£ 3 . 0 0 1000 CLASSICS FOR SALE s OF /classicsworlduk @classicsworlduk Classicsworlduk Classics World SPOTLIGHT ON FORD CORTINA Time to part with our trusty head turning Mk3 saloon V8 engined flagship version of a legendar y grand tourer Refreshed late model example of this popular six cylinder Brit MERCEDES ‘R107’ SL TRIUMPH TR6 R A D W O O D U K ’ S S H O W S U C C E S S Reinvented for 2022, RADwood’s Show & Shine attracts the best poster cars and amazing obscurities from the 1980s and ’90s More on page 4 A leading sales website has revealed its Top 10 of this year ’ s most searched for classics with the Ford Escort once again topping the list , followed by the BMW 3 Series and the evergreen MGB Among the losers, meanwhile, is the VW Beetle, eased out of the rankings by its younger cousin, the Golf More on page 5 Ford Escort tops poll of the most searched-for classics in 2022 T OP 10 CL A SSIC SE A RCHE S RE V E A L ED FOUR-SEATER CABRIOS 31 st August 2022 ISSUE 652 w w w classicsworld co uk Golf versus Escor t and 205 LIFE WITH AN MGB GT J a g u a r V 8 t r e n d s Jensen auction N OW ’S T H E T I M E TO BU Y T H I S P RACT I CA L 2 + 2 Life feels better behind the wheel of a classic. All cover is subject to insurer s terms and conditions, which are availab e upon request Footman James is a trading name of Adv sory Insurance Brokers Limited Registered in England No 4043759 Registered Address: 2 Minster Court, Mincing Lane London EC3R 7PD Authorised and Regulated by the Financ a Conduct Authority FP: ADGE 2333 01 22 Call our friendly UK team for a quote. 0333 060 6950 or visit footmanjames.co.uk AVENGER GOES CARBON-NEUTRAL RALLYING B R I N G I N G U P T H E R E A R The top rear engined choices for all budgets BENTLEY ARNAGE FULL BUYING GUIDE


Classic Car Buyer 3Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukAugust 31 2022 26 If you like what you see in Classic Car Buyer, why not get it delivered to your door and save lots of money by taking out a subscription? See page 47 for the latest fantastic deal! 4 N E WS F our pages o f t he lates t new s, including t his year ’s mo s t p opular online s ear ches a nd a visi t to t he innovat ive R A D wo od even t 8 AU C TI O N N E WS We check ou t s ome o f t he mo s t in teres t ing c ar s heading for t he nex t M anor P a rk s ale and reveal an arr ay of resul t s from A C A 10 M A R K E T TR E N D S S ee w hat ’s happening price wise with t hree dif ferent V 8 engined J aguar s and a t rio o f f orgot ten British s aloons of t he 19 5 0 s FE ATURES 14 B R I N G I N G U P T H E R E A R P aul G uinnes s t akes a lo ok a t six of t o day ’s t op choice cla s sic s for bu yer s who appreciate rear engined quir k ines s 18 B U Y A B E NTLE Y A R N AG E W hen i t c omes t o mo der n cla s sic s alo ons, t hey don’ t c ome much f a s ter or more opulen t t han t his bu t is t he A r nage a sensible bu y ? 2 2 CA B R I O LE T S O F T H E 19 8 0 s T his week’s C la s sic C hoice pu t s t he long r unning M k 1 G ol f C abr iole t up agains t t wo obvious r ivals f r om F ord and Peugeot 2 6 LI V I N G W ITH A N M G B GT J on B ur ges s examines w hat li fe’s like wi t h t he mo s t pr ac t ic al member o f t he M G B f amily t he four cylinder 2+2 G T o f 19 6 5 8 0 SALES SPOTLIGHT 3 0 M E RCE DES ‘ R107 ’ 3 0 TRIUM PH TR 6 3 3 FORD CORTI N A CL ASSICS FOR SALE 3 4 FREE ADS 4 2 BA RG A I N S FOR EDITORIAL Email: ccb ed@kelsey co uk Tel: 01959 541444 TO SUBSCRIBE Web: shop.kelsey.co.uk Tel: 01959 543747 CARS FOR SALE Email: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk Tel: 09068 020279 TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS Email: ccb adsales@kelsey co uk Tel: 01233 228751 HELP AND FAQs Web: help kelsey co uk Tel: 01959 543747 Kelsey Media uses a multi layered Privacy Notice giving you brief details about how we would like to use your personal information For full details visit www.kelsey.co.uk, or call 01959 543524. If you have any questions please ask as submitting your details indicates your consent, until you choose otherwise, that we and our partners may contact you about products and services that will be of relevance to you via direct mail, phone, email and SMS You can opt out at ANY time via email: data.controller@kelsey.co.uk or 01959 543524. 18 14 R ea r e ngine d new c a r s a re n’t exac tly commonplace the se days T he re’s the late s t inca r nation of the le ge nda r y Por sche 911, but that ’s about it in the UK T he S m a r t ForTwo a nd la rge r Fo rFour a re now ava ilable s olely in e le ctric guise (a nd eve n those a re on bor rowe d time), while the relate d Re nault Twingo wa s withdr awn f ro m UK s a le m o re tha n thre e ye a r s ago N ew c a r s with tr aditiona l e ngine s in the ir r ump a re now a n e nda nge re d spe cie s O n the cla s sic s c e ne, howeve r, we’ve no s ho r t ag e of c h o i c e th a n ks to th e s u c c e s s of r e a r e n g in e d m a s s m a r ke t m o d e l s f r o m the 19 50 s o nwa r d s a n d inevi t a b l y, it ’s Volkswagen that ha s the bigge s t rear e ngine d following, with eve r y thing f ro m the Be etle to the ( Ty p e 3) 16 0 0 having its loya l a r my of fa ns I sp e nt pa r t of my childho o d b eing fe r r ie d a round in re a r e ngine d st yle tha nks to my m othe r having a 19 6 6 S inge r Cha mois fro m whe n I wa s a b ou t 10, with he r nex t c a r b e ing a 1972 S unb e a m S tilet to T ho s e e a r ly exp e r ie nc e s mu s t have had a n inf lue nc e, a s I re ma in a fan of the Hillma n Imp fa mily to this ve r y day a nd will a lways defe nd it in a ny Mini vs Imp dis cu s sion that I’m d r awn into I’ve a l s o g o n e o n to own a few re a r e n gine d mo de ls of my own ove r the ye a r s, r a nging f ro m a Fiat 50 0 L to a Sko da Ra pid Wr iting this we e k’s tr ibu te to six of the f ine s t re a r CL ASSIC INTEREST 2 4 CL AS S IC SCE N ES A not her r ummage in t he archives for our week ly dose of photogr aphic nos t algia 4 6 L AST ORDERS T he lates t reader feedback , plus p er io d ads and gener al cla s sic chat ter e ngine d cla s sic s c e r t a inly b rou ght back me m or ie s I only wish we’d had space to include some of the more ove r lo oke d m o de ls that a re now su c h a r a re sight f ro m the S imca 10 0 0 and Fiat 13 3 through to the Re nault 8 a n d N SU Pr inz O r m ay b e I’ll ju s t u s e tha t a s a n exc u s e to revis i t the su bje c t in the fu tu re M e a nw hile, te ll u s a b o u t YOUR favourite rear engine d clas sics via ccb e d@kelsey c o uk Paul G uinn e s s Editor Ke l s ey M e d i a D ow n s C o u r t Ya l d i n g Ke n t M E18 6 A L K E E P I N TO U C H Have CCB delive re d or re ad our digital e dition! Ca ll 019 59 5 414 4 4 or vi s i t s h o p ke l s ey c o uk fo r a p o s t a l o r dig i t a l s u b s c r ipti o n Re ad the late s t is sue online at shop kelsey c o uk Sign up fo r our newslet te r at w w w cla s sic sworld co uk w w w c l a s s i c swo r l d c o u k Classics World YouTube Great v deos on ine at www youtube com/ ClassicsWorldUK Classics World website News and reviews updated dai y www classicsworld co uk Find us on Facebook GREAT SUBS OFFERS AND MUCH MORE AT https://shop kelsey co uk/C Classics World Social Media Regular updates and a ook beh nd the scenes W h e n g r o u p e d i t o r P au l Wag e r c all e d i n a t B e r k s hir e bas e d P i o n e e r A u t o m o b il e s r e c e n t l y, h e c o u l d n’t r e s i s t t ak ing a clo s e r lo ok at t hi s 19 7 1 M o r r i s M a r i n a 1 8 S u p e r, fi n i s h e d i n Te al Blu e w i t h an o h - s o - p e r i o d L im e fl owe r v iny l i n t e r i o r. T h e 5 4 , 0 0 0 m il e s u r v i vo r c o m e s w i t h a la r g e h i s t o r y fil e a n d i s c u r r e n t l y p r i c e d at £ 4 9 5 0 W h e n d i d yo u l a s t s e e s u c h a n e a r l y M a r i n a o u t an d a b o u t ?

25 years of the Type R Honda is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its famous hot hatch, the Civic Type R, a model that’s still going strong with a sixth generation version due on sale before the end of this year Honda says the Type R formula has evolved over the years to “deliver the ultimate front engine, front wheel drive performance hatchback”, a process that began in 1997 with the EK9 generation (pictured) road car yet The newcomer will be hand built at Crewe, following the path of its predecessor, the barchetta bodied Bentley Bacalar Just 18 examples of the Batur will be available, priced at around £1 65 million before options and local taxes At the unveiling of the car, Bentley announced that all 18 examples have already been pre sold
Rich Scott’s 1998 Volvo 940 LPT Estate won ‘Best 1990s Saloon or Estate’
Kent Auto Developments (KAD), a Mini parts specialist based in Romney Marsh, has been fined £12,000 by Folkestone Magistrates’ Court after one of its employees was injured in an incident involving a metalworking lathe The employee, Joshua Halls, was polishing Mini brake drums on a manual lathe by “applying emery cloth by hand”, a release by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) states Halls was caught in the machine and suffered injuries to his forearm, face and neck The incident took place on August 10, 2020 The HSE investigated the incident and found that the business had “failed to implement a safe system of work”, with employees routinely polishing brake drums with emery cloth by hand on the lathe The HSE stated that the task was “known to be dangerous due to the potential risk of entanglement of the cloth in the rotating parts of the lathe, which can result in serious personal injury”
British show success
he British Motor Show 2022 broke its own attendance record last week, as nearly 60,000 visitors flocked to Far nborough to enjoy an array of interactive events, live stunt shows, the Car SOS Live Stage, drift demonstrations and static displays Motoring celebrities
KAD was fined £12,000 and ordered to pay £6,349 24 in costs after it was found to have breached Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and Regulation 4(2) of The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
The two door fixed head coupe is based around the platform of the Continental GT and features the most powerful ever version of the W12 Likely to develop 730bhp and 740lb ft of torque, it will make the Batur Bentley’s most potent Exclusive BentleySaturday, August 20 saw the reappearance of RADwood on the classic calendar, now under new management historic vehicle insurer Hagerty and with a new home at Bicester Heritage, Oxfordshire Think of RADwood as the trendy cousin to Hagerty’s Festival of the Unexceptional, a traditional static show with the emphasis on 1980s and ’90s machines Models that appeared on your bedroom wall, or were conceived during the money no object ‘bubble economy’, are welcomed Sporty or slow, well known or obscure; if there’s any hint of aspiration or ‘lifestyle’, it gets a parking pass At the heart of the latest RADwood was a 50 car, nine category Show & Shine concours, with A 1980 99 cut off saw sports cars like an AW11 MR2 sharing space with 996 era 911s
Judges included (left to right) Jon Bentley, Paul Cowland and Dominic Taylor Lane. Arcade inside, graffiti outside artist Kade created this Outrun themed mural Eddie and Ber nie Rattley with their show winning ’85 Nissan Pulsar EXA Cabriolet.
RADwood returns to the UK
A Guards Red air cooled 911 Targa ultimate yuppie car of the ’80s sat well at RADwood. Officially on sale only in Japan, the inaugural Type R featured a hand ported 1 6 litre DOHC VTEC engine (producing an impressive 116bhp per litre) and a lightweight seam welded bodyshell that contributed to a total vehicle weight of just 1050kg including Mike Brewer, Fuzz Townshend, Tim Shaw, Vicki Butler Henderson, Tiff Needell and The Stig were in attendance, mingling with visitors and adding to the family friendly feel, while displays of the latest models contrasted neatly with the many classics on show Claimed to be the most interactive car event in the world, this year’s British Motor Show boasted twice as many exhibitors as 2021 To find out more about the 2023 event, taking place on August 17 20, visit thebritishmotorshow plive eriod dress, modifications and ephemera actively encouraged Top honours (‘Raddest in Show’, presented on a gold Sega Megadrive cartridge) went to Eddie Rattley’s 1985 Nissan Pulsar EXA Cabriolet, the only example in the country, which deeply impressed judges Paul Cowland, Jon Bentley, and Dominic Taylor Lane
Fine for Mini specialist
4 Classic Car Buyer August 31 2022 NEWS & comment Subscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
Bentley’s Mulliner division has announced an ultra low volume new coupe badged as the Batur, previewing how the company’s future electric models might look as well as being the last new model to feature the marque’s famous W12 engine

