Nebulous Comic Script

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"Nebulous" A One-Shot Comic Script By Thomas Howe Overview/Artist Notes: This is set in the far future, possibly five hundred years from now, when human interstellar space travel is progressing, but alien contact hasn't happened. The overall look of the story is ornate technology that is both immaculately clean and stark, but complex and elaborate. Please feel free to embellish on the mechanical elements as much as you'd like! PAGE ONE Panel One Establishing shot in space the width of the page. Near a pink nebula, an aircraft carrier-sized futuristic spacecraft full of dark windows is adrift (this is shown by the ship's askew angle in relation to the panel). Visible on the bow are markings: "P.S.E. AMERIGO" S.I.D. (caption): System reboot. Reestablishing primary systems... please wait. SFX: beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep... CREDITS could appear either at the very bottom of this panel or in the gutter underneath. Panel Two Exterior close-up of one of the windows near the bow of the ship. We see a vague indication of panels and technology inside. The ship's AI, S.I.D. (System Information Diagnostics) speaks. His dialogue should be in the form of caption boxes, and the lettering should be different, with an "electronic" feel. S.I.D. (caption): Sleep pod wake cycle complete... Panel Three [Inset of Panel Two] A close-up of a technology module--a panel with lights and buttons--with "System Information Diagnostics" (the letters S I and D highlighted) printed on a plaque below the module. S.I.D.: ...Please stand by for status check.


Panel Four Interior view of the ship. A hospital bed-sized, coffin-like pod on a platform is in the foreground. A glass panel allows us to see there is a handsome, tall, muscular man in a jumpsuit lying inside, looking peaceful. On the side, stenciled on the metallic pod's side: "LT. ATTICUS FANE". Three other identical platforms are in the background, without pods on them. SFX: beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE TWO Panel One A close up on the sleep pod, the lid sliding open, Fane's eyes are wide open and staring straight up. SFX: HISSSSSSSSSSSS... Panel Two Fane is sitting up, his legs dangling over the side of the pod. He is rubbing his eyes. Fane: Where are we? S.I.D. (caption): Good evening, Captain. Our current location is four-nine-oh-six mark seven-sixFane: Skip the technicals, SID. Are we there yet? And why are you calling me Cap-S.I.D. (caption): The Amerigo is routed back to home base. The ship is... Panel Three Fane is far offset on the right side of the panel, looking straight ahead. His face is one of shock: eyes wide, mouth open. S.I.D. (caption): ...eighty light-years off course.

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE THREE Panel One A number of screens displaying readouts and charts at a console near the sleep pod. One of the screens reads "Time to destination: 118407.4 hours" Fane (off-panel): How the hell...? What's crew status? Tyler? Gomez? Panel Two A close up Fane's hand, pressing buttons. S.I.D. (caption): Captain Tyler, Lieutenant Gomez, and Sergeant Falmer were jettisoned automatically per emergency protocols. You are now acting captain. Panel Three Fane is seated in a console chair, his elbow on the armrest, his fist holding up his face. He looks pissed. Fane: How long ago were they evacuated? Panel Four Same visual as panel three. S.I.D. (caption): Seventy-one years, seven months, three-Panel Five Same angle as panel four. Fane's head turns sharply, his hand suspended near his face. Fane: Seventy! Panel Six Visuals are back to the same as panels three and four. S.I.D.: Affirmative, Captain. Your pod malfunctioned, so it was not jettisoned with the others. When environmental controls failed fourteen minutes ago, Amerigo rebooted... Panel Seven Š 2014 Thomas Howe


Same visuals as panel six. S.I.D. (caption): ...and your pod reset and opened. Its current failure makes the probability of successful living return to base near zero. My recommendation is-Panel Eight Show the empty console chair from the same angle as the last five panels. Fane (off-panel): --is to get to work.

