Oasis International School

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

About NICS
Network of International Christian Schools (NICS) is a worldwide network of schools staffed by qualified Christian educators. Founded in 1983, our mission is to instill in each student a biblical worldview while delivering academic excellence to students from all cultures and religions.
Our purpose? Reaching the world for Christ through international Christian education.
NICS currently serves more than 5,000 students representing 130+ nations.

12 Countries
14 K-12 Schools

5,000+ Students 130+ Nations Represented
1,100+ Teachers & Support Staff
About Oasis International School
Our organization’s most recent school start-up is the Oasis International School, launched in 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2018 Current Launched in Projected by 2033 located in
298 Students
537 Students Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Oasis is a really tight community. Everyone knows each other, and everyone will support each other. Teachers here actually challenge you to do better—and not only will they challenge you, but they’ll work to get to that goal with you.
– Lydia A., 10th-grade Oasis International School studentDeveloped in partnership with IJM Corp., the school’s 12acre campus sits on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur in IJM Rimbayu— a mixed development of residential, commercial, recreational and parkland components.
Oasis International School serves as an anchor tenant for IJM Rimbayu, which covers nearly 2,000 acres and boasts a gross development value of $2.3 billion.

the situation
Oasis International School is currently leasing its campus from IJM and has reached an urgent financial inflection point within the lease structure.
NICS has identified the following two courses of action:
Option 1 (desired outcome):
Purchase the school campus from IJM.
Option 2 (alternative outcome):
Close the school within the next 24 months.

The opportunity
NICS is on a mission to raise $25 MILLION to secure the future of the Oasis International School.

13.8% uptick in international students since 2018

Malaysia is an optimal NICS location due to both missional alignment and market growth—including a 13.8% uptick in international students over the past five years.
Oasis International School is extremely well positioned within the competitive market thanks to these distinctions:
State-of-theart campus in a highly desirable location
Competitive tuition fees, approximately 13.5% below market average
Curriculum differentiation, including U.S.based Advanced Placement (AP) courses
Significant concentration of highly qualified expatriate teachers
It’s amazing here. The people are friendly, and I fit in immediately because everyone just welcomes you in.
– Ellie T., 6th-grade Oasis International School student
We know that in order for students to be prepared for learning, they need to feel both socially and physically safe , and they need to be healthy. So we take very seriously our afterschool activities, our physical education and those extra programs that really contribute to the whole child.
– Dr. Jessica Hale Middle & High School principalSustained impact of your investment
The bulk of capital raised will facilitate the purchase of the school’s entire campus, eliminating the escalating lease with IJM.
Purchasing the campus will immediately help Oasis International School become financially self-sustaining, securing the promise of Christian education in Kuala Lumpur for future generations.

11.6% growth in annual tuition fee income since 2018
Capital funding will also help “seed” a revolving loan fund for future organizational NEEDS, directly supporting the growth and development of the entire NICS organization.
The school’s repayment of $25 million to the revolving loan fund will be used to finance future NICS growth opportunities across the globe.

Projected return on investment
Return on capital* (ROC) is estimated at 8%, and the simple payback of $25 million is 14 years.
• Average enrollment growth of 12% for the first three years
• Subsequent annual average growth rate of 5% as several school grades near capacity
• Annual tuition increases of between 4.4 and 5.9%, in keeping with market data
The three things we focus on in our mission at Oasis are character, leadership and innovation. We’re looking at, what do our students leave with? They have to leave with a sense of obligation to the world.
– Ben Hale Head of Oasis International School
As a recognized 501c3 organization, NICS has tax-exempt status. There are four ways to financially support our mission.
If you would like to write a check, please make it out to Network of International Christian Schools, with “OIS Capital Fund” in the “For” line. Please mail the check to:
Network of International Christian Schools 3790 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS 38672 USA
A tax-deductible receipt will be issued. Please call +1.662.892.4300 if you have any questions.
We have established “The NICS Fund” (#4834589) with the National Christian Foundation to help facilitate DAF gifts.
Credit Card
If you are interested in giving via credit or debit card, please use our online giving portal. Through this site, you can make a one-time or recurring donation.
Unique Gifts
Some donors prefer to give stock shares, real estate, vehicles and other non-cash charitable donations to help further the NICS mission. If you’re interested in giving a unique gift, please send an email to president@nics.org.
Thank you for considering donating to NICS. Your donation will make an immediate impact today and ultimately will change lives for eternity.
Thank you for your support and consideration

Capital Campaign
Oasis International School
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia