Think Positive! Magazine

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Think Positive! Magazine


dePartments 14

BroThers speak The Brothers come up with a regional based “Sweet 16” bracket of the greatest hip hop groups of all time. Who’s on the top of your list?


Cheers To Careers! Dr. LA Matthews shares 10 concrete actions designed to improve job performance and advance your career to higher levels!


spoken worLD Discopoet Khari B. presents an impressive lineup of the hottest spoken word artist. Coming to the page is Lesile Ebony, Mel Rob, & Awethentik.





aFriCan aMeriCan hair TeXTUre: Taking Care oF oUr giFT

YoUr proFessionaL reLaTionship sTaTUs

how To geT over The one YoU ThoUghT was The one

The BeneFiTs oF goLF






Be The Change When you are willing to set goals, your motivation becomes more focused and less confused in everyday interactions.


higher groUnD Some believe riches and wealth are a necessity, some think being rich is wrong when you have so many that are poor, but what does God think?

eLeCTion reaCTions


Think Positive! Magazine

FaLLing For a FrienD is noThing oUT oF The orDinarY

This is YoUr Year To MasTer sUCCess

The nasTY 10 10 waYs To DisrUpT YoUr sUCCess





Winter/Sp ring 2013

Cover Feature

24 Interview with Eric Thomas Prominent motivational speaker, author, and minister, Eric Thomas speaks to TPM about his rise to prominence with positive high energy messages and why he lives a life dedicated to inspiring people to live their best life yet.

features The moral implications of healthcare for illegal migrants


The Ratification of the 13th Amendment


Organic Food benefits


Equal Opportunity Legislation


Can denying health care services to immigrants residing within the US result in more tangible problems?

Remembering this amendment to the Constitution that represents the most dramatic changes to the fundamental law of this land in regards to civil rights in American history

Let’s take a thorough look at the health benefits of going green. Organic vegetables and meats have become a new norm in our country, but does it really promote long life health?

John F. Kennedy set the wheels in motion for one of the most important pieces of legislation that our government has ever passed. That legislation was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. How much do you know about it?


Think Positive! Magazine

Body language can tell you all sorts of things. Like someone is having a stroke.





Know the sudden signs. 7 Spot a stroke F.A.S.T.

Winter/Sp ring 2013

welcome To our Winter/Spring issue of Think Positive!

Company Information Think Positive! Magazine is published quarterly. Subscriptions are $15.00 for 4 issues. TPM is published by Miracle Media, Inc. Advertise in Think Positive! Magazine For advertising information or to request a rate card, please call 866-931-7576 or email us at All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission. This publication is purchased with the understanding that the information presented is from many varied sources from which there can be no warranty or responsibility by the Publisher at to accuracy or completeness. This magazine is inspired by The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Welcome to a brand new year and the first edition of Think Positive! of 2013. We are extremely excited for all of the wonderful things the near future has in store for you. We are appreciative of your continued support as we advance into 2013. We have a great lineup of feature interviews of some of the most dynamic change makers this generation has to offer, beginning with Eric Thomas. Also known as ET the Hip Hop Preacher, Eric Thomas is the inspirational voice thousands turn to for motivation. His high energy messages are changing lives daily. You can get your dose of motivation via his famous YouTube videos, motivational mixtapes, and bestselling book “The Secret to Success.” In this edition of TPM, Eric reminds us that there are no shortcuts to success as he shares his personal story along with powerful keys to kicking the year off right. ET says, “You have to want success as bad as you want to breathe.” How bad do you want it? I guess we will find out soon enough. You are officially on deck!


Think Positive! Magazine

Miracle Media, Inc Copyright 2013 Printed in China Cover Design: Deonne Moore Magazine Design: Nickolena Sidler

think Positive! The name says it all. Think Positive! is a call to action.

Expect to be Challenged

It is a lifestyle. Daily our readers seek to improve their health, finances, education, career, family, spirit and community. Every interview, column, feature and photograph within this magazine speaks to those desires and helps society live a more productive way of life. We aim to eradicate false media images and destructive frames of mind by empowering, encouraging, and educating the urban community through quality journalism. Think Positive! speaks directly to the hearts and minds of readers while motivating action toward positive change. Those who purchase this publication are not only readers; they are change-makers, activists and trendsetters. Read about the people who make a difference in our society, as well as the stars that proudly uplift the African American community.








Winter 2013

contriButors 1 ERIC B. HORN

Eric B. Horn is a thorough leader in the areas of career development, empowerment, and leadership. His passion is to inspire others who have the desire to better their own lives. For more information on Eric go to and follow him on twitter @Eric B. Horn.




Jamil A. Simmons currently serves as a Business Analyst with Chicago Public Schools. Mr. Simmons is also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the National Black MBA Association and serves as a board member of the Swish Dreams Sports & Educational Foundation.




Andrew Beamon is an executive at Gallup and is an active member of the Thursday Network of the Greater Washington Urban Leauge. Beamon currently serves on the Board of Directors of Streetwise Partners, a non-profits organization that works with low-income individuals to help them overcome employment barriers, obtain better jobs and achieve economic self-sufficiency.



7 10


8 Think Positive! Magazine

Cheresa Purnell is the Owner of Purnell Enterprises, Inc. which provides the latest news, products, and services in social media, fashion, and the community. Cheresa is a professional blogger (ladyreesespeaks. com), runs a jewelry & accessories online boutique (, and actively works in the community (


Dr. L.A. Matthews, also known as the “Career Doctor” is the Director of Business Development for Top Choice Resumes Dr. Matthews has helped over 1,000 professionals obtain their career goals. She is an author, college professor, international speaker, and career strategist who has a diverse background in career consulting and coaching. Twitter: @LA_Matthews & @TopChoiceResume MELISSA HARRIS

6 Melissa Harris, author of popular children’s book “The Legend of the Mighty Mighty Wendell” has written various articles for both adults and children. However, it is her job as a reading specialist and language arts teacher that serve as inspiration when creating life-long readers.


Lucy Coutinho, is a unique writer and interviewer who has the ability to describe scenarios the way a painter can highlight often overlooked details. Lucy, armed with degrees in Communications and Public Relations from Simmons College, is taking aim of the Washington DC media circuit. She currently is the Continuity Director at BET Networks. TRACY L. SCOTT

8 Tracy L. Scott is an award-winning multimedia journalist who has more than a decade of experience in print and online publishing. This blogger, writer, web producer and editor has worked for well-known publications such as The Washington Post, Essence and She is currently working on her first novel. For more info:


Winter 2013

Letters of gratitude Martin Luther King’s Dream


n the history of any great people, sometimes there is a singular moment that so sums up that struggle and challenges the hearts of the people of the time that this moment becomes one that is both historic and mythical. In the long history the African American in this country, one such singular moment was the delivery of what has come to be referred to as the “I have a dream” speech during the historic March on Washington in August of 1963. There are many things about this speech that are so poetic that the text of the speech has become one of the great historic texts of the nation’s history as well as of black history. That is why virtually any school child can recite the most stirring words from the speech which are… And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. What is most striking about this text if you read the entire text is the hope. And it’s a wonderful tradition for every family to read this speech, perhaps on Martin Luther’s King’s birthday which is now a national holi-


Think Positive! Magazine

day. Dr. King called upon his people to look up and look with hope toward tomorrow. But more than that, he called on all people to work together toward a shared hope, a hope of fulfilling the American dream that he discusses with such passion in his words. The setting for the speech was on the steps of the Lincoln memorial, within view of the Congress, the reflecting pool and the White House on the National Mall in the center Washington D.C. Dr. King called it hallowed ground reflecting his deep reference and respect for the icons of this country and his deep love of country which too comes through in the speech. But it is a speech of struggle

because he spoke of the fact that black people in America were still not living in an openly free and equal status with all other citizens. Dr King did not loose touch with the reality of the tough lives African Americans were living in the United States. That is why this speech is so perfectly crafted and so perfectly delivered. It combines the harsh reality and resolve by black leaders and the African American population to make the world better for themselves and their children with a hope and an optimism that this was a country that would not put up with the oppression and discrimination that has kept black people down ever since slavery. It is a speech that issued a call to action in the time frame of “Now” which was a call to action that many in the houses of power in our country took heed. They did take action immediately to get the process of renewal and repair of a broken social system moving in the right direction. One of the outcomes of this speech was the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 which changed the fabric of the country forever in the legal restrictions it put on discrimination in every aspect of American life. If it had not been for the “I have a dream” speech, the March on Washington on that hot and humid August day might have just been another in the many protests and events of the civil rights era. Instead it became an iconic moment in American and black history that changed Dr. King into a national hero for black and white people alike and energized a movement and a nation to take matters into their own hands and make thing better for all people.

Thank You!