NET HERO is a carbon offset programme with a dedicated platform for motorists, classic car enthusiasts and competition drivers to become more environmentally responsible by offsetting their automotive footprint through its web based facility Each carbon credit purchased contributes to projects around the world, including afforestation, restoration of peatlands, and grass protection For more details, see net hero org
Classic Car Buyer 5Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukAugust 31 2022 Sign up to our newsletter at www.classicsworld.co.uk in the Shropshire based Woodpecker Rally this Saturday (September 3) Competing as part of the carbon offsetting NET HERO Rally Team, Emily looks forward to combining her hobby with her concer n for the environment: “I’m
During the first six months of 2022, more enthusiasts searched for the Escort in online adverts than any other classic model, maintaining its lead in the popularity stakes
Porsche’s iconic 911 appears at number six, with Land Rover’s Series models taking seventh place dethroning the Ford Mustang that appeared on last year’s list C&C reports strong demand for all Series models, one of the high points being the £31,500 auction sale price of a fully restored SWB Series 3 back in April
Aspecialist online sales site has revealed its latest Top 10 of the most searched for classics during the first six months of 2022 with the Ford Escort once again topping the list, cropping up in more searches than any other model so far this year Car & Classic (C&C) reports that the Escort continues to be the model most searched for on its website, with RS2000 versions in particular proving as popular as they did in 2021 C&C’s online auctions confirm the same trend, with a Lisbon based 1977 wide arch RS2000 X Pack (left) attracting a winning bid of £37,500 back in June Number two in terms of most searched for cars is the BMW 3 Series, with almost half of BMW searches said to be for M spec models up from a quarter in 2021, a sure sign that interest in the M division is at an all time high during its 50th anniversary year And in the number three spot is the evergreen MGB, proving that despite increased competition from today’s moder n classic sports cars, Abingdon’s bestseller is still as popular as ever Other British sports cars appearing in the Top 10 are two perennial favourites the Triumph Stag and Jaguar E Type that appear at numbers four and eight respectively Interestingly though, it’s the Volkswagen Golf that pops up at number five, pushing the Beetle which featured in 2021 out of the Top 10 altogether Searches for Golf GTIs are said to be particularly strong so far this year
RS2000s are particularly popular among the Escort hunters of 2022
eading for auction with Bonhams at this year ’s Goodwood Revival is this superbly restored 1967 Porsche 911 ‘soft window’ Targa, one of the ear liest examples known to sur vive Its very low chassis number shows this to be the 17th such car built The factory build record shows it was completed on January 31, 1967, finished in Polo Red (6602) with a black leatherette interior. It was first registered to Fleischhauer, Koln (one of the earliest and most respected Porsche dealerships, located in Cologne) before eventually finding its way to the UK, where it was registered as XEF 88Y in September 1982 In November 1990 it was issued with the current age related number, SVN 99D The Porsche was acquired by the current owners in January 2017 and has since been the subject of a four year restoration by a marque specialist. The estimate is £140,000 £180,000 and you can find out more via bonhams com
Carbon-offset rallying
Early 911 Targa on sale
An award winning road rally navigator, 38 year old Emily Anderson, is set to become an environmentally responsible competitor as she makes her special stage speed rally debut beyond pleased to be taking part in an event that shows we can participate in motorsport whilst actively offsetting emissions I’m very grateful to be participating with a team which shows motorsport can be environmentally accountable ” Emily will be swapping her father’s 1934 Derby Bentley, in which she’s regularly navigated, for a 1973 Hillman Avenger 1600 GT, alongside driver Tony Jardine The pair will be tackling 44 miles of competitive special stages in the forests of Radnor and Haye Park, taking on 14 other classics in the Historic 1600cc class amongst a
Ford Escort retains top spot as most searched-for classic field of 170 cars competing in the national MRF BTRDA and Pirelli Welsh Rally Championships
Occupying the bottom two slots in the Top 10 of searched for classics are two more Blue Oval favourites: the Capri and Cortina respectively, with 20 per cent of all Cortina searches focused on the Lotus version

British Racing Motors has announced that its Mk1 P15 V16 Chassis IV will race in the Goodwood Trophy at this year’s Goodwood Revival ensuring the rebor n company achieves its main priority to take BRM racing again The Mk1 P15 V16 was last raced in the Goodwood Trophy in 1952, where Froilan Gonzales, Reg Par nell and Ken Wharton achieved the famous 1st, 2nd and 3rd finish for BRM “In the spirit of Goodwood, the Chassis IV V16 has not been modified to go faster or tweaked to handle better,” comments John Owen, son of Sir Alfred Owen and BRM director “It is fundamentally the same car that raced in the Gooodwood Trophy 70 years ago ” Following an outing at Shelsley Walsh in July, the decision was taken to race the car in the Goodwood Trophy, where it will be sporting the racing decal number 5 as a tribute to Gonzalez’s victory in September 1952 For more details of the company’s efforts, visit britishracingmotors co uk
An eclectic selection of manufacturers will be represented, with all pre 2000 British cars and motorcycles invited to take part Last year’s rally included a number of rarities, as well as usual suspects like the Mini, Minor and MGB Show goers can vote for their favourite British car of the show in the People’s Choice Award, with the winner receiving a Beaulieu trophy and an Autoglym prize The museum itself will be open to visitors, packed with more British classics and showcasing its new Story of Motoring in 50 Objects exhibition, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the National Motor Museum
Unrestored Princess sale
The 1980s brought us some of today’s best loved sporting Fords, with the launch of the bestselling XR family and an injection of excitement from Cosworth Here’s our pick of the finest.
Escort XR3 & XR3i Fiesta XR2
’ 8 0 s F o r d s i c o n s
The left hand drive example is claimed to be one of just 16 Mini 40s sold in Sweden It was delivered new by BMW Gothenburg in May 1999 to a customer in Kullavik, and was driven only very occasionally over two summers The car was then placed into long term storage, warmed up once a year but otherwise untouched Bilweb Auctions, which handled the sale, described the vendor as a “Mini fanatic with several superb older examples”
6 Classic Car Buyer August 31 2022 NEWS & comment 5 BEST OF THE Subscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
The Fiesta had been on sale for four years when Ford launched the ‘hot’ version, with the 1981 XR2 featuring the old 1 6 Kent engine, pushing out 84bhp The Mk1 XR2 (pictured) was a big hit, so a Mk2 Fiesta based version was sure to follow in 1984 this time using the latest 1 6 CVH offering 95bhp
Another 1981 newcomer was the V6 Cologne engined Capri 2 8i, which brought 160bhp to the party With updated trim and ‘pepperpot’ alloys, the Capri flagship looked the part and it went like stink It was popular enough to spawn plusher versions, with the very last 280 being built in December ’86 Capri 2 8i Escort RS Turbo
Those who thought the XR3i wasn’t quick enough welcomed the new RS Turbo of 1984, a model that ran for six years if we include the Mk4 Escort version By strapping a Garrett turbocharger to essentially the same engine as the RS1600i, the RS Turbo produced 132bhp and managed 122mph flat out
To book tickets in advance, visit beaulieu co uk/events/simply british classics
Alimited edition Mini 40 that’s covered just 227 kilometres from new has sold at auction in Sweden for 315,000 krona the equivalent of just over £25,000 A l m o s t u n u s e M i n A1977 bar n find Leyland Princess 1800 is currently available in an online H&H auction, carrying an estimate of £1000 £1500 but with a start price of just £500 Looking to be in original condition, the car features white paintwork with a dark blue velour interior and matching vinyl rear quarter panels. The car is obviously in need of extensive work, having recently been unearthed from a bar n where it has been stored since the 1990s According to the DVLA, the Princess hasn’t been taxed since 1989, when it was just 12 years old The indicated mileage is 93,000 and there are four former keepers recorded According to the vendor, the 1798cc B Series engine tur ns over but doesn’t currently run. The auction runs until Wednesday, September 14, and the winning bidder will need to arrange collection of the Princess from Lincolnshire To find out more or to place a bid, head to handh co uk and click on ‘Online Auctions’
B R M g o e s r a c i n g
When the Escort went front wheel drive in 1980, it provided hot hatch potential The XR3 arrived in ’81, with a 96bhp version of the CVH engine plus unique alloys, black grille and spoilers Fuel injection arrived in 1983 to create the 105bhp XR3i, which evolved via the Mk4 Escort update of ’86
The 1985 RS Cosworth produced a mighty 204bhp from its 1993cc DOHC turbo/intercooled motor, while its massive rear spoiler, mesh grille and squat stance gave it attitude The RS500 arrived in 1987 (with 224bhp), with the final incar nation being the saloon based Sapphire RS Cosworth of 1988 Sierra RS Cosworth
Fans of British vehicles of all types will be heading to Beaulieu on Sunday, September 25 for this year’s Simply British Classics event, celebrating some of the nation’s favourite marques in the Brits at Beaulieu grounds of the National Motor Museum


This home market 1966 Mini Cooper S Mk1 was the biggest achiever among various restoration projects in the sale, eventually changing hands for £14,688 against a pre sale estimate of £9000 £11,000
Among the strong performing Fords in the auction was this 1979 Cortina Mk4 2 3 Ghia, a tidy and original looking example rare enough to change hands for an impressive £11,016 including premium.
One of the rarest classics in the sale was this 1978 Leyland Sherpa pick up, powered by the 1.8 litre B Series diesel engine It showed plenty of battle scars after a lifetime of hard work, but was something of a bargain at £1760
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Imported from Japan six years ago and mostly unused since, this first generation 1976 Toyota Celica 2000GT Liftback had 85,000 kilometres (53,000 miles) on its odometer and it presented very well It impressed enough bidders to sell for £23,328
A particularly interesting project for a fan of pre war motoring was this 1936 Morris Eight Series 1, whose owner since 1999 had started work on it but hadn’t progressed far The complete car looked great value at £1010
The MG Z car range that arrived in 2001 is fast becoming collectable, so we weren’t surprised to see this superb 50,000 mile ZR a humble 1 4 in XPower Grey, but fitted with 17 inch alloys soar past its £1500 £2000 guide to hit £3456.
Selling almost exactly mid estimate at £5076 was this delightful looking, W123 series Mercedes Benz 230 Auto, a Cayenne Orange rarity that also tur ns heads thanks to its WOW 111T registration number
Among the moder n classics was this 2001 Subaru Impreza UK 300 number 147 of the 300 cars built to mark that year’s WRC win by Richard Bur ns and Robert Reid. It beat its £6000 £8000 estimate, selling for just over £9800 Another unusual lot was this 1999 Suzuki Vitara 1 6 4U Hardtop, a 54,000 mile survivor that was described as ‘faultless’ and boasted an impressive service history At a sale price of £3564, the no reserve lot surely offered great value
Offered with no reserve but guaranteed to do well thanks to soaring demand for moder n classic hot hatches was this 12,000 mile, one owner Citroën Saxo VTS, which exceeded expectations by soaring to £18,900
For details of these and the other lots in the sale, visit angliacarauctions co uk
Anglia Car Auctions’ latest sale proved to be as varied as we’ve come to expect from this long established set up Around 230 lots were recorded as sold at the time of writing, representing a successful sales rate of over 80 per cent There was something to suit all budgets and just about every taste, with affordable moder n classics doing particularly well One of the highlights, however, was the astonishing £18,900 sale price (including premium) for a one owner 1999 Citroën Saxo VTS that’s covered just 12,000 miles from new and was offered with no reserve It’s further proof that the moder n classic hot hatch is one of today’s most sought after genres although we reckon a very impressive 1 4 litre MG ZR looked particularly good value at just over £3450 A wide assortment of Fords in the sale brought some impressive results, including the £28,080 achieved by a no reserve 1979 Escort RS2000 Custom a smart example that had previously undergone bodywork restoration From the same year was a rare Cortina Mk4 2 3 Ghia that did well at just over £11,000, while a 1981 Cortina 1 6 Carousel that’s believed to have covered just 34,000 miles sold well above its lower estimate at £8532 And there were enough commercial fans bidding to see a 1987 Cortina based P100 L pick up a one owner survivor with 60,000 miles under its wheels selling for just shy of £10,700 There were plenty of moder n classic Jaguar bargains in the sale, including a 2003 S Type 2 5 V6 SE Auto that was a snip at £860 At the other extreme of S Type values, however, was a 2006 4 2 litre V8 R that smashed its £5000 £6000 estimate to sell for £9612 Traditional MG sports cars were also among the most popular lots, with no fewer
than 11 MGBs entered including a solid looking 1970 ’B GT project car that looked a sensible buy for any hands on enthusiast at £2700 Other no reserve restoration projects also managed to find new homes, including a 1968 Vanden Plas 1300 that sold for £960, a 1973 Rover P5B Coupe that went for £2376, and a 1936 Morris Eight Series 1 that changed hands for £1010 Headline project car of the weekend, however, was a 1966 Austin Mini Cooper S Mk1 that easily beat its £9000 £11,000 estimate to achieve £14,688

Classic Car Buyer 9Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukAugust 31 2022 NEWS, REVIEWS AND LATEST PRICES FROM THE AUCTION HOUSES M
GTE Convertible, a Mk2 Volkswagen Golf GTI 16v from the same year and two fellow Germans in the shape of a 1990 Porsche 944 S2 and a 1991 BMW 850i Adding to the quota of Italians is a 1999 Alfa Romeo GTV 3 0 V6 24V and two Maseratis (one a 1999 3200 GT, the other a 2000 Quattroporte IV Evoluzione), while for fans of moder n MINIs there’s a 2002 Cooper S with only one owner from new At the other end of the scale, a pre war Talbot BG110 3 5 litre Drophead Coupe by James Young could fetch as much as £80,000, with a couple of Rolls Royce 20/25 from 1934 also offered These are joined by a pair of 1970s Silver Shadows, while other traditional Brits include a 1955 Jensen 541, a 1959 MGA Twin Cam Coupe, a 1961 Vauxhall Cresta PA, an early MGB from ’62, a 1973 Jaguar E Type V12 roadster, a rubber bumper MG Midget and three Triumphs comprising a 1976 Stag, a 1978 Spitfire 1500 and a factory built TR8 Convertible from 1980 And what of the former street fur niture? How about a 1987 Fiat Uno 45S with no reserve, or perhaps a 34,000 mile Mk3 Astra 1 4i GLS? See these entries and the rest of the catalogue at manorparkclassics com
This 1959 MGA is one of just 138 right hand Twin Cam Coupes built Presented in rare Mineral Blue and benefiting from an older restoration, it comes with lots of history and is guided at £45,000 £55,000
anor Park’s next classic car sale takes place at its purpose designed, 30,000 square feet premises in Cheshire on September 10, with over 60 lots consigned at the time of writing and more expected Amongst them, you’ll find everything from no reserve former street fur niture to a 2014 Ferrari FF V12 that could sell for £120,000 Fords feature prominently, especially sporty ones A 1980 Escort RS2000 in the rare hue of Java Green could sell for as much as £30,000, with a 1972 Capri 3000GT set to do likewise You’ll also find a 1983 Escort RS1600i, a contemporary XR3 from 1984, a later XR3i Cabriolet from 1989, a 7000 mile Ford Puma 1.7 and a 2008 Focus ST500 More humble choices, meanwhile, include a 1967 Ford Cortina 1500 Super, 1986 Ford Capri 1 6 Laser and a rare pre oval grille Mk5 Escort For something a bit different, meanwhile, how about a Sierra based P100 pick up from 1991, or a 1969 Ford Transit 75 camper? Most prominent among a bumper range of sporting moder n classics is probably a 1993 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton showing only 34,000 miles, which could make as much as £90,000 However, you’ll also find a 1990 Astra
Showing a mere 48,000 miles and in excellent condition, this 1992 BMW 318i Convertible is described as a timewarp example and comes with a good specification that includes a power hood It’s estimated at an alluring £8000 £10,000
Showing only 34,000 miles and offered in original specification, this 1993 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton looks to be a great example of the legendary super saloon It isn’t expected to be cheap though, with a guide price of £80,000 £90,000. Joined by a much later example in the sale, this 1979 Jaguar XJ S 5 3 is an increasingly desirable pre HE car It looks the part in silver with a black interior and is expected to sell for £9000 £11,000. This 1990 Vauxhall Astra GTE Convertible is believed to be one of only 18 licensed on UK roads The 58,000 mile example was recently recommissioned at a cost of £5000 and is now guided at £10,000 £14,000 Now something of a unicor n, this slightly carewor n Fiat Uno 45 S is a rare pre facelift example from 1987 and has had just two owners from new It comes with lots of history and is offered with no reserve This 1980 Triumph TR8 Convertible is an original factory built example originally sold in Canada Imported back to the UK in 1991 and later converted to right hand drive, it needs recommissioning but is surely a worthwhile investment at an estimated £5500 £6500
As well as a 2014 Ferrari, one of the sale’s major headliners could be this 2003 Porsche 911 GT2. Believed to be one of just 129 cars built, the 40,000 mile example has a full Porsche history and is estimated at £90,000 £110,000
Joining a host of Fords is this 1972 Ford Capri 3000 GT complete with cool black stripes A South African import, it looks to be in superb condition and is estimated at £25,000 £30,000
Offered from a deceased estate, this 1955 Jensen 541 is all correct and original, but requires recommissioning. It comes with many new parts and is expected to sell for £28,000 £32,000

