Summary Chart of Risk Mitigation Strategies

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SummaryChart Chart of of Risk Strategies Summary RiskMitigation Mitigation Strategies Provincial Guidelines Face Masks Provincial Mandatory face for for Guidelines masks for Grades Returning to School Returning to 4-12 students and School staff

Class Size and Physical Distancing Class size limit of 15 students for high school only Distancing students and students and staff as much as possible. Remove unnecessary classroom furniture.

Cohorting Schools are expected to implement adapted timetables that cohort students to the greatest extent possible. Elementary students should be cohorted with their classmates and teacher. High school students should be cohorted to ensure a limit of 100 student contacts

Daily health screening Daily health screening at home by parents

Hand hygiene Schools should be prepared to teach proper hand hygiene and provide breaks throughout the day to wash their hands.

Building infrastructure improvements: Have directional hallways, multiple entries/exits and hold classes outdoors as much as possible.

Cleaning of facilities​: Improve cleaning protocols and frequency including cleaning of high touch surfaces at least twice daily.

Staffing: Schools are encouraged to develop supply teacher lists to support learning when staff choose to stay home due to illness.

Restricted access to campus: Schools are asked to significantly limit or prohibit visitors.


The school has imposed a class size limit of 15 students for Grades JK-Grade 12 to enhance physical distancing. In addition, the school will use plexiglass barriers where appropriate and has removed all non-essential classroom furniture. The school will also provide an on-line Continuity of Learning (CLP) plan for students whose parents opt to keep them learning from home only. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines.

Junior School and Middle School students will be in cohorts of 15 and under. Senior School students will be cohorted to a class size of 15 or less and a maximum of approximately 30 contacts and by floors at our 1320 campus. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.

In addition, TYS has purchased a subscription for an app that will provide daily health screening at home, send the information to the school and help with possible contact tracing technology. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.

TYS will have handwashing stations in all classrooms and hand sanitizer at all entries/exits and throughout the school. Hand sanitizing/washing will be required to enter/exit all classrooms. TYS has hired a school nurse who will ensure proper hand hygiene techniques are taught at all levels. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.

In addition, TYS has made improvements to the HVAC systems at both our campuses, with bi-polar ionization and MERV-13 filters to promote the best possible air flow. The school has also installed touchless washroom facilities throughout the campuses and will encourage outdoor learning whenever possible. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.

TYS cleaning protocols have been increased to h ​ ourly to disinfect high-touch surfaces throughout the day. All cleaning/disinfecting products meet Health Canada standards for use in schools. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.

The school has hired additional full-time Teachers and Associate Teachers to limit cross-over between schools (i.e. external supply teachers). As well, the school has hired a registered nurse. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.

No parent or visitor access to campus. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.


All Grade 3 students will be required to wear face masks and JK - Grade 2 students will be encouraged to wear face masks. All faculty and staff will be required to wear face masks. Exceeds Provincial Guidelines​.

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