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279 FRANK LESLIE’S ILLUSTRATED NEVVSPAPEI’. Jaxuuv 2, 1815.] many ques f orsailors. cate ccrtaiu o fitsyouth on and eighteen for thepipe; Connecticut exactly onehourand minutes; is justlycelebrated NEWSOF THE WEEK. concerning theregulations asked asthefinest u withalldue tionsarebeing cigarwrapping-leaf weregathered theashes known to com Sunday Doimsric. ships.Lieutenant-Com ofthese andmaintenance to suite am.” whileOhioraises andtransferred bothcigarandcuttingsolemnity, Glass, {1l6;00, Iantothe TinWays mander U.S.N.,hassubmitted ea. . andMeans Committee oftheHouse of iip,which oftheCalifornia Board ofSupervisors since, Some Representatives fewyears investigating thegrowers ofthe hint are the Pacific Mall Steam _ byNewYorkandMas lhipCompany. beadopted willprobably intheConnecticut. Valley entertained thebeliethat bythe ..Jlarshsll Jewell was confirmed of Senate anda complement oflicers sachusetts. Seven thevalley great wascapable aleaf-tobacco ofproducing being asPostmaster General. 0UR ROYAL GUEST. ...A efibrt petty willberequisite twenty andseamen officers exceeding cultivated, inflavor anyvariety and subsidy now tosecure from theGovernment forthe page 280.) tothe made (Continued from foradmission tomantheships.Candidates retain thatfinetexture thatgives itvalue.Many Transcontinental Railroad. ...Boston was ofthir Southern theages mustbebetween school Orinoco, nojewelry savenautical Hewears leading invested. varieties hehasbeen byanother weretried,including severe firelastweek ...TheNew evince an visited years, andshould Iatoka, oneonthethirdteenandseventeen plaingoldrings, grown andmost inCuba.three immense ofthevarieties Orleans authorities have d etermined not t oinsist on willbe forcing orinclination forasealife. They fingers oftherighthandandoneon aptitude Byrepeated raising School, trialthey avarietyandfourth negroes succeededin High .Mayor into the Female .. appiicatioii onlyonthewritten of‘their respectively. En admitted tobacco, promised ofthelefthand, known asSpanish tobe thelittlefinger which by18,000 of Boston nislority wasre-elected feewillbe Cobb parents andguardians. Anentrance half.disclosed tobacco-plant thecoming in NewEngland. The circling thewristofhislefthand, H arrington, W esleyan last week. ...Professor C. S . ofthe tocover theexpense inamount canusually be required sufiicient byhisciif'fs, attaining growth, isofstrong thesameandhalfconcealed about University, Conn, Mlddletown, was nominated forCon giant withhisuniform, ham gress. thecandidate to beso offurnishing whichseems eight attaining asseed-leaf-perhaps alittlemoreobservedgoldchain, Howard, ...Charles under sentence to be asare hanged, andsuchtext-books that mockandbedding, stalk, altitude—has asmall, aboutcuredby lockandkey. washinted hard withleaves by body waslynched ofmasked men atDon or$30 w ill b esulfi Itisthought that $ 25 onas token of needed. bracelet putthis twofeet corresponding inlength, breadth. The and HisMajesty Molnes, upon Iowa..Kiug Kulakaua rnsde hlsofiicisl call charge monthly ofnot purpose. A cient forthis o ne inHawaii be some plant rapidly,and ripens with comes forward much morean rcenient made House, thePresident atthe W hite December ..'I‘wo 15th. expense of made todefray the t han w ill b e seed~leaf, ofsome sort. less $10 charm rapidly insuring against thereby than all fore left:orthati week, Ridge, last atBay killed N.Y.,were iden ship.All burglars, andfeeding theboysonboard onSat clothing danger arrived atWashington from KingKalakaua autumnal frosts. tified as the abductor: ofCharley C ouncil Ross. ...'I'he belonging to the andFellows bypersons 12th, committed andmetwith cordialoffenses urday, December Geographical Society TheLatoka oftheAmerican and Persian wasfirstbrought tobacco will ” whileonshore Fish,Belkuap shallbe unished andRobe “training-shi Secretaries traveler, givebanquet bythewell-known leading Bayardreception. e xplorers tothiscountry tothe travelers and of ship.The America as they onboard ha been committed by a fewminorofficials, since, Taylor, years bymanyson,accompanied some inFebruary. andwastested ...Ananti-Masonic crusade has orcause or been notauthorized toinflict, commander at an earlyhouronSaturday tobacco-growers inallsections ofthecountry, but leftWashington started inIllinois. ...Acouncil was h eld i nIndian anypnnisiiment forasingleTerritory theKing permit tobeinflicted, morning, andmetthetraincontaining onaccount ofitssizc—being oneofthesmallest between the Peace Commissioners and five First nations. otherthanoneof thefollowing: fromthecity.Theroyaloffense miles sixoreight profit.about Timothy notbecultivated varieties-could withmuch ..Hou. M.Allyn, ofHartford, has byhimself. Temple, of anyratingestablished of the Reduction of Captain city$100,000 It iswelladapted that forthepipe, andisofpeculiarartywasincharge forthe establishment ofnn in-' irons,offered —Confinement withor without and Second Navy,and stafiof young flavor, Virginia) while likelight fits nitedStates school forthefree thecolor(about instruction ofboys andgirls officers, notto ex dustrinl undersiiigleor double;suchconfinement whohavebeenplaced handsome a griculture itforalllovers ofmildtobacco. inthe business vocations oflife. and the Chief-Justice), except of anoffender to incase King’s ceed tendays, who ac him.Mr. A llen (the mechanic arts. ._.Prof‘. F.V.Hayden has b een a elected variety England Another tested inNew hasbeen Third—Solitary Washington, beforecourt-martial. bebrought introduced thepartfrom comanled corresponding History Society member oftheNatural of knownas Podunk tobacco. Thisis doubtless andwater notexceeding onbread the confinement cialstotheKing.When Wurteinberg, the overnment. ...Mexlco asubsidy willgrant of$12,000 variety another ofseed-leaf, theresult ofbringing ot, notex days.Fourth—Solit.ary confinement five party de theroyal left atthe arrived train per Tehuantepec miletothe Railroad. ..TheRussian seedfromvarious countries. There arequitea oflibertymission days.Fifth—Deprivation seven cars,theKingwakingbetween Mr.Fish ceeding wastendered to I-‘., D.Morgan, ofNew York. number ofvarieties ofseed-leaf in the theMr. cultivated duties.Thecommanding following Allen, intheorderonshore.Sixth_Extra andtheothers fortheprevention ....Asociety ofcruelty tochildren NewEngland, Middle and There Western States. are and court was to ordera summary tothenorth front of officeri authorized marched oftheirrank.They founded inNew Yorkcitylast week. ...Thecele fourleading varieties inOhio, andanother hasre the deserving more trial o foffenses Depot, martial forthe where car andPotomac " ofMobile, newBaltimore bythe" Mystics bration ofNew Year‘s Eve cently singular inamost been discovered manner. punishment empowered h e toinflict. guest, than waiting serious uished forthedistin in where Ala,willbeunusually |1ne.. ..Theinter-collegiate growing Afewyears since anumber nearriages ofplants byflogging punishment beinflicted. shall marines. A innocase of detachment theescort literary convention wlllbeattheAmdemy, York, New some bushes ofthegrowerunder attracted theattention ofstudy allbranches ofprac January embraces andthepartywereThecourse wasthenformed, Cushlng, 7th .. Lieutenant-Commander U.S.N., onaccount ofthepeculiar coloroftheleaf.The procession navigation, instruction ingunnery, oftheKingattheAr ticalseanianship. conveyed tothequarters uptherebel during who blew ram Albemarle carefully picked, andtheplants thewar, leaves were allowed andadvanced along andtherudimentary theroute wereengineering, House.Thestreets Asylum. .King died i nthe Government Insane plant-beds .. Kala to gotoseed.Thenextseason werelington language. multitude, It sug of theEnglish andHisMajestycurriculum witha curious presented ofCongrese. was made, toboth branches planted. Decem acres Theresult was thronged andseveral to theNavalkaua thatoffers of appointment acknowledged ofgreeting. gested thecheers Japanese 18th.. ..Tlienew lllinlster submitted his thesame, thesame color whengracefully theleafexhibiting totheboysonthe ber bemade asprizes shownAcademy theparty were attheArlington, credentials tothe Ames, President.. .Governor growing ofMis andcuring d“ownto a verylightshade, Arriving fortheir use.The training-ships. roomsrepared sissfppi, Tobacco," Crosby sustained theaction ofSheriff‘ gives orasitis totheelegant inthe which its name.White " Congress ofrooms were intheparorofthesuite dffilculty. cup given recent . , .Asilver now, w as each Tobacco.” Asa decorations member known Premium elegant. Aprominent feature wasan ofthe Columbia crew which won theCollege cuttobaccp race. itbidsfairtorivalother tobaccos usedparticularly ona table,PICTORIALSPIRIT OF THE EUROPEAN which rested immense bedofflowers, forthispurpose. ” was ofbuds formed Welcome theword“ FOREIGN. toa inwhich in (‘alifornia theplantisbeing cultivated ILLUSTRATEDPRESS. and blossoms. and,bythenewmethod extent, of considerable Pyramid Tait gregt lighthouse. istobeconvcrted intoa engaged hadbeen at Tn:MUNICIPAL rooms ofthirteen byMr.Culp, curindiscovered willdoubtless make Asuite Ei.itc'rior(s ATPARlS.