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279 FRANK LESLIE’S ILLUSTRATED NEVVSPAPEI’. Jaxuuv 2, 1815.] many ques f orsailors. cate ccrtaiu o fitsyouth on and eighteen for thepipe; Connecticut exactly onehourand minutes; is justlycelebrated NEWSOF THE WEEK. concerning theregulations asked asthefinest u withalldue tionsarebeing cigarwrapping-leaf weregathered theashes known to com Sunday Doimsric. ships.Lieutenant-Com ofthese andmaintenance to suite am.” whileOhioraises andtransferred bothcigarandcuttingsolemnity, Glass, {1l6;00, Iantothe TinWays mander U.S.N.,hassubmitted ea. . andMeans Committee oftheHouse of iip,which oftheCalifornia Board ofSupervisors since, Some Representatives fewyears investigating thegrowers ofthe hint are the Pacific Mall Steam _ byNewYorkandMas lhipCompany. beadopted willprobably intheConnecticut. Valley entertained thebeliethat bythe ..Jlarshsll Jewell was confirmed of Senate anda complement oflicers sachusetts. Seven thevalley great wascapable aleaf-tobacco ofproducing being asPostmaster General. 0UR ROYAL GUEST. ...A efibrt petty willberequisite twenty andseamen officers exceeding cultivated, inflavor anyvariety and subsidy now tosecure from theGovernment forthe page 280.) tothe made (Continued from foradmission tomantheships.Candidates retain thatfinetexture thatgives itvalue.Many Transcontinental Railroad. ...Boston was ofthir Southern theages mustbebetween school Orinoco, nojewelry savenautical Hewears leading invested. varieties hehasbeen byanother weretried,including severe firelastweek ...TheNew evince an visited years, andshould Iatoka, oneonthethirdteenandseventeen plaingoldrings, grown andmost inCuba.three immense ofthevarieties Orleans authorities have d etermined not t oinsist on willbe forcing orinclination forasealife. They fingers oftherighthandandoneon aptitude Byrepeated raising School, trialthey avarietyandfourth negroes succeededin High .Mayor into the Female .. appiicatioii onlyonthewritten of‘their respectively. En admitted tobacco, promised ofthelefthand, known asSpanish tobe thelittlefinger which by18,000 of Boston nislority wasre-elected feewillbe Cobb parents andguardians. Anentrance half.disclosed tobacco-plant thecoming in NewEngland. The circling thewristofhislefthand, H arrington, W esleyan last week. ...Professor C. S . ofthe tocover theexpense inamount canusually be required sufiicient byhisciif'fs, attaining growth, isofstrong thesameandhalfconcealed about University, Conn, Mlddletown, was nominated forCon giant withhisuniform, ham gress. thecandidate to beso offurnishing whichseems eight attaining asseed-leaf-perhaps alittlemoreobservedgoldchain, Howard, ...Charles under sentence to be asare hanged, andsuchtext-books that mockandbedding, stalk, altitude—has asmall, aboutcuredby lockandkey. washinted hard withleaves by body waslynched ofmasked men atDon or$30 w ill b esulfi Itisthought that $ 25 onas token of needed. bracelet putthis twofeet corresponding inlength, breadth. The and HisMajesty Molnes, upon Iowa..Kiug Kulakaua rnsde hlsofiicisl call charge monthly ofnot purpose. A cient forthis o ne inHawaii be some plant rapidly,and ripens with comes forward much morean rcenient made House, thePresident atthe W hite December ..'I‘wo 15th. expense of made todefray the t han w ill b e seed~leaf, ofsome sort. less $10 charm rapidly insuring against thereby than all fore left:orthati week, Ridge, last atBay killed N.Y.,were iden ship.All burglars, andfeeding theboysonboard onSat clothing danger arrived atWashington from KingKalakaua autumnal frosts. tified as the abductor: ofCharley C ouncil Ross. ...'I'he belonging to the andFellows bypersons 12th, committed andmetwith cordialoffenses urday, December Geographical Society TheLatoka oftheAmerican and Persian wasfirstbrought tobacco will ” whileonshore Fish,Belkuap shallbe unished andRobe “training-shi Secretaries traveler, givebanquet bythewell-known leading Bayardreception. e xplorers tothiscountry tothe travelers and of ship.The America as they onboard ha been committed by a fewminorofficials, since, Taylor, years bymanyson,accompanied some inFebruary. andwastested ...Ananti-Masonic crusade has orcause or been notauthorized toinflict, commander at an earlyhouronSaturday tobacco-growers inallsections ofthecountry, but leftWashington started inIllinois. ...Acouncil was h eld i nIndian anypnnisiiment forasingleTerritory theKing permit tobeinflicted, morning, andmetthetraincontaining onaccount ofitssizc—being oneofthesmallest between the Peace Commissioners and five First nations. otherthanoneof thefollowing: fromthecity.Theroyaloffense miles sixoreight profit.about Timothy notbecultivated varieties-could withmuch ..Hou. M.Allyn, ofHartford, has byhimself. Temple, of anyratingestablished of the Reduction of Captain city$100,000 It iswelladapted that forthepipe, andisofpeculiarartywasincharge forthe establishment ofnn in-' irons,offered —Confinement withor without and Second Navy,and stafiof young flavor, Virginia) while likelight fits nitedStates school forthefree thecolor(about instruction ofboys andgirls officers, notto ex dustrinl undersiiigleor double;suchconfinement whohavebeenplaced handsome a griculture itforalllovers ofmildtobacco. inthe business vocations oflife. and the Chief-Justice), except of anoffender to incase King’s ceed tendays, who ac him.Mr. A llen (the mechanic arts. ._.Prof‘. F.V.Hayden has b een a elected variety England Another tested inNew hasbeen Third—Solitary Washington, beforecourt-martial. bebrought introduced thepartfrom comanled corresponding History Society member oftheNatural of knownas Podunk tobacco. Thisis doubtless andwater notexceeding onbread the confinement cialstotheKing.When Wurteinberg, the overnment. ...Mexlco asubsidy willgrant of$12,000 variety another ofseed-leaf, theresult ofbringing ot, notex days.Fourth—Solit.ary confinement five party de theroyal left atthe arrived train per Tehuantepec miletothe Railroad. ..TheRussian seedfromvarious countries. There arequitea oflibertymission days.Fifth—Deprivation seven cars,theKingwakingbetween Mr.Fish ceeding wastendered to I-‘., D.Morgan, ofNew York. number ofvarieties ofseed-leaf in the theMr. cultivated duties.Thecommanding following Allen, intheorderonshore.Sixth_Extra andtheothers fortheprevention ....Asociety ofcruelty tochildren NewEngland, Middle and There Western States. are and court was to ordera summary tothenorth front of officeri authorized marched oftheirrank.They founded inNew Yorkcitylast week. ...Thecele fourleading varieties inOhio, andanother hasre the deserving more trial o foffenses Depot, martial forthe where car andPotomac " ofMobile, newBaltimore bythe" Mystics bration ofNew Year‘s Eve cently singular inamost been discovered manner. punishment empowered h e toinflict. guest, than waiting serious uished forthedistin in where Ala,willbeunusually |1ne.. ..Theinter-collegiate growing Afewyears since anumber nearriages ofplants byflogging punishment beinflicted. shall marines. A innocase of detachment theescort literary convention wlllbeattheAmdemy, York, New some bushes ofthegrowerunder attracted theattention ofstudy allbranches ofprac January embraces andthepartywereThecourse wasthenformed, Cushlng, 7th .. Lieutenant-Commander U.S.N., onaccount ofthepeculiar coloroftheleaf.The procession navigation, instruction ingunnery, oftheKingattheAr ticalseanianship. conveyed tothequarters uptherebel during who blew ram Albemarle carefully picked, andtheplants thewar, leaves were allowed andadvanced along andtherudimentary theroute wereengineering, House.Thestreets Asylum. .King died i nthe Government Insane plant-beds .. Kala to gotoseed.Thenextseason werelington language. multitude, It sug