2009 Cedar Rapids Chamber Annual Report

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Seeds of

growth Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce


laying the foundation for recovery and growth “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.�

- Calvin Coolidge

As we come together to reflect and celebrate the Chamber’s 91st year, it is our privilege to present this year’s Annual Report theme, “Seeds of Growth.” This idea not only signifies the immense growth the Chamber continues to experience, but the aptitude, resilience and evolution of Cedar Rapids’ businesses and community. Together, we are poised for progress in the aftermath of the 2008 Flood. The Chamber has had a remarkable year and worked diligently to put its members and our community in position to move several vital initiatives forward. We are fortunate to have talented and energetic leadership, combined with professional and passionate staff. Cooperatively, they will continue to foster and advocate for economic and community development, enhance member services, identify and promote critical business projects and partner collaboratively with community organizations and local, state and federal governments. Within these pages is a brief overview of the return on investment and value Chamber members received during fiscal year 2009. We thank you for being a part of our continual growth. Sincerely,

F. Allen Witt, board chair, 2008-2009

Brad Hart, board chair, 2009-2010

Shannon L. Meyer president & ceo

accomplishments G rowing

your workforce ImpactCR, an organization dedicated to connecting, engaging and empowering young talent in the Cedar Rapids area, was launched. In its 25th year, two classes of 70 business professionals graduated from Leadership for Five Seasons. More than 1,000 members attended at least one educational or training program. Good Morning Cedar Rapids! provided over 600 attendees a venue for entertainment, team building and networking.

G rowing

your business Through the BUY IN program, 135 businesses pledged to shift a portion of their out-of-area expenses to local businesses, generating an economic boost of nearly $1 million. Nearly 100 members enhanced their business with sponsorship, marketing and advertising opportunities. Hitting Business Out of the Park, Business EXPO, featured the products and services of 80 businesses to over 1,200 attendees. The International Business program brought together 9 visiting countries from around the world: Brazil, Chile, Pakistan, Panama, Sierre Leone, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, West Bank and Zambia.

G rowing

through flood recovery The Chamber granted $6,046,000 to 334 flood impacted businesses through the Job & Small Business Recovery Fund.

G rowing

through advocacy A total of 68 members convened twice in Washington, D.C. to discuss and garner support with our federal delegates. We generated awareness, exposure and understanding for the local option sales tax election, which voters passed by 68%.

State and federal JumpStart dollars awarded 596 flood impacted businesses $19,342,220. The national media campaign, Cedar Rapids Flood Story, generated more than 65 national news stories, including: 60Minutes, CNN, Forbes, FOX News and the New York Times. We actively participated in approximately 4,160 hours of critical flood recovery activities.

Key leadership traveled to Des Moines more than 100 times, advocating pro-business and economic development issues with state delegation. The legislative team brought together in excess of 400 attendees to local events and meetings, addressing state and federal legislative advocacy.

These accomplishments were a collaborative effort with our community and business partners.

Growth through


1,353 members 90 73

% of members are located in Linn County

% of members

employ less than 25 staff members

Members by Industry Publishers, Printers, Radio & Television 4%

Other 13%

Professional 12%

Wholesale, Distribution & Transportation 5%

Services 24%

Manufacturers & Processors 7% Construction & Real Estate 9%

Flood Recovery June

Two days prior to the flood crest, staff encouraged every member within the 500-year flood plain to evacuate.




Retail 7%

Diversified 10%

Financial 9%



Two days after the flood, in partnership with the Cedar Rapids Downtown District, coordinated Operation Skywalk.

HUD approved $125 million in aid to state.



Launched the Adopt-A-Business Program.

Established the Job & Small Business Recovery Fund


Flood Recovery


$ 334 businesses

Dues 63%

Job & Small Business Recovery Fund

Member Programs 17%

Expenses Training and Networking 30%

Sponsorship 15% Product Sales 1%

Interest and Other Revenue 4%

Marketing 9% Administrative 10%

Economic & Community Development 30%

Legislative Advocacy 21%


$ 123 businesses JumpStart State


$ 473 businesses JumpStart Federal


$25,388,220 930 business checks (Since June 13, 2008)



Completed the administration of JumpStart Business program. Applications for the Business Rental Assistance Program began.

July Local and state officials announced a new Steam Energy Assistance Program totaling $21 million.

O ctober HUD approved the state’s $516.7 million action plan for disaster Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding.

August Small Business Task Force developed four programs to aid in business recovery and presented to RIO and IDED to be included in the State Plan.

