October 2022
Re: ICE Ottawa Excursion December 13 16, 2022
Akey component of the ICE curriculum is to understand our national identity and a visit to the Nation’s capital is a great way to begin this exploration The group will be travelling by bus from 11 Redway Rd Loblaws at 7:00am onTuesday, December 13th and returning to the same location at 6:30pm on Friday, December 16th, 2022 Students will be split into two groups for the Ottawa Excursion travelling on two buses and staying at two hotels The groups will be exploring Ottawa with EFTours guides and buses.
Enclosed with this letter you will find an Excursion Information Form that outlines the educational rationale for the trip, our activities, risks associated with the trip, important contact information, and financial information Please read the information carefully as it forms the basis of your consent for your child’s participation
This excursion plays an important part in the overall educational plan for your child, however, it must be understood that should you, the parent or guardian, not feel comfortable with the activities and potential risks associated with this trip, you should contact me immediately to discuss special arrangements that might be made to modify the trip for your child
Once you have satisfied yourself as to the suitability of this trip for your child, please complete the following forms by Friday, October 21, 2022.
ParentAcknowledgement & Consent Form

Level II Code of Conduct
EFTours Enrolment Form
Covid-19 SafeTraveller Info GlobalTravel Protection Program (optional) Full Payment $1,400 (by cheque or electronic funds transfer to TheYork School)
Finally, please ensure that your child’s medical information and emergency contact information is up to date for this excursion. To confirm these details, log on toYorkNet.
Thank you,
Barb Prevedello
Experiential Educator bprevedello@yorkschool com Ext 1439
Excursion Name ICE Ottawa Excursion
Transportation Details Date(s) and Times
Depart: 11 Redway Rd , Loblaws at 7:00am onTuesday, December 13th, 2022
Return: 11 Redway Rd , Loblaws at 6:30pm on Friday, December 16th, 2022
Group Involved (Include approximate number)
All grade 9 students, Students will be split into 2 groups:
GroupA 9Aand 9B Group B 9C and 9D
GroupAHotel: The Courtyard Marriott Downtown (350 Dalhousie St, Ottawa, ON K1N 7E9)
Group B Hotel: The Lord Elgin (100 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON K1P5K8)
Group Leader and any other Staff Involved Sara Gardner,Tamsyn Ross, CraigAitkenhead, Ryan Gaio, otherYork faculty as needed and EFTours guides
Hotel:To be determined
The excursion supports the ICE unit “Who are We?”, particularly our study of Canada’s involvement in World War I, the Canadian identity reflected through our art and culture, the history of Canada’s indigenous peoples, and the workings of our federal government Service Provider(s) EFTours
Activity Description and Educational Rationale
Emergency Contact Information
Approximate Cost
Please note that once you have provided consent to have your child participate on the excursion you will be charged for the expenses incurred on your child's behalf for this excursion. Where, after you have provided your consent, notice is given that your child cannot attend the excursion, efforts will be taken to avoid incurring expenses on your child's behalf for the excursion, and you will be only charged those expenses that could not be recouped.
Teacher cell phonesTBD Barb Prevedello 416.209.9905 (inToronto)
$1300 1400*
Cost includes:
Cost includes: any entrance fees or instructional fees as well as hotel cost and hotel security, bus charters, tour director and specialists costs and programmes
Meals included: breakfast and dinner daily
Cost does not include:
Daily lunches Suggested lunch cost is $15-$20 per lunch Students are encouraged to bring a lunch for the bus ride to Ottawa on Day 1 to save the cost of one lunch. The bus will be making a lunch stop.
*EFToursTravel Insurance will be added to this cost (unless you OPTOUTwhen submitting forms). The tour company will add an GlobalTravel Protection Plan, underwritten by Chubb Insurance of Canada (at a cost of $80) that includes; illness and accident coverage, baggage and property coverage and tour cancellation and interruption coverage. Please find the details of the policy here:https://www.eftours.ca/eliterature/coveragechubb_policy-9908 -9942.pdf
A50% non refundable* deposit will be levied to your account upon receiving a completed Venturing Out Package The remainder of the cost will be charged at the end of the excursion *refundable only through travel insurance
Return Level II VO Form via YorkNet by Friday, October 21, 2022
What to Bring
Sun Protection: Where a trip involves your child being outside between 11:00AM and 4:00 PM, or the UV rating is predicted to be 3 or greater, remind parents to provide children with the following: sunscreen, hat and water bottle. Sunglasses that protect against UV-Aand UV-B rays are also recommended.