10 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk Have you bought one of these recently? Tell us about it! Send an email to ccb ed@kelsey co uk You can join the debate online too at: www facebook com/ClassicCarBuyer and: @ClassicBuyer on Twitter!
While there are signs that interest in the X100 as a collector’s item is growing, it remains a slow and inconsistent process The graph of auction results isn’t so much an upward slanted line as a spreading fan some cars are getting (relatively) big results, but most aren’t Those ear ning big results are usually XKR convertibles (although the XKR coupe is the rarest beast) with low mileages and full service histories such cars can fetch up to £20,000 if they’re exceptional, but most even in excellent condition top out at around £16,000 Average XKRs come in at the £10,000 mark and perfectly usable but high mileage cars (watch for the reassuringly short list of well known mechanical maladies) fetch £6000 or so. The standard XK8 sits about 20 per cent lower than the supercharged models, with coupes worth a similar proportion less than convertibles Pay £8000 for an average but good convertible, £6000 for a similar coupe, and neither go much above £14,000 unless they’re very special indeed JAGUAR ‘X308’ XJ8 (1997-2002) Whereas the XK8 had been a much needed replacement for the ageing XJS, Jaguar’s XJ saloon had been better treated by time, with the all new XJ40 being launched in 1986 and then significantly updated for the X300 of 1994 In the X308, the more refined and more powerful V8, coupled to a moder n five speed automatic, was a definite improvement The X300’s dashboard was replaced entirely by a new fascia with XK8 style inset dials, a reshaped centre console and a full size glovebox Outside changes were limited to new headlamp units and restyled respectable cars crossed the floor for £1000 £2000, whereas now the going rate for a sound but unremarkable X308 is £2000 £3000 More remarkable examples with sub 20,000 mileages and in pristine condition have sold for around £10,000 The XJR is a somewhat different beast, with average cars selling for £5000 £8000 and really good ones for £10,000 £15,000 JAGUAR ‘X350’ XJ8 (2002-2009) Whereas the X308 had been a new engine in an old body, the next XJ8 was the other way round The AJ V8 continued, now in 3 5 and 4 2 litre forms but surrounded by brand new aluminium alloy bodywork augmented by new air suspension (finally banishing the classic Jaguar IRS design) and a suite of advanced electronic systems Larger in size than the older XJs, the new X350’s front and rear bumpers Building on the success of the X300, the X308 established a fine image for itself, cementing Jaguar’s new found reputation for reliability and build quality The supercharged XJR with 375bhp pitched Jaguar firmly against the German super saloons
JAGUAR ‘X100’ XK8 (1996 2005) Available in coupe or convertible form, the original launch offering for the XK8 was a 4 0 litre AJ V8 making 290bhp, soon joined by the supercharged XKR version with 370bhp and the new CATS adaptive suspension. A critical and commercial success, the XK sold well, especially in the key American market where the V8 engine was virtually essential to be taken seriously A minor facelift in 2002 upped both engines to 4 2 litres (with small power increases) and mated to six speed gearboxes A more significant cosmetic refresh was applied in early 2004 before the XK8 was replaced by a truly all new aluminium bodied successor Just over 90,000 were made, around half of them being naturally aspirated convertibles
With X300 values now rising over several years, the X308 has taken on the mantle of ‘the bargain Jaguar’. The fact that these models only started appearing in the classic auction results in significant numbers in the past five years is itself illustrative of how the model has been seen Stable and low prices would suggest that the X308 has hit the bottom of its depreciation curve, perhaps with early signs of growth Three years ago, perfectly body was 40 per cent lighter but significantly stiffer than its steel predecessors, offering big improvements in refinement, handling and economy Received as yet another technical success and praised for its refinement, ride quality and surprising agility for such a big car, the X350’s distinctive appearance and character meant that it remained a niche product compared to top selling German rivals Being more recent products in both age and technology, and coming before the X351 with its radical styling, X350 prices are significantly higher than the X308 Around £10,000 will get you a good one, while V8 X350s with sub 50,000 miles on them can go for £12,000 £14,000 At the other end of the scale, ones with more miles, a few blemishes, wear to the interior and maybe some non vital electrical faults can be picked up from as little as £4000 £5000.
TRENDS V8 Jaguars
Jaguar was flush with cash and ideas in the 1990s, resulting in an all new V8 engine and a series of excellent cars. Here are three powered by the AJ V8 for your consideration Only the best ear n high values
The biggest Jaguar bargain Prices still on the way down


(1947 1956) Before the war, Standard made an entire constellation of cars, ranging from the Eight to the Twenty V8 But when peacetime production restarted, boss Sir John Black made the switch to a single model policy with the Vanguard The newcomer quickly established a reputation as a reliable and solidly made car with a seemingly immortal engine and a good ride, plus ponderous handling and performance best described as relentless The Phase II Vanguard arrived in 1953 with a more conventional three box shape, a bit more power and a wider track and wider wheels and tyres to improve the roadholding Three years later, still with a reputation for being a dependable but unexciting sort of car, the original Vanguard was replaced by a new unibody version Appropriately enough, Vanguard prices have never been given to extravagance or rapid movements Values have crept up over the past five years in line with the general market Phase IIs can currently be picked up in fine condition for £2000 £3000, with only exceptionally original or fully restored cars fetching up to £5000 Phase Is, especially those with the original front end before it was facelifted, can be yours for £3000 £5000 in average condition
The 1940s saw British car makers scrambling to fill the pent up demand for new cars. Not all the high hopes worked out, as these three overlooked examples show For enthusiasts, not the investor
SINGER SM1500 / HUNTER (1948 1956) Singer had been Britain’s third largest car maker in 1928, but outdated, undersized factories and a lack of capital hampered it as Austin, Morris and Ford moved into true mass production of all steel cars Despite the likes of its Nine, Bantam and Roadster being technically impressive, Singer couldn’t make them in competitive volumes or at competitive costs and the same problems blighted Singer’s big hope for the post war era, the SM1500 sell in each case Conversely, a low mileage, recommissioned and resprayed early Phase I sold four years ago for just over £10,000 Similar prices apply to the rare Australian made ‘ute’ pick up versions when they appear on these shores
Fantastic and affordable A true rarity today
12 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk Have you bought one of these recently? Tell us about it! Send an email to ccb ed@kelsey co uk You can join the debate online too at: www facebook com/ClassicCarBuyer and: @ClassicBuyer on Twitter!
TRENDS Forgotten ’50s Saloons
It’s worth noting that the same facelifted Phase I in very good condition has appeared at three auctions this year with an estimate of £8500 and failed to which coupled with a rushed development process meant that the cars were plagued by engine and transmission problems When Ford bought out Jowett’s body supplier, the company entered a cashflow crisis and was forced to close after 23,000 Javelins had been produced Javelin values have been remarkably stable over the past five years, perhaps indicating that these cars have not found significant appeal outside their particular enthusiast base For such a capable and technically interesting car, average values of £4000 £6000 for a good or even very good example seem remarkably low (imagine if this was a Lancia ), although freshly restored examples have broken the £8000 mark at auction within the past 12 months
JOWETT JAVELIN (1947 1953) Few cars suffered from the whims of fate more than the Javelin, with Jowett seeing strong demand for cars in the post war period as a chance to enter the big league Ex Morris engineer Gerald Palmer penned them an advanced mid size saloon that was best thought of as an executive car 20 years ahead of its time Smooth aerodynamic styling, semi integral construction and a curved one piece windscreen were distinctive features So was the flat four engine slung ahead of both the front wheels and its own radiator, torsion bars with telescopic dampers on all four wheels, a four link rear axle, and gear and pinion steering The Javelin was praised for its spritely performance, keen grip, sweet handling, light controls and high comfort levels Unfortunately though, the advanced engineering and production volumes were far beyond Jowett’s experience, Sitting on a derivative of a pre war chassis, the SM1500 also reused Singer’s distinctive OHC engine, while independent front suspension was licensed from Packard (incurring royalty fees) The styling was, to say the least, eye catching as presented, the car had an almost square front end, slab sides, and low set headlamps with a small chrome grille leaving lots of unador ned paintwork Spacious, comfortable and reliable, the SM1500 was blighted by extremely heavy controls, an almost unworkable gearchange and those challenging looks, all while costing more than its main rivals A facelift in 1952 improved the looks but not the rest of the Singer’s prospects In 1954 the car was relaunched as the Hunter with a glassfibre bonnet incorporating a conventional grille Laden with debts, Singer reached the end of the road in 1956 and was acquired by Rootes SM1500s and Hunters are both extremely rare today, and appearances for sale either in the classifieds or at auction are so infrequent that it’s hard to discer n clear trends Four years ago, an original pre facelift SM1500 in previously restored condition auctioned for £3105, while last year a similar car sold in Sweden (a rare export model) for the equivalent of £3228


The Beetle had so many specification changes over the years that it makes for confusing reading So, which version now offers the best value to today’s classic car enthusiast? If the emphasis is on affordability, there’s little to touch the Beetle 1200 of 1967 78, the entry level model that offers all the Beetle advantages in the most affordable package Or if you fancy a version with a bit more on offer, why not opt for the Beetle 1500 of 1966 70, one of the nicest to drive thanks to its extra power (44bhp), improved performance, front disc brakes for the first time and a smoother ride than most other Beetles
Whichever type of Beetle you’re looking at, find as original an example as possible
Not every rear-engined car has been a smash hit, but the six featured here all proved popular – and all these years later, are undisputed classics in their own right y tart bestselling rear engined car, the legendary VW’s appeal continues to grow, its role as a reliable, sensible and entertaining classic being as relevant today as ever Even better, this is a machine that appeals across the generations, from the beach loving 20 year old surf dude to his eminently practical grandfather Production of the original Beetle began soon after the end of the Second World War, although it was understandably a further eight years before official imports of this German built family car arrived in Britain, its air cooled engine and deliberately utilitarian spec making it ideal for any buyers who appreciated no frills dependability It went on to become the world’s most successful car, helping Germany on its way to post war prosperity in the process
Rear engined cars were still being made in healthy numbers in the 1950s and ’60s, although Ford, BMC and most other major makers ignored any temptation to join that particular sector, preferring to leave such antics to Volkswagen, Renault, Fiat, NSU, Rootes and a handful of others It’s perhaps why the prospect of owning a rear engined classic can be seen as almost ‘oddball’ nowadays, despite the cult following enjoyed by models like the VW Beetle and Fiat 500 Nevertheless, there are some advantages to having your classic’s engine bringing up the rear For a start, many rear engined motors are air cooled, which means an end to overheating hassles, burst radiators and winter trips to Halfords to buy yet more antifreeze Many rear engined cars are also pretty simple and straightforward in their technology, which means home maintenance and DIY repairs are a realistic prospect for most of us And last but certainly not least is the fact that rear engined cars so often have a certain character and fun appeal that’s arguably lacking from plenty of more conventional models Why though, did rear engined cars come about in the first place? One of the main advantages was the cost of production Think back to the 1930s, when development of a new people’s car was well under way in Germany, designed to provide personal transport to the masses What was to become known as the Volkswagen had to be ultra simple and basic, produced down to a price. And so a rear mounted engine seemed logical, and an air cooled one at that It was an uncomplicated flat four design, needed no radiator and didn’t require a lengthy propshaft to mate it to the back axle It would be easy and cheap to build For motorists too, a rear engined layout had its plus points, including often generous boot space at the front end Rootes boasted about the Hillman Imp’s “extra compartment under the front bonnet, because the engine’s at the rear” And having the weight of the engine over the driven wheels also brought advantages in harsh winter conditions; the sight of a Volkswagen stuck in snow in the 1960s was a rare one By the middle of the following decade, rear engined cars were fast becoming a thing of the past The Beetle was still around, but its popularity had waned; the Hillman Imp was shortly to be replaced by the Chrysler Sunbeam; and the Fiat 126 remained but was usurped by the front engined 127 in the popularity stakes On today’s classic scene, however, there’s no shortage of rear engined temptations including these all time favourites VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE (1945-2003) It would be churlish to start this section with any model other than the Beetle By far the and check for chassis rot, rust in all the outer panels, poor quality glassfibre replacement wings and weak running boards Buy a sound one, however, and you’ll soon be enjoying one of classic motoring’s ultimate legends FIAT 500 (1957 1975) It’s an astonishing 65 years now since Fiat’s ‘Nuova’ 500 bounced onto Europe’s motoring scene, complementing the bigger 600 of 1955 on and sharing the same rear engined layout as well as not dissimilar styling The 500 was, however, much more diminutive thanks to an overall length of just a shade under ten feet It was also as you’d expect rather less powerful, its 479cc (later upgraded to Paul Guinness Editor
14 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
Bringing Up the Rear