——ll' American February ...TheBritish Parliament willreassemble, party.Ofthese,voters House fortheroyal greattheArlington itscutivation asuccess, andaddstillanother country hotels, and intaverns there5th. hold caucuses published. ofwarinUruguay ...Adenial was .,. personal useoftheKing,consisting product in that fiveareforthe to thenumber nowcultivated nothing strange certainly inthe view ofameet Loms, can Spanish be Republican General who l ed troops the in dining-room, f or himself and writin-room ofthe ofparlor, wondrous clime.Butwhilenewvarieties blacksmith-shops ing ofthe suburban ofelectors inone the lust b attle Carlists, s everely with the was wounded. -room; and, inaddi ofParis.Theview andba chamber tried, plantarebeing are Secretary, ofculture city newmethods politicians, delegation Knights isnovel to but i n Templar, ....A of atthe close ofthe forgeneral tion, parlors onthefirst-floor twolarge alsobeingtried, which hasmuch todowiththe reception. gatherings by Grand singular, m ore Orleans, towns even theinterior Havana, Cuba, Conclave inNew visited ' growth andquality oftheplant. Asisgeneral, oflocation, arenotunusuai fewand were wellreceived... .The Committee onStanding afternoon, 15th, December theKing reason OnTuesday ispresident endeavors tokeep or Orders especially tothespeakers, Relcbstag in theNewEngland States have to was listen oftheGerman decided thatthearrest formally presented tothePresident. President notes, der, totake while themajority bacco-growers particularly anda secretary during been more interested in ofHerrMalunke thesession wasillegal. . . General Sher debate oftheCabinet, themembers among part Grant, themselves without the least show of anyother passed than newvarieties, andtested more suppression Mexico the Bill f or the ofthe Order of oftheNavy, and respect Porter oftheArm Admiral man plesders. inVirginia notsomuch forthedistinguished ofthecountry. attention ofCharity. Sisters ...Counsel fortheprosecution inthe distinguis persons, a ssembled infull ed were few p aid (although tonew varieties there a re hasbeen VonArnlm trial demanded asentence ofconfinement for ofreceiving theKing.The TrisSwitnisn forthepurpose INSi:ssiox.—The PARI.IAllt.\'1' firstPar two grades many years. andqualities), onaccount of theirdress and ahalf ...The Czar conferred theOrder of f ormality, much without was conducted ceremon Kingdom Norway ofSweden and ofthe United adapted being fortl.epiperather than for tobacco St.Andrew onPresident Butt, Ma.c.Vlahon. . .Dr.Isaac upon impression all liament afavorable the ingmade “ Member byorder oftheKing, atStockholm, was assembled in the“Home readilyand thetobacco-plant a cigar-wrapper. While Rule ofParliament forLlmeric manners. andgraceful about There isanabandon themembers thatisabout 1865. adapts itoften loses Europe itself tosoilandclimate, thosebyhiseasy toleave fortheUnited States ona dignity legislalecturing appears below the ofroyal tousmtlier qualities which render it valuable anda essential Warren, tour. ...Edward Alfred oftheBritish apttoregard tors, would bemore anditstranger the Museum, justdied.Although oftheweed. Some source ofprofit tothecultivator only has thlrty-eight, he party society orascientific asoneofapolitical session maybegrown anycli twenty inalmost yarnintheMuseum, kinds oftobacco had been employed onthe body king catalogue. deliberative ofthedual mate, ofthehighest than andstillretain, ina measure, itsessential BOSTONAND SAN FRANCISCO. Observatory ...AttheParis there isatele color, size, scope dom. andweight. HE following qualities, suchastexture, inthe course ofconstruction that willbethelargest between t hedifference shows however, lithers, change altogether yetmade. Bocrva.--Offenbach, onbeing intro orOrima whohasever Thetube willbefifty Coiirossas feet inlength and andinSan achieved foodinBoston prices ofrestaurant eight ofcountry. tonewsections sixfeet duced thegreatest distinction asa composer ofopera inches indiameter.. Tagu ..The Vienna charges soup, Boston turtle Forgreen Francisco: atCologne, onthe21st ofJune, was born 1819.Prone believes that theVonArnim Companies case has andPlymouth divided WhentheLondon the bouillon, 20 boufi'e, 15cents-for SanFrancisco, 50cents; composer royal family, Empress known as in1347, Prussian Augusta, b ecame when and t hat theyfound (uppowoc) Hefirst inVirginia, tobacco never landed cents; cents; 15 andsooninpro beadapted SanFrancisco, several ofLaFont.aln_e‘s fables tomusic, withBismarck, resolutely eachinsympathy now plantwithleaves notmuchlarger ortion, sustaiiis his a verysmall keeping ahead. oonstltutinga always to35cents vaudeville, scene, c ity government musical oroperrfla o rganized victim. ...Ths fable ofParis ofthewalnut-tree, andgrowinaboutNewforBoston has a thanthose smelts, demands forfried thefish:Boston, thirty operas. written over Hehas comic service of600 tuinbrila fortheremoval tooadeep40cents; ofsnow from twofeet inheight.TheEnfishcolony the Francisco, 25cents-for friedcod, dicamera. San *-' among Orpliée them are $ 20,000. known aux Eu streets. The sum voted plant, mp", best was fromthefirstint e andatonce40cents; ..Repom; interest Francisco, 25cents.NextwehaveThe San " " -* }I|'~li-ne," Blsus," fers," LnBarbe sent the distressing. LaBelle La famine inAsia Minor asmost Thecareandattention itscultivation. . commenced steak, Boston, de for porter-house theentrees: " and *-LsPerichole HfesBrigauda” Duchesse,” Prince Bismarck toresign completely changed Grande threatened theChancellori-ihlp. upon theplant soon bestowed kidneys 51;SanFrancisco, 50cents-for Rouger, color, YouArnlni whose realnameFlorimond was born....Count wassentenced of it,bothin size, and mands tothree thewhole character months sauce, 25centsHervé, SanFrancisco, 60cents; withwine Arms, brought. upin imprisonment, in1525, and already near was minus spent theperiod soinNewEngland; general qualities. Ithasbeen injail 82;SanFrancisco, 40cents.atHoudain, m allard ducks —for pupils among of‘theChurch themusical ofSt. better colorandtextureHereSanFrancisco isofmuch nowtheplant is awayahead.Calf'sliver Paris years organist foreight atSt.Eusmclle, Roch.Hewas asnewsortsare Boston firstcultivsted..and, thanwhen 40cents; SanFrancisco worth considers oftheorchestra timeleader atthe thesame produce varieties willundoubtedly bein tested, ham, ratesat 40cents;andat. Boston song Royal. atthe Heaftorivards Thi-atre dol’Opcra MUSICALAND'DRAMATICNEWS. thosenowbeingculti 25cents-boiled of a plantexcelling quail, 60cents;Palais at25cents-broiled SanFrancisco Ci'rv.—~The in1842 his“DonQuixote," oratorio where ofthe"Messiah" thefirst NirwYORK vated. steak, 81;San National, Francisco, 40cents—-venison presented night Chrislnms atSteinway Hall, bythe bouffe ever toaFrench of‘opera au willbesung intothe San astheyareintroduced Newvarieties, Francisco, 50cents:specimen 25cents.Coldroastbeef, Society ofNewYork,andtheHandel produced. In1853 befounded the‘*FoliesOratorio was and country, methods ofcul cause newandimproved Francisco, SanFran dlence, 25cents-tea, 20cents; * There Haydn Society Brooklyn. p roduced of mcertantes," was where his “La I-‘lne Fleur willbethree theleaf.Euro San inorder toperfect turetobetried. and cisco, ofeggs, bread F orthe matter 15 cents. nights Opera during ofItalian holidays, different, In1858 became the leader ofthe l'Andalousic." or one o f dc aredecidedly which pean tobacco andAmerican wines, charges I n the areeven. vegetables the Eldorado, 1 willbedevoted Among prodiictlons to"Loheugrin." sum-|,_ his later atthe Henri not avinthe however, ebestra theformer particularly instrength, points. B oston sells Boston scoresfew appears actor, French withacceptance "Chilperic," "LaPetlt in" TheHero “l’(EllCrevé," I-‘aust"and pant. bytheAmerican or strong qualities possessed for$3perquart;SanFran are and(‘huudoii " * AtWoodls theHour," Theatre. cultivated, however, Turca it ina itsMeet in America, Museum. Onbeing asks " hes at83;SanFrancisco ciscofor$4—Roederer “atB0oth‘s '*ThoCarpenter " are “Aladdin and ofRouea inp-.;. asif $4;forthe aspowerful in flavor shorttimebecomes Leoville, Boston Tun orVx:ws.—The Island Chateau Tiussi-r ofRodriguez isin psratiou brand same ' " for t he holidays. Several new bullets totestnewvarieties are to grown always here.Inorder Ocean, miles at$3.IntheportertheIndian some 360 east. ofMauritius, andbeadded SanFrancisco at$2.50; totheattractions of-*The , theyshould Black uponrates Crook“ atthe be~tried oftheplantproperl chief southern thanSan was selected asone ofthe stations fortheGrand aleline,Boston alsocheaper Opera House, performance andagala being Inthis and andwit theaidoffertilizers. various English soils. observation ofthetransit. Theparty f unded Francisco. arranged promised ' for the ' visit o fKing just Kalskaua soil determinewhat caneasily August 18th, we thegrower and from H.M.S.Shcarwater, after selectMr..lackson‘s adaptation TwoOrphans" sue fortheplant._Ifthe arerequired spot an cultivation began inga suitable landing fortheobservatory, “of"The " l.ovc‘s Square Theatre, ccoded Sacrifice attheUnion lightsoil; onthecon select instruments, packed leafistobelight, that were a stronomical inboxes, the * p romises greatsucceas. and The second ELECTRICITYFOR LIGHT. he I'l.lli|ll1|'[|10||iQ theplants should trary, darkleaf desired, bymeans ofshears formed ofshlps’spars. ofapair This given oftheseason was attheAcademy, the Decem rapidity "aet”upona darkloam.ln.thismanner prosecuted withsuch was thatthelaborConcert of work of theapplication important extension place ber12th, being theopening Schumann‘s Tblrd texture and obtain thecolor, grower canreadily begun August was oftheobservers 24th. agent aboutproper ' Mr.Maccabe electricity asanilluminating " Symphony. driving “DullCare body ofleafre uired.Notonlywillsuchexperitobemade Board, light by Trinity London. Two the from crowded audiences athisnewhome, Robinson willbegratifyhouses hevaluale,buttheresults ments or"run BRIDGI orBitnosns. i sSrauv—Vixw TinWan * There Point aretobefitted withthe ontheLizard Hall. is demand for double the number of ingandinteresting. Bridge overlooks the Bidassoa and River The Bi-liobré _ oftheelectric apparatus fortheproduction rhuisite intheParkTheatre fortheone-hundredth per. and thecityofIrunisseen inthe seats ofthislight power willbeof theIsleofPheasants, light.Thepenetrating Age," of“TheGilded formance very and things curious bytheMtgueletee,.or Itisoccupied Serrniiist ofland madedistance. atthisthefirstpoint value theutmost willthen bedone.* Thelittlefolks aside arelaying belonging ona ruined who arefiring fortress CREMATIONIN GERMANY. ships.WehavefreuentlyVolunteers, byhomeward-bound holiday portions money of-their forBarnum, who Will figures right on the ofthe T he fort a re light our totheCiirlista oftheelectric give theadoption themmusing treat attheHippodrome during the Daily urged correspondent oftheLondon HEBerlin soldiers. Boards, ersof oceanFrench andthemana Lighthouse next two weeks who steuinships, 11th" gentleman Nov. Telegraph writes. met o d ofprevent most Shaftesbury asthe Dwsi.i.isos.—The efi“cctive w0lHlNGIIl('B Park Symphony Doints'rio.—-Twelve given Concerts willbe l ady's ofayouiig attheincremation waspresent a lso bean There s iioiild comprises forty ing disasters. inaritime a cres offreehold estate land inthe W inter, InBaltimore this auspices under the ofthe Pen at medical corpse thewifeof German man) (late Hook,parish Biittersea, thelightatSandy Hill,near Clap body forgenerating atLavender ofSt.Mary, Theatre, institute.Thenew Globe ofBoston, factory inDresden, onSatur apparatus celebrated Siemens‘s London, ofFort.Wadsworth atthe ham Station, week, onthebluffs and istheproperty Junction ofthewasfilled tooverflowing last baiiig theattraction ofthepro another account aniiiteresting daylast,gives Narrows,thirdat ornearFulton l-‘erry, East Artisans’, Dwellings Company andGeneral “l.oheugrin," bytheStrskoscb laborers’ ' Company. the arrbmle, caedings. thata sortofch.npeL'e Hesays Street, “ North Iliver, year 1867, a t(‘anal R iver. a fourth and anassociation formed inthe (Limited), for Boston Theatre Prodigal" I.'I-Infant b rought was out in From waserected withflowers, profusely decorated of'liglit could dwellings broad beams purpose working last t wooints holidays, the ofbuilding suitable for the for the with Seaman, Morlocchi, Julia uhi-ia ofwhich inthecentre oneoftheworksliops, the bethrown duringstormy city by ierivers even people across from their Rand, who w ere driven homes inthe and ¢ f avorites, other in thecast. John containing -thatof veryhand ingor fog,making thebodycoffin p athway forthe ban metropolitan improvements. aclear Brougham ofgigantic extension Opera the was atthe Cincinnati House lastweek. placed. Mr.Siemens someoungwoman——was thatarecontinually playing willbepermitted within theprecincts or moreferr-boats Nopublic-houses inhis“ Lottery ofLife." TheAlméc Coin. atthe dred himaelg, hadrefused toassist astheclergy itLaI-‘file ofthe ofShaftesbury (although already puny produced othertrack.Wearepositive Park oneortwohave each Angel," deMme. attheGrand touching dis crossing solemn pronounced ceremony, mentioned, and upintheoutskirts), forthepurpose sprung House, Cincinnati, ofthisagent butshops forthe sale ofre Opera December lath. Agrantl which, coffin, inits wasthenusefulness thebody, over course made a tthis experiments have b een repeated g iven andothercommodities of likelight.benefit freshments was Miss Kellogg, Theatre, attheNational ofwhich was as theirondoor inthefurnace, inserted light.Ourapparatus, already doing theWilde though nature are Wnshlpgtoli, withthe useful brisk business D.0.,December llth,under thepatronage hot office it,anda stream ofinconceivably upon closed theonlyoneofitskindin theUnitedThepark has been laidoutinhandsome streets. KingKalakauaE.1..Daven At.theofPresident Grant and it,surrounding beper’patent, upon (uscould directed combining thepower of throwing downedges rows ofyoung ofthefootways trees have beenportappeared in“Hamlet," Opera House, atFord’: ofthe States, letintothe throughwindow |.i'l\’C" side withthatof’creating the planted, '*' Edwin Washington, and infront ofeach house is small copper forelectrotyping butneatly D.C.,last week.‘ began Booth red,quivering, distinctly with furnace‘. classes, garden. Therearebutsix kept illumination. arebuiltinfour The houses con. short season atMcVlcker's Theatre, mostpowerful Chicago, December pale burning herewasnosudden vibrating flames. 14th, five, six,seven solelfor taining respectively, opening andthey areused andeight rooms inthecountry, with others the "Merchant ofVenice." corpse, nophenomenon s corching ofthe oreach including dwellingsFoiisio.~|.—Barry Thecheapness oftheiglit, thelatter electrotypes. making bathroom. For these sense, Sullivan, English revolting other the toany tragedlan, eye and ostltothe or andtheease ofmanipuaweekly strength of5s6d., 6s.9d., anddurability, rental 8s.and 10s paid,Henry " Hamlet" Irving, whose rapid pro its hascreated tobeanextraordinary such ex seemed butwhat except thorduglily sums, Butone which lalion, demonstrated. inthecase houses, been ofthebest have in which, InLondon, willgototheUnited during aftertheliquidsteamship early States cesa ofdesiccation, Transatlantic-has c0mpany—thc French If thetenant rates and taxes. intends clude tobuy the citement * E.If.llflwonpgfl inJanuary. evolved, first attempted thesolid bunamed ‘ne,,_ hadbeen substances light groundrent was o ntheir vessels.I touse the rates and taxes and the tobe house have gagcmcut gr," from anEnglish h ot, manager, enlastlyabandoned and um 11,, redhot,thenwhite andtEarls became expense, b y him, but t he real f ault owing t othe paid purchase-money. inaddition tothe The leading w as, kingdom. ofthe There this wasinthe parntuii. tobesincerely intoashes. Rubinstein in themselves resolved hopedpurchasing price ranges ofthehouses from to Parisatheatres £150 rranging fortheproduction asserts, firstto that ofhisnewopera, nothinf'rom positively gentleman may Board imitate theexample £310, lease, andi subject iouse onalong toaground-rent. senses, ourLight "Nero," which willbetheattraction ofthenew Opera tothep iysical inthisrocess lastoffensive andatleastgive Board ofLondon, ie'l‘rinity * Theopen"Die House. '1‘lie furnace of Maccaliaer” distressing. will b epro. sentimental oreven electncity fair t est. i n will h e L.\-rnu Sis-rxx.—It remembered boots! in Berlin duced bags.) inFebruary. Thefamous fromthe conceals which bydrapery, surrounded ago bythe Signor was created some much excitement time that delPucnto InNew Yorky, andwhatcanbeseen hasrwcglvgd (now sightof themourners, thatLouise of Boisd‘I-Iaine, statement Lateau. ln diploma ofhonorary membership oftheSociety forpurposes con ofSt. through theinlet(whichused upon Belgium, herperson themarks bore ofthe wounds inRome. Victor Maurcl, gm-,1, Cecilia ofthefire) innoway who m ade withthere ulation FOR BOYS. nected TRAINING-SIIIPS upon Shehassubmitted ourSaviour. inflicted toan tiltintheUnited States, has spectacle of done likewise thestrange inMarseilles horrible, offers although feet, andi was found thatherhands, -ships side' Mlle. by the examination, Redlttl, training havebeensupplied vanishing through whoI singing away inItaly w ith gradually s omuch body human theidentical exhibited marks forehead found onthe success,anAmerican underand States xAS, Secretary oftheNavytothree woman named heat.Theprocess—t.o R“¢ a of intense theinfluence taken from thecross, when and ofChrist that thereGounod HMireille,“ granting partially oftheUnitedbody has vessel rewritten thelungstheActofCongress inparticular andthenew thesoftsiibstances, which tobebirth-marksversion Tlieee are said nodeception willsoon thatmay decide toedu was State belung attheParis Navy toeach open States 0¢||,|qu,, resistance—lasted thelongest andliver,offered
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/.‘ i " /" , ' /' , ‘ |_ ' / /‘/‘ __ ' ' ' ,, _ Tm;Mm“-AL S-MTIOX WASHIXGTON THE ' _ ,..., ¢- ‘.1. ‘g~' _ H-UURROYALGUI‘-51: 12th, KALAKAUA,whowaschosen’ February )RINCE_DAVID 1874, unanimously bytheLegislative Asseiublyto almost bethe ‘kg wasborn Honolulu onthe16th KingoftheHawaiian_lslands, of‘--1836, November, year.He the .- _ andis therefore inhisthirty-ninth ~sonofthelateHon.C.Kapaakea andthelateHighChiefess KeohnI kalole, various oftheHigh withthe" branches whowereconnected sovereigns. good fromtheancient Hereceived Chiefs descended - education School,and positions, public hasfilled various attheRoyal know given himanopportunity toacquire anextensive which have law,andfithimtoactassovereign ofhisnative ledge ofinternational 1
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wasRIDE DOWN PENNSYLVA.\'lA AVENUE. country. In1863 Kapiolani,daugliter hemarried theyoung Chiefess of theHawaiian ChiefKeawe, ofKeliahonui, andniece chiefof Kauai, theinterests of someof themost andthusconsolidated ofthekingdom. families influential appearance hispersonal theKing stout, portly gentleman. dark, Hiscomplexion andhisside-whiskers andhairareblack and self-possessed theeasy, airof manof theworld. glurly. goes llebhas outattired in suitofblack broadcloth ofthelatest and pinned cut. On ofhiscoat small lapel most fashionable _ the strip01 parti-colored ribbon, indicating withwhich theroyal Order ' °"W94 279-) (C°""'"“¢d a
