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Essential Oils 101

What are

essential oils?

If you aren't familiar with essen3al oils, you might be wondering what in the world ARE THEY!? You've probably heard your friends talk about them, so let's break it down!Essen3al oils are the aroma3c, vola3le liquids dis3lled from plants. The oil can be obtained from the roots, seeds, shrub, flowers, leaves and trees and bring health and healing to the body. The chemistry is extremely complex and may consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds. EO's were mankind's first medicine and are in fact men3oned throughout Scripture. The oils are very complex and very powerful which is why they are able to reach every part of our bodies on a cellular level. The fragrance of the oils work on the limbic system in the brain where emo3ons are stored and can help relax and clear the mind as well as release emo3onal trauma. They can have profound physiological and psychological effects which you heard a bit about in our intros. The EO's from Young Living are all therapeu3c grade oils that can be diffused, applied topically or ingested. An all natural way to help out with different ailments you are experiencing.

How do I use them? There are 3 primary ways to use essen3al oils: Aroma3cally, Topically, and Internally.⠀


⠀ Aroma3cally: Inhaling essen3al oils heighten the senses and can trigger numerous healing responses in the body. Follow these guidelines when using essen3al oils for inhala3on:⠀ -Inhale directly, simply smell them. ⠀ -Diffuse the oils using a diffuser, which disperses the oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air. The diffuser will not heat the oils, thus ensuring full benefits, as extreme heat can damage important cons3tuents in the oil!⠀ *If diffusing in a liSle one’s room (under 2), we recommend keeping the door open if you plan on diffusing for long periods of 3me. You can also diffuse for short periods of 3me (un3l they fall asleep).⠀

How do I use them? There are 3 primary ways to use essen3al oils: Aroma3cally, Topically, and Internally.⠀


⠀ Topically: Since your skin is the largest organ of your body, applying directly to the skin is a great way to use the oils. Topical applica3on can offer an enjoyable relaxing and healing experience.⠀ -Great areas to apply essen3al oils are on the temples, forehead, wrists, behind ears, back of the neck, the stomach for diges3ve issues, and the feet. If you have pain, apply directly to the area of concern. When you feel a cough coming on, apply on your chest. Obviously, don’t apply to all of those places at one 3me, usually 1-4 drops on one area will do the trick.⠀

How do I use them? There are 3 primary ways to use essen3al oils: Aroma3cally, Topically, and Internally.⠀


⠀ Internally: Research indicates that some oils are more effec3ve when taken orally, but only pure essen3al oils, proven safe and labeled as dietary supplements should be used internally. Here are some ways to ingest your essen3al oils:⠀ -Put several drops of oil into an empty vegetable capsule and swallow with water.⠀ -You can put the essen3al oils in your water. Lemon and Citrus oils are a delicious way to enjoy your water with huge health benefits. You need to always use a GLASS cup or water boSle with doing this.

Safety tips Safety is important when it comes to using essen3al oils. It's easy to get overwhelmed with all of the informa3on available, but using common sense and star3ng gradually will help ease any sort of in3mida3on you might feel as you begin using essen3al oils in your everyday life. on yourself and your family. Due to the fact that Young Living’s purity and grade of oils is so high, they should be used with knowledge and respect.⠀ ⠀ Here’s a few of their sugges3ons… 1.When storing essen3al oils (EOs), it's important to keep them in a cool, dark place with lids 3ghtly closed (and always out of reach of children). You'll also want to keep carrier oils (like coconut, olive, vitamin e, sweet almond oil, etc.) on hand for dilu3on. Always use and store EOs in glass containers, especially when drinking them in water, since most plas3c products contain chemicals that can be broken down by the oil. ⠀ 2. Citrus oils are photosensi3ve and when applied to skin, they may cause a rash or dark pigmenta3on on skin exposed to UV rays or direct sunlight within 1-2 days aber applica3on. ⠀

Safety tips ⠀ 3. Keep EOs away from eyes and never put them directly into the ears. Should irrita3on or accidental contact with eyes occur, never use water to clear the EO (they are not water-soluble). Instead use a V6 vegetable oil complex or other carrier oil (such as coconut oil or sweet almond oil) to cleanse the area and reduce discomfort. ⠀ 4. Epilep3cs and people with high blood pressure should use extra cau3on when using EOs with high ketones like basil, rosemary, sage, or tansy. 5. For people with allergies or sensi3ve skin, it's best to test a small area (like the inside of the upper arm) then wait 30 minutes before applying to other areas. In general, the boSoms of the feet are safe for topical applica3on.⠀ 6. Young Living states right on the boSles if an oil is able to be consumed as a food addi3ve. DO NOT use any Essen3al Oil internally that is not specifically indicated for that purpose.

