Thinking Slimmer weight loss magazine

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Your FREE magazine on weight loss


As I walked towards the bakery counter something stopped me from buying cream cakes - it was my Slimpod!



Why diets don’t work! Answered at last: Your


big slimming questions


How you can hit them, by Mr Slimpod


I cut the size labels out of my new clothes to fool myself I wasn’t big

No diet. No effort. No worry.


See the full range of Slimpods inside...

What’s a


and what does it do? Slimpods are a series of unique hypnotic voice recordings which help people to achieve permanent weight loss. Unlike other methods of losing weight, there are no diets, no calorie counting and no willpower required. Slimpods have been developed by Harley Street experts and use modern approaches to trance, and the science of unconscious persuasion, to gently

retune the mind and adjust the way slimmers see the world, especially in relation to food, health and fitness. Weight loss becomes simple and it’s easy.

How does it work? A Slimpod can be downloaded from the Thinking Slimmer website or bought from us on a CD. At first you listen to the recording for 10 minutes a day for 21 days in a row while the Slimpod begins to work with your mind and cause the weight loss changes you’ll

soon begin to notice in your body. Then you KEEP LISTENING for as long as it takes for you to achieve your weight loss goals. Many people listen when they go to bed and fall asleep listening – which is good, as the ears never sleep. It’s simple and effective.

How quick is it? Everyone wants to lose weight quickly but it’s not a race. What we want you to achieve is permanent weight loss. Some of our slimmers start to lose weight almost immediately, while others take several weeks to start the process. One lady

lost 18lbs in her first three weeks – and that was just the beginning. She’s now lost more than 36lbs. Our experience is that most people can lose up to 7lbs in 21 days but it is after four to five weeks that the biggest weight loss happens.

THERE’S no easy way to tell you, but all that calorie counting, all those horrible tasting food supplements, tablets and pills, all the hunger pangs, the anguish, the guilt and the pain that comes with dieting are NEVER going to create permanent weight loss. The body treats diets like famine, so as soon as you come off a diet the body goes into overdrive, hoarding fat in readiness for the next time. So diets make you fatter. Diets are not a good way to lose weight and keep it off, according to research reported in the medical journal American Psychologist. Although slimmers can lose significant amounts of weight in the first few months, research shows that 95 per cent return to their starting weight or end up WEIGHING MORE. Professor Traci Mann, a psychologist at the University of California in Los Angeles, says: “Diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or health

Doomed diets FACT: 95 per cent of those who go on traditional slimming diets fail; what’s worse, they often end up in worse shape than when they started, research shows.

benefits for the majority of people. You can initially lose five to 10 per cent of your weight on any number of diets, but then the weight comes back. “We found that the majority of people regained all the weight, plus more. Sustained weight loss was found only in a small minority of participants, while complete weight regain was found in the majority.” Professor Mann analysed 31 long-term

FAT:LOSING BATTLE As people put on pounds the body accepts the new weight and tries to restore any losses as quickly as possible. Nick Finer, professor of obesity medicine at University College London, says the average long-term weight loss achieved through dieting by most obese adults is so small as to be almost irrelevant. “Humans evolved in unpredictable environments where food was scarce and our bodies are programmed to maintain our body weight at all costs. So it’s very hard for anyone to fight that by cutting their food intake, especially in a world where food is so plentiful. It means we have to look for new answers.”

Slimpod™ and Thinking Slimmer Loving Life™ are registered trademarks of ThinkingSlimmer Ltd. All original material Copyright © ThinkingSlimmer Ltd 2010-2011. Reproduction in whole or in part of original material is strictly forbidden without written permission. All rights reserved



DIETS r k o w t don ’ They just keep making you think about eating all the time studies of diet regimes and concluded that most people would have been better off not dieting at all. “Their weight would be pretty much the same, and their bodies would not suffer the wear and tear from losing weight and gaining it all back again.” Judy More, spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association, said the results were not surprising. “When people are on a diet, they feel as if they are denying themselves things, so when they come off it, they think, ‘Oh, thank God, I can go back to eating’.” People who wanted to lose weight should aim for a change in lifestyle. “They’ve got to find a physical activity they enjoy, whether it’s walking or going to the gym or taking up a new sport.”