THE GREATEST HIP HOP GROUPS OF ALL TIME TPM has brought some of the most enlightened hip hop heads together to discuss one of the most argued topics of our generation “The greatest hip-hop groups of all time”. Every year we see blogs, website, and magazines create a top 20 list which is usually only based on influence or songs. As we all know, the other problem with most lists tends to be regional biased. In an attempt to resolve this, we have created a South, East, Midwest, and West section of the bracket. Today, we have brought together three brothers to discuss this topic, “Greatest hip hop groups”. We have DJ Eric B, from Connecticut; we also DJ Red Clay representing Atlanta,as well as Shaleek Rice, a hip-hop enthusiast from Queens, NY. With March Madness coming soon TPM has created a regional “Sweet 16” bracket based on 5 categories, lyricism, originality, creativity, longevity, and influence. *Note: Also please keep in mind that we did not include group that only have one album, like BlackStar, or groups with only one vocalist such as Gangstarr.


Think Positive! Magazine

Slum Village

HIP HOP Groups


Slum Village


Do or Die

Tribe Called Qwest


Bone Thugs OutKast


Bone Thugs


Bone Thugs

The Roots

Crucial Conflict


OutKast OutKast


Cypress Hill NWA

UGK OutKast Goodie Mob

Dogg Pound Black Eyed Peas

Geto Boys Geto Boys

Black Eyed Peas

anDrew: What groups do you think are missing from this bracket and why? reD CLay: I have to represent the south and say, Eightball and MJG. These guys laid the foundation for the south in terms of lyricism. They actually rapped about topics instead of rapping about ass and tits all day. Their influence in the south is crazy. shaLeeK: I think there are a lot of great group on the list but I’d have to say Salt-n-Pepper was overlooked. They were pioneers and a female group in the 80s was really unprecedented.

eriC B: The Fugees should definitely been recognized on this list. The impact that they made on the industry is critical.

anDrew: What interesting matchups do you see on the bracket? shaLeeK: I’d like to see Wu-Tang go up against NWA. You have two groups that came out the box as groups and then splintered into excellent individual artists. NWA came out of nowhere and changed the whole game. Then you have Wu that wasn’t doing gangster rap. It was lyricism, dropping knowledge

and talking about the streets but from a different angle. eriC B: Im thinking about Ghetto Boys vs. De La Soul going head to head.

anDrew: What is the #1 group of all time? eriC B: Lyrically? Wu-Tang Clan anDrew: Tribe called Quest is my favorite group, so I am pretty biased here. They created anthems during my most malleable years. I couldn’t get enough of that Afrocentric, jazz type of sound.


Eric B: 1979 Red Clay: Respect due!

Andrew: Why do you think traditional groups are dying out? Eric B: When they took the DJ out of the group it turned them into soloist. All they need now is a microphone and some lyrics and some YouTube views and you can go on tour. Red Clay: Also, it’s about money and people don’t want to split their money. Eric B: Exactly, and in today’s age when they sign as a group everyone also typically signs separate deals as solo artists. Plus it just isn’t a lot of money to split with all the bootlegging and leaks on the internet. Shaleek: It’s probably the same for R&B groups as well.

Andrew: What’s your top underground group that typically wouldn’t make a list?

Red Clay: This is easy. Outkast! No doubt about it. My reasons are sales, originality and creativity. Plus their longevity is well documented. Shaleek: Longevity? They haven’t put out an album in over 5 years! Red Clay: They put together four consistent classics back to back Shaleek: I would have to say it has to be RUN-DMC. You are talking about elevating the game of hip hop. Who expanded hip hop? When they crossed over people recognized Hip Hop who normally wouldn’t have and they from Queens so that’s an added bonus.


Think Positive! Magazine

Red Clay: How do you justify RUNDMC lyrically when they can’t really hold the candle to newer groups? Shaleek: Yeah, they don’t have the same lyrical prowess of newer groups but no other group had the impact they had on the culture. Eric B: Plus it’s a whole different era. When we first start we were just getting the party started. It was a show. Now a days, it is a mess on stage!

Andrew: Eric, when did you start DJ’ing?

Shaleek: My favorite group of all time is The Lost Boys. They embodied what I enjoyed the most about groups. They fed off one another, make dope music and have a good time. They won’t be on anyone’s top 10 but they are from Queens so… Red Clay: I’d have to say Cunninglynguist. These dudes are dope! Oh, also I can’t forget Digable Planets! Eric B: I can mention some underground cats but no one would know their names right now so I’ll say Pharcyde. They were kind of a “West coast Tribe called Quest.” Andrew: I have to say Dead Pres. Their 2000 album “Let’s Get Free” was more of a movement than an album. It touched politics, healthy eating, education, and of course you can’t forget the song “Mind Sex”.

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African American hair comes in an almost infinite variety of textures, from curly to woolly, from kinky to wavy, from natural and thick to straight and sleek. But whatever its texture, Black African American hair is a gift that reflects both our beauty and our ancestry. Unfortunately, though, it’s often next to impossible to feel good about our hair. Why? Because it feels like we’re constantly at war with it.

10.5 in. 10.0 in.


the BasICs

At some point in her life (or many times throughout her life!) virtually every woman wrestles with the question of natural versus relaxed/ permed. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, but whatever the choice, it’s crucial to take care of your locks. Good hair care starts from the inside out. That means eating a balanced diet to give your body all the nutrients it needs in order to grow the healthiest hair possible. It also means drinking plenty of water, to give your hair (and skin) much-needed moisture.

the ComB/Brush

The next critical element of hair care - regardless of your hair’s texture - is using the proper comb/ brush. The truth is, the vast majority of combs and brushes are made for non-African American hair. The ideal tool for our hair is a combination comb/brush that is designed so that the teeth easily slide under our coiled hair texture. It’s like a detangler that works by rolling out the hair instead of pulling it out. In the process, it naturally conditions and relaxes hair, making it soft and easy to style or braid. This kind of comb/ brush also keeps our hair healthy and helps prevent breakage.


Think Positive! Magazine

next steps

In addition to having the proper comb/brush, there are several other things you can do to help prevent breakage. First, use heat sparingly, especially if your hair is permed. Second, don’t wash your hair too often - every seven to ten days is ideal. When you do wash it, use a leave-in conditioner. In between, rinse your hair once or twice a week (and especially after a workout), and use a conditioner every day. And, don’t neglect your monthly deep conditioning treatment.

emBraCe Your texture

The hairstyles you choose will change over the course of your lifetime, but the best hair care

advice is to embrace your natural texture and work with it. Hair that is naturally curly will act very differently than hair that is naturally woolly. Similarly, super-kinky hair will respond in a different way to treatments than naturally wavy hair. When you work with the texture you have, you can still have a variety of style choices available to you. But the key is that you won’t be constantly fighting nature; instead, you’ll be working with the African American texture you were born with and maximizing its beauty. In the process, you’ll have less breakage and healthier hair. The result? You’ll feel more beautiful and project that self-confidence to the world. What could be better?

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The confetti has fallen over your face. You’ve counted down the last seconds of 2012 with your dearest loved ones. You’ve toasted to the New Year. You’ve posted all of your NYE’s pictures on Facebook . You’ve jotted down your New Year’s Resolutions and crossed your fingers for that new promotion you’ve been praying for. now what? It will take more than two knotted fingers and hope to secure an interview, a promotion or your dream job. It seems as though we just embarked upon 2012. Now we’re faced with a New Year and a second chance for opportunity and career advancement. No matter your age or current job habits, you can reverse years of poor career choices by embracing these behaviors that will progress your career in 2013. Ready, set, let’s get started!


Think Positive! Magazine


take responsIBIlItY.

You have to take ownership of your career development. There are numerous companies who have scaled back on training due to the economic downturn, and smaller companies cannot provide significant support for their employees. To simply put this: Your career rests in only one set of hands and that’s yours. If you’re unemployed and actively seeking a career, your job

search should be your full-time job. Work 40 hours per week on finding a job and submitting applications. No excuses.



Have a long-term career strategy, or at the very least an idea for where you’re headed. Ask yourself, “What do I really want to do? Or where do I see myself in 5-10 years?” Write this information down. I cannot stress how

important it is to write down your goals especially as it pertains to your career or job search. This will guide you throughout 2013 and allow you to monitor your career development and growth.


Connect the Dots.

Work in step with your company’s goals. Connect the dots from your role to your company’s vision and key objectives. Reflect on how your work aligns with the organization’s goals and then examine how you can maximize your contributions. If you’re a job seeker, you can do this activity also. Think about the companies that you’re applying for and how their strategic plan coincidences with your career goals.


Strengthen Your Communication Skills.

Communication skills can make or break our careers. Pick one area that you need to hone in on such as listening, presenting, negotiating, or writing emails for example, and commit to improving this area. Take a class, practice with a trusted friend or co-worker and focus on your ‘needs improvement’ skill. Strong communication skills

are vital for a successful career. A great resource for assessing your communication skills is www. Click on the communications page. Here, you’ll find communication checklists and multiple tools that you can start utilizing right away.


Cross OVER.

Many successful employees have risen through the ranks by taking cross-functional roles, such as moving from finance to sales, marketing to IT, or from administration to project management for example. Concentrate on your transferrable skills and don’t stay confined to one box.



Expand your experience and expertise. Volunteer for special projects or assignments that are outside your everyday role. Not only will this look very impressive to your supervisor it also adds diversity to your professional portfolio. You will look like a team player and gain more transferable skills.


Find a Guide.

