Srividys Sadhana – A Life Changing Journey by Sri Kumar (India)

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Srividys Sadhana – A Life Changing Journey by Sri Kumar (India) It was September 2014 that I finally decided to take Srividya sadhana deeksha after visiting the website again and again for many months. I had been chanting the Lalitha sahasranama and Lalitha trishati intensely for 12 years prior. I had read scores of inspiring books on spirituality. I had turned into a seeker but, was undecided on what path to take for many years. However, all of a sudden one day I woke up with a profound desire to get initiated into Srividya. It was a very spontaneous desire. I decided Srividya is going to be the path for me. However, I‟d heard how difficult it is to find a guru who would be willing to give a deeksha into the esoteric Srividya. I‟d heard how secretive and mysterious Srividya was. I‟d heard how Srividay was not meant for all and sundry. But in stark contrast here was a website that claimed to give Srividya deeksha to anybody who desired for it. The website also said the next deeksha would be at a hotel in Bangalore during the Navaratri of 2014. I wanted to enroll but the intellect in me was skeptical. I thought and thought for many weeks before reason gave-in and I finally decided to enroll. What a terrible mistake it would have been if I‟d listened to my intellect. What an extraordinary event it has been to have met my guruji in Sri Sivapremanandaji. The 7 leveled deeksha was a life-turning event. The energies and peace and connection with the divine mother I felt during deeksha was an indescribable experience. I cannot thank guruji enough for initiating me. I feel blessed by the divine mother that she‟s allowed me to perform my Srividya sadhana without a break for 18 months now. I have had ups and downs in life, I have travelled to many places and have had all the regular problems like everybody around but none of this has affected my Sadhana. A day without Sadhana is simply unthinkable. Each day has been a joy. The deeksha shattered so many myths and conditioning we are subjected to about issues such as sanctity etc. The 1st day of the deeksha was held in restaurant that was temporarily and hurriedly arranged because the original venue was water logged due to heavy rains the previous day. But that didn‟t take away any sanctity, it did‟nt stop the divine energy flow, it didn‟t stop the deep meditative states I went into on that day. A public restaurant turned into a Srividya deeksha venue didn‟t restrict the flow of divinity in any way and I say this out of deep experience of energies on that day. Mother Kundalini who was awakened inside me during deeksha has been so generous to me over the last 18 months. Not a day has she stopped her play inside me. The experience is turning more intense over time. She rises up in waves of bliss every single day. I‟m completely immersed in her waves daily during sadhana. What a joy!!! I feel all the 7 chakras the instant I bring my awareness towards any one of them. Regular relentless sadhana with a deep love for the Mother divine is definitely bringing about palpable spiritual progress, aided in building a deep connection with myself, reduced general anxieties of my modern life. I‟m able to live so much more in the present than before, I feel so much more self-aware than before, Relationships have taken new meaning. Each waking day feels more and more purposeful. I pray with all profound intent to see my divine mother and realize my „self‟ in this very lifetime. Last but not the least, they say – a guru is not someone who simply dwells in dogmas but, a guru is someone who can give you an “experience”. Dearest Guruji Sri sivapremanandaji most definitely gave me that “experience” and gave with love.


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