Thomas Magazine & Annual Report Fall 2022

Page 1

of Homecoming
our Guarantee
Festivities Celebrating
the Future Campaign Unveiling the Sukeforth Family Sports


The public is invited to submit comments regarding the institution to:

Public Comment on Thomas College New England Commission of Higher Education 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Suite 100 Burlington, MA 01803-4514 E-mail:

Public Comments must address sub stantive matters related to the quality of the institution. The Commission cannot settle disputes between individuals and institutions, whether those involve faculty, students, administrators, or members of other groups. Comments will not be treated as confidential and must include the name, address, and telephone number of the person providing the comments. Public Comments must be received by March 29, 2023. The Commission cannot guarantee that comments received after that date will be considered.


Donors and athletes celebrated the success of our Guarantee the Future Campaign, which included a transformative gift from the Sukeforth Family to the new Sports Center. Hear from two athletes who can’t wait to run out of the Terrier Tunnel.

10 Remembering Coach Meader

A legend on the court and off, Coach Dick Meader holds a special place in countless Maine athletes’ hearts. Read a touching tribute to the man we were fortunate to count as part of the Thomas community.

CORRECTION FROM THE SUMMER 2022 ISSUE: From Catching Up with Lynn Cayford ’74—the article mentioned that in 2003, Lynn retired from the State of Maine and became a law enforcement consultant at both L.L. Bean and a local golf course. That should have read that he did law enforcement consulting for JPMA and also worked for a golf course and L.L. Bean. The following facts were omitted from the article due to spacing constraints: Lynn is a lifelong member of the Knights of Columbus; was a State Officer for the Maine State Council for ten years, including State Deputy (President), and served as a State Master for the 4th degree and Vice Supreme Master for the New England District and on the Supreme Assembly in New Haven, CT, for five years; and, he served on the Thomas Alumni Council and was President of the Council. From Class Notes—Ben Carter ’21—he has his commercial pilot license but is not working as a professional commercial pilot yet; he is currently pursuing his flight instructor rating.

We apologize for these errors. Thanks to Lynn and Ben for bringing them to our attention.

View photos
on page 8. DEPARTMENTS: 5 Letter from the President 12 Thomas Athletics 18 Class Notes 22 In Memoriam 26 Annual Report 13 8 6 A Festive
Leaf through a
of the Sukeforth family unveil the name of Thomas College’s new sports facility, the Sukeforth Family Sports Center.
Weekend of Family and Friends
scrapbook of memories made at our
Homecoming & Family Weekend. 8 A Future Guaranteed



For 2022 tax purposes, gifts being mailed USPS must be postmarked by 12/31/22. Online gifts using a credit/debit card may be made as late as 12/31/22.
should receive an immediate confirmation receipt of your gift at the email address you provide. Thank you for investing in Thomas. Thank you for investing in them
78% of new students are from Maine 47% of Thomas students are the first in their family to attend college 94% rely on financial aid to make a college education an option 83% have a job within 3 months of graduation 50%+ of students work one or more jobs to support themselves through school 100% are thankful for everything you do to help them succeed At Thomas, a gift given today makes a difference that lasts a lifetime. Meet our hard-working, future-focused Terriers: Make an impact in the way that works for you! Mail your gift using the enclosed postage-paid reply envelope. Make your gift securely online:
Call the Advancement Office for more information:
to give
Honor or Remember a Loved One Tribute gifts are a wonderful way to recognize someone special while giving the gift of education. Gifts of any size make a lasting impression for those being honored and for the family and friends of those being remembered.
(207) 859-1104.

The Thomas Magazine is published three times per year by Thomas College. Signed letters may be sent to the Editor at Thomas College, 180 West River Road, Waterville, ME 04901 or emailed to Letters and news items may be edited for length and style.


Thomas College prepares students for success in their personal and professional lives, and for leadership and service in their communities.

President Laurie G. Lachance M.B.A. ’92 in the Dr. Nelson Madore Courtyard WWW.THOMAS.EDU


Conrad L. Ayotte ’77, H’98


Brian M. Bernatchez ’88

1st Vice-Chair

Douglas L. Cutchin H’09 2nd Vice-Chair

Kenneth P. Viens H’17

Secretary & Clerk

Clifford C. Abbott, Jr.

Michael D’Appolonia

Jim A. Doyle

William M. Dubay ’72

Holly Ferguson ’95, M.B.A. ’96

Robin Goodwin M.B.A. ’90

Charles “Wick” Johnson, III

Meredith H. Jones

Danielle K. Marquis ’99

Cary Olson Cartwright

David C. Pease

Dorcas B. Riley

Gregory A. Savard ’89

Kelley B. Shimansky ’89

Richard F. Spellman M.S. ’80

Laurie G. Lachance M.B.A. ’92


James W. Hennigar H’03

Susan B. Lavenson H’94

Susan S. Roche


Elaine Theriault-Currier


Chelsea Moeller


Chelsea Moeller

MacKenzie Oberholzer ’21

Elaine Theriault-Currier



Haley Campbell

Amy Gingras

Madison Thornton ’22


PELLE Graphic Design

Haley Campbell

Letter from the President

EVERY FALL AS WE ENTER THE SEASON OF GRATITUDE , I take time to reflect on all the accomplishments, successes, and yes, even the chal

Laurie G. Lachance M.B.A. ’92 President FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 5

A FESTIVE WEEKEND of Family & Friends

From Friday, Oct. 14 to Sunday, Oct. 16, the weekend’s schedule of festivities brimmed with fun for all ages: performances of dance and percussion, a craft fair, petting zoo, scavenger hunt, lawn and alumni athletic games, axe and pumpkin throwing, apple picking, tailgates, and an alumni pub crawl in downtown Waterville.

Participation in the Alumni Games reached a record high this year!

The weekend served to forge new connections to Thomas, too; 60 families joined the Fall Open House for tours, conversations with faculty, and on-thespot admissions opportunities.

We welcomed more than 400 students, family, and alumni from as far away as the UK, Ireland, and Bermuda for a weekend celebrating the Terrier spirit.

Dr. Madore lived his life in service to so many, including the students who benefitted from his teaching and graduated Thomas ready to follow his example by building personal and professional lives of leadership in their community.

Our newest addition to campus, the Dr. Nelson Madore Courtyard is dedicated to the life and legacy of Dr. Madore, a cherished faculty member, mentor, leader, veteran, and friend.


Nearly 150 donors embraced the long-awaited opportunity to celebrate the success of Thomas’s Guarantee the Future Campaign, which raised more than $30 million to bring our students’ promising futures within reach.

As part of the Campaign celebration, we welcomed donors to tour the new Sukeforth Family Sports Center. This milestone, 10 years in the making, is a key driver of enrollment and sustainability for Thomas College, where 40% of the student body are

“This new

center played a huge role in my decision to come to Thomas. The Athletics department has a huge place in my heart and is one of my favorite things about Thomas. We are forever thankful for the donors’ generosity and investment in our futures and those of future Terriers.”

student-athletes. Julia Reny, a second-year athlete on the Women’s Field Hockey and Track & Field teams, shared remarks at the ceremony. sports Patrick Moynihan (right), a second-year student-athlete on the Men’s Soccer team and Rocket League Esports team, also offered thanks to the donors and construction crews. He recalled, “I remember 10 years ago when my sister played for the Women’s Soccer team, there weren’t even bleachers here. It’s amazing to see the transformation into a dedicated place for sports.” The Sukeforth Family’s strong bond with Thomas is founded in our shared values of integrity, humility, hard work, and a can-do attitude. During his remarks, Doug Sukeforth (third from right) noted the many people who have contributed to the sports center. “I want to thank all of you for being a part of building this great facility—you should be very proud. I know I am. Keep up the good work!” FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 9
The Terrier Tunnel out of the sports center and onto the fields is a fan— and player—favorite!

COACH MEADER Remembering


celebrated this season, we also suffered a great loss. On October 16, we mourned the death of Coach Richard “Dick” Meader, a legend in Maine basketball and in the hearts of the players he coached. Coach Meader embod ied the values of sportsmanship and will be remembered as much for his kindness and integrity as for his triumphant record on the court. We were fortunate to have his leadership as well as that of his wife, Betty-Jane, who was a professor at Thomas for 41 years.

Coach Meader began his storied col legiate career at Thomas coaching Men’s Basketball from 1971 to 1988 and serving as the Director of Athletics from 1972 to 1990. Amassing 160 wins during his ten ure here, he is credited with transform ing the Men’s Basketball program into a strong competitor within the confer ence. He also coached Softball at Thomas.

Aside from his winning record in bas ketball, perhaps the greatest mark he left on Thomas College athletics was his dedi cation to player development. Growing up on a farm in Solon, Maine, Coach Meader recognized the level of homegrown tal ent in the state and understood how to connect with high school players, many of whom hailed from small towns. One point

of pride in his recruitment efforts was his encyclopedic memory of every high school mascot in Maine! Coach Meader’s focus on recruiting Maine high school athletes became key to the success of his basketball program and is in lockstep with Thomas’s mission to prepare our majority in-state student body for success.

Over a career spanning 513 wins and 44 years, Coach Meader gained state wide and New England recognition. He was named Coach of the Year 16 times and was inducted into five athletics halls of fame. Though his reputation and list of accolades grew, the title of “Coach” was always his favorite way to be recognized.

Four days before he passed away, Coach Meader and Betty-Jane toured

Accolades and Awards

Thomas College Sports Hall of Fame (1994) University of Maine at Farmington Athletics Hall of Fame (1995)

New England Basketball Hall of Fame (2015) Maine Basketball Hall of Fame (2015) Maine Sports Hall of Fame (2018)

National Association of Basketball Coaches Outstanding Service Award (2020)



the newly constructed Sukeforth Fam ily Sports Center, the realization of a long-held dream for Thomas College athletics. While we mourn the loss of this legend, our hearts are warmed knowing he got to see the new athletics home on campus. As part of the tour, the Mead ers previewed the virtual Athletics Hall of Fame, which was to be dedicated in their honor the next day. The ceremony was postponed due to Coach Meader’s declining health, and we look forward to honoring the Meaders and their collective impact and legacy in the near future.

Association of Basketball Coaches D. Brown Contributor Award Coach Meader with the Thomas Men’s Basketball team of an unidentified year.

Earn your graduate degree at Thomas.

“ I a m p r o u d o f t h e c o n f i d e n c e a n d k n o w l e d g e t h a t t h e p r o g r a m h a s g i v e n m e I c o m e t o w o r k k n o w i n g t h a t I b r i n g a s i g n i f i c a n t a m o u n t o f v a l u e a n d t a l e n t w i t h m e M y e m p l o y e r k n o w s i t , t o o I a m n o t j u s t p r o u d o f t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t t h a t i s a c h i e v i n g a n M B A , b u t I a m p r o u d o f w h a t m y n e w k n o w l e d g e , s k i l l s , a n d i n c r e a s e d e a r n i n g p o t e n t i a l h a v e c o n t r i b u t e d t o m y f a m i l y , m y e m p l o y e r , a n d m y c o m m u n i t y ”

D i r e c t o r o f F i n a n c e a n d H u m a n R e s o u r c e s , M a i n e S t a t e C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e

W h e t h e r y o u a r e p r e p a r i n g t o e n t e r t h e w o r k f o r c e , b o o s t y o u r c u r r e n t c a r e e r o r m a k e a c h a n g e , T h o m a s C o l l e g e G r a d u a t e & P r o f e s s i o n a l S t u d i e s o f f e r s f l e x i b l e a n d i n n o v a t i v e m a s t e r ’ s d e g r e e s i n v a r i e d f i e l d s i n c l u d i n g c y b e r s e c u r i t y , c r i m i n o l o g y , e d u c a t i o n , b u s i n e s s , a n d a c c o u n t i n g

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M a s t e r ' s i n E d u c a t i o n i n c l u d e d

( 2 0 7 ) 8 5 9 1 2 5 5 g r a d @ t h o m a s e d u

P - S
I M O N W E S T M B A ' 2 1
A map of the home states and countries of current Thomas College student-athletes The Atlas of Athletes By the numbers 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 296 UNITED STATES AK 1 AZ 1 CA 5 CO 1 CT 10 FL 8 GA 1 HI 1 MA 10 MD 4 ME 209 NH 22 NJ 2 NV 1 NY 7 PA 3 RI 2 TX 2 VA 2 VT 3 WA 1 INTERNATIONAL Australia 3 Bermuda 4 Brazil 2 Canada ........................................... 4 Czech Republic 1 France 1 Ireland 2 Netherlands 2 Spain 1 Sweden 1 UK 3 12 THOMAS MAGAZINE FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT


WOMEN’S TENNIS made their way right back to the NAC Championships again this year after a season record of 7-6 and conference record of 3-3. This is the women’s first winning season since 2015! Olivia Teague & Riley Pierce (#3 doubles) had the doubles win against Husson, while Kiara Goggin (#2 singles) took the lone win for the singles set. First Year Keira Gilman (Waterville, ME) was named NAC Women’s Tennis Rookie of the Year. Gilman and Libby Forgues,

along with Lauren Smith and Goggin, were part of the All-NAC Doubles team. The All-NAC Singles consisted of Goggin, Smith, and Gilman. Goggin was also part of the All-Sportsmanship Team.

MEN’S GOLF had a record-breaking sea son as they finished with five 1st place wins in their ten season invitations. Although the team’s 4th place finish at the NAC Championships was not what they were expecting, they still produced


a strong season. Men’s Golf also wel comed a new head coach, Marc Goss elin. Dylan Cunningham was named to the NAC First Team All-Conference.

CROSS COUNTRY completed the year at the North Atlantic Conference Cham pionships in Canton, NY, and the NCAA East Regional Championships in Bruns wick, ME. The Men’s Team placed seventh and the Women’s Team fifth in the NAC Championship. Graduate Student Jarrod Hooper finished his final season strong with four 1st place finishes in the eightmeet season. First Year Maria Protheroe (South Thomaston, ME) made a splash in her first season, placing first in three out of the seven races she ran. Hooper was part of the All-NAC First Team and was joined on the Sportsmanship Team by fellow teammate Sophia Lingar.

WOMEN’S SOCCER finished their season with a record of 4-6-4 and a conference record of 3-3-3. The team logged their last tie of the season on Senior Day with almost a minute left in the game. First Year Aminah Davis-Macias made a big impact for the Terriers on the front line, scoring eight goals and one assist, racking up a total of 17 points this sea son. Graduate Student Kelsey Currier earned the NAC Women’s Soccer Senior Scholar Athlete, while teammates Ami nah Davis-Macias (Second Team), Anna Chadwick (Third Team), and Lauren Bart lett (Sportsmanship Team) earned NAC All-Conference spots.

MEN’S SOCCER completed their season with a new head coach for the first time since 2011. Kyle Fletcher was promoted from Associated Head Coach to Interim Head Men’s Soccer Coach after last year’s season. His predecessor Chris Parsons now serves as the Vice Presi dent of Intercollegiate Athletics. After a 7-7-4 season, a shootout victory in the NAC East Quarterfinals against U-Maine Farmington, and an appearance in the NAC East Semifinals, Men’s Soccer


finishes out a great 2022 season. Joshua Joseph made the NAC All-Conference First Team, along with fellow teammates Hunter Smith and Mustafa Najm mak ing Second Team, and Stefan Simmons on Sportsmanship Team.

FIELD HOCKEY finished their season playing in the NECC Semifinal game, with a conference record of 3-3 and overall record of 6-12. This year’s team was comprised of many young players, with 15 out of 20 being Sophomores and First Years. Sophomore Julia Reny led the team in goals this year, recording a total of ten goals and three assists. First Year Eva-Marie Stevens made a splash in her first collegiate season, leading the team in assists with nine total and scoring nine goals on the season. Reny made the All-NECC First Team along with Junior Captain Kayci Faulking ham. Faulkingham also was a part of the NECC Sportsmanship Team. n



Congratulations to these stellar Thomas College coaches for their induction into Halls of Fame in 2022.


Men’s Golf CMCC Hall of Fame August 2022


Women’s Soccer

Little East Conference Hall of Fame September 2022

GREG KING Baseball Maine Baseball Hall of Fame October 2022 FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 15
Great Pond Sponsors
Endowed Scholarship Fund has provided 432 scholarships
$790,000 to Maine students
College. Belgrade Lakes Sponsors Snow Pond Sponsors Long Pond Sponsors North Pond Sponsors Participant Sponsors H. Allen H’08, H’22 & Dianne Ryan Best Western Plus Waterville Belgrade Lakes Golf Club Waterville Country Club Augusta Country Club 19TH Silvex, Inc. Sprague & Curtis Real Estate Sunset Grill Danielle ’99 and Matt Marquis ’99 Tree Spirits Winery & Distillery Sugarloaf Definitive Brewing BELGRADE 465-3039 L A N D S C A P E Lakeside John H’21 and Linda Fallona In-Kind Sponsors Conrad ’77, H’98 and Lois (Brown) Ayotte ’76
totaling nearly
attending Thomas



Gregory Korn has been inducted into the New England Mortgage Brokers Conference (NEMBC) Hall of Fame.

David Roussel has been named the Interim Director of Institutional Research at Saint Joseph’s College.


Kristy (Dube) Parent was chosen by Norwegian Cruise Line as a “Giving Joy Top 100 Educator”— the only one from the State of Maine!


Dan Burdin has been promoted to Manager for the Smart Utility Group at Everett J. Prescott, Inc.


Katie (Cormier) Doherty was nominated for Mainebiz 2022 NextUP: 40 Under 40, recognizing young leaders shaping the future of Maine, and she has won the 2022 Maine State Chamber of Commerce ‘Chamber Professional of the Year.’


Jason Thomas has been promoted to Director of Supply Chain Services at Ahold Delhaize.


CJ McKenna ’04, M.S. ’09 recently became the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment at KVCC.


Jamie Johnson ’05, M.B.A. ’21 has been promoted to Senior Director of Operations for MaineHousing.

Kristy (Dube) Parent Dan Burdin Jamie Johnson
Katie (Cormier) Doherty


Ali Kriegel ’11, M.B.A. ’12 accepted a new position as the Assistant Director of Admissions at Plymouth State University.


Richard “Nick” Labbe M.B.A. ’12, P’21, P’23 accepted a position as Territory Manager at Emery Jensen Distribution.

Kenneth Roy ’12, M.B.A. ’12 accepted a position as a learning instructor in Corporate Development for Paychex, Inc.


Colby Averill ’13, M.B.A. ’14 accepted a position as a Credit Analyst I for Camden National Bank.

Leonard, III ’13, M.B.A. ’13 and Joanna (Sinsabaugh) Shevenell ’13 welcomed a baby girl, Olivia June, on August 6, 2022.


Joshua Clark accepted a position as a network administrator for Technology Solutions of Maine.

Thomas Nadeau accepted a position as a digital systems risk & reporting analyst at Androscoggin Bank.

Sahil Sanan M.B.A. ’14 accepted a position as a benefits consultant with Brown & Brown.


Caitlin Bacon M.B.A. ’15 has been promoted to PMO Business Operations Lead for CGI Federal.

Michelle Park Bulley M.B.A. ’15 has been named the VP of Human Resources at East Coast Tile.

Kassandra Shackley ’15 and Scott Boies ’18, M.B.A. ’19 got engaged at Thomas College, in front of the townhouses where they met.


Ashlee-Marie Crowell-Smith ’16, M.B.A. ’21 has become the Project Manager for the Maine Medical Association.