Mentors can serve as influential role models and provide tremendous support and guidance for your career. Never

underestimate the power of a mentor. Reach out to a potential mentor within your company and see if he or she would be open to mentoring you for a specific purpose and timeframe. You can even draft a mentorship proposal to outline your goals and your mentor’s objectives.


Network Now and NOT Next Week.

The best time to increase your network is today. Your network = your net worth. Starting right now, get involved in groups such as professional and charitable organizations. Step into leadership roles and make your expertise be known.


Befriend LinkedIN.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the Internet and if you’re not on LinkedIn, you’re missing out on one of the most useful professional networking and career development social media tools that’s available. In one recent study, 91% of prospective employers admitted that they screen applicants by checking their social networks (73% use LinkedIn specifically for this purpose). Create a professional LinkedIn account (i.e. professional head shot, grammatically correct bio) and begin networking virtually.


Hire a Professional Resume Writer.

This last action item

is the most important investment that you will ever make for your career. If your car stopped working tomorrow, would you trust your grandmother to fix it for free? If your air conditioning unit in your home stopped running, would you ask your best friend to repair it? If you had a cavity, would you consider allowing your little brother to ‘look it over’? Your car, your home and your teeth, are very important to you, correct? Then, how important is your career? Why would you trust your grandmother, best friend or little brother to review, revise or create your resume? If you’re not getting interviews, there’s a 90% or more chance that your resume is not solid. Companies utilize Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to screen applications prior to reviewing resumes. Get your resume into the hands of a real person by investing in a professional resume writer. Stop being cheap with your career, because it will ultimately cost you much more than a resume-writing fee. 2013 is the year of advancement. You have all of the tools necessary to move forward in your career. Remember, companies look for specialists, not generalists. Develop a personal brand, distinguish your skills and strengths, and determine how to best market yourself. I believe in you! Cheers to Your Career!!!


You r Rela Profe ssio tion nal ship Stat us


by Eric B. Horn

couple of months ago I was on my honeymoon and happily changed my Facebook relationship status from “Engaged” to “Married.” After doing this my mind started to wander on the “status” of my professional relationships. As a business professional, I interact with a lot of people everyday, but I’m ashamed to say that I don’t know everyone as well as I should. I’m not saying that I need to know their life story, but I want to know more than just their name and the company that they work for. In this post, I touch on a process that will keep you in touch with EVERYONE in your network on a consistent basis and grow your rapport with all of your professional contacts.


Think Positive! Magazine

Reach out to your contacts every quarter - Touching base with contacts at least four times per year is more than enough. I had the misconception that you have to reach out to everyone in your network every month—an administrative nightmare. Furthermore, when you reach out you, it can be a simple hello. It is not necessary to send a groundbreaking article or inquire about a job opening. Asking how they are doing and seeing what’s new is more than enough.


Communicate in the form they are most comfortable with - I had to learn that communication is all about the other person and being effective. In this day and age we have (but are not limited to) face-toface, telephone, e-mail, text message, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as


Having a connection is more than just adding someone to LinkedIn or calling them when you need a favor. methods of communication. Find the one that is best for that contact. You will be surprised the increase in responses you receive when using an effective means of communication. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back from them - Of course when you reach out to someone you expect to hear something back, but this isn’t always the case. I used to get extremely frustrated when I would spend time reaching out to people and didn’t hear back. But GOD always has a way of putting me back in contact with people that I haven’t heard from in a long time.


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Think Positive! Magazine

M ot i vat i o n a l

Sp e a k er

Eric Thomas


We all say we want to be successful, but how bad do you really want it? Motivational Speaker Eric (ET) Thomas believes you have to want it as bad as you want to breathe! This aggressive claiming of stake on personal success has been engrained in the mind of millions due to ET’s book, videos and online success. Lets get to know Eric and pick his brain on having the best chance at an amazing 2013.

What inspired you to dedicate your life to enlightening others?

The despair with our current generation. I think the story of Yummy was my moment of realization. The light went off while reading on the cover of Time magazine that an 11 year old was executed by his own gang. That was the point where I knew I had to dedicate myself to this completely. I don’t want to be seen as a motivational speaker. In essence that’s not who I am. I want to enlighten young people that there is a better way of life. You have choices! You can decide how you want to live and the quality of life you want. That’s what sparked me, as well as some of my own challenges in looking at myself as a victim. You are only a victim because you’ve decided to think like a victim. When I became a victor mentally I begin to see my life change. One of defining times in my

life was Yummy Sandifer and the Time article. We have to save the Yummy’s! Many of them don’t have positive role models in their lives to direct them.

How did you go from being a victim to a victor?

When people speak of despair they only refer to the external things in our neighborhoods. People from your neighborhood don’t become the President, engineers, or become leaders of Fortune 500 companies. For me it was the demons that plagued me internally. Not having my biological father in my life and feeling this since of abandonment and rejection. You will never be anything. I was blessed that there where principals instilled in me. Today they tools that aided in my success.

What was the motivator behind writing your book “The Secret to Success”?

Fear. I was afraid that I am not a writer and not a scholar. Also, the fear of what would it (Life) look like if I never did it? The community forced me to write it. It was that accountability that pushed me to finish the work. I wanted to put a jewel in young men’s hands. More specifically, I’m proud that I’m looked at as the reader of the reluctant. Kids that don’t generally read are actually reading the entire book and


emailing me asking questions about the book.

What are some best practices you’d like readers to come away with?

Your life is in your hands. I am not interested in your story. Everybody has a story. I’m interested in your glory and in seeing what you are going to become in ten years when you’ve put in 120% effort. You are the captain of your ship, set the course! Move in the direction of greatness is what I want people to get out of the text.

What is the concept behind TGIM?

Thank God it’s Monday (TGIM) is simply food for thought. Weekly motivational YouTube videos that we drop each Monday to give you the boost you need to kick your week off right. It’s our energy drink! Look, I want you to look at things differently. Everything isn’t positive but if you can learn see things in the proper perspective, you can change your place in life. That was the science behind TGIM.

Your videos have motivated people around the world, what motivates you?

Besides my faith, the work itself motivates me. I have an opportunity to be to this generation what W.E.B. Dubois was to his generation. I’ll never forget someone tweeted me stating, “You are the voice of this generation.” The level of responsibility is unbelievable. Every day when I wake up I get a chance to inspire publisher’s like you that sends information like this out into the world. When I die, it’s not over. The world will still have the videos, the books, and the inspiration. Leaving a legacy is what inspires me.

Do you think we have a Leadership crisis in our community currently.

I think leadership in the 21st century has to be uniquely different from the 20th century. The days of marching are over. We are a technological savvy generation and a hip hop culture. I don’t think our


Think Positive! Magazine

Everything isn’t positive but if you can learn see things in the proper perspective, you can change your place in life.

leaders are tapping into the pulse of the culture and leading through it. Because of that, we are not getting the results that we want. In the days of Rosa Parks there was one common cause, which was FREEDOM including economic, religious, academic, and political freedom. We don’t have the common cause that we once had. Many of us are doing well in business and politically so it’s difficult to have a common cause. We have to be able to tap into what our young people need and address that. Is there a leadership crisis? I don’t think so. There is however, a perspective crisis.

what are initiaL steps to BeCoMing a Mentor?

Become. You have to become the principles you are telling kids to live up to. John Maxwell said, “No leader can rise above the level of his leadership.” Not only be the change, but make sure you are doing it because you have a passion for it. Also you want to study the processes of being a mentor so that you can make impact and become an effective mentor. Once those things are in order, its all about exposure. Exposing young people to things they wouldn’t normally see or places they wouldn’t go are extremely important.

DesCriBe your “BLueprint to suCCess MotivationaL MiXtape?

I really wanted to give my fam something personal. Something you can download and put in your ear to give you the inspiration to go through those trials. We wanted to teach other leaders and speakers that it’s ok to use hip hop and other art forms, if you use them in the right way.

share soMe Keys to having a suCCessfuL 2013 with us.

I want to challenge people to make a life for themselves instead of making a living. We are so wrapped up in paying bills while the years are zooming past us. You’ll be so much happier finding your “Why?’ Find your “why” and stick to it like glue until it becomes who you are and what you do. Once you find out why you are here implement these strategies: 1. Invest in your passion Once you know what your purpose is invest all your energy, time, and finances into it. All the help you need is at the end of your sleeves! Don’t ask your community to believe in your dreams before you have.

2. Step out of your comfort zone I dare you to take risks. I dare you to show up. I dare you to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Make every day count! 3. Die on “empty” Don’t die with one goal left. Don’t die with one idea left that you haven’t pursued. Don’t die without forgiving that person. Don’t die without writing that book. When you do die, let there be no regrets. Give 120% and have no regrets in 2013. Make it new. What makes a New Year new? You do! Follow these tips. There are so many more principles to success in life; these are just starters for the New Year.

where Can the peopLe finD you et?, we call that inspirational center.


Health Care Eligibility For Unauthorized Migrants: Moral & Practical Implications Various organizations and government officials have cited estimates for the number of illegal immigrants at between eight and twenty million. With rising health care costs as a major issue for most Americans, this article considers the moral and practical issues of providing medical care for uninsured immigrants.