Why why Young Living? We care about what we’re puhng IN our bodies so shouldn’t we care just as much about what we’re puhng ON our bodies? Young Living owns their own farms to grow their own plants all over the world. Most of the other oil companies buy from farmers. Young Living dis3lls 100% of their own oils. That means YL can stand by their quality from beginning to end. They call it the “seed to seal” guarantee, which means a lot if I am going to be puhng them on my body and my kiddos someday. They can say with a 100% guarantee that they know what is in those precious liSle boSles and that they are 100% pure. From the 3me the seed is sourced un3l the oil is sealed in the boSle, they apply the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving essen3al oils exactly the way nature intended. YL has been around for over 20 years and they are clearly the leader in the industry. So they have had the opportunity to learn from mistakes or change what isn’t working.⠀

Why why Young Living? YL is more expensive compared to other brands and oils you can purchase at Whole Foods or on Amazon. Aromatherapy has become quite a fad, and an ever-growing number of marketers, seeing its money-making poten3al, have jumped on the essen3al oil bandwagon, looking for an easy way to make a lot of money. They’re finding innova3ve ways to sell anything they can call aromatherapy. mostly, what you find are cheap imita3ons: some sort of oil base to which they’ve added synthe3c chemicals to create a fragrance. There are at least 200 different companies marke3ng essen3al oils in North America. However, there are many grades of essen3al oils, and most essen3al oils available in the United States are of the lowest grade and quality. Only when using a Young Living 100% pure-therapeu3c-grade oil will you see significant benefits. :) Try just one drop of peppermint on the back of your neck if you ever have a nagging headache - this was what made me a believer in oils! It worked incredibly well!

Where do I


The Premium Starter Kit I always tell friends, the Premium Starter Kit is the BEST way to get started hands down! ⠀ It includes a gorgeous diffuser, which uses ultrasonic technology to disperse millions of 3ny essen3al oil par3cles into the air and benefits us GREATLY. It's about so much more than smelling good. It also includes a booklet about Young Living, a Resource Guide, info about Seed-to-Seal, sample packets of a few essen3al oils to share with friends, samples of Ningxia Red (delicious and SO nutri3ous) and the best part….. 11 ESSENTIAL OILS! We will go in depth as to what each oil is good for & how we actually use them in a few minutes!⠀ It is hands down the best value and best way to get going with oils. We couldn't love it any more than we do! We would absolutely love for you to join us on this “Oily Adventure!” When you purchase the premium starter kit, you automa3cally become a Young Living member & will then receive their 24% off, wholesale discount on future orders! In addi3on to that, you will have the support of other amazing oilers through some super helpful & fun Facebook groups. Our tribe is one of the fastest growing in Young Living AND it truly such a sweet community to be apart of! ⠀

Do I have to


⠀ One of the most common ques3ons we get when deba3ng on whether or not to grab your premium starter kit is, if I sign up, do I have to sell? And the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT! BUT if you DO decide you want to get oils into your friends' and family's' homes, we are here as your cheerleaders and will guide you in every step of the way!⠀ ⠀ NOW Let’s break the main oils down!

copaiba Copaiba

This beauty enhances anything it's added to, which makes it a "driving oil." It helps our bodies do their thing when it comes to injury or irrita3on. It aids in easing common diges3ve discomforts when taken internally...oh, sweet relief! ⠀ It helps the body regulate its natural immune responses. Always a good thing. And, well, it's the main ingredient in Stress Away, so obvi it can be really soothing.⠀(Mommas with babes, you're going to want this one for teething!) Aaaaand it promotes a youthful appearance from the inside out! Yes please!⠀ I personally love using Copaiba as my deodorant. I add a roller top to it (one will come in your Premium Starter Kit) and just roll it on my armpit! That's it!!! This is REALLY nice when you are out and about and need a quick save before you get real s3nky! Copaiba for the win!


