hello@thisisselfhood.com How Can You Turn Qualitative Research Into Insights?

Qualitative researchis an essential element of understanding your audience. you want to catch next gen trends early, the trick is to get your customer’s input before developing your next Theseproduct.early thoughts are often disorganised and might extend to topics that are less useful to you. How do you take qualitative research data and turn it into actionable insights for your next campaign, product design or rebrand? In this article, we’llwalk you through the essential steps.

Understanding Affinity Diagramming Affinity diagrammingis a complex term for a relatively simple process. There are four steps to converting qualitative user research into something your team leaders, shareholders and partners could easily digest: Extract and summarise data Find patterns across participants Create insights Organise insights into a presentable format hello@thisisselfhood.com


Step 1: Extracting and Summarising Data
Your qualitative research might consist of many lines of text, voice recordings, interviews, video footage and more. The first step to turning this into insights is to sit down and identify critical information in these materials. Next, write down any sentiments that stand out from the conversation and summarise the data presented on sticky notes. Use one note for eachtakeaway - this way, they can be grouped and organised easily later.
Step 2: Find Patterns Next, look at all theshort sentiments you noted and group similar information together. For example, you might group sentiments about the ease of use of your product and then further group positive and negative comments. Several research participants might have pointed out the same feature or pain points. Identify themes tocreate a sense of order.

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