Miranda (Carroll) Hall ’16, M.B.A. ’17 has been named a senior associate with the Financial Due Diligence Team at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

Levi Knapp ’16, M.B.A. ’17 got engaged to

Leonard, III and Joanna (Sinsabaugh) Shevenell Thomas Nadeau Miranda (Carroll) Hall Sahil Sanan Ashlee-Marie Crowell-Smith Levi Knapp’s son Camden FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 19
Kassandra Shackley and Scott Boies

Alumni Class Notes

Ashley Collins, and they have a new baby boy, Camden James Knapp.

Matthew Pazdziorko ’16, M.B.A. ’17 has been promoted to Associate Category Manager at Pilot Company.

Katherine (Smith) married David Stearns on September 19, 2020.


Jennifer (Lemay) Brand ’17, M.B.A. ’18 has been promoted to Controller at Covetrus.

Reilly Kons has been named Director of Venture Café Providence, a community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and small businesses brought together through free, high-impact programming and events.

Johnny Swan won the 2022 Cynergy Professional Award from the KV Chamber of Commerce.



Blake ’19 and Carli (Carter) ’19 got married on June 4, 2022. Katherine (Smith) and David Stearns Ethan Blake and Carli (Carter) Joe Creta and Tessa Johnson
L to R: Laurie G. Lachance M.B.A. ’92, Joe Quinlan ’16, Johnny Swan ’17, Blaine Guido ’16, M.B.A. ’17, Katie (Cormier) Doherty ’10, Chris Doherty ’09, Lindsay (Aiken) Corbett ’09, and Courtney Corbett ’04

Joe Creta ’18, M.B.A. ’20 and Tessa Johnson ’17, M.B.A. ’20 got engaged.

Kathleen McLaughlin M.S. ’19 accepted a position as the Assistant Director of Student Accounts at USM.

Annie Young ’19, M.S. ’20 has been promoted at Good Will-Hinkley to a family transition specialist.

2021Joshua Biondo accepted a position as an analyst at Dominium.

Keegan Chase accepted a position as a customer service associate at Partners Bank.

Caleb Gorey ’21 and his partner, Kellie Haggerty ’22, just purchased their first home.

Tiffany Laing M.S. ’21 has passed her physical and was appointed to the Police Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.

Tiffany Weeks is working as a collections officer for Saco & Biddeford Savings Institute.


Hayden Caldwell is participating in the Financial Leadership Development Program (FLDP) at Cianbro.

Matthew Thebarge ’22, M.S. ’22 accepted a position as an Associate l at Albin, Randall & Bennett.

Madison Thornton has started her own photography business, M. Thornton Photography. n


Please send your class notes to Sue Goddard in the Advancement Office at

Keegan Chase Caleb Gorey and Kellie Haggerty FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 21
Madison Thornton


Class of 1943

Geraldine “Gerri” (Toulouse) King died on July 12, 2022, with family and friends by her side.

Gerri was a graduate of Milton LA Forrest Williams High School and Thomas College in 1943. The College’s founder, Mr. Thomas, was her teacher. She married Allie King, Jr. in 1952.

Her first job was at the American Woolen Mill. After 24 years as office manager, she temporarily retired to take care of her son. Gerri then worked at Lawrence Jr. High School as the principal’s administrative assistant, until retiring in 1986.

Gerri and her husband spent five winters in Florida. After he passed away, she focused on charitable work. Gerri loved to volunteer and fundraise for the Fairfield Interfaith Food Pantry. She also loved to make mittens, hats, and shawls for needy children for the pantry and Catholic Charities. She volunteered at the Lawrence Library and at the lab at MaineGeneral. She was on the board of Sunset Home, and she assisted Catholic Charities, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Corpus Christi Parish, and the Fairfield Chapter of the Knights of Columbus. She coordinated the

publishing of three cookbooks, raising funds for Immaculate Heart of Mary, Knights of Columbus, and Sunset Home.

Class of 1951

Gerald “Gerry” M. Bickford, 90, of Oakland, died on July 5, 2022, at the Maine Veteran’s Home.

Gerry worked on the family dairy farm with his parents and two brothers. He helped to care for the animals, grow vegetables, and harvest firewood. He attended school in a one-room schoolhouse next door to the family farm. In 1949, Gerry graduated from Belgrade High School, and in 1951, he graduated from Thomas College with an associate degree in Accounting and Business Administration. He met his wife, Hilda Baldic, at Thomas; they married in 1952.

That same year, Gerry was drafted into the Army and deployed to Korea. In 1954, he and Hilda built a home in Oakland and started a family. They had three children, Robin, Glen, and Heidi.

Gerry’s first job was as an accountant. He then went to work for Texaco in Boston. Next was the Hathaway Shirt Company, and then the Maine Revenue Service, Income Tax Division, with the State of Maine. He was a member of the Maine State Grange as well as the American Baptist Men of America. He and Hilda contributed to their church and participated in many community projects as members of Oakland Cascade Grange and the United Baptist Church of Oakland.

Her love and passion for animals led to a lifetime of service rescuing animals. She loved to dance, go on adventures, and everything about the outdoors. Her nieces and nephews, who lovingly referred to her as “Aunty Jan,” meant the world to her.

Janice was an active and beloved member of her Jehovah’s Witness congregation from the age of 18, attending the Waterville Kingdom Hall. Using her degree, Janice worked bookkeeping jobs and retired from the office of Woodlands Senior Living at the age of 85.

Class of 1956

Francis A. Lapointe, 90, passed away on July 20, 2022, with his wife and his loved ones by his side.

He graduated from Skowhegan High School, class of 1950, where he played football. Francis served four years in the Navy on board the USS Monrovia (APA 31). He married Shirley Hodgdon in 1955 and graduated from Thomas Business College in 1956.

Francis held financial executive positions in paper mills in Augusta and Madison from 1955-1980. He and Shirley owned their own accounting and income tax business in Madison from 1980 until their retirement in 1996.

Thomas Business College with a degree in Business Administration and Higher Accounting, receiving the Thomas College Higher Accounting Award. He went on to serve in the Air Force from 19501954.

Gene worked for the family business, W.A. Taylor, from age 12. After his military service, he returned to his father’s business. In 1970, he became General Manager until his semi-retirement in 1994. During this time, he met Judith Traynor Couture, whom he married in 1966 and spent 56 wonderful years. Gene was employed for 49 years at W.A. Taylor, finally retiring in 2003 at age 72.

He was a member of the American Legion Post #5 and a collector at the Parish of the Holy Spirit, worked the Sunday soup kitchen for St. Francis, and was the Director of Keso Federal Credit Union for 15 years. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, Senior League Bowling, and family outings and trips.

Class of 1968

Reginald “Reggie” David Lessard passed away on July 26, 2022.

For alumni questions or updates:


VP of Advancement (207) 859-1318

BONNIE BUCKMORE Database Director (207) 859-1221

Janice Pearl Bradbury, 89, of Waterville, passed away July 27, 2022, with family by her side.

At age five, she moved to Waterville, where she lived with her aunt Pearl Loud and uncle Johnny, who raised her as their own. She attended Waterville schools and graduated from Thomas College with a degree in business.

Francis enjoyed boating trips on Maine lakes, going for long drives, dining out, and anything chocolate. He especially enjoyed playing cards with his longtime friends, Richard and Germaine Goulette and brothers Bob and Gerry Lapointe until his late 80s.

Class of 1957

Eugene “Gene” E. Couture, passed away in Waterville on August 1, 2022.

He graduated from Waterville Senior High School, class of 1949, then graduated in 1957 from

Reggie’s birth mother passed away when he was a few months old; he was raised by his aunt Delina and uncle Maurice Breton. Reggie spent 30 years in the Navy and retired in 1993 as an E9 Command Master Chief.

Class of 1969

Jane A. (Gidney) Robertson, 75, passed away on June 14, 2022, at Maine Medical Center, following a lengthy illness. She was married to John Robertson for 40 years.

Jane was a graduate of Cony High School and Thomas College. She was a teacher and taught business courses at Cony High School for 29 years until her retirement.


Jane was an active volunteer with John for different civic organizations, and they were active with the WWF Railway in Alna. Jane was also a member of Delta Kappa Gamma.

Class of 1972

Wilma Annie (Kyes) Hobbs, 94, passed away on July 2, 2022, in Venice, FL, with her son at her side.

Wilma graduated from Farmington High School in 1945, from Burdett College in 1947, and she earned a BS degree from Thomas College in 1972, cum laude, and a master’s degree from UMO in 1981.

She worked at the Ingalls School, Mantor Library, UMF; she taught at Waterville High School for seven years and for 13 years at Jay High School, retiring in 1992.

Wilma was a member of Henderson Memorial Baptist Church, where she served as church clerk, Christian education chair for 12 years, diaconate of the church, mission ministries, church schoolteacher, as well as numerous committees. She served as a member and past President of the Irene R. Luce Philathea; member and past President of the Women’s Missionary Society; and past member of the State Baptist Children’s Committee.

She was past President of the Business Education Association of Maine, where she served as membership chair for the State of Maine at the national level; past President of Jay Teacher’s Association; member of Delta Kappa Gamma; past worthy matron of Farmington Chapter #143 Order of Eastern Star; past President of Business and Professional Women; secretary of the Garden Club; past President of Franklin County Retired Teachers; and member of Farmington Historical Society, as well as Monday Club.

Wilma enjoyed being with her family and friends, spending winters in Florida, playing bridge, gardening, sewing, and traveling.

Class of 1975

Paul Adalbert Lauziere, 76, of Lewiston passed away on July 12, 2022 at the VA Hospital in Togus, ME, from multiple cancers. He was a loving and devoted husband, father, grandpa, uncle, brother, and friend.

Growing up, he was involved with scouting, achieving the rank of Eagle Scout Troop 118. He graduated from Lewiston High School in 1965 and then enlisted in the Army. He served in Vietnam from 1966-1967 and was honorably discharged in 1968. Following this, he worked at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland as a cryptographer. Paul earned two associate degrees in Business Management and Business Administration at the Auburn Maine School of Commerce. In 1975, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Thomas College. That same year, he married Helene Maheu—they were together for 47 years and raised two wonderful children.

Paul worked for the Auburn Post Office for 36 years and retired in 2010. During those years, he was involved with the union and ended his career there as the expeditor. He was an excellent private investigator and constable for 12 of those years, working for different lawyers. Paul also enjoyed building different things, especially toy chests. He was a member of Tranquil Lodge, Webster Lodge, Kora Temple Shriners Provost Unit, and a 32-degree member of the Valley of the Androscoggin and Valley of Portland. He was proud to be a member of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association and the Widows Sons Masonic Riders

Association. Paul belonged to the American Legion, VFW, DAV, NRA, and ADA. Before his decline, he was also a member of a Bible study group. Paul was a communicant of Holy Cross Church, Prince of Peace Parish. He enjoyed giving his grandchildren rides in his golf cart at Wild Acres in Old Orchard Beach. Most of all, he enjoyed riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

Class of 1977

A special angel Lorna Hamanne, 67, went to heaven on July 30, 2022, at her residence in Peru.

Lorna was a graduate of Rumford High School, class of 1973, and Thomas College with a degree in accounting. She worked as a CPA and as a real estate broker with her father. Lorna loved working at Top Hat Antiques with her mother, and she loved Worthley Pond.

Class of 1981

Ronald Joseph Gilbert passed away on July 10, 2022.

He graduated from Waterville High School, class of 1967, from Husson College in 1971 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting, and from Thomas College in 1981 with a master’s degree in accounting and finance. Professionally, he was a Certified Public Accountant.

He worked as Administrative Director of WMCA between 1986-1990, and he owned and operated Gilbert’s Sports Cards in Waterville and Wilton. Ron was also Business Manager in the CDS system from 1997-2007 and finished his professional career as Business Manager at SAD 12, retiring in 2008.

Ron’s hobbies included reading, crossword puzzles, karaoke, and collecting sports memorabilia.

Class of 1982

Susan (Stinson) Field died September 12, 2022, in Denton, TX, following a short illness.

Sue graduated from Sumner Memorial High School in 1979 and earned a degree in accounting from Thomas College. In 1995, Sue married George Field. The couple explored several areas of the U.S., settling in Dallas, TX.

Sue was an avid poet, composing original verse for homemade greeting cards and social media. She delighted in all kinds of crafting and was a talented seamstress and knitter. Nothing gave her more joy than working with a local dog rescue organization in Texas. She lovingly helped numerous animals over the years, providing them with affection and compassion while nursing them back to health.

Class of 1984

Cathy “Cath” (Hunkins) McKeel was an awesome mom. Always overprotective and full of loving advice, she always put others before herself. After fighting a two-year battle with brain cancer, she passed on September 3, surrounded by most of her closest family members.

Cath grew up in Kittery, spending her early years with her three older siblings and traveling the countryside in an RV with her parents. She graduated from Traip in 1982 and earned her associate degree from Thomas College in 1984. She married her high school sweetheart, Dan, in 1987. From there, she raised Katie and Steven, nurturing them through high school and watching them play sports, and volunteered in the community.

Cath enjoyed reading, relaxing, and spending time with family and friends. Every year she would look forward to “real Spring” when the tulips were in full bloom and the FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 23

In Memoriam

sun was warm. Even though she didn’t like to cook, she was always enthusiastic about making dishes for her annual Easter brunch. She couldn’t wait for “neighbors’ weekend” at her friend’s lake house and would get excited watching the kids play soccer. She had a wealth of knowledge when it came to navigating Disney World, and was the perfect co-pilot on long road trips along the Atlantic coast.

Cath was a hardworking, dedicated employee who made many friendships in the workplace. She enjoyed her profession and the teams she worked with. Even after surgery to remove her brain tumor, she couldn’t wait to get back to work.

Class of 1988

Kenneth “Ken” Cole of Silver Spring, MD, entered eternal rest on March 24, 2022, after a battle with pancreatic cancer. His devoted wife, Elizabeth (“Liz”), was by his side. Ken was blessed to have a wonderful family, including daughter Marilyn, son Anthony, six grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren.

Ken was born in the BelgiumCongo, Africa, while his parents served as missionaries. The family then settled in Maine, where his brother Curtis was born. The two brothers enjoyed an idyllic childhood. Ken started delivering newspapers at age 13. He described how he loved getting up on cold mornings, sometimes seeing the spectacular Northern Lights while on his route. After graduating from college, he enlisted in the Air Force. He served active duty for five years and then served the next 15 years in the Air National Guard in Maine.

After serving, Ken had several jobs, one of which was working for the Maine Children’s Home in Waterville. In 1998, Ken moved to Maryland and worked the next 24 years at APS (American Physical

Robert “Rob” B. Callahan


ROBERT “ROB” B. CALLAHAN , age 56, a Mishicot, WI, resident, passed away unexpectedly on July 30, 2022, in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Rob graduated from Cony High School in 1984. He then furthered his education at Thomas College, receiving a bachelor’s degree in 1988 and a master’s degree in 1996, later obtaining a PhD in 1991. Rob married Car olyn Drouin in Augusta, ME. He entered the higher education field with two main goals: to help his students, staff, and faculty in any way possible and to become a President. He

held various positions in ME, NY, OH, and IA and then moved to Manitowoc, WI, where he fulfilled his goal of becoming President at Holy Family College. Most recently, he returned to the classroom to focus on the students as a professor of Business at Lakeland University. Rob brought positive energy and an infec tious spirit to every situation. His smile and laughter were contagious. Rob was an avid Boston Red Sox and Dallas Cowboys fan. He was an amazing father and husband. He was his daughter’s softball team’s biggest fan and could be found making his home run sprint, giv ing high fives after every homerun the team hit. Use #highfivesfromheaven when posting a memory about him.

Robert is survived by his wife Carolyn (Drouin) Callahan ’89 and two children Jona than and Katelyn; his father Brian; his mother Joan; three sisters Patricia, Linda Church, and Amanda; and his mother-in-law Nancy Drouin.

Society, a professional organization for physicists) until he retired in 2018. Ken enjoyed many hobbies, including: racquetball; long walks in nature; serving as a volunteer elections officer; singing baritone in a barbershop quartet; and, in retirement, playing pickleball. He gained recognition for his self-taught photography skills and was the resident photographer at many events. Ken was a member of Liberty Grove United Methodist Church for 16 years and served on many committees. During the Covid Pandemic, he enjoyed working in the food pantry helping the community.

Class of 2013

On August 4, 2022, Adam Thomas Zibura, loving husband, brother, and son, passed away at the age of 33.

He received his Associates

degree from Kennebec Valley Community College in 2010 and graduated from Thomas College in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. He worked at the Kennebec County Correctional Facility as a corrections officer before working as a dispatcher for the Maine State Police.

As a dispatcher, Adam truly found his calling in life. He had a natural talent for helping people, and he saved countless lives. His selflessness continued in his efforts as a volunteer firefighter with the Windsor Fire Department. Adam loved listening to his police scanner to stay up to date on any emergencies in the area that required assistance. He was always the first person at the scene of a car crash, fire, or other emergency, and he never hesitated to be there—in any weather and any time of night.

Adam was also known for his wonderful sense of humor and ability to make people laugh in any situation. He had a passion for Boston sports, pickup trucks, first responder vehicles with lights and sirens, and animals. He loved caring for his horse, Beamer, and was adamant about having rescue pets to ensure they had a wonderful home.

Former Trustee and Faculty

Joanna Ruth Berggren Dennis, 91, of Punta Gorda, FL, and Waterville, ME, died September 6, 2022.

In her school days, she was an ambitious swimmer, winning numerous state, New England, and national competitions. Her high school yearbook notes she was “rapidly developing into America’s finest mermaid!” She was invited


to train for the Olympics, but she opted to go to college instead.

Joanna graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Tufts University in 1952, and the following day married her first husband, David Lovejoy. She taught high school physical education, health, and physiology for 30 years in CA, MA, WV, NY, NJ, and ME. She left teaching and became a realtor and real estate broker. She created Dennis and Beedy Real Estate in 1985 with her friend and partner, Pamela Beedy, and excelled in the real estate world.

Joanna developed a real estate curriculum for a local college and taught courses for the National Association of Realtors. She was selected as the Realtor of the Year for the state of Maine by the Maine Association of Realtors and was named national Realtor of the Year by the National Association of Realtors in 1987. Joanna served on the Maine Real Estate Commission and was the Chairman of the Commission during her second term.

She was proud to be one of the three founders of the Kennebec Valley Girls’ Club, which merged with the Boys’ Club shortly thereafter. She served on their board from 1976-1983.

Joanna was one of the two first women to join the Waterville Rotary Club, at a time when women were not really welcomed. (When the two women joined, two men quit the Club!) In 1992, she became the first woman President of that Club.

She retired to Florida with her second husband, Dr. Richard Dennis. From there, they skied the Alps, visited Paris and Russia, passed through the Panama Canal, traveled the inside passage to Alaska, journeyed on the Orient Express, and, many times, sailed the Caribbean Sea in self-chartered boats.

Joanna raised four children to be goodhearted, successful adults, and gloried in visits with their families in Florida and at her summer lake house in Maine. n

John W. Rowe


JOHN W. ROWE , 77, of Naples, FL, passed away September 24, 2022. He was chairman emeritus of Chicago-based Exelon Corpora tion, an electric utility serving Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Rowe led Exelon from its formation in 2000 through the completion of its acqui sition of Constellation Energy in 2012. Rowe previously held CEO positions at the New England Electric System and Central Maine Power Company, served as general counsel of Consolidated Rail Corporation, and was a partner in the law firm of Isham, Lincoln & Beale. Rowe was a past chair man of Edison Electric Institute. He was the non-executive Chairman of the Board of SunCoke Energy and previously served on the boards of Northern Trust, Allstate, UnumProvident, and Bank Boston. He was a former Chairman of the Board of Trust ees of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and the Advisory Council to the Oriental Insti tute. Rowe was a former chairman of the Commercial Club of Chicago, the Chicago History Museum, The Field Museum, and Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He was a member of the boards of the Chi cago Shakespeare Theater, Artis-Naples, Kids First Chicago, the Illinois Network of

Charter Schools, New Horizons of South west Florida, the Northwestern University Settlement House, The Pritzker Military Library, and a past President of the Wis consin Alumni Research Foundation. He was a co-chairman of the American Busi ness Immigration Coalition.

