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REAL Solu/ons Financial Counselor Training Program Informa/on Webinar Mark Lynch CUDE, DUDE, CCUFC REAL Solu/ons Field Coach

Why Provide Financial Counseling? According to a survey released at the end of 2010, 55 percent of all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

Americans Underwater “20% of individuals reported that over the last year, their household spent more than their income.” FINRA



No Rainy Day Fund “60% of individuals lack a rainy day fund to cover expenses for three months, in case of emergencies such as sickness, job loss or economic downturn.” FINRA

Using Predatory Lenders “20% of individuals reported using one or more predatory borrowing methods in the last 5 years.” FINRA

No Credit Card Research “62% of individuals said that when obtaining their most recent credit card, they did not collect and compare informa/on from more than one company.” FINRA



Basic Financial Literacy “When asked 5 basic financial literacy ques/ons the average individual can only answer 3 correctly.” FINRA

How does the REAL Solu/ons Financial Counselor Training Program help credit unions address these issues?

Background Un/l recently, there were 2 ways to become a “Cer/fied Credit Union Financial Counselor”

•  CUNA’s Two week residen/al course •  Use the CUNA FiCEP self study program and arrange own proctored exams



What is FiCEP •  Training Program developed by CUNA •  8 Modules of guided self study •  Proctored exams •  Successful students become “Cer/fied Credit Union Financial Counselors”

FiCEP Part I •  Introduc/on to Financial Counseling •  Financial Counseling Essen/als •  Special Issues in Financial Counseling •  Using Communica/on Skills During Financial Counseling

FiCEP Part II •  Taxes, Insurance, and Investments •  Controlling Living Expenses and Understanding Consumer Credit •  Matching Values to Money •  Re/rement and Special Issues



FiCEP Focus on •  Remedial Counseling •  Preventa/ve Counseling and Educa/on

The REAL Solu/ons Program •  Works in coopera/on with Leagues & CUNA •  A Webinar for each of the 8 Modules •  Two days of face to face training •  Organiza/on of proctored exams •  Adds a program development component •  Program completed in five months

The Schedule Part 1 •  Four webinars conducted every two weeks •  A day’s face to face training followed by proctored exams for the first four modules



The Schedule Part 2 •  Four webinars conducted every two weeks •  A day’s face to face training followed by proctored exams for the second four modules •  Students receive their cer/fica/on

The Schedule •  Webinars are recorded and made available shortly aeer the webinar ends •  Alterna/ve proctoring arrangements can be made for those students who can’t make it to the training and test days

Online Resource Site hfp:// •  Supplemental ac/vi/es for each module •  Students are encouraged to use these as they study each module •  Students are also encourage to revisit to review for tes/ng before group sessions



The REAL Solu/ons Focus •  How to put these new skills to the best use •  How to prepare a detailed plan for the credit union •  How to track measure and report ac/vi/es and outcomes •  How to use Financial Counseling to help exis/ng members, grow the credit union and improve the bofom line

Student Responsibili/es •  Create a plan with scheduled reading and reviewing /me – approximately 2 hours per module depending on the students familiarity with the subject •  Build in /me for supplemental online learning •  Scheduling is very important if sharing the books with another student •  Par/cipate in webinars and group training sessions •  Review prior to tes/ng •  Prepare a plan to best use their new skills at their credit union

Recer/fica/on •  Students are required to recer/fy every three years •  Can be done by afending a residen/al school •  Or by studying a recer/fica/on module and passing a test



Who Should Par/cipate •  Anyone! •  Lending Staff •  Collec/ons Staff •  Branch Managers •  Educators & Trainers

Advantages of this Op/on •  Gives support, guidance and structure to the self study program •  Exam proctoring arranged •  Sets deadlines for comple/on •  Emphasis placed on development of plan to use counseling skills •  Development of a tracking, measuring and repor/ng process

Drae Training Schedule Orienta.on Webinar Thursday, May 30th at 3.00 pm Eastern

Part 1 Webinars:

Tuesday, June 11th at 3.00 pm Eastern Tuesday, June 25th at 3.00 pm Eastern Tuesday, July 9th at 3.00 pm Eastern Tuesday, July 23rd at 3.00 pm Eastern

Part 1 Group Training Session:

Tuesday, August 6th



Drae Training Schedule

Part 2 Webinars:

Tuesday, August 13th at 3.00 pm Eastern Tuesday, August 27th at 3.00 pm Eastern Tuesday, September 10th at 3.00 pm Eastern Tuesday, September 24th at 3.00 pm Eastern

Part 1 Group Training Session:

Tuesday, October 1st

Program Cost Program Cost will depend on the number of students enrolled in the program •  Will not exceed $950 per person where student does not share books •  Will not exceed $750 per person where two students share a set of books


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