5 minute read
Trade Thoughts
from THIIS August 2023
Lee Anderson Manager of Mountfield Services
I believe it is very important to offer customers a good service of repair and servicing.
“There are many companies out there who can just install stairlifts, but we’ve found it’s the aftercare package that our customers appreciate the most, knowing that we’ll be there 24/7 if their lift breaks down gives them and their family peace of mind.
“For a lot of our customers, their stairlifts are the only way of accessing upstairs, which can be a big problem if their lift breaks down, especially if their toilet or bedroom is upstairs.
“Offering a good aftercare service also has other benefits. Your customers are more likely to use you for servicing and repairs, replacing lifts once they come to the end of their cycle and recommending your company to family or friends.
“I’ve lost count of the amount of business we’ve generated over the years by offering a good aftercare service.
How important is it for retailers to offer service and repair after a product has been sold?
Do you see offering customers service and repair following a sale is an opportunity for growth and profitability? What investments do you think are necessary to achieve excellent service (feel free to draw on your experience)?
“We’ve also been added to local authority contracts and DFG lists, where most of our business comes from, because we have been recommended to them by our customers.
“This word-of-mouth way of business has also saved us vast amount of money not having to advertise greatly.
“Personally I get more satisfaction when I hear we’ve won a job off the back of a referral from one of our existing customers, as I like to think we’re doing something right.
Karen Sheppard Director of People First Mobility

Offering repairs on mobility scooters and powerchairs should be an important add-on for any scooter retailer.
“Customers can depend totally on their scooters and powerchairs to get about, so when they break down it can mean much distress and inconvenience.
“Being able to do repairs during the warranty period is essential for good customer care, making sure the end user is not left stranded.
“Servicing is a benefit to the customer as it can find faults before they get serious, checking the batteries before they fail and stop working, making sure the nuts and bolts are secure and checking that the correct pressure is in the tyres, ensuring safety for the user.
“Further sales can come from repairs and services if the product is nearing the end of its life, and something else needs to be purchased.
“Investments can start from as little as just some basic tools, sending staff on training days, which is offered by most suppliers free of charge, and can extend to building fully fitted workshops.
“Growth and profitability can be increased with the service and repair side of retailing mobility scooters and powerchairs, along with the benefit of the internet dealers unable to offer local repairs.
“Servicing of 8mph road scooters I feel should be mandatorily inspected every year to ensure that the lights and tyres are all in good working order for the safety of the users and general public.
mountfieldservices.co.uk peoplefirstmobility.co.uk
Finnie Operations Manager at Mobility Scotland
We believe offering a service and repair commitment to customers for every product they purchase is essential, not only for business reputation but for future growth and development. This is especially the case within the bricks and mortar sector.
“Customers who are satisfied with the product and service they receive are more likely to return and purchase additional items and share their thoughts for word-of-mouth and recommendation business. This also helps keep the operational cost lean, as it reduces costs associated with returns, managing complaints and refunds.
“The crux of a successful model is ensuring the product sold is appropriate for needs, future-proofed and capable of achieving customers objectives.
“Also, the product itself needs to be manufactured soundly, ensuring reliability, and it is costed within a proper cost-to-serve model, which builds additional cost the retailer may incur whilst they support the customer throughout the warranty period.
“As the product approaches warranty expiration, the customer is more likely to purchase additional service and support and extended warranty packages, which, again, if well-structured and prudently priced add great value to the bottom line as well as peace of mind for the customer.
George Ruddick Managing Director of Thistle Help

I feel it should be made mandatory for dealers to offer service and repair to customers who have purchased products, especially those larger ticket items. Personally, I would not purchase a mobility product without knowing I had the back-up if something went wrong with the product.
“Customers often come into our showrooms complaining they have purchased something online and there is no means of getting it repaired or serviced from the same company.
“This service certainly encourages customers to purchase from Thistle Help knowing that we can offer this service and it gives them peace of mind.
“It certainly adds to our turnover by providing this type of service and I believe it encourages customers to purchase from us in the first place. There are companies out there that do not offer this aftercare service and I believe it is detrimental to their business by not offering a repair and service option.
“On a personal level, Thistle Help have seen the repair side of our business grow year-on-year, so much so we have had to employ a further engineer to keep up with demand.
“Also to keep up with the demand for services and repairs, we had to invest in a new van, but this will be reimbursed by the number of calls we receive for this area of the business.
“In conclusion, I think those companies who are unable to offer this service are at a severe disadvantage to those who do.
Alastair Gibbs Managing Director of TPG DisableAids
In our opinion it is crucial for any retailer to offer their own in-house service and repair facilities. It is a way to cement customer loyalty and be first in place to offer replacements or additional products to satisfy a customers requirements.
“We all know that the majority of our customers in this marketplace are not fully independent, and they require assistance with all sorts of tasks that a fully fit person would take on themselves. This is, without doubt, a business opportunity to a readymade customer base.
“Added to that, a purely sales-based outfit has very little residual value. It is generally worth no more than the margin made on the last sale. If you have the resource to offer service and repair facilities, you have the ability to offer service contracts that have a recurring revenue. You can take on service and repair contracts with local authorities or housing associations for stairlift or hoist products.
“These contracts will typically have a three-to-five-year term, which clearly adds long-term value to your company and gives far more certainty in the amount of regular work available for your staff. Added to all of this is probably the most important factor, you are in control of your own destiny.
“There is no need to rely upon a third party to cover your warranty breakdowns and maybe not offer the response times you would like. The third party would also be the ones spotting further sales opportunities or selling extended warranty and insurance policies. That leaves you having to continually find more customers and spend lots more marketing pounds along the way.
mobilityscotlandltd.co.uk thistlehelp.co.uk tpg-disableaids.co.uk