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How LSCU & Affiliates Delivered in 2012 and What You Can Expect in 2013

League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates

Governmental Affairs Focused on legislative advocacy, grassroots advocacy, political action fundraising, regulatory advocacy and compliance/operational support.

 32,000 League InfoSight compliance support website visits

In 2012:

 Drafted 14 comment call letters, on behalf of credit unions, on federal regulatory proposals

 Helped to deliver three of four U.S. Senators from AL/FL to oppose bank-backed TAG legislation

 Added CU PolicyPro and RateMap to League InfoSight as part of value of membership

 Secured four AL/FL U.S. Senators to co-sponsor ATM Fee Disclosure legislation, which was signed into law

 Launched LSCU Action Center webpage as a hub for grassroots advocacy for credit unions

 Increased lobbying presence in Washington, D.C., Montgomery and Tallahassee

 Launched Action Center Facebook page, Florida and Alabama Governmental Affairs Twitter accounts for greater social media presence for credit unions

 Made more than 100 office visits in Washington, D.C. and the districts

 *97% feel the LSCU does an effective job advocating for credit unions at the state capitols

 Promoted legislation in AL and FL to allow credit unions to accept public deposits

 *95% feel the LSCU does an effective job advocating credit union issues to federal lawmakers

 Title sponsors for Florida U.S. Senate debate in October which reached 4M consumers

Looking Ahead to 2013:

 Implemented “Plan to Win” designed to bolster credit union grassroots advocacy efforts

Alabama and Florida credit union working groups reviewing State Credit Union Acts looking for ways to improve the operating environment for statechartered credit unions and to introduce legislation in 2014

Hired contract lobbyist in Montgomery to bolster our advocacy efforts at the state level in Alabama

 LSCU Political Action Committees (PACs) raised $448,175 to support CU-friendly candidates  94% success rate on electing CU-friendly candidates

Education Focused on providing timely and relevant training to credit union staff and volunteers on a variety of topics.

In 2012:  Trained more than 3,800 credit union staff and volunteers through LSCU conferences and workshops  Offered 103 low-cost webinars, training 970 people on important topics such as compliance, lending, and operations  Averaged more than 1,000 attendees at the Annual Convention and Expo since 2010, including more than 130 vendor booths sold each year  Partnered with the Credit Union Executives Society (CUES) for our first-ever Credit Union Executive Dialogue designed specifically for large asset size credit unions

 Collaborating with system partners such as CUNA, CUES, CO-OP and NCUF to become a recognized regional leader in education and training for credit unions.  *88% of credit union surveyed agreed LSCU education offerings are meeting their training needs

Looking Ahead to 2013: •

New event app coming for major conferences like AC&E, State GACs and Leadership Development Conference

CUNA President/CEO Bill Cheney to speak at AC&E in June

Credit unions get one free webinar after attending 12 - Cheaper by the Dozen Promotion

* Denotes data taken from the 2012 LSCU Members Survey

For more information about affiliation with the LSCU, contact VP, Cooperative Initiatives Laura Vann at 866.231.0545 ext. 2181.


How LSCU & Affiliates Delivered in 2012 and What You Can Expect in 2013 (continued)

League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates

Cooperative Initiatives In 2012:

 Expanded SAS credit unions to under $50 million in assets and raised the SAS voucher to $500 toward an LSCU/CUNA/LEVERAGE educational event and/or product or service

 Through the League’s member relations program, made over 750 face-to-face visits with credit unions

 Awarded $44,017 in Foundation scholarships to CUs to attend LSCU or CUNA educational events

 Increased CU affiliation from 76% in 2009 to 81% in 2012 and climbing!

 Established Young Professional Group for credit union staff under 40

Focusing on activities that reinforce credit unions’ cooperative spirit and social mission.

 Provided credit unions with regular updates on League priorities through quarterly webinars  Presented CU Philosophy in Action Workshop highlighting cooperative principles of credit unions  Raised $300,000 for “leave behind” project to build therapeutic playground at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL  LSCU President/CEO Patrick La Pine traveled Florida with CUNA President Bill Cheney to meet with credit unions and chapters - Alabama trip planned for 2013

Communications Focused on providing communication channels that inform and educate.

Looking Ahead to 2013: •

Implement U.S. State Dept. funded professional exchange program between AL/FL credit unions and Costa Rica credit unions

Offering financial counseling certification in partnership with National Credit Union Foundation

LSCU/CUNA Orientation and CU Philosophy in Action Workshops scheduled for April 23-24 in Birmingham and Oct. 23-24 in Orlando

Enhanced website to make information more readily available and LSCU publications easier to access online

In 2012:

LSCU Keeping Its Promises

 Implemented a $1.25 million Cooperative Image Campaign with 113 CUs participating. LSCU, through LEVERAGE, contributed $109,000 for creative development and research

The LSCU is committed to being good stewards of credit unions’ dues dollars and living up to the promises of consolidation:

 In one year, Campaign raised awareness 27% among consumers in Gen X demographic  Proactive media relations outreach put AL and FL CUs in front of 7.2 million readers and viewers  Produced 27 original videos and 14 audio podcasts that informed and educated credit unions on issues of importance  Added LSCU Facebook page for greater interaction with credit unions  *95% of credit unions say the LSCU keeps them well informed on important issues

Looking Ahead to 2013: •

Provide a greater social media presence for credit unions and their advocacy efforts

 Year-end 2012, LSCU net income $219,746 compared to budgeted $69,848  Year-end 2012, LSCU Service Corporation (LEVERAGE) net income $376,749 compared to budgeted $30,601  LSCU dues rebate of 10% to member credit unions in 2013  Through consolidation, the LSCU has saved more than $1 million. The savings are reinvested back to credit unions through enhanced service offerings  *95% of credit unions say their level of satisfaction with the LSCU increased or stayed the same; a 3% increase from 2011 member survey  *91% of credit unions feel the value and promises of the consolidation are being realized; a 22% increase from 2010 * Denotes data taken from the 2012 LSCU Members Survey

For more information about affiliation with the LSCU, contact VP, Cooperative Initiatives Laura Vann at 866.231.0545 ext. 2181.


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