2023 Commencement Program

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One Hundred Forty-ninth Commencement Exercises Eleven O’Clock Sunday, May Seventh William A. Passavant Memorial Center 2023

The Order of the Exercises

May 7, 2023

Prelude Fountain Reverie .................................................................................................................Percy Fletcher

Rhoysymedre Ralph Vaughan Williams

Festival Flourish .................................................................................................................... Gordon Jacob Steve Repasky, organist

*Processional Faculty Marshal, Candidates for Degrees, Faculty, Platform Party Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in D Edward Elga

*Placing of the College Mace Jared Johnson, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English, Faculty Marshal

*Invocation ............................................................................................................... Rev. Brian Riddle ’07 College Pastor

Welcome ......................................................................................................................... G. Leah Dever ’74 Chair, Board of Trustees

Presentation of the Honorary Degree Recipient ........................................................................................... Rod E. Wilt ’86

Conferring of the Honorary Degree ...................................................................... Chairperson Dever

Remarks & Introduction of the Commencement Speaker ......................................................................... Susan Traverso, Ph.D. President

Commencement Address ........................................ Gary J. Witosky, C.P.A., C.G.M.A., M.Acc. ’79 Professor of Business Administration and Accounting David M. Miller Endowed Chair of Accounting

Special Music (by members of the Thiel Choir)

Omnia Sol ................................................................................................................ Z. Randall Stroope (b. 1953)

In Meeting We Are Blessed Troy D. Robertson (1978) Nicholas Samson, djembe

Recognition of Faculty Emeritus ............................................................... Gregory Q. Butcher, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the College

Introduction of Senior Class Representatives ........................................... Jared Hanneman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology, Chair of the Faculty

Class of 2023 Greetings and Class Gift Presentation.............................................................................................. Jade Rhoads ’23 Senior Class President

Senior Address ...................................................................................................................... Hunter Gray ’23

Special Recognition of Valedictorians and Salutatorian ........................................................................................ Dr. Hanneman

Presentation of the Class ........................................................................................................... Dr. Butcher Conferring of Degrees....................................................................................................President Traverso Chairperson Dever

Distribution of Alumni Flowers ......................................................................................... Renee Bair ’99 President of the Alumni Association Board of Directors

Special Announcements .............................................................................................................Dr. Johnson

*Hail, Alma Mater ...................................................................................................... Friedrich F. Flemming lyrics by E. Grace Hunton 1900

*Closing Prayer Rev. Riddle

*Recessional Dr. Johnson Crown Imperial March .......................................................................................................... William Walton

*The audience is invited to rise.

John M. Hudson Honorary Degree Candidate

John M. Hudson is the founder and president of The Hudson Companies, which has been an industry leader in real estate development, investment, and general construction since its founding in 1977. His privately held investment and development portfolio consists of investment-grade real estate including credit tenant leased facilities, multi-family apartment communities, medical offices and multiple commercial office facilities located in institutional-grade investment markets. The general construction company specializes in educational, medical, office, and institutional facilities. Hudson has financed, developed, acquired, invested, and managed properties in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.

Hudson has been and is an important member of the community at Thiel. He has served as Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, and also as the Chair of the Facilities, Physical Plant, and Information Technology Committee, and as a member of the Student Enrollment Committee. He also was chairman of the Christian H. Buhl Legacy Trust, is a former board member and chairman of Sharon Regional Health System, and is a former board member for Penn State University, Shenango Valley Campus. As a strong advocate for charitable causes, he has served on numerous boards throughout the years including his work with the nominating committee at The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Erie.

Hudson has received two significant honors from Thiel. In 2012, he was named the Louis and Barbara Thiel Distinguished Service Award winner and in 2006, the College named him the Haller Enterprise Institute Entrepreneur of the Year Award winner. He has also been recognized with the Gannon University Small Business Award; Distinguished Citizen Award, Boy Scouts of America French Creek Council; Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year Award; and the Bishop of the Dioceses of Erie Caritas Award. Hudson was a finalist for the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the Pittsburgh/Western PA Region and the Katz School of Business Western PA Family Business of the Year Award.

Hudson and his wife, Mariangela, live in Hermitage and have six adult children and five grandchildren.

Gary J. Witosky, C.P.A., C.G.M.A., M.Acc. ’79

Professor of Business Administration & Accounting

David M. Miller Endowed Chair of Accounting

Gary J. Witosky is a Professor of Business Administration and Accounting who earned his bachelor’s degree from Thiel in 1979 and holds a Master of Accountancy from Stetson University. In addition, he is a certified public accountant and chartered global management accountant.

Witosky’s professional experience includes more than 20 years in public accounting and private industry. He concluded his six years in public accounting as an audit manager at Ernst & Young in Cleveland, Ohio. In private industry, he served as Treasurer and Corporate Controller of Park Corporation, Chief Financial Officer of American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc., a publicly traded company headquartered in Detroit, Mich., and President and Chief Operating Officer of Colfor Manufacturing, Inc.

In 2002, Witosky joined Thiel College—at the invitation of his former professor and mentor, David M. Miller ’61 H’20—as an adjunct professor. He subsequently served as the College’s interim vice president of finance in 2004, and as the senior vice president of Thiel in 2007-2009. He returned to the faculty in 2009 and eventually became the Chair of the Arthur McGonigal Department of Business Administration and Accounting in 2015. Witosky was appointed Thiel’s first David M. Miller Endowed Chair of Accounting in 2016 and has served as Executive Director of the Haller Enterprise Institute since 2020. In 2009, Witosky received the Service to Thiel Award from the Thiel Alumni Association and was recognized as the Professor of the Year by the College in 2016.

Witosky has volunteered at the College on its board of associates, alumni association board and as a member of the Thiel 2016 Capital Campaign Cabinet.

He and his wife, Kate, a retired Montessori teacher, have been married for 38 years. They live in Chardon, Ohio and have two adult children, Adam and Emily.


Associate of Arts Degrees

Diamond Cheatham

Business Administration

Baltimore, Md.

Renwrick Montreal Rivers, Jr.

Liberal Studies

Erie, Pa.

Associate of Science


Tyler Edward Reecks S

Information Systems

Fort Washington, Md.

Bachelor of Science


Grace SoYoung Adams

Exercise Science

Cleveland, Ohio

Arlene Marie Barreto

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Covina, Calif.

Cassandra Elizabeth Bown ✩ Biology

La Quinta, Calif.

Abigail Anne Burns ✩


Sharon, Pa.

Abigail Marie Carrizales S

Exercise Science

Houston, Texas

Christopher Edward Costanzo, Jr.

Environmental Safety Management

Columbiana, Ohio

Omahn A. Dobbins


Cleveland, Ohio

Isaac William Evans


Belle Vernon, Pa.

Jacob Keverline Frantz ✩

Information Systems

Greenville, Pa.

Nicolette Louise Graham ✩


Franklin, Pa.

Jeremy M. Groves ✩S

Information Systems

West Middlesex, Pa.

Nicholas Guarnieri ✝


Niles, Ohio

Patrick Dennis Hartnett

Exercise Science

Cortland, N.Y.

Zoe Raine Heckathorn ✩

Environmental Science

Franklin, Pa.

Keara May Henry


Clarion, Pa.

Walter J. Holtgrefe ✩S


Erie, Pa.

Ny’Lan T. Hosey

Exercise Science

Farrell, Pa.

Malajah Nickol Johnson Biology

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Nielah Kharryn Violetta Jones✩


Baltimore, Md.

Rebekah Ladaika ✩

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Erie, Pa.

Beni Antonio Lavodrama

Environmental Safety Management

Bangui, Central Africa Republic

Caleb B. Learn



Homer City, Pa.

Hunter Alan Martz

Environmental Science

Hawthorn, Pa.

Jenna Anne McCandless ✩


Franklin, Pa.

Hallie Elizabeth Miller


Belle Vernon, Pa.

Jade Lynn Rhoads ✩


Franklin, Pa.

Anthony W. Richards ✝


Bethel Park, Pa.

Camryn Paige Sankey ✩


Jamestown, Pa.

Jacob Anton Sirofchuck III


Mercer, Pa.

Garret Russell Smith

Exercise Science

Lordstown, Ohio

Danielle Renee Sterling ✩


Sharon, Pa.

Mya Francine Storll ✩


Linesville, Pa.

Hannah Reece Strott

Exercise Science

Brimfield, Ohio

Hunter Edwin Thompson

Environmental Science

Titusville, Pa.

Sarah Rose Walker

Communication Sciences & Disorders

New Brighton, Pa.

Quintin Alexander Weaver

Exercise Science

Rimersburg, Pa.

Jordan Taylor Zee

Communication Sciences & Disorders

North Kingsville, Ohio

Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Michael Anthony Aches ✩


Pittsburgh, Pa.

Alexander R. Andreozzi ✩ Business Administration


Palmyra, Pa.

Nevaeh Lynn Arnold

Business Administration

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Matt Ryder Beuermann

Communication Studies


Devonport, Tasmania

Donnovan Andrew Blue


West Mifflin, Pa.

Bethany Kay Bonnar ✩

Political Science

Public Policy

Public Relations, Advertising & Integrated Marketing


Beaver, Pa.

Noah Ewing Brieck

Criminal Justice Studies


Kensington, Ohio

Michaela Gail Brown ✩


Martinsburg, Pa.

Tess Christine Cadman


Greenville, Pa.

Elijah C. Caron S

Computer Science

Greenville, Pa.

Jeremiah P. Caron

Computer Science

Greenville, Pa.

Matthew Allen Castles

Business Administration

Salem, Ohio

Jun Ho Choi

Individualized Major in Visual


Daegu, South Korea

Kelly Anne Clark

Public Relations, Advertising & Integrated Marketing


Mount Jackson, Pa.

Abigail R. Cox ✩

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Conneaut Lake, Pa.

Grace Csiky

Business Administration

Atlantic, Pa.

Jarren T. Daniels ✝


Alliance, Ohio

Samantha N. DiBucci

Media & Journalism

Greenville, Pa.

Megan Diggans

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Brycen J. Dorfmeister S

Business Administration

Fairview, Pa.

Lindsey Marie Durboraw


Thomasville, N.C.

Kal Easterly ✝


Youngstown, Ohio

Kylee Annabelle Eaton


Parker, Pa.

Jessica R. Eslinger

Health Systems

Cypress, Texas

Mindy Louise Fleming Biology

Clearfield, Pa.

Brandon Arthur Forrest ∆ Mathematics

Seneca, Pa.

Jacob Keverline Frantz ✩

Computer Science

Greenville, Pa.

Matthew Robert Gayda S

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Evan Reid Gerber ✩


Business Administration

Conneaut Lake, Pa.

Devyn Michael Giovengo S

Business Administration

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Emily Kay Grandy

Business Administration

Sharpsville, Pa.

Hunter Lynn Gray ✩∆


Pittsburgh, Pa.

Joshua L. Grigoletti S

Business Administration

Butler, Pa.

Jeremy M. Groves ✩S

Computer Science

West Middlesex, Pa.

Nicholas Guarnieri ✝


Niles, Oh.

Abigail J. Harbison Biology

Freeport, Pa.

Mikayla Janee Harrison ✝

Medical Technology

Sharon, Pa.

Tyler D. Hartz ✝

Media & Journalism

Orwell, Ohio

Ethan K. Hause ✩


Theology & Youth Ministry

Greenville, Pa.

Juliana Michelle Ealy S

Individualized Major in Public

Relations & Social Media

Greenville, Pa.

Isaiah Lee Gorman ✝

Media & Journalism

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Madison Marie Hawthorne ∆


Greenville, Pa.

Alexander Timothy Henry ✝


Hadley, Pa.

Sydney Rae Hipps

Business Administration

Grove City, Pa.

Alonzo L. Holliday

Criminal Justice Studies


Largo, Md.

Amy Elizabeth Jackson

Business Administration

Public Relations, Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communication

Mount Lebanon, Pa.

Daija Jana Jackson ✝


Youngstown, Ohio

Madison Nicole Jaszemski

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Volant, Pa.

Justina Elaine Jenkins


Dresden, N.Y.

Kayla N. Jewell

Business Administration

Hadley, Pa.

Destiny S. Johnson

Business Administration

Baltimore, Md.

Seth Michael Johnson

Business Administration

Magnolia, Ohio

Nielah Kharryn Violetta Jones ✩

Health Systems

Baltimore, Md.

Christian David Kemp ✩ Business Administration

Knoxville, Pa.

Allyson Grace Kimble


Sharon, Pa.

Mackinzie Janay Kirk

Criminal Justice Studies


Warren, Ohio

Yuta Koike

Business Administration

Chiba, Japan

Legion Samuel Lake ∆ ✝ English

New Brighton, Pa.

Julia Danielle Langietti

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education History

Greenville, Pa.

Jordyn Christiana Liedike


Anchorage, Alaska

Marissa Frances Maciejewski

Political Science

Monroeville, Pa.

Emily Grace Main ✩

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Meadville, Pa.

Jason Paul Masciantonio

Business Administration

Wernersville, Pa.

William M. McCready III

Public Relations, Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communication

Warren, Ohio

Raquel Elizabeth McDonald ✩

Criminal Justice Studies



Syracuse, N.Y.

Karlie Jo McKeever

Criminal Justice Studies


Irwin, Pa

Jason C. Mellott ✩∆


West Middlesex, Pa.

Isabella Catherine Zoila


Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Oakdale, Pa.

Bria JaRae Lofton

Communication Studies

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Destiny Denae’ Merriwether



Business Administration

Youngstown, Ohio

Nathaniel Julius Meth ✝


Pittsburgh, Pa.

Jeremy Richard Meyer ✝

Business Administration

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Jakob J. Misencik ✩


Business Administration

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Cameron D. Moran ✝


Washington, Pa.

Janelle Lorraine Mudry ∆


Pittsburgh, Pa.

Brock Emmett Newsome


Business Administration

Clyde, Ohio

Branston Elsworth Peese ✩


Theology & Youth Ministry

Aaronsburg, Pa.

Anthony James Phillips


Business Administration

Hanoverton, Ohio

Hayley B. Phillips

Business Administration

Lisbon, Ohio

Jasmine Renee Phillips


Hubbard, Ohio

Tumbijika Althaliah Powell ✝

Health Systems

Cleveland, Ohio

Tyler Edward Reecks S

Computer Science

Fort Washington, Md.

Jade Lynn Rhoads ✩


Franklin, Pa.

Joshua Thomas Roberts ✝

Criminal Justice Studies


Hartford, Conn.

Kaylie Marie Robertson ✩✝

Conservation Biology

Mercer, Pa.

Cecelia Catherine


Logan W. Skokowski

Criminal Justice Studies


Wyomissing, Pa.

Jacob Aaron Smeltzer


Business Administration

Cranberry Township, Pa.

Zachary James Smith



Pittsburgh, Pa.

Kara Jo Sokol ✩S

Business Administration

Sutersville, Pa.

