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Instagram Stories

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Instagram Stories WHAT WE USE

We use the app Unfold to design our instagram stories before posting to Instagram. Instagram stories are meant to share candid moments of JPE.


Instagram stories, while within company brand guidelines, are aimed at capturing the personality and value of adding that JPE personality to your event.

Instagram Stories ICONS

The icons used on instragram should be clean, simple, and modern. They should be centered in the circle with just enough breathing-room around the edges.

Moments MeettheDJs Pro-Tips Reviews Brides&Grooms

Instagram Stories MOMENTS

The moments sections should feature videos and photos of some of the best moments that occur at these events. Whether this is a dance-off or a sweet bride and groom moment, it shows the magic that Judah Press Entertainment can have on a wedding day.

Instagram Stories THE CREW

The crew highlight features each of the DJs on the Judah Press Entertainment team so that people can get to know their potential DJs and learn about the awesome people that work for the company.

Instagram Stories PRO-TIPS

Pro-tips are videos recorded by Jesse that gives some insight into the industry. Some of these may be blog focused and allow Jesse to go more in-depth about certain topics.

Instagram Stories REVIEWS

The reviews section should feature incredible reviews and quotes from past clients.

Instagram Stories BRIDES & GROOMS

To showcase (from previous JPE events) who are people that are cut from our same cloth, we respect and admire, or might be our “ideal client”.

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