The Rowes founded two Professorships of Architecture and a Chair in Sustainable Energy at IIT, as well as the Rowe Chair in the History of American Politics, the Rowe Professorship in Byzantine History, and the Rowe Professorship in Greek History at the University of Wisconsin. They also founded the Rowe Center in Virology at the Mor gridge Institute, the Curator of Evolutionary Biology at the Field Museum, and the Rowe Professorship in Egyptian history at the Uni versity of Chicago. The Rowes co-founded the Rowe-Clark Math and Science Academy and the Rowe Elementary/Middle School. They also served as patrons of the Pope John Paul II parochial school.

John held undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Wisconsin, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and the Order of the Coif. He has also received that university’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Rowe holds honorary doctorates from the University of Wisconsin, DePaul University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Drexel University, University of Massachu setts-Dartmouth, Bryant College, Thomas College, and Dominican University. John resided in Naples and Chicago with his wife, Jeanne, as does their son, William. FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 25


PR Fortin & Sons Land & Timber G&E Roofing Fund The Golden Pond Fund—Brian ’88 and Amy Bernatchez and Albert, III M.B.A. ’94 and Sara (Delgado) Languet ’95

John T. Gorman Foundation Charles, III and Ruth Johnson

David and Laurie (Gagnon) Lachance M.B.A. ’92

Maine Equity Catalyst Fellowship Program Fund

Maine Health Access Foundation

J.S. McCarthy Printers

The Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation


Harry ’89 and Cindy (LaBarge) Monti ’89

H.M. Payson

Pine State Trading Charitable Fund

In honor of Pine State Trading’s Employees

E.J. Prescott, Inc.

Ms. Kathleen A. Ryan ’81

Kathleen A. Ryan Giving Fund

Gregory ’89 and Gale (St. Onge) Savard ’91

In memory of Brian Phillips ’89

Elmina B Sewall Foundation

The Sheridan Corporation

Jim ’89 and Kelley (Benoit) Shimansky ’89

Charles H’21 and Nancy Shuman H’21

Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates*

Sukeforth Charitable Foundation

Sunset Fund

TSSD Services, Inc.—Todd Smith ‘92, M.B.A. ‘99, H’19, P’23, P’24


Kevin ’80, Judy P’19, Kelly, Kody, and Kolton Vining

TRUSTEES’ CIRCLE $10,000-$99,999 Anonymous Bill & Joan Alfond Foundation AT&T Bangor Savings Bank Bangor Savings Bank Foundation Central Maine Power Company Charlie’s Family of Dealerships Cross Insurance Davis Educational Foundation Davis Family
and Mary Paradis
Foundation Richard Forsley ’03, M.B.A. ’22
Paul Fortin ’77, M.B.A.
PRESIDENTIAL MEDALLION CIRCLE $1,000,000 & ABOVE Harold Alfond Foundation COLLEGE MACE SOCIETY $500,000-$999,999 The Lunder Foundation - Peter & Paula Lunder Family TRUSTEE EMERITI CIRCLE $100,000-$499,999 Conrad ’77, H’98 and Lois (Brown) Ayotte ’76 Ayotte Family Fund John H’21 and Linda Fallona John Fallona Charitable Fund Peter H’21 and Sandra Prescott Dianne Ryan In memory of Allen Ryan U.S. Department of Education Title III U.S. Department of Education TRIO Programs Donations received from 7/1/21 through 6/30/22. It’s important to Thomas College that we list your name correctly. QUESTIONS? Contact Chelsea Moeller at Thank you. Members of the Four Seasons Society, the College’s automated monthly giving program. *In-kind donations Thank you to the many donors who contributed to Thomas College students’ success this year.

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $5,000-$9,999



Central Maine Motors Auto Group

Jennifer O. M.B.A. ’96 and James A. Clair

Coca-Cola Bottling Company of NNE Scott ’90 and Laurie Conant

Douglas H’09 and Marie (Wing) Cutchin ’62

The Haven Family Fund Nancy Haven ’73

HB Insurance

Maine Insurance Agents Association

Nancy (Lemar) ’64 and Thomas Marston

David Pease and Edward Tobolski

Robert ’88 and Michelle (Beaulieu) Phelan ’89

Dorcas Benner Riley

Sebasticook Valley FCU

Ken H’17 and Margaret Viens

Wipfli CPAs and Consultants

Zimba Company Inc.



In honor of all the incredible educators and staff at Thomas College

Julianne (Fabian) ’92 and Michael Benecke P’24

The Carboni Family

In memory of Ned Carboni, Trustee Emeritus

The Casco Foundation

CCS Fundraising

Michael and Elizabeth D’Appolonia

Vicki M.S. ’14 and Mike Duguay

David J. Farago

Sean ’97, M.B.A. ’97 and Holly (Mullen) Ferguson ’95, M.B.A. ’96 Gary Goldman ’78

Robin M.B.A. ’90 and Sharon Goodwin

Timothy and Leanne Harris

Timothy R. Harris Charitable Funds

J.T.’s Finest Kind Saw, Inc.

Charles and Pamela Kriegel P’11, P’12 Jim Lemieux ’91, ’94, M.B.A. ’97

MaineGeneral Health

North Atlantic Conference Northern Light Inland Hospital Michele Pelletier M.S. ’99

Pelletier/Webster Family Fund

In memory of Allen Ryan Darlene Ratte ’86, M.B.A. ’88

In memory of James Ratte Eric Reddy ’04 and Maren Madore ’04 Bill and Stacey Ryan

Michael ’92 and Juley Salisbury P’20

Susan (Pooler) ’77, P’09 and Howard Sevey

Richard M.S. ’80 and Janis Spellman

Andrea M.B.A. ’14 and Jerrod Thebarge Roberta J. ’69, ’71 and David L. Tibbetts ’72

Wight’s Sporting Goods

Douglas ’88 and Jennifer (Harmon) Wilson ’88


Matthew Babson ’86 and Donna Shepard

Erin and Jason Baltes

Debra Biche-Labbe and Jim Labbe P’20

Mark ’72 and Deborah Bouvier

Ralph Brown P’87, P’88

In memory of Stephen H. Brown

Robert ’82 and Juelle Clark

Susan (Conant) M.B.A. ’02 and James Cook David and Carie Costello P’20

Dick Curry and Ellen Honan Michael ’83 and Linda (Kura) D’Avolio ’80, ’82

Cheryl Daggett, Director of Health Services

In honor of my parents Larry ’70, ’74, M.S. ’78 and Donna Davis

In memory of Allen Ryan Lisa M. Desautels

Christine (Breton) Devine ’92, M.S. ’01, P’24

In honor of Brianne Benecke ’24 and Jordan Devine ’24

The Dimock Family - Robin (Locke) ’94 and Robert Dimock P’19 James Doyle and Marianne LaCroix Robert, Jr. ’00 and Sarah (Currier) Dube ’01 Wendy (Mills) ’89, M.B.A. ’94 and David Dyer James ’93 and Elizabeth Eastlack Andrew ’11 and Alicia Folan

Jeffrey Gosselin ’93, M.B.A. ’99, P’23

Brian ’80 and Donna Gowen

Michael and Margaret Griffin Kellie (James) ’92, M.B.A. ’98 and Michael Guarino ’92, M.B.A. ’92

Angela Jacobs ’94—James and Betty Jacobs Family Charitable Trust

JAI Software John Joseph, Jr.

Jobs for Maine’s Graduates Inc.

Mark and Judy Johnston

Meredith Jones and Dana Murch

In honor of Erin Baltes

Jeffrey Kahl

Richard and Barbara Kappelmann P’22

George ’94 and Julie (Parlin) Keim ’95

In memory of Jayne Parlin Wallace Donald Knowles ’72

Alexandra Kriegel ’11, M.B.A. ’12

In memory of Robert Nutter Doug Lepley

James and Jennifer (Peternel) Libby Mark ’81 and Jennifer MacKenzie

Matthew ’99 and

Danielle (Bolduc) Marquis ’99

Michael Moody ’02

Bob ’79 and Susan Moore M.S. ’14

Joseph Moore and Beth Chiquoine

Keith Morneault ’96, M.B.A. ’96 and Robyn (Adams) Campbell-Morneault ’95

Scott ’83 and Sheila (Vashon) Nielsen ’86, M.B.A. ’91

Cary Olson Cartwright and Alan Cartwright Bernard ’92, M.B.A. ’99 and Lisa Ouellette P’24

Johnson W. Parks Family Trust Rod ’75 and Deb Pelletier

Michael M.B.A. ’00 and

Suzanne (Michaud) Pooler M.B.A. ’97

Elizabeth and John E. Reuthe Family Charitable Fund

Denise Rogers-Stevens ’13

Maine-ly Docks and Maine-ly Elder Care David Roussel ’93

Robert ’81 and Patricia Salvas Robert and Karen Shea P’24

Richard ’81 and Jean Slingsby

TJ and Kerry Smart

Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation, Inc. Sprague & Curtis Real Estate

Lesley (Dolloff) ’79 and Bill Sprague

Edmond ’71 and Janet Theriault

Dean and Theresa Thompson

In memory of Beverly & Ted Pecht and Garda & Richard Thompson

Jerry and Betsy Tipper

Sean ’96, M.B.A. ’96 and Tonya Trahan

Shane ’96, M.B.A. ’96 and Tricia (Bell) Trahan ’97

Ware-Butler Inc.

Joan Wescott

Rick ’93 and Deborah Whalen

Richard H’17 and Mary Kay Whitmore

Dana Winslow ’72

Mikaela M.S. ’15 and Anthony Ziobro 1894 SOCIETY

Anonymous (4)

102 Pacific LLC

In honor of “Kapp”

Barbara Allen

John H., CPA ’82 and Dana Andrews

Aroma Joe’s Coffee*

Joseph W. ’73 and Karoldene Barnes

Wendy (Iwans) ’80, ’88 and Thomas Bean

Belgrade Lakes Golf Club*

Katherine and Jim Borsig

Philip and Denise Bosse P’01, P’03, P’08

Alan “KDP General” Brouillette

Bonnie (Dyer) ’13, ’17 and Todd Buckmore

In memory of Kevin Dyer

Jamie and Kim Campbell P’17, P’19

In honor of the Investment Club

Mark ’83 and Susan Carrier

In honor of Stephen Heroux ’82

Helen Cassou

Jason Coleman

Jeffrey ’93 and Stephanie Desjardins P’25

John and Carol Dexter

Denise (Doherty) ’81 and Jeffrey Dickson

DRI Machine and Fab, LLC

Drucy’s Fund

Amanda Drummond ’12

Jacob Dunton

Steven Dyer P’24

Matthew Eisenhuth

Peter ’73 and Lydia Ellen

Christopher Farrar ’12, M.B.A. ’14

Stefanie (Rioux) ’05, M.B.A. ’05 and Jeremy Foster

Jeffrey ’06 and Lauren Friel

In honor of Chris Lavigne

OAK TREE SOCIETY $1,000-$2,499
Clifford and Karen Abbott Apple, Inc. Are You Ready to Party??* FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 27

Robert Gagnon ’07, M.B.A. ’10 and Kari

Grant-Gagnon ’07, M.B.A. ’09

Mark Garrepy

In honor of Austin Stebbins

Dakota Gendreau ’16

Derek ’98 and Lori (Calley) Gervais ’98

In honor of Jordan Devine ’24

Beth B. Gibbs M.B.A. ’93, P’12

Goggin’s IGA Supermarket William Grant M.S. ’79

Joshua Gray ’12

In memory of Robert Nutter

Todd Greenquist and Jonathan Carr ’91, M.B.A. ’91

Heidi-Noel (Atherton) and Stanley Grindle P’22

In honor of Devin J. Grindle

Susan Harnum P’24

In honor of Ceileidh Harnum ’24

Jo-Anne (Doane) ’94 and Jerome Harrell Michelle T. (Gilmore) ’83 and Peter Hayes In memory of Allen Ryan

IAMAW Local Lodge 2740

Kenneth Kane P’22

Janet Koob Alexander ’84 and Richard Alexander

KV Federal Credit Union

Forrest ’15, M.B.A. ’17 and Natalie (Corrigan) Labbe ’19, M.B.A. ’22

Nick Labbe M.B.A. ’12 and Michelle Joler-Labbe P’21, P’23

Jonathan and Patricia Ladd P’23

In memory of Robert Ladd & In honor of Jackson Ladd & Lauren Bartlett Joshua ’04 and Alesia (Dalton) LaRoche ’05

Dustin Leighton ’12

Mark and Carolyn Marsolais

Dennis, Jr. and Wendy (Estabrook) Martin ’00, ’03, M.S. ’08

Timothy Mercier ’06

Mid-Maine Marine, Inc.

Elizabeth (Carone) M.S. ’11 and Garret Prelgovisk

Milestone Funeral Partners

Mountain View Landscapes and Lawncare, Inc.

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Paul Mufson and Kathleen Ryan-Mufson

In memory of Veronica Ryan

Dalton Myers ’15, M.B.A. ’16

Thomas Nale ’70

Michael ’03 and Brittney Nowlin

Germaine Orloff M.B.A. ’88

Jevon Owens ’04

Janet (Mackay) ’71 and Richard Parkhurst

Pitney Bowes

Robert Potter ’86

Tammy Rabideau

In honor of Laurie Lachance

David and Sheila Rhoades

Darren Richardson Electric Inc

In honor of Matt Shea

Robert Robitaille ’96 and Heather McMahon

Barry Rock ’92, ’94

Paul Ryan

In memory of Allen Ryan

Stephen Siket ’72

Barbara (Talbot) ’80 and Douglas Sinclair

Pamela (Burnell) ’91 and Joe Stephenson

Meredith Strang Burgess H’21

Ron ’84 and Kris (Nickerson) Summit ’84

Team Prior, Inc. dba Domino’s

Philip Thibodeau

Steven Tilley ’79, M.B.A. ’15 and Pat Boone-Tilley

Valley Beverage

Tammy (Martin) Weston ’94

Jeffrey and Deborah Young P’24

In honor of Aaron Young ’24

TERRIER CLUB $250-$499

Anonymous (12)

Michael ’84 and Diane Albano

Darrell Alexander ’10

Tawny Alvarez ’05

Alton and Shana Anderson P’23

In honor of Lauryn Anderson ’24 James Anderson and Christine Kitowicz-Anderson

In honor of Thomas Field Hockey Team and #27

Karen (George) M.S. ’12 and Frank Appunn

Dan ’82 and Cynthia Atkinson

Augusta Country Club*

Elizabeth Barron M.B.A. ’07

John and Donna Bartlett P’20, P’22 Steven Beane ’13

In honor of The Class of 2013

Jennifer (Gurney) Beck ’06, M.B.A. ’16

Becton, Dickinson & Company dba BD Bedside Manor

Leta Bilodeau

Angela Blood P’22

Robert Bojarski P’24

Mathew ’12 and Shelby (Gilcott) Bolstridge ’13 Priscilla Boudreau

In honor of Marissa Laurendeau John and Jean Bowden

In honor of Kyle Gleason Brookewood Realty Barry Buttermore

In honor of Cheyenne Simpson William and Suzanne Cantey P’25

In honor of Tyler Cantey

Periann (Smith) ’83 and Jason Carl Susan Carter

In honor of Aubrey Schaeffer ’22

Randy Charette M.B.A. ’96 and Monica Wilcox Charette

In memory of Cassidy J. Charette

Michael Chavez

In honor of Isaiah Williams Clayton ’81 and Margaret Churchill Matthew and Joan Cloutier

TJ ’11, M.B.A. ’11 and Casey (Trask) Collins ’11 Colorgraphics! LLC*

Compass Point Consulting Services, LLC Consolidated Electrical Distributors

Gilman Electrical Supply

In honor of Brad Smith Cameron Creamer ’15, M.B.A. ’16

Maria Curra J. Damon and Valerie Currier P’22 John and Donna Currier

In honor of Kelsey Currier ’22

Thomas Cushing Bethany Cyr ’93

James M.B.A. ’14, Amanda, and Cooper Delorie Dominic and Karen DeSimone P’22

In honor of Dominic DeSimone ’22

Glen and Denise Deveaux P’22

Jill (Babcock) ’90 and Fred Drew Cathy Dumont M.B.A. ’10, P’19

Erik Endresen ’75

Michael Flanagin

Darren Forkey ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Bruce ’93 and Cindy (Dube) Gervais ’94

Peter Gilbert M.S. ’78, P’99

Michael Grant Don Gregoire and Sandra Curro

In honor of Britney and Lindsey Gregoire Daren and Tricia Hachey

In honor of Jackson Ladd Rachel (Joseph) ’69 and John Hachey Allen ’73 and Sara-Louise Hall

Charles, II ’85 and Denice (Guenette) Harris ’85 Chuck M.B.A. ’02, H’22 and Maria Hays Theodore Helberg Herbert and Edna Hooper

In honor of Jarrod and Nick Hooper Roger and Barbara Hooper P’22 Kelly (Bristol) ’11, M.B.A. ’11 and Timothy Huggins Mark Hurley P’22

Josh Hutchinson Mike Johnson ’94

In honor of Marie Gaudet Kappa Delta Phi Nu Chapter Alumni Association

Robin (Reuthe) M.S. ’00 and James Kennedy P’23

In honor of the Kennedy Family Gregory and Sarah King P’23

Elizabeth Ladd

Scott Ladd

In honor of Jackson Ladd

Harry, III M.B.A. ’96 and Jennifer (Redman) Lanphear Lisa (Bolduc) ’98, ’08 and David Leach Kim (Nadeau) Lindlof ’91

Hope (LaChance) Lord M.S. ’09 and Anthony Flye

Richard MacKenzie

Zachary MacKinnon ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Paula (Franzen) Madore M.B.A. ’93, P’04

Alyssa Maggi ’17, M.B.A. ’18

Joseph Maggi P’17, P’18

In honor of Alyssa Maggi

Maine Wilderness Tours*

Paul and Patricia Manzon

Daniel and Nicole May P’24

In honor of Daniel May ’24

Gregory M.B.A. ’01 and Stephanie (Talbot) McNeal ’00

Dick and Betty-Jane Meader

Wagner Mello

In honor of Darien Olivo

Robert ’04, M.B.A. ’06 and Anne Morin

Nicholas Murray ’18, M.B.A. ’20

Heidi (Vanorse) ’95 and Joel Neal

New Dimensions FCU

In memory of Robert B. Ward P’93

Scott Nivus ’86 and Martha Mosher

Susan (Redner) ’99 and Christopher Norris

MacKenzie Oberholzer ’21

Sujeli Olivo

In memory of Margarita Olivo

John and Cherie Page

Corey ’04, M.B.A. ’12 and Jennifer (DeRoche) Pelletier ’04, M.B.A. ’14

Christine (Campbell) ’90 and Keith Perkins

Kenneth Phair ’68 and Vivian (Morneau) Coughlin ’65

Ann (Cyr) ’63 and Daniel Pinkham

Richard ’81 and Penny Plichta

Charles Rawson ’02


Christopher ’88, M.B.A. ’89, Andrea M.S. ’07, Emma, and Andrew Rhoda

Patrick ’15 and Sara (Moynihan) Rogers ’15, M.S. ’19

David ’76, M.B.A. ’82 and

Suzanne (Morin) Ronan ’69, P’08

Lawrence and Cathy Rosen

In honor of Kate Richards Michael Ross ’09

Tessy (Rector) ’92 and Anthony Rossignol

Michael ’10, M.B.A. ’10 and Brandi (DeBeck) Santo

James Sargent ’20 and Jessica Wilkins ’19

Marc and Anne Saunders P’25

In honor of Jacob Saunders ’25

Daniel and Gina Schaeffer P’22

Kenneth and Holly Shea Stephen Shuman

In honor of Jackson Ladd Jacob Sirois ’15

Brian and Karolina Smith P’25

In honor of Tommy Smith

Kelly (Wood) Smith M.S. ’12, P’23, P’24

In honor of Hunter ’23, ’24 and Cole Smth

Southern Angel Properties, LLC

Kermit and Paula Stanley

Brian Stebbins

Hazel (Ryan-Bell) M.B.A. ’90 and David Stevenson

Stephen and Cathy Stewart P’12

Elayne (Nagem) Thombs ’74, ’82

Tree Spirits*

Waterville Country Club*

Michael Watt ’89

Ryan Watts ’73

Donna Weatherbee ’83

Jeff ’95 and Jessica Willett

Stephen and Valerie Young P’22

In honor of Steele Young



Anonymous (18)


