students traveled to Second City in downtowr. Toronto. During the week, we watched a Second City show, learned how to listen to each other, improvise, and write our own sketch comedy routines. By Thursday, we had four improvisation routines and four sketch comedy routines. By Friday, we performed two improvisation routines and two sketch comedy routines. We would like to thank the teachers Mrs. Nolan and Mrs. Macintosh as well as Second City teacher Cary West for chaperoning an teaching us.
10 ~
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I ~f/~ On class we s challenge w create' a s g.ot to learn how t eek sewing build our enes of garment o sew and Chine andC~nfidence on theS~ W~ got to
~~~ed into ;:;a~~% sewing :k~;zg ~=颅 also ::~:: o~r. own ;e~t~:ns~r~tions,
re-constru t~ rmg in an Old . e Were and we c mto someth路 garment to arable At mg brand we made th . . the end of th new they turned e~r own original dn e course, fun filled t~路 out amazingt It esses, and 'P and Was enjo~e:as a really - rr by all of ust
llenge week was an amazing and challenging experience. I am so happy I chose "Eat to my i's Content" because we learned so much about pastries, ingredients, sauces, baking, mearements, cultural foods and more. I was excited that the instructors taught us how to make nokopita and cheesecake! What was the most challenging to me was to make croissants beJse you had to roll the dough to the right thickness. Going to Kensington Market was also a 路ery new experience for a lot of the students because it was a market of unfamiliar things. I 1lly enjoyed my challenge week and hope others enjoy "Eat to My Heart's Content" next year!
Our week was a fun-packed mix up of yoga, rock climbing, canoeing, being wild and overall making lasting memories. This trip helped us to climb towering heights and face our fears, to keep on paddling even if it is painful, and to be thankful for your physical and mental abilities. The trip consisted of a walk through High Park, canoeing across Lake Ontario in a fur trading canoe, climbing 30, then 40, then 60 feet, yoga, a visit to the brickworks, pushing ourselves tc succeed, and more. Thursday we went to Variety Village and learned about people who are physically or mentally disabled and how to modify games we play to make them accessible tc others. 'Let's Get Physical' was an unforgettable challenge week where we bonded and had lots of fun .
wr~~~ 'ottery was an amazing experience. I loved it because we had lots of independence throughout the whole week. We all got to 1ecome very creative with the pottery that we nade by hand, building it and making pieces on the wheel. Now we have these stunning pieces of pottery that we can take home to cherish and to always remember our 2011 challenge week experience.
Uring our Guitar Hero Challenge Week, we learned how to build their own electric guitar, tow to play the acoustic and electric guitar and listened to a variety of guest artists, from lassical guitarists to Blues master Jack Dekeyzer, to Rock and Roll guitar prodigy Tristan ~vakian. We learned about the different parts of the guitar, how to intonate it, how to read ords, notes and tabs, and even got to see Mr. Lelievre play and sing for us! We ended the eek with performances and recordings and went home with our very own guitar and great experience!! 1
rhe British Columbia challenge week trip was known for its adventure and jam acked activities. From biking, to sea, to going to a cedar mill, the entire trip vas exciting all together. This was a trip of a lifetime for all of us on the trip and it is something we will never forget.
1e trip to Newfoundland was truly amazing. The view of St. John's from the top of the rails was beautiful; it made me realize the real diversity of Canada's geography, from oronto's tall sky scrapers to the vast green mdscape of Newfoundland. It was great to be away from the fast-paced city for once and look around at the nature we are ;urrounded by in Canada. The traditional Newfoundland music was fascinating; the usic has the ability to bring the community of St. John's to life.
@}P~ttJ, What an exciting week we had I Not only were we able to experience the B.a~lands h~n~~ on by exploring coal-mines, hiking and VISiting the Royal Tyrell Museum, but we also got to see an incredible view from the Rocky Mountains which completely took our brea!hs ' away. You really get to see why Canadla IS known for it's gorgeous landscapes.
- 91CJ.
f~~~ tudents embarked on a five-day to retrace a favourite sketching and painting location for members of the Impressionistic painters the Group of Seven. Although the weather did not always co-operate, our days were filled with hikes, canoe trips and painting, creating a truly marvelous expedition for allf
. . experience. It was truly an insplnng
I The 'Savourez de Montreal' trip a/lowe twelve students to challenge themselvt through the art of COoking. While leami1 how to garnish, marinade and saute foe from around the World, we were also able to discover the both old and new Montreal. Couldn't have asked for a better experience I
Everyone found that this trip certainly lived up to it's name! We had a lot of fun mping outside every night, while being taught wilderness first aid and trip leadership <ills. Learning how to canoe and swim in whitewater was challenging (and cold!) but provided us with lots of opportunities for teamwork and leadership. Definitely a memorable week!
lis trip involved both design and community service with le students being given the responsibility to design and build several items for the residents of Edmond Place, once one of the largest rooming houses in Parkdale. 路ogether, we created a greater sense of community and had a lot of fun in the process!
