2023-2024 LEVEL I INFORMATION FORM Level I Excursions are those which take students to familiar settings within the local area for daytime activities which expose students to risks typically encountered in everyday living or while at school and which involve local transportation either by walking, subway, city bus, school bus, or taxi. Examples of Level I Excursions: trips to museums, local parks, a local store or neighbourhood, a library, an art studio, a concert hall, a theatre, another school, or athletic facility. Parental consent for Level I Excursions is given at the beginning of each school year.
Excursion Name
DECA Provincials Competition
Date(s) and Times (And Transportation Details)
Feb 9th & 10th, 2024 (Students are responsible for their own transportation the Toronto Sheraton Hotel is easily accessible via the TTC)
Group Involved (and number of students) Group Leader and Staff Involved
DECA Students (Grade 9 -12)
Destination Address
Toronto Sheraton Hotel 123 Queen St West Toronto, ON M5H 2M9
Activity Description and Educational Rationale
DECA Provincial Business Competition - students will be participating in a business skills activity which requires them to do a short presentation in front of a judge either as a team of two or on an individual basis.
Brian Eaton
The official schedule has not yet been posted, however students will only be required to attend for a small portion of the day (some students may have to attend for a portion of both days). Each student will have their own time slot to present resulting in varying arrival and departure times based on their individual schedule.
Service Provider(s)
Students should arrive no later than 30 mins before their scheduled presentation. The competition itself runs from 9:00am - 5:00pm. Mr. Eaton will be busy judging/assisting with the logistics so students should send a quick text informing him that they have arrived. The same should be done when they depart. Students will be provided with Mr. Eaton’s mobile number . The York School, DECA Ontario (www.deca.ca)
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