of theEnglish andHisMajestycurriculum witha curious presented ofCongrese. was made, toboth branches planted. Decem acres Theresult was thronged andseveral to theNavalkaua thatoffers of appointment acknowledged ofgreeting. gested thecheers Japanese 18th.. ..Tlienew lllinlster submitted his thesame, thesame color whengracefully theleafexhibiting totheboysonthe ber bemade asprizes shownAcademy theparty were attheArlington, credentials tothe Ames, President.. .Governor growing ofMis andcuring d“ownto a verylightshade, Arriving fortheir use.The training-ships. roomsrepared sissfppi, Tobacco," Crosby sustained theaction ofSheriff‘ gives orasitis totheelegant inthe which its name.White " Congress ofrooms were intheparorofthesuite dffilculty. cup given recent . , .Asilver now, w as each Tobacco.” Asa decorations member known Premium elegant. Aprominent feature wasan ofthe Columbia crew which won theCollege cuttobaccp race. itbidsfairtorivalother tobaccos usedparticularly ona table,PICTORIALSPIRIT OF THE EUROPEAN which rested immense bedofflowers, forthispurpose. ” was ofbuds formed Welcome theword“ FOREIGN. toa inwhich in (‘alifornia theplantisbeing cultivated ILLUSTRATEDPRESS. and blossoms. and,bythenewmethod extent, of considerable Pyramid Tait gregt lighthouse. istobeconvcrted intoa engaged hadbeen at Tn:MUNICIPAL rooms ofthirteen byMr.Culp, curindiscovered willdoubtless make Asuite Ei.itc'rior(s ATPARlS.——ll' American February ...TheBritish Parliament willreassemble, party.Ofthese,voters House fortheroyal greattheArlington itscutivation asuccess, andaddstillanother country hotels, and intaverns there5th. hold caucuses published. ofwarinUruguay ...Adenial was .,. personal useoftheKing,consisting product in that fiveareforthe to thenumber nowcultivated nothing strange certainly inthe view ofameet Loms, can Spanish be Republican General who l ed troops the in dining-room, f or himself and writin-room ofthe ofparlor, wondrous clime.Butwhilenewvarieties blacksmith-shops ing ofthe suburban ofelectors inone the lust b attle Carlists, s everely with the was wounded. -room; and, inaddi ofParis.Theview andba chamber tried, plantarebeing are Secretary, ofculture city newmethods politicians, delegation Knights isnovel to but i n Templar, ....A of atthe close ofthe forgeneral tion, parlors onthefirst-floor twolarge alsobeingtried, which hasmuch todowiththe reception. gatherings by Grand singular, m ore Orleans, towns even theinterior Havana, Cuba, Conclave inNew visited ' growth andquality oftheplant. Asisgeneral, oflocation, arenotunusuai fewand were wellreceived... .The Committee onStanding afternoon, 15th, December theKing reason OnTuesday ispresident endeavors tokeep or Orders especially tothespeakers, Relcbstag in theNewEngland States have to was listen oftheGerman decided thatthearrest formally presented tothePresident. President notes, der, totake while themajority bacco-growers particularly anda secretary during been more interested in ofHerrMalunke thesession wasillegal. . . General Sher debate oftheCabinet, themembers among part Grant, themselves without the least show of anyother passed than newvarieties, andtested more suppression Mexico the Bill f or the ofthe Order of oftheNavy, and respect Porter oftheArm Admiral man plesders. inVirginia notsomuch forthedistinguished ofthecountry. attention ofCharity. Sisters ...Counsel fortheprosecution inthe distinguis persons, a ssembled infull ed were few p aid (although tonew varieties there a re hasbeen VonArnlm trial demanded asentence ofconfinement for ofreceiving theKing.The TrisSwitnisn forthepurpose INSi:ssiox.—The PARI.IAllt.