of women fail to lose weight long term, says research EVERYWHERE you look there’s adverts for weight loss through dieting and special foods and pills. We’re delighted people are so interested in losing weight but it saddens us so many of them will be disappointed. You may start a diet with the best of intentions, but the facts are that more than 90 per cent of people put back on all the weight they’ve lost. Diets don’t work in the long term. Not only that, most people give up after 19 days. The latest research shows that although one in three British women have been on a diet in the past 12 months, a massive 86 per cent fail to lose any long-term weight.

Yo-yo dieters British women certainly do brilliantly at putting weight on. Thirty four per cent of those surveyed said they had gained pounds during the previous 12 months. Probably because half the women said they exercised for less than three hours a week, averaging just 25 minutes a day. Our big trouble is we’re a nation of yo-yo dieters and we’re so accustomed to diets failing that when we start to put pounds back on we just give up and let it happen. That’s the beauty of Thinking Slimmer. Because a Slimpod retunes your mind to see food and exercise differently, it doesn’t rely on willpower or determination.

Whole food lifestyle change Good nutrition is very important for fat loss, and focusing on health and healthpromoting foods is far more productive than focusing on fat loss and denial of your favourite foods. Adopting a whole food diet, avoiding salt, fat, sugar, additives, preservatives, processed and refined foods, needs to become part of a life style

change. By increasing natural foods with a high fibre and water content (fruit and vegetables) more food can be eaten to reduce your appetite without gaining weight. A whole food diet also has a much higher vitamin and mineral content than a typical diet containing processed and refined foods.

Looking good SASHA

I did it. so can you!

“ I ’m the only student at my university who doesn’t even feel tempted by junk food and pizzas”

I did it. so can you!


You can watch Suzanne’s video on Slimpod TV

“ What a great feeling it was the

You can watch Sasha’s video on Slimpod TV

day my pre-baby fat went and my old jeans fitted me again ”

My life revolved around food but not any more

I’m down from size 12 to 8 LIFE at university is one long round of fry-ups, chps and pizzas. But thanks to her Slimpod, Sasha Manzanero, 19, is never even tempted to snack. She’s eating healthily and exercising. Sahsa, from Pinner, Middlesex, says: “In just two months I’ve lost 11lbs and I’ve achieved my goal of getting back in my favourite dress, down from a 12 to an 8. The amazing thing is that I’m not hungry and I don’t feel deprived in any way. My life revolved around food – but not now. Every time I’m tempted now I listen to my Slimpod and the temptation goes away.”

Weight loss just

AS a young mother of two, Suzanne ment to call her own. Before she started her Slimpod she had no time to think about what she was eating or how little she was exercising. But now, in her words, it “just seems to happen all by itself.” In just seven weeks, Suzanne lost 8lbs of the extra weight she put on during pregnancy. “Now I don’t think about food until it’s time to eat,” she says. “And I’m walking more, too. I’ve lost 11 lbs now and I know it’s going to cost me a fortune in

and loving life I did it. so can you!

“ I had to drop two dress

You can watch Alison’s video on Slimpod TV

sizes for my husband’s 40th birthday party “ ALISON


“ My husband says my new toned shape makes me look years younger. I love it! ” I’ve lost 9lbs SHE only wanted to drop a dress size, but Smirti Kotecha had tried all sorts of diets without success. She was sceptical about Slimpod working. “How could something that simple make me lose weight?” she says. “Then I went to the supermarket to buy my ususal treat of four cream cakes. As I walked towards the bakery counter I couldn’t believe it - something was stopping me from buying the cakes. And guess what – nine weeks later I still haven’t bought one single cream cake.

t happens... I’ve dropped 11lbs new clothes! For the first time in what seems like two non-stop years of being pregnant I’ve bought myself something new – and it was a size 12, not my old 14. Best of all, my prepreggie jeans now fit me again. Such a good feeling! The more weight I lose the more my Slimpod incentivises me to keep on losing more.”

