DEI Community Update
May 2022
Dear York School Community, For the past two years our school has intentionally focused time, resources and effort on our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) action plan. It has been a collective effort, shaped and shared by students, staff, parents and the Board of Directors. As the 2021-22 school year draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to update you on our progress, highlight some actions, and look ahead to next year and next steps. Our first action two years ago was to establish a commitment to diversity and inclusion for our community. This can now be found on our website, connected directly to the school’s mission statement. In addition to recognizing that promoting diversity, inclusion and belonging is an active, iterative, and ongoing process, it includes the following action steps:
Review and update our
current mission statement on diversity and inclusivity to ensure it reflects the proactive focus of our commitment to improving.
Partner with local community
diversity leaders to better understand the issues of those directly impacted by racism and discrimination and examine our policies, curriculum and staff diversity training over the coming months to ensure that our anti-oppression stance is reflected throughout.
Review and Update
Commit to hosting conver-
sations about race, gender, sexuality and inequities with students, faculty and staff in assemblies and meetings as well as our homeroom and advisor programs, creating a safe space to share their thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
Led by our four DEI chairs and supported by our REDI (Race Equity Diversity and Inclusion) Committee of staff members, our student council and our student equity committee, our DEI efforts over the past two years have focused on four key areas: our house names, our assemblies, our land acknowledgement and communicating our progress via our quarterly REDI newsletter in the Flash.
our student leaders and staff consultation. The assemblies have been focused on broadening our recognition of the salient issues of the day, including more input from our student leaders. The school’s land acknowledgement will be updated for the 2022-23 school year and the REDI newsletters have been received with enthusiasm from the community.
As you know, the school has made the decision to move forward with house colours instead of the historical house names for the 2022-23 school year due to the recommendation of this sub-committee, in collaboration with Equity Connections and
As part of our ongoing dedication to school improvement, The York School continuously reviews and refines its curriculum. In the fall of 2020, our staff added a diversity lens and in combination with the CAIS/IB accreditation process, this