\'1' firstPar two grades many years. andqualities), onaccount of theirdress and ahalf ...The Czar conferred theOrder of f ormality, much without was conducted ceremon Kingdom Norway ofSweden and ofthe United adapted being fortl.epiperather than for tobacco St.Andrew onPresident Butt, Ma.c.Vlahon. . .Dr.Isaac upon impression all liament afavorable the ingmade “ Member byorder oftheKing, atStockholm, was assembled in the“Home readilyand thetobacco-plant a cigar-wrapper. While Rule ofParliament forLlmeric manners. andgraceful about There isanabandon themembers thatisabout 1865. adapts itoften loses Europe itself tosoilandclimate, thosebyhiseasy toleave fortheUnited States ona dignity legislalecturing appears below the ofroyal tousmtlier qualities which render it valuable anda essential Warren, tour. ...Edward Alfred oftheBritish apttoregard tors, would bemore anditstranger the Museum, justdied.Although oftheweed. Some source ofprofit tothecultivator only has thlrty-eight, he party society orascientific asoneofapolitical session maybegrown anycli twenty inalmost yarnintheMuseum, kinds oftobacco had been employed onthe body king catalogue. deliberative ofthedual mate, ofthehighest than andstillretain, ina measure, itsessential BOSTONAND SAN FRANCISCO. Observatory ...AttheParis there isatele color, size, scope dom. andweight. HE following qualities, suchastexture, inthe course ofconstruction that willbethelargest between t hedifference shows however, lithers, change altogether yetmade. Bocrva.--Offenbach, onbeing intro orOrima whohasever Thetube willbefifty Coiirossas feet inlength and andinSan achieved foodinBoston prices ofrestaurant eight ofcountry. tonewsections sixfeet duced thegreatest distinction asa composer ofopera inches indiameter.. Tagu ..The Vienna charges soup, Boston turtle Forgreen Francisco: atCologne, onthe21st ofJune, was born 1819.Prone believes that theVonArnim Companies case has andPlymouth divided WhentheLondon the bouillon, 20 boufi'e, 15cents-for SanFrancisco, 50cents; composer royal family, Empress known as in1347, Prussian Augusta, b ecame when and t hat theyfound (uppowoc) Hefirst inVirginia, tobacco never landed cents; cents; 15 andsooninpro beadapted SanFrancisco, several ofLaFont.aln_e‘s fables tomusic, withBismarck, resolutely eachinsympathy now plantwithleaves notmuchlarger ortion, sustaiiis his a verysmall keeping ahead. oonstltutinga always to35cents vaudeville, scene, c ity government musical oroperrfla o rganized victim. ...Ths fable ofParis ofthewalnut-tree, andgrowinaboutNewforBoston has a thanthose smelts, demands forfried thefish:Boston, thirty operas. written over Hehas comic service of600 tuinbrila fortheremoval tooadeep40cents; ofsnow from twofeet inheight.TheEnfishcolony the Francisco, 25cents-for friedcod, dicamera. San *-' among Orpliée them are $ 20,000. known aux Eu streets. The sum voted plant, mp", best was fromthefirstint e andatonce40cents; ..Repom; interest Francisco, 25cents.NextwehaveThe San " " -* }I|'~li-ne," Blsus," fers," LnBarbe sent the distressing. LaBelle La famine inAsia Minor asmost Thecareandattention itscultivation. . commenced steak, Boston, de for porter-house theentrees: " and *-LsPerichole HfesBrigauda” Duchesse,” Prince Bismarck toresign completely changed Grande threatened theChancellori-ihlp. upon theplant soon bestowed kidneys 51;SanFrancisco, 50cents-for Rouger, color, YouArnlni whose realnameFlorimond was born....Count wassentenced of it,bothin size, and mands tothree thewhole character months sauce, 25centsHervé, SanFrancisco, 60cents; withwine Arms, brought. upin imprisonment, in1525, and already near was minus spent theperiod soinNewEngland; general qualities. Ithasbeen injail 82;SanFrancisco, 40cents.atHoudain, m allard ducks —for pupils among of‘theChurch themusical ofSt. better colorandtextureHereSanFrancisco isofmuch nowtheplant is awayahead.Calf'sliver Paris years organist foreight atSt.Eusmclle, Roch.Hewas asnewsortsare Boston firstcultivsted..and, thanwhen 40cents; SanFrancisco worth considers oftheorchestra timeleader atthe thesame produce varieties willundoubtedly bein tested, ham, ratesat 40cents;andat. Boston song Royal. atthe Heaftorivards Thi-atre dol’Opcra MUSICALAND'DRAMATICNEWS. thosenowbeingculti 25cents-boiled of a plantexcelling quail, 60cents;Palais at25cents-broiled SanFrancisco Ci'rv.