Think Positive! Magazine


ccording to a research report entitled “The Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population in the U.S.” {© [2006] Pew Hispanic Center, a Pew Research Center Project}, there are an estimated 11.5 to 12 million unauthorized migrants currently residing within The United States. The report was based on Census 2000 data, as well as the Current Population Survey of March 2005, and the monthly Current Population Surveys through January of 2006. The Pew Hispanic Center uses the term: ‘Unauthorized Migrants’. This term refers to persons residing in The United States who are not U.S. citizens, have not been admitted for permanent residence, and do not have specific authorized temporary status that permits extended residence and work within the United States. The Pew Hispanic Center report found that the unauthorized population consisted of 5.4 million adult males, 3.9 million adult females, and 1.8 million children. Adult males are in the majority, making up 58% of the unauthorized adult migrants, while females account for 42%. When discussing the percentage of unauthorized migrants, it is important to consider their labor force participation. Thirty-one percent of unauthorized migrants are employed in service industry jobs, while only sixteen percent of natives work in service. Native workers make up the great majority of white-collar jobs, while unauthorized migrants are underrepresented. Certain occupations have proportionately high concentrations of unauthorized migrant workers: Farming (24%), Cleaning (17%), Construction (14%), Food Preparation (12%), Production (9%), and Transport (7%). This is relevant to the issue of health insurance because the cited industries do not typically provide health insurance coverage. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) addressed

eligibility requirements for non-citidenied health care with the exception zens to receive Federal means-tested of emergency situations. This policy public benefits. The Act resulted in creates a problem for paramedics significant restrictions on immigrants’ and other medical professionals, who eligibility. Such benefits include Medwill be forced to determine whether icaid and the State Children’s Health the individual’s life is at risk and what Insurance Program (SCHIP). Certain constitutes a medical emergency. How immigrants are not eligible for Medemergency health care workers are icaid or SCHIP for five years from the expected to enforce this policy is undate they enter the United States in a clear. The Department of Health and qualified-alien status. Human Services is currently working Generally, only “qualified aliens” on the terms, with the start date set are eligible for coverage. Who is confor less than three months from now. sidered a qualified alien? There are To receive health care, individnine basic types of qualified aliens: uals will be required to provide Aliens lawfully admitted for permanent proof of citizenship or proof that residence under the Immigration and they are eligible as qualified aliens. Nationality Act (INA), 8 USC The Pew Hispanic Center 1101 et seq.; Refugees admitreport found that the ted under §207 of the INA; Aliens unauthorized population granted asylum consisted of 5.4 million adult under §208 of the INA; Cuban males, 3.9 million adult females, and Haitian Entrants, as deand 1.8 million children. fined in §501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980; This requirement creates potential Aliens granted parole for at least one problems for United States citizens, year under §212(d)(5) of the INA; as well as immigrants. The homeAliens whose deportation is being less are perhaps the most obvious withheld under (1) §243(h) of the INA example of individuals who are as in effect prior to April 1, 1997, or, eligible for care but may not have (2) §241(b)(3) of the INA, as amendthe proper documentation. Anothed; Aliens granted conditional entry er, lesser known, example may be under §203(a)(7) of the INA in effect African-American senior citizens. Afribefore April 1, 1980; Battered aliens, can-Americans from the South were who meet the conditions set forth not allowed to be born in hospitals in §431(c) of PRWORA, as added and therefore do not have proper by §501 of the Illegal Immigration birth certificates. Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Another issue that needs to be Act of 1996, P.L. 104-208 (IIRIRA), and addressed is the potential spread amended by §5571 of the Balanced of disease. Testing for TubercuBudget Act of 1997, P.L. 105-33 losis, for example, is something (BBA), and §1508 of the Violence that Americans take for granted. Against Women Act of 2000, P.L. Those initiating and enforcing these 106-386. Section 431(c) of PRWORA, policies should consider whether as amended is codified at 8 USC basic medical testing will be pro1641(c).1; Victims of a severe form of vided. Regardless of the apparent trafficking, in accordance with §107(b) moral implications, denying health (1) of the Trafficking Victims Protection care services to individuals residing Act of 2000, P.L. 106-386.2. within the United States can easily Unauthorized migrants will be result in more tangible problems.



Think Positive! Magazine


Thirteenth Amendment


ooking back on it now, it’s almost amazing to any modern American that we ever needed something like The Thirteenth Amendment. The very fact that the United States government had to take this step to outlaw slavery in this country once and for all tells us that the more liberated way we think in modern times was not always the way life was viewed just a few hundred years ago. In light of the long uphill struggle black history in this country represents, it is worthwhile to look back at this simple but powerful amendment which simply states… Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. This amendment to the constitution of the United States, along with the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments represent the most dramatic changes to the fundamental law of this land in regards to civil rights in American history. And it took strong and courageous leadership by Abraham Lincoln to assure that these provisions were so imbedded into the core definition of what America was and is that there would never be a chance that slavery would rise again inside our borders. The date to remember of the passage of this history Amendment is April 8, 1864. It was the end of the civil war and the south lay in defeat, still separated from the north before reconstruction could begin the

long task of making this nation one again. The wisdom President Lincoln had to take action while the sounds of battle were still fresh in the ears of all Americans to set in stone the achievements of this bloody war cannot be overlooked. Up until the Civil War, slavery was a common part of American life. It is painful for all Americans, black and white, to look back on a time when most Americans considered it normal for one human being to own another. While the many great strides for civil rights and equality in the decades to come would stand tall in black history, this very basic restoration of the right of African Americans to be treated as humans had to be a fundamental start to becoming full citizens of this great land. And so with the guns of the Civil War just recently silenced by the North’s victory, President Lincoln moved swiftly to make slavery a thing of the past forever. First, in 1863, he issued The Emancipation Proclamation stating in no uncertain terms that… “all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” But despite the power of this proclamation, Lincoln knew that The Constitution had to be amended to make the good intent of the Emanci-

pation Proclamation the irrevocable law of the land. And so he championed The Thirteen Amendment through congress to assure that it was made law and that slavery could

Let us all look back to President Lincoln’s vision... and let it inspire similar vision and courage in us... never again become a common and accepted part of American life. It was an important start. But we all know that true freedom was still had many more battles ahead of it. When slave owners around the country, released their slaves, African Americans everywhere knew a freedom they had only dreamed of before. But it was just one step in a long uphill struggle for equality and freedom that continues on to this day. Recently President Barack Obama had a viewing of the Emancipation Proclamation with a intimate group African Americans. President Obama proclaimed January 1, 2013 as the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Let us all look back on President Lincoln’s vision, forward thinking and courage and let it inspire similar vision and courage in us to find ways to make American society free and equal for all citizens, black, white and for all races, creeds and colors. If we can achieve that, then we have done our part to join President Lincoln in seeking freedom for all men.



Think Positive! Magazine

here is a good chance that you have seen an organic food aisle at one of your local grocery stores. In fact, you may have even driven past a farmers market where organic food was sold. Unfortunately, if you are like many other Americans, there is a good chance that you kept right on walking or driving by. This is because many individuals do not eat organic foods. Despite the fact that organic foods are not consumed by nearly all Americans, they still come highly rated and recommended. In fact, many health conscious individuals swear by them. Many claim that eating organic foods helps to promote lifelong health and happiness. Organic food consumption has increased in popularity over the years and that increase continues to rise at a relatively steady pace. If you are interested in eating organic foods, but if you have never done so before, you may be wondering what the benefits are. If so, please continue reading on. When it comes to organic foods and their benefits, you will find an unlimited number of benefits. For starters, did you know that organic foods can help the environment? They can and this is a point that many do not take into consideration at first. Farmers who put pesticides in their fields and on their foods, are not only putting consumers at risk, but the environment at risk as well. Depending on which pesticides and other chemicals are used, the soil and other nearby areas can suffer damage. By eating organic foods, you are providing a small, yet still helping hand to help protect the environment. Another unique benefit to eating organic that many individuals do not think of right away is the assistance that is provided to organic farmers and organic food manufacturers. Right now, the number of organic food manufacturers is quite small and many are small to medium sized businesses. The same can be said for farmers. The decision for many farmers and companies

to go organic can be difficult and risky. Therefore, by purchasing organic foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, you can take comfort in knowing that you are helping many small to medium sized farmers and organic food companies stay in business. Organic foods can also help to improve your body and health. In fact, organic foods may be able to help cleanse or detoxify your body from harmful chemicals. When you stop eating foods that are tainted with pesticides and other chemicals, your body will expel the current and remaining toxins from your body. This means that your body should be clean, chemical free, and pesticide free after a specific period of time. Of course, remember that you want to stay healthy. For that reason, if you decide to start eating organic foods, try to stay doing so. If you are a parent, one of the best ways to help ensure that your child has a happy and healthy life is to get them started on eating organic foods as early as possible. Another one of the many benefits to eating organic foods is the better quality. In fact, many individuals claim that organic food tastes much better. One reason why farmers claim to use potentially harmful pesticides and chemicals is to kill bacteria. While this does sound like a good idea, the bacteria that can be present when fruits and vegetables grow isn’t necessarily bad. In fact, some say that it helps to foods grow in a certain way. This, apparently, in turn helps to produce better results, which should better tasting, more natural food. As you can see, there a number of benefits to eating organic foods. In fact, the above mentioned benefits are just a few of the many reasons why organic food should be given a close examination. If you would like more information on organic foods, including the benefits of eating them, consider speaking with a professional healthcare provider, like your doctor. He or she can help you decide if switching to organic foods is the right decision.




