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TThe Member Security Centter (MSC) is a new service that we are eexcited to offfer to our members. The M MSC is an aaffordably priced identity ttheft solution n that has many features foor our memb bers. First, MSSC’s Cyber W Watch m monitoring se ervice scans th housands of w websites, chaat rooms, foruums and netw works and aleerts memberss if their n non‐public infformation is b being traded on the Intern net. This proaactive approaach will allow members to act early aand will help tthem to avoid d becoming aa victim of ide entity theft in the first placce. H However, if th he member’s identity is sto olen in spite o of the notificaations, the M MSC’s Restorattion Services will assist tthe member w with a step byy step process to begin reb building whatt may have beeen destroyed or comprom mised. TThere are also o other featurres available depending on n the packagee that the meember selectss. P Product Packaages B Basic Membe er Protection Package ‐ $1.95 per montth   

ID Cyb ber Watch offfers 24/7 con ntinuous monitoring of youur social secu urity number, five financiall institu ution accountts, five debit//credit cards, drivers’ licennse, two emaiil addresses, ttwo medical IDs, your passp port, and two phone numb bers ID Cyb ber Watch co ontinuous monitoring alertts you if your information is being tradeed Resto oration which helps members to restore e their identitty should it bee compromissed or stolen

G Gold Protection Package ‐ $3.95 per month     

er Watch continuous moniitoring, our G Gold package provides you u with fraud Alongg with ID Cybe monittoring througgh monthly Trransunion cre edit file monittoring and a ffree annual reeport of publiic record ds, and addre ess changes ID Cyb ber Watch co ontinuous monitoring alertts you if your information is being tradeed Resto oration which helps members to restore e their identitty should it bee compromissed or stolen Sociall Security Num mber Trace provides you w with a report of all names and aliases associated witth your SSN, aand notifies yyou if a new o one is added Have peace of min nd with notificcations if sex‐‐offenders moove into yourr neighborhoo od, from our in‐depth sex‐offfender registtries

P Platinum Prottection Packa age ‐ $12.95 m month     

Includ des ID Cyber W Watch contin nuous monitoring along wi th the added d benefits of tthe Gold packkage, as well aas credit score e tracking, an nd pay day loaan monitoringg, and additio onal services Ease o of knowing so omeone is loo oking after yo our identity Monittor your easyy to read credit file and sco ore Continual awarene ess of your credit file helpss you understtand the statu us of your creedit Added d protection w with non‐cred dit loan moniitoring alerts users if a payyday loan hass been opened using an ele ement of their identity

P Product Featu ures and Bene efits    

Low P Price saves me embers mone ey over what is offered byy competitorss Helpss reduce your risk of identity theft onlin ne by continuoous monitoring Dramatically reducce your risk of identity theft by letting yyou know soo oner if your personal information is promised comp MSC rremoves the hassle and worry out of lo osing your creedit cards

H How to Enroll SStep 1: Visit your credit union’s website e SStep 2: Click o on the Member Security Ce enter banner SStep 3: Review w and choose e from the thrree options avvailable (Basic, Gold, o or Platinum) SStep 4: Click the Get Starte ed Today buttton SStep 5: Complete Your Enrollment page e information and click C Create Accoun nt

O Once you enroll in the MSC C, you can add the informaation you wissh to have mo onitored. A Adding Monittored Informaation SStep 1: Go to Member Security Center ((www.membe SStep 2: Click the Login buttton and enterr your MSC lo ogin SStep 3: In the ID Cyber Watch section on the Home ttab, click Edit Your Monito ored Informattion SStep 4: On the e Monitored Information ssection, click the plus sym bol next to an n item listed

SStep 5: Click A Add Account, input accoun nt information n and save. R epeat for item m.

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