Launched in 1956 and running for more than ten years, the Dauphine was a huge success for Renault, with well over two million sold It was even a relatively popular import in Britain, at a time when foreign cars held only a tiny share of the market, although its swing axle rear end led to some interesting handling characteristics despite fitment of an anti roll bar as standard Performance from its 845cc four cylinder water cooled engine was lively enough, while on board the Dauphine offered space for a family of four with ease Anyone who , 7
During a production run that lasted until well into the ’70s, the Fiat 500 received various upgrades and minor power increases, but at no time was it in danger of losing its character, its charm or its utilitarian appeal This was a basic machine in the extreme, and yet it’s still seen as one of the chicest modes of urban transport in the world Like so many utilitarian offerings (not least our own Mini), it didn’t take long for the 500 to come to the attention of fans of modified cars The official Abarth conversions of the 1960s were the ultimate examples of this art, with heavily modified 500s entertaining the crowds by screaming their way around the racetracks of Europe But even away from the Abarth tuning house, enthusiasts couldn’t get enough of Fiat 500 mods, and it didn’t take long for a virtual industry to be based around Turin’s most unlikely hero. These days, a big proportion of classic 500s have been treated to the simplest form of extra power, which is to fit the 652cc engine and transmission from an air cooled Fiat 126 a relatively straightforward conversion and well worthwhile if originality isn’t your top priority Then just fold back the sunroof, put your foot to the floor and go and have fun HILLMAN IMP (1963 1976) To say Rootes Group’s all new rival to the Mini went against the latest trends of the time would be an understatement, its rear engined layout being a surprise to many The engine itself, however, was a joy an all alloy 875cc unit developing 37bhp in standard form and up to 51bhp in subsequent twin carb guises, linked to a pretty slick four speed manual gearbox
Renault had already enjoyed success in the rear engined saloon market prior to the Dauphine, with its 4CV predecessor of 1947 sharing the same layout The Dauphine brought the concept more up to date, however, combining moder n and attractive styling with a pleasing driving style
Back in 1962, Renault boasted that the Dauphine was ‘the car that’s ALL car’ The French maker even went on to claim that the Dauphine was ‘the sparkling car with the bright steel reputation’ a rather ironic statement, given the Dauphine’s later reputation for premature rusting Survivors are a rare sight in the UK these days, although around £8000 £12,000 should be enough to secure an excellent example that’s ready to enjoy were generally pretty well sorted in the end Keep any Imp engine well maintained and regularly serviced and you should have few problems these days. In addition, your Imp will prove to be a highly entertaining classic, whether purely for summer show work or even as everyday transport; this is a small car with big capabilities The Imp was always overshadowed by the Mini, but that didn’t stop it remaining in production right through to 1976, by which time more than 440,000 had found buyers These days it’s an affordable and hugely entertaining rear engined classic, and one that deserves serious consideration
Even better, Britain’s amateur race and rally fans soon got to hear how easily this fabulous engine could be tuned and uprated, giving the Imp quite a reputation in competitive circles
Classic Car Buyer 15Sell your car for free at: www carandclassic co ukAugust 31 2022 499cc) two cylinder air cooled motor starting off in life with a meagre 13bhp Still, that didn’t stop the 500 from being an eager little performer relatively speaking Okay, its on paper performance figures were only marginally faster than a sloth’s, but that wasn’t the point The little bambino thrived on high revs and hard work, and even with four adults on board (for which there was a surprising amount of room given its exter nal dimensions) the 500 felt surprisingly nippy round town This was aided by phenomenal manoeuvrability, its sharp steering and tiny tur ning circle making it ideal for the busy streets of Rome and Milan
Just like BMC, Rootes wasn’t afraid to exploit badge engineering, which is why Hillman, Singer and Sunbeam versions of the Imp saloon were produced over the years, along with coupe, estate and (Commer) van models Most desirable are arguably the Sunbeam Imp Sport and Sunbeam Stiletto, the latter combining the coupe’s fastback styling with the Sport’s twin carb motor And with just 10,000 made of each, these are also among the rarest versions on today’s scene Imp reliability and build quality went through various ups and downs during the model’s 13 years in production, but things craved a touch more power, meanwhile, could opt for the Gordini version British advertising of the Dauphine focused on its all round practicality

The wilder Porsche 935, a more highly tuned car in FIA Group 5 and created from the 2 1 litre RSR Turbo of 1974, was campaigned in ’76 by the factory, winning Le Mans three years later been scrapped, making any decent Estelle an unusual sight now and values are heading upwards as a result So, what do you get for your money? If it’s a later model (which it’s likely to be), you’ll find the Estelle a willing little performer, with acceptable handling thanks to its various suspension mods deemed necessary from 1979, after the British motoring press suggested the Estelle was dangerous when cor nering at speed You also get plenty of room for a family of four, a large boot up front, comfortable seats, an impressively smooth ride and usefully affordable running costs thanks to decent economy and cheap parts
16 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
SKODA ESTELLE & RAPID (1976 1990) If, as the saying goes, every dog has its day, the once derided Skoda Estelle’s time really has come Those of us who were around back then will recall how the Estelle was once laughed at by all but those in the know And that’s why 30 odd years ago, it was possible to pick up a tatty but MoT’d example for less than fifty quid But times have changed, and it’s now not unusual to see a genuinely excellent Estelle or its two door coupe sibling, the Rapid selling for £3000 £5000 What’s changed? For starters, Skoda’s image has; no longer is this a brand that’s the laughing stock of Europe But there’s more to it than that Thanks to neglect and the kind of low values that previously made any restoration work economically unviable, the Estelle has become one of those cars that you don’t still see in every town The worst examples have long since
The sales success of the 911 Turbo meant that it qualified for FIA Group 4 competition by 1976, with a number of examples participating in Le Mans and other races including some epic battles with the BMW 3 0 CSL ‘Batmobile’
PORSCHE 911 TURBO (1975 1989) At the opposite end of the market to the other rear engined classics featured here is, of course, Porsche’s long running 911 But for the ultimate thrills, we need to look to the 911 Turbo the fastest, most exciting car ever to feature a rear mounted motor Originally launched in 1975, the 911 Turbo quickly became a supercar icon, a reputation it still holds today Even the earliest versions were pushing out 260bhp when new, boasting top speeds in excess of 150mph and all from a 3.0 litre flat six air cooled engine mounted behind the back axle
All Estelles were four door saloons, all coming with a tried and trusted water cooled four cylinder engine, in sizes ranging from 1046cc to 1289cc
The Turbo was the most powerful 911 the world had seen, which meant some rather hairy moments when piloted by the inexperienced By 1977, it was boasting a 3 3 litre powerplant (still attached to only four gears) and a monstrous 300bhp Headline grabbing figures like a 160mph top speed and 0 100mph time of just twelve seconds helped ensure the 911 Turbo’s reputation was set in stone: this was a supercar for the serious enthusiast
The Rapid, which arrived in 1984, was essentially a two door fastback version, replacing the old S110R and sharing the same rear engined layout Known as the Rapid 130 thanks to its 1 3 litre powerplant (developing 58bhp initially, rising to 62bhp on later fuel injected models), the sporty Skoda was joined by a convertible version in 1985, badged as the Rapid Cabriolet and converted here in the UK by specialists LDD Ltd of Kent Contemporary road tests of the Rapid often likened it to a cut price Porsche 911, with jour nalists marvelling at how one of Britain’s cheapest models could be a genuinely entertaining driver’s car And all these years later, it’s lost none of its appeal
The 911 Turbo’s styling also stood out thanks its massively wide wheelarches to accommodate the equally wide tyres (50 section P7s on eight inch rear rims), while the large rear spoiler usually known as the whale tail on these early models also helped to ensure it was instantly recognisable


One of the major challe nge s whe n it c a me to re placing such an ic on a s the Be ntley Tur b o R a n d its Rolls Royc e sibling, the Silve r Spir it, wa s that of ma rque dif fe re ntiation Eve r since Bentley had tr ansfor me d its image via tur b ocha rging in the 19 8 0 s, it had be come fa r m ore than just a badge e ngine e r ing exe rcise a nd the nex t ge ne r ation had to refle c t this In the e nd, the new B e ntley A r nage a nd Rolls Royc e S ilve r S e r a p h of 19 9 8 s ha re d e s s e ntia lly the s a me b o dys he lls, with the ir radiator gr ille s a nd bonnet pre s s ings being the only m a j o r b o d y wo r k dif fe re n c e s But unde r those bonnets we re s ome re al c o ntr a s t s, de s p i te b oth c a r s fe atur ing BMW supp lie d p owe r pla nts a 5 4 litre V12 in the c a s e of the Rolls Royce, while the Be ntley sp o r te d a 4 4 litre t win tur b o V8 T he s a me ye a r s aw a c ha nge of owne r s hip fo r Rolls Royce Moto r s, with Volkswage n ac quir ing Be ntley a s well 20 01 launch of the ex te nde d whe e lba s e RL (9 8 inche s longe r tha n the s tanda rd mo del ), b r inging with it a rewor k ing of the L S e r ie s V8 now fe aturing Bosch e ngine m a nage me nt a n d t win G a r ret t T3 tu rbocha rge r s in place of the single T4 T he A r nage R (to replace the Re d L abel) a nd more powe r ful A r nage T a r r ive d in 20 02, e mploying the s a me update d e ngine but with the T tune d to produce 450 b hp to the R’s 3 9 9 b hp Fur the r update s c a me in 20 07, whe n the tur b ocha rge r s we re again re plac e d (this time with low ine r tia Mitsubishi units) a nd six spe e d ZF auto matic transmis sion wa s intro du c e d T he e ngine’s cubic c a pacit y also marginally increase d (up from 6749 to 6761c c), p u s hing A r n a g e R a n d T ou tp u t s to 4 5 4 a n d 49 3 b hp re s p e c tive l y L imi te d e dition models also came along at va r ious p oints, inclu ding the 150 s trong Fina l S e r i e s of 20 0 8 to m a r k the e n d of A r n a g e p ro du c tio n e a r ly the following ye a r
18 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk a s maintaining Rolls Royc e p ro duc tion until the t ake ove r of that ma rque by BMW in Ja nua r y 20 0 3 T he move s aw V W re intro du cing the fo r me r B r itis h built 6 75 litre V8 (f rom the old Turbo R) in O c tob e r 19 9 9, launching it a s the A r nage Re d L abel; the BMW powe re d ver sion s t aye d in p r o d u c ti o n fo r a few m o re months, now badge d a s the A r nage G re e n L a b e l a n d s h a r in g the newl y s tre n g the n e d b o d ys h e ll dic t ate d by the ex tr a we i g ht of the Re d L a b e l’s p owe r pla nt T he A r nage we nt on to b e a long live d mo del, with V W inve sting in imp rove me nts and upgrade s a long the way S o, which ve r sion make s the mo s t te mpting bu y now ? T he re’s a n a rgume nt fo r the t win tur b o o r igina l, a s this is a n e ngine with a reputation for high mileage re liabilit y; but fo r m a ny ma rque fa n s, a Be ntley is n’t a p rop e r Be ntley unle s s it ’s got the old British built V8 unde r the b onnet A m ong the c ha nge s intro du c e d dur ing the A r nage’s 11 ye a r c a re e r wa s the
LOOK FOR BODYWORK ISSUES T he obvious advantage of buying a m ode r n cla s sic Be ntley r athe r than a n olde r example is its relative lack of r u st is sue s, although this do e s n’t me a n the A r nage is p roble m f re e T he olde st c a r s a re now 24 ye a r s old, a nd it ’s not unk nown fo r a n olde r A r nage to suf fe r f rom r u st a round the sills a nd re a r whe ela rche s, a s we ll a s in the rear suspension mount areas Watch ou t fo r sign s of bubbling pa int wor k , a nd b e su spiciou s if you spy a ny relatively fre sh looking paint in lo calise d a re a s Che ck all oute r panels fo r a ny signs of CLASSIC CAR INSURANCE EXPERTS… SPEC IALIST CAR INSUR ANC E WITH YOU IN MIND

