LEVEL II VENTURING OUT PACKAGE – Middle School Canada’s Wonderland Trip 2022 May, 2022 Dear Parents, Re: Middle School Canada’s Wonderland Trip Wednesday June 15 2022 The Middle School will travel to Canada’s Wonderland as a community building year-end excursion. Students will meet at Loblaws parking lot (11 Redway Rd, Toronto) at 8:45am, and be dismissed from Loblaws parking lot (11 Redway Rd, Toronto) at 3:30pm. Enclosed with this letter you will find an Excursion Information Form that outlines the educational rationale for the trip, our activities, risks associated with the trip, important contact information, and financial information. Please read the information carefully as it forms the basis of your consent for your child’s participation. Families who elect to not send their children to attend this school excursion in-person should contact their child’s teacher as soon as possible, so they can plan accordingly. Once you have satisfied yourself as to the suitability of this trip for your child, please fill out the following forms online via YorkNet by Thursday, May 26th. Parent Acknowledgement, Consent & Release Form Level II Code of Conduct Finally, please ensure that your child’s medical information and emergency contact information is up to date for this excursion. To confirm these details, log on to YorkNet. Yours truly,
Andrea Lossing Trip Coordinator alossing@yorkschool.com Ext. 1221
2021 | 2022