In honor of Erin Baltes


In honor of Kaitlynn Bean ’24 and T yler St. Pierre ’23


In honor of Maya Brainard


In honor of the Class of 1991


In honor of Jennifer Morris


In memory of Rob Nutter ’12


In honor of Madison Rock ’23

Corinne Adams

In honor of Cameron Brooks

Michael ’94 and Aimee (Courtemanche) Adams ’94, P’23

Mark ’87 and Janice (Pelletier) Andrews ’85

Karen (McLean) ’79 and Robert Archer Mark and Nicole Armaganian

In honor of Jarrad Willette

Jessica Avery

In honor of Mary LaRochelle Muriel and Carroll Ayer

Tabor (Morrison) Badger ’94 and Dave Wood Thadius Barber

In honor of Nick Barber Thomas and Rita Barber

In honor of Nick Barber

Lisa (Van Vranken) Bargsley ’76 Ashleigh Barker ’13 Cole Barney ’17

Walter and Sara Barry Robert and Pamela Bartlett Robert and Theresa Bartlett Ruby Bean

In honor of Audra Bean David and Tami Beane P’13

In honor of Steven Beane ’13 Dan Beck

Michael Benecke, Jr. Reilly Benecke Marie Bennett

In honor of Marissa Laurendeau Kimberly (Burgess) ‘04 and John Berg Anthony and Kelley (Sutherland) Bernard P’21, P’22

Parker and Ann Beverage Barbara Biche Thomas and Kisha Biche Meris Bickford

In honor of Isabelle Lang Arthur and Kathy Bilis Dean M.B.A. ’93 and Ruth Bither Ethan ’19 and Carli (Carter) Blake ’19 Dana Blondin P’24

Keri Bojarski P’24

Thomas and Donna Bolduc P’19 Brian and Ann-Marie Bouchard P’25

In honor of Jacob Bouchard ’25 Shawn and Marie Bouchard Ferne Boudreau

In honor of Marissa Laurendeau James ’03 and Donna Boutin Karla Brannen ’06, M.B.A. ’06

Daniel ’11 and Aly Brannigan Kenneth, Jr. ’74 and Linda Braun Carrie (Bodwell) Brennan M.S. ’13 Jack and Carol Brennan Leonel ’68 and Diane Breton P’94 Jason and Margaret Brewer P’23

The Bridgton News

In honor of Maddie Rock

Frank Brillant and Heather Roberts P’23

In honor of Alydia Brillant

Lisa Britt P’22

In honor of Ethan Scripture ’22 and Aiden Scripture ’24

Gregory Brooks P’25

In honor of Cameron Brooks ’25

Jennifer Brooks

In honor of Makayla Panich’25

Darlene Brown*

Robert Brown, Jr.

Steven ’08 and Anna (Ross) Brown ’10

Matthew Brunner and Kelly Larson-Brunner P’23*

James Burdick

Daniel ’88 and

Elizabeth (Letourneau) Burgess ’84

Jeffrey and Kathryn Buxton P’22

James and Shirley Cameron

In honor of Mackenzie Haynes

Carol Carew M.B.A. ’01

James and Cynthia Caron

Jason and Tracy Carter P’24

Douglas Cashman

Lynn ’74 and Edna Cayford

Jason and Kris Chadwick

Laurel Chadwick P’22

In honor of Anna Chadwick

Lawrence and Ann Chadwick

Robert and Suzanne Chadwick

In honor of Anna Chadwick ’22

Theresa Chambers

Bruce Chase

William and Marion Chasteen

Melanie Ciesluk

CIGNA Healthcare of Arizona

Jeffery ’91 and Nicole Clark

Joyce Clark-Sarnacki

Carole Clarke

Mr. Clean

In honor of Kasey Champney

Pierce Cole

James and Valerie Coleman

Carolyn (Carpenter) ’76 and C. Christopher Colpitts

Midge (Waynen) ’74 and Roger Concannon Ryan ’02 and Jill Conley

Cassandra Contigiani ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Jessica Cook

Zeno ’94, M.B.A. ’96 and Melissa (Short) Corrigan ’94, P’19, P’22

Samantha Coughlin ’20

Raymond and Marcelle Crisco P’23

The Crisco Family

Jean (Poirier) Croce ’94

Jessica (Gagnon) ’10, M.S. ’12 and Christopher Crowell

Tobin Cultrera

In memory of Garrison Pallet

Anthony Curro

Michele (Norberg) ’93 and Michael Cushing

Derek Daigneault ’94

Derek Dalrymple ’14

Wayne and Tina Day

Marie Deeb ’62

April Dehetre

Denise Delorie P’14

In honor of James Delorie

Gerald and Nancy Demarais

Christopher Devine

In honor of Jordan Devine ’24

Joanne DeYoung

Jose and Adelaida Diaz P’25

Robert ’84 and Catherine Dion

Sherry and Joe Donato

Judith Doore

Quentin Doughty P’24

Seth Doughty and Melissa Moeller P’24

Bonnie (Walker) Drummond ’64 FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 29

Alan and Ruthann Eaton

Thomas and Barbara Edwards

Corbin Eldridge

Jim Evans and Irma Sanchini-Evans

Codey Fabian ’15

Fabian Oil

Heather Farrell-Stoddard ’01, M.B.A. ’05

John and Pamela Faulkingham

Shirley Faulkingham

Faulkingham, Inc.

Lorraine Fellows ’87

Daniel and Mary Fisher

In honor of Haley McIntyre

Jeff and Nancy Fitch

Fitch Family Giving Fund

Bruce Fleischmann ’71

Kyle Fletcher ’18

Cheryl (Wakeham) ’95, M.B.A. ’09 and Rusty Flewelling

Joseph ’96 and Caryn Fogg

Ken and Kelly Folan P’11

In honor of Andrew Folan ’11

Robert and Renae Foley P’23

In honor of Drew Foley

Owen J. Folsom, Inc.

In honor of Matt Seymour

Dawny Foss

Dylan Foster and Brittany Mellor

Amber (Hall) ’77 and Jeffery Fournier

Donald and Peggy Freed

In honor of Grace Slenker

Front & Main*

James and Shelly Frost P’24

Frosty’s Donuts*

Christopher and Jennifer Gagnon

In honor of Molly Sottak

Victor and Mary Galiatsos

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Ralph ’77 and Holly (Margeson) Gamache P’15

Pedro and Kendra Garcia P’24

Elizabeth (Aronie) M.B.A. ’98 and Sidney Geller

Todd and Kimellen Gibbons P’24

In honor of Jackson Gibbons ’24

Jordan Gibson ’17

Kurt Gilbert ’73

Wade Gilbert and April Riggs

In honor of Teresa McLinden

Sean and Candace Goggin P’22

George ’72 and Kathleen Goodwin

Roxanne (Salatino) ’82, ’84 and Patrick Gorham

Gorham Contracting

Edwin and Wendy Gott

In honor of Cheyenne Simpson

Linda Gould

In honor of Liam Gould

Kenneth Grady

In honor of DJ Cagnina

Fred and Renee Grant

Gloria Gray

Marsh Gray

Alane Gray Larochelle P’24

Leon ’96 and Denise (Carter) Green ’97

Kyle Greene ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Ryan ’02 and Katherine (Hamann) Greenlaw ’02, M.B.A. ’10

Charlie ’78 and Nancy Greer

Kenneth and Dorothy Gregoire P’21, P’22, P’23, P’25*

E. Skip Grindle & Sons, Inc.

Brian ’89 and Tessa Guerrette

Arnold ’83, ’86 and Rebecca Hanscom

In memory of Blynn & Florence Galusha

Judith Hansen-Childers M.B.A. ’96, M.S. ’98, P’01 and Dennis Childers P’16

Alyssa Harden

Jeffrey Harmon

In honor of Lucas Harmon

Victor and Penny Harnum

Robert M.B.A. ’85 and Elaine Harriman

Faith (Lovejoy) ’02 and Gary Hauger

Teresea M.B.A. ’14 and Stephen Hayes P’07

Richard Hendsbee ’73

Joshua and Rachel Herrin

In honor of Zach Nickerson David Holden

Ronald M.B.A. ’92 and Sharon (Hall) Holmes M.B.A. ’96 Richard ’67 and Diane Holt Homestead Realty

Tracey Horton

Katie Hoskins-Jose ’07 and Nick Jose

The Howard Group LLC

Charles and Francine Howe

Jeff ’87 and Marcia Hubert P’13, P’14

Marilyn Hudzina

Samuel and Joan Hull

In honor of Britney & Lindsey Gregoire Jade Huntington P’24

In honor of Sydney Huntington-Strohm Thomas and Denise Hurley

Kathy Hutchinson

Shaun Irish ’04 and Tina Chambers Schettino-Irish Susan (Crosby) Jacques ’47

Robert Jensen, Jr. P’22

David and Debby Johnson

In honor of Austin Stebbins Craig ’81 and Laura Joseph

Taylor Kaminsky Matthew Kappelmann

Robert Kelsey

Kennebec Savings Bank KSB Lends a Hand Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce

Jane (Etchie) ’78 and Larry Kennedy

Heather (Verrill) ’99, M.B.A. ’00 and Darren Knowles

Ronald ’68 and Helen Knox

Nicholas Kopf ’17

James and Jill Labbe

Andrew and Heidi LaBrie P’19, P’23

In honor of Adam LaBrie ’19 and Eric LaBrie ’23

Aurora LaClair ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Jennifer (Shelley) ’05 and Derek LaCroix

George and Carolyn Ladd

In honor of Jackson Ladd

William Ladd

In honor of Jackson Ladd ’23

Raymond and Doris Lafortune

Rob Lamarre

In honor of Anna Chadwick

Daniel LaMontagne M.B.A. ’06

Ronald and Brenda Lang P’92

Thomas and Betty-Jo (Rogan) Largay P’98, P’00

Roy and Kathleen Lasher

In honor of Ryan Kappelmann

Diane Laurendeau

Robert and Karen Laurendeau P’23

Alexander Lawson ’18

Teresa Lazala

Michael and Tracey LeClair P’21, P’23

In honor of Jonny LeClair

Marilyn Leimbach ’99

Daniel Leland M.B.A. ’12, P’14

Kristina Lilley M.B.A. ’19 and Russell Boynton John, Jr. ’14 and Sarah (Card) Little ’14

Reginald and Penny Littlefield P’23*

Littlefield Florist

Michael ’04 and Erica Lizotte

Kelly (Bell) ’80 and Greg Lloyd

Longfellow’s Greenhouses*

Ryan and Heidi Loubier P’25

Loyal Biscuit Company*

Gabby Lubin

Charles and Michelle Lumbert

In honor of Parker Desjardins

Mikael ’88, M.B.A. ’89 and Kelly (Rice) Lundqvist

Brenda (Lapointe) ’82, ’03, M.B.A. ’08 and Barry Lyons, Jr.

Warren ’89 and Melissa Maddock

Virginia Madore

Lisa and Eric Magiera P’23

Thomas and Brenda Maines

Maine-ly Concrete Corporation

In honor of Kaysee Leary

Edward and Victoria Mallett

Mario Mangone

Maple Lane Builders, Inc.

In honor of Andrew Pruell

Christopher Markos

Norman and Mary Lou Marquis

Nancy (Briggs) Marshall M.B.A. ’94

Marshall Communications

Steve Martin

Oscar and Silvia Martinez

Kristin Masessa ’12

Marquis ’14 and Aracelis (Figueroa) Mason-Pollard

Carly McCarthy ’14, M.B.A. ’14

Daniel McClenahan and Diane Zavotsky P’17

Jay McDougal P’21

In honor of Duncan McDougal ’21

Edward and MaryAnn McLinden P’24

In honor of Teresa McLinden ’25

Nicole (Ouellette) McSweeney M.B.A. ’15

Robert, Jr. ’97 and Melanie (Buccellato) Meader ’96, M.B.A. ’96

John and Dorothy Meehan

John Melvin P’22

Marsha Merryman ’97

Shelley Middleton

In honor of Thomas Smith


Chelsea Moeller

Kevin ’90 and Jessica Montminy

Tiffany (Willman) ’12 and Willis Moody

John Mooney

In honor of Teresa McLinden Gerristen

Beach Property Owners Assn.

Carol (Ogden) Moore ’76

Raymond Morency ’85

David and Marion Mosher James Moulton ’13

Scott ’04 and Meaghan Mullen Troy Munford ’84

Joanna Murch ’17

Thomas Murch P’17

Justin Murray ’16

Terrie Murray

Patrick Nee

NextEra Energy, Inc.

James and Jodie Nielsen P’24

In honor of Jayce Nielsen ’24

Matthew and Heidi Nightingale P’22

Sherri (Sawyer) ’92 and Barry O’Donnell Jared ’01 and Mary (Mersereau) O’Roak ’01

Oak Tree Winery*


Marc Paquette

In honor of Matthew Seymour Gerald and Janice Paradis

In honor of Reid Gagnon Mark Parent and Candice Berger Parent Robert and Karen Parenteau P’24

Thomas ’78 and Debra Parker Mitchell and Tammie Parkhurst P’22

Marge Pelletier

Yvette Pelletier

In honor of Jackson Ladd

Mike and Amanda Perry P’24 Chris and Madeline Pettus

In honor of Teresa McLinden ’24

Kenneth Phair ’68 and Vivian (Morneau) Coughlin ’65

Gail Philbrook

In honor of Nick Hooper Keith Pike ’12

Pitcher-Thompson, Ltd.

In honor of Caden Crosby Jamie Plourde P’22

Pete ’78 and Valerie (Green) Plummer ’79

Wendy Poole

Krysta Porter ’19, M.B.A. ’20


Barbara Powers-Goodman ’94 and Douglas Goodman

Renee (Pelletier) ’98, M.B.A. ’99 and

Brian Prescott

Progressive Insurance Foundation

William and Katherine Purington

Joseph Quinlan ’16

David Rand ’89

Cynthia Randall Jerry and Mary Randall P’06

Matthew and Brenda Redding Michael and Shannon Reece P’22

Stephen ’72 and Beverly Reid

In honor of retired professor Marie Deeb

Russel and Alison Reimus

In honor of Cam Brooks Guy Reynolds ’91 and Rosemary Marino-Reynolds Philip and Sharon Richards Eugene and Christina Ring P’22

In honor of Michael Ring Sharon (Tyler) Ring ’68

Diane Rivard

In honor of Riley Gibllin Donald Roberts

In honor of Ben Gosselin Nancy Roberts

In honor of Maddie Rock Shawn and Melissa Rock P’23

Jeffrey Romano and Maria Fuentes Romano

In honor of Austin Stebbins Jeannine (Bosse) ’01, ’03, M.B.A. ’08 and Joshua Ross Richard ’98 and Jennifer (Gagnon) Rotella Gretchen Roy

In honor of Onyx Emelo Jasmine Ryan ’13

In honor of the Class of 2013 Elisabeth Sanborn ’22

Lawrence and Mary Sand

In honor of Carolina Batchelder Jane Savard P’89

In memory of Brian Phillips Nicholai Schlikin ’69

Megan (Tapley) M.B.A. ’09 and Corey Scott Lloyd and Joyce Scripture David ’78 and Diane Sedler Selah Tea*

Nicole Sevigny ’15, M.S. ’19 Scott ’02 and Betsy (Pratt) Sibley ’02 Silvex, Inc.

Hunter and Brandee Smigelski

In honor of Alia Chasse, Britney and Lindsey Gregorie Dorothy Smith

Douglas and Judy Smith P’92, P’96, P’99 Timothy Smith and Patricia Clarke Smith

In honor of Cameron Brooks Brett Sommers ’16

Helen (Paradis) Souza ’73, ’80 Celia Stacy

In honor of Cheyenne Simpson Patrick Stacy

In honor of Cheyenne Simpson Michael Stang M.B.A. ’00

Timothy ’79 and Sharon (Tripp) Stearns ’76 David and Karen (Labbe) Stebbins P’19, P’20, P’22, P’23

Karen Stebbins

Quinton Stebbins ’19, M.B.A. ’20 Robin Struck

In honor of Jackson Ladd Kathleen Sullivan M.B.A. ’99 Sunset Grill*

William and Patricia Tedeschi

In honor of Kayla Duhaime David and Ann Theriault

In honor of Jackson Ladd and Hunter Glowa

Steven and Charlene Theriault

In honor of DJ Cagnina

Regan Thomas ’01, ’06 and Thomas Mowry Hazel Thompson

In honor of Devin Grindle

Mitchell Thurlow

Peter Torilli, Jr. Thomas and Pamela Torre

In honor of Kelsey Currier Robert Touchette ’02

Charlene (Chasse) ’66 and Wilfred Turgeon Jeff and Amber (Richard) Turner P’25

In honor of Kallee Turner Paul and Kathleen Vail

Dylan Veilleux ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Judith Veilleux P’20, P’21 Jessica Verrill

Cody Vigue ’13

Irene Vigue Turcotte

In honor of Alyssa Doughty

Eric and Mary Lou Warn P’22

Waterville Portland Pie Company*

Shelby Watson ’16, M.B.A. ’17

Katherine Welch ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Ryan Wheaton M.S. ’13

Dianne White P’20

In honor of Meredith Wheeler

Janet (LaMontagne) Whitney ’76

Kirsten Whitten ’15, M.B.A. ’16

John and Alicia Wilcox

Darrell and Janet Wilkie

In memory of Grace Machemer

Ralph and Nicole Willette P’25

In honor of Jarrad Willette

Dalia Williams ’17

Susan Wilson

In honor of Kasey Champney

Wayne ’80 and Susan Winston

Randy and Gayle Wood P’18

Darrell and Jill Worster P’19

In honor of Troy and Tim Worster

Amanda (Wiley) and Patrick Wrigley

In honor of Gracie and Gryff

Shannon and Megan Yeager P’24

In honor of Rylie Yeager ’24

Annie Young ’19, M.S. ’20


Anonymous (46)