Kaylee Ann Suarez ✩


Youngstown, Ohio

Nicholas Sylvis

Media & Journalism

Bethel Park, Pa.

Grace Angela Taylor

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Gianna Rae Tofani

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Transfer, Pa.

Allison Rose Philbrick ✩

Conservation Biology

Kinsman, Ohio

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Northumberland, Pa.

Walter Tolliver

Business Administration

Annapolis, Md.

Noah F. Toy ∆


Greenville, Pa.

Hallie M. Vogt S

Business Administration

Girard, Pa.

Nicholas Voytko


New Castle, Pa.

Sarah Dora Wakley ✩

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

North East, Pa.

Madison Grace Walsh ✩

Political Science


Monongahela, Pa.

Autumn Rose Wanchick ✝

Business Administration

Tallmadge, Ohio

Chyenne M. Welch ✩

Early Childhood Education/ Special Education

Sharpsville, Pa.

Mei Ellen Xiao Di Williams

Business Administration

International Business

New Wilmington, Pa.

Roy W. Wilt III

Political Science

Public Policy

Greenville, Pa.

Ashley Jo Wolford S

Business Administration

Jamestown, Pa.

Morgan Elizabeth Wood ✩


Fredericksburg, Va.

Kylee Jade Yothers

Criminal Justice Studies


Indian Head, Pa.

Tyler Zere

Business Administration

Ronkonkoma, N.Y.

Natalie K. Zgurich

Business Administration

Pittsburgh, Pa.

✩ Dietrich Honors Institute

∆ Candidate for Pennsylvania Department of Education Teacher Certification

S Degree awarded Summer/December 2022

✝ Early participant; degree to be awarded when requirements are met.

Special legacy photographs will be taken for those graduates whose immediate family members are Thiel College alumni. Please meet near the terrace in front of Greenville Hall (rain site will be the Weyers Student Lounge in the HMSC) immediately following the Commencement ceremonies.

Master of Business Administration

Hollie A. Barna ’22 Clairton, Pa.

Peyton Carlyle Ennis ’22 Erie, Pa.

Frank Daniel Fugman ’22 Aurora, Ohio

Dahlia S. Jacks ’22 Springfield, Ohio

Maddison J. Neely ’22 Oil City, Pa.

Master of Science

Ahmad T. Tejumola ’22 Waldorf, Md.

Andre O. Williams ’22 Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Speech-Language Pathology

Ceremony in July

Whitney Morgan Ashcraft Wheeling, W. Va.

Gillian Leigh Bowler Merced, Calif.

Christina Nicole Clutter Amity, Pa.

Krista Ann Delatore New Philadelphia, Ohio

Anna Elizabeth Gordon ’22 Cranberry Township, Pa.

Allison Marie Hartman Ontario, Ohio

Felix Daniel Hernandez Lewisburg, Pa.

Maegn G.E. Holbrook Roseburg, Ore.

Lindsey Paige Holley Ashton, W. Va.

Emily G. Kalchthaler ’22 Greenville, Pa.

Megan Hannah Kiley Keedysville, Md.

Elizabeth O'Hara Chesapeake City, Md.

Elizabeth Ann Pleimling Fairhope, Ala.

Cheyanna M. Ross ’15 Sigel, Pa.

Malena Nicole Sparidaens Alamo, Calif.

Falan Leigh Vancura ’22 Greenville, Pa.

Jamin A. Wentling ’22 Greenville, Pa.

Alaina Marie Bailey

Johnstown, Pa.

Master of Science Physician Assistant Studies

Ceremony in August

Cameron Stewart Domblisky

Philipsburg, Pa.

Hunter Anderson Baxter

Gibsonia, Pa.

Kayley April Bennett

Edinboro, Pa.

Hannah E. Burress-Brown ✝

East Canton, Ohio

Mollie Kate Cavenaugh

Teachey, N.C.

Samantha Crilley

Zelienople, Pa.

Edwin Dordal III

Staten Island, N.Y.

Monica Leigh Ewansik

Gibsonia, Pa.

Shane Andrew Fiorentini

Bethel Park, Pa.

Abigail Grace Gallagher

Woodbine, Md.

Nisha Belle Granat

Cambridge Springs, Pa.

Lauren Haines

West Chester, Pa.

Lindsay Taylor Homan

Oil City, Pa.

Heather Lynn Hughes

Virginia Beach, Va.

Jaskirat Singh Kahlon ✝

Reading, Pa.

Kayla Rosemary Kerr

Punxsutawney, Pa.

Patrick Kregeloh

Coplay, Pa.

Master of Science Physician Assistant Studies

Ceremony in August

Katarina Lavelle Lewis

Youngstown, Ohio

Garrett Roy Mang

Lindenhurst, Ill.

Perri Kristine Markle

Cranberry, Pa.

Thomas Patrick McIntyre

Marietta, Pa.

Robin Kelley Moore

Sandy Lake, Pa.

Gemima Muteba-Vengo

Germantown, Md.

Amy V. Neal

Erie, Pa.

Kellianne Marie Nerlich

Franklin, Pa.

Krupa Patel

Long Island, N.Y.