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Palissy-ware righttoproduce production inthiscoun PICTORIALSPIRIT OF THE EUROPEAN derives its name fromBernard hislatest NEWSOF THE WEEK. night, Huguenot, ofwhati almost bornin1609, andisakindof try. Ontheopening cer Palissy,_a run,“ TheTwoUrplians” porce ILLUSTRATEDPRESS. ain. taintobe protracted Domssric. approval. ltis of TnirAttlciiuNunSAIllR.——-W0 wasinvented inthetimes ofQueenmetwiththemost enthusiastic Queensware recently published TauNautical School forNewYorkboys willbe nature, AnneandGeorge andsome criticsportrait I. Wedgwood wastoEngland theintense melodramatic mayopened outlaw, withthat and of‘thisnoted Indian Januaryonthe ship on SLMary’:_,Ex-Gov whatPalisawastoFrance, thati suggestive oftheBowerybecompared andBottcher toSex havesuggested in ernor atpresent bold oftheman thelikt-ni\.~:.-s bythePresident Parsons wasnominated tostic ony,onlyt e Englishman, oftheplayi theredflag custody likehisnation, turnedatle. But thebanner of cead Inspite thereal Nana. onsuspicion ofbeing Judge attempt. inAlabama. Busteed .. isbeing hisgenius ofthetine.-ttheexertions to practical, rather thanornamental,sensationalism,nevertlicless ._An officers, noonehasyet made ofHerMajesty's Navy toprevent theabolition ofthe Yiirds atNew texture, results. and fringed withgold.Theper been silken captive. ldcntlfytlie robust found who c ould Kiitery, Philadelphia, London, Washington. and ...Tho exquisite acting potteries Thelargest ofthepiece, andthe in theUnited States are fectsetting Congress provides before railroad scheme aguar criticism,I..\si-is-o withallcarping important located inNewJersey, in ofthecompany, doaway ice latest andthemost IcitA1‘Losbos.__'I'bls Noawiiouir p er anteed four interest on c ent. bonds tothe extent of brought upinthemountains thecityofTrenton. themostenjoyable lnkcsliigb andmaketheentertainment inthe $20,000 areeighteen establish There from small per Uregon m ile, ofthe Central Pacific Railroad ments, thirty requiring from Christiana. fifty-seven kilns. ofanyinthecity. miles . vicinity ofIirnmmen, about Telegraph system Line. ...Under thenew ofdirect Tliornc, Jr., Soclear analysis pronounce Themixtures feldspar Thecast forporcelain embraces thenames ofClias. theiceto and arekaolin, arethelakes, that appropriations, $1,000,000 willberequired tosustain Rankin, ltobson, impurities andcarbonate L.li. beastree TheIce the Stuart McKee water. af lime, whichareallground to JohnParselle, itsdistilled from Military Asylums year. during National thefiscal ... gether—while W.J. Cogswell, Thos.shlps theglaze Id.W.Montgomery, inthemanner is made and liltickay, aredischarged atChelsea offeldspar inLondon was that rumored 170 oftheNew attucliér YorkCus gypsum. Lysaiuler Thompson, J. W. lilittthews, When a quantity a E. Morris, ofclayisrequired, shown intheengraving. tom House would beremoved. .~. .ThoPresident issued mass is divided MissRoseEytine, MissI-‘unnyNiiriorui. intolumps,which are“ thrown,"W. H. Wilder, of the proclamation second , _Mr. 'l‘itisi.s—The Sniritr-Doe question. ontheMississippi kneaded, ittyBlanclinrd, beaten MissKateC-laxton,'Miss upon, ortrodden of Iifornnt, forthepurpose Sheep-Dog atBela,Twecd’s have been held which applied Trials Brilcein, counsel toJudge ofBingham exhausting andothers.National airandsuperfluous MissIdaVernon, Then the MissMarieWilkins, moisture. Wales, 14th, last. shepherd ton, occurred October forawritoferror. ...ThoHouse refused toadopt aretakenintoanother andgentlemen rests the North department ofthese ladies and Inthehands lumps sheep out rcsolutlons tofetch three oneofhisdogs against Cup Government subsidies.. ..Polire fashioned intotheshape dothey evolvewillorder bythe story oftheplay, ofvarious articles andrightskillfully dogwill tainBourne, away, the flock o na and hillsome distance a ccidentally bya ofBrooklyn, was killed pottcr's wheel, casting inParis,just before the Revolu pressing. wheel is it. The The actioni or slope. faithfully required t he number down reporter.. drive the Jersey ofNew ..Militiamen arc toestablish a fiat_disk upon Normandy girls—foster-sisters young anupright o fclay axle.A mass tion.Two driving principal day about The ofthe w as t he Range event State similar toCreedmoor. ..Tho s now"-storm quest sufficient tomake towhose piece upon tothecityin of relative thedesired isthrown come sheep. feet, penning, Thedamaged ofthree hundred and the thepolice andfiretelegraph wires in consigned, sepa three thedisk, andbecome they andasthisrevolves thepotter the care havebeen models for Yorktotheextent ofRobert andacup Roberts won thefirstprize of$5,000 ...ANational Convention lampwithhishands.Forpressing. bya dishonorable noble dog abducted theclayis rated, onebeing ’’Party Independent. ofthe“II]dllI'|lP0||S willbeheld treated asbread-dough, andapplied tothemodelman, andtheothcr_whoblind-iallinintothe thisfun Cleveland, in March Tuuixs.-The I4th....0ne thousand dollars of WitnFOILoxTBIUrrsu. or moldwhichis usedfor forming hersinginthe SHOOTING its innerhands ofanoldhagwhomakes paid Mary Hanley. murder was whotheGoodrich reward Mr.Robertson, isarclic ofantiquity. _. disk,streets Placingthisupontherevolving surface. hand stalking-horse foraims.Thebaghastwosons—one compiled Vance removed Messrs. Stern andBowen, awork Coin on"LifeontheUpperMayor ametallic crippled, brought andan hasrecently shape, and thief;theother, oftheexact in some, onlymisslouers profile accepted of Charities Thames," andCorrection; toe metbutthree onthebanka_one horses orpliiins contact paste, gives organ-grinder. witithe oneoftheNormandy While thepiece thedesired frame, of Mr.Lairnbccr; not resignation andappointed inuse.Itconsists wooden Messrs. ofaslight shape.Afterthelumps girl,andfallingbeing theblind are searching forhersister, areshaped thepieces it,toformBailey, andDonnelly tofillthevacancies... over withcanvas stretched .hIl5! usually subjected wheel, gentleman whosuc unlikehurdle, bywhichinlovewitha young French tothepotterls "Cox $25,000 “Josie Mansfield recovered twostraight inhersuitagainst down, bent asif grazing allroughness ofneed andsaved her abody;head orsuperfluous isremoved, and cored herinhermoment aide Walker, D.l>., andtheFiskestate....The Rev. Dr.James her,thecripplepieces ofwood forlegs, andtufts ofhairformane thecarving, if any,done whohadkidnapped withtheaidofa knife.from themac’ College, President ofHarvard tslL Ahole andonce died atCambridge, foralookout, inthe serves singer. Through shoulder Theglazing isputonbetween inlovewiththesighlless thefirstandsecond falling Mass, years...,The Returning attheageofeighty duck-gun. forresting theheavy firings, estranged bydipping pass many thesisters while thepieces in tubscontaining vicissitudes fifty-four Republicans Board ofLouisiana counted in and other, again t hey thecomposition. i nthe but a tlast m eet from each story Tu:CARLIST forllfcan fifty-two oftherace WAR.—ThO ” arevessels Conservatives totheLower House....Delec theorphanincident The" seggars whither ofclayinwhich the hovel ofthehagandhersons, oftherocent onBebobla TheRepublitlvos attack Office, TillyandHeidlcberg, oftheCentral New guided bytheagent iecesaredeposited ofthe canMigueletes beingplaced before in the whocanseehasbeen besieged closely intheirlittle had been so s uspended York, c harge were ona. ofsecreting stolen ilnsforfirm. Theseggiirs very oftheirembrride the custom-house arepiledupon eachpolice.In the moment thatthey to obtain were unable freshproperty. ofWargave ...ThoSecretary that orders the other untilt ekilnis full,when barstheprogress of supplies it is closed, the desperado soncomes in. offood.Fourofthegarrison oflruuvolunwhite miners whoareprospecting theBlack Hillsbe coalignited, girls,anddraws hisknife.Thenthe teered andthepieces leftforty hours toan theyoung theyre driven toconvey allthefood tothebesieged outthereservation. ...Aneffort isbeing made seizingknifequired, neal days spouts andthree intomanhood, and tocool.Handles, and crippled sonleaps together cannon, rowing inalong witha small college regatta tohave thenext ontheThames, atNew ornaments aregenerally molded searatcly, and also,a battleeginsbetween thebrothers. boat approach called ll.*‘lnncha.” was Justastheboat London, Conn. ...KingKalakaua tookthefirstsleigh bybitsofpnste then attached burned. thisscene ourartisthasillustrated. Of beforeeing which bridge opened fireupon theoccurldeofhis theCarllsls life....It Isproposed toestablish agrand Fancysoap-dislies justin ingthe pieces;course virtuetriumphs, thepolicecome consist ofsixdifferent kilhug one, another, wounding andforcing the arsenal InNewYorkunder thedirection oftheWar four,besides wash-pitchers, gotojail,and pants, andhismother thehandles. In the time, thedesierado survivors torun French bank. T he other ashore on the Department. potteries orphanillustration Trenton alargenumber oftheblind ofgirlsareem thecurtain fallsupon picture issimplycharacter-sketch of column of ployed.One. herlong-lostand aristocratic whoform»-i thesubject ofourfront finding inonemoment troops Estella andLos onthemarch between Foitsiort. pageengraving. throwing aluuip of mother, andf doctor whothinks hecancureher, Navarre wasnoticed selling-vessel flying signals AGliuniv ofdistress claythatapcured iv.