You can watch Smirti’s video on Slimpod TV

I have no idea how it works, I guess it must work subconsciously. All I do know is that something keeps stopping me from eating things that will be bad for me. It’s just amazing. My husband says it’s made me look years younger. I love it!”

I did it. so can you!

Slimpod changed my BUSY mum Alison Segal knew exactly what her weight loss goal was when she started her Slimpod – to lose a stone in time for her husband’s 40th birthday party. In fact, after just nine weeks she passed her target with ease, and by the time of the party she’d actually lost 18lbs. Says Alison, from Eastcote, Middlesex: “Slimpod’s fantastic. I listen to it every night and I don’t have to worry about what I’m doing during the day, I just find


I’ve dropped 20lbs that I have to eat less, I’m not as hungry to be as I used to be and it’s just changed my life. The Slimpod is so easy to use that it’s almost like cheating. It’s simple and you don’t have to put any thought into it – in fact, it’s so fantastic that I’m recommending it to everyone. I’m very happy with the way I look and the way I feel. I don’t have any urges for sweet things.”

Meet Sandra JANE

A personal message from the founder of Thinking Slimmer WHEN one product reviewer sends you a message saying ‘This is the best review experience I’ve ever had’ and another says ‘I’ve lost 9lbs in three weeks and you’ve made it so easy’ you get a strong feeling you are doing something that’s helping people!


Bad food doesn’t get into my kitchen any more You can watch Jane and Jo on Slimpod TV

It warms my heart to receive these reviews. So many people who have been on the diet, fail, diet, fail cycle for years are now finding a different, successful way to lose weight permanently. They are also finding it’s not all about the weight loss, it’s about how different they are feeling like being more energised and more confident. It’s also about how the Slimpod is working in unexpected ways, too, because everyone’s different. This is all about YOU creating a slimmer, happier YOU, not someone else or a diet plan dictating how you do it. I am really excited about the husband and wife teams who are now Thinking Slimmer. This is absolutely brilliant. Just think what an impact it has on children when mum and dad are eating smaller portions and eating healthier.

Sandra Roycroft-Davis I love to hear from you. Email:

It’s the easiest way to lose weight ever

We did it. So can you!

BUDDY SLIMMING They work together, they have fun together. Now they’re Thinking Slimmer together... meet Jane and Jo She’s lost 23lbs so far - and she’s lost 26lbs THEY work for the same store group in Nottinghamshire, they have fun together, so it was only natural for Jane Hartley and Jo Hallam to lose weight together. We call it Buddy Slimming you should try it with a friend. In just a few months on a Slimpod, Jane has lost 23lbs and Jo an amazing 26lbs. Says Jane, who was featured in Take 5 magazine: “The weight is still dropping off. Now I feel so much more confident and I’ve had to buy lots of belts to pull

all my clothes in because I’ve lost three inches off my waistline. My family can’t believe how much slimmer I am. My eldest daughter has told me not to get any thinner because she’s worried I’ll be pinching her clothes.” Jo says: “I can’t believe how easy it is to lose weight with a Slimpod. Once I used to drink five or six cans of Coke a day, but since Day Two on the Slimpod I haven’t had one single can. I’m recommending Slimpods to all my friends.”