It’s that time again so tap your friends and tune them n 2 thIs literary exquisiteness! whether watching from a monitor or the actual magazine this thing is made 2 make your heart sing. welcome again 2 the “people’s Vocal reactionary liberation movement© open page poetry set presented by think positive magazine! This go round we’ve got some profound poetasters 2 proliferate positive portrayals of wordsound power 2 this page. First up: This 1 is reeeeeal interesting, y’all. She hails from the Chicago suburbs and found her way N2 the poetry scene sometime N the mid 2000’s as a real quiet, unassuming enigma. Then we got 2 know her. This 1 is so innocently random and wonderful in the things that she says and does that we nicknamed her LTG (Leslie the Greatest). Describing her as bubbly is an understatement. Watching her on stage is a joy. During the day she is a mild mannered financial consultant. But by night she becomes a beautiful powerhouse of words, writing and physical realization. On stage she is unbound and displays an inspiring fearlessness. Breaking beyond the limits of Chicago, Leslie relocated 2 Amsterdam some years ago 2 produce, direct and star N her own sold out theater performance “Naked Thoughts.”

Lovely ladies and gallant gentlemen please flap your page and focus your gaze on 2 the words of leslie elbony...


Think Positive! Magazine

But I cannot wallow in that shallow grave of unacceptance I am not staying everybody has to esteem me Self-esteem is my own personal responsibility but don’t dare paint me with the brush of inadequacy attempting to make me feel that my worth is a fallacy I realize that a big part of this is my fault cause I shouldn’t be so quick to open the vault which is my heart and the tear stains on my face remind me that this world can be cold and something’s should never be told but sometimes I forget and find myself in a place where I am so in love with me I assume the world will also embrace the complete me and see the beauty below the surface and beyond any grime from past lifetimes

BLEMIsH V8 My skin, it’s fairly clear depending on the time of the month that is but the real blemish causing me insecurity stands behind me, beside me my past it sometimes haunts me. First I tired to shower it off when that didn’t work I thought maybe a bath could erase my past

then I end up finding out that I’m wrong and end up singing a sad song about how somebody done me wrong cause I decided unpack the luggage I’ve been carrying far too long now I’m carrying additional baggage cause I got these bags under my eyes from crying myself to sleep at night sometimes it seems like the blemish is right below my eye confusing and distorting the way I see people and the way I think they see me how I wish people would look at me …if they did . . . I think they would see the beauty that is me, but this blemish distracts anyone from seeing the real me

But the shadow of “back then” Still appeared then and again

this blemish overshadows me so what could be considered beautiful is seen as ugly

And I heard about this thing called church and prayer and they told me that the blood of this man known by almost all well they said it could make me clean – lily white like

but then a piece of peace wells up on the inside encouraging me I can hear it clearly …

But then that ghost from back when Came creeping up again

You don’t just perform it you yourself are a piece of fine artwork Molding and crafting the individual within you daily faithfully growing a little better as human day by day So goodness gracious one person decides to walk away and prefers not be your friend And you think the world done come to an end

And dare I say that my past ain’t really that bad but then again if my friends knew I wonder if we would still be friends

Girlfriend don’t you realize that this wonderful journey called life has so many wonderful gifts in store for you and it is just beginning

And I’ll admit it seemed to help a bit

And that’s really the problem Not so much the judgment from within but when I decide to share that part of me That some may regard as sin Sin defined by men . . . and the look in their eyes as if I caught them by surprise but I’ll go head and take the blame cause maybe my past is character stain

B bold N who U R & never let your past stain your present. 2day is always a great day 2 overcome and evolve. Leslie Ebony, y’all!


Moving right along, let me just gone say it; this brotha is bad! I’m sure we’ve heard the term “renaissance man” thrown around quite a bit but this is one of those cats that actually deserve it. In addition 2 being a prolific and profound writer, he puts in work as an enterprising entrepreneur, has released 3 spoken word CD’s, been in 15 films and 34 stage plays, has a daughter N college and raising a younger 1, is about 2 release his first book, still manages 2 keeps himself N shape, and the dude DJ’s. B clear, I’m a music snob and because U get behind a couple of decks with a computer lining up your beats and play a few tunes does NOT make U a DJ (this is a note 4 all those celebrities doing DJ sets these days) BUT this bruh can actually blend wax and keep a floor moving. Performance-wise U can C his work reach his audiences and his written word ably makes pages stand right up. Inspirational. Sensational.

Give a silent shout out! (or out loud if U bad) For Mel Rob!

LOVE TO DEATH I’ve visited the graves where the broken-hearted lie I’ve sat on the front row of the services of those that love fatally wounded Internal bleeding of the life-pumping organ leading to the demise of the hopeless romantics I’ve frequented the hospital beds of those in critical condition, hopin’ and wishin’ that the premonition of love would turn from fantasy to reality But instead it left several casualties Is love nothing more than a fallacy A good idea parting from the lips of those too blind to recognize their surroundings A wish or a prayer never to be answered I know those who have died from love’s cancer Eaten alive with no answers as to how or why It hurts, they cry They hurt, they try Love hurts and pries into the inner most depths of the soul Creating an unsealable hole I’ve heard of spare tires, but I’ve never seen a spare heart


Think Positive! Magazine

And even if it were partially broken, they don’t make spare parts So I walk through the mausoleums that have been transformed into love’s museums, showcasing the dearly departed broken-hearted I’ve witnessed the soul of a woman shatter at the thought of the one she loved not loving her back I’ve watched the soul of a man crack just from not being able to embrace the face of the woman that he wants to share his space I’ve looked at souls leaving this place, searching for heaven because love on earth gave them hell I’ve stepped into mortuaries only to smell the stench of ill-concluded relationships I’ve passed through the crematoriums where love’s victims would rather be burned alive than to be burned more by amour Therefore, they remove themselves forever more from all ideologies concerning romance Never again to take a chance at what God intended to be perfect Instead, they grow to believe that love is synonymous with worthlessness or purposelessness And a kiss is just a kiss There is no longer any bliss in thinking about the possibilities Love gets replaced with hostility Misery deserves company, so they sit by her side Passion and compassion are the feelings that they hide The promotion of emotions that festered inside begin to die Without grieving, they start believing that their deepest desires are no longer possible True happiness seems no longer plausible And the audible ticking of their heart just stops The lack of love causes them to drop And it’s not because love doesn’t really exist… It’s because true love has yet to come to their rescue If only they would become a patient patient, and let God be their foundation… All of their waiting would be replaced with joy and elation once true love sets its course But of course, some will give up and die before they know it

Open 2 critique yet strong on her feet she has gone on 2 cover some great ground across the country performing alongside legendary figures from Doug E. Fresh 2 Farrakhan; from Sanchez 2 Wyclef. Give it up write now 4 ya sista who is sure 2 thrill and wow. This is Awthentik!

thank u 4 taking the time 2 read and receive these words. my hope is not only inspires u but also heals something in your hearts and minds and moves u 2 some form of positive action u may not have otherwise been moved 2 do.

FEEL THIs… Feel this like whips slashing the backs of nations Beautiful faces being hugged by the sun Daughters and sons who speak in their fore father’s tongue Communicate in drums Ear drums Listens to stories untold About a people killed for gold Singing in codes To be free, Hiding to read, Imagine holding your breath to breathe Or breathing your last breath A people That pleads the blood of Jesus Then bleed the blood of Jesus Now videos show asses shaking like seizures But somehow, We’re still connected to that land Original women and men Connected! Connected to that Garden of Eden Where forbidden fruit was eaten God’s children but beaten It’s bittersweet Chairman Fred Hampton and Dr. King Were killed by Jesus enemies But somehow We’re still attached to that burning bush Rather it be reggie or Kush Attached to our forefather’s nation

Where civilization was created We are the lost sheep Looking for a leader to lead us Hoping the government would feed us Who will save us? We depend on FEMA Wish we had a Moses To part the waters of Katrina Feel this!

I am your host, Discopoet Khari B. and I thank U again 4 spending this time with me. U can always catch me at 2 C and/or read what more I’ve been up 2 and definitely expect 2 C me LIVE performing N or around your town soon. Winter and Spring tours will B posted on the site. Stay tuned 4 the next installment in the next issue; same perfect time; same perfect place.

Feel this, Feel this like bloody psalms digging into mines Or like capitalism digging into minds Feel this like Chocolate feet dancing on broken glass But we smile The blood is running But we smile Our souls are crying But we smile, Bones crack, Broken backs, Feet collapsed, Phone tapped, Mind trapped, Pain relaxed, But we smile! We smile! We wear the mask Hiding behind our smile Hiding behind our blood Hiding behind our sweat Hiding behind our tears So feel this, Like a smile That covered our pain and suffering For more than four hundred years Feel This!



EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LEGISLATION WITH SOME TEETH On June 11, 1963, President John F. Kennedy set the stage for the passage of civil rights legislation that made meaningful change when he stated in a speech he was seeking…”the kind of equality of treatment which we would want for ourselves.” And despite his tragic assignation, that leadership set the wheels in motion for one of the most important pieces of legislation that the United States government has ever passed to protect the civil rights of African Americans. That legislation was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This bill represented the culmination of decades if not century’s long struggle to achieve true civil rights for African Americans in the USA. President Kennedy saw this as the chance to put some real teeth into the law to give it the power to really change the way the country worked, played and lived together. It was a powerful continu-


Think Positive! Magazine

ation of the work that was started with The Civil Rights Act of 1875 but with much more enforceability combined with language that made it contemporary in an era of the expanding civil rights movement. The bill was broad sweeping the scope of areas of civil life in this country to be impacted by restrictions against discrimination. The five “titles” of the bill cover may needed social changes including... • Title I – Banned discriminatory voter registration practices that were used to try to deny black people the right to vote. • Title II - Made it illegal to discriminate in public venues such as restaurants, theaters or hotels based on race. • Title III – Banned discrimination from public facilities such as government services or schools. • Title IV – Enforcement of desegregation of public

schools Title V – Made it illegal to discriminate in the workplace including race based hiring practices. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 touched on virtually every aspect of public life in America from schools to the work place even to public gatherings such as entertainment and eating establishments. In every way that Americans gathered together as a people, The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination against African Americans in that setting. But there are other important steps forward for civil rights that were an important part of the development of this bill. The bill did not just address civil rights for African Americans and in fact, it does not address that population directly at all. Instead the bill protects the civil rights for all minority groups. As such this made the struggle for equality that the African American community had been involved with ever since the •

Civil War everyman’s struggle for equality and it made all Americans brothers in seeking equal opportunity and treatment for all who are citizens of this great country. In approaching the bill in this way, Congress forged some powerful allies for the African American cause and put legislation in place to begin to positively view the emerging movement for equal rights for women which was just as much in need of correction and support to see that woman’s rights became the law of the land too. Again, this built a strong alliance between these movements which added “clout” not only to the bill to make sure it made it through congress but it gave “clout” to those who were charged with enforcement of this important legislation. You have to admire the courage of the leadership of this country for taking a stand on behalf of equal rights in putting this bill into effect. We especially add our admiration to the work of President Kennedy and then President Johnson who did not let the Kennedy assignation damage the chances that this bill would become law. For President Johnson, putting the muscle of the presidency behind this bill gave it the power to push past objections and become the law of the land. Many say that this one political stand he took destroyed Johnson’s chances to be reelected because of the animosity it caused in the south toward him. But President Johnson did what all presidents should do. He saw the good of the country and of the society as more important than his own political ambitions and he defied the danger to make sure equal rights for African Americans and all Americans became the law. We need that kind of leadership today and in every generation of leaders of this nation so we always seek the common good in the laws we see passed by our government.









Chang e for o ur mon ey

Although it can be very tempting to create a credit card account just to pay off your bills, this is always a terrible idea if you cannot pay them back in time. This will only create more debt and headache, so learn how to manage your personal finances well with these tips. A good personal-finance tip is to pay with cash as much as you can. Paying for things such as groceries and gas with cash is an excellent way of managing your money. It’ll also prevent you from racking up charges on your credit card that you’ll have to pay off. Buy quality items that you can resell later. If you need a crib or stroller, for example, then save money by purchasing at an online resale site or from a similar discount retailer. Once you are done with the item, sell it and get some of your money back. This works best with popular items that have well-known brand names. If you are looking to save money, one way to do so is by filling up your gas tank at a specific location. Let’s face it, gas prices are rising by the day, but what most people do not know is that a gas station located two blocks from another one could be as much as .50 cents cheaper per gallon. Do your research and look for the lower prices. If you love to go out to eat, research some of the gift card deals that are available on the web. Some of these deals allow you to get a gift card for a fraction


Think Positive! Magazine

of the cost, which can allow you for a night out on the town without breaking the bank. Enduring an economy such as we have at the moment is very stressful, and it is important to think smart, when it comes to your money. Make changes to your budget whenever necessary, and do what you can to make things easier for you and your family. There are always ways to save a little extra money. If you want the best finances that last you should work to pay down on your credit lines quickly. Unless the credit has a prepayment penalty you should always pay down anything that has interest as quickly as you can. Depending on how much credit you have out, your interest rates and other factors, you can save hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. If your doctor prescribes medicine for you that you will need to take for a while, ask for a sample before you leave the office. This allows you to determine if the medication is effective, and if you can tolerate it, before you pay for it yourself. If it doesn’t work, you aren’t out any money, and you can try something different. Instead of creating a larger pile of debt by turning to high interest rate credit card accounts, learn how to manage your personal finances in a way that is most beneficial for you and any dependents. Remember the tips in this article so you can make the most of your income.


B e t he chang e

are You

reaDy for Change in your Life? When you are willing to set goals, your motivation becomes more focused and less confused in everyday interactions. Setting goals and designing your dreams and aspirations is a commitment to participate in a dynamic relationship and interaction between yourself and others. Committing yourself to be in a relationship with others helps to create an environment of self-support. The “willingness” to define your goals and aspirations provide you with the motivation to focus on achieving your goals. Your “will” to take action and achieve your goals is different than wishing your goals to complete themselves. Wishing is a desire for the possibility of some act or state arbitrarily occurring. When it comes to making your goals happen, wishing can be self-sabotaging. “Willing”


Think Positive! Magazine

is self-responsible behavior. When you take conscious control of your life, you actively plan your course or direction. Determining your direction builds positive momentum in your life. Creating positive momentum and enthusiasm drive you to share your enthusiasm with others. When you encourage others to believe in themselves you build positive momentum in their lives. Your first responsibility as an encouraging person is to yourself. Make your best effort to provide the proper atmosphere for growth to occur. Discovering your own personal power and “free will” requires an attitude of positive self-control. Without commitment, you are helplessly determined by others and their “will.” To overcome fear

and determine your own destiny, you must make a commitment to believe in your own free will. By being committed, you actively assert yourself in your relationship with others and the world. When you become self-supportive, you become better equipped to overcome barriers that prevent you from reaching your goals. By committing yourself to your goals, you generate power in taking a risk to achieve your goals. Developing clarity of focus increases your self-determination and your ability to make up your own mind. Breaking the shackles of past behaviors and attitudes that have kept you from growing and changing can be uncomfortable. Change is not always comfortable, and it’s definitely not stable or predictable. Deciding to make new, positive changes that generate excitement, or to remain in your stable, sedentary world (or relationship), is a decision only you can make. You have one question to ask yourself: What’s rewarding to you? If you’re comfortable with staying in one spot in life, that’s your choice. But if you want to move on and travel to new destinations, mentally and emotionally, then go for the change. The challenge is to take conscious control of producing positive thoughts and behaviors that will create healthy choices for you and your life. Make up your mind and overcome your fears. Your positive attitude, like your “will,” is powerful medicine. Turn on your power key to success and become more dynamic. Get fired up and drive with conviction toward your dreams.

Toni Braxton encourages you to learn the signs of autism at Early diagnosis can make a lifetime of difference. © 2012 Autism Speaks Inc. “Autism Speaks” and “It’s time to listen” & design are trademarks owned by Autism Speaks Inc. All rights reserved. Courtesy of The Recording Academy.

HoW to Get Over the One You Thought Was the One by Tracy L. Scott

If you haven’t been there yourself, you know someone who has. After spending months, or even years, with the person you thought you’d one day exchange vows with, things ended. Whether it was your decision to end things—knowing it was for the best—or your former significant other who called it quits, you still look back on those days as some of the best of your life and wonder whether that person was the one who got away.


Think Positive! Magazine

Every time you pass the coffee shop where you two first met, it sends you down memory lane. It’s like nails on a chalk board whenever you hear your ex’s name. You have to keep yourself from posting an emotional Facebook comment to commemorate a would-be anniversary. What can you do to move on? Radio show host and author of “1st Class Single,” Cheryl Martin, has encountered several individuals dealing with letting go during her many speaking engagements and book signings. She offered seven tips for moving past that relationship that continues to haunt you and keeps you from moving on:

Acknowledge Your Disappointment

make a relationship work. Don’t take on what your former partner contributed to the demise of the relationship. He may have had issues. Maybe she wasn’t ready for a relationship. Maybe he’s still bruised from a previous heartache. Don’t become the martyr.

Learn From It

Rejection is a way to keep you from going down a path that was not best for you. It can be a good thing. We need closed doors that keep us from a destiny that we weren’t supposed to have. There’s a positive way to look at it. If that relationship wasn’t ended, you might have married someone who wasn’t the best candidate for you. It’s not until after it’s over that you realize he wasn’t your Barack Obama or she wasn’t Michelle. Closing that door can open a new one that leads to that ideal romance. Now you can be in a more exciting and fulfilling relationship.

We should grow as a result of every relationship and be a better person as a result of that expe-

Believe There’s Something Better Out There

You need to respect that person’s decision to move on and explore relationships with other people.