-iii altogether tooheavy forher; while theother or bani blessed witha noble hus Arcoa mug. fired intobytheCurlists atGuet-nria.. ..Apowder butshebanledit withancasethatproved in thepiece‘ was she band.Pcrliitps tie bestacting Constantinople, nineinScutarl, was Itruckbylight wasmistress byMr.lllnckny as]’i'ei~re ofhertrade.Therearealsolargedone thecripple.The NEVVYEAR’S BRACE. ning, exploding, and, persons... killed twohundred portrayed were andsweetly establishments in PerthAmboy andJerseyCity. twoorpliuns delineated Chinamen, Allthemails, andabout fourhundred won Theputters formanufac MissKateClnxtoii, whofi:4$lIllI6fI theroleofthe TIIRtheatrical claimthiitthefacilities call-boy untoastronomers lslikened bytheburning steamship are, indgirl,andMiss Japan, ofthePacific on tureactually KittyBlanchard. order iossesscd andinworking gazes because heofteb onand with“stars"lost communes Hong-l(ong....All thepowers if they save Great Britain ac couldefullyworked, sufficient toproduce “Your; cepted s tylish," v ery Russla‘s saida man tohis invitation tothenew feet arenot International probably Code halftheearthenware which thiscountry “ , Congress prolonged with biinion.No,not Conference. ..TheMexican requires. whose feet were covered the friend. oftheMixed nobby,” was thegood-natured term Commission atWashington. They butexceedingly complain ...Tho ofEnglish andaskof CANADIANINDIANBOYSSHOOTING stylish, competition, reply. German men-of-war Congress, Albatross and Nuulilu: willdemand important asameans ofprotecting their AT PENNIES. upon oftheCarllsts forfiring satisfaction industry, the d'utyonim Gustav. .. prayer-meeting the‘imposition of a heavy with his Missnuituiv who attended Quebec, Canada,anIndiandaughter from FEWmiles Alfonso, Prince of theAsturias, ported made hisspeech, upand ware. torise remark: "I wantfavoring feltcompelled settlement, called Lorette. Theinhabitants claiming and Pa.,anditsvicinity, thethrone. County, In Chester ...Tho are gotoheaven; butif those fellere don’tpostaltheMonarchy tobegood and engaged in themanufacture areprincipally of stop Japan goes service between theUnited States and washing located theestablishments winking good forthemining. ntMary, there willbea d eal of andrudetoys. favorite resortprancing January proposes intoeffect 1st. .. .Japan toestablish a andpreparation thing they ofkaolin orfinechinaclay,rich snow-shoes thefust know I" around here ofQuebec andof’tourists. Oneof representative Assembly. there; deposits .LordDerby notified Minis ofwhich arefound andthiskaolinofthecitizens boys theattractions theskilloftheIndian inshoot ATiuv:i.ini through BridgeterScbenck passing Weston, near thatGreat Cornwall, Britain willparticipate isfullyequal inthe tothefinest that colnesfrom ingwiththebowandarrow.Visitors areimporwater, seeing Jacobi, a signoverthe Centennial....Dr. oftheDepartment IntheState ofGeorgia, purposes. En land, ofCom forpottery In South Carolina tooffer small come astargets, thecoinbeingdoor III.,arebedsof tuned "Agorcseqnrdere,” isPresident oftheGerman an Georgia, withthisoneword, becalledmerce, County, Centennial andinPope Commis ofthesuccessful theprize marksman. urged bytheDfnrio, what shesold, when toinquire shesaidsion. ...Apostal Convention being these fineclays, tothewoman of ofapeculiarly thelast named Spain character, butthat“agues between wascuredHavana, and theUnited valuable shedidnotsellanything, States. . .l’rince andhighly the esteemed by atCincinnati, treaty Bismarck moved for anextradition potteries points there." between and other intheVest. Gre Maine, msny p ersons Connecticut, In States. ...Tbirty Pennsylvania, disputing Delaware were anda Welshman inwhose andtheUnited AxEnglishman fiftywounded bya railway " Therekilled and accident atWood andMarlandaremines offinequartz living, andfeld THE NAUTICALTRAINING-SCHOOL. county said theWelshman: was thebest stock, Eugland.. parts painl sparroc ; andmillstogrindtheserocks, .Tho severed oftIurillo‘a housekeeping with inWales thathave known noble theActofConresscrantin vessel of such ingofSt.Anthony, heavy stolen from theCathedral, were machinery, andexpensive dis employed have been erected atonewedding-dinner.-" dozen cooks above theUnited S tatesavyto sue States as UNDER “ thatwas inMadrid. ...General Garibaldi points atseveral haswritten ontheSusquehanna, at'I'reuton, everycovered because a certain makeprovision to educate number of “Ay,”saidtheEnglishman, denying against River, bythe letter thecharges made N.J., ontheConnecticut him Com placesyouth andinother cheese." toasted hisown theSecretary of theNavyhas man forsailors, Assembly. lays ofthe intheWest.Thecommon mittee French He t he qualities blame for ofclayare designated M ary‘: a sthetraining-sliip theb?. at recently knocked down woman seven NIVADA places, Eng French reverses onGeneral found inmany Bourbaki. ...Tho andthedigging ofthem has ortofNewYork.Theschoolship underburglars, Herhusband watched after another. her the one oftheNew lishcompany ofrevlsers become aninterest Testament held their ofconsiderable localimportthe oftheBoard ofEducation. thec arge andfeltsobrirnful ofbattle45th from thetopofthestairs, ance, They session onTuesday, asatWoodbridge December 8th. com andAmboy, N.J. men, experienced andofficers are Theinstructors jerked hiseightpleted cool offuntilhehad that becouldn‘t Gospel States, thasecond revision ofLuke's There are148kilnsin seven totheend or divided as States Nav, anddetailed from theUnited yaar and whalod himsoundly outofbed fornot Chapter oldboy 64;Ohio,52;NewYork, selected signatures of56,000 xvi.._.I7pwnrds follows:NewJersey, have been duty.Commander II. .Pli_vthian will getting thisspecial upand helping hismother. I2; Pennsylvania, 10;Illinois, 4; Maryland, forthememorial totheQueen 4; for received andtheArch Hadley Lieutenant-L‘ommnndcr bein command; iigzninst blshops legalizing Massachusetts, the ofEucharistic 2. These arecaable Vestments of rodncing indulging once inthevery Dc-long officer. Lieutenants was intellect willbeexecutive and AxIrishman position... perkiln,w ichwoudamount attherateof$30,000 .TheIrishPrcsbyterians eggs ofiicera, andreading competent raw comprise ofsucking newsandtheI-Iastward Jacques, ualoccupation uptheTemperance question. Byorder perannum, to $4,440,000 taken andwould usein suchthestafilandother of mischance, toboit live have Bysome hecontrived paper. 75,000 Assembly, production theGeneral thoPreshy terinn tonsofcoaland75,000 ministers tonsof TheSt.Ma chlrruped 1,000 poor bird as went/down ofabout The his vessel tons chicken. preached throughout. Sunday, clays Ireland onTemperance, andother materials. " Bethepowers, observed, very politely ilirout, imensions are:Length, 149 and he Her feet: burden. Pupai bythose Consistory, It isagreed December 6th....'l‘be which wasto inaposition toknow, that beam, bold, spoke you too late I " f eet; depth friend, leetle of 16.6 f eet. I nview of lx4O 37.4 tariff, 21st, been held protective witha sufficiently have December forthecreation ofcardi there isnorea thepurposes forwhichshe intended. shewas postponed Pope hasbeen tillafter sonwhyallthecr0cker_i/ Intothewindow of toy nals, Easter..Tho intheUnited waslooking used States atBoston, at cost overhauled ofnearly AOINTLIIAN here, too,entirelythoroughly day, halted, shall toadvise theBishops notbeproduced when twoboys and ofPara and|'('l'Ii im andmade, one re hasrefused theother store $70,000. She nowa trim,substantial-looking 1.4, marked; youwish materials, “Say, Jim,_don't of American now inprison forexcommunicating wehadtencentsbuco, I-‘rr~om=i. necessary ever mineral vessel, eight-inch carrying ten uns. byway beingnowin courseof evelcpinent lame their Seen ofconciliating forourpoor sister?" Jimre toresign thelirazilmvi in this It thought tobuy present that schoo t he can bemaintained pulled country. thegentleman outa shin Government. thathedid,and $40,000$50,000 annually. at costoffrom All plied g lad t obe able t o assist plaster said h e was them in and fromtheNavy theofficers detached receive extra enterprise. boys Hemet thesame apraiseworthy Phyihian, $2,000; pay,asfollows: Commander the such andeachhadhispockets MUSICAL-ANDDRAMATICNEWS. ofiicer, $700,halfanhourafterwards, $1,000; instructor, THE KING IN NE\VYORK. senior executive popcorn-balls. with instructor, officers will stuffed andjunior $500.Theother troupe appear Doirxsric.