The Incredible Shrinking Woman July 2010 Michelle weighs 20st 7lbs

Jan 2011 Michelle weighs 17st 13lbs “ I was shaking when I looked down at the scales and saw how much weight I ’d lost. I ‘m You can watch Michelle’s video on Slimpod TV

totally shocked but loving every minute of it ! ”

I’ve lost 36lbs so far MICHELLE McCluskie told us on Day One that she couldn’t remember the last time she weighed under 19 stone. Michelle says: “My body shape is changing all the time! My top half has dropped by one to two sizes and my bottom half has dropped two to three sizes already. I’m totally shocked - but loving every minute!” It took just 12 days before Michelle noticed a huge difference. She says: I’m so excited! I have just been weighed for the first time since

starting to listen to my Slimpod and filling in my log - and the scales are showing a ONE STONE weight loss. I am amazed. I was shaking when I looked down at the scales and aw how much I have lost.” But that was only the start and now Michelle has lost almost THREE STONE. And with the help of a new Slimpod, Keep The Weight Loss Going, she’s well on the way to her next target of getting below 17 stone. She’s loving life and loving her Slimpods.

I did it. So can you!

Look how big I was on the day before I started Thinking Slimmer




Hundreds of women take him to bed every night, and their partners don’t mind one little bit... EVERY night, hundreds of women plug in their earphones and take Trevor Silvester to bed. And their partners are perfectly happy about it.

Trevor is the Voice of the Slimpods, whose soothing tones gently relax you before he works the magic with your mind that enables you to start Thinking Slimmer. We thought you’d like to know a little about the modest Founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy man behind the voice. Trevor is the founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy and with his their training. Over a three- knew wasn’t right for me to wife Rebecca – who runs our year period they developed something that I love, and online Ask Bex support service a learning system based on along the way have changed – founded the prestigious NLP principles that could profoundly as a person. It’s guarantee an improvement that experience that feeds my Quest Institute back in 2001. of 10% to 30% with only two passion to help others do the and a half hours of coaching. same.” Pioneered Trevor says: “I love helping Since then they’ve trained Acclaimed more than 500 Cognitive people become better at Trevor writes regularly for Hypnotherapists, many of being themselves and I have UltraFit magazine among a particular interest in sports whom do great work around coaching and helping people others, and is the relationship the country. expert for Friends Reunited Trevor has been a practising suffering from post traumatic Dating. He is also the author stress disorder. hypnotherapist for nearly “I’ve been involved in of three acclaimed books on 17 years, and before that fitness and sport my whole cognitive hypnotherapy. he and Bex were police life, so I have a passion In between all his training officers, in Trevor’s case through sports coaching commitments and producing for 18 years. While trainers for helping people to reach and updating the Slimpods, at the Metropolitan Police the peak of their abilities in Trevor also sees clients for Training School in Hendon, whatever sport they pursue. coaching and therapy at No 1 they pioneered the use “That said, helping people Harley Street, London. of NLP (neuro linguistic make any change they “There is no greater programming) and hypnosis want in their life has been satisfaction than helping in a unit dedicated to a fascination for me since someone overcome an improving the performance I started over 17 years ago. issue that they thought was of students who were failing I’ve come from a job I insuperable,” he says.

Trevor Silvester

Trevor writes for you

Too good to be true? Actually, it’s true enough to be good ONE of the questions I’m asked most often is: “Can a Slimpod really work in 21 days?” My honest answer is: “It depends.” The idea that it takes 21 days to break a habit has been around in psychology for a long time – and eating badly is a habit – so in that regard it can definitely work: listen every night and by the end of that period you could be well on your way to establishing a new relationship to food. Does that mean you’ll hit your weight loss target by then? Well, of course the answer is very much “it depends.” If you just want to drop a dress size then it’s perfectly possible, if you have more to lose it’s going to take longer. But, you see, in a way it’s missing the point. There are any number of ways of losing a lot of weight in 21 days, there’s nothing new about that. We’re hunting bigger fish. We want you to lose weight, and keep losing it until you’re where you want to be – then keep it off forever. That’s the point: this is about permanent change, not helping you stick to a diet for a short time – it’s about installing a habit of eating in a way that supports you in being the size you want to be. Taken as a system, signing the contract and displaying it where people can see it has been shown to make goal setting more successful. Keeping a success log focuses your mind on what you want, not what you don’t want, and listening to me every night reinforces the messages contained in the Slimpod – messages that guide your unconscious to choose exactly how you’re going to achieve what you want to achieve. Nobody telling you what to do – just you telling your unconscious what you want its help with, and then watching the changes that brings. That probably means you’re going to be listening for longer than 21 days, maybe a lot longer. But if you’re losing weight, 10 minutes a night isn’t a lot to ask, is it? So, too good to be true? Actually, just true enough to be good. This article was first published in our February newsletter


