Whitney “Empowerella” Hale Levitates projects and spirits
Crunches numbers with her bare Hands
Andrea “The Exactress” Acton Tends to the smallest of details
David “The Chameleon” Hardin Morphs effortlessly from style to style
Tate “The Bolt” Lindow Teleports clients through brainstorms
Jason “The Blaze” McFarland Illuminates brands and messages
Spins colors into graphic gold
Sparks creativity and incites action
Maggie “Guardian of Grammar” Lee
Spots typos from miles away
Sara “Chaotica” McLeod Manipulates gravity to keep all plates spinning
Jourdan “Momentum” Lees Energizes projects under his command
Ashleigh “Vektor” Hamaguchi Leaps complex graphics in a single bound
Erica “Quillkeeper” Stuart
Bends words to her will