Carolyn Mae Peters

Normal, Ill.

Miranda Jean Reesman ’19

Leechburg, Pa.

William Alexander

Sarniguet Jerez

Santiago, Chile

Karley Schlensker

Fairfield, Ohio

Kayla Lyn Smith

Saint Petersburg, Fla.

Caitlin K. Thompson

Butler, Pa.

Brenden Gerard Tully

Canton, Ohio

Bailey Augustus Volk

Corry, Pa.

Julia Alexandra Wagner ’21

Erie, Pa.

Sara Wick

Mendon, N.Y.



Alexander R. Andreozzi R

Matt Ryder Beuermann R

Bethany Kay Bonnar R

Cassandra Elizabeth Bown R

Michaela Gail Brown R

Abigail Anne Burns

Tess Christine Cadman

Elijah C. Caron

Kelly Anne Clark

Samantha N. DiBucci R

Omahn A. Dobbins R

Evan Reid Gerber R

Nicolette Louise Graham R

Jeremy M. Groves R

Ethan K. Hause R

Madison Marie Hawthorne R

Zoe Raine Heckathorn R

Kayla N. Jewell R

Malajah Nickol Johnson R

Christian David Kemp R

Julia Danielle Langietti R

Emily Grace Main R

Raquel Elizabeth McDonald R

Isabella Catherine Zoila Merlino R

Janelle Lorraine Mudry R

Branston Elsworth Peese R

Hayley B. Phillips R

Camryn Paige Sankey R

Cecelia Catherine Shellenberger R

Danielle Renee Sterling

Hannah Reece Strott R

Kaylee Ann Suarez R

Grace Angela Taylor R

Gianna Rae Tofani R

Noah F. Toy R

Hallie M. Vogt R

Sarah Dora Wakley R

Madison Grace Walsh R

Chyenne M. Welch

Ashley Jo Wolford R

Morgan Elizabeth Wood R

Jordan Taylor Zee R


Jeremiah P. Caron

Abigail R. Cox

Megan Diggans R

Brycen J. Dorfmeister

Brandon Arthur Forrest

Jacob Keverline Frantz

Hunter Lynn Gray

Justina Elaine Jenkins

Rebekah Ladaika R

Jordyn Christiana Liedike

Jenna Anne McCandless

Brock Emmett Newsome R

Jade Lynn Rhoads R

Mya Francine Storll

Hunter Edwin Thompson

Natalie K. Zgurich R


Michael Anthony Aches

Abigail Marie Carrizales

Lindsey Marie Durboraw

Isaac William Evans

Keara May Henry

Walter J. Holtgrefe

Madison Nicole Jaszemski

Nielah Kharryn Violetta Jones

Allyson Grace Kimble

Yuta Koike

Karlie Jo McKeever

Jason C. Mellott

Hallie Elizabeth Miller

Jakob J. Misencik

Allison Rose Philbrick

Anthony James Phillips

Jasmine Renee Phillips

Jacob Anton Sirofchuck III

Jacob Aaron Smeltzer

Zachary James Smith

Sarah Rose Walker

Tyler Zere


Juliana Michelle Ealy R

Graduation Honors: Seniors who have completed at least 60 credit hours in residence at Thiel are eligible for graduation honors. Those who have a grade point average of 3.80 or higher are graduated summa cum laude, and are wearing a blue and white cord. Those who have attained a grade point average of 3.60 to 3.79 are graduated magna cum laude, and are wearing two blue cords. Those who have a grade point average of 3.40 to 3.59 are awarded cum laude, and are wearing two white cords.

R The Dean’s Key is awarded to those students who made the Dean’s List during all eight semesters at Thiel. Transfer students who attended Thiel for at least one year, were on the Dean’s List every semester at Thiel and were on the Dean’s List every term at his/her former college(s) also receive the Dean’s Key.


Biology & Life Sciences

Cassandra Elizabeth Bown

Abigail Anne Burns

Abigail Marie Carrizales

Omahn A. Dobbins

Walter J. Holtgrefe

Malajah Nickol Johnson

Jenna Anne McCandless

Hallie Elizabeth Miller

Allison Rose Philbrick

Camryn Paige Sankey

Jacob Anton Sirofchuck III

Danielle Renee Sterling

Mya Francine Storll

Hannah Reece Strott

Business Administration & Accounting

Alexander R. Andreozzi

Evan Reid Gerber

Kayla N. Jewell

Christian David Kemp

Hayley B. Phillips

Hallie M. Vogt

Ashley Jo Wolford

Natalie K. Zgurich

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Rebekah Ladaika

Sarah Rose Walker

Jordan Taylor Zee


Abigail R. Cox

Brandon Arthur Forrest

Hunter Lynn Gray

Legion Samuel Lake

Julia Danielle Langietti

Emily Grace Main

Jason C. Mellott

Isabella Catherine Zoila


Janelle Lorraine Mudry

Cecelia Catherine Shellenberger

Grace Angela Taylor

Sarah Dora Wakley

Chyenne M. Welch


Tess Christine Cadman

Legion Samuel Lake

Janelle Lorraine Mudry

Environmental Science

Zoe Raine Heckathorn

Hunter Edwin Thompson


Julia Danielle Langietti

Noah F. Toy


Michaela Gail Brown

Raquel Elizabeth McDonald

Mya Francine Storll

Kaylee Ann Suarez

Noah F. Toy

Chyenne M. Welch

Mathematics & Computer Science

Elijah C. Caron

Jacob Keverline Frantz

Jeremy M. Groves

Madison Marie Hawthorne

Media, Communication, & Public Relations

Matt Ryder Beuermann

Bethany Kay Bonnar

Kelly Anne Clark

Samantha N. DiBucci

Juliana Michelle Ealy

Amy Elizabeth Jackson


Nicolette Louise Graham

Jade Lynn Rhoads

Morgan Elizabeth Wood


Michaela Gail Brown

Justina Elaine Jenkins

Jordyn Christiana Liedike

Raquel Elizabeth McDonald

Jade Lynn Rhoads

Zachary James Smith

Kaylee Ann Suarez


Michaela Gail Brown

Ethan K. Hause

Branston Elsworth Peese

Kaylee Ann Suarez

Hallie M. Vogt

Sociology & Criminal Justice Studies

Raquel Elizabeth McDonald

Madison Grace Walsh

Departmental Honors are a prerogative of each department and are calculated and submitted by those departments that recognize such a distinction.

Senior Class Officers

Jade Rhoads - President

Sarah Wakley - Vice President

Hallie Miller - Secretary

Isaac Evans - Treasurer

Senior Class Gift Committee

Jade Rhoads

Sarah Wakley

Hallie Miller

Isaac Evans

Grace Adams

Rebekah Ladaika

Graduates wearing honor cords and tassels are members of designated honorary societies.

Green & Blue Cords Alpha Chi, national college honor scholarship society

Red & White Cords Les Lauriers, senior honorary society based on scholarship, service and leadership

Moonlight Blue and Bastard Amber Cords Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity

Black, White and Blue Cords Veritas Ars Quaero, humanities research honors society

Gold Cords with Gold Tassels Alpha Mu Gamma, national language honorary society

Red & Green Cords with Green Ribbons & Medallions Beta Beta Beta, national biology honorary society

Scarlet Cords. ..................................................... Theta Alpha Kappa, national religious studies and theology honorary society

Purple & Green Cords......................................................................... Kappa Delta Pi, international honor society for educators

Rose Pink & Silver Cords ............................................................................... Kappa Mu Epsilon, national mathematics honorary

Blue & White Cords................................................................. Chi Alpha Epsilon, national honorary for academic achievement

Black & Gold Cords ................................................................................. Chi Alpha Sigma, national college athlete honor society

Drab Cords ....................................................................................................... Chi Eta Sigma, national commerce honorary society

Blue & Silver Cords ......................................................................................................... Psi Chi, international psychology honorary

Red & Light Blue Cords ......................................................................... Phi Alpha Theta, international history honorary society

Purple & White Cords................................................................................................ Phi Sigma Tau, national philosophy honorary

Gold Cords with Tassels ................................................................ Lambda Pi Eta, national honorary in speech communication

Blue & Gold Cords ........................................................................................... Lambda Sigma, national sophomore honor society

Scarlet & Black Cords ........................................................................................... Sigma Tau Delta, international English honorary

Black, White & Red Cords ............................................................................. Pi Sigma Alpha, national political science honorary

Scarlet & Grey Cords ........................................................................................... Pi Nu Epsilon, national music fraternity honorary

Gold & Black Cords ...................................................................................................... Nu Rho Psi, national neuroscience honorary

Teal Cords Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology/criminal justice honor society


The gowns, hoods and caps worn in the academic ceremonies today are relics of clothing worn in medieval times by students and professors. In the early universities—Bologna, Paris, Oxford—professors wore more colorful academic regalia than do their modern-day descendants. The gowns and hoods were probably worn for warmth in the unheated halls where lectures were delivered.

Since 1895, in the United States, the colors and types of caps and gowns have been largely standardized. In 1932, the code was revised to some extent, and in 1960, it was revised once more. A few American universities have adopted gowns other than black in color, and in European universities there is more diversity in cut and in the cap than prevails in the United States.


The tassels worn on the caps may or may not be of the same types. In some institutions, all master’s degree and bachelor’s degree tassels are black; in others, the tassels, which are the same as the colors on the facing of the hoods, reflect the degree received. The tassels worn by doctors may be black or gold thread.


The gown for the bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. The gown for the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The gown for the doctor’s degree has bell-shaped sleeves, and is designed to be worn open or closed.


None for the bachelor’s or master’s degrees. For the doctor’s degree, the gown is faced down the front with black velvet with three bars of the same across the sleeves; or these facings and crossbars may be of velvet of the color distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains.


The length of the hood worn for the bachelor’s degree is three feet; for the master’s degree it is three and onehalf feet; and for the doctor’s degree, it is four feet; that worn for the doctor’s degree shall have panels at the sides.

The hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree; more than one color is shown by division of the field color in a variety of ways, such as chevron or chevrons, equal divisions, etc.