Anonymous In honor of the Classes of 2014 and 2015


In honor of Lindsey Desmaris ’22

Anonymous In honor of Grant Frickman

John and Nickie Abate

Sydney Abbott ’21

Christopher Abdel-Malak

In honor of Grace Slenker

Lindsey Adams

Meredith Adams Shephard

In honor of Cameron Brooks Jose Afonso Luis ’21

Michael Akanji ’15, M.B.A. ’17

Britha Kentha Akimana

Richard and Linda Albert

In honor of Austin Stebbins

Logan Alexander Wallace Alexander, Jr. Mailena Alicea ’21

James Allard ’99

Jerome ’67 and Elizabeth (Chase) Allen In memory of our parents

Christina Almonte

Jeanne Amabile

In honor of Britney & Lindsey Gregoire

Arieanna Ambrose

In honor of Kyle Greene

Anthony ’93 and Ami Amero

In honor of Dr. McPhee-Brown

Scott and Laurie Amero

In honor of Amanda Winslow

Allison Ames Goscinski

In honor of Jason Bartlett

Christie Amorosino

John Anda and Sadia Kubari P’24

Kirby-Rose Anderson

Lauryn Anderson

Jenna Angelini

Jeffery Arsenault

In memory of Leo P. Arsenault ’54

Peter Ashley June Atherton

Michael and Kourtney Atwater

In honor of Corbin Eldridge

Colby Averill ’13, M.B.A. ’14 FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 31

Kevin ’11 and Brooke Averill

Alex Avila

Angelica Avila Rodriguez

Carolina Bachelder

Lindsay Bagley

Parker Bailey

Alexander Baker ’22

Julia Baker

Jillian Baltes

Kristel (Berube) ’99 and Scott Bane

Jeffrey ’13, M.B.A. ’14 and

Jillian (Sloban) Banville ’12, M.B.A. ’12

Nicholas Barber

Silverio Barrera

In honor of Madyson Redding

Jason Bartlett

Lauren Bartlett ’22

Audra Bean

Chris and Laureen Bean

David Bean and Rebecca Goddard Bean

Kaitlynn Bean

Lilly Beauregard

Richard and Linda Becker

In honor of Molly Walker

Russell Beckwith ’08

Tanya (Longley) M.S. ’21 and Damian Belanger

Emily and Jordan Bell

Helen Bell-Necevski

Anita Benoit

Bruce and Janet Benoit P’89

Jayson Benoit

Jerrod Bentley M.B.A. ’09

Sherry Berard M.B.A. ’17, P’19

Faye Bergeron

Maeghan Bernard ’22

Emily Berrill

Katherine Biche

Logan Biche

Bigelow Brewing Company*

Kurt and Lynne Bimmler

In honor of Jarrad Willette

Anne Bisson

Dominic Blaisdell

Amanda Blondin

Lauren Blood ’22

Scott Boies ’18, M.B.A. ’19 and Kassandra Shackley ’15

Maximilian Bojarski

Usain Bolt

Abigail Bolvin

Betsy Bolvin

Addyson Bond ’22

Timothy and Dorothy Bonsant

Joseph Bouchard

John and Amie Boucher P’24

Emma Boucher

Gavin Bourgoin

In honor of the future success for the Class of 2022 and beyond William and Stacy Bourne P’23, P’24

In honor of Jackson Ladd

Marcie Bowden

In honor of Maddy Redding Eric Bowen ’85

Madison Bradbury

Carol Bradel

Jasmine Bradley

Maya Brainard

Jennifer (Lemay) ’17, M.B.A. ’18 and

Matthew Brand

Isaiah Brathwaite ’12 and Cortney Barrett

Richard Breton P’01, P’03

In honor of Jordan Devine

Christopher Brewer

Christopher and Lynnette Brewer P’22

In honor of Lizzy Gotay

Daniel Brewer

Emma Brewer

Joshua Brewer

Nicholas Brewer ’22

Nina ’16, M.B.A. ’18, P’21 and Ed Brickett

Crystal Bridge ’01

John Brier M.B.A. ’95

John and Patricia Briggs

Craig Bristol

In honor of Ryan Beckerman Celene Brooke-Boulet

In honor of Jordan Brooke Dylan Brooks

Jennifer Brooks

Lauren Brooks

In honor of Makayla Panich ’25

Ron Brooks

In honor of Makayla Panich ’25

Raymond and Brenda Brothers

Anastasia Brown

Helen Brown

Holly (Beedy) Brown ’06

Jacob Brown

Nicholas Brown

Kathy (Clifford) ’73 and Lloyd Buck

Patrick Buckley

In honor of Matthew Hurley

Raegan Budge

The Bukers

Justin Bulmer

Charlene Butera

Sonia (Michaud) ’70, ’83 and David Butler

Daniel Buxton

Margaret Buxton

Patrick Buxton ’22

Ian Byrd

Darren Cagnina, Jr.

Katherine Cahall ’88, ’91, M.B.A. ’95 and Wayne Cook Chad ’10 and Christina Caldwell

Joe and Jane Call P’19

In honor of Sarahjane Call 2019 Sarahjane Call ’19 and Carson Dalheim Ellen Campbell

Callie Caron

In honor of Daniel Brewer Richard Carrier ’80

Stanley Carte ’14, M.B.A. ’16

Clifford ’89, M.B.A. ’89 and Lisa Carter P’19

In honor of Carli A. Carter ’19

Nathan Carter

Thomas and Linda Carter

In honor of Nate Carter Carlie Casey

In memory of Charleen (Myles) Chase ’69, ’80

Harvey and Theresa Casillas Garrett Cassidy

Cathleen (Cloran) ’12 and Benedict Cassie

Bob Cates

Brad and Amy Cates P’23

MacKenzie Cates

Marissa Cates

Paige Cates Pam Cates

Mary Cervizzi

AJ Chadwick

In honor of Anna Chadwick

Anna Chadwick ’22

Sarah Chadwick

Nathaniel Chambers and Michia McKusick-Chambers

In honor of Ellie Michaud

Robert and Joanna Champagne P’22

Kasey Champney ’22

In honor of Kasey Champney ’22

Abigail Chandler

Ashley Chandler

In honor of Addy Bond

Hailey Chapman

Jonah Chappell

Nancy Charette

Achen Charles

Alia Chasse

Madisyn Cheplic

Ronald Churchhill

Jan Clark

Joshua Clark ’14

In memory of Dave Dutil, Jr. ’15

Meghan Clark

Tiffany Clemens ’15

Christine Clough

Harold and Donna Coburn

In honor of Elisabeth Sanborn ’22

Robert Colby

William Cole

Andrew Coleman

Dean Coleman

Paul ’81 and Nanette (Philbrook) Collette ’82

Alan Comeau

Leila Contigiani

Abigail Cooper

In honor of Danielle Berard ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Donna Cooper

In honor of Tyler Cantey

Thomas ’83 and Sherry Coore

Dylan Copeland ’21, M.B.A. ’22

James Cosgrove ’95

Daniel and Margaret Cote

In honor of Jarrod Hooper

Jillian Coull

Lisa Cournoyer Mongeau


Patrick ’92, M.B.A. ’96 and Donna Couture

Andrew Cowles

Kalinda Cox ’13, M.B.A. ’14

Christina Cracolici ’99

Mathew Crisco

Hunter Crocker

Sam Crockett

In honor of Lauren Smith ’23

Caden Crosby

Grodon and Beth Crosby P’21

Caroline Crowell

David Cunningham Dylan Cunningham

John and Francesca Curra

Anderson Currier

Kelsey Currier ’22

Robert and Stephanie Cyrus DADI LLC

Hayden Daigle

Anthony D’Andrea

Janel Danforth P’24

Jennifer Danforth

In honor of Owen Orlando and Olivia Rowe

Keith Danforth

Mallory Daniello

Bruce M.B.A. ’98 and Kathleen Daniels

Carlos Danlando

Lizzy Danlando

Charlotte Davies

In honor of Kyle Gleason

Christopher and Christine Dawley

In honor of Aubrey Schaeffer

Erica de Vries

Emma Dehetre

Alexis DeLaite

SueEllen Dority

In honor of Kory Winch

Jessica Doucette

Alyssa Doughty

Melody Doughty P’24

Katelyn Douglass

Travis Drapeau ’18

Kaitlyn Draper

Kevin Driscoll

In honor of Mackenzie E. Driscoll ’22

Mary Ellen Driscoll

In honor of Mackenzie Driscoll ’22

Richard Drown ’18

Timothy Drummond P’12

Adam Dubail ’22

Kimberly DuBois

In honor of Anna Chadwick Donald and Terri Dufour P’18, P’20

Jordan Dumont ’19

Philip and Cynthia Dunham

In honor of Madyson Redding

Garrett Dupee

Julie (Letourneau) and Sidney Dupont

Tammy Durgan Feegel

Michael Dutka P’19, P’20

Jack Dwyer

Calvin Dyer Meaghan Dyer

Jennifer Dyson

In honor of Kaylee Fonseca

Broghan Eaton

Kimberly Edgren

In honor of Molly Sottak

Madison Edwards

Bill ’70 and Patricia (Phair) Eggleston ’68

Natalie Eide

Joakim Eliasson Sternas ’17

Todd Ellis ’07 and Flannery Higgins

Onyx Emelo

Othniel Emelo

Charlene Emerson

Sarah Emerson

Kristina Emmons ’17, M.B.A. ’18

Christa (Haskell) ’92 and Mark Fairbanks Bruce Fairclough P’04

Dylan Fortier

Michelle Fortier ’17

Lori Fortin

Karen Foschini

In honor of Brennan Pinto ’24

Michael and Crystal Freed

In honor of Grace Slenker

Lillian Friars ’21

Craig Frickman and Nancy Talbot-Frickman P’25

In honor of Grant Frickman

Grant Frickman

Christine Frizzle

In honor of Emma Lund

Rachel (Pomerleau) ’95 and Chad Frost

In honor of 1995 Beta Sigma Omega

Shawnna Frost

Annette Fuller M.B.A. ’08

Dustin Gagne ’14, M.B.A. ’15

William and Lori-Ann Gagne

In honor of Alex Avila

Jacob Gagnon

Jeffrey and Barbara Gagnon

In honor of Jake Weston

Reid Gagnon

Mary Galatis

In honor of Jarrad Willette

Jasmine Galbreath

Robert and Joan Galiatsos

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Molly Gallagher

Teresia Garceau LMT*

Nicholas Garcia

Dylan and Lauren Gard

In honor of Grace Johnson

Linanne (Nye) ’91 and Christopher Gaunce Maria Gavin

Natalie Gelinas

Colin and Kathleen Giblin

Scott and Michelle Giblin

In honor of Riley Giblin

Frank Gibney

Gerald Gibson P’17, P’26

In honor of Jordan Gibson ’17

Meri Gilson

Christine Demers

In honor of Dylan Brooks ’23

Krystal Demers

Terry Demers

In honor of Dylan Brooks

Christina Denis ’22

Kelly Dennis

Gerard ’70, M.B.A. ’86 and Patricia Dennison

Shelly (Sinclair) Desiderio ’93, M.B.A. ’96

Dominic DeSimone ’22

Parker Desjardins

Arline Desmarais

In honor of Garrison Paillet

Lindsey Desmarais ’22

Madison Dettman

Jarrad Devaughn ’14 and Julia Lorenz ’13

Jordan Devine

Patricia Devine

Joshua Devou ’17, M.B.A. ’20

Tina (Main) ’89 and Rusty Dewsnap

Paul and Elaine DiCarlo

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Dale and Teresa Dickson P’24

Shara DiGrazia-Almeida

Dylan Dillaway

Direct Display Publishing Company, Inc.

Concetta DiSanto P’23, P’24

In honor of Mary DiSanto

Mary DiSanto

Mary-Ellen Doherty

Michael Doherty

In honor of Patrick Buxton Ellen Donahue

Abby (Burdin) M.B.A. ’18 and Austin Dooley Patrick Dooley

In honor of Ben Fairclough

Terry (Whitten) ’76 and Charles Fales Harlee Farrar

Victoria (Devonshire) ’12, M.B.A. ’13 and Zachary Farrington Kayci Faulkingham

Hunter Feeny

In honor of Rylie Yeager ’25 Lisa Feeny

In honor of Rylie Yeager

Jeffrey and Kerrie Ferguson Anthony and Laurie Fiala

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Leonard A. Ficaro M.B.A. ’91

Brianna Figueroa ’22

Elon Firmage

Nancy Fish P’12

Mr. & Mr. Samuel Fisher ’13

Mikayla Fitzmaurice

Amanda Fitzsimmons

In honor of Kory Winch

Samantha (Murphy) Flaherty ’19

Charles Flannery

In honor of Nick Vacco

Bryce Fletcher Haley Fletcher

Joseph and Julie Fletcher P’18 Christopher Flood Drew Foley

In honor of Hadnot 2022 John Foley and Jane Kimball Foley

In honor of Mary DiSanto Katelyn Foley

In honor of Mary DiSanto Mia Foley Kaylee Fonseca

In honor of Kerry Smart

Sharon Gilson

Isaac Gingras

Lindsay Given

Martha Gleason

Dale Glidden and Shaina Peterson Hunter Glowa ’22

Samuel and Jan Goddard Kiara Goggin

Clinton and Andrea Goodenow

In honor of Kate Richards Kevin Goodnow

Goodscapes Lawn Care & Landscaping

Olivia Goodwin ’21

Jackie Gordon

Caleb Gorey ’21 and Kellie Haggerty ’22

Pauline (Harding) Gorham ’74

Benjamin Gosselin

Matthew Gosselin

Michelle (Jolicoeur) Gosselin Ervin ’93, P’23, P’25 and Timothy Ervin

In honor of Ben and Matthew Gosselin

Elizabeth Gotay

Liam Gould

Chelsea Gourley ’17

Michael Graham

Benjamin Grant ’22

Stephen Gray ’22

Alicia Greene ’22

Dawnieall Greene

Kshanti Greene and Thomas Young

Martha Greene

Chasity Greene-Richards P’21, P’22

Britney Gregoire ’22

David M.B.A. ’86 and Roxanne Grenier

Seven (Lathrop) Grenier M.B.A. ’08 FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 33

Mason Griffin ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Samantha Grimaldi ’18

James Grimes

In honor of Max Bojarski

Devin Grindle ’22

Michail and Marilyn Grizkewitsch

In honor of Emma Lind

Daniel Guarino

Blaine Guido ’16, M.B.A. ’17 and Kelly Macomber ’17

Carl and Linda Haag James ’89 and Renee Hachey

Curtis Hadnot P’22

In honor of Matthew Hadnot Matthew Hadnot ’22 Holly Hale

Anne (Leadbetter) ’72 and Robert Hall

Stewart Hall

Carl M.S. ’78 and Janet Hamilton

Stephen and Rose Handley

Benjamin Hapworth

Lucas Harmon Ceileidh Harnum

Ella Harnum

In honor of Ceileidh Harnum ’24

Tyler ’16 and Rebekkah (Raymond) Harrington ’16

Jacob Harris

Lindsay (Shepard) ’94, ’96 and Nat Harris Craig Harrison ’17

MariBeth Hartley

Peter and Barbara Haskell

Rodney and Mary Hatch

Charles and Velma Hayes

Cameron Haynes

Travis and Renee Haynes

Patricia Healy

Paul and Rebecca Heath

Thomas Heideman ’18

Nikki Heise

Abigail Henry

Austin Henry

Nathaniel and Danielle Henry

Isabella Herrick ’22

Tanner Herrick

Olivia Herschell

William Heywood

Mark and Cynthia Hiebert

Shaun O’L. Higgins and Ann Glendening

Donald Hill

James and Mary Hille Charles Hippler ’22

Charles and Stephanie (Lyon) Hippler P’22

Timothy and Kathleen Hodgins Elise Holly ’20

In honor of the Class of 2020 Jarrod Hooper ’22 Nicholus Hooper ’22

In honor of Hooper ’22

Jane Hopkins

In honor of Cam Haynes

Brandon Hough

Mariah Howard

Michele Hubbard

In memory of Joyce Davis ’59

Richard and Deborah Hubbard

In honor of Angelo Moutafis

Patricia Hubel

Clinton and Cecelia Huff

Royce and Donna Hunter

In honor of Logan Alexander

Emma Huntley

Matthew Hurley ’22

Max Irons

Dean Jackman ’20

Mary Jacques P’25*

Francis and Diane James P’98

Sadie James

Linda Jamilowski ’79

Judee Jandreau Jessica Jensen ’22

Lauren (Fish) ’12, M.B.A. ’12 and Scott


Grace Johnson Kent Johnson, Jr. ’22

Peter and Heather Johnson P’23

In honor of Grace Johnson ’23

Linda Johnson

Arlene Jones P’22*

David Jones M.B.A. ’97

Sara (Pavento) ’12 and Jeff Jones Ryan Jurgiewich ’20

John and Patricia Kaboray

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Abigail Kane

Derek Kane ’16 Kaleb Kane ’22

Cyndy Kane Olson ’77 and Christopher Olson Ryan Kappelmann ’22

Roberta Keep

In honor of Kayla Duhaime

Connor Keimel

Daniel Kelsey ’78 and Judith Piperberg Kelsey

Jacob ’18 and Lindsey (Allen) Kendall ’17, M.B.A. ’18

Mabel Kendall

Maxim Kendall

In honor of my Big Little Sister

Garrett Kendziera

In honor of Jack Dwyer Joe Kennedy Kimberley (Knox) Kennedy M.S. ’10

Parker Kennedy Rebecca Kennett ’21

James and Lynne Kerschner

In honor of Ryan Beckerman

Kid Quarters

In honor of Connor ’16 and Sydney Pinkham ’22

Mark Kiesewetter

Curtis and Denise Kimball

In honor of Matt Seymour Ryan Kimball

Nichole Kindelan

Ronald and Geraldine King Miles Kirby

John Kitowicz

In honor of Kirby Rose Anderson Robert and Wanda Kivela

In honor of Sydney Huntington-Strohm Reilly Kons ’17

Shannon Kostovick ’21

Frank and Lori Kotce Leah Kruse ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Jorma Kurry and Karin Killmer Kurry Bobby Labbe Tony Labbe Trent Labbe ’20

April Labonte Mark and Nancy LaBrie

Tobie Labun

Andrew Lachance Kelsey Lachance ’18 Jacob Lacroix ’22

Anne Ladd

In honor of Jackson Ladd Jackson Ladd Gerry Lagasse

Rita Lagasse

Cynthia (Magoon) Laiho ’65

Stuart and Deborah Lander

In honor of Daniel Brewer

Val ’68 and Elizabeth Landry Darrin and Shelley Lane

Joshua Lane

Breonna Langton James Lappin Mary LaRochelle Elaine Larson* Ryan Lathrop ’17

John and Margaret Latino

Brian Laurendeau Marissa Laurendeau Laura Lauria

In honor of Kirby Rose Anderson Gwendolyn LaVerdiere Jason and Bethany LaVerdiere Laura (Boucher) Laverdiere ’09 Kaysee Leary ’22

Crystal Leavitt ’16, M.B.A. ’21 Paul LeBrun

Jerome and Carolyn LeClair

In honor of Maeghan Bernard Jonathan LeClair ’21

Cole Leclerc Pierre Leclerc Carmela LeConte Andrew and Antonietta (Curra) Lee Jane (Boesen) M.S. ’99 and David Lee Richard and Bernadette Legere Camille Lentini

In honor of Teresa McLinden Brittany (Donovan) ’15 and Cole Letourneau Lucas ’02 and Amy (Young) Levesque ’04 Michael and Elaine Lewandowski

Jessica Lewis

Emily Libby Isabela Libby Emma Lind

Ronald and Margaret Lindholm Christopher and Virginia Lingar P’23

In honor of Samantha Fortin Morgan Lingar Sophia Lingar Doris (Therriault) ’71 and J. Harold Little Molly Littlefield Andres Llorente

In honor of Onyx Emelo #3 David Lloyd and Nancy Adams

In honor of Matt Seymour Tammy (Dudley) and Jeramy Loder Geoffrey Lomas Patrick and Danielle Long