It’s OK to admit that you’re disappointed that it didn’t work out. Typically, if we’re dating someone and enjoying the experience, it’s easy for us to think about a future with the person. Acknowledge that you had expectations which weren’t met. Be honest with yourself.

Respect Your Ex’s Free Will

It takes two people to make a relationship work. It doesn’t matter if you really, really want it. The other person has a choice. You need to respect that person’s decision to move on and explore relationships with other people. It’s also important to realize that just because he or she ended it, doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you.

Know You’re Good Enough

mean it’s nasty. It’s just not my preference. The next person may like the taste. We make those decisions all the time in other aspects of our lives. Just because a man or woman didn’t choose you, doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with you. Don’t feel you have to change. However, if constructive criticism is given…

There’s a tendency to wonder, “What did I do? What is wrong with me?” There doesn’t have to be anything wrong. Maybe the key just didn’t fit. One person may like Chinese food. Another likes Tex Mex. If I don’t like Chinese, that doesn’t

rience? Why do we put all of our work experience on a resume? To say I’ve learned something from each one of these jobs. We should learn valuable tools from each relationship. There could be a kernel of truth in every criticism, and that may help in the next relationship if you’re open. We learn a lot about ourselves in a relationship. A wise person will take the criticism and ask, “Is that true? They’re looking at me through their lens. If I’m doing something to turn a person off, what can I do to adjust?” If it’s a turn off, maybe you need to do something about that. In contrast, if that person just doesn’t like your height or skin tone, you can’t do anything about that.

Don’t Take on All the Blame

We often beat ourselves up when a relationship fails, but mature people only takes responsibility for their parts. It takes two people to


When you refuse to forgive, you’re only hurting yourself and not your ex. Those feelings can turn to bitterness. Why do we take the poison and expect the other person to die? Bitterness only hurts you. He or she has gone on with life. Don’t prevent yourself from starting anew with a wonderful relationship. Martin realizes that these steps won’t immediately heal the hurt. “None of these will diminish the pain you initially feel, but that’s part of it.” The common thread with these steps is acceptance that the relationship is over and a positive outlook about its end. If there’s any good to be taken from the experience, run with that, and take it with you into your next romantic venture.


BEnefits of G lf


Think Positive! Magazine


here is absolutely no doubt that golf is sweeping the world off its feet. There are many who believe that no major social gathering is complete without a golf outing; that no major convention is complete without a golf tournament; and some major weddings must schedule prenuptial tee-off times for the bride, the groom, and their guests. Interestingly, certain NFL, NBA, and Major League Baseball stars spend almost as much time on the golf course as they do on the playing field. Some even make contract decisions based on the golf facilities of competing cities! Hollywood feels similarly about golf. Samuel L. Jackson is a huge fan, even though he only started playing at the age of forty five. There are also movie stars who state in their contracts that location sites must provide easy access to major golf courses. And then there are stars such as Johnny Mathis, who spend more time on the golf course than on their jobs. Golf is increasingly becoming less male and less white, too, in part because of networking possibilities and in part because it is a fun way to stay in shape. Experts believe that golfers that walk eighteen holes once or twice a week can improve their health dramatically. Golf is also the game of choice for a number of physicians and health care professionals. “Usually when I walk and play a round, I lose about four pounds,” says teaching pro Marvin Childress. Minorities are turning to golf not

only because the game is fun and challenging, but also because the game provides a great deal of access and networking opportunities that are not always readily available in the boardroom. The senior vice president of Nova Chemicals in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jeffrey Pina learned this the hard way when he was invited to play the game with his boss but had to turn him down since he did not know how to play. So, Pina made sure that never happened again. After a crash course, he hit the links and discovered the real world. He says, “I saw how business was conducted on golf courses. I saw how relationships and trusts were built.” He was surprised to see the level of business that is carried out on the course. “The account executives delivered all the news they needed to deliver instead of having a business meeting, and it was done in an environment that was more cordial and far more supportive, because you’re playing a game as well as conducting business.” Black women are among the most passionate supporters of the game today. Another golf plus, according to the publisher of the African-American Golfers Digest, is that the game gives you a personal edge. Given that golf is such an expensive sport to play, it can act as a major personal selling point. There is, moreover, a fraternity or sorority of golfers, and once a golfer meets a golfer – a client, CEO

or a potential date – they enjoy an instant rapport. Although corporate executives and celebrities spend relatively large amounts of money on club fees and green fees, most golfers spend relatively modest amounts playing municipal courses. Celebrity golfers like Michael Jordan are fueling the golf craze. Not only do people pay attention to what

Black women are among the most passionate supporters of the game. celebrities are doing, but they also try to incorporate the competitive spirit of the likes of Jordan. Leonard S. Coleman Jr., former president of baseball’s National League, says he enjoys golf because “it’s extremely competitive, and I relish playing the game with my friends and competitors.” And the vice president of multicultural marketing at Schieffelin & Somerset Co. says he enjoys the camaraderie of the game and the opportunity to relax in beautiful natural settings with like-minded colleagues.









ELECTION REACTIONS Barack Obama is serving his second term in the White House as the President of the United States. Millions of Americans went to the polls in November—many of whom opted to stay in lines for hours—to cast their votes. Obama and his opponent ran aggressive campaigns that seemed to polarize more than unify and that was made evident through social media. Thousands, including high-profile political figures and celebrities alike, took to Twitter and Facebook to vent frustrations, support


Think Positive! Magazine

their candidates and encourage others to vote. Though it’s months later, a lot can be learned from what Democrats and Republicans chose to share during the election season. From neutral pleas to vote, to partisan support, to reflective commentary, very few Americans kept silent. No matter the political affiliation, most Americans seemed to agree that citizens should be united in the mission to make this nation a better one. See their comments.

gaBrIelle unIon Actress

You can cling to Bitterness & Hostility & stay right where you are or you can join together in Unity & see Progress

ChrIs roCk Comedian/Actor

No jokes I’m just happy my girls get to grow up in a better world than I did.

t.J. holmes Host of BET’s “Don’t Sleep”

Please keep this point in mind: your responsibility to this country doesn't end with your vote.

mIChael steele Former GOP Chairman

GOP has got to adopt a real 50 state strategy that recognizes demographic changes.

Herman Cain 2012 GOP presidential nomination Obama won on Popularity rather than substance. I predict higher unemployment & higher taxes. People who voted for Obama have No Clue what we’re in for in terms of unemployment. No Clue.

MC Hammer Recording Artist

America is making a huge statement !!! Humanity is primary. The people need access to medical care and we Appreciate and Respect Women!!!

Al Sharpton Host of MSNBC’s “Politics Nation” Thank GOD, thank the people for a great day. Let’s move forward and finish the journey. May GOD bless our President.

Samuel L. Jackson Actor

A deep sigh of relief before celebration! Congratulations are in order for all who went out & worked & kept the faith & WOULD NOT BE DENIED!

Zoe Saldana Actress

We all spoke and our voices were heard. See?! We do have the power to make a change! We voted and as Americans we elected our president!

Jeff Johnson Political Activist

I appreciate those who are voting even as they question the system. I celebrate those whose lives are challenging, but know their vote makes a difference and they can’t sit this one out.

Condoleeza Rice Former U.S. Secretary of State

We are one country, united in our beliefs and our values. Let us pray for wisdom and courage for our President.

JAnelle Monae Recording Artist

Now that President Obama has been re-elected I’m sure he will be working hard to finish out his plan for this country, BUT what will we do? Stay united, work togethe; take care of each other, compassion. Oppress hate, accept others, speak out of love, forgive, be honest, evolve.

Stacey Dash Actress

Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan. You fought the Good Fight and I am proud!


Falling for a Friend Is Nothing Out of the Ordinary 50

Think Positive! Magazine


riends usually spend a lot of time together, have common interests and enjoy one another’s company. Unfortunately, when there’s a bit of attraction thrown into the mix, this familiarity can be mistaken for something more. Kindness and friendly affection can easily be confused with feelings of love, especially when one or both parties lack a significant other. Gestures that could easily mean nothing are misconstrued as something more. A lot of people get mixed signals from friendships with those they find attractive. Situations like these are normal, and it is up to the individual to figure out how he or she will handle it. Psychologist and life coach, Dr. Monica Greene, suggests that those who suddenly find themselves in a “Brown Sugar” scenario, a la Taye Diggs and Sanaa Lathan, should bite the bullet and broach the topic with that object of affection. “If you’re definitely interested in your best friend, then you need to make that known. You need to have a conversation with your friend and also have a conversation with yourself,” she said. According to Dr. Greene, that self-evaluation is a must to ensure that those newfound feelings are genuine and not just infatuation. “Is this real love? Am I in love with you because you have all these qualities of someone who I’d like to spend the rest of my life with? Sit

down with your friend and have that conversation,” advised Dr. Greene who acknowledged that it might not result in happily ever after. “Do I lose this person because of those feelings? That’s something that’s real,” said Dr. Greene, validating the concern. You could be risking your friendship by revealing your true feelings, but that all depends on how you handle the situation. That varies with each instance, but what shouldn’t, is that honest discourse. Whether you’re the one who’s caught feelings or the one thrown by another’s changing emotions, keep it real. “If people are friends, they can be honest, even if that means saying, ‘I love you and I’m not interested,’” Dr. Greene said. Getting back into the friendship after a public declaration of affection could possibly strain the relationship. In many cases, both parties start to feel awkward in each other’s company. One feels guilty for expressing those emotions while the other feels guilty for being unable to return the affection. “Things are going to be awkward until you live through them,” she said. “Either you continue to feel the way you feel and leave the relationship or make a different decision and continue to be just friends.” Of course suffering in silence isn’t the only outcome when putting your friendship on the line in hopes of something more. “If you and your friend are on the same page, that’s wonderful.”