The binding or edging of the hood is of velvet or velveteen, two, three and five inches in width for the bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees, respectively, while the color is distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains.


For all academic purposes, including trimming of doctors’ gowns, edging of hoods and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different subjects are as

From American Colleges and Universities, 11th Edition

follows: Agriculture ............................................................... Maize Arts, Letters, Humanities White Commerce, Accountancy, Business Drab Dentistry...................................................................... Lilac Economics ............................................................. Copper Education ......................................................... Light Blue Engineering Orange Fine Arts, Architecture ......................................... Brown Forestry, Environmental Studies, Sustainability ........................................................ Russet Journalism Crimson Law ........................................................................... Purple Library Science, Information Management.......... Lemon Medicine ................................................................... Green Music Pink Nursing Apricot Oratory, Speech, Communications ............Silver Gray Pharmacy ....................................................... Olive Green Philosophy Dark Blue Physical Education, Manual Therapy, Physical Therapy ......................................... Sage Green Public Administration, Public Policy, Foreign Service Peacock Blue Public Health Salmon Pink Science (both “Social” & “Natural”)...........Golden Yellow Social Work ............................................................. Citron Theology, Divinity Scarlet Veterinary Science Grey


Susan Traverso, Ph.D. President & Professor of History

Greg Q. Butcher, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the College & Professor of Neuroscience

Jesse B. Amar, M.F.A. Professor of Art

Aly Andrusky, MS, PA-C Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Program

Nancy J. Antonino, Ph.D. Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Andrew Baker, M.A. Assistant Professor of Media, Communications & Public Relations

Michael T. Balas, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of Biology

Jeanette Benigas, Ph.D. Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

George Branch-Trevathan, M.Div., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Religion

Jennifer Broderick, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology

David R. Buck, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of History

Kristin M. Carlson, Ph.D. Chair & Associate Professor of Languages Director of ESOL Program

Nancy Castor, M.Ed. Associate Professor of Education

Ashley E. Coombs, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Marie Courtemanche, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of Political Science

Shannon Len Deets, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology

Brenda K. DelMaramo, M.A. Lecturer of English

Jay Donis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History

Thomas Dulaney, Ph.D. Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems

Audra Franley, M.Div. ’17 Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion

Kristel M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology

Angelo A. Giannini, M.B.A. Professor of Business Administration & Accounting

John E. Gomolchak, J.D.

Associate Professor of Business Administration & Accounting

Sheila Gross, Ph.D. ’10 Assistant Professor of English

Mary Theresa Hall, Ph.D. Professor of English

George Hanak, M.D.

Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Program

Jared M. Hanneman, Ph.D. Chair & Associate Professor of Sociology & Criminal Justice Studies Chair of the Faculty

Natalie Homa, Ph.D. Chair & Associate Professor of Psychology

Matthew R. Humphrey, M.F.A./M.S. Assistant Professor of Media, Communications & Public Relations

Allan M. Hunchuk, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology & Criminal Justice Studies

Jared Johnson, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of English

Steven Kandray, M.B.A.

Assistant Professor of Business Administration & Accounting

Dionna Kassalen, C.P.A./M.B.A.

Assistant Professor of Business Administration & Accounting

Guru Rattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry

Jeonghun Kim, Ph.D. Professor of Math & Computer Science

Greg Kingston, Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Biology (Exercise Science)

Julie Kobak, M.A. Associate Professor CSD & Director of Clinical Education

Anthony J. Kos, Ph.D. M.B.A. Director Professor of Business Administration & Accounting

Lana Kulik, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Media, Communications & Public Relations

Neil Lax, Ph.D. Chair & Assistant Professor of Neuroscience

Mary Beth Mason, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders Program Director for Speech-Language Pathology

Sean P. McConnor, M.F.A. Professor of Painting & Curator of Art

Elizabeth McCurdy, MS, PA-C Lecturer of Physician Assistant Program

Ken McCurdy, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of Counseling

Ludmilla A. Miller, M.A. Lecturer of German, Russian, and ESOL

Christopher Morgan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Matthew R. Morgan, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of Philosophy

Sheila Nowinski, Ph.D. Director & Endowed Chair of the Kenneth and Marianna Brown Dietrich Honors Institute Associate Professor of History

Melissa S. Oakes, C.P.A./M.B.A. ’03 Associate Chair & Professor of Business Administration and Accounting

Mary O’Donnell, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology

Nicole Olshanski, M.S.N., D.N.P. Program Director Nursing

Assistant Professor of Nursing Program

Sean Oros, M.A. ’15 Lecturer of English & First Year Curriculum Coordinator

Fatimata A. Palé, Ph.D. Professor of Biology

Laura R.G. Pickens, Ph.D. ’06 Associate Dean for Academic Programs & Records Professor of Psychology

Anna Reinsel, Ph.D. ’06 Chair of Environmental Science Professor of Environmental Science & Chemistry

Russell Richins, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science

Casey Sansom, MS, PA-C Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Program

Kara Schreckenghost, M.Ed. Chair & Assistant Professor of Education Director of Teacher Education

Calli Shekell, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education

Jennifer Shellenbarger, MS, PA-C Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Program

Jessica Sloan, PA-C Lecturer, Physician Assistant Program

Christopher M. Stanisky, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of Chemistry

Cynthia L. Sutton, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology & Criminal Justice Studies

Eugene Torigoe, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Physics

Lynn Williams, M.D., M.P.H. Medical Director & Chair

Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Program

Gary J. Witosky, C.P.A., M.Acc. ’79 Professor of Business Administration & Accounting

David M. Miller Endowed Chair of Accounting

Jie Wu, Ph.D.