Every time I bought new clothes I’d cut the size labels out and kid myself my husband didn’t know I was huge EVERY time Sara Bird bought new clothes she’d cut the labels out before she got home because she’d deluded herself her partner Richard didn’t know she was a size 22.

“I had to make sure he didn’t find out the truth,” she says. “But when you’re 17 stone 7lbs with a 44-inch waist it’s impossible to fool anyone but yourself.” The startling realisation that she was in denial about her weight led Sara, 45, to write a remarkable book called Fatorexia which created a new word for a medical condition that research has since proved afflicts millions. That was less than a year ago. Today Sara’s life has been transformed by Thinking Slimmer – since August she has lost three stone, her waist is down to 36 inches and she has lost 30 inches from around her body.

Unfair portrayal Sara says: “I’ve had thousands of emails from women who read my book and now the hair on my neck stands up because I realise I can show them a solution.” Sara, a mother of two from Newark, Notts, says the word obese is a huge problem because of its connotations – “you’re portrayed as stupid, under-privileged, lazy, on benefits, sitting on the sofa eating rubbish. People know that’s not fair – the vast majority of us are actually obese and normal – and so they go into denial. They pretend they don’t eat too much and find excuses. “My moment came when I went for a checkup and the doctor suddenly said to me: ‘You’re obese.’ I actually looked behind me because I thought a New look: Sara after losing three stone fat person had walked into the room. But it was definitely me he was tallking to. ‘He said my size meant I had a 1 in 25 chance of developing diabetes in the next five years so for the sake of my children I decided to do something about it. “Specialist treatment in Harley Street is costly and time-consuming. The exciting thing about Thinking Slimmer is that it’s available to everyone over the internet

Read Sara’s Queen of Plus Size advice in the fashion section of our website. And see her exclusive videos on Slimpod TV

Old look: last summer or on CDs, it takes only 10 minutes a day and it’s at a price anyone can afford.” Medical research in America has backed up Sara’s fatorexia discovery and now her mission as an obesity ambassador is to make the NHS change the way it deals with weight issues and treat obesity as an issue of the mind, not the body.

Weight Watch

Telltale signs that your child’s obese A SURVEY shows that more than half of British parents cannot tell if their child is obese. We are facing an epidemic of obesity, with a third of children either overweight or obese, but a poll of almost 1,200 parents shows that 51 per cent of them can’t spot a youngster who’s obese. Public health minister Anne Milton says: “Many parents may not realise their child has a problem or they think it’s just puppy fat.” One doctor says one warning sign is if your child consistently wears clothes designed for an older child. You should also be concerned if your child has symptoms such as being out of breath or pain while walking.” The NHS runs a great Child Measurement Scheme which encourages children to lose weight and get fit. It runs alongside the Change4Life activity scheme.


Best way to lose weight


Make it quick and easy

For effective weight loss we recommend a Slimpod which is designed to achieve your specific slimming goal. There’s no diet, no calorie counting, no willpower. A Slimpod retunes your mind to see food and exercise differently and produces fast weight loss that lasts.

With a Slimpod you can lose moderate amounts quickly and effectively. They’re are proven to work for people who want to lose a few pounds and with people who want to lose a whole lot more. Slimming plans and slimming diets mean a lot of effort and willpower.