Š 2014 Thomas Howe

6. PAGE FOUR Panel One Exterior space shot of Amerigo, which is now "righted" (level with panel). Most of the exterior and interior lights of the ship are running. The nebula is gone, leaving just the black of deep space and "whizzing" stars. Fane (from the ship): Systems are at 91 percent, SID. Glad you were to help. Panel Two Interior of the bridge, a large windshield showing starry space. Fane is sitting at the console directly in front of the windshield. A text bubble is just over Fane's head--a free-floating balloon for an alien voice (with maybe a jagged or wavy edge to the balloons?). Alien Voice: Attention…you are entering restricted territory. Turn away, or face the consequences… Panel Three A close-up of Fane’s face, indicating shock/confusion. Fane: What…did you say? S.I.D. (caption): I said I have detected an anomalous reading coming from your biofeedback sensor. I am detecting high levels of activity in your medial prefrontal cortex. Panel Four Close-up of S.I.D.’s panel. Fane (off-panel): You didn’t just…say something about…consequences? S.I.D. (caption): No, Captain. I am concerned; your readings may indicate sleep pod-induced schizophrenia. Panel Five Shot of Fane standing, one hand holding his head. Fane (thinking): That voice… © 2014 Thomas Howe


Fane: I am getting a killer migraine. Maybe if I lie down. Keep an eye on things, eh? S.I.D. (caption): Of course…Captain.

© 2014 Thomas Howe

8. PAGE FIVE Panel One A shot of Fane's quarters: a small room with a bed and a computer console, a large window showing outer space. He sits on the edge of the bed in boxer shorts, rubbing his eyes. Fane: So, no…transmissions, SID? No…voices? Panel Two Fane is in a shower stall, turning a knob, water running, steam rising. Another large window, out to black space. We see him from the waist up. S.I.D. (caption): Negative, Captain. All interstellar communications have been silent. I-Panel Three Fane is hunched over in the steamy shower, his hands over his ears. SFX: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... Fane: SID! What's that noise? Panel Four Close-up of the shower's window, still only showing stars. That same jagged alien voice bubble is back over Fane’s head. Alien Voice: I am captain of excavation vessel Yggsrl. We have scanned your vessel and claim it as abandoned technology. You have sixty of your minutes to evacuate. Panel Five Fane zips up his jumpsuit while standing next to his bed, his back to the window. A large shadow casts over him and the room... Fane: SID! Panel Six Exterior close-up of the Amerigo. Fane stands at the window, his mouth open, eyes wide. © 2014 Thomas Howe


Fane: Give me a read out...on that...ship... S.I.D. (caption): Captain--

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE SIX Splash Page A dramatic, frightening shot of the alien ship, which is ten times bigger than the Amerigo in the foreground. It's red, scary, complex, menacing and takes up a majority of the page. S.I.D. (caption): -- I'm not detecting any ship.

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE SEVEN Panel One Fane is on the bridge at a console near the "windshield", a portion of the alien ship the only thing visible outside. FANE: SID, there has to be some kind of read out on that thing! S.I.D. (caption): I have run thorough diagnostics of my sensors, Captain. All systems are operating normally. Panel Two Fane is at another set of controls, wildly pressing buttons, sweat on his brow. Fane: Like hell they are! They must be blocking... SID, I need you to relinquish helm control. Maybe I can activate defense protocols... Panel Three Reverse review of Fane from outside, in front of the "windshield." His hand is pressed to the glass. You can see a vague reflection of the alien ship's detail against his face. S.I.D. (caption): Given current situational parameters, I am required to keep our current course and speed toward base Omega 4452, our last known communications outpost. Fane: You could at least speed it up a little! S.I.D. (caption): Negative, Captain. Current calculations show that any extra use of energy will not allow Amerigo to reach home base before life-support runs out, even if the sleep pod is fully operational. Panel Four An exterior shot of the alien ship and the Amerigo. The alien ship is even closer than it was before. S.I.D. (caption): Attention, Lieutenant. Under Planetary Space Exploration directive, I am now commandeering full control of Amerigo due to crew incapacity.