Chair & Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science


Susan Traverso, Ph.D. President

Amy Arbogast

Vice President for Finance and Administration

Gregory Q. Butcher, Ph.D.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College & Professor of Neuroscience

Roberta Leonard

Vice President for College Advancement

Michael McKinney, Ed. D. ’02

Vice President for Student Life and Athletics

Richard Orr

Vice President for Communications and Marketing

Ashley Josay Zullo

Vice President for Enrollment Management and Financial Aid



G. Leah Dever ’74, Chair

Rod E. Wilt ’86, Vice Chair

Dominic Dionisio ’72, Treasurer

Mark Benninghoff ’82, Secretary


Edward Bartko ’72 H’16

Robert D. Burns Ph.D. ’74 H’22

Dr. Beverly A. Cigler ’68

Ricardo Daley ’96

Brian Evans ’03

John Frangakis H’19

Fred Haer ’65

Bruce Hartman Ph.D.

Rick Huether ’74

Matthew W. Hughes ’92

Diann Kuder

Dr. Frank C. Maenpa ’69 H’21

Catherine Mott

Nathan Neely ’94

Margaret B. Norris ’78

Brian Nowak ’89

Mary Odem

Antonio Quarterman ’08

Robert J. Rogalski

Nicholas Romano ’18

Mathew Saur ’11

Miles Wallace

Michael Walton

Cathryn Zawacki ’71

Dr. Susan Traverso, Ex-Officio

Trustees Emeriti

Dr. Frank Baker

Ruthanne Beighley, Esq. ’73 H’20

Dr. Alan Fager ’69

Dr. Carl A. Hoffman Jr. ’69 H’10

Dr. James McHugh ’62 H’02

Peter Mortensen H’05

Barbara Nakles

Mark Nordenberg ’70 H’97

Dr. James Pedas ’50 H’89

Edward G. Redman ’60

Dr. Barry D. Stamm ’70

Dr. Roy Strausbaugh H’14



Dr. Joseph Nairn ’79, President

Patrick Findle ’79, Vice President

Vicki Poe, Vice President


James Bittel, Jr. ’60

Dr. Alan Childs

James Cunningham III ’77

Matthew Fiore ’14

Alex Hudson MBA’21

David Hofius ’64

Michael Kuder

Cris Loutzenhiser

James Miale ’85

Chelsea C. Maukonen, Esq. ’14

Dr. Brittany Mears ’07

Eric Newman ’99

Joseph Scarpitti ’80

Rev. Scott Schul

John Thigpen ’86

Nick Travaglianti ’11

Jeffrey Wallace

Honorable Roy Wilt ’59 H’85



Renee Bair ’99, President

Damen Taylor ’95, Vice President

Lindsey Bona ’07, Secretary


Elliott Beach ’12

Gary Bonner ’80

Jessica (Peters) Burkley ’21

Angela Campbell ’20

Brett Eckroate ’20

Jim Frank ’88

Marvin Hill ’88

John Marrs ’83

Sara Matczak ’17

Cynthia Maynard-Solos ’00

Frank Newnam ’71

Amy (Myers) Noble ’83

Talia O’Brien ’20

Sean Oros ’15

Elizabeth Prada ’04

Michelle (Stahl) Reefer ’90

Kasandra (Wagler) Shawgo ’16

Chris Shinkman ’62

Gregory Stringer ’87/’18

Hannah Uschock ’22


Michael A. Allen ’90

Laura (Lord) Broome ’92

Nikki (Colpo) Galbo ’06

Angela (Lago) Hughes ’97

James M. McRoberts ’58

Jessica (Somerville) Phillips ’08

Dawn Salter ’95

Allen Schreiber ’99

David S. Schreiber ’00

Marion (Norris) Shoemaker ’63

John Wotus ’74

Dear Class of 2023,

Welcome to a community of more than 14,000 active Thiel College alumni.

We celebrate your academic accomplishments! We—the alumni and members of Thiel College’s faculty, staff, and trustees—will follow your future endeavors with great excitement. We hope you remain connected to the Thiel community and the friends you have made at the College.

We encourage you to continue to use the resources we have for you on campus, especially Alumni Affairs and the Career Development Center. Stay in touch with the faculty and staff who have taught and encouraged you. They will be happy to support you in the next phase of your life.

Before you know it, you can take your first trip back as an alumnus to Homecoming Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2023. We look forward to having you back on campus for that exciting alumni gathering.


75 College Avenue, Greenville, Pa. 16125 • www.thiel.edu ™

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