Reaching Consumers at the Point-of-Sale
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Buying Power
REL ATI ONS HIP S 866.231.0545
Diversifying your loan portfolio and finding new ways to reach consumers is key in boosting loan volumes and increasing loaninterest income. LEVERAGE’s merchant lending platform links credit unions with businesses in their communities to provide point-of-sale financing to consumers when they need it. This lifestyle lending platform connects local credit unions to highvolume, consumer demand for funding.
Credit Union Benefits ■
Expanded Lending Opportunities for Lifestyle, Situation Lending at the Point-of-Sale by Connecting with Local Businesses to Offer a Vital Financing Alternative
Flexible Program for Determining What Businesses You Want to Work with in Your Community
Web-Based Platform for Quick Credit Decisioning
Total Control of Lending Parameters
Multiple Financing Options: Ability to Offer Standard SimpleInterest Loans or Interest-Free Loans that Generate Fee Income
Assistance with Building Merchant Base with Local Providers
Merchant Benefits ■
Expand Customer Base by Providing Access to Easy Financing with a Local Credit Union
Consumer Benefits ■
Powered By
Convenient Financing for Situations Affecting Their Life from a Local Source
Credit unions bring a deep connection to the communities they serve and are able to establish new business relationships by providing sources of financing. The LEVERAGE Merchant Lending platform provides an efficient, effective set of tools to grow your lending portfolio with profitable loans from credit-worthy borrowers.
How Much Leverage Do You Have?