Packing List included below
Activities to be undertaken by students: Traveling by coach bus, explorations by foot in the region including walking tours Visits to the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa museums and galleries, and local attractions Students will work in small groups on documentaries; they will be interviewing local citizens and filming background footage. Students will stay at a hotel near the ByWard Market and have opportunities to explore the market in small groups.
Student preparation for excursion: Students have or will be studying civics, Canada’s role in 20th century conflicts, and reading War Poetry
Follow-up:Students will create podcasts, blogs, as well as Civics and Canada in Conflict celebrations of learning
Specific Risks Identified:
Students may be exposed to a number of physical injuries including: cuts, scrapes, broken bones, bruising, sprains, head injury, concussions, and slips, trips, and falls from heights.
Students are at risk of temperature related injuries from physical activity outdoors While on this excursion, students are at risk of getting lost or separated from the group, as well as damage or loss of property While on this excursion with other students and staff, students are also at risk of exposure to COVID-19 There is also the risk of a traffic accident when en route
Precautions to be taken to reduce risks:
Using a coach bus company for all bus services and knowledgeable trained EF tours guides
At each new location, rules and expectations will be reviewed Students will be made aware of safety protocols for any specific activity Check ins with students to monitor energy levels and adjust accordingly TheYork School communicates dietary and medical needs to EFTours in advance and EFTours communicates these needs to restaurants and other providers
Teachers can communicate with one another via cell phones in the event groups are separated
Students will be paired with a buddy or small group and must not venture out alone During independent time, students will be provided with a map of the area and geographic limits will be identified for students. When partially supervised, students must be with their buddies, and when given the opportunity to venture away from the group, they must remain within specific geographic limits and will check in periodically with a teacher at a specific place and time Students will have cell phone contact numbers for both teachers and the hotel Students will be made aware of the risks and will discuss the importance of being aware and vigilant Independent time protocols will be followed and will only take place in safe areas of the city
Minor injuries will be treated by teachers and leaders with FirstAid kits If a major injury occurs, EMS will be activated
Everyone will exercise precautions to avoid sun burns and heat related issues by applying sunscreen, wearing a hat and/or sunglasses, and monitoring time spent in direct sunlight
Precautions to reduce exposure to COVID 19:
In terms of covid precautions, we will follow the school’s policy at the time of the excursion Further information will be shared prior to the excursion
Contingency plan for bad weather/trip interruption: Students will dress for the weather and outside of extreme temperatures many of the activities will run as scheduled Some walking tours may be altered to bus transport if necessary. Depending on the nature of the interruption the route and itinerary will be altered. In the event an activity cannot take place, the itinerary and programme goals would be adjusted according to the situation Should we encounter hazardous road conditions on route, we will pull off at a restaurant or public convenience until conditions improve Parents and the school will be contacted in the event of a later than anticipated return toToronto
Location of nearest Emergency Medical Service: Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario 401 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 8L1
(613) 737 7600 / 911
Arrangements to be made to transport person/group to EMS (including route to be taken):
For a minor injury requiring more than basic first aid, a teacher will travel with student to local hospital in taxi or EF tours vehicle depending on logistics For a major injury or illness, an ambulance will be used When deemed necessary, EMS will be activated by dialing 911 and TheYork School and parents will be contacted The other faculty members will remain with the group Route taken will be based on current location at time of incident
Additional Information:
- Students should travel with a photocopy of their health card and government issued photo ID Parents are encouraged to keep original documents at home
- Hotel has 24h front reception agent and EFTours provides overnight security. Student rooms will have two double or queen sized beds Students sleep in groups of two or three to a room
Tentative Example Itinerary-
Groups 1 and 2 will have separate schedules Please note that times and activities are subject to change:
Day 1
7:00am: Board your motor coach at 11 Redway Road Loblaws for Ottawa
Guided Tour of the National Gallery of Canada
Examine the artistic treasures housed at the National Gallery of Canada, a crystal palace constructed of rose granite and considered as much of a work of art as the art it houses. This world renowned institution offers exhibitions of Inuit, other Canadian artists (including the Group of Seven) and contemporary works from around the globe
Dinner in Ottawa
Ghosts and the Gallows Tour
Visit death row and the gallows inside the Old Carleton County Jail and other haunted locations while your tour guide recounts more of Ottawa’s supernatural encounters Was the wrong man hanged for the murder of D’Arcy McGee? Does he haunt the jail today? This tour includes stairs and is not wheelchair accessible
Day 2
Board your motor coach to begin your day
Tour Director led Sightseeing of Sussex Drive and Rockcliffe Park
Guided Tour of Rideau Hall
Learn about the role and responsibilities of the governor general, as well as the history of the public office Walk through Canada’s history of Rideau Hall, the historic residence and workplace of the governer general Visit the ceremonial rooms where Canadians are honoured, and dignitaries are welcomed The historic grounds of Rideau Hall recall dramatic stories of this country’s past. Their evolution and their design reflect a distinctly Canadian environment.