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE EIGHT Panel One Fane heads away from the bridge to an open corridor, toward an open hatchway downward on the floor. Fane: What? No more "Captain?" Panel Two A cramped maintenance room, the ceiling about a foot too low to stand completely upright. A ladder down into the room is in the background. Fane is at a console, pressing buttons. S.I.D. (caption): Apologies, Lieutenant. I am captain now, in accordance with Planetary Space Ex-Fane: Yeah, yeah... Panel Three Close up of readouts and Fane's hands on the controls. One of them reads "MANUAL NAVIGATION CONTROLS." S.I.D. (caption): Lieutenant, what are you doing? In deference to energy conservation, you must not change heading or speed... Panel Four Fane works over the controls, but his head dropped, his eyelids half-closed. S.I.D. (caption): ...or I will be forced... Panel Five Fane heading for the ladder, leans on to one wall with his hand. S.I.D. (caption): turn off the oxygen in this maintenance area. Panel Six Fane on the corridor floor, his legs still dangling in the open floor hatch. Fane: <gasp> Goddamn... <gasp> ...machine....  Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE NINE Panel One Fane is back on the bridge in a full space suit with a pack (presumably oxygen) on his back. A helmet sits on the console near at hand. He holds a computer tablet displaying the ship's "blueprints". FANE (thinking): I have to find something... Panel Two A display on the tablet indicates a list. Fane points his finger at an entry that says "Fuel Cells". Fane (thinking): Ah! Spent fuel cells are still plenty explosive. Maybe I could use them to-Panel Three Fane drops the tablet and falls to his knees. His hands are over his ears. SFX: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Alien Voice (caption): You now have thirty of your minutes to abandon ship, or be disposed during excavation.

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE TEN Panel One Fane once again heads out of the bridge, helmet in one hand, tablet in the other. Panel Two Fane races down the corridor, past the maintenance hatch. Panel Three Fane runs through a door marked "CARGO HOLD 4" Panel Four The cargo bay is a large open room with stacks of crates and other pieces of equipment. There is a huge door with small porthole windows against the outer wall. In the foreground, a small panel by the door marked "Environmental Controls" has been ripped open, wires frayed, a bit of smoke coming out. Fane is wrapping wire around large canisters. FANE (thinking): Now I just need a detonator of some kind...

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE ELEVEN Panel One Fane stands in front of a thruster/rocket looking part (about the size of a refrigerator) and a group of canisters with "radioactive" symbols on them (the size of 55-gallon drums). S.I.D. (caption): Lieutenant, you may have cut off remote oxygen control to the cargo hold, but if you do not cease your current activity I will be forced to use... Panel Two Fane wires the thruster to the canisters. Yellow lights begin to flash... S.I.D. (caption): ...secondary defense protocols. Panel Three Fane looks up from his work, his eyes wide; in front of him, the large cargo door is barely open. SFX (door): WHIRRRRRRRRRRR... Panel Four Fane is frantically punching buttons on a console on the thruster. His helmet is on. Miscellaneous smaller crates and boxes are sliding toward (and out ) the partially open cargo door. FANE: NO! SID! Please! Just one more second...

Š 2014 Thomas Howe


PAGE TWELVE Panel One Fane is sliding now toward the fully opened door, holding onto his improvised bomb, still focused on the thruster console. Fane: Got it! Panel Two Fane grabs a rail just inside the cargo door. We can see the "bomb" flung toward the alien ship hovering in the background. Fane: SID! Shut the cargo door! Get us out of here! Panel Three An exterior shot of the Amerigo and an explosion on the hull of the alien ship. Panel Four Fane lies on the floor of the cargo bay. The door now closed. Fane: Nice going, SID. S.I.D. (caption): Thank you, Captain. Evasion protocols were activated. Alien vessel has been compromised and is not pursuing. Panel Five A shot of the Amerigo, the alien ship in the background (now a little farther away) exploding, breaking into pieces. Fane: SID? Don't call me Captain. END.

Š 2014 Thomas Howe

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