IT seems a brilliant idea: M&S have a dress that can make you look a dress size smaller by using hidden control panels of strong mesh on the bust, stomach and buttocks. But think about it: Isn’t this simply like papering over a crack on your bedroom wall? Things may look better but you still know it’s there! There’s only one way to drop a dress size properly – and keep it off – and that’s by eating a little less and exercising a little more to burn off the fat. At Thinking Slimmer we have a Slimpod specially designed to help you lose up to 14lbs with very little effort. Like the M&S dress it doesn’t require willpower. Unlike the M&S dress it produces a lasting result!

Look in the mirror and see the truth BRITS are quick to criticise America for being the land of the overweight, but we should look in the mirror: An international report says the UK has the worst obesity rates in Europe. One in four Britons are so fat that their health is threatened. Across 31 European countries the average obesity rate is 15.5 per cent of the adult population. But Britain has the worst record with 24.5 per cent of adults obese, closely followed by Ireland with 23 per cent. More women than men in the UK now weigh more than 30 stones.

Slimming with no diet


Fast weight loss is bad

It’s easy because the proven scientific fact is that diets don’t work in the long term! A Slimpod is the best way to lose weight because it will enable your mind to want less food and to move about more. You get on with enjoying your life while your mind gets on with losing the weight.

Anyone can lose weight fast by starving themselves, but it damages your health and it won’t last. Eventually you’ll have to eat again and you’ll put back all the weight, and possibly more. Slow is good. With a Slimpod you’ll lose weight slowly and losing body fat will be natural and safe.

There’s no diet that will work for both you and your partner

Sorry to tell you this, but there’s no weight loss diet that works for anyone in the long term. It really doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman, the scientific fact remains the same: Diets don’t work. The Thinking Slimmer weight loss method is unique because it gently retunes your mind to see food and exercise differently. In that way, you can lose pounds and keep them off. It’s one of the few slimming aids that works permanently and is one of the simplest ways to lose weight. You don’t need costly slim-

Don’t just paper over the cracks



No gruelling workouts


Don’t stop eating!

Can you lose fat without battling away in the gym? Yes you can! With a Slimpod you’ll lose weight without ever having to set foot inside a gym, because you’ll find you want to eat less and be more active. You’ll probably find you walk a lot more and have more energy to do things.

One way to lose weight is to stop eating. But DON’T do it! You’d be damaging your health and to be honest it would achieve nothing. With any weight loss programme, the secret is to take things slow. Thinking Slimmer achieves effective weight loss by letting your body set the pace.

ming foods! You don’t need expensive supplements! You don’t need to drink horrible foods and liquids! Everyone knows that if you don’t enjoy something you’ll never persevere, and that’s why dieting, with all the hunger pangs, never works.


Forget about diets


How to lose 20lbs

If you diet to lose weight you’re just kidding yourself because it won’t last and the odds are stacked against anything that involves willpower. Healthy slimming should be gentle and slow, which is what the Thinking Slimmer weight loss method and its Slimpods achieves for you.

There are literally thousands of diets that promise you can lose 20lbs. Trouble is that diets don’t work in the long term. Your body will only put up with starvation for a little while before it convinces your brain it should go into famine mode and it starts storing the fat you want to lose.


Making it permanent

Natural weight loss is one of the best ways to lose weight. The best way, of course, is one that changes your life permanently. Some of our clients lose weight fast, others take a few weeks for it to start. But they all tell us that this is the best way to lose pounds and keep them off for good.


What’s the big secret?

The best tips we can give you to help you become slimmer are: * Don’t try to lose weight quick * Don’t diet to lose weight If you want to know the secret of losing weight and making it last then do it slowly and naturally. Slimpods are proven to make weight loss last.


Working on the waist

It’s simple: Eat less, exercise more. But for most people, weight loss tips like that are easier said than done. Easy weight loss is all about changing the way your mind sees food and exercise, and that’s exactly what the unique Thinking Slimmer Slimpods do to help make you slimmer.