In honor of Chase Stanley Jazmyn Lopez Sydney Lorom

In honor of Grace Johnson Karen Losik

In honor of Ryan Beckerman Laura (Dunham) ’08 and Chris Lougheed Tracey Lowell Jamaine Luizzo

Alan and Diane Lunder

Deborah Lyndaker Cooper Lyons Alexis Lyons Rice Scott and Jacqueline MacDonald

In honor of Abby MacDonald Margo MacKenzie ’12

Michelle MacKenzie Campbell Macomber

Daniel MacWhinnie

Jordan Magiera

Nicholas Magiera

Kellie Maguire

In honor of Darren Cagnina Jarod Maher

Maine Mead Works*

Bailee Mallett

Isabella Mangone Colby Mank

Bethany Marquis

In honor of Daniel Brewer

Michael and Esther Marshall Stephen and Bonnie Marston Jaden Martin

Johnathon Martin

Leslie Martin

Tyla Martin

Corey and Karen Martinez

In honor of Mia Martinez

Jean Marvin

Michael and Elizabeth (Moore) Masciarelli

Peter Mason and Jennifer Davis-Mason P’18, P’19

Darren Mathews and Ekatarina Rybakova

Kuanzambi Matondo ’21

Griffin Mayhew ’22

Brittany McDaniel Matthew and Kelly McHatten Dillon McIntosh

Haley McIntyre

Samantha McIntyre ’21

Jade McKeen

In honor of Kelsey Currier

Matthew and Lynn McKusick

In honor of Ellie Michaud

Ervin and Linda McLeod

Teresa McLinden

Ryan McNaughton and Kristenne Robison

In honor of Deb Biche-Labbe

Gabriel McPhail

Esther Mechler

Kelly Mechling and James Culley

Brandi (Newby) ’02, M.B.A. ’05 and Nahum Meisner

Lisa Mendel

In honor of Hoby MacWhinnie

Cynthia and Robert Mercier P’21

In honor Samantha McIntyre ’21


Dana and Meadow Merrill P’21

In honor of Gabriel Merrill ’21 Elizabeth Merrill ’13

Madelyn Merrill

Peter M.B.A. ’90 and Dawn Meulendyk

Antonio Meza

Cara Michaud

Ellie Michaud ’22

Ethan Michaud

Frank Michaud and M. Jill Healey Michaud Isaac Michaud

In honor of Emma Huntley Noah Michaud

Priscilla Minnich

In honor of Anna Piirainen Emily Minott ’22 M. Rachel Miraglia

Michael Miraglia

David and Dawna Mitchell Nathan Mitchell ’13

Sonia Moeller

In honor of Emma G. Lind ’25 Allison Moloney

Tammy Monahan

Anevay Moody

Nichelle Moody

Preston Moody

Debra (Bernard) Moon ’77, P’11

Francine (Larochelle) ’77 and Mark Moore James ’93 and Constance Moore

Ryan Moore

Emma Mora ’22

Alexandria Morgan

Richard and Therese Moriarty

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Eric Morin

Katherine Morin

Thomas ’71 and Kathryn (Gurney) Morin Tim and Sarah Morin P’23

Jean ’90, M.B.A. ’91 and Mary-Kate (Walsh) Morissette ’90 France Morneault

Leon Morsillo

Leslie Morsillo

Patricia Morsillo

Harrison Mosher ’21, M.B.A.’22

Matt and Michelle Mountain

In honor of Lauryn Anderson

Edward Moynihan

In honor of Patrick Moynihan

Lorraine Moynihan


Patrick Moynihan

Richard and Naomi Moynihan P’24

In honor of Patrick Moynihan

Amanda Muise ’12

Liv Mull

Diane Mulvey

In honor of Hannah Price

Rajhan Munnings Munni III ’22

Kyleigh Murchison ’22

Janice Murphy

Diane Mutoni

Caitlin Myers ’22

Bob M.B.A. ’04 and Cathy Nadeau

Dan Nadeau

Mustafa Najm

Karen Nankervis

Emma Nelson

Samuel Nelson, III M.B.A. ’97

Mitch Nemeth

In honor of Shelby Watson

Anthony and Helene Neves

Destiny Newbury

Dean ’98 and Melissa Newell

Amanda Nguyen

Alicia Nichols

Zachary Nickerson

Paul and Deborah Nielsen P’03

Kathryn Nightingale

Lisa (Knight) Nolon M.B.A. ’19, P’18

Michael Nowak

Sophie O’Clair ’21

Abbey O’Connor

John ’74, M.B.A. ’85 and Susan O’Connor

Patricia O’Connor

In memory of Doug Eugley ’83

David O’Donnell

Patricia O’Keefe-Marin

In honor of Reid Gagnon Philip and Meta Ohman Darien Olivo

Owen Orlando Ryan Orlando P’23

Shawn ’13 and Scarlett (Stevens) Ouellette ’14

Spenser Ouellette M.B.A. ’11

Frederick and Andrea Ouimette

In honor of Alex Baker Scott Owen and Laura Norwalt-Owen

In honor of Jarrad Willette

Diane Paillet P’23

Garrison Paillet

Richard Pangburn

Makayla Panich

Dakota Paradis ’22

Emily Parent

Noah Parenteau

Dezarae (Schibi) Parkhurst

Terry and Linda Parlin

Drew Parsons M.B.A. ’20

Ron Patterson

In honor of Kory Winch

Kaitlyn Paul

Matthew Peck ’09

In honor of Matthew Peck ’09

Bradley ’01, M.B.A. ’07 and Amanda (Knowlton) Pelletier ’02, M.B.A. ’06

William Pelletier

In honor of Jackson Ladd

Zackary Pelletier Garrett Pendexter

John and Erin Penkala

In honor of Jason Bartlett

John and Mary Penkala

In honor of Jason Bartlett

Devon (Bartlett) ’03 and Dave Perry

Jacob Perry

David and Mary Petruzzi

Cheryl Pettingill

Brooke Phillips

Vikki Piacentini

In honor of Jack Dwyer

Richard Pierce ’14 and Molly Woodward ’13

Riley Pierce

David Pierrepont ’70

Bruce Pigott

Dale and Loraine Piirainen

Pamela Piirainen

Kelly (Tweedie) ’82, M.B.A. ’16 and Robert Pillsbury

Cassidy Pinkham ’18, M.B.A. ’19 and Alan Wood ’18, M.B.A. ’22

Connor Pinkham ’16

David and Michelle Pinkham P’16, P’18, P’19, P’22

In honor of Connor ’16, Cassidy ’18, and Sydney Pinkham ’22

Sydney Pinkham ’22, M.B.A. ’22

Brennan Pinto

Greg and Dot Piper

Chelsie (Morris) ’13 and Mike Pleau

Patricia Porter

In honor of Kirby Anderson Melissa Potter Alexa Poulin

Nicholas and Jamie Poulin P’24

In honor of Alexa Poulin ’24

Pouliot Real Estate, Inc.

In honor of Casey Gallant

Judith (McCarten) M.B.A. ’84 and Ford Powell

Ric Powell P’24

In honor of Caleb Powell

Keyrah Powers

Billie Prater

Katriana Pratt ’21

Brady and Bobbie Jo Price P’22

Edward and Karen Price P’23

Gayle Price

Hannah Price

Jessica Putnam ’11

Radio Communications Company

Amy Rainone

In honor of Jim and Kelley Shimansky

Michelle (Pruell) Rancourt ’99

Sheila Ratte P’86, P’88

In memory of James Ratte

Lionel Raye, Jr.

Susan Raymond

Tyler Raymond

Madyson Redding

Matthew and Jamie Redding P’23

William Reddy

Edward and Kathleen Redmond

In honor of Kyle Gleason

Briahna Reece ’22

Jack and H. Joyce Reetz

Tyler Reichert

Jeffrey Remis

Julia Reny

Peter and Kathleen Reny P’23*

Arthur Rich and Donna Powell-Rich

Anastasia Richards ’22

Katelyn Richards

Emily Riggs

MacKenzie Riley Young and Neal Young David and Janet Rivard

Roger Robbins

In honor of Joshua Wing ’18

Tyler Roberge

Christopher and Emily Roberts

In honor of Maddie Rock

Cordelia Roberts

Shane Robinson

Madison Rock

Kegan Rodrigue

John and Lisa Rosmarin

Jeffrey and Heather Ross

Renee Rossi ’22

Jonte ’15, M.B.A. ’18 and Lyndsi (Merrill) Roussel ’16

Jeffrey Rowe P’24

Olivia Rowe

Bob ’49 and Mary Rowell

Tina (Lockard) ’89 and Mervin Rowell

Timothy Russo

The Rustic Notch

Peter and Colleen Ryan

In honor of Ryan Kappelmann

Michael and Rachel Sales

Oliver Sales

Isaac Salisbury ’20

In honor of the Class of 2020!

Haley Samuelson

Ann Sanborn

Donovan Sanborn

Emily Sanborn

James ’97 and Ellen (Coburn) Sanborn ’97, P’22

Stephanie Sands

Marina Sarakinis

Dwight and Gail Sargent

In honor of Matt Shea

Deborah (Brown) ’83 and Rick Saucier

Jacob Saunders

Jared Savage


Kevin Savard

In memory of Brian Phillips ’89

Michael ’70 and Lourdes Sawyer, LLC

In honor of Jackson Ladd

Jacob Schubert

Ethan Scripture ’22

Todd Scripture P’22

Eric and Jennifer Seekins

Katie Seekins

Sam Seekins

Lee Seguin ’11

Matthew Seymour

Paul and Melanie Seymour P’25

John Shaw and Andrea Roberts

In honor of Cameron Brooks Nickolas Shaw

Darby Shea

Kerry Shea

In honor of Matt Shea

Michelle Shipley

In honor of Kate Richards

Alicia Shores

In honor Ellie Michaud

Luke Shorty

Guy and Susan Sibley P’02

Cheyenne Simpson

Christopher Simpson M.B.A. ’08

Dean Simpson

Leigh Simpson P’23

Laurie Sirois P’22

In honor of Owen McQuarrie ’23

Grace Slenker

Darlene Slocum-Fitts

In honor of Cam Haynes

Gabs Smart

Hunter Smart

Alan and Irene Smith

Bradly Smith ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Cole Smith

David Smith and Melanie Baillargeon

Dylan Smith ’19

Gianna Smith

Hariph M.S. ’80 and Virginia Smith

Hunter Smith

James Smith

Joanne (Cough) ’77 and Mark Smith

In honor of the Class of 1977

Julia Smith ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Lauren Smith


Anonymous (13)

Wallace Alexander, Jr.

Frank Appunn

Erin Baltes

Tanya (Longley) Belanger M.S. ’21

Anita Benoit

Debra Biche-Labbe P'20

Leta Bilodeau

Daniel Brannigan ’11

Nina Brickett ’16, M.B.A. ’18, P'21

Robert Brown, Jr.

Bonnie (Dyer) Buckmore ’13, ’17

Jamie Campbell P'17, P'19

Jason Coleman

Cassandra Contigiani ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Cheryl Daggett, Director of Health Services

Derek Dalrymple ’14

James Delorie M.B.A. ’14

Lisa M. Desautels

Dale Dickson P'24

Joe Donato

Abby (Burdin) Dooley M.B.A. ’18

Mike Duguay

Marilee Smith P’94

Onecia Smith

Roger and Gloria Smith Maria Somera

Brett and Jennifer Sottak P’23, P’24

In honor of Molly Sottak Elaine Sottak

In honor of Molly Sottak Molly Sottak

Albert Souza

Lebaron ’60 and Betty Spaulding

In memory of Leo W. Roy ’60

Rurik ’11 and Jodi (Gifford) Spence

Catherine (Nale) Splaine

Mike Spring

Emily St. Cyr

Tyler St. Pierre Jeremy Stanford ’05

Chase Stanley Austin Stebbins ’22

Wayne Steller

Kelly Stevens M.B.A. ’16 and Nicholas Dodge Megan Stimpson

In honor of Sydney Pinkham ’22

Harley Stone

Gregory Stowe

In honor of LJ Raye

Steven and Terri Strohm Stephanie Strout Joel Stubbs

Joshua Sullivan

Rhoda (Colcord) Sutfin ’75

John Swan ’17

Lisa Sweet ’93, ’05 and Stephen Potts Elise Syphers

Abbigale Taber Lorraine Taft

Olivia Teague Warren Teague

Samantha Thebarge

Anthony ’90 and Gail Theberge Cote Theriault

Ryan Thibault

Katherine Thibodeau

In honor of Erin Baltes

Allison Thompson

In honor of Erin Baltes

Michael and Mary Thompson P’14

In honor of Patrick Thompson ’14 Wyatt Thompson

Cathy Dumont M.B.A. ’10, P'19

Steven Dyer P'24

Thomas Edwards

Matthew Eisenhuth

Jim Evans

Jeffrey Ferguson

Samantha (Murphy) Flaherty ’19

Kyle Fletcher ’18

Darren Forkey ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Dylan Foster

Beth B. Gibbs M.B.A. ’93, P'12

Peter Gilbert M.S. ’78, P'99

Marsh Gray

Kshanti Greene

Judith Hansen-Childers M.B.A. ’96, M.S. ’98, P'01

Paul Heath

Nathaniel Henry

Tracey Horton

Patricia Hubel

Marilyn Hudzina

Michelle Joler-Labbe P'21, P'23

Jeffrey Kahl

Robert Kelsey

Kimberley (Knox) Kennedy M.S. ’10

Madison Thornton ’22

Jay Tibbert

In honor of Reid Gagnon Pamela (Seekins) ’68 and Paul Tibbetts Sueanne Tibbetts

In honor of Lauryn Anderson Kyonna Tobin ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Chrystal (Fuller) Toner ’02 Mark and Michelle Toulouse

In honor of Kayci Faulkingham Brian and Jennifer Tower P’24

Cameron Tower

Gavyn Tower

Mary Turmel ’16

Gail Turner

In honor of Grace Johnson Kallee Turner

Hunter Vail Scott ’71 and Virginia Vaitones Hailey Vanier ’20

Isabella VanZandt

Mackenzi Veilleux ’22

Nicole (Duperry) ’09, M.B.A. ’19 and Joshua Veilleux

Jeanette Vero

In honor of Teresa McLinden

Karen (Demers) ’08 and Chris Verrell

Bryan Vick

Henry and Patricia Vigue

In honor of Jarrod Hooper

Amy Viola

Abbey Violette

Shawn Von Oesen

Jeanne Vose ’80

Nate and Amy Wagner

Kathleen Walin ’09

Molly Walker ’22

Dennis Walto and Donnette Hill Walto

In honor of Jacob Perry Zachary Warren

Kristiana Washington

Kimberly Waters

Rick and Karie (Stevens) Watson P’16, P’17

In honor of Shelby Watson ’16, M.B.A. ’17 Robby and Monica Watson

In honor of Ian Byrd Tucker Watson

In honor of Shelby Watson Demetris Webster, Jr.

Jason ’16, M.S. ’21 and Sarah (Peterson)

Webster ’15, M.B.A. ’18

Larry and Kathleen Weeks

In honor of Emma Lind

Lindsy (Hoopingarner) Weinreich ’16

Mathew Welch ’04

Taylor Wesbrock

Cassidy West ’18

Jakeb Weston ’22

Robert and Monica Weston

In honor of Jackson Ladd

Emily Wheeler

Bruce and Doreen (Rioux) White

Jared and Krystal White P’24

Laura (Bean) ’83 and Michael White

Robert White, III

Darrell and Sarah Wilcox

Jarrad Willette

Miranda Williams ’21

Gloria Williams Ladd

Carol Winch

In honor of Kory Winch

Joshua Wing ’18

Carl and Wilma Winslow

Frank and Nicole Winslow

William and Nancy Winslow P’23

In honor of Amanda Winslow

Kenneth Witham

In honor of Anna Piirainen

Zachary Wood ’18

Rebecca Woodard

Seth Woodard

Timothy Worster

Casey Wrigley

Stefan Wrigley

Cynthia (Dearborn) Yachanin ’91

Michelle Yates

Rylie Yeager

Cheryl ’03 and Andrew York P’24

Aaron Young

Lucas Young

Steele Young ’22 and Tiffany White ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Rebecca Yturregui

In honor of Meredith Hart Jones and Laurie Lachance

Michael M.B.A. ’21 and Danielle Zemrak

Gregory King P'23

Alexandra Kriegel ’11, M.B.A. ’12

Forrest Labbe ’15, M.B.A. ’17

Laurie (Gagnon) Lachance M.B.A. ’92

Darrin Lane

Daniel Leland M.B.A. ’12, P'14

Doug Lepley

James Libby

Mark Marsolais

Wendy (Estabrook) Martin ’00, ’03, M.S. ’08

Marquis Mason-Pollard ’14

Kelly Mechling

Allison Moloney

Amanda Nguyen

Lisa (Knight) Nolon M.B.A. ’19, P'18

MacKenzie Oberholzer ’21

Bernard Ouellette ’92, M.B.A. ’99, P'24

Corey Pelletier ’04, M.B.A. ’12

Bruce Pigott

Darlene Ratte ’86, M.B.A. ’88

Christopher Rhoda ’88, M.B.A. ’89

MacKenzie Riley Young

Donald Roberts

Jeannine (Bosse) Ross ’01, ’03, M.B.A. ’08

Jeffrey Ross

Timothy Russo

Michael Sales

Michael Santo ’10, M.B.A. ’10

Rick Saucier

Kerry Smart

David Smith

Todd Smith ’92, M.B.A. ’99, H'19, P'23, P'24

Quinton Stebbins ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Kelly Stevens M.B.A. ’16

Stephanie Strout

Andrea Thebarge M.B.A. ’14

Cote Theriault

Roberta J. Tibbetts ’69, ’71

Judith Veilleux P'20, P'21

Bryan Vick

Joan Wescott

Ryan Wheaton M.S. ’13

Robert White, III

Richard Whitmore H'17

Alicia Wilcox

Alan Wood ’18, M.B.A. ’22

Amanda (Wiley) Wrigley

Michelle Yates

Mikaela Ziobro M.S. ’15


Memorial Donations


Anne Bisson

William Cole

Katelyn Douglass

Amanda Drummond ’12

Richard Forsley ’03, M.B.A. ’22 and Mary Paradis

Dylan Foster and Brittany Mellor

Kyle Greene ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Seven (Lathrop) Grenier M.B.A. ’08

Brian ’89 and Tessa Guerrette

Lisa (Bolduc) ’98, ’08 and David Leach

Christopher Markos

Scott ’83 and Sheila (Vashon) Nielsen ’86, M.B.A. ’91

Matthew and Heidi Nightingale P’22

Mark Parent and Candice Berger Parent

Jim ’89 and Kelley (Benoit) Shimansky ’89

Stephen and Cathy Stewart P’12

Rick ’93 and Deborah Whalen

Janet (LaMontagne) Whitney ’76


Anonymous (6)

Barbara Allen

Anita Benoit

Scott Boies ’18, M.B.A. ’19 and Kassandra Shackley ’15

Thomas and Donna Bolduc P’19

Mathew ’12 and Shelby (Gilcott) Bolstridge ’13

Nina ’16, M.B.A. ’18, P’21 and Ed Brickett

James Burdick

Joe and Jane Call P’19

Sarahjane Call ’19 and Carson Dalheim

Mike and Patti Carey

Nancy Charette

Randy Charette M.B.A. ’96 and Monica Wilcox Charette

Joshua Clark ’14

Caroline Crowell

Jessica (Gagnon) ’10, M.S. ’12 and Christopher Crowell

Cheryl Daggett, Director of Health Services

Sherry and Joe Donato

Abby (Burdin) M.B.A. ’18 and Austin Dooley

Donald and Terri Dufour P’18, P’20

Jeffrey and Kerrie Ferguson

Andrew ’11 and Alicia Folan

Michelle Fortier ’17

Jacob Gagnon

Brian ’89 and Tessa Guerrette

Blaine Guido ’16, M.B.A. ’17 and Kelly Macomber ’17

Carl and Linda Haag

Judith Hansen-Childers M.B.A. ’96, M.S. ’98, P’01 and Dennis Childers P’16

Timothy and Leanne Harris

Craig Harrison ’17

Kaleb Kane ’22

Kenneth Kane P’22

Shannon Kostovick ’21

David and Laurie (Gagnon) Lachance M.B.A. ’92

Lisa (Bolduc) ’98, ’08 and David Leach

Jane (Boesen) M.S. ’99 and David Lee

Brittany (Donovan) ’15 and Cole Letourneau John, Jr. ’14 and Sarah (Card) Little ’14