—Tbe Amlée in Detroit, ING KALAKAUAarrived In NewYorkon _be: master-at-arms, permonth; at$50 A steward, whosold brooms went intoa barber‘: Hionunnun Mich,December 28th, 29th, Logan 30th. ' * Olive afternoon, Wednesday December 23d.But 850; mate, $35;captain’s mate, 35; boatswain‘s bought togetshaved. Thebarber onewillbring inGlasgow out new edition of" Surf"attheNatloiud, wasgiven littletime forpreparation, andthere sailmaker’s mate, $35;captain hold,$30;shop of the having him, and, brooms, after shaved asked the ofhis Washington, January 11th. The first concert of ception compared tendered himwasverymeagre, firemen, at,$30and$28, s eamen, four and two at Highlander. “Tlppcnce," “No, said the price o fIt. Society p lace ofPhiladelphia will the Beethoven t ake on distinguished withthataccorded guests$28 toformer permonth. each "I’ll giveyoua penny, no,”say!theshaver; andi the23d Hall, ofJanuary atMusical Fund when Mendels ofthecity. must bebetween thea Applicants asoffifteen y our again." s atisfy you, take broom The -‘Hymn * ' that does not " given. Lening ofPraise "willbe solin‘s appointed byourMunicipal TheCommittee Legis andtwenty-one. Theyarerequiretoproduce it,and Highlander asked what hehad topay.H well took opened anengagement inRochester, N.Y.,Decem lature toattend tothecomfort andeutertaiiiment testimonials ofgoodcharacter, tohavea pcnny,“ Strap.0l‘llgleya1bnubee," says says Dun ber21st, playing ofCircumstance|," inthe“Victim and oftheroyalpart, however, didall ossible to written education, plainIfinglisli andiiisaanexamination satisfy ye,pitonmybeard can, * * Thenew “andi thatdinna Academy "Romeo Jaffer Jonklna" of thehospitn extend ities ofthecityinapeasant and asto hysicul qualifications. boys he w ill h ave t o again." January Music, ‘lib,by willbeopened at Baltimore, creditable manner. TheJointCommittee of the provie themselves hammock, plain witha s uit o f " will * " The“ Black explosion ofgunpowder atRegent’s ParkStrakoscb Taurecent and Albanl. Crook uponclothing Common Council mettheKingapdhissuite dark-blue, requisite and of linen-the ' theanimals holidays. a ffected some o f in the tohave be toBaltimore after the seems taken Joe City.Alderman atJersey liIcCafl'erty, theirarrival a bout t ocost T he whole exiected $50. course of " Zoo ” considerably. begantwoweeks’ Reporter," engagement Our“Special whoEmmet inCincinnati, theChairman oftheCommittee, formall welcomed orpractical allbranches emraces seamen notesHThe December hassent usthefollowing onthespot, ‘list. * Mine.Jananschck‘soombination was theroyalvisitor, andtheKin repliein a few study navigation, ship, engineer ingunnery, instruction * 1‘ telling Pennsylvania thelioness that after thishe performed hiscoat, Invarious lionshed cltieslast week. expressing words thesatisfaction heexperienced ing,andtherudimentary andadvanced curriculum hyenas laughed years, where he was. The could re-mane of Mrs. never After anabsence General Lauder has reception from hehasreceived thecordial inthis ofthe English language. While theprincipal inten onthewrong Ky.,supported by Frank Thepolar side oftheir mouthl bear tookreappeared in Louisville, country. competent andintelligent tofurnish tioni seamen ’ * packed porcupine e lephant Thompson performs his trunk. The chill.The Miss C harlotte Lswlor. in TheKingandsuitewereconveyed from Cort forthemerchant marine, theinstruction willbe pelican quilll.The u p Del., Lancaster, Reading ofthe wilder Wilmington, his bundle of and tied and Harris Ferry q uarters landt Street totheir attheWindsor tobecome astofitthestudents men-of-war’s changed opens andtheleopards theirburg, Pa,thisweek. filled hispouch; Lotta ness anengage Hotel, In carriages, under anescort of theInde such men, require. occasion should * * e xposed.” less spots, looked out f or o thers and iu Boston onthe 28th. ment “The Feast of Troopof Cavalry, Captain pendent Karl Klein Theexamination ofboys whoareapplicants for wassung Buildinp, attheExposition Belsbazzar" commanding, police. andadetachment ofmounted onboard wascommenced theshipon during Newark, N.J., four times theholidays. morning OnThursday theroyalparty wereenter admission Tuesday, newly 22d.Dr.Burlcigh, December the through withn sleigh-ride tained Central Park—a thephysical sureon,conducted ex NewYoaxCi1'v.4=‘Jack andJill" isthename of NEWBOOKSRECEIVED. History,appointed novelttothem.TheMuseum ofNatural amination, Phythian an Commander and re pantomime running atNiblo‘s theholiday Theatre. The the ormalrchool,the StockExchange, Girl,” the presentative byVmonvu “That Ln Sirxnuao: Queer ofEducation oftheBoard decided as From character, isof very miscellaneous and " Black " Our Crook,” Theatre, bySornil Helen,” andBooth’s weresubsetotheother Mar."The entertainment F.Towssssn. qualifications. Those who succeed in acrobats, jugglers. people. and host offunny Club; or,Our Afloat," byOmvn uently Girls Orrio.exhibits visited.TheKingwillremain in New assing 4th,1875. Dorcas ' hlrs.Rousby fordutyonJanuary willreport herdébut makes before anAmeri byGloria: Drama,” M.Buns. * public “TheExhibition 31st,by whichThecourse orkuntilThursday, December a period ofinstruction willcover of January Theatre, 4th, attheLyceum can asthe Boyle bytheWind; Fortune,” Poor “Sowed institutions, inspected timehe\t-l have thepublic "orThe Elizabeth, attheendofwhich timecerti twoyears, in“ ’Twlxt AxeandCrown." I’rt‘nccn She byEnuxs slobKrlnkley;Story Ksnnooo. o f municipal Departabout andtheworkings ofthevarious efficlency presented willbe and ofcharacter ficates Life," byCuxaus superlnlends C.Corns. therehearsals inperson. "LaFille American ments. Ourartistfurnishes students. to thesuccessful Angot" produced bytheSoldsne Opcra was doMme. Dictionary ofPractical "The Pho Hocenms: Bonna undergoing sketches oftheboys some charcteristic Company, attheLyceui,December Bouffe 23d. ‘P nogrxphy." work Mr. In this elaborate J ames E. theexamination. appeared at ooth‘s Heron onChristmas even years stenographer Munson, anolficisl in Matilda formany "THE TWOORPHANS," tothecitywillbeac Onlyboyswhobelong supported ingasLady Mac!”-Ur, byGeorge Yandenboff as Supreme Court ofNewYork,hasgracefully cepted they the as is considered forthepresent, KingKalakaua present. was simple andtrustlilac-beUi. hisefforts toestablish - AT THEUNIONSQUARE crowned THEATRL livingoutofNew worthy ought tothose tobepreferred aystem ofshorthand-writing. Within the Fotts'iotr.—I~‘nnny aged Ellsler, sixty-five, isInHam York,since bythecitytax 50,000 pages theship supported preparation,Messrs. ofelaborate over months of328 hehascompressed limits F taking burg, care ofher$2,000,000. Christine spelling, Theatre, giving thecorrect accent willonly bemade fortwohundred words, at glance Provision Square oftheUnion Shook Palmer, AFTER begins ciigagcrnent Opera Nllsson position attheImperial ofeach. and Practical nomenclature willnotconvenientlyuation, oysin all,astheSt.Mary's adaptation .\Ir.l.artJackson's of payers. haveproduced * "'Lecocqls House, Vienna, “ LesDeiix in thelistof6.000 in February. willrecognize “Pris will,however, phonograpbers vessel d'l-.‘uncry’s Orphelines,” more.Another in accommodate M.Adolphe great value, London, produced because proved ofvery proper namesfeature St. G ervais” has been In and for,should therebeanyoccasion for beasked astyleofmagnificence whichi sureguarantee liability ofwords theoutlines toerrinstriking very ofthe Haymarket, moral. The with E.A Sotbern byD’Ennery , therequest. ofsuccess. Theplaywaswritten to making beyond thescope ofl asDmtdreary, to certain thatare, Irving andtheLyceum, withHenry an aretheonlycities general andBoston fortunes ofthePorte St.Martin SanFrancisco revive thewaning cextent. ompilation reporting. oftheDl(,‘l‘lU.'lARY The patronized anyother Hamlet, have been better than of Paris, Theatre, vessels from reveals NewYorkthathavesecured itherei wasproduced inJanuary, oflabor.Withi nostudent amount avast * * ' AttheAdelphl, theLondon London, " besides llieatraa. of opening by"Fernando a; ofaverage for thepurpose theGovernment hisability toWrite, application achieved 1874.'l‘he‘popularity tear need w ithdrawn, replaced the “Geneva Cross” was and with phrase any s wiftly, training-school. Jantesloim w ord or that t‘nrrcctl_\', 'l'he. staand YearsOld”-alsofromthe nautical and“One lundred let-:lbl_v __ # * l’r:iyor -The in the Flfltlli." hate Biitcmsn or vehement may sermon in deliberate place, charge andi under the b e uttered management ofthe tinned attheformer ofD’Ennery-induced the playing Royal, Birmingham, Eng. attheTheatre debate. Glass, U.S.N. fromhimtheexclusive ofI.ieutenantCommander nionSquare toobtain Eon
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I-Y-\-\'v»RY 1815. » _%
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23, 1875.] ANUABY
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‘ F‘ . ,.,1. ‘I
23, 1815. [JANUARY
grows accus butthedress onyouasyoubecome KING KALAKAUAAT HOME. readily toit; it lends tomed itself tobright orna Guide. SCENES The Traveler’s ; anda AT HONOLULA, SANDWICH ISLANDS.mentation; itisevidently fitfortheclimate Amugsemenis. dame, stately marching through inblack the street HE visitofKingKalakaua tothiscountry has holaku ~ as t he dress i sc:illed—wii.h_a_long neck caused fifth Avenue Hotel, renewed inallpertaining interest tothe lace,or 142, UNION THEATRE. SQUARE bright of s carlet or brilliant islands inthePacific Twenty ofwhich heistheruler.The flowers, thirdto Twenty-fimftll ellowProprietor... FifthAvenue, 3"'"$. .................lIr.SHERIDAN SI-IOOK. feet,and owing barsanduutrammeled Square, Sandwich York.Broadway 13'0"” Cook, Islands New byCaptain were sonamed Madison Manager .... ... ... ........... ....lvIr. A.M.PAIAIERopposite felt Curtain surmounted oftenbya low-crowned directly the oftheHotel, I-‘iflh infront butthatname Avenue making is notrecognized intheislands;hair, o‘clock; playisoverat locality risclpromptly‘at hat,compares veryfavorably pleasant thecity. and witha high-healed, themost thegron is therecalled theHawaiian Islands. ll:l0o'clock EVERY N IGHT. convciiicnt ID‘ inhow isthecoolest York. Hotel inwarm weather absurdly-bonneted white Adolphe fashionable Theyliein thepathway great. adapted romantic. for The years y. which Tom drama. Benton D'Enner_i"a railroads Horse isnear ulltheprincipal theatres Bl byBart Esq.. agodesignated thistheatre and and Jackson. euitlsd asthetrueroute when,lWO‘.