TRIM & INTERIOR A lthough the inte r ior s of the se c a r s a re up to tr aditional Be ntley s t a nda rds (a side from some disappointing ex BMW plastic switche s), this doe sn’t mea n they’re immune f r o m we a r a n d te a r a n d tha t ’s w h e n se riously large bills can a rise Make sure that the high grade le athe r u se d by Be ntley is fre e of damage, with no cracks or splits to spoil the ove rall c ondition A nd the s a me goe s fo r the wood ve ne e r use d throughout, which should be in excelle nt c ondition a nd showing no sign s of c r acks o r de la mination You should c a refully che ck the c ondition of the c a r p ets ( including in the boot) a s we a r isn’t unk nown on high mileage example s, and also examine the headlining for damage and signs of s ag ging C e r t a in u se d tr im will b e ava ilable f rom spe cialists like Flying Spa re s if you’re tr ying to ke e p costs down
r y gre atly, s t a r ting f rom a s lit tle a s £15,0 0 0 fo r a BMW e ngine d m o de l with a six figure mileage, while close r to £ 20,0 0 0 should find you one that ’s s e e n le s s LANCASTER INSURANCE IN ASSOCIATION WITH BU Y I NG GU I DE EV SAYS... A ndrew Evanson Senior O p erations M a na g e r at L anc a ster I n surance S e r vi ce s , s ays: “Any Arnage provides a special ownership experience, although the canny buyer will consider only a cherished example with a fully detailed histor y.” FOR OVER 35 YEARS SPEC IALIST CAR INSUR ANC E WITH YOU IN MIND Quotation supplied by Lancaster Insurance Web: lancasterinsurance.co.uk Tel: 01480 809176 INSURANCE QUOTE 2000 Bentley Arnage Red Label, worth £28,000 Standard quote: £180 00, or £198 00 with Agreed Value Quote based on a 45 year old marketing manager, access to another car, no claims or convictions, club member, 3000 miles per year, no modifications, living in SP2 0HL Disclaimer: Policy benefits, features and discounts offered may vary between insurance schemes or cover selected and are subject to underwriting criteria An additional premium may be payable use a nd has a c omplete se r vice histor y Re d L a b e l c a r s (ge n e r a lly s e e n a s mo re de s ir a b l e by Be ntley aficionados) sta r t p r ic e wise in the high te e ns, while £ 20,0 0 0 £ 25,0 0 0 should fin d you a we ll m a int a ine d exa mple in go o d to excelle nt c ondition T he late r your A r nage, the more you’ll b e expe c te d to pay for it which explains why a c a r from 20 07 or ’0 8 that ’s se e n ve r y lit tle u s e might c a r r y a p r ic e t ag of £50,0 0 0, while £ 25,0 0 0 £3 0,0 0 0 c ould buy you a n A r nage R o r T f rom a round 20 0 4 with 50,0 0 0 6 0,0 0 0 mile s unde r its whe els
If the c a r you’re te s ting fe els a s thou gh it ’s rolling and p itching at spe e d, you can a s sume the re a re p rob le m s with the su sp e nsion, the s te e r ing o r b oth T he b r a ke s have to wo r k ha rd to br ing such a hef t y c a r to a halt, so che ck the state of the disc s a nd pads to e nsure you’re not face d with an imme diate bill a s a s et of f ront dis c s a nd pads will set you back more tha n £50 0, plus the c o st of labour A side from normal we a r, make sure the disc s a re n’t c o r rode d or wa r p e d, the lat te r b eing obvious via ste e ring judde r whe n braking from moto r way like sp e e ds
Classic Car Buyer 19Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukAugust 31 2022 T he 3 49 b hp BMW V8 u se d in the e a r lie s t A r nage m o de ls is a re lia ble a nd robu s t unit, though it relie s on the health of its t win tu r b ocha rge r s fo r a ll that powe r Be ntley purists favour the British built L S e r ie s V8 reintro du c e d for the 20 0 0 mo de l ye a r, which means a BMW powe re d ve r sion can of fe r great value now T he update d L Se rie s unde r we nt major change s during the life of the A r nage, to such an ex te nt that vir tually nothing is inte rchangeable bet we e n a Re d L abel’s e ngine a nd a late r mo del Ea rly example s in pa r ticula r c a n suf fe r f rom he ad ga sket is sue s, a s John Tupp e r, ma naging dire c to r of m a rque sp e cia lis t Intro Ca r, explains: “A big p rob le m with the 6 75 litre V8 is that the he ad ga skets te nd to fail at b et we e n 6 0,0 0 0 a nd 8 0,0 0 0 mile s A lot ha s to c ome out of the e ngine bay to do the job, a nd s o you’ll b e lo ok ing at £4 50 0 £50 0 0 in tot al If you’re looking at one, a sk whethe r this wor k ha s b e e n c a r r ie d ou t ” Inte r nal c or rosion is rare, although it’s not unk nown for ove r he ating to be c ause d by snappe d fan belts or leaking hose s Make sure you liste n out for ‘k nocking’ pistons, a sign that the e ngine ha s p reviou sly ove r heate d Whicheve r ZF automatic gea r box (five or six spe e d ) is fit te d, it s hould again b e trouble f re e whe n m a int a ine d we ll Ca r r y ou t the u sual c he cks, mak ing sure that it doe s n’t jump out of ge a r, that the cha nge s up a nd down the ’b ox a re fa s t a nd s mo oth, a nd that the k ickdown facilit y works p e r fe c tly during accele r ation R UNNING GEAR A s with a ny c a r wei g hing th e b e s t pa r t of t wo and a half tonnes, the suspension and b rake s of the A r nage have a tough time Che ck for a ny undue clonks a nd k nocks from the adaptive suspension, a nd make sure the car doe sn’t ‘wa llow’ exc e s sively whe n c or ne r ing T he A r nage c a me with fir me r suspe nsion set tings than its Silve r Se raph c ousin, e nsur ing it wa s mo re of a dr ive r’s c a r, a nd it rippling, and m ake sure that they line up p e r fe c tly with ne at shu t line s a nd no ‘p rou d’ a re a s Re plac e me nt pa ne ls a re n’t che a p b u t they a re at lea st available, with new front wing s c o s ting £120 0 plu s e ach a nd sills a round £50 0 T he blunt front e nd of the A r nage c an le ad to damage from road debris, so be on the lookout for stone c hips and damage to the radiator grille A nd che ck a ll four corne r s for b um p e r s c r a p e s or si g n s of re s p r ay in g, a s th e she e r bulk of the A r nage make s it vulne r able to damage ENGINE & TRANSMISSION
Make sure the A r nage you’re lo oking at c ome s with a det aile d s e r vic e histor y s howing re gular maintenance via main dealer s or ma rque sp e cialists. Low pr ice d c a r s that lack evidence of on time se r vicing will be more dif ficult to sell on at a late r date Naturally, you’ll wa nt to maintain your c ar’s se r vice histor y, s o make sure you c a n af ford the r unning c o s ts of a n A r nage b efo re you t a ke the plunge should still fe el reas suringly t aut when worke d ha rd
A r nage va lue s va



TECH SPEC VW GOLF GLI CABRIOLET ENGINE: 1781cc, 4 cyl POWER: 110bhp TOP SPEED: 108mph 0 60MPH: 9 8 secs ECONOMY: 37 7mpg GEARBOX: 5 spd, man BUY ONE FOR:£7000 £12,000
lots of modified examples about too, so if you want to put your personal stamp on a Golf, you needn’t worry about changing an original one buy a pre modified example and adapt it to your personal tastes
There are
It seems hard to think of the Mk1 Golf Cabriolet as a 50 year old concept, but it’s not so far off The idea dates back to 1976 when it was presented to Volkswagen management by coachbuilder Karmann, which had previously developed and was still making the Beetle Cabriolet Karmann’s original proposal featured concealed hood stowage and no fixed frames, but by its launch in 1979 it sported a simpler and more cost efficient hood that piled up on the back deck and gained a roll over hoop in the name of safety While it wasn’t specifically targeted as a replacement for the Beetle Cabriolet, the two only overlapped for 11 months and the latter was discontinued when it became obvious that the Golf was going to sell well The loss of the Beetle led to a funeral procession of enthusiasts in Wolfsburg, but VW mindful of the PR opportunity embraced this, organising refreshments and arranging for the spokesman of the Beetle enthusiast community to take a test drive in the Golf He was so impressed by its refinement in comparison, he was won over and inspired thousands of Beetle Sam Skelton Contributor enthusiasts to jump ship to the new model Top of the range was the GLI, a GTI in all but name, though targeted at more relaxed drivers When the original Golf was replaced by the updated Mk2 in 1983, it was felt that the expense of developing a new convertible was too great given how well the original was still selling So the Golf Cabriolet was given a light refresh, some new models and trims, and an official GTI was finally added to the range Production would eventually end in 1993 with the launch of the Mk3 Golf Cabriolet So, why do you want the Golf and why has the Golf Cabriolet been touted as a future classic since the 1990s? Because they’ll do 200,000 miles without blinking and will average 30mpg, making them viable everyday options They look sharp and they’ve never lost their street cred Also, the Volkswagen scene is thriving, with lots of interest in the Mk1 Cabrio; prices can only go one way, there are plenty of people happy to help with problems, and you’ll get a warm welcome when you want to show it off Mk1 Golf ownership has become a 1980s cliché for a good reason: it’s about as easy as it gets And remember, the 1980s are back in fashion right now, with events such as RADwood and the Festival of the Unexceptional giving prominence to a once forgotten automotive era One of the decade’s more attainable poster children has never made more sense as a classic buy
Clicking CV joints and wor n dampers are about the worst mechanical issues a Golf can throw at you, and should you need to indulge in any more serious repair work, just remember it’s a classic Volkswagen the Dub scene means that pretty much anything you need is available off the shelf That five layer hood might not be cheap to replace but it’s snug and replacements are available if you know where to go If not, any decent trimmer can make a hood It’s also worth checking for rust in the sills, screen frame and A posts, while the plastic body kits of late models can trap mud and water, so it’s worth looking behind them if you can If you want a sensible, practical, fun filled four seater family convertible, there are few choices that beat the Golf Cabriolet Its popularity is built upon easy spares, a thriving club scene and a faultless image, while its success sparked a rebirth in the concept of family friendly open saloons such as the Escort, Astra and 205 convertibles While we’d hesitate to call it an inflation buster quite yet, such a Golf also represents a much more fun retur n on your savings than the annual piece of paper from the bank telling you your money has ear ned next to no interest
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The Golf Cabriolet remains affordable too, with the very best selling for £10,000 £13,000 (making them a better value buy than the GTI hatchback), while decent cars are available for substantially less Late models came with a Mk2 aping body kit, but the cleaner lines of the early cars are considered more attractive by collectors

Classic Car Buyer 23Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukAugust 31 2022
cyl POWER:
FORD ESCORT Mk3 As with the hot hatch market, Ford was the producer of the Golf ’s most serious rival in the family convertible sector The Mk3 Escort Cabriolet might not have had the same cachet as the Golf, but it offered good value and a wide range that could complement the VW’s offerings perfectly Those who lived in Chelsea drove Golfs, but those who lived in Chelmsford had Escorts PEUGEOT 205 The soft top Peugeot is undoubtedly the prettiest of the three cars on these pages, but perhaps that’s unsurprising Unlike the German designed VW and Ford, this is a Franco Italian hybrid; a French hatchback that was styled by Pininfarina The French popularised the guillotine, so perhaps it’s no surprise that when they tur ned the Mk3 CABRIOLET 0 9 SPEC 205 CTI 1580cc, 4 103bhp TOP 115mph 0-60MPH: 10 1 ECONOMY: 34 5mpg 5 man ONE FOR: £4000 £9000
The ‘Essex hairdresser’ image was by far the worst thing about the Escort Cabriolet It was well styled and engineered to the same fundamental formula as the Golf, again courtesy of Karmann, which meant a roll over hoop and a visible stowed hood, albeit with a more convincing notchback rear than the somewhat curtailed rump of the Golf Top of the tree was the 1 6i (like the Golf, Ford initially chose to reserve its hot hatch branding for the hatchback models), a version that was an XR3i in all but name, complete with cloverleaf alloys and colour coded bumpers So, why choose a Mk3 Escort now? Maybe you have fond memories of them in period especially in all white with white wheels or maybe you simply want a four seater convertible for which there’s a strong element of marque support Whether it’s standard or modified, you can get hold of almost anything for almost any family friendly Ford, and the Escort Cabriolet is no exception to the rule And even if you’re not a member of the local Ford scene, you won’t be able to take your car to a meet or a show without someone reminiscing about their Escort, or a member of the local club inviting you to the next get together Fords unite people in old age, and the Blue Oval enjoys the ardour of more enthusiasts than any other marque Facelifted to become the Mk4 in 1986, true Mk3s are rare although the Mk4 is effectively only a facelift, with new bumpers, wheels and trim These are also slightly cheaper given the rarity of the Mk3 While an early 1 6i Cabriolet is undoubtedly the most collectable, later XR3i models with two tone paint and Cosworth aping wheels are far more common and it’ll be easier to find a solid and unmolested example At around £7500 for the best, it’s a great value alter native to the Golf; but given the alarming prices many old Fords seem to make, we’d suggest they can’t stay this affordable for long It could be the best investment of the bunch blade on their cars, the result was some of the best proportioned convertibles ever produced The dinky little Pug is one of them not an inch wasted
ENGINE: 1597cc, 4 cyl POWER: 104bhp TOP SPEED: 116mph
7 secs ECONOMY: 35 4mpg GEARBOX: 5 spd, man BUY ONE FOR: £5000 £8000 TECH
1 6i
The 205 was produced in three specifications: CJ, CT and CTI, the latter being effectively a 205 GTI 1 6 without a roof Later models even got the 1 9 litre engine from the 205GTi 1 9, although a humble 1 4 CJ offers almost all the same entertainment value (if not ultimate performance) without the painful purchase cost or insurance premiums Old Peugeots are, as a rule, great to drive, and the 205 Cabriolet is no exception; any 205’s chassis is more akin to that of a sports car than a shopping trolley They cor ner sharply and will cock a wheel if you let them CJs are tamer owing to the lower power output, but they still flow beautifully from bend to bend It might be the smallest car here but there’s still 2+2 accommodation at worst for adults, and enough boot space for a week’s shopping Bank on 40mpg from a CJ and about 30 35 from a CTI if driven sensibly, and classic insurance will also be cheap enough Although these cars were pricy new, they’re good value today. Bank on paying around £4500 for a nice CJ, and up to £8500 for a CTI 1 9 Make sure the cambelt has been changed if it’s an XU engined car, whether 1 6 or 1 9; the recommended interval is every 36,000 miles, and if it lets go that’s the end of your engine Even though they feel a bit cheap and good trim is getting ever harder to find, 205s will go on forever with the right care; the odds are that a cabrio will have had far more caring owners than the average hatchback, GTI or otherwise It’s well worth joining the Peugeot Sport Club UK if you buy one, as it’s filled with enthusiasts who can not only offer help but also spare parts. Unlike the Ford or VW, the aftermarket Peugeot scene is relatively small, but that rarity means you’ll tur n even more heads at any local show

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Alit t le later t han many of the Clas si c S c enes we p u b li s h i s t h i s s h ot of Lor d S tre et, Li ver p o o l, t ake n o n Janu ar y 6, 19 8 8 o ne of t ho se wet and rather d e pres sing winter d ays ( ju d g ing by the u mbrell a s an d r a in co ats) t hat m os t of u s l o ath e St ill, the vehic les ad d p lent y of ex tra interest In the far d i st an c e we c an just ab out make out a Vo lvo 3 0 0 ser ies, the only private c ar in s hot The other vehic les are all c o mmer c ial, inc luding the inevitable F X4 t a xi, ahead of whic h is a Renault Trafi c the front wheel drive panel van that laun c he d in 19 8 0 and was eventually also sold in the UK as the Vauxhall Arena In front of t hat i s a Leyland At lantean d ouble d e c ker bus (almost c er t ainly with East L an c s b o d y wor k), w hile par ke d o u t s i d e B H S o n t h e ot h er s i d e of t h e ro ad i s an A re g B e d for d CF last t a xe d in 19 9 2, ac c or d ing to the DVL A C C B Wo r d s: Paul Guinness I m a g e: Get t y