~ 10
During challenge week, ten Grade 10 students and two teachers departed on a journey Walpole Island First Nations Reserve located just outside of Windsor. Students engagt with the community while learning about the first nation culture of the anisnabe/objibw people. Students participated in various cultural lessons/ceremonies which included: learning about residential schools, learning about the meaning of the circle, sweet gra~ ceremonies, making of dream catchers and other native art, participating in a game o路 lacrosse, and, giving back to the community by painting and gardening the youth cente Students were really moved and inspired by the many native customs and stories the~ heard in their time on the reserve. Some of their favourite activities included painting tt youth center and making native art. The accommodation and the people were amazin~ It had everything challenge week should have. This trip was a great bonding and challenging experience for all the students. The student's individual projects were ve~ inspiring and all students gained a lot more respect and knowledge about the one of th tribes of the first nation people of Canada.
s F&tctltt tors scVtooL
In Sept m '1 er, tfie graae fi s went t fl ' , n for two night~ It wa .11 y first time at Oocf. md w fe n WP arnved, I tfiougfit tt W r.lS the coo(est pface. I was (uck'f enougli to snc •1 roon' n iJ' t' t studPJttS ana We fia v e Since Ver{'f/1e go 1c(_frierufs. )\ t. c{U{ tons offun aCtl'l't teS an,f OVerall fiarf a f1rpnt ttme. A (t in a{(, I wta afwt . ) rememvt'r ,-:.y fi-rst visit to .~·.miJ' OocliLb' -Jules 'lnc u. 1
Grade 7 s /rip f;o Ooch Going to Ooch in September was a great experience /J1eeting everyone was a lot oF. Fun and I can't wait ta go back next year! - Jenna Bresge
Ooch ln the wlnter &a e;cperknce than ln warm we/llh.erl how to snow shoe was 9red, and n•rn~r.u,,.. " tons of fun bu.lldln9 snow forts, The mnmo:-ny... came up for a ·ds/i, and we 9ot to spend time with them, 8Yerqblme we 90 to more and more fun we ca.n 't walt. back ~J.fJ~J.ln neKlqf¥-rl
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What a fabulous trip this has been\ From kayaking,to hiking, to teaching others while \earning about Martinique's rich history, to dining at authentic restaurat:'ts and \earning hoW to dance, w~ 1 have constantly been on the \ move. The hot weather is certainly a welcome change\
\ TorOt'\.tO; ()t'\b;WL& Mlf1 1X..2
Nous souhaitons que vous pourriez ~tre avec nousl
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The W\usic departW\ent has ha
a very busy year with perForW\ances both in the school and in the COW\W\Unity. We perForWt.ed at the TEDxiBYork event; Senior Jazz. perForWt.ed For the Toronto Marathon; alee sang at the inaugural ChristW\O.S Market the Distillery District in DeceWt.ber; we perForW\ed in Festivals in Fehrwary_, and W\a singers and instruW\entalists represented York at the annwa CISM F perForW\ance. All this on top oF the W\any in-school perForW\ances including Arts Nights and asseWt.blies.
:Jur Grade 6 stwfents took tfie sfiakesyeare t)[a\j '4;raming of tfie sfi;rew" ana re-wrote it in moÂŁern 'EngHsfi. 'We adifea music from a variety of musicalS ana it resu[tetl in a fabulous showcase of our stuaents' acting ana singing sk:i[[s! '.Bravo to tfie cast! -!M.s vu6uc
Goodni t Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) A York School Production
:;'or three nights in November lirection of Ms. Hunter and ' a cast of grades 9-12 put on a show Un (Good Morning we .acted out the play: ho~ the h~t to prove that Shakespeare sfl~y Is about an assistant professor ~Is cast mto the Worlds of the Othello ode~orne of the stories for his plays ~ or, and finds herself an omeo & Juliet to find 1ihe true . )tephen Dodge
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ay have! a had a .great tii et
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Looking through these pages, it's not hard to picture these students as our future leaders of tomorrow, and it's easy to imagine that this yearbook will serve as a record of the days you spent with these fu world renowned artists, Nobel prize winners, Broadway stars and athletes. This yearbook is a snapshot of an incredible year, but it is these , students that you see smiling up at you who will really make these dusty pages come alive in years to come. Making the yearbook has been both fun, and a ton of work. There's no way we could have done it without our awesome yearbook committee, the staff and students who lent a hand and of course the continuous help of our wonderful, amazing and insanely detail-oriented supervisor Ms. Aragona. To all those strangers who became friends this year, and to all those 路 nds who be..c.ame family" w~ w.o.uld.lik.e..ta..thy:ou fi:QJD th.e bottom of our hearts for being there to support this yearbook. We couldn't have done it without you. "Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary." - Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society
Serena Goel Co-Editor