[ ] 20 things you need really useful, interesting, little known and surprising


‘It’s such hard work’

Weight reduction is all about taking it easy and losing weight naturally. Diets don’t work in the long term and that’s what makes the Thinking Slimmer weight loss method so unique. Slimming needn’t be hard work or drudgery.

to know about

slimming 14

How to burn off fat

To burn fat, you need to do just two things: eat less and exercise more. Losing weight is a slow process if you do it right but it doesn’t have to be difficult. All the diet plans you’ve tried have one fatal flaw: Diets don’t work. The Thinking Slimmer weight loss method is unique because our Slimpods gently retune your mind to see food and exercise differently. You’ll notice suroprising changes each day as your appetite reduces all by itself and you suddenly feel energised to start doing more. The perfect combination.


Over 50s slimming

To lose weight in your 50s or older, you must take things slowly and while you’re slimming you must watch carefully what you eat and drink so your body is not starved of essential minerals and vitamins. At Thinking Slimmer we’ve created Slimpods for men and women in middle age.


Quick weight loss

That depends on what you call quick. Anyone can lose a pound or two in two days if they starve themselves and do a few brisk walks. But weight loss that way will only be temporary. Permanent weight loss of about six to seven pounds can be achieved in three weeks or so but not by using a diet or weight loss pills.


Losing it for good

Anyone who relies on diets, pills or supplements along to lose weight permanently is going to be disappointed. Losing weight starts inside your head. We’ve created a special Slimpod for anyone who’s been on a diet like WeightWatchers and wants to keep the weight off for good.


Wedding weight loss

You’ll be delighted to know that one of our Slimpods has been created for brides who want to lose weight so they can look perfect in their wedding dress on the big day. There’s also a special Slimpod for the bride’s mother, the groom’s mother and the bridesmaids! Losing weight has never been easier.


Best weight loss tip

That’s easy: don’t rely on a diet because diets don’t work in the long term They’re just an ineffective quick fix. You need to change the way your mind sees food and exercise to achieve lasting weight loss. Slimming works when you do it in your head! Ask our success story ladies!


One thing you rea



Drop two dress sizes ( )

Drop a dress size

Be a belle of a bride

or more

Just 10 minutes

a day, Just 10 minutes the natural way



ood! off for g Keep it BO ES FREE


This Slimpod is for women who want to lose up to a dress size and then keep the pounds off, and who want to be able to think less about food and think more about being more active.

a day, the natu

ral way

Just 10


Say goodbye to baby fat

Just 10 minutes

a day, the natu

ral way


Keep it off for good

This Slimpod is for women who want to lose up to a dress size and then keep the pounds off, and who want to be able to think less about food and think more about being more active.

, the natural way minutes a day





ood! off for g Keep it ES FREE

Keep it going!


If you need to drop two dress sizes or more then this is the Slimpod for you. It gently retunes your mind to think about food differently. Proven to help lose 36lbs in four months and keep it off.

WORKS WITH EVERY DIET Been on a diet and worried you can’t keep it up because your willpower is going and you’re feeling hungry and deprived. This is perfect: It retunes your mind to stop thinking about food all day.

Wow them at the wedding

Every woman wants to look her best on her wedding day but sometimes you need just a little bit of extra help. Over a period of eight to ten weeks this Slimpod helps you lose weight and feel confident.

WORKS WITH EVERY DIET Keep the ing weight loss go

Maybe you’ve got a different problem: Your diet has helped you lose weight but you’re scared you’re going to put it all back on again. This Slimpod has been created with you in mind.

a day,

Just 10 minutes the natural way




xer ate rela The ultim ES FREE


Just 10 minutes

No more middle age spread




xer ate rela The ultim ES FREE


Just 10 minutes

ral way

a day, the natu

TSL 12

Every woman wants to look her best on her wedding day but sometimes you need just a little bit of extra help. Over a period of eight to ten weeks this Slimpod helps you lose weight and feel confident.


Keep it off for good!

Designed for bridesmaids, the bride’s mother, the groom’s mother - in fact for any woman who wants to wow them at the wedding. Weight loss with this Slimpod is easy and lasting.