26 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
MODEL OVERVIEW MG’s latter day chief engineer, Don Hayter, was well aware of the importance of a 2+2 coupe following his work at Aston Martin Final design tweaks by Pininfarina eventually got the ’B GT over the line with an innovative rear hatch combining rakish looks with family friendly practicality Upon launch in 1965, the ’B GT incorporated a stronger, five bearing iteration of BMC’s venerable B Series engine; upped to 1 8 litres for the ’B roadster released three years earlier, failures at the Sebring 24 Hours saw BMC strengthen the crankshaft Updates to the GT ran concurrently with the roadsters, with a standard fit heater added for the Mk2 cars (1967 71), which gained a stronger, all synchromesh gearbox and creeping safety updates that gradually added weight A facelift in 1970 brought bold new colours and a Mustang style inset black grille; the latter was so controversial, it was undone in 1973 when the original style retur ned, albeit with a black honeycomb grille inside the chrome surround Bigger changes came in 1974 when all MGBs received the polyurethane clad impact bumpers and raised suspension to comply with Federal safety regulations More weight and higher, softer springs did little for the MGB GT’s performance or handling, but the latter was mostly restored in 1977 when revised springs and standard fit anti roll bars at both ends were introduced, along with a moder nised dashboard Production of both the GT and the roadster ended in the autumn of 1980, with over 125,000 GTs made in total PARTS AVAILABILITY
The MGB GT is one of the easiest classics to maintain, with a staggeringly good parts catalogue available from key suppliers Moss Europe, the MGB Hive, Brown & Gammons, to name but a few Club support is also second to none; the MG Owners’ Club even has its own workshops to help keep members’ cars on the road Crucial tooling was also kept by the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust, meaning any bodyshell built from 1967 onwards can be made new; at present, unibodies for all ’Bs are on backorder
TECH SPEC MGB GT PRODUCED FROM: 1965 1980 ENGINE: 1798cc, 4 cyl POWER: 95bhp TOP SPEED: 105mph 0 60MPH: 12 9 secs ECONOMY: 25 28mpg BUY ONE FOR: £5000 £10,000
Familiarity breeds contempt but in the case of the MGB GT, the backlash is unwarranted
Handily sized, well proportioned and eminently practical, your next ’B GT can be anything from a high days and holidays historic to a hard charging track machine From its release in 1965, it was all things to all people and would never leave them caught out struggling to raise a hood in the pouring rain Blessed with a strong survival rate and an affordable marketplace, the ’B GT remains one of the most sensible and well Jon Burgess Contributor catered for classics you can buy A long legacy means that spares are cheap, and cars are easily upgraded if that’s what’s required

LOOKING AFTER IT European classics tend to need two sets of toolkits, but not the MGB GT, which was conceived, designed and built in the age of AF Imperial A decent socket and spanner set will see you right Running an MGB means keeping a close eye on the coolant temperature and oil pressure gauges; for the latter, 10psi at idle when the engine is fully warmed, and at least 50psi at 3000rpm is desirable Like the roadsters, sill condition is key to a long lived ’B GT Cars used in all weathers eventually bubble up where the wings meet the sill if left to their own devices; regular inspection of this area, the floors and rear leaf spring hangers will save tears (and expense) in the end Keep an eye on windscreen seals, too these can cause havoc if they start letting water onto the floorpan Until recently, these were unavailable, but Doncaster based Mech Spec has begun making them again The 1 8 litre B Series is hardy enough to take a fair bit of neglect, but don’t push your luck Stick to 3000 mile service intervals and you’ll be fine; given the MGB GT’s origins, a full service kit (comprising 20W/50 engine oil, a fan belt, carburettor damping oil, ignition components, gaskets, filters and spark plugs) can be bought for under £60 with an MG Owners’ Club membership deal Gearboxes and optional overdrives don’t give too much hassle, either Most ’B GTs unless you’ve bought an immaculately preserved Mk1 will have a later, all synchromesh gearbox that came in from October 1967 with the launch of the Mk2 cars (mechanically, many examples are ‘Trigger’s Brooms’) Cones can begin to give way between second and third and can be run down if a previous owner accidentally selected reverse instead of second (they’re tightly spaced with no lockout)
That’s in the worst case scenario, however; buying small body parts is rather easier While engines and gearboxes are no longer remanufactured, secondhand cores are available through specialists and can be rebuilt to any spec from standard to ‘fast road’
The sky really is the limit with the ’B GT Given a long enough timeline and budget, Alex is considering fuel injection (while staying away from E10 petrol) and further tweaks to his new engine CCB e r c a r ; a n d i t i n c o r p o r a t e s t h e m e c h a n i c a l a n d e l e c t r i c a l u p g r a d e s o f t h e l a t e 1 9 6 0 s w i t h o u t b e i n g f ro m t h e e r a w h e n b u i l d q u a l i t y re a l l y b e g a n t o b e c o m e e r r a t i c T h e m a r k e t d o e s n ’t v a l u e t h e m a s h i g h l y as an e a r l y c a r, a n d yo u c a n s t i l l c u s t o m i s e as l i t t l e o r a s m u c h a s y o u l i k e . I f p r i c e re a l l y i s y o u r t o p p r i o r i t y, h o w e v e r, w e w o u l d n ’t d i s m i s s t h e r u b b e r b u m p e r e r a e i t h e r.
Like its roadster counterpart, the MGB GT is something of a blank canvas, offering solid driving dynamics with reasonable performance Disc brakes and all synchromesh gearboxes allow newcomers to easily adapt to the driving experience; once stopping distances are lengthened and you familiarise yourself with the relative weight of the steering compared to a moder n car, a ’B GT is a friendly companion They’re easy to drive, too The B Series engine’s torque peaks early in the rev range, and visibility between the long bonnet and stubby rear tail is good. You’re tightly packed in, however, and accommodation for people in the back is cramped The GT really is a 2+2 Better then, that you think of the GT as a two seater with a big boot Considered that way, the GT’s main asset is its practicality; small it may be, but a hatchback tailgate and a folding rear seat make for a surprisingly capacious vehicle Owner Alex Singleton made the most of his 1969 ’B GT (his third after two rubber bumper GTs) having packed enough for a honeymoon tour of Scotland It was the acid test for a car he’d owned since 2014: unlike some, who buy mechanically strong rolling restoration projects with poor bodywork, Alex’s car was the other way around Its previous owner had revived the shell to a high standard but hadn’t got round to the engine, which went the distance in Scotland but has since been replaced with a stronger 1850cc unit Alex’s main concer n was making sure the car was reliable and visible. To that end, his ’B GT has an electronic distributor and ignition, and was completely rewired over time to make the most of new LED lighting regulations that apply to pre 1985 classics “Yes, it’s a bit of a cheat but you end up with a car you can rely on,” says Alex, who strongly recommends an electrical overhaul for any ’B GT purchased for the long term Early in his ownership, a broken ignition wire saw his car grind to a halt on the North Circular: “Wiring is par for the course”, he admits “Much of the wiring in cars this age has done four or five decades uninterrupted and won’t be as good as it once was ” Alex’s car needed little work for a respray apart from a small spot of remedial welding: “The sills are a complex load bearing structure, for example, and fixing bodywork gets expensive That’s why I bought the car with the best bodywork I could afford ” Other tweaks to Alex’s GT include the centre console from a post 1972 car and a set of wider profile MGC wheels shod with Toyo tyres: “The improvement to long distance ride and handling has been considerable, limited only by the space in the rear arches,” he comments
OUR PICK OF THE RANGE C o n t ro v e r s i a l l y, w e ’ d p l u m p f o r a M k 2 ( w i t h t h e i n s e t g r i l l e ) a s a g o o d c o m p ro m i s e b e t w e e n a e s t h e t i c s a n d a ff o rd a b i l i t y. I t ’s s t i l l g o t c h ro m e b u m p e r s , m o s t o f t h e l o o k s a n d al l o f t h e g o o f a n e a r l i
Alex Singleton’s subtly tweaked MGB GT, a survivor that’s now a serious touring machine
Classic Car Buyer 27Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukAugust 31 2022



The go faster Elan offers similar acceleration to the TR6 (slightly quicker, in fact) and these days is available for a similar price (slightly more expensive on average) Otherwise, they couldn’t be more different the lightweight, high revving, sophisticated Lotus versus the thickset, all iron, back to basics Triumph.
Sales Spotlight Contact: Lawbrook Cars, Cranleigh, Surrey Tel: 01483 399006 lawbrookclassics co uk Triumph TR6 ONE TO BUY: Yea r : 1986 Pr ic e: £ 29,950 MoT: 12 months E N G I N E : 4 973 c c , V 8 P OW E R : 2 4 2 b h p TO P S PE E D : 14 0 m p h 0 6 0 M PH : 7 8 s e c s E C O N O M Y: 2 2 3 m p g G E A R B OX : 4 s p d , a u t o TECH SPEC OR MAYBE..? BMW ‘E24’ 635CSi Large, luxurious and German, but not a convertible or a V8 Nonetheless the 6 Series also boasts undeniably pretty styling that speaks of its origins as an early 1970s design, plus the ability to simply demolish long jour neys Despite being 1 5 litres
power than
There was a time when TR6s were ‘auto non grata’ in some cor ners of the classic car world because they were from the 1970s, weren’t styled by Michelotti, and had steel wheels that looked like the drum from a tumble dryer Ten years or so later, attitudes had softened but the only truly desirable TR6s were the ones that came in ‘classic’ colours like British Racing Green, red or dark blue The browns, yellows and purples that were popular in the 1970s were still out of favour But even those days are now far behind us; and not only is the TR6 one of the most coveted TRs, the ones in the boldest colours (and on steel wheels) are, if anything, more desirable
Jack G rove r Production Editor showing signs of age after that many miles, but this one was fully retrimmed as part of the recommissioning process, including the addition of blue piping and carpets Another common issue on R107s is the dash top cracking, but there are no such problems here The recommissioning also included a new radiator, thermostat and heater control valve, and a complete overhaul of the brakes. The pictures speak for the condition of the bodywork, paint and chrome in many ways, this is the ultimate R107 the chassis number reveals it was the 14th to last TR6 to come out of Canley, and since then it has covered just under 55,000 miles That Magenta paintwork has recently been refreshed by a bare metal respray A full mechanical service will ensure that the TR6 should go as well as it looks The TR’s previous owners have built up an extensive history file (including a Heritage Certificate) as well as what amounts to a small library of documents and guides from the TR Register
The other divide in the world of TR6s is between the early cars with engines rated at 150bhp and the post 1973 cars with ‘CR’ chassis codes, featuring milder camshafts and a less aggressive fuelling profile on the Lucas Petrol Injection system to improve refinement and low speed tractability The performance difference, if any, was minimal but the original was and still is more desirable This one, in striking Magenta, is one of the very last TR6s and so is most definitely a ‘CR’ model In fact, down in displacement, BMW’s glorious straight six offers more the Merc’sEven after the ‘R107’ generation of the SL had been on sale for a decade and established itself as one of the most popular Mercedes cars in the marque’s history, it was still highly regarded for its combination of performance, comfort, quality and unmistakable Mercedes style And yet there was still room for improvement, with 1980 seeing the R107’s V8 engine options significantly upgraded from 3 5 and 4 5 litres to a 3 8 and 5 0 litre The power outputs were not quite as mighty as the boot badges suggest though, with the bigger engine putting out only 15 more horsepower from its extra half a litre and 242bhp was nothing to be excited about from a big V8 even in 1980 But outright performance was never the point of the SL For relaxed roof down cruising along a fast A road on a summer’s evening, you still couldn’t do much better than this 500SL. Nautical Blue with matching hood and tan interior is a timeless combination, and one of the more tasteful ones that SLs of the 1980s were offered in The car’s previous owner had it for 28 years, with it being dry stored for 15 of those (since 2005) When it was put in storage, the Mercedes had covered just over 120,000 miles That’s high mileage by the standards of an ordinary 1980s car, but nothing to a well maintained R107 Even a Mercedes’ interior might start Mer cedes-Benz 500SL
30 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk ONE TO BUY: Yea r : 1976 Pr ic e: £ 24,950 MoT: May 2023 E N G I N E : 2 4 9 8 c c , 6 c y l P OW E R : 12 5 b h p TO P S PE E D : 119 m p h 0 - 6 0 M PH : 11 2 s e c s E C O N O M Y: 2 5 7m p g G E A R B OX : 4 s p d , m a n + o/d TECH SPEC OR MAYBE..?



Contact: Kelsey Media Instagram DM: @classicsworlduk joe miller@kelsey co uk classicsworld co uk
Classic Car Buyer 33Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukAugust 31 2022 Jack G rover Production Editor Last summer we bought our Mk3 Cortina for two reasons First, the feedback from readers and viewers told us that you can’t really get enough of classic Fords; and second, we wanted to investigate the growing trend of importing a car from South Africa, where lots of classics familiar to British enthusiasts are seemingly available in right hand drive and in pristine structural condition after a lifetime of gentle sun, balmy weather and no road salt The Cortina was already in the UK when we purchased it, so we didn’t have to actually source the car from South For d Cor t ina L ONE TO BUY: Yea r : 1977 Pr ic e: £850 0 MoT: E xempt E N G I N E : 15 9 8 c c , 4 c y l P OW E R : 71b h p TO P S PE E D : 9 2 m p h 0 6 0 M PH : 17 8 s e c s E C O N O M Y: 2 9. 5 m p g G E A R B OX : 4 s p d , m a n TECH SPEC OR MAYBE..?
The Marina was also made in South Africa, but whether you find an import or a UK original, this will probably be the only car to get more attention and comments than a Mk3 Cortina For all its controversial reputation, the Marina is a simple, solid and dependable ’70s classic with decent parts support and the promise of easy ownership
The meaty 1 8 litre version also has benefits in moder n traffic over the Cortina’s 1.6.
A few weeks ago, our Cortina faced off against an early Mk1 Cavalier for a head to head video on our Classics World YouTube channel The conclusion was that the Cavalier was the better car, as you’d expect being developed a generation later A more refined, more moder n product and with distinctive styling all of its own, the Cavalier is also significantly more affordable but it does lack those famous Coke bottle looks.
HILLMAN AVENGER Sitting between the Cortina and Escort size wise, the Avenger was consistently rated above the Ford for the quality of its ride and the sharpness of its handling But it didn’t have either the fleet friendly budget models at the bottom of the range or the aspirational big engined executives at the top, which is what helped Ford to have such a hit Arguably the thinking person’s Cortina alter native, the Avenger still holds plenty of appeal. Africa, but we did have to get all the sales, importation, customs and tax forms sorted out before we signed on the dotted line What we bought was a 1977 Ford Cortina Mk3 1600 L Ford fans will have noticed that, as far as the UK was concer ned, Ford had already moved onto the Mk4 by then this is one of the quirks of buying from South Africa, since cars often continued in production some time after they did in Europe Local production brings cosmetic differences too, such as our Cortina’s black grille. Under the bonnet is the 1 6 litre Kent Crossflow familiar, to be sure, but not what you’d find powering a British Cortina 1600 of 1977 Our first impressions were very favourable; we’d managed to pick up a solid, sound and decent looking Cortina with an ease (and at a price) that wouldn’t be possible on the UK market It had 113,000 kilometres (70,000 miles) on the clock, and it looked and drove how a low mileage, well maintained car from a kind climate should Notably, whereas rust wasn’t a major concer n, age and heat had not been kind to many of the rubber components This meant it wasn’t perfect, but once it had received a period (R suffix) UK registration, the Cortina was quickly pressed into service on features, road trips and as a daily driver, impressing all who drove it with its ride quality, the condition of its interior and its reliability New track rod ends and gaiters smartened up the steering and a new alter nator kept the battery properly topped up New vacuum pipes and a few tweaks to the carburettor smoothed out the power delivery and retur ned a few extra horses New door seals stopped the British weather getting into that well preserved interior Despite the reputation of South African cars, close investigation showed that the Cortina wasn’t actually rot free Inner sills on both sides, the floorpan under the driver’s seat, the spare wheel well, and a tricky area around the left hand boot lid hinge all needed new metal, and we treated the bonnet to a respray at the same time after removing some deep chip damage
Other work included fitting a speedometer that reads in miles, inertia reel seatbelts and a UK spec thermostat and heater unit (South African cars have a heater that is mostly a token affair) The big test for the revitalised Cortina was the Classic Ford Tour 2022, a 600 mile trip through France and Belgium in the middle of a heatwave The car came through the experience flawlessly And now you can go on similar adventures; it has just had a full service, is mechanically sweet, it shines like a new car and is now structurally sound as well It may not be the genuine UK article, but that’s just another talking point and it means we’re offering the Cortina at a considerably lower price than the going rate for a UK spec 1600 in similar condition