—~The in1842 his“DonQuixote," oratorio where ofthe"Messiah" thefirst NirwYORK vated. steak, 81;San National, Francisco, 40cents—-venison presented night Chrislnms atSteinway Hall, bythe bouffe ever toaFrench of‘opera au willbesung intothe San astheyareintroduced Newvarieties, Francisco, 50cents:specimen 25cents.Coldroastbeef, Society ofNewYork,andtheHandel produced. In1853 befounded the‘*FoliesOratorio was and country, methods ofcul cause newandimproved Francisco, SanFran dlence, 25cents-tea, 20cents; * There Haydn Society Brooklyn. p roduced of mcertantes," was where his “La I-‘lne Fleur willbethree theleaf.Euro San inorder toperfect turetobetried. and cisco, ofeggs, bread F orthe matter 15 cents. nights Opera during ofItalian holidays, different, In1858 became the leader ofthe l'Andalousic." or one o f dc aredecidedly which pean tobacco andAmerican wines, charges I n the areeven. vegetables the Eldorado, 1 willbedevoted Among prodiictlons to"Loheugrin." sum-|,_ his later atthe Henri not avinthe however, ebestra theformer particularly instrength, points. B oston sells Boston scoresfew appears actor, French withacceptance "Chilperic," "LaPetlt in" TheHero “l’(EllCrevé," I-‘aust"and pant. bytheAmerican or strong qualities possessed for$3perquart;SanFran are and(‘huudoii " * AtWoodls theHour," Theatre. cultivated, however, Turca it ina itsMeet in America, Museum. Onbeing asks " hes at83;SanFrancisco ciscofor$4—Roederer “atB0oth‘s '*ThoCarpenter " are “Aladdin and ofRouea inp-.;. asif $4;forthe aspowerful in flavor shorttimebecomes Leoville, Boston Tun orVx:ws.—The Island Chateau Tiussi-r ofRodriguez isin psratiou brand same ' " for t he holidays. Several new bullets totestnewvarieties are to grown always here.Inorder Ocean, miles at$3.IntheportertheIndian some 360 east. ofMauritius, andbeadded SanFrancisco at$2.50; totheattractions of-*The , theyshould Black uponrates Crook“ atthe be~tried oftheplantproperl chief southern thanSan was selected asone ofthe stations fortheGrand aleline,Boston alsocheaper Opera House, performance andagala being Inthis and andwit theaidoffertilizers. various English soils. observation ofthetransit. Theparty f unded Francisco. arranged promised ' for the ' visit o fKing just Kalskaua soil determinewhat caneasily August 18th, we thegrower and from H.M.S.Shcarwater, after selectMr..lackson‘s adaptation TwoOrphans" sue fortheplant._Ifthe arerequired spot an cultivation began inga suitable landing fortheobservatory, “of"The " l.ovc‘s Square Theatre, ccoded Sacrifice attheUnion lightsoil; onthecon select instruments, packed leafistobelight, that were a stronomical inboxes, the * p romises greatsucceas. and The second ELECTRICITYFOR LIGHT. he I'l.lli|ll1|'[|10||iQ theplants should trary, darkleaf desired, bymeans ofshears formed ofshlps’spars. ofapair This given oftheseason was attheAcademy, the Decem rapidity "aet”upona darkloam.ln.thismanner prosecuted withsuch was thatthelaborConcert of work of theapplication important extension place ber12th, being theopening Schumann‘s Tblrd texture and obtain thecolor, grower canreadily begun August was oftheobservers 24th. agent aboutproper ' Mr.Maccabe electricity asanilluminating " Symphony. driving “DullCare body ofleafre uired.Notonlywillsuchexperitobemade Board, light by Trinity London. Two the from crowded audiences athisnewhome, Robinson willbegratifyhouses hevaluale,buttheresults ments or"run BRIDGI orBitnosns. i sSrauv—Vixw TinWan * There Point aretobefitted withthe ontheLizard Hall. is demand for double the number of ingandinteresting. Bridge overlooks the Bidassoa and River The Bi-liobré _ oftheelectric apparatus fortheproduction rhuisite intheParkTheatre fortheone-hundredth per. and thecityofIrunisseen inthe seats ofthislight power willbeof theIsleofPheasants, light.Thepenetrating Age," of“TheGilded formance very and things curious bytheMtgueletee,.or Itisoccupied Serrniiist ofland madedistance. atthisthefirstpoint value theutmost willthen bedone.