Keep weight off for good

Just 10 minutes a the natural way day,


The ultimate relaxer



Over 50 fitness and well-being

Just 10 minutes a the natural way day,

a day, the natu

ral way


Keep it off for good

Designed for bridesmaids, the bride’s mother, the groom’s mother - in fact for any woman who wants to wow them at the wedding. Weight loss with this Slimpod is easy and lasting.

Slip into your party dress Just 10 minutes the natural way

a day, POD



ood! off for g Keep it ES FREE


This Slimpod is for women who want to lose up to a dress size and then keep the pounds off, and who want to be able to think less about food and think more about being more active.


eally need to know 20 WEIGHT LOSS ESPECIALLY FOR MEN

Lose your love handles Just 10 minutes

ral way

a day, the natu S



ES FREE good! it off for p e e K INCLUD

Men hate diets. They don’t want to be forced to give up beer and curries. Well, this Slimpod will help you lose weight naturally and effectively but you’ll never feel deprived or missing out.

The couch potato cure Just 10 minutes

Keep the ing weight loss go

a day, the natu

ral way

Just 10 minutes the natural way


The ultimate relaxer

Just 10 minutes

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Has your got-up-and-go just got up and gone? Want to feel full of energy and get up off your backside and do things again? Just 10 minutes a day is all it takes to cure any couch potato.

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Make fitness fun and easy

Just 10 minutes

You used to be in pretty good shape once but for one reason or another you’ve not kept up the exercise like. Now you want to get back in the swing again and need a helping hand. This is it!





The ultimate relaxer

If you’ve never done much exercise you might be thinking it’s hard work and sweat. Well, it isn’t. It’s actually great fun if you take it easy at first, and this Fitpod is the perfect way to get going.

Just 10 minutes a the natural way day,


xer ate rela The ultim ES FREE



Get back in the swing

a day,

Keep weight off for good

The ultimate relaxer

You’ve put in weeks of hard work on a tough diet and now you want to make sure you keep the weight dropping off but can’t take any more pain? This is what you need to make life easier.

What’s the point of all that diet and exercise aggro if all the weight you’ve lost goes back on again? Listen to this and your weight will be under your control. And you’ll eat what your body needs.

Everyone needs the ultimate stressbuster Control stress, relax and forget your worries because when times get tough you need to chill. This Chillpod can be used at any time to help reduce stress. You’ll find yourself in a deeper state of relaxation than you’ve ever been in before and as your cares float away over a distant horizon you’ll find your stress level drops to normal.


1. You’ll never have to diet again 2. Save money on your food bills 3. It only takes 10 minutes a day 4. Proven results, impartial testimonials 5. As featured in the national media 6. Lose weight without willpower 7. Feel more confident about yourself 8. You’re investing in your health 9. One payment, no hidden extras 10. Great service and support online

There’s every reason to start today. You’ll be very glad you did! (If you’re already Thinking Slimmer this page will help you convince your friends they should, too!)

You get all this free on our website when you buy a Slimpod ONE of the big benefits of buying a Slimpod is that you immediately gain free access to more than 250 pages on our website, designed to help and encourage you as you lose weight. VIP membership lasts for 13 weeks but there is no obligation on you to renew it unless you wish to*. There are no hidden extra charges with Thinking Slimmer. Everything you need is in one place at one price.



Clothes, makeup, hair on video More than 70 super pages on food and drink

TV style guru on video

FITNESS & WELL BEING Exercise Health Leisure


Expert guidance

OVER 50s

Weight, fitness and well-being specially for you

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Online TV for slimmers

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Online advice service

Nutrition Obesity & Diet articles


Get back in shape then stay that way

* Membership renewal optional after 13 weeks. Small subscription charge applies if you choose to renew. Full details at online store



Slimpod™ and Thinking Slimmer Loving Life™ are registered trademarks of ThinkingSlimmer Ltd. All original material Copyright © ThinkingSlimmer Ltd 2010-2011. Reproduction in whole or in part of original material is strictly forbidden without written permission. All rights reserved

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