If you’re definitely interested in your best friend, then you need to make that known.


thIs Is Your year to master success 52

Think Positive! Magazine

As the clock chimed midnight on the eve of 2007, I truly felt like doing a happy dance. Not just doing a happy dance, but doing it buck-naked, outside, in the cold, in the dark for all the neighbors to see if they happened to be out at that hour of the night. Although I did manage to contain myself from doing the buck-naked happy dance, I couldn’t contain my joy about entering into this new year. I heard a lot of people talk about what they wanted to do in 2006, I heard a lot of dreams about what life could look like one day, and most of all, I witnessed much preparation to the launching of some major vision work. That is all wonderful and if that excites you, you should join me in doing the 2007 happy dance because this year is all about completion. While 2006 was the year of positioning and execution, this is the year of fulfillment. No more talking, no more dreaming—this is the year of manifestation! This is the year you write that book, create that product, launch that business, write that screenplay or do whatever it is you are longing to bring forth. This is the year you begin to experience your vision. The last few years have been about preparation and readying your-

self for what is to come. Well, put on your seat-belt—it’s HERE. Your time is now. 2007 is truly the year to THRIVE! While changing your habits to those that will fully support the success you desire is ongoing, there are several things you can do to continue moving to new levels the bring forth your completion this year. As you begin thriving, remember to incorporate the following steps into your daily routine:


Remember to pray and surrender to God daily (it is all too easy to get wrapped up in all that is going on in the world). Your prayer is the critical component to move you into fearlessness.


Become a master of time and energy management so you can enjoy the magic of completion. Commit to taking action everyday toward living your purpose and vision. No more excuses. You do have time to complete this important and life-changing work God has planted in you to bring forth.


Balance, balance, balance. Take some time every week to unwind and play a bit (this is going to be a tough one for me!). It’s easy to

be so enthralled in your vision work, that you forget to just “hang-out.”


Focus. As your work gets out in the world, more people ask for time on your calendar. Remain focused so you don’t lose the momentum you have worked to create.


Remember that God is the source of your success and there is no such thing as working hard enough in a lifetime to achieve what God can give you in an instant (words from Thomas L. Pauley and Penelope J. Pauley’s book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams). This book reminded me that no matter how diligently I work, I cannot even come close to how God can bless me. I highly recommend this book—it really helped me to internalize this truth. Most of all, be grateful for all that you are and all that God has done, is doing and will do in your life. Open your heart and get the work that is trying to come through you out in the world in a bold, powerful way. I promise— you won’t regret it!



Think Positive! Magazine

forget your goals and vIsIons, or not havIng them at all.

What do you want to achieve in your business, in the short and long term? What do you visualize enjoying after you have achieved these goals - financial security, better life styles, a new home or car, a holiday? Set specific goals and the activities you will need to undertake in order to achieve these goals. If you do not set down specific goals, or if you forget about them during your journey towards success, then you are sabotaging your success.

lose confIdence In yourself.

You have the goals, but most importantly you will need the confidence that you can do it!

lacK of Knowledge or stop learnIng.

You do not need to physically go back to college to learn. There are now various channels through which you can learn. Often, what you need to succeed personally or financially is not learnt in a university degree! Search for personal and financial development training programs, and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools you will need to become successful. Successful people never stop learning; in fact they tend to have an insatiable desire for knowledge. Search the internet, find the best learning programs, read books - just learn, learn and learn. Invest a little in educating yourself as this will help you achieve your goals.

thInK that you can become successful wIthout any Investment.

This is a common reason why people fail to become successful. Everyone wants something for nothing! Well, if it is something that will make you a millionaire, then you must be prepared to investment some money and effort into it. No genuine long term business can thrive without initial capital outlay and consistent

investment, whether they are an onor off-line business. There are some genuine businesses which you can start and run with minimal capital outlay, but they do still need some money to grow them. Being cheap is not recommended, and it will not get you anywhere near your goals of becoming wealthy and successful.

fear of faIlure.

This is the toxic failing that keeps a lot of people away from their dreams of becoming successful. I like the quote which says “Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure”. If you face a temporary setback on your quest towards success; learn from it, pick yourself up and soldier on towards your dreams. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success”.


Yet another nasty one! Taking action TODAY is the foundational key to all success. By procrastinating, you are missing chances to be the best you can be; to make money, and to be successful. Get rid of all the bad habits that waste your time, break down your tasks to small manageable bits, visualize the end result of your project - do all that you can to fight this deadly habit that can keep you away from your goals.

lacK of focus.

You can have clearly laid out goals on the success you want to achieve, but if you do not have focus, you will soon sabotage your success. There are a lot of ‘business opportunities’ that will arrive in your inbox daily - most of which are scams, no matter how genuine and promising they sound. When you are starting your online business, you can also easily become overloaded with information. Well, in some cases the information overload can simply stop you from taking any action! The trick is to be focused. Have a list of your things to do

everyday. Everyday, do something towards building your business.

be easIly dIscouraged.

This is a common one. Your family or friends may not believe that you will succeed. Do not let this discourage you. It is recommended that you have a good network of positive people who can support and encourage you as you work towards your success. People will say discouraging words, discouraging things will happen around you; but it is only you who can let that get to your mind and affect you.

dIslIKe constant change.

In order to be successful, you must be constantly improving yourself, your business, and your products. If have an online business - this is even more important since the internet is very dynamic. Stay on top of recent developments and be constantly learning new ways of running and growing your business.

lacK of dedIcatIon.

This is the vital one. If you want something badly enough, it will be yours. A lot of people fail because they do not have the necessary desire to become successful. In conclusion, I will share with you these quotes on success: “Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire”. “What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose”. “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him”. “Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success”. Go get it, and be successful!


H ig h e r G ro un d

rICh people: what goD thInks What does God think of rich people? I know what a lot of people say about rich people. You’ve probably heard phrases like, “Filthy rich”, “Stinking rich”, “Lousy rich people”, etc. It seems that there is an underlying belief that to be rich is wrong and yet most people wouldn’t mind at all if their bank account balance had an extra zero or two or three at the end of it! There are a lot of people who assume that those who are rich got their wealth dishonestly, or, never had to work for it. Some see the rich as snobs who look down on the rest of the world. How rare it is to find someone who is actually glad that someone else has tremendous wealth! Most think that rich people don’t deserve to be rich and that it is wrong be rich. It’s just not fair for them to have all that money! There are some religious people who actu-


Think Positive! Magazine

ally think that being rich is not right in the sight of God. But what does the Bible say? It does not say that money is the root of all evil; it says that the love of money is the root of all evil. You can have a dollar and love it, and you can have a million dollars and not love a dime of it. There are a number of great people mentioned in the Bible who were rich, very rich. Job was the greatest man in the East. He lost everything and God restored double back to him! God did that for Job – gave him double! Abraham in the Bible is called the friend of God and the father of all them that believe and he was very rich in cattle, silver and gold. How about David? Solomon? The list goes on and on. When Jesus died, it was Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man, who took care of the burial. He had the

means to do what he did. Now I know that there are some who would argue that those mentioned above were special people with special reasons as to why they had riches and that they were just the exception. But if that is true why is there promise after promise of prosperity in the Bible? And please don’t fall for that fatalistic idea that some are “just meant to prosper and others are not.” Again, if that were true why are there so many promises of prosperity all over the Bible? There is nothing in the Scriptures to even remotely suggest that God would have some to be rich, some to be poor, and the rest to be in the middle. Not too long ago, “The Prayer of Jabez” was very popular. All the items that were associated with it were basically from I Chronicles 4:10. If you read that verse you’ll find that Jabez simply asked God to bless him, to enlarge his coast, to be with him, and, keep him from evil. And God granted him what he requested! God didn’t say what most people would have said, “Oh Jabez, you are getting greedy, just be satisfied with what you have!” No. God gave him what he requested! Now I know that there are a lot of Scriptures related to this topic to consider, and that a few might at first glance appear to be in opposition to prosperity and wealth. But those few cannot be magnified above the numerous obvious verses that show God’s desire for His people to be successful and prosper. There is a verse that plainly states that God wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health! Prosperity and wealth can be obtained honestly or dishonesty – ethically or unethically. But far too many are so quick to judge when they see someone with prosperity and wealth. It is really sad because there are a lot of wonderful successful Christians who are being unfairly judged and condemned because of the blessings they have received from God. They work hard, apply principles, expect God’s blessings, and receive abundantly. Prosperity is a blessing from God available to all. So what does God think of rich people? Is God displeased with the wealthy? Does He want everyone to be poor? God desires above all things for all His children, to prosper and to be in health.

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