Let's break it down! Up first is Lavender! Oben referred to as the "swiss army knife" of oils. It has an incredibly soothing aroma, so we use it almost nightly for winding down and relaxing before bed3me. ⠀ We diffuse it to create a calming and comfor3ng atmosphere whenever we need it.⠀ I recommend adding it to your favorite hair, body and beauty products for some longer lashes, beSer hair, all sorts of preSy results.⠀ Lavender has many cons3tuents that contribute to a vast range of uses. I encourage you to keep searching online for all that it can do. You won't be disappointed!

Panaway panaway

For when you have so much pan that you want to go away. ;)⠀ This one is my friend aber a long day of chasing liSle ones at preschool or aber a tough workout! It's designed to relieve occasional muscle soreness and tension. It helps to counter stressed nerves, which I personally could use oben. ;) In this blend, there are Peppermint and Wintergreen essen3al oils which soothe sore joints and ligaments aber exercise. Add it to massage oil for use with occasional tension..heyyyy-o! It's perfect for localized soreness aber libing small children all day, gardening, shopping, working out, or really any kind of physical ac3vity. Good good stu!


Seriously can we talk about DiGize for a minute?? We're going to. It's amazing. It supports a healthy diges3ve system! It helps alleviate nausea & upset/sour stomach (which, if you know me and my food intolerances, you know that I will not go ANYWHERE without DiGize in tow. ;) ) It supports a healthy immune system, and it's useful for occasional irregularity or cons3pa3on. It can totally oer relief from occasional heartburn, and for those of you who love food as much as I do, I love how it alleviates fullness, bloa3ng and occasional gas from overea3ng. Tummy, meet your best friend


Lemon. One of the happiest of happy oils.⠀ Fun fact! It takes 75 lemons to make one 15ml boSle. Crazy huh?⠀Just another example of the quality of YL's oils! Lemon invigorates the mind and body by suppor3ng the nervous system, it cleans your bodily systems, supports proper nasal func3on, and supports healthy respiratory func3on. Basically, it wins for best suppor3ng role in your body's film.⠀ We use Lemon Vitality to flavor and enhance water, and it's a perfect replacement for lemon juice or seasoning to flavor seafood, vegetables, beverages or desserts. ⠀ Lemon contains the powerful cons3tuent limonene which I highly recommend you Google real quick!

purification Purification

Oh, Purifica3on. You make my nostrils happy when smells are just not okay. It neutralizes odors in the air and purifies/ cleanses the air of stubborn or lingering smells. It has an uplibing & invigora3ng aroma, and is the perfect choice for zapping blemishes! Put a few drops in shoes to remove the stench. You can thank me later. Add to a coSon ball and put in the vents of your car to help freshen stale air. And really, just use it as part of your daily facial cleansing regimen. Because our skin could always use some purifica3on! I love how versa3le these oils are!

frankincense It was given to baby Jesus as a gib, so you know it's good. :) Fun fact: Young Living is the ONLY company allowed to farm and harvest frankincense in Oman. They have a fantas3c rela3onship with the country/locals and have earned their place there, so proud! Anyway. Frank supports healthy skin (my face adores it), promotes feelings of calm and balance, and increases spiritual awareness. Frank may help smooth the appearance of healthy-looking, aging skin. Rubbing on the boSoms of your feet can help alleviate nervous energy. Aaaaand we love to add it to our daily skin care regimen as an excellent moisturizer!

Stress away

The name says it all. Roll it onto your wrists, your neck, your chest, your feet, your whole life. ;) Diffuse it to promote a calm environment. For those kiddos who just seem to have more stress in their liSle hearts, this one is beloved. It helps to reduce nervous tension and induce relaxa3on. I love to diffuse it with peppermint (It smells AMAZING and promotes a relaxing atmosphere for gehng things done!) It supports the nervous system when exposed to occasional stress...and it's invigora3ng and refreshing. It also helps to reduce stressors at night so that normal sleep paSerns can be maintained. (Try diffusing with Lavender to unwind!) Stress Away, I love you.


