Two of our most unique personalities married in a decadent sauce that's sure to make a spark From the time that these two walk to their reserved table, they ore inseparable. It's their special time to celebrate a journey and contemplate what the future might hold. Both parties will most d e finit e Iy order a drin k , and th e bor te nde r shou Id ex pect to ke e p the m coming - ofter all, these patrons got a babysitter. That doesn't mean that these two won't check their phones at least twice on hour to make sure the house is still standing though. T he menu should be exciting and fresh, to represent the newness in a budding relationship. Each member of the couple will expect a unique dish of their own, but the magic comes when they steal a bite or two from one another. The anniversary trip to Five and Ten hos to start somewhere; however, as the relationship strengthens into the future, this reservation con start to happen more and more regularly
A nostalgic blend of local Rare and warm comfortability served with shareable bits of gossip Individuals ordering this dish hove a long-standing relationship with Five and Ten. T hey often know exactly what they would like to order, and they expect it to be just as good as the lost time they indulged. As local Athens socialites, Five and Ten is seen not only as a restaurant, but also a statement of their personal affluence and taste. Once they walk in, the parlor feels like home, and they expect to begin light conversation with the wait staff they hove come to know and love. Offering seasonal variations to the menu keeps these visitors on their toes, and that is often reworded with a healthy tip and repeat business