Michelle MacKenzie

Mark and Carolyn Marsolais

Carly McCarthy ’14, M.B.A. ’14

Dalton Myers ’15, M.B.A. ’16

Scott ’83 and Sheila (Vashon) Nielsen ’86, M.B.A. ’91

Shawn ’13 and Scarlett (Stevens) Ouellette ’14

Cassidy Pinkham ’18, M.B.A. ’19 and Alan Wood ’18, M.B.A. ’22

David and Michelle Pinkham P’16, P’18, P’19, P’22

Cynthia Randall David Roussel ’93

Timothy Russo

Nicole Sevigny ’15, M.S. ’19

TJ and Kerry Smart

Roberta J. ’69, ’71 and David L. Tibbetts ’72 Mary Turmel ’16

Isabella VanZandt

Ryan Wheaton M.S. ’13

Randy and Gayle Wood P’18

Zachary Wood ’18

Casey Wrigley

Amanda (Wiley) and Patrick Wrigley

Mikaela M.S. ’15 and Anthony Ziobro


Anonymous (4)

Tawny Alvarez ’05

Ashleigh Barker ’13

Elizabeth Barron M.B.A. ’07

Anita Benoit

Scott Boies ’18, M.B.A. ’19 and Kassandra Shackley ’15 Mathew ’12 and Shelby (Gilcott) Bolstridge ’13

Sarahjane Call ’19 and Carson Dalheim

Stanley Carte ’14, M.B.A. ’16

Tiffany Clemens ’15

Derek Dalrymple ’14

Sherry and Joe Donato

Julie (Letourneau) and Sidney Dupont

Chelsea Gourley ’17

Tracey Horton

Kenneth Kane P’22

George ’94 and Julie (Parlin) Keim ’95 Kimberley (Knox) Kennedy M.S. ’10 David and Laurie (Gagnon) Lachance M.B.A. ’92

Marilyn Leimbach ’99

Doug Lepley

Margo MacKenzie ’12

Mark and Carolyn Marsolais

Kelly Mechling and James Culley

Elizabeth Merrill ’13

Allison Moloney

Bob ’79 and Susan Moore M.S. ’14

Amanda Muise ’12

Connor Pellerin

Charles Rawson ’02

Eric Reddy ’04 and Maren Madore ’04

David Roussel ’93

Timothy Russo

Roberta J. ’69, ’71 and David L. Tibbetts ’72 Kathleen Walin ’09

Michael Watt ’89

Bruce and Doreen (Rioux) White


Anonymous (14)

Lindsey Adams

Michael ’94 and Aimee (Courtemanche) Adams ’94, P’23 James Allard ’99 FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 37

Mark ’87 and Janice (Pelletier) Andrews ’85

Erin and Jason Baltes

Kristel (Berube) ’99 and Scott Bane

Lisa (Van Vranken) Bargsley ’76

Elizabeth Barron M.B.A. ’07

Kimberly (Burgess) Berg ’04 Parker and Ann Beverage

Joseph Bouchard

Karla Brannen ’06, M.B.A. ’06

Kenneth, Jr. ’74 and Linda Braun

Crystal Bridge ’01

John Brier M.B.A. ’95

Holly (Beedy) Brown ’06

James and Cynthia Caron

Mark ’83 and Susan Carrier

Richard Carrier ’80

Clifford ’89, M.B.A. ’89 and Lisa Carter P’19

Nancy Charette

CIGNA Healthcare of Arizona

Carole Clarke

Pierce Cole

Zeno ’94, M.B.A. ’96 and Melissa (Short) Corrigan ’94, P’19

Christina Cracolici ’99

Michele (Norberg) ’93 and Michael Cushing

Bethany Cyr ’93

Derek Daigneault ’94

Mallory Daniello

Michael ’83 and Linda (Kura) D’Avolio ’80, ’82

April Dehetre

Lisa M. Desautels

Shelly (Sinclair) Desiderio ’93, M.B.A. ’96

Denise (Doherty) ’81 and Jeffrey Dickson

Robert ’84 and Catherine Dion

Robert, Jr. ’00 and Sarah (Currier) Dube ’01

Terry (Whitten) ’76 and Charles Fales


Andrew ’11 and Alicia Folan

Paul Fortin ’77, M.B.A. ’86

Stefanie (Rioux) ’05, M.B.A. ’05 and Jeremy Foster

Annette Fuller M.B.A. ’08

Ralph ’77 and Holly (Margeson) Gamache P’15

Bruce ’93 and Cindy (Dube) Gervais ’94

Derek ’98 and Lori (Calley) Gervais ’98

Brian ’80 and Donna Gowen

Ryan ’02 and Katherine (Hamann) Greenlaw ’02, M.B.A. ’10

Todd Greenquist and Jonathan Carr ’91, M.B.A. ’91

Charlie ’78 and Nancy Greer

Kellie (James) ’92, M.B.A. ’98 and Michael Guarino ’92, M.B.A. ’92

Jo-Anne (Doane) ’94 and Jerome Harrell

Lindsay (Shepard) ’94, ’96 and Nat Harris

MariBeth Hartley

The Haven Family Fund JAI Software

Linda Jamilowski ’79

Kenneth Kane P’22

George ’94 and Julie (Parlin) Keim ’95

Forrest ’15, M.B.A. ’17 and Natalie (Corrigan) Labbe ’19, M.B.A. ’22

Nick Labbe M.B.A. ’12 and Michelle JolerLabbe P’21, P’23

Jennifer (Shelley) ’05 and Derek LaCroix Albert, III M.B.A. ’94 and Sara (Delgado) Languet ’95

Joshua ’04 and Alesia (Dalton) LaRoche ’05 Jim Lemieux ’91, ’94, M.B.A. ’97

Laura (Dunham) ’08 and Chris Lougheed Brenda (Lapointe) ’82, ’03, M.B.A. ’08 and Barry Lyons, Jr. Mark ’81 and Jennifer MacKenzie Paula (Franzen) Madore M.B.A. ’93, P’04 Virginia Madore Matthew ’99 and Danielle (Bolduc) Marquis ’99

Norman and Mary Lou Marquis Kevin ’90 and Jessica Montminy Debra (Bernard) Moon ’77, P’11 Bob ’79 and Susan Moore M.S. ’14

Carol (Ogden) Moore ’76 Robert ’04, M.B.A. ’06 and Anne Morin Scott ’04 and Meaghan Mullen Troy Munford ’84 Dean ’98 and Melissa Newell Scott ’83 and Sheila (Vashon) Nielsen ’86, M.B.A. ’91

Susan (Redner) ’99 and Christopher Norris Jared ’01 and Mary (Mersereau) O’Roak ’01 John and Cherie Page Thomas ’78 and Debra Parker Robert ’88 and Michelle (Beaulieu) Phelan ’89

Kelly (Tweedie) ’82, M.B.A. ’16 and Robert Pillsbury

Chelsie (Morris) ’13 and Mike Pleau Richard ’81 and Penny Plichta

Pete ’78 and Valerie (Green) Plummer ’79 Melissa Potter

Barbara Powers-Goodman ’94 and Douglas Goodman

Renee (Pelletier) ’98, M.B.A. ’99 and Brian Prescott

Michelle (Pruell) Rancourt ’99

Darlene Ratte ’86, M.B.A. ’88

Sheila Ratte P’86, P’88

Eric Reddy ’04 and Maren Madore ’04

William Reddy

Barry Rock ’92, ’94

David ’76, M.B.A. ’82 and Suzanne (Morin) Ronan ’69, P’08

Tessy (Rector) ’92 and Anthony Rossignol

Richard ’98 and Jennifer (Gagnon) Rotella David Roussel ’93

Tina (Lockard) ’89 and Mervin Rowell

Deborah (Brown) ’83 and Rick Saucier

Gregory ’89 and Gale (St. Onge) Savard ’91

Megan (Tapley) M.B.A. ’09 and Corey Scott

Lee Seguin ’11

Scott ’02 and Betsy (Pratt) Sibley ’02

Kelly (Wood) Smith M.S. ’12, P’23, P’24

Todd Smith ’92, M.B.A. ’99, H’19, P’23, P’24

Albert Souza

Helen (Paradis) Souza ’73, ’80

Michael Stang M.B.A. ’00

David and Karen (Labbe) Stebbins P’19, P’20, P’22, P’23

Hazel (Ryan-Bell) M.B.A. ’90 and David Stevenson

Lisa Sweet ’93, ’05 and Stephen Potts

Philip Thibodeau

Regan Thomas ’01, ’06 and Thomas Mowry

Pamela (Seekins) ’68 and Paul Tibbetts

Roberta J. ’69, ’71 and David L. Tibbetts ’72

Robert Touchette ’02

Sean ’96, M.B.A. ’96 and Tonya Trahan

Shane ’96, M.B.A. ’96 and Tricia (Bell) Trahan ’97

TSSD Services, Inc.

Karen (Demers) ’08 and Chris Verrell

Michael Watt ’89

Tammy (Martin) Weston ’94

Bruce and Doreen (Rioux) White

Richard H’17 and Mary Kay Whitmore

Janet (LaMontagne) Whitney ’76

Darrell and Janet Wilkie

Douglas ’88 and Jennifer (Harmon) Wilson ’88

Wayne ’80 and Susan Winston

Cynthia (Dearborn) Yachanin ’91

Mikaela M.S. ’15 and Anthony Ziobro



Christina Almonte

Jenna Angelini

Alex Avila

John and Donna Bartlett P’20, P’22

John and Francesca Curra

Maria Curra

Garrett Dupee

Matthew Hurley ’22

Carmela LeConte

Andrew and Antonietta (Curra) Lee

Tammy (Dudley) and Jeramy Loder

Jazmyn Lopez

Isabella Mangone

Mario Mangone

Stephen and Bonnie Marston

Oscar and Silvia Martinez

Anastasia Richards ’22

Elisabeth Sanborn ’22

Marina Sarakinis

Maria Somera

Kyonna Tobin ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Amanda (Wiley) and Patrick Wrig

Heather Farrell-Stoddard ’01, M.B.A. ’05 Flanagin



Class year Participation rate

2022 35.6% 2013 13.4% 1989 13.1% 2021 12.0% 1990 11.5% 2018 10.7% 1994 10.5% 2015 10.4% 2004 10.2%


Susan (Crosby) Jacques ’47

Anonymous ’49

Bob Rowell ’49


Anonymous ’51


Lebaron Spaulding ’60

Jane (Perkins) Violette ’61

Marie (Wing) Cutchin ’62

Marie Deeb ’62

Anonymous ’63

Ann (Cyr) Pinkham ’63

Bonnie (Walker) Drummond ’64

Nancy (Lemar) Marston ’64

Vivian (Morneau) Coughlin ’65

Cynthia (Magoon) Laiho ’65

Charlene (Chasse) Turgeon ’66

Jerome Allen ’67

Richard Holt ’67

Leonel Breton ’68, P’94

Patricia (Phair) Eggleston ’68

Ronald Knox ’68

Val Landry ’68

Kenneth Phair ’68

Sharon (Tyler) Ring ’68

Pamela (Seekins) Tibbetts ’68

Rachel (Joseph) Hachey ’69

Suzanne (Morin) Ronan ’69, P’08

Nicholai Schlikin ’69

Roberta J. Tibbetts ’69, ’71


Sonia (Michaud) Butler ’70, ’83

Lawrence Davis ’70, ’74, M.S. ’78

Gerard Dennison ’70, M.B.A. ’86

Bill Eggleston ’70

Thomas Nale ’70

David Pierrepont ’70

Michael Sawyer ’70

Bruce Fleischmann ’71

Doris (Therriault) Little ’71

Thomas Morin ’71

Janet (Mackay) Parkhurst ’71

Edmond Theriault ’71

Scott Vaitones ’71

Mark Bouvier ’72

George Goodwin ’72

Anne (Leadbetter) Hall ’72

Donald Knowles ’72

Stephen Reid ’72

Stephen Siket ’72

David Tibbetts ’72

Dana Winslow ’72

Anonymous ’73, M.S. ’99

Joseph W. Barnes ’73

Kathy (Clifford) Buck ’73

Peter Ellen ’73

Kurt Gilbert ’73

Allen Hall ’73

Nancy Haven ’73

Richard Hendsbee ’73

Helen (Paradis) Souza ’73, ’80

Ryan Watts ’73

Kenneth Braun, Jr. ’74

Lynn Cayford ’74

Midge (Waynen) Concannon ’74

Pauline (Harding) Gorham ’74

John O’Connor ’74, M.B.A. ’85

Elayne (Nagem) Thombs ’74, ’82

Erik Endresen ’75

Rod Pelletier ’75

Rhoda (Colcord) Sutfin ’75

Anonymous ’76

Lois (Brown) Ayotte ’76

Lisa (Van Vranken) Bargsley ’76

Carolyn (Carpenter) Colpitts ’76

Terry (Whitten) Fales ’76

Carol (Ogden) Moore ’76

David Ronan ’76, M.B.A. ’82, P’08

Sharon (Tripp) Stearns ’76

Janet (LaMontagne) Whitney ’76 Anonymous ’77 (2)

Conrad Ayotte ’77, H’98

Paul Fortin ’77, M.B.A. ’86

Amber (Hall) Fournier ’77

Ralph Gamache ’77

Cyndy Kane Olson ’77

Debra (Bernard) Moon ’77, P’11

Francine (Larochelle) Moore ’77

Susan (Pooler) Sevey ’77, P’09

Joanne (Cough) Smith ’77

Peter Gilbert M.S. ’78, P’99

Gary Goldman ’78

Charlie Greer ’78

Carl Hamilton M.S. ’78

Daniel Kelsey ’78

Jane (Etchie) Kennedy ’78

Thomas Parker ’78

Pete Plummer ’78

David Sedler ’78

Anonymous ’79, P’14, P’15

Karen (McLean) Archer ’79

William Grant M.S. ’79

Linda Jamilowski ’79

Bob Moore ’79

Valerie (Green) Plummer ’79

Lesley (Dolloff) Sprague ’79

Timothy Stearns ’79

Steven Tilley ’79, M.B.A. ’15


Anonymous ’80

Anonymous ’80, P’14, P’15

Wendy (Iwans) Bean ’80, ’88

Richard Carrier ’80

Linda (Kura) D’Avolio ’80, ’82

Brian Gowen ’80

Kelly (Bell) Lloyd ’80

Barbara (Talbot) Sinclair ’80

Hariph Smith M.S. ’80

Richard Spellman M.S. ’80

Kevin Vining ’80, P’19

Jeanne Vose ’80

Wayne Winston ’80

Clayton Churchill ’81

Paul Collette ’81

Nine classes had a participation rate of 10% or more, and the overall alumni participation was 12.2%.
2022 2013 1989 2021 1990 2018 1994 2015 2004 FALL 2022 & ANNUAL REPORT THOMAS MAGAZINE 39

Denise (Doherty) Dickson ’81

Michelle T. (Gilmore) Hayes ’83

Craig Joseph ’81

Mark MacKenzie ’81

Richard Plichta ’81

Ms. Kathleen A. Ryan ’81

Robert Salvas ’81

Richard Slingsby ’81

Anonymous ’82

John H. Andrews, CPA ’82

Dan Atkinson ’82

Robert Clark ’82

Nanette (Philbrook) Collette ’82

Roxanne (Salatino) Gorham ’82, ’84

Brenda (Lapointe) Lyons ’82, ’03, M.B.A. ’08

Kelly (Tweedie) Pillsbury ’82, M.B.A. ’16

Anonymous ’83, M.B.A. ’11

Periann (Smith) Carl ’83

Mark Carrier ’83

Thomas Coore ’83

Michael D’Avolio ’83

Arnold Hanscom ’83, ’86

Scott Nielsen ’83

Deborah (Brown) Saucier ’83

Donna Weatherbee ’83

Laura (Bean) White ’83

Anonymous ’84 (2)