‘lp’-YVVBISIGII, totheEast, city. every part ofthe with omnibus lines communicate Taro, root, a succulent thestaple offood THETWO OHPHANS forms totheWest. hesaid," There liestheEast."among MOSTBEAUTIFUL }1i_ointing PLAY thenatives. Itis sometimes baked.The herecent development ofourPacific coast and SEENIN NEW YORKFORYEARS. cooked areasubstitute ami Brunswick, forspiriiicli: thefriendly andcommercial relations thatare leaves butthe THESCENERY, BYllfARSTO.\', ISTHE)lt)S'I‘ MAGNINew general itforlood_is York, more manner ofpreparing block ofFifthAvenue by ' embraces theentire springing upbetween ourcountry andChina and pounding FICENT EVERSETUPON ANYSTAGE Twengv-sixth overlooking Square mess, andallowing Madison from intoa semi-fluid Japan, make these islands ofgrowing interest and it to‘TwentY' Scat-I secured two weeks inadvance. upon the seventh Street. Thehouse is kept toferment, poi. Tarpis SATURDAY, when itiscalled partially imortance tous. Butapart I'.\lf0PeHI January fromthemercantile 9th. at1:30, fourth lhtiuee oi KINLLER, l‘lanJAS L. MI'l'CIiEl.L andFRANCIS keptverywet,andrequires inpitsorbeds. involved, an political THE interests TWO ORPHANS. there ismuch inthe grown Proprietors. cultivation, very i ndustrious i svery but history p roductive. andcharacter oftheSandwich Islands and Souniversal natives, ofpoianiong the that isthe r ise theirinhabitants toclaim eople attention. A who itsmanufacture iscarried onnowbysteam-power . have aposition among taken St. Denis Hotel, thecivilizcnations of andmachinery. FAMOUS carrying hismer Thepoidealer. theearth within Street, thememory oimany ell Broadway N.Y. ThisWcentrally IKMWI nowliving, a chandise andEleventh in cnlabashes, scene.Hi\y Plan, isalnniiliar house, country and thatatthebirthofourownGovernincnt ontheEuropean coiiducicd b undles, located, hay curiously Church, packed opposite with inhuge A.'1‘. Stewart andnear Grace wasunknown tonavigators, present must much to sellcrs. store, up-town atmode clam accommodations ha:first arealsofrequently metonthestreets. claim ourattention. guests. p rices p ermanent GEOROE t ransient for and rate 1778, relicoftheoldcustoms inthe In whileourRevolutionary struggle was Another is seen Mariager. W.HIINT, dancing-girls depicted byour on,Captain soadmirably going Cook, Englishnative James anintrepid navigator, repeated inthefar-ofi‘ Pacific theexpe artist. rience oftheboldGenoise, whonearly three cen AndINVIGURATOR,anda prompt and radical turies before Ilebiliiy. Dyspi~|1<in, linligcsiioii, theislands discovered intheAtlantic cure lorGeneral Mental FUN. thatweretobethecradles Exhaustion, Flesh, andNervous l.o.~s ofStreilgih, and ofthenations ofthe Appetite, description. ofevery andWeakness Western Captain Continent. Cook’s vessels an sIXGUl.AI_T0 agarden see walk. chored inthenight inanunknown bay,called by boyisalad, :, when Ir asmall isabigboy aladder? itsaborigines Kealakekna. In themornin 34-0 BOWERY. 338 thenatives onshore sight, " Tn:light firstbeheld thestrange " israther tow fantastic hardonblondo theywerewildwithamazement. Unable totell whence thewonder orwhatit was,theyhair. came. sausage-maker Chicago Scsricious.—A advertises his out,“ Moku! cried llloku !" theHawaiian word for as“dog-cheap.” islqnd, island, asifitwas amoving andthatistheirwares OF LIME AND SODA, name forashiptothepresent day.Theylooked AAIIVIAFKBI man stated thathereally needed some uponthecrew regular suggested assupernatural beings, exercise. Afriend andcalledactive, that hemix Lono, TonicandInvlgoristoractslike Thisfamous thecaptain thatbeing thename cocktails! ofafabledhisown rapidly magic, n-storing theHealth andfitroliglli, and In godoftheirs Parisian6;BerlinNovelties land, whohadgone intoaforeign and "I Allafraid youwillcome towant," said anoldladybuildingup, invigorating nowtheysupposed hehadcome andvltnlizlug back.Butthe toayoung “ I have gentleman. already,“ Tone, want impnrilug \igor systein, thewhole andEnergy, come_i.o Laces, _ barbarians soon found t heforeigners tobe “ reply. your making daughter.“ patient being. was t he I want the feel likea new and I-‘or Con poor ikethemselves inlustandcovetecnsness. ifsupe Passementenes sumption. Lungs, Coughs, Weak Chronic allChest and " There's riorinpower.Thefts, preacher: sightgnuThroat. insults sMissouri Diseases,thegrandest andbI00tl§Il8d fol Sam remedy ii powerful and best lowed.Atlength Prepared only by Ribbons, Silk, Satin, Yelvets, theunwarranted corner, back thar inthe actofthegreatofgiggling Prices and ltlsgot tobestop known. $1and$2perbottle. Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Lenoin breaking down thewooden ortheLord willdelegate fence oftheirped, mstoopen thedoor and WINCHESTER6500.. Chemlatl, sacred momor hdau,to supply some one out1'’ hisshipwith throw Feathers, 36JohnStreet, New York. provoked beyond thesavages wood. thepower of byalldrugglsts. POW French Jewelry, Fans, Gloves, question Sold fordiscussion meeting at recent of superstitious their dread ofthegods torestrain. A scientists " What fastest, was: travels heat orcold? Captain inwhich fightensued, Cookandmany of Hosiery, present decided infavor ofheat. asmany had often hismen were killed.TheHawaiians remained ina was been able tocatch cold. Ladies’ Children's and Infants’ state ofbarbarism untiltheadvent oftheAmerican Tn:Mlllerltes have settled onthe20th ofNovember, Outfits, Sleeveless missionaries in1820. Theislands werefrequently _ 1875, day; e xpect as ascension but f or men who byvessels visited tobein in nestof sandal-wood, or Jackets, Polonaises, Overskirts, they onthe21st, upwonder holdhay andouts wlialers toobtain supies;butasfirearms and heaven etc., etc. stiff, and want their cash down. ilrewater werethec iefarticles of trade, thesefully 1124.75 MARK prices visits didlittletocivilize willsuitthemost economical Their Anearly orChristianize theisland “I nr:ci.Airi=," saidSimon, oneday,tohisfather, respectfully soliitod ers.The oftheHawaiians inthelasthalf “our gottobesolarnod Salhas thatcnnli understand progress IODIDE OF AMMONIA calli century is amostunparalleled in thehistorof above says; one-linlf only what she ‘twaa tlilsmorning nations, andthepresent condition oftheislans is that GOUT, .\'l~IL‘RAl.GIA, FACE-ACHI-‘., RHEU.\lA'l‘ISM, Cures 85 po stuck ontotater and moontolasscs" Fll<\~'TF.D theresult oftheindomitable andpersistent Fl-‘.El', CHlI.lll.Al.\l.~‘, eiforts she SORE EM’ 'I‘HROA'l‘. 338Ind 310BOVVERY, ofthehardy NewEngland niissioriziries whotaught AMasOsi.lir, SIl'i-ILAS. BRUISES and WOUNDS ofevery inman Lake, public nature ofSalt makes declaration Jones Streets Bond andGreat savages therude theroadtocivilization remedy The remarkable cures this has effected Between andpros that polygamy inheropinion isasgood forwomen asfor oranimal. Samples sent toallparts oftheCountry. and important Goods c|a<ses as one perity.Thecostume o f the most rom and v nliiablo ofcivilization hassupplanted men, andthatshe w ould like three husbands—ons to edlcs onapplication. lists sent free ever discovered forthecure and iel.ef ofpain. price thedress, orundress, ofbarbarism; comfortable love, livewith and and theother twotohelp tosupport Chemist, W.M.Grass, Avenue-Paralysis 451 of houses have S ixth taken huts;well her. theplace oftherude l imbs, the practice the w orst case have seen ini ofthirty builtchurches stand where formerly temples of SCHOOL Siirsiris"ri;.\'or.'.\"r—"Tbls, brethren, mybestyears byyour was cured Li‘ni'm n‘Iodide Amnioniri. Piii-:Lr>s. Eco. idolatry wereerected; commerce andagriculture boy,whobrings lI.D.,106 home allhiswages tohismother. Lirwis H.Boar, West 16th St. 0] flourish; andtheinliahitants enjoy OFAIETAIS, thebenefits IBIPORTERS of Now, Muggins, why doyoubring wagesDepot-,4f1l home allyour Ave,New Sixth York.60ctaand per awise government. andgood Theeducation ofthe toyour .lluggi'n.r_" mother?“ -PLATE, ~ -TIN b y D ru:-gists. IRON, COPPER, bottle. For ’C:inse she'd s ale lick mei all TIN SHEET BLOCK I008-33 people hasbeen to,andanex attended WIRE,Erc. properly system cellent ofpub icschools exists.Theknow didn‘r." jokeoftheseason most forlorn comes from Bos Fulton, Johnand CLIFFS’I‘., between NEW YORK. ledge ofreading andwriting isalmost universal. ton “Atthe siege, please, Cannoneers, next llessieurs 982-1033 Attractive sketches oftheSandwich Islands and shyofthenew Square Brattle Tower and itssaints HAVANA ofSandwich Island lifearegiven inthispaper. fight fnsandstone. Bomb andballaimed thatwaywould _LIlTTERY. Honolulu, theprincipal cityoftheislands, and bea-bomb-and-a-ball indeed. $72.00 EACH WEEK. capital ofthekingdom. isalsotheprincipal harbor. $4-80,000 IN PRIZESEVERYI5 DAYS Agents everywhere. strictly legitimate wanted Business It is situated onthesouth sideof theisland of Addl'Q&'T, free. J. WorrrnCo,SLLouis Llo prize $100,000Piirticulars One of....... Oahu.Theharbor isformed byanindentation of 1008-27 prize One of. . 60.000 protected thecoast, bya broad coralreef.The THE EVENTOF THE NEWYEAR. prize Ono of.. ... . 2.-'i_iJ entrance isthrough a narrow channel inthereef. THEholidays prizes 20,000 of are ended and Two INWALL the Il\IVl0S'l‘l\lEN'l‘§ serious work of ... $10 Within theharbor isplenty ofspace andsmooth prize every One of........ ..... STREET. Profits 30 theNewYearbegins. ... 5,000 daysl'er.~=oual Thefirstimportant event Ten water.Fewcities have amore favorable prizes situation Speculators of$1,000 each .... ......... 