● Test drives need to be handled with care on the one hand it’s perfectly reasonable for a serious buyer to want to drive a car before buying, but you need to remain in control Make sure they are insured to drive your car too, bearing in mind that ‘driving other cars’ clauses on insurance policies normally cover only third party risks, not damage to your car
34 Classic Car Buyer 31st August 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk C A RS A L FA ROMEO A L F E T TA 19 7 8 , 1110 0 0 mil e s , £ 8 , 5 0 0. A l fe t t a 2 0 0 0 F our do or, f ull his tor y file, t a x and M oT exempt 5 new t y res Plea se call 07975 9 07124, Wales 115819 115819 A S T O N M A R T IN V8 19 8 7, 2 2 8 5 0 mil e s , £ 2 2 5,0 0 0. 19 87 A s ton M ar t in V 8 Volan te wi t h manual t r ansmis sion 2 2 5 0 0 miles f r om new and jus t 3 previous ow ner s Kensing ton Silver me t allic pain t wor k c omplemen ted wi t h P or t land G rey piped black C onnolly leat her in ter ior Fully rec ommis sioned in 2 017/ 18 af ter being in a c ollec t ion for t welve year s P lea s e c all 07 97019 0 47 2, S ou t h E a s t 115643 AU T O U NIO N £ 7,7 5 0. R are 'A u to U nion 10 0 0', f r om 19 6 4 O w ned la s t 6 year s, bu t laid up in gar age since C ovid R unning bu t needs s ome res tor ation H /C R ally mo tor Please c all 07 7 2 0 3 8 0 8 6 6, E a s t o f E ngland 115609 AUDI T T 2 0 0 6, £4,75 0 Audi T T 3 2 Quat tro 6 speed manual fir st registered in 20 0 6 and only 8 4,0 0 0 miles Bright Red with Black Leather seat s fully electric with seat heater s Please call 01274 5 610 9 8, Yorkshire and the Humber ( T ) 115668 AUS T IN MINI 19 7 1, £ 31,7 5 0. T his home mar ke t matching number s Van ha s been res tored by a mar que specialis t wi t h no ex pens e spared T he Van wa s s t r ipped dow n to a bare shell, t he b o d y res tored wi t h new panels a s required, and re pain ted ex ter nally, in ter nally, and under neat h T he under side fi nish is ou t s t anding, a s is t he engine bay and gener al fi nish o f t he Van P lea s e c all 019 4 4 75 8 0 0 0, Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115659 AU S T IN 110 0 MK1 19 7 8 , 15 0 0 mil e s , £ 10, 5 0 0. L H D 1978 C la s sic M ini S pecial E di t ion to t ally re f ur bished P ain t , zer o c or r o sion, engine w/ 15 0 0 miles, t win c a r b s , elec t r ic f a n, R c 4 0 ex haus t , f r on t disk br akes, s er vo a s sis ted, spring suspension wit h Bils tein sho ck s, f ull new in ter ior, c ons ole, new w heels 10” x 5”, new t ires Yoko A 3 2, except ional c ar French plates S ever al pic t ures, e tc P lea s e c all + 3 4 6 4 6 97 2 0 4 6, R es t o f t he wor ld 115774 BE N T L E Y C O N T INE N TA L 19 9 3 , 5 0 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 4 ,9 5 0 1s t cla s s c ondi t ion inside and ou t G reat c olour c omb o , leat her in excellent condition Runs super bly R ed lamb s wo ol over r ugs to o N ew bel t s 5 0 0 miles ago ever y t hing wor k s a s i t should L o t s o f his tor y and do cumen t s S elling due to hous e move and jus t no t dr iving i t ver y much N umber plate no t included , E a s t o f E ngland 115831 BM W 32 3 19 9 7, £ 4 5 0 B M W 3 2 3 i 4 do or 19 97, 2 5 0 0 cc 141K , black f ull leat her in ter ior, M O T un t il F eb 2 3 bu t will need welding, new br ake pads bu t s ome br ake judder, over heat ing, A larm, t yres go o d I h ave m o r e p i c t u r e s . £4 5 0 0 0, ca sh on collec tion from S ou t h H er t for dshire 078 6 0 24 6 9 0 0 P lea s e c all 078 6 0 24 6 9 0 0, S ou t h E a s t 116021 BM W 3 3 0 £ 4 ,9 9 5 0 3 B M W 3 3 0 ci c onver t ible au to M sp or t wi t h har d top me t silver/grey leat her in ter ior 9 0 K wi t h F S H charcoal alloys wit h newish t y res ver y nice or iginal c ar P lea s e c all 016 52 6 78 417 , E a s t M idlands 116042 BM W 118 2 0 0 5, £ 1,9 9 5 BM W 118 S P O R T AU T O M AT IC 5 DO O R ha t c h back , f u ll s e r v i c e h i s t o r y, e l e c t r i c w i n d ow s , a i r c o n d i t i o n e r, C D playe r , all oy w h e e l s . M oT in super b c ondi t ion R are B M W sp or t au tomat ic P lea s e c all 0752 7 4 4 6 242, Wales 115821 HE V RO L E T C O RV E T T E £ 2 3 ,9 9 5 M illennium Yellow wi t h black leat her, heads up display, air c ondi t ioning, t win air bags, A B S , a f ull hous e s tereo, six way p ower dr iver ’s s eat , elec t r ic window s and cen t r al lo ck ing, manual r o o f (an elec t r ic opt ion wa s no t available) P lea s e c all 07 7116 4 5 4 6 5, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115636 DA IML E R V8 2 5 0 19 6 7, £ 2 7, 5 0 0. B lack wi t h bis cui t t r im, A u tomat ic, p ower s teer ing, front flog ligh t s, L umition ignition N ew M O T tes t , ver y go o d c ar, 78,4 8 4 Miles Plea se call 019 0 9 7 3 3 2 0 9, E a s t M idlands ( T ) 115644 DE T OM A S O PA N T E R A 19 7 1, £ 8 7,9 9 5. S t ill fi nished i t s original colour of Spring Or ange ( A r ancione a M olla), t he D e Toma s o is a ver y or iginal lo ok ing c ar wi t h a deligh t f ul pat ina T his is a ver y nicely aged, us able c ar, i t feels genuine and ver y hones t , and ha s a lovely shar p b o d y and excellen t under side T he in ter ior is similar, i t 's ver y well pres en ted and feels ‘r igh t ' T his clear ly ha s never been a c ar le f t to de ter ior ate, i t s s t r ong, s ound, and on t he r o ad s t ill o f fer ing fer o cious per for mance f r om i t s rep or ted 3 6 0 B H P engine P lea s e c all 019 4 4 75 8 0 0 0, Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115661 DE T OM A S O PA N T E R A 19 7 3 , £ 19 4 ,9 9 5 T he D e Toma s o P an ter a c omes wi t h a huge ex tensive his tor y file, var ious li ter at ure, feat ured maga zine ar t icles and o f c our s e t he receipt s for t he recen t pr o gr am o f wor k T he c ar als o c omes wi t h i t s c or rec t to ol k i t and to ol bag, including c or rec t jack T his is wi t hou t doubt an incredibly s ough t af ter c a r, a t r ue c ollec t or 's piece and one o f t he ver y few R H D examples ever buil t P lea s e c all 019 4 4 75 8 0 0 0, Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115663 FOR OVER 35 YEARS S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk The overwhelming majority of car sellers and buyers are honest However as with everything else in life, there’s a tiny percentage that aren’t However it’s dead easy to protect yourself from fraud sters by using a bit of common sense ADVI C E F O R S E LLE RS ● Stay safe! Don’t give a buyer your address until you know they are definitely coming to view Better still, give them the general location only at first and ask them to phone for the full address once they are close
● Above all, trust your instincts! If something seems dodgy or not quite right to you, then there’s a good chance you’re right Safe!
● Don’t get involved in any complex arrangements involving giv ing ‘change’ for a payment that’s more than your asking price, especially involving overseas buyers or transfers using methods such as Western Union these are almost always fraudulent
● Be very wary indeed of anyone calling and trying to sell your advertisement in another publication Such publications don’t al ways exist, and claimed distribution figures will often be vastly exaggerated Calls are also often recorded as ‘evidence’ of a binding contract
● Serious buyers will want to examine the car fully that’s fine and you should be prepared to answer fully and honestly any questions a buyer may have about the car Be wary though if they try to steer the conversation towards more general matters concerning you and your family Similarly, while a genuine enthu siast will probably be interested in your other cars, so will a would be burglar
● Always arrange a specific time for viewings don’t accept vague ‘I may come sometime today’ type arrangements
● Do not accept a personal cheque from someone you do not know; there is no longer any guaranteed clearance time, and a cheque can now ‘bounce’ at any time even weeks after it’s been banked if it’s discovered to be forged
● Ensure you drive your car first to demonstrate controls (etc ) and then, once you are at a suitable place for the buyer to drive, get out, taking the keys with you, and hand them back only once you are back in the car