* Thelittlefolks aside arelaying belonging ona ruined who arefiring fortress CREMATIONIN GERMANY. ships.WehavefreuentlyVolunteers, byhomeward-bound holiday portions money of-their forBarnum, who Will figures right on the ofthe T he fort a re light our totheCiirlista oftheelectric give theadoption themmusing treat attheHippodrome during the Daily urged correspondent oftheLondon HEBerlin soldiers. Boards, ersof oceanFrench andthemana Lighthouse next two weeks who steuinships, 11th" gentleman Nov. Telegraph writes. met o d ofprevent most Shaftesbury asthe Dwsi.i.isos.—The efi“cctive w0lHlNGIIl('B Park Symphony Doints'rio.—-Twelve given Concerts willbe l ady's ofayouiig attheincremation waspresent a lso bean There s iioiild comprises forty ing disasters. inaritime a cres offreehold estate land inthe W inter, InBaltimore this auspices under the ofthe Pen at medical corpse thewifeof German man) (late Hook,parish Biittersea, thelightatSandy Hill,near Clap body forgenerating atLavender ofSt.Mary, Theatre, institute.Thenew Globe ofBoston, factory inDresden, onSatur apparatus celebrated Siemens‘s London, ofFort.Wadsworth atthe ham Station, week, onthebluffs and istheproperty Junction ofthewasfilled tooverflowing last baiiig theattraction ofthepro another account aniiiteresting daylast,gives Narrows,thirdat ornearFulton l-‘erry, East Artisans’, Dwellings Company andGeneral “l.oheugrin," bytheStrskoscb laborers’ ' Company. the arrbmle, caedings. thata sortofch.npeL'e Hesays Street, “ North Iliver, year 1867, a t(‘anal R iver. a fourth and anassociation formed inthe (Limited), for Boston Theatre Prodigal" I.'I-Infant b rought was out in From waserected withflowers, profusely decorated of'liglit could dwellings broad beams purpose working last t wooints holidays, the ofbuilding suitable for the for the with Seaman, Morlocchi, Julia uhi-ia ofwhich inthecentre oneoftheworksliops, the bethrown duringstormy city by ierivers even people across from their Rand, who w ere driven homes inthe and ¢ f avorites, other in thecast. John containing -thatof veryhand ingor fog,making thebodycoffin p athway forthe ban metropolitan improvements. aclear Brougham ofgigantic extension Opera the was atthe Cincinnati House lastweek. placed. Mr.Siemens someoungwoman——was thatarecontinually playing willbepermitted within theprecincts or moreferr-boats Nopublic-houses inhis“ Lottery ofLife." TheAlméc Coin. atthe dred himaelg, hadrefused toassist astheclergy itLaI-‘file ofthe ofShaftesbury (although already puny produced othertrack.Wearepositive Park oneortwohave each Angel," deMme. attheGrand touching dis crossing solemn pronounced ceremony, mentioned, and upintheoutskirts), forthepurpose sprung House, Cincinnati, ofthisagent butshops forthe sale ofre Opera December lath. Agrantl which, coffin, inits wasthenusefulness thebody, over course made a tthis experiments have b een repeated g iven andothercommodities of likelight.benefit freshments was Miss Kellogg, Theatre, attheNational ofwhich was as theirondoor inthefurnace, inserted light.Ourapparatus, already doing theWilde though nature are Wnshlpgtoli, withthe useful brisk business D.0.,December llth,under thepatronage hot office it,anda stream ofinconceivably upon closed theonlyoneofitskindin theUnitedThepark has been laidoutinhandsome streets. KingKalakauaE.1..Daven At.theofPresident Grant and it,surrounding beper’patent, upon (uscould directed combining thepower of throwing downedges rows ofyoung ofthefootways trees have beenportappeared in“Hamlet," Opera House, atFord’: ofthe States, letintothe throughwindow |.i'l\’C" side withthatof’creating the planted, '*' Edwin Washington, and infront ofeach house is small copper forelectrotyping butneatly D.C.,last week.