Supervised Free Time for Lunch in the Byward Market Exploration and Documentary InterviewingTime
The ByWard Market is one of the top attractions in Ottawa with over 50,000 people visiting on the weekends during the summer months Its’ a huge open air market with artists, a great farmer’s market, over 260 stands and 500 shops! It’s also a historical area of the city, originaally designed in 1826 aw a public market. The streets are extra wide because they were designed to accommodate the huge amount of traffic, except back then traffic was of the horse variety!
Tour Director-led visit Parliament Hill
Get ready to spend some time exploring the place where the most important functions of government take place, the Parliament Buildings! See where the fiery debates between the
parties take place and just think of all the important Canadian history that's occurred here since the buildings began functioning as a government centre in 1859.
Question Period at Parliament
When Members of Parliament are in session in the House of Commons you will have an opportunity to observe the question period from the public gallery
Return to the hotel to freshen up
Dinner in Ottawa
Attend a Hockey Game in Ottawa - Ottawa Senators vs Montreal Canadiens
Board your motor coach to your hotel
Overnight at your Hotel in Ottawa Downtown Professional Night Security at your Hotel 10pm 5am
Day 3
Board your motor coach to begin your day
Guided Tour of the Canadian Museum of History
Preserving the heritage of Canadians and showcasing the culture of Canada and the world, the Museum of History invites you to explore its two main halls. The Grand Hall, built in the shape of an enormous canoe, features the façades of six Pacific Coast native dwellings, linked by a shoreline and boardwalk, and a large collection of totems The First People’s Hall displays histories of the First Nations, their cultural identities, artistic expressions and traditional and contemporary ways of life
Supervised FreeTime for Lunch at the Rideau Centre
Indigenous Experiences at Madahòkì farm: Feel the HeartBeat Workshop
Students will explore our strong connection to Mother Earth through her “heartbeat” while learning a new song and exploring musical connections through this interactive workshop This music workshop is interactive where the students participate with rattles and a stomp drum
Dinner in Ottawa
Enjoy bowling at Merivale Bowling Centre
Overnight at your Hotel in Ottawa Downtown Professional Night Security at your Hotel 10pm-5am
Day 4
Board your motor coach to begin your day
Guided Tour of the Canadian War Museum
Learn about Canada's involvement in conflict, both here and abroad. Covered in the museum exhibitions are disputes ranging from those involving the First Nations peoples during the formation of the country, through the two World Wars and our more recent role as peacekeepers The museum emphasizes the devastating human cost of war
Board your motor coach to return to 11 Redway Road, Loblaws by 6:30pm
Dress: Students must wear appropriate clothing for the activity, location and weather You are representingTheYork School and casual wear rules will be in effect: clothing must be neat, clean and should not display objectionable words, phrases, pictures or symbols Students must dress respectably and never let their undergarments or midriffs show Please adhere to the packing list When not in uniform, students must wear shoes or boots that are suitable for extended periods of walking.
School uniforms are expected for the visit to Parliament this includes gray skirts/pants, white or blue polo shirt, blue quarter zip sweatshirt, black or brown dress shoes OR running shoes
Participation: Student participation in activities is mandatory and they must be on time.
Personal Electronic Equipment: Students are not permitted to bring laptops or personal video gaming equipment. Students are permitted to bring their cell phone. However a no cell phone policy will be in effect overnight
Cell Phone Policy: Students will have access to their phones during daytime programming when deemed appropriate and necessary by teachers There will be a no cell phone policy at night in the hotel. Cell phones will be collected when groups return to the hotel for overnight hours.
Curfew: Students are required to be in their own room when directed by staff
Rooms: Room arrangements will be assigned by supervising teachers Students will be in groups of 2-3 per room Students are required to keep their personal belongings neat and tidy Students may not enter another student’s room without permission At no time are students to visit the rooms of the opposite gender.
Independent/Free Time: Students will be paired with a buddy and must not venture out alone During independent time, students will be provided with a map of the area and geographic limits will be identified for students When given the opportunity to venture away from the group, they must remain within specific geographic limits and will check in periodically with a teacher at a specific place and time Students will have cell phone contact numbers for both teachers and the hotel. Students will be made aware of the risks and will discuss the importance of being aware and vigilant. Independent time protocols will be followed and will only take place in areas deemed safe in advance
Buddy System: Each person will be partnered for safety. In trips of odd numbers, there will be a group of three students Students will be responsible for the whereabouts of their buddy and for informing teacher leaders if the buddy is late or ill etc.
Note: Please check weather reports prior to departing – December will be cold and could be snowy. The group will be walking to many destinations and outside exploring the city quite a bit, so pack and dress appropriately.
- Asolid pair of warm, walking shoes/boots - Winter boots - 4 pairs of warm, wool socks - 2 pairs of pants - 2 long sleeve shirts - 3 t-shirts - 2-3 sweaters/hoodies - Winter coat - Warm hat/toque - 2 pairs of Mitts or Gloves - Scarf - Pajamas - Undergarments - Long underwear - School uniform (includes black shoes, tie, blue sweater) - Toiletries kit - Water bottle - Day backpack or bag
Other - Pen, pencil - ICE journal - Camera - Sunglasses
The following sets out statements to which, you, the parent(s), must agree by signing electronically below in order for your child to be permitted to participate in the intended trip Should you have questions regarding any of the statements below, you may contact the Divisional Principal or Experiential Educator, Barb Prevedello, at bprevedello@yorkschool com (416-926-1325 Ext 1439) I/We understand, as the parent or guardian of the student named above, that students onYork School trips are expected to participate fully in all activities undertaken during and in preparation for the trip, and that they must conduct themselves in a manner befitting of their role as ambassadors for the school community.
I/We further understand that all students will be bound byTheYork School Code of Conduct and any additional rules and regulations listed in this information package and/or discussed and implemented while on the trip, and that any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the trip leader, result in the immediate return of the student toToronto Responsibility and payment for these arrangements will be borne by the parent/guardian.Any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the Division Head, result in appropriate disciplinary action including suspension from subsequent trips
I/We have reviewed the contents of this information package and Code of Conduct expectations, rules and consequences with our child. I/We, the undersigned, consent to the participation of our child (as noted above) inTheYork School trip to Ottawa on Tuesday, December 13 Friday, December 16, 2022
Details concerning this event, including activities, travel, supervision, location and safety precautions have been communicated to us and are understood In particular, we are aware that students will be engaged in the following activities:
Traveling by coach bus, explorations by foot in the region including walking tours Visits to the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa museums and galleries, and local attractions Students will work in small groups on documentaries; they will be interviewing local citizens and filming background footage Students will stay at a hotel near the ByWard Market and have opportunities to explore the market in small groups
Our emergency contact information is up to date I/We agree to update the information with the trip leader if changes occur prior to the trip start date
I/We have reviewed theTrip Plan and are aware that this excursion may expose my/our child to the following risks:
Highway and street safety: traffic concerns while on the chartered buses Walking on local paths: tripping, falling, fatigue, sprains, strains, getting separated from group activities in busy urban areas Allergens: Food, environmental
I/We, the undersigned, grant the trip supervisors appointed byTheYork School permission to act on my/our behalf and to consent, to any medical, dental or surgical treatment, including pain relief and admission to hospital which may be required for my/our child, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner if, after reasonable attempts have been made to contact me/us at the phone numbers provided to the school, I/we cannot be reached I/We do hereby release TheYork School, its directors, employees and its agents, from every manner of suit, claim or legal action which may arise as a result of an injury to, or the death of, my/our child sustained by reason of my/our child’s participation in this excursion.
As parent(s) of the child above, I/we
1 acknowledge that I/we understand the statements made regarding the intended excursion with respect to expected behavior, consequences for misbehavior, and the details of the trip, including activities and risks,
2 consent to my/our child’s full participation in the trip, and to the school taking the measures set out above in response to any medical emergency that may arise, and
3 release the school from legal action arising from injury or death according to the terms set out above
I understand, as the parent or guardian of the student named above, that students onYork School trips are expected to participate fully in all activities undertaken during and in preparation for the trip, and that they must conduct themselves in a manner befitting their role as ambassadors for the school community We further understand that all students will be bound byTheYork School Code of Conduct and any additional rules and regulations listed in this information package and/or discussed and implemented while on the trip, and that any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the trip leader, result in the immediate return of the student toToronto at the parent/guardian’s expense and that any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the Division Head, result in disciplinary action We have reviewed the contents of this information package and Code of Conduct expectations, rules and consequences with our child.
Please Note:
This copy of the Venturing Out Package is for reference only. Log on to yourYorkNet account at https://yorkschool.myschoolapp.com/app#login to complete your child’s VO Package and give consent for their participation in this excursion.