Growing through

initiatives Economic Development initiatives

Government Affairs initiatives put

focus on providing direction, leadership and support to foster economic growth.

a voice to pro-business and development issues at all levels of government.

In 2009 we...

In 2009 we...

advocated that local government approach development with a pro-business, ‘can do’ attitude supported growing business locally through strong programming and indentifying gaps in economic development not currently being addressed by other local organizations collaborated to complete the Highway 100 environmental study

provided elected officials and public policymakers an analysis of the current and future effects of policy decisions facing businesses polled Chamber members regarding their opinions on a 1% sales tax and leveraged the positive results to recommend a vote for flood recovery encouraged business leaders to run for office by partnering to develop the Linn Area Political Leadership Academy witnessed the results of long time advocacy efforts during the groundbreaking of a new Federal Courthouse

Small Business initiatives , including the formation of the Small Business Task Force, have focused primarily on flood recovery activities due to the severe need.

In 2009 we... led advocacy efforts resulting in additional $65 million in federal aid for the flooded small businesses statewide

partnered to obtain $5.5 million of community disaster grants for business and residential landlord recovery commissioned the Small Business Development Center to complete a one-year impact and needs post-flood survey of all affected businesses

Membership initiatives represent the interests of our current and future businesses.

In 2009 we... conducted more than 425 personal member meetings to discuss the current business climate and concerns

“The Chamber is committed to using its resources to further the growth and vitality of the greater Cedar Rapids area.� -Allen Witt, board chair, 2008-2009

Community Enhancement initiatives send a clear message that we take pride in our community and encourage businesses, residents and visitors to join us.

In 2009 we...

created focus groups and identified areas for value added improvements which developed new effective, efficient and relevant programming, such as the U.S. Chamber Small Business Summit, the International Trade Summit and member roundtables

helped position the US Cellular Center to be the beneficiary of significant funds for revitalization and expansion

launched BUY IN, asking businesses to pledge to shift 5% of their current out-of-area spending back to Linn County

discussed activities around an option for an improved viable downtown hotel

were honored as a Chamber of the Year Finalist

actively participated in establishing and promoting the downtown redevelopment plan

engaged with all the stakeholders involved with the Paramount restoration

Growing your

chamber’s future Achieving Organizational Excellence Ensure diverse representation of the business community on the Board of Directors and task forces, with members that provide broad based support, impartiality, knowledge and engagement. Enhance communications to our members and community about pro-business initiatives, activities and results.

“With collaborative and strong leadership, the Chamber, businesses and our community will grow beyond our expectations.�

- Brad Hart, board chair, 2009-2010

Develop and utilize useful tools to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and relevancy of the organization. Achieve national accreditation that will heighten recognition and support, and strengthen business tools for member use.

Advocate for Sustainable, High Performing Government Advocate for pro-business, economic development issues at all levels of government. Proactively work to have pro-business representation on key boards and commissions at local and state levels. Develop and implement a plan for sustainable, high performance government.

Advocate and Facilitate Economic and Community Development Explore opportunities that bring together community and regional partnerships which support and enhance a pro-business and economic development environment.

Enhance Member Services Enhance recruitment and retention plans to support member activity. Access and design programs to meet members’ evolving needs. Increase engagement in ImpactCR and Leadership for Five Seasons initiatives.

Redevelop Flood-Impacted Areas Create and implement programs to aid business in long-term recovery and development. Develop strong relationships with local, state, federal and private agencies to encourage additional flood recovery funding and to ensure coordinated flood-recovery efforts.

Work with local jurisdictions to advance future infrastructure and transportation needs. Support current and future strategies for workforce development and employee recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. Play an active role in community enhancement initiatives to create a vibrant, hometown environment.

“Good and exciting jobs, great schools, the arts, parks, restaurants, trails -- all of these things depend on a strong climate for growing businesses; that climate starts with the Chamber.�

- Bill McCartan

Thank you to our sponsors At Corridor CoWorks, we are proud that our partnership with the Chamber enhances the growth of small businesses and the progress of

Be Professional. Be Productive. Be Social.

