A verbal snapshot __________________________________________________________________ Bill Jay
Aaron Scharf was one of the most important and influential names in photography during the 1960s and 1970s. Photographers everywhere discussed his ideas and pondered his writings. Today, he has been largely forgotten. That’s not only sad but also self-destructive, because his words and wisdom are still wholly relevant. The last direct contact I had with Aaron Scharf was a couple of years before his death. He had been sent a copy of an annotated bibliography, Degas and Photography, produced by one of my students, Karen Churchill. With grace and generosity he wrote directly to her: “I’d like you to know that I find it a most useful piece of research, intelligently conceived and presented with great sensitivity. I’m usually taciturn in such matters (as Bill Jay can verify), but I was so favourably impressed, I felt I had to send you my compliments. . . .” Karen’s thrill on receiving such approval from one of the few great authorities in the field can be imagined. And I shared in her pleasure because I can vividly remember similar feelings of pride evoked by Aaron Scharf when I was about Karen’s age. In my case, the pride was not directed at anything I had accomplished, but at the medium of photography itself. In 1965, the spectrum of “approved” photography in Britain seemed limited to the bright band of socially active photojournalism with a token representation by the bands of high fashion and society portraiture. That was that. Until a modest little book caused a major explosion: Creative Photography by Aaron Scharf (Studio Vista, 1965). This was the 60s equivalent of P. H. Emerson’s Naturalistic Photography of 1889 which was called “a bombshell dropped in a tea party.” Suddenly, perceptions of the medium changed; its now-based shape transformed by deep plunges into history and lateral shoots into the visual arts. It is difficult, in today’s more accepting pluralistic era, to convey just how shocking, exciting and marvellous was this revelation. In England, it could only have been accomplished by Aaron Scharf the outsider and academic. Aaron Scharf was born in 1922 in the USA and studied at the University of California before attending the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. Not incidentally, his doctoral thesis at the Courtauld was eventually published with revisions and additions as Art and Photography (Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1968), the expanded version of Creative Photography. At the time of publication, Aaron was head of the History of Art and Complementary Studies Department at St. Martin’s School of Art, London. His American