Arguably one of my favorite oils of ALL of them. Here's a whole LIST of what it can do:⠀ Supports gastrointes3nal system comfort⠀ Promotes healthy bowel func3on⠀ Supports proper diges3ve func3on⠀ Natural breath freshener⠀ Helps promote focus and clarity by suppor3ng a healthy nervous system⠀ Helps with occasional cons3pa3on⠀ Helps with occasional gas⠀ Helps relieve minor aches and pains associated with daily life when taken internally⠀ Helps alleviate nausea⠀ Encourages proper respiratory func3on⠀ Supports proper joint and car3lage func3on⠀ Provides nervous system support during 3mes of stress⠀ Suppresses appe3te⠀ Relief of occasional heartburn⠀ Today alone I used Peppermint Vitality for some upset tummy issues, and Peppermint in my diffuser + Lemon for some help with focusing! Diffuse it with Stress Away for a home that smells like a candy cane! ⠀

Thieves thieves

Thieves is preSy much the best for suppor3ng healthy immune func3on, which makes me a huge fan. ESPECIALLY when I spend my days with 35 liSle ones. ;) I roll it on my feet every night to keep my immune system boosted! It complements daily wellness regimens and helps maintain a healthy respiratory system. Thieves helps freshen stale air when diused, and it has a fantas3c Fall/Winter smell. (I LOVE diusing it with Lemon or Orange) Use a drop or two in a spray boSle with water for like a charm! Fun story: the name "Thieves" is inspired by four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aroma3c combina3on composed of clove, rosemary & other botanicals they used while robbing the dead and dying during the Plague. In exchange for lesser punishment, the judges asked for the recipe that kept their immune systems working as they should. So neat!

r.c. R.c. Every home needs this in their arsenal. Rub it on your feet or chest before exercise to uplib and inspire. Massage 3 drops on your feet before bed3me to encourage an atmosphere of comfort. Diuse it to create a comfor3ng aroma. RC contains three dierent types of Eucalyptus (E. globulus, E. radiata, and E. citriodora), all of which are high in the naturally occurring cons3tuent eucalyptus. Something that is needed for Respiratory Comfort, especially in the winter, and another one I encourage you to Google real quick!!!

choices Diffuser Choices The Dew Drop: Included in base price of starter kit, Simple Elegant design, Runs for up to 4 hours. The Home: Also included in base price of starter kit, has a unique 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off feature, can run for up to 3 hours con3nuously. The Rainstone: Each rainstone is hand crabed with rare purple clay – so neat! The rain stone runs for up to 8 HOURS con3nuously!!! It also includes 5 LED light sehngs. The Aria - This gorgeous diffuser includes a remote, built in soothing sounds and mul3color LED light sehngs.



Something oben 3mes people don't realize when purchasing Young Living oils for the first 3me, is when you do so you are joining a "team". Heck, I didn't even realize the importance of this when I signed up! A community. Doing your research on who you are grabbing your kit from is SO very important! Even if you do not join our liSle team, I encourage you to find a good support system!!⠀ Let me tell you about my sweet team! We are a part of a team called The Happy Oilers. ⠀ We are a team, a community, a tribe, a village, a good old group of people using and falling more in love with oils everyday. As leaders, we seek Jesus but we invite and include everybody regardless of their belief! We pursue health, but we love a good pizza and we especially love people who love good pizzas too. ;) We use essen3al oils for EVERYTHING, but we are totally a fan of those who just want to give oils a 3ny chance. We work our tails off but we encourage breaks and rest. We travel and adventure a LOT, but we love being home doing nothing with our families. We break all kinds of records in our businesses and we work really hard, but we also take nights off just to have Dubsmash-offs and make helium-voice videos for each other.⠀J



We have a private Facebook groups (big and small!) where ques3ons and searches can be made at any minute! We have TONS of amazing videos and resources that help you feel a liSle less overwhelmed when you first start your oily journey.⠀One of my FAVORITE parts of this team! We are a group of like minded friends, wives, mommas, business women, crea3ves, encouragers, dream chasers, hard workers, knowledge sharers, adventure lovers, and fun havers. It's something really truly special that a lot of people don't get to experience! I am SO blessed to be on the team that I am on! SO thankful for each and every person on my team, and so thankful for the amazing leaders who have set us all up for success on our individual journeys to wellness!!⠀We would LOVE to have you in our community. :) It's so dang fun!!

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