Dungeons & Dragons and Gen Z - What This Game Can Teach Brands About Their Audience

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hello@thisisselfhood.com Dungeons & Dragons and Gen Z - What This Game Can Teach Brands About Their Audience

Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game first conceived by Wizards of the Coast in the seventies. The game was shrouded in obscurity during the first editions. Media often looks back on its early adopters at those on the fringes of society. Nowadays, however, DnD has succeeded in entering mainstream media like never before. In 2020, Dungeons and Dragons saw a sales jump of 33%. Wizards of the Coast is launching new video games, and there's even a trailer for a DnD movie to be released in 2023. The recent success of the tabletop roleplaying game can be attributed to a few factors. First, the popular Netflix show “Stranger Things” revived the nostalgia for the games played in groups of two to six around a table in the comfort of one's home. Since the show aired, searches into DnD have risen by 600%.


Dungeons and Dragons became all the more popular during the year of the Pandemic. Old players stuck in lockdown used this opportunity to assemble friends around the table - whether physical or virtual - once more. However, youth insights have long dictated that Gen Z is looking for more ways to connect meaningfully with their favourite brands and friends.

Roleplaying games support this desire entirely, as it’s a way to bring people together, often via live video or in person. The game represents a social experience often lacking in the digital age and creates fictional memories for the players. Brands should take inspiration from this, as creating meaningful and memorable experiences in their stores and online interactions remain one of the best ways to market to young audiences.


Gen Z is Looking for a Connection

Wizards of the Coast is an excellent example of how looking at youth trends and listening to Youth insights can boost sales and engagement. The brand has made a special effort to be more accessible to a broader range of players. They have done this by keeping pace with modern technology, offering resources that make character sheets, instructions and handbooks more readily available.

A Brand That Listens To Its Audience

Gen Z feels they had a hand in shaping the game's future and are throwing old stereotypes about roleplaying games out of the window. Instead, the activity celebrates unique experiences, social connection, inclusivity and escapism. Brands can learn from these values what Gen Z is looking for to have a good time.


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