10,000 $50. control. should subscribe before ris thelastdrawing oftheLibrary Gift One than Honolulu. Onentering prizes theharbor copy itpresents ayear.Sample hundred cloven WallSLReview; of$500 each55,500 forthe Concerts, $1.50 whichtakesplacein Louisville, Ky., Averypicturesque appearance. prizes, by.1. Co., 214,500andpamphlet Seven hundred fifteen sent free Achain Hic-iu.iso Bankers each oflofty February $300 27th. T his drawing will a scertainly take B rokers, Broadway, 12 hills stretching N.Y. 1005-8 fromnorthwest to southeast, onthatdate ofinformation Circulars furnished free.Orders filledand asthedayarrives, andtognar and is themostprominent objectinland.At the place cashed. this, antee Governor Brauilette oifere toreturn their Prizes footof themountain extends a fertile plain, ten money ARIKEEPEIPS Manualgives J. B. MARTINEZdiC0,,BANKERS, best formulas toticket-holders thedrawingnothad at and,inparts, miles inextent tivomiles recipes inwidth,thetime foralliluinandfancy mixed for drinks. a ppointed. basement), Wall 10 Street What more N.Y. c ould beasked? (rear from cordials, syrups. theseatothebase liqueurs, oithehills.OnthisplainAllthat needed wnee. ar-idulaled bev Post Olilce Box 4686.bittcm, istobuyyourtickets in lime, etc., etc., crngcs, including cheaply Honolulu isbuilt.Theremarkable Aiiillvial Cider made shapes ofthe andyoumay count onhaving yourprizes onthe quality. marvel andofexcellent ofreliabilitv, com mountains, tornbyravines ordivided bygreen val fascinating d ay ofnext "Themost 27th F ebruary. young volume forthe folkspieieness andchoapncss Standard ofreference work leys;thelow~roofed houses, bythe surrounded ‘Alice inWondcr|and"’-Christian since Union. unly with theNew Yorkprofession. 50etc. orany book. pleasure bright tropical ; theclear take inannouncing foliage sky;thesmooth TorunI.A1>iiis.—We Companies sellcr ornewsdealcr, and alltheNews water; readers thatwehave nowinreadiness theactive boats skimming our about theharbor,toour Supplement. Winter upastriking make which many contains andpleasing en icture.A distin new newpatterns designed guishing forthewear feature ofHonolulu ofladies, UN'I‘ER‘Sand TRAPPEIPS lllnstraief is.t atthehouses are tirely andchildren. builtwithout Send forCatalogue Practical Guide touseandcare ofarms and chimneys. nm~ ThePalace, andSup ofwhich we misses making Address, traps, muuition; andusing snares giveasketch, andnets; inclosing isoneoftheprincipal stam FRANK l.i-:s The Home of The Fairy Tales. bait»: attractions in plement. “ L.\o\"sJomiiur. ” Cur stretching, prcserving. dressing, andbaiting: tan i.ir-:‘s thecity.ltstnii isinthemidst APERI’a'i'rznN ofpleasure-grounds dyeiu: ning f urs; fi shing, " a nd skins and i lfiy etc.With DEPARTMENT, 298Broadway, ofabout anacre.Itisanunpretentious N. City.All Y. building, ByJANEG.AUSTIN. 20cts. enrsvings. must besent butisfurnished tothisaddress. Profusely withtasteandelegance. forpalterna Theleft orders Training.-A complete guide tobreaking byW. LINTON. Square Illustrated l2mo.,anliraiuing wingofthesmall sunny palace isoccupied bythe For:runSEASON.—TIl6 sporting dogshow danger Imminent toteach all w onderful tolife extra, Cloth 1-2. throne-room. Thisapartment iri-ks;anecdotes resembles dogs, etc.; thequietandlimbfromslippery andamu.~ing offamous doorsteps removed “Fori-xribcrniire thought, offancy and flllllIngenuity drawing-room vniiravings. ofsome ofourwealthy citizens, withrunny 25cts.Ofbooksellers orby wa bytheuseof the" llubberofdesign, with veryeffectual hardly wehave ever seen itsequal.”-Boston theaddition mail.JESSE St,N.Y. ofadecorated HA.\‘l.Y 0..119 Nassau chair atoneofitssidesSafety Tread.”' elasticity oftherubber underGlobe. _themodest throne ofthedynasty. " fascinating ' ' ¥ genuinely pressure TheQneen’s “Exquisite prevents ofthe foot good." the ice from adhering Hospital, anoble monument oftheprogress Home-. thena toit. Therubbervulcanized onboth sides of —American virtues, tionhasmade intheChristian plate. isoneofthe metal andthetreadi fastened andbythePublishers, tothestep by ForsalebytillBooksellers, cm. AlKEll’S iii-:w sroiiii buildings. 1859, chief It wasopened So.\'s, inSeptember. Twenty-third P.Pu"rxa.\i's Fourth Avenue and means ofaningenious device. ThisCompany alsoG. Street, Broadway, andnamed inhonor and Emma, ofQueen New York. l.ldR wife ofKame manufactures the Patent Steps Rubber f orsteam lV.,through hameha whose exertions theinstituandhorse-cars, and~carriages. G.1’. W liitiiiore " BOOK-KEEPINGSIMPLIFIED,” tionwasinaugurated. The(Government Co.,SoleAgents Buildings, oftheRubber The Texan Volunteer; Ste Manufacturing School, Royal system briefly CourtHouse Thewhole explainrd, andclearly andchurch buildings Company, St.,Nework,have .'o.30Warren with themvaluable on, Rules and arealsocommendable Tables forbusiness use.Cloth, works $1 oiarchiteotnre. forsale.Seecutonlastpage. Boards, postpald. 75 cents S ent Agents Circulars sent. the islanders have abandoned many of "Tnv.Ait-ror SPECULATINO WAR TIMES IN MEXICO. mWarn. Co., wanted. '* I).B.WAGGENEI-l S1-iriiirr.” Although their old abits andcustoms, they stillretain someJ. HicklingCo., 424Walnut 7 2 Broadway. Philadelphia. Many Street. u nderstand curious traits andrelics " Waggener's oftheir i'ormer state.One themain points Trial-Balance ofspeculation, Book." butstumble atthe Publishers running Now inthe ofthemost charactenstlc is theirloveofaquatic idioms ofWallStreet operations. Thisbooki in sports.Surf-bathing isapopular amusement, and tended PopularStoryandSketchPaper, toleadsuch tocomrehend themore intri HE WEEK isindulged inbymen boys andwomen, dependent, andgirls.cateo erations. s uii honest and which a re most lucrative. We great llowspnpci‘. Itrequires dexterity of66broa-l andcourage, columns Weaimto andalso a think r.Hicliliug hassucceeded inmakingrise fearless WeeklySuntheI)('Sl rough family make the dayandaheavy new.-paper planks, surf.Strong aboutfulbook. Tryii. $1.20 postage paid. in theWorld. twofeetwide ieryear, andfrom sixtotwenty feetlong, are How Delightful Addrvss, SUN, I0-17-I6 Tiiic New City. TIIEYllUNI_i_AMEIl|llAN York used.Armed withthese, thebatliers swim outto thefirstlineofbreaker.-hand It istobe_sble bytheuseofstrength toremove disilgurements allthe from the ofmuscle to Sewing Machine Agents. andsleight-of-hand manage toduck and skin, READ IT! such aston,freckles. ITI etc.Thede. free lI'\0lIl»[llil.\¢IJO!. among dive themuntiltheyselect Sewing anincoming Wilson The» Rsfleetor.-An Illustrated IIEAD Machine andharmless preparation wave before toilet they place themselves, which published monthly. known asGeo.Journal, lying devoted or Ilghtful totheinterest c0ntaiD!., of It also kneeling “ Bloom in,asit were,W.Laird‘s onthesurf-board. riding Machines, ” Sewing everything and bySew oiYouihwillefl‘ectuall_v manufactured remove all ingMachines, upon theneckandmane oftheir chargers. furious Literature and General Eight pages, News Nat Urner's Great Story, ble'n:iish without thefear ofinjuring theskin. andforty playis oneof theancient Surf-board sports of such of choice miscellany columns andreading Hawaii, andsome ofthenatives clear, theskin display great transparently in willleave smooth. and CO., beau. matter. WILSON SEWING MACHINE Pususniiirs in: idityandskillinit. AND TRADER, Subscription price. ROVER per FIFTE2! tiful.Sold CENTS d ruggists‘ a nnum, a t all f ancy goods with and an dealers‘. orse-riding isapassion withthenatives ofboth free, elegant postage prepaid. chromo Firs:-roAcsxrs sexes.Thefirsthorse seenontheislands Dunvll!e’lOldIrish \Vhli|kvisrecommended wasby andDEALERS inSswiso MACHIKRS andA1-r.icnirs.\'-rs pr-~fessiori the in1803 medical landed from aBoston in]7H?'0l'l‘nC€ tol-‘rencli Brandy. vessel. mingled Terror Address, iii-IFLEC'I'Olt, Wll.S0.\“S Supplied Cl.E\'ELA.'€D, Onio, incasks orcases. withadmiration U.S.Branch, wasfeltbytheislanders St, 51Broad OTHER SERIAL STORIES! atfirst New U.S.A. sight horses, ofthenoble 1007.10 1002-1014 animal. Other after, “ York. soon reached Art ofCunvu.ulnqor AqentdGuide." Hawaii from andthey California. have in This HOSTS OF SHORT STORIES! little any work will(‘!ll\|lIt' one they living. creased innumbers tom--ke By until arealmosta nuisance. mail, ‘L5 cents. Ni-IW YORKBOOK 1»...‘.‘.."i‘.‘§.“‘i‘~*Tl...HumorousArllcles. CONCERN, Thepeople daring became No.7 Agents riders, andincessant the (70,, wanted. street, Rnu0i.i-ii St.Louis, New York. Mo. HOur ltlnrkct,“for AmateurAdvertisers, tr cheapness of horses aiding theincrease of the Warren amusement. Ourcritshows female riders intheirMagic Iiuutr-rnInd 100SlliloaI0!‘3100. Agents I—-CHANG-CllA.\'G sells atsight.Necessary as Clublllllterl, Puzzles,etc. scent andpicturesque H.T.A.\'THO\Y costumes. 00.,Boston. Chung Mfg. Goods f‘o..591Broadway, free.Chang N.Y., soap. Mass. lletropoliian Theloose dress ofthewomen i opposite Hotel.Cnromos andFrames, attracts thenotice tf Stereoscopes andViews, Grnplioscopes_ ofstrangers. .\Ieual<-tho.~'cope|r, Mr.Nordhofl, a recent traveler in Inwkot'TFOR Albums andPliotourapiis ofCelebrities theislands, " Itisalittlestartling l'hoto-l.antern Samples AGENTS WANTEII. sent atfirstto Slides freeby mail, llaniifacttirers ofPbotograplilc says: Mate50 seewomen with tcrin~' toclear kingabout wa from inwhat, toourperverted $5to per NONA, THE GIRL GRUSOE! rial; .s[>e"iaity. First atVienna Exposition.day. Premium entirely ll'l.li‘I€l, new tastes, salable sirflour.A$10 looklikecalico ddress. orblack em!night-gowns; Awarded O60-1000 I. VHITI (0.,Newark, N. Startling The Story most published. ever
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