Cedar Rapids.


officers Allen Witt, Hall & Hall Engineers Inc., Chair Brad Hart, Bradley & Riley PC, Chair Elect

Board of

2008 - 2009

Chuck Peters, Gazette Communications, Secretary William Vincent, Clifton Gunderson LLP, Treasurer

directors Jill Ackerman, Marion Chamber of Commerce, Honorary Director Bruce Anderson, City State Bank, Honorary Director Thomas Anderson, Merrill Lynch, Director Todd Barker, NAI Iowa Realty Commercial, Director Christopher Blake, Mount Mercy College, Director Scott Byers, NAI Iowa Realty Commercial, Director Joe Ceryanec, PAETEC, Director Lijun Chadima, Thorland Company, Director Chris DeWolf, Lil’ Drug Store Products, Inc., Director Jeff Elgin, J & T Elgin LLC, Director James Ernst, Four Oaks Inc. of Iowa, Director Ronald Fielder, Grant Wood Area Education Agency, Director

Ralph Russell, Howard R. Green Company, Immediate Past Chair Shannon Meyer, Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce, President

2008 - 2009

Kristie Fisher, Kirkwood Community College, Director Christian Fong, AEGON Insurance Group, Director Karen Gaddis, CEI PACER Equipment Co. Inc., Director Nancy Garberson, Marketing & Communication Strategies, Inc., Director Marc Gullickson, Ryan Companies US, Inc., Director Kay Halloran, City of Cedar Rapids, Honorary Director Tom Hobson, Rockwell Collins, Inc., Director Nancy Kasparek, U.S. Bank NA, Director Tim Kintner, Bankers Trust Company, Director Shannon Knoepke, WMT AM/FM Radio, Chair Elect Marion Chamber

Christine Landa, Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa, Inc., Director Robb Loftsgard, Wells Fargo Bank, Honorary Director Mark Long, Wells Fargo Bank, Chair Priority One Katie Mulholland, Linn-Mar Community School District, Director Curt Nelson, Entrepreneurial Development Center Inc, Honorary Director Doug Neumann, Cedar Rapids Downtown District, Honorary Director Ron Olson, Paulson Electric Company, Director Hazel Pegues, Diversity Focus, Honorary Director Jim Prosser, City of Cedar Rapids, Honorary Director Carroll Reasoner, Shuttleworth & Ingersoll PLC, Director

Ralph Russell, Howard R. Green Company, Immediate Past Chair Mark Seckman, President, Priority One, Honorary Director John Sheehan, St. Luke’s Hospital, Director Kyle Skogman, Skogman Realty, Chair Elect Priority One Paul Treangen, Alliant Energy – Interstate Power & Light Co., Director Monica Vernon, Vernon Research Group, Honorary Director William Vernon, Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PLC, Director Cassie Willis, City of Cedar Rapids, Chair Marion Chamber Brandt Worley, Worley Warehousing, Inc., Director

ambassadors Kim Adams Sharon Albaugh Michele Boyer Craig Burtis Cody Crawford Mary Daugherty Dave DeWalle Ryan Delaney Connie Dunkin Chad Dunne Linda East Steve Erickson Jessica Fergesen Dana Goshon Jim Hackney Nadine Hartkemeyer Amanda Harty Nancy Hockaday

Andy Johnson Matt Like Connie Lira Paula Kula Darrell McChesney Brenda Miller Richard Moffitt Lisa Moore Tami Mysak Kimberly Obbink Chris Oberbroeckling Kathy Holmes Sara Peiffer Sorensen Therese Plummer Cherokee Render Keith Rippy Lisa Rowe Joyce Schaefer

“The Chamber’s collaboration at the local, state and federal level is of vital importance. Through their services, businesses can get the help they need to survive and thrive in today’s economy.” - Lt. General Ron Dardis, executive director, Rebuild Iowa Office

Chamber Foundation

board Bruce Anderson Dan Baldwin Jack Evans

Ronald Fielder Brad Hart Nancy Kasparek

Paul Morf Bill Vincent Allen Witt

Jane Schlegel Gerald Schmidt Sharon Schmidt Paul Schultz Rose Slaymaker Kim Smith Harold Stone II Sean Taylor Renee Uthoff Laurie Wahlert Patrick Williams Molly Williams Virgina Wilts Debbie Wright Carl Yost Jeff Zahrt


staff Shannon Meyer, CEO Jeanne Brandes Kim Brislawn Kathy Horan Sherita Jenkins Catie Kriewald Randy Krug Sara Mentzer Candy Nanke Jeff Schamberger Kelly Slaughter Lee Smith Tyanna Stephenson Julie Stow


partners The Chamber would like to give special recognition to all its Community Partners, whose continued support and dedication enables our growth.



The Chamber is the catalyst to promote economic vitality and quality of life in Linn County.

The Chamber is the leader of economic and community initiatives and improvement in Linn County.

mission vision

Rendering of the Chamber’s proposed Economic Commerce Center

424 1st Avenue NE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401-1196 Phone: 319.398.5317 Fax: 319.398.5228 chamber@cedarrapids.org www.cedarrapids.org Look for us on

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