Michael Albano ’84

Elizabeth (Letourneau) Burgess ’84

Robert Dion ’84

Janet Koob Alexander ’84

Troy Munford ’84

Judith (McCarten) Powell M.B.A. ’84

Kris (Nickerson) Summit ’84

Ron Summit ’84

Janice (Pelletier) Andrews ’85

Eric Bowen ’85

Robert Harriman M.B.A. ’85

Charles Harris, II ’85

Denice (Guenette) Harris ’85

Raymond Morency ’85

Anonymous ’86

Matthew Babson ’86

David Grenier M.B.A. ’86

Sheila (Vashon) Nielsen ’86, M.B.A. ’91

Scott Nivus ’86

Robert Potter ’86

Darlene Ratte ’86, M.B.A. ’88

Mark Andrews ’87

Teresa (Barnard) Elvin ’87

Lorraine Fellows ’87

Jeffrey Hubert ’87, P’13, P’14

Brian Bernatchez ’88

Daniel Burgess ’88

Katherine Cahall ’88, ’91, M.B.A. ’95

Mikael Lundqvist ’88, M.B.A. ’89

Germaine Orloff M.B.A. ’88

Robert Phelan ’88

Christopher Rhoda ’88, M.B.A. ’89

Douglas Wilson ’88

Jennifer (Harmon) Wilson ’88

Anonymous ’89

Anonymous ’89, P’15, P’16

Anonymous M.B.A. ’89

Clifford Carter ’89, M.B.A. ’89, P’19

Tina (Main) Dewsnap ’89

Wendy (Mills) Dyer ’89, M.B.A. ’94

Brian Guerrette ’89

James Hachey ’89

Warren Maddock ’89

Cindy (LaBarge) Monti ’89

Harry Monti, Jr. ’89

Michelle (Beaulieu) Phelan ’89

David Rand ’89

Tina (Lockard) Rowell ’89

Gregory Savard ’89

Jim Shimansky ’89

Kelley (Benoit) Shimansky ’89 Michael Watt ’89


Anonymous ’90, ’92

Scott Conant ’90

Jill (Babcock) Drew ’90

Robin Goodwin M.B.A. ’90

Peter Meulendyk M.B.A. ’90

Abby (McCarthy) Michaud ’90

Kevin Montminy ’90

Jean Morissette ’90, M.B.A. ’91

Mary-Kate (Walsh) Morissette ’90

Christine (Campbell) Perkins ’90

Hazel (Ryan-Bell) Stevenson M.B.A. ’90

Anthony Theberge ’90

Anonymous ’91

Jonathan Carr ’91, M.B.A. ’91 Jeffery Clark ’91

Leonard A. Ficaro M.B.A. ’91

Linanne (Nye) Gaunce ’91

Jim Lemieux ’91, ’94, M.B.A. ’97

Kim (Nadeau) Lindlof ’91

Gale (St. Onge) Savard ’91

Pamela (Burnell) Stephenson ’91

Cynthia (Dearborn) Yachanin ’91

Julianne (Fabian) Benecke ’92, P’24

Patrick Couture ’92, M.B.A. ’96

Christine (Breton) Devine ’92, M.S. ’01, P’24

Kellie (James) Guarino ’92, M.B.A. ’98

Michael Guarino ’92, M.B.A. ’92

Ronald Holmes M.B.A. ’92

Laurie (Gagnon) Lachance M.B.A. ’92

Sherri (Sawyer) O’Donnell ’92

Bernard Ouellette ’92, M.B.A. ’99, P’24

Michael Payne ’92

Barry Rock ’92, ’94

Tessy (Rector) Rossignol ’92

Michael Salisbury ’92, P’20

Todd Smith ’92, M.B.A. ’99, H’19, P’23, P’24

Anonymous ’93, P’23

Anthony Amero ’93

Dean Bither M.B.A. ’93

Michele (Norberg) Cushing ’93

Bethany Cyr ’93

Shelly (Sinclair) Desiderio ’93, M.B.A. ’96

Jeffrey Desjardins ’93, P’25

James Eastlack ’93

Bruce Gervais ’93

Beth B. Gibbs M.B.A. ’93, P’12

Jeffrey Gosselin ’93, M.B.A. ’99, P’23

Michelle (Jolicoeur) Gosselin Ervin ’93, P’23, P’25

Paula (Franzen) Madore M.B.A. ’93, P’04

James Moore, Jr. ’93

David Roussel ’93

Lisa Sweet ’93, ’05

Rick Whalen ’93

Aimee (Courtemanche) Adams ’94, P’23

Michael Adams ’94, P’23

Tabor (Morrison) Badger ’94

Melissa (Short) Corrigan ’94, P’19, P’22

Zeno Corrigan ’94, M.B.A. ’96, P’19, P’22

Jean (Poirier) Croce ’94

Derek Daigneault ’94

Robin (Locke) Dimock ’94, P’19

Cindy (Dube) Gervais ’94

Jo-Anne (Doane) Harrell ’94

Lindsay (Shepard) Harris ’94, ’96

Angela Jacobs ’94

Mike Johnson ’94

George Keim ’94

Albert Languet, III M.B.A. ’94

Nancy (Briggs) Marshall M.B.A. ’94

Barbara Powers-Goodman ’94

Tammy (Martin) Weston ’94

John Brier M.B.A. ’95

Robyn (Adams) Campbell-Morneault ’95

James Cosgrove ’95

Holly (Mullen) Ferguson ’95, M.B.A. ’96

Cheryl (Wakeham) Flewelling ’95, M.B.A. ’09

Rachel (Pomerleau) Frost ’95

Julie (Parlin) Keim ’95

Sara (Delgado) Languet ’95

Heidi (Vanorse) Neal ’95

Jeff Willett ’95

Anonymous ’96

Randy Charette M.B.A. ’96

Jennifer O. Clair M.B.A. ’96

Joseph Fogg ’96

Leon Green ’96

Judith Hansen-Childers M.B.A. ’96, M.S. ’98, P’01, P’16

Sharon (Hall) Holmes M.B.A. ’96

Harry Lanphear, III M.B.A. ’96

Melanie (Buccellato) Meader ’96, M.B.A. ’96

Keith Morneault ’96, M.B.A. ’96

Robert Robitaille ’96

Sean Trahan ’96, M.B.A. ’96

Shane Trahan ’96, M.B.A. ’96 Anonymous ’97

Anonymous M.S. ’97, M.S. ’10

Sean Ferguson ’97, M.B.A. ’97

Tammy (Shirley) Fulling ’97

Denise (Carter) Green ’97

David Jones M.B.A. ’97

Robert Meader, Jr. ’97

Marsha Merryman ’97

Samuel Nelson, III M.B.A. ’97

Suzanne (Michaud) Pooler M.B.A. ’97

Ellen (Coburn) Sanborn ’97, P’22

James Sanborn ’97, P’22

Tricia (Bell) Trahan ’97 Anonymous ’98 (2)

Bruce Daniels M.B.A. ’98

Elizabeth (Aronie) Geller M.B.A. ’98 Derek Gervais ’98

Lori (Calley) Gervais ’98

Lisa (Bolduc) Leach ’98, ’08

Dean Newell ’98

Renee (Pelletier) Prescott ’98, M.B.A. ’99

Richard Rotella ’98

James Allard ’99

Kristel (Berube) Bane ’99

Tina Burrill ’99, M.B.A. ’03

Christina Cracolici ’99

Heather (Verrill) Knowles ’99, M.B.A. ’00

Jane (Boesen) Lee M.S. ’99

Marilyn Leimbach ’99

Danielle (Bolduc) Marquis ’99

Susan (Redner) Norris ’99

Michele Pelletier M.S. ’99

Michelle (Pruell) Rancourt ’99

Kathleen Sullivan M.B.A. ’99


Robert Dube, Jr. ’00

Robin (Reuthe) Kennedy M.S. ’00, P’23

Matthew Marquis ’99

Wendy (Estabrook) Martin ’00, ’03, M.S. ’08

Stephanie (Talbot) McNeal ’00

Michael Pooler M.B.A. ’00

Michael Stang M.B.A. ’00

Anonymous ’01 (2)

Crystal Bridge ’01

Carol Carew M.B.A. ’01

Sarah (Currier) Dube ’01

Heather Farrell-Stoddard ’01, M.B.A. ’05

Gregory McNeal M.B.A. ’01

Jared O’Roak ’01

Mary (Mersereau) O’Roak ’01

Bradley Pelletier ’01, M.B.A. ’07

Jeannine (Bosse) Ross ’01, ’03, M.B.A. ’08

Regan Thomas ’01, ’06

Ryan Conley ’02

Susan (Conant) Cook M.B.A. ’02

Katherine (Hamann) Greenlaw ’02, M.B.A. ’10 Ryan Greenlaw ’02

Faith (Lovejoy) Hauger ’02

Chuck Hays M.B.A. ’02, H’22

Lucas Levesque ’02

Brandi (Newby) Meisner ’02, M.B.A. ’05 Michael Moody ’02

Amanda (Knowlton) Pelletier ’02, M.B.A. ’06 Charles Rawson ’02

Betsy (Pratt) Sibley ’02

Scott Sibley ’02

Chrystal (Fuller) Toner ’02 Robert Touchette ’02

Anonymous ’03

James Boutin ’03

Richard Forsley ’03, M.B.A. ’22 Michael Nowlin ’03

Devon (Bartlett) Perry ’03 Cheryl York ’03, P’24

Kimberly (Burgess) Berg ’04 Shaun Irish ’04

Joshua LaRoche ’04

Amy (Young) Levesque ’04 Michael Lizotte ’04 Maren Madore ’04

Robert Morin ’04, M.B.A. ’06 Scott Mullen ’04

Bob Nadeau M.B.A. ’04

Jevon Owens ’04

Corey Pelletier ’04, M.B.A. ’12

Jennifer (DeRoche) Pelletier ’04, M.B.A. ’14 Eric Reddy ’04

Mathew Welch ’04

Anonymous ’05 (2)

Anonymous M.S. ’05, M.S. ’08

Tawny Alvarez ’05

Stefanie (Rioux) Foster ’05, M.B.A. ’05

Jennifer (Shelley) LaCroix ’05

Alesia (Dalton) LaRoche ’05

Jeremy Stanford ’05

Jennifer (Gurney) Beck ’06, M.B.A. ’16

Karla Brannen ’06, M.B.A. ’06

Holly (Beedy) Brown ’06

Jeffrey Friel ’06

Daniel LaMontagne M.B.A. ’06

Timothy Mercier ’06

Anonymous M.S. ’07

Elizabeth Barron M.B.A. ’07

Todd Ellis ’07

Robert Gagnon ’07, M.B.A. ’10

Kari Grant-Gagnon ’07, M.B.A. ’09

Katie Hoskins-Jose ’07

Andrea Rhoda M.S. ’07

Russell Beckwith ’08

Steven Brown ’08

Alumni Giving in FY’22

Annette Fuller M.B.A. ’08

Seven (Lathrop) Grenier M.B.A. ’08

Laura (Dunham) Lougheed ’08

Christopher Simpson M.B.A. ’08

Karen (Demers) Verrell ’08

Jerrod Bentley M.B.A. ’09

Laura (Boucher) Laverdiere ’09

Hope (LaChance) Lord M.S. ’09 Matthew Peck ’09 Michael Ross ’09

Megan (Tapley) Scott M.B.A. ’09

Nicole (Duperry) Veilleux ’09, M.B.A. ’19 Kathleen Walin ’09


Anonymous ’10

Darrell Alexander ’10

Anna (Ross) Brown ’10

Chad Caldwell ’10

Jessica (Gagnon) Crowell ’10, M.S. ’12

Cathy Dumont M.B.A. ’10, P’19

Kimberley (Knox) Kennedy M.S. ’10

Donna-Jo Mitchell ’10, M.B.A. ’10

Michael Santo ’10, M.B.A. ’10

Anonymous ’11, M.B.A. ’11

Kevin Averill ’11

Daniel Brannigan ’11

Casey (Trask) Collins ’11

TJ Collins ’11, M.B.A. ’11

Andrew Folan ’11

Kelly (Bristol) Huggins ’11, M.B.A. ’11

Alexandra Kriegel ’11, M.B.A. ’12

Spenser Ouellette M.B.A. ’11

Elizabeth (Carone) Prelgovisk M.S. ’11

Jessica Putnam ’11

Lee Seguin ’11

Rurik Spence ’11

Anonymous ’12, M.B.A. ’13

Mathew Bolstridge ’12

Isaiah Brathwaite ’12

Cathleen (Cloran) Cassie ’12

Amanda Drummond ’12

Christopher Farrar ’12, M.B.A. ’14

Victoria (Devonshire) Farrington ’12, M.B.A. ’13

Lauren (Fish) Johansen ’12, M.B.A. ’12

Nick Labbe M.B.A. ’12, P’22, P’23

Dustin Leighton ’12

Margo MacKenzie ’12

Kristin Masessa ’12

Tiffany (Willman) Moody ’12

Amanda Muise ’12

Keith Pike ’12

Kelly (Wood) Smith M.S. ’12, P’23, P’24

Anonymous ’13

Anonymous ’13, M.B.A. ’13

Anonymous M.B.A. ’13

Colby Averill ’13, M.B.A. ’14

Jeffrey Banville ’13, M.B.A. ’14

Ashleigh Barker ’13

Steven Beane ’13

Shelby (Gilcott) Bolstridge ’13

Carrie (Bodwell) Brennan M.S. ’13

Bonnie (Dyer) Buckmore ’13, ’17

Kalinda Cox ’13, M.B.A. ’14

Samuel Fisher ’13

Julia Lorenz ’13

Elizabeth Merrill ’13

Nathan Mitchell ’13

James Moulton ’13

Shawn Ouellette ’13

Chelsie (Morris) Pleau ’13

Denise Rogers-Stevens ’13

Jasmine Ryan ’13

Cody Vigue ’13

Ryan Wheaton M.S. ’13

Molly Woodward ’13

Anonymous ’14 Anonymous ’14, M.B.A. ’14

Anonymous ’14, M.B.A. ’15

Stanley Carte ’14, M.B.A. ’16

Joshua Clark ’14

Derek Dalrymple ’14

James Delorie M.B.A. ’14

Jarrad Devaughn ’14

Vicki Duguay M.S. ’14

Dustin Gagne ’14, M.B.A. ’15

Teresea Hayes M.B.A. ’14, P’07

John Little, Jr. ’14

Sarah (Card) Little ’14

Marquis Mason-Pollard ’14

Carly McCarthy ’14, M.B.A. ’14

Susan Moore M.S. ’14

Scarlett (Stevens) Ouellette ’14

Richard Pierce ’14

Andrea Thebarge M.B.A. ’14 Anonymous ’15 (2)

Anonymous ’15, M.B.A. ’16

Michael Akanji ’15, M.B.A. ’17

Tiffany Clemens ’15

Cameron Creamer ’15, M.B.A. ’16

Codey Fabian ’15

Forrest Labbe ’15, M.B.A. ’17

Brittany (Donovan) Letourneau ’15

Nicole (Ouellette) McSweeney M.B.A. ’15

Dalton Myers ’15, M.B.A. ’16

Patrick Rogers ’15

Sara (Moynihan) Rogers ’15, M.S. ’19

Jonte Roussel ’15, M.B.A. ’18

Nicole Sevigny ’15, M.S. ’19

Kassandra Shackley ’15

Jacob Sirois ’15

Sarah (Peterson) Webster ’15, M.B.A. ’18

Kirsten Whitten ’15, M.B.A. ’16

Mikaela Ziobro M.S. ’15

Anonymous ’16

Nina Brickett ’16, M.B.A. ’18, P’21

Dakota Gendreau ’16

Blaine Guido ’16, M.B.A. ’17

Tyler Harrington ’16

Derek Kane ’16

Crystal Leavitt ’16, M.B.A. ’21

Justin Murray ’16

Connor Pinkham ’16

Joseph Quinlan ’16

Brett Sommers ’16

Kelly Stevens M.B.A. ’16

Mary Turmel ’16

Shelby Watson ’16, M.B.A. ’17

Jason Webster ’16, M.S. ’21

Lindsy Hoopingarner ’16

Cole Barney ’17

Sherry Berard M.B.A. ’17, P’19

Jennifer (Lemay) Brand ’17, M.B.A. ’18

Jennifer Buker M.B.A. ’17

Joshua Devou ’17, M.B.A. ’20

Joakim Eliasson Sternas ’17

Kristina Emmons ’17, M.B.A. ’18

Michelle Fortier ’17

Jordan Gibson ’17

Chelsea Gourley ’17

Craig Harrison ’17

Lindsey (Allen) Kendall ’17, M.B.A. ’18

Reilly Kons ’17

Nicholas Kopf ’17

Ryan Lathrop ’17

Kelly Macomber ’17

Alyssa Maggi ’17, M.B.A. ’18

Joanna Murch ’17

John Swan ’17

Dalia Williams ’17

Anonymous ’18 (2)

Anonymous ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Scott Boies ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Abby (Burdin) Dooley M.B.A. ’18

Travis Drapeau ’18

Richard Drown ’18

Kyle Fletcher ’18

Darren Forkey ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Samantha Grimaldi ’18

Thomas Heideman ’18

Jacob Kendall ’18

Kelsey Lachance ’18

Alexander Lawson ’18

Nicholas Murray ’18, M.B.A. ’20

Cassidy Pinkham ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Julia Smith ’18, M.B.A. ’19

Cassidy West ’18

Joshua Wing ’18

Alan Wood ’18, M.B.A. ’22

Zachary Wood ’18 Anonymous ’19

Ethan Blake ’19

Sarahjane Call ’19

Carli Carter ’19

Cassandra Contigiani ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Natalie Corrigan ’19, M.B.A. ’22

Jordan Dumont ’19

Samantha (Murphy) Flaherty ’19

Mason Griffin ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Leah Kruse ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Natalie (Corrigan) Labbe ’19, M.B.A. ’22

Kristina Lilley M.B.A. ’19

Lisa (Knight) Nolon M.B.A. ’19, P’18

Krysta Porter ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Dylan Smith ’19

Quinton Stebbins ’19, M.B.A. ’20

Katherine Welch ’19, M.B.A. ’20 Jessica Wilkins ’19

Annie Young ’19, M.S. ’20


Anonymous ’20 (2)

Anonymous ’20, M.B.A. ’21 (2)

Samantha Coughlin ’20

Elise Holly ’20

Dean Jackman ’20

Ryan Jurgiewich ’20

Trent Labbe ’20

Aurora LaClair ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Zachary MacKinnon ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Drew Parsons M.B.A. ’20

Isaac Salisbury ’20

James Sargent ’20

Hailey Vanier ’20

Dylan Veilleux ’20, M.B.A. ’21

Anonymous ’21 (3)

Anonymous ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Sydney Abbott ’21

Jose Afonso Luis ’21

Mailena Alicea ’21

Tanya (Longley) Belanger M.S. ’21

Dylan Copeland ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Lillian Friars ’21

Olivia Goodwin ’21

Caleb Gorey ’21

Kyle Greene ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Rebecca Kennett ’21

Shannon Kostovick ’21

Jonathan LeClair ’21

Kuanzambi Matondo ’21

Samantha McIntyre ’21

Harrison Mosher ’21, M.B.A.’22

Sophie O’Clair ’21 MacKenzie Oberholzer ’21

Katriana Pratt ’21

Bradly Smith ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Kyonna Tobin ’21, M.B.A. ’22

Miranda Williams ’21

Michael Zemrak M.B.A. ’21

Anonymous ’22 (3)

Alexander Baker ’22

Lauren Bartlett ’22

Maeghan Bernard ’22 Lauren Blood ’22

Addyson Bond ’22 Nicholas Brewer ’22 Patrick Buxton ’22 Anna Chadwick ’22

Kasey Champney ’22 Kelsey Currier ’22

Christina Denis ’22

Dominic DeSimone ’22

Lindsey Desmarais ’22 Adam Dubail ’22

Brianna Figueroa ’22 Hunter Glowa ’22 Benjamin Grant ’22

Stephen Gray ’22 Alicia Greene ’22

Britney Gregoire ’22

Devin Grindle ’22 Matthew Hadnot ’22

Kellie Haggerty ’22

Isabella Herrick ’22 Charles Hippler ’22 Jarrod Hooper ’22 Nicholus Hooper ’22 Matthew Hurley ’22 Jessica Jensen ’22

Kent Johnson, Jr. ’22 Kaleb Kane ’22

Ryan Kappelmann ’22 Jacob Lacroix ’22

Kaysee Leary ’22

Griffin Mayhew ’22 Ellie Michaud ’22

Emily Minott ’22

Emma Mora ’22

Rajhan Munnings Munni III ’22

Kyleigh Murchison ’22

Caitlin Myers ’22

Dakota Paradis ’22

Sydney Pinkham ’22, M.B.A. ’22

Briahna Reece ’22

Anastasia Richards ’22

Renee Rossi ’22

Elisabeth Sanborn ’22

Ethan Scripture ’22

Austin Stebbins ’22 Madison Thornton ’22

Mackenzi Veilleux ’22

Molly Walker ’22

Jakeb Weston ’22

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2022 45% 27% 7% 2% 16% 3% FY’22 REVENUES  Tuition & Fees  Auxiliary sales and service  Government Grants  Endowment utilized for scholarships  Gifts and private grants released from restriction  Other Sources FY’22 EXPENSES  Education  Auxillary  Student Services  General and Administrative  Fundraising 18% 24% 19% 3% 36%
Statement of Financial Position 6/30/22 6/30/21 ASSETS $83,830,985 $85,116,771 LIABILITIES $17,701,932 $15,701,452 NET ASSETS $66,129,054 $69,415,319 TOTAL $83,830,985 $85,116,771 Statement of Activities OPERATING ACTIVITES 6/30/22 6/30/21 Tuition & fees $9,011,381 $10,272,253 Auxiliary sales and servives $5,391,098 $5,231,677 Government grants $1,474,099 $4,996,352 Endowment utilized for scholarships $459,300 $447,500 Other sources $565,371 $422,660 Gifts & private grants released from restriction $3,303,874 $1,957,356 Total Operating Revenues $20,205,123 $23,327,798 OPERATING EXPENSES Education $7,453,331 $7,608,172 Auxiliary $3,743,795 $3,758,465 Student Services $5,012,715 $7,166,857 General and administrative $3,794,067 $4,027,962 Fundraising $681,935 $764,631 Total Operating Expenses $20,685,843 $23,326,087 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES -$480,720 $1,711 Presentation reflects audited financial statements

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Homecoming & Family Weekend OCTOBER 20-22, 2023 SAVE THE DATE

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