‘ began Booth red,quivering, distinctly with furnace‘. classes, garden. Therearebutsix kept illumination. arebuiltinfour The houses con. short season atMcVlcker's Theatre, mostpowerful Chicago, December pale burning herewasnosudden vibrating flames. 14th, five, six,seven solelfor taining respectively, opening andthey areused andeight rooms inthecountry, with others the "Merchant ofVenice." corpse, nophenomenon s corching ofthe oreach including dwellingsFoiisio.~|.—Barry Thecheapness oftheiglit, thelatter electrotypes. making bathroom. For these sense, Sullivan, English revolting other the toany tragedlan, eye and ostltothe or andtheease ofmanipuaweekly strength of5s6d., 6s.9d., anddurability, rental 8s.and 10s paid,Henry " Hamlet" Irving, whose rapid pro its hascreated tobeanextraordinary such ex seemed butwhat except thorduglily sums, Butone which lalion, demonstrated. inthecase houses, been ofthebest have in which, InLondon, willgototheUnited during aftertheliquidsteamship early States cesa ofdesiccation, Transatlantic-has c0mpany—thc French If thetenant rates and taxes. intends clude tobuy the citement * E.If.llflwonpgfl inJanuary. evolved, first attempted thesolid bunamed ‘ne,,_ hadbeen substances light groundrent was o ntheir vessels.I touse the rates and taxes and the tobe house have gagcmcut gr," from anEnglish h ot, manager, enlastlyabandoned and um 11,, redhot,thenwhite andtEarls became expense, b y him, but t he real f ault owing t othe paid purchase-money. inaddition tothe The leading w as, kingdom. ofthe There this wasinthe parntuii. tobesincerely intoashes. Rubinstein in themselves resolved hopedpurchasing price ranges ofthehouses from to Parisatheatres £150 rranging fortheproduction asserts, firstto that ofhisnewopera, nothinf'rom positively gentleman may Board imitate theexample £310, lease, andi subject iouse onalong toaground-rent. senses, ourLight "Nero," which willbetheattraction ofthenew Opera tothep iysical inthisrocess lastoffensive andatleastgive Board ofLondon, ie'l‘rinity * Theopen"Die House. '1‘lie furnace of Maccaliaer” distressing. will b epro. sentimental oreven electncity fair t est. i n will h e L.\-rnu Sis-rxx.—It remembered boots! in Berlin duced bags.) inFebruary. Thefamous fromthe conceals which bydrapery, surrounded ago bythe Signor was created some much excitement time that delPucnto InNew Yorky, andwhatcanbeseen hasrwcglvgd (now sightof themourners, thatLouise of Boisd‘I-Iaine, statement Lateau. ln diploma ofhonorary membership oftheSociety forpurposes con ofSt. through theinlet(whichused upon Belgium, herperson themarks bore ofthe wounds inRome. Victor Maurcl, gm-,1, Cecilia ofthefire) innoway who m ade withthere ulation FOR BOYS. nected TRAINING-SIIIPS upon Shehassubmitted ourSaviour. inflicted toan tiltintheUnited States, has spectacle of done likewise thestrange inMarseilles horrible, offers although feet, andi was found thatherhands, -ships side' Mlle. by the examination, Redlttl, training havebeensupplied vanishing through whoI singing away inItaly w ith gradually s omuch body human theidentical exhibited marks forehead found onthe success,anAmerican underand States xAS, Secretary oftheNavytothree woman named heat.Theprocess—t.o R“¢ a of intense theinfluence taken from thecross, when and ofChrist that thereGounod HMireille,“ granting partially oftheUnitedbody has vessel rewritten thelungstheActofCongress inparticular andthenew thesoftsiibstances, which tobebirth-marksversion Tlieee are said nodeception willsoon thatmay decide toedu was State belung attheParis Navy toeach open States 0¢||,|qu,, resistance—lasted thelongest andliver,offered