ActiveTO Midtown Complete Street Pilot In April 2021, Toronto City Council approved the installation of a temporary Complete Street Pilot on Yonge Street between Bloor Street and Davisville Avenue as part of the City’s Pandemic Mobility Recovery Strategy. Yonge Street is proposed to be transformed into a complete street through the CaféTO and ActiveTO programs, which were both created in 2020 as quick-start COVID-19 response programs. CaféTO provided urgent support to hundreds of local restaurants and ActiveTO has connected the City’s cycling network like never before. The pilot will provide support for local businesses and the surrounding communities by expanding outdoor patio areas, improving safety and comfort for everyone, and providing a safe and protected bike lane along the Line 1 subway.
Complete Street Principles Streets are vital places in Toronto, now more than ever. They are also the common space where our city comes together. Streets are where children learn to ride bicycles, neighbours meet, and couples stroll. Streets are the front door of our businesses, homes, parks, and institutions. They form essential networks that move people and goods safely and efficiently in our growing city. The ActiveTO Midtown Complete Street Pilot on Yonge Street, between Bloor Street and Davisville Avenue, would be designed for people, for placemaking, and for prosperity:
Streets for People Streets are places where everyone should feel safe, comfortable, and connected.
Streets for Placemaking Streets should reflect the existing and planned function, scale and character of the neighbourhoods and communities that surround them, respecting the local context.
Streets for Prosperity Streets are vital to the economy and our city’s prosperity. Streets are the front door to many businesses and need to accommodate deliveries, goods movement and more.
Project Overview The City of Toronto is inviting people to learn more about and provide feedback on this new pilot project. This is an opportunity to test new ideas quickly and cost-effectively, and be adaptable to community needs. The ActiveTO Midtown Complete Street Pilot on Yonge Street between Bloor Street and Davisville Avenue (3.2 kilometres) is proposed to result in: • A safer and more inviting street for all, including accessible features, additional pedestrian space, and streetscape beautification • Capacity relief to north-south Line 1 subway • Space for TTC bus stops and shuttles • New and expanded café options through CaféTO to support local restaurants • Dedicated space for vehicle and bicycle parking, loading / deliveries, and Bike Share • Protected bike lanes (cycle tracks) to connect people safely to their destinations and existing onstreet and off-street cycling routes • More room for physical distancing
Join Virtual Public Meeting April 27th, 7 - 9 p.m. The City is looking for public feedback on how the street will look and function. Consultation with local businesses and community groups is underway with installation expected in June 2021.
How to Participate Join by computer, smartphone or tablet Register at Receive meeting link and password by email. You can also visit by 6:30 p.m. (day of) for the meeting link and password. OR Join by phone (audio only) Dial: 416-915-6530 Access Code: 133 533 2032 Call-in starting at 6:55 p.m.
Scan this QR code to visit project website and register for event
Contact and Feedback Your input is important. Staff will regularly review comments to address concerns and make improvements. Visit: Email: Call: 311