● If you’re suspicious that someone is trying to ‘sell’ a car they do not own, ask them to email or send you a photog raph of a specific par ts that they will not be able to provide without having access to the car This isn’t 100 per cent foolproof a fraudster may have access to a car he doesn’t own but it can help
● Always check the chassis number/Vehicle Identification Number (VI N) on the reg istration document matches that on the car A proper data check is also essential to avoid buying a car that’s stolen or an undisclosed insurance write off No reg istration document? Don’t accept excuses, don’t buy the car! Stay Safe!
● Always view the car at the seller ’s home address If they want to meet you in a car park or bring the car to you they may be trying to prevent you finding them again. Does the name and address on the V5C match the sellers name and address? If not, why not?
31st August 2022 Classic Car Buyer 35Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk F O R D Z E PH Y R 19 6 8 , 5 5 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 5,9 9 5 F or d Z ephy r M K4, 2 li t re, v4, w hi te, black in ter ior, t hir d ow ner, recen t M oT, rebuil t or iginal engine, new clu tch, new weber t win choke c ar b , four new br ake c aliper s , unleaded H al f s t ainles s ex haus t , go o d s ound b o d y, r us t f ree cha s sis , never welded , r us t pr o o fed t hr oughou t , s t ill r unning in P lea s e c all 013 0 5 5 6107 3, S ou t h Wes t 115978 F O R D F O C U S 2 0 0 2 , 17 2 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 1,0 0 0. T he c ar r uns and dr ives f aul t les s i t had M o t t ill J an 2 0 2 3 , w r c rep w r ap , fo cus s t 170 w heels and s eat s i t als o ha s a back b ox change gives a nice no te bu t isn' t noisy T he w r ap isn' t t he bes t by f ar bu t does lo ok t he par t c ar ha s previously been welded bu t wa sn' t gr ound smo o t h s o you c a n s ee w here i t wa s plated and f r on t wing ha s small r us t bubble o t her t ha n t ha t i t 's sp o t on P lea s e c all 07 3 9 9 6 4 4 411, E a s t M idlands 116001 F O RD G R A N A DA 19 9 4 , 13 2 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 9 9 9. f o r d gr anada ghia 4x4 es t ate 19 9 4 a ver y r are and genuine for d 4x4 f r om new, regis tered by for d a s a cha s e / supp or t vehicle for t he es c or t c o swor t h r ally c ampaign 19 9 4 / 9 5 s ea s on ha s done 13 2k miles bu t r uns lovely and no is sues wi t h emis sions, ha s had new dr ive shaf t s and spr ings at t he f r on t , replacemen t br akes and dis c s plus t he w heel ar ches have been done P lea se call 07879 8 97 75 5, G reater L ondon 116010 F E RR A RI 575M M A R A NE L L O 2 0 0 3 , £ 7 9,9 9 5 2 0 0 3 F er r ar i 5 75 M M ar anello F1 R igh t hand dr ive 5 75 M supplied 2 0 0 3 fi t ted wi t h t he F1 gear b ox F inished in A rgen to Silver wi t h a dar k blue hide in ter ior, i t is acc ompanied by i t s or iginal leat her walle t and s er vice b o ok T his c ar ha s jus t c ome ou t o f a f an t a s t ic c ollec t ion and ha s received signi fi c a n t ex p endi t ure sin c e i t s pur cha s e in 2 015 P lea s e c all 0176 5 6 0 97 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115651 F E RR A RI DAY T O N A £ 6 2 5,0 0 0. We are deligh ted to o f fer for s ale t his s t unning F er r ar i Day tona ‘ P lexi G la s s O ur c ar ini t ially le f t M ar anello on t he 3 r d S eptember 19 6 9 and wa s s old t hr ough C ol R onnie H o are to L or d C owdr ay 1s t U K D elivered c ar 4t h U K R egis tered c ar I t remained in E ngland un t il 2 0 0 3 w here i t wen t to a large Danish C ollec t ion T he c ar ha s since re t ur ned to E ngland ar ound 2 015 and i t si t s to day in ver y go o d c ondi t ion I t ha s been awar ded F er r ar i C la s siche C er t i fi c at ion to supplemen t i t s alread y s t r ong his tor y file w hich includes a M a s sini repor t , period correspondence, plus many M O T ’s and als o invoices for var ious wor k s over t he year s P lea s e c all 0176 5 6 0 97 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115653 F O R D M U S TA N G 19 6 8 , £ 6 9,9 9 5 19 6 8 F or d M us t ang J C o de 3 0 2 with r are manual t r ansmis sion G T Equipmen t G r oup F 70X14 W ide O val W hi te Sidewall N ylon T ires, S p or t D eck R ear S eat , C ons ole, A M R adio, D elu xe S ea t B el t s , Tachome t er a nd Tr ip O dome ter I n s t unning c ondi t ion t hr oughou t and dr iving beau t i f ully C ur ren t M O T and V 5 C P lea s e c all 0176 5 6 0 97 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115648 F O R D C A PRI 19 8 3 , 8 4 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 ,0 0 0 P r ojec t c ar, c omple te and or iginal apar t f r om needing t wo bare f r on t suspension s t r u t s, windscreen and a s e t o f pepper p o t s, i t c omes wi t h R S alloys N eeds welding in t he usual places, s t r u t tops, rear leaf spr ing moun t ings, P lea s e c all 07 9 8 4 4 6 6 2 01, N or t h Wes t 116020 F O RD G R A N A DA 19 9 4 , 13 2 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 9 9 9 f o r d gr anada ghia 4x4 es t ate 19 9 4 a ver y r are and genuine for d 4x4 f r om new, regis tered by for d a s a cha s e / supp or t vehicle for t he es c or t c o swor t h r ally c ampaign 19 9 4 / 9 5 s ea s on ha s done 13 2k miles bu t r uns lovely and no is sues wi t h emis sions, ha s had new dr ive shaf t s and spr ings at t he f r on t , replacemen t br akes and dis c s plus t he w heel ar ches have been done P lea se call 07879 8 97 75 5, G reater L ondon 116037 F O RD F O C U S S T 2 0 0 7, 10 7 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 5, 5 9 5 T his c ar ha s been my pr ide and joy for t he la s t 18 mon t hs S ubt ly mo di fi ed, w i t h no ex pens e spa r ed w ha t s o ever A ver y nice, clean example, wi t h potential for more per formance upgr ades M o ds and upgr ades include: R S injec tor s, A ir tec s t age t wo in ter c o oler, P r o ho s e c o olan t and b o o s t pipes, D ream S cience 3 inch res onated c at back ex haus t sys tem, D ream S cience map, R S L uk clu tch k i t and fl y w heel, t iming bel t k i t and water pump, E ibach sp or t s lower ing spr ings, P ower fl ex f ull c ar bush k i t and new b ol t s, genuine F or d f r on t and rear sho ck ab s or ber s and b o l t s , A n t hr aci t e B ola B1 19 inch alloy w heels wi t h G o o d year E agle t y res (c overed 8 0 0 miles), J P C ages 4 p oin t show c age A f ull lis t o f mo ds and main tenance c an be pr ovided, bu t needs to be s een to appreciate t he amoun t o f wor k t hat ’s gone in to i t , and c an be viewed on a r amp W ill be s old wi t h 12 mon t hs M O T P lea s e c all 07871714 8 5 5, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116066 F O R D E S C O R T 19 7 2 , £ 3 4 ,9 5 0 M k 1 E s c or t C o swor t h Tur b o, M a s s engineer ing buil t G PA engine, r oll c age, B ils teins, M ini A t la s L S D a xle L o ads o f quali t y ex pensive bi t s, all s teel bubble a r che s , pr ice d t o s ell P le a s e c a ll 07 9 8 9 5 8 9 6 24, E a s t M idlands 115749 F O R D E S C O R T £ 12 ,0 0 0 F or d E s c or t X R 3 i L a s t o f t he line Diamond W hi te F or d E s c or t M k4 X R 3 i E F i, regis tered in J anuar y 19 91, wi t h one ow ner f r om new, and a cur ren t M O T un t il A pr il 2 0 2 3 B o t h t he b o d y wor k and in ter ior are in excellen t c ondi t ion A ll or iginal feat ures have been re t ained including t he r adio /c a s s e t te player, and a per io d dealer fi t ted hands f ree in c ar mobile phone P lea s e c all 078 8 9 15 9 5 0 9, S ou t h Wes t 115809 F O R D E S C O R T P OA E s c or t R S Tur b o 19 8 8 3 9,0 0 0 miles genuine, R o s s o red, immobilis er and f uel c ompu ter, 13 mon t hs M O T inc all M O T cer t s, H P I checked P ar t s and new bat ter y, gar aged and all paper wor k P lea s e c all 0787114 0 2 0 3, S ou t h E a s t 115840 CLASSIC CAR INSURANCE EXPERTS… S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk The overwhelming majority of car sellers and buyers are honest However as with every thing else in life, there’s a tiny percentage that aren’t. However it’s dead easy to protect yourself from fraudsters by using a bit of common sense ADVI C E F O R B UYE RS ● Star t by asking ‘is the car for sale?’ If the seller is a trader pretending to sell privately, they will need to ask you ‘which one?’ ● Be suspicious of a car that seems cheaper than it should be; if something seems too good to be true then it probably is. ● Be wary of sellers who can only be contacted via a mobile phone or an easy to obtain email address such as hotmail or gmail. They may ‘disappear ’ once they have your money. ● Ask lots of specific questions about specific model weaknesses such as “is there any rust around the headlights”, and listen carefully to the answers; do they actually have the car? ● Never, ever send anyone money for a car that you have not seen Crooks sometimes adver tise cars that don’t exist solely to collect deposits from would be buyers

36 Classic Car Buyer 31st August 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk F O R D E S C O R T 19 9 4 , £ 2 ,7 0 0 R are ( in t his excellen t c ondi t ion) M e t allic B lue /green R e t r o old s cho ol C la s sic M K 5 19 9 4 1 6 16 V D O H C Z e tec G hia top spec F or d E s c or t , ideal for f u t ure inves tmen t or s t rong ba se for per formance pr ojec t 11 mon t h M O T A ll r us t cu t ou t ,welded and plated A lo t spen t on mechanic s f r om t y res up G o o d t y res and br akes ,f ully s er viced by sk illed pe t r ol head P lea s e c all 07 7 7610116 3, S ou t h Wes t 115856 G IL BE RN IN VA DE R 19 7 2 , £ 2 ,9 9 5 3 li t re N R 3 L R eg, B r i t ish r acing green, C or t ina C ha s sis, F ibregla s s no r us ted, dr y s tored since 2 0 0 0 P lea s e c all 07 75 4 6 8 8 6 3 6, S ou t h Wes t 115937 INNO C E N T I MINI DE T OM A S O 19 7 8 , £ 9,7 5 0 Ver y r are, r us t f ree example o f t his appreciat ing cla s sic, imp or ted f r om G eno a in 2 017, L H D, matching number s, no replacemen t panels, me t allic black wi t h gold s t r iping P lea s e c all 07 3 0 6 8 0 6 7 3 6, S ou t h E a s t 116022 JAG UA R X J 19 9 7, 9 3 4 9 9 mil e s , £ 3 ,7 5 0 I t 's t he 3 2 li t re i t 's t he bes t A J16 engine I t 's in a r are c olour A n t igua M e t allic B lue, I've always lo oked af ter i t , i t had all c oils and plugs changed 6, 0 0 0 miles ago by S ur rey J ag C en t re T he dimple alloys are excellen t B o d y wor k is go o d no den t s no r us t , I had t he f ull K r ow n r us t pr o o fi ng t reatment done N ew bat ter y fi t ted P ain t wor k go o d except b onne t ge t s a bi t dull bu t p olishes up well H eadlining is pinned C hr ome is excellen t all r ound M O T 'd un t il M ar ch 2 0 2 3, I t 's a s olid smar t c ar, t he cream leat her is in ver y go o d c ondi t ion C omes wi t h 2 keys and 2 wor k ing remo te fob s P lea s e c all 07 9 0 5 6 8 876 7, S ou t h E a s t 115893 JAG UA R S -T Y PE 2 0 0 4 , 7 2 2 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 , 4 9 5. S Ty pe 3 0 V 6 S E A u tomat ic R adiance red, s and leat her in ter ior and wo o d t r im wi t h matching wo o d s teer ing w heel, cr uis e c on t r ol, B lue to o t h adapter, six C D player, elec t r ic foldback dimming / heated mir r or s, memor y elec t r ic s eat s and much more Full s er vice his tor y (rec or ds and wor k shop manual C D in folder s) P lea se call 078 0 8 5 8 4 3 91, S ou t h E a s t 115894 JAG UA R X K 2 0 0 8 , 5 6 4 0 0 mil e s , £ 18 ,0 0 0. J aguar X K 4 2 L A u tomat ic 2 0 0 8 Vap our G rey E xcellen t c ondi t ion 2 0 inch S en t a w heels A luminium pack and piano black ins t r umen t panel e tc B lue to o t h c onnec t ivi t y C D changer in da sh Dis cre te af ter mar ke t D A B r adio receiver t r ansmi t s t hr ough t he J aguar in c ar sys tem Fr on t and rear par k ing s ens or s H eated f r on t and rear screens H eated seat s W ind de fl ec tor added for w hen r o o f is d ow n C hr ome w ing lou v r e s , chr ome dr iving lamp sur r ounds and chr ome lower mesh gr ill added S pace s aver spare w heel P lea s e c all 07 9 9 0 8 0 0 4 0 5, S ou t h E a s t 116005 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 4 , £ 2 2 ,0 0 0. T he c ar ha s c overed 8 2k miles and in super b c ondi t ion wi t h s er vice his tor y b o ok and invoices to c on fi r m A c ar k now n to us for 11 year s F eat ures include, 16” J aguar C elebr at ion w heels, wo o d gear s elec tor such a s elec t r ic window s, heated rear windscreen, ele c t r ic mir r o r s , ele c t r ic s e a t s , c olour c o ded, gr ill and headligh t r ims, cr uis e c on t r ol, sp or t mo de, air c ondi t ioning, cen t r al lo ck ing and more O w ner manuals, b o ok s, 2 s e t s o f keys, to olk i t P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115761 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 4 , £ 3 4 ,9 5 0 19 9 4 L H D J aguar X J S C onver t ible 6 0 V 12 in U nusual S pindr i f t w hi te wi t h t an leat her hide t r im, br ow n piping and c on t r a s t ing t an r o o f S t unning V 12 mo del wi t h lo t s o f feat ures such a s C r uis e c on t r ol, t r ip c ompu ter, heated rear window, unmar ked diamond cu t and p olished jaguar 5 sp oke alloys wi t h gold inlays, f ac tor y rear sp oiler wo o d gear s elec tor, t win air bags, c olour c o ded gr ill, air c ondi t ioning, headligh t sur r ounds and wing mir r or s, t wo s e t s o f keys P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115762 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 2 9,9 5 0 X J S C elebr at ion c onver t ible in unusual Tur quois e wi t h cream leat her t r im, C on t r a s t ing C o f fee piping and a black ho o d wi t h t r im matching cream tonneau M any feat ures include, later A J16 4 0 E ngine wi t h impr oved per for mance, elec t r ic seat s, Elec t r ic mir r or s, E lec t r ic ho o d, C r uis e c on t r ol, Tr ip c ompu ter, air c ondi t ioning, H eated rear window, A ll ow ner s manuals, S pare s e t o f keys and only feat ured on t he celebr at ion mo dels a hal f wo o d w heel, wo o d gear s elec tor, emb o s s ed s eat s and s t unning diamond t ur ned polished celebr ation w heels P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115763 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 3 2 , 5 0 0 J agua r X J S C onver t ible 6 0 V 12 L H D I t is F i t ted wi t h 2 0 sp oke diamond cu t p olished w heels and many o t her J aguar ex t r a s a s well a s t he usual re fi nemen t s S ome include, headligh t je t wa sher s, hal f wo o d w heel, 6 C D s t acker, inlaid wo o d, space s aver spare wheel, heated lumber supp or t s eat s T here are 2 s e t s o f keys pres en t wi t h 2 remo te fob s A f ull genuine J aguar to ol k i t , ow ner manuals and walle t and t he or iginal c olour in ter ior matching tonneau c over P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115764 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 5 9,9 5 0 19 9 5 L H D J aguar X J S 4 0 C onver t ible A b s olu tely super b 19 9 5 4 0 l L ater A J16 model wi t h upgr aded per for mance X J S c onver t ible in breat h t ak ing signal red wi t h fl awles s cream P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115766 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 14 ,9 5 0 X J S 5 3 V 12 c abr iole t au tomat ic G reat c olour c ombinat ion, B lack wi t h matching ho o d and cream leat her B eau t i f ul c ondi t ion c ar wi t h 8 5,0 0 0 miles and a ma s sive, in dept h his tor y file s er vice to c on fi r m F eat ures include, 2+2 rear seat s, elec tric window s, A ir c ondi t ioning, t win headlamps, 15 inch J aguar s t ar fi sh alloys, t r ip c ompu ter, t win pins t r ipes, or iginal jaguar to olk i t , Two s e t s o f keys, all ow ner s manuals included and many o t her jaguar re fi nemen t s P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115767 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 3 7, 5 0 0 I n p opular and s t unning fl amenc o red, Tan leat her in ter ior wi t h red piping and a c on t r a s t ing ligh t t an ho o d and 5 S p oke J aguar alloy w heels L ow mileage example only having c overed 5 5,0 0 0 wi t h his tor y to c on fi r m T his is ano t her f ull spec V 12 mo del wi t h all ex t r a s a s well a s t he usual re fi nemen t s S ome include, headligh t je t wa sher s, hal f wo o d w heel, 6 C D s t acker, inlaid wo o d, space s aver spare w heel, lumber supp or t s eat s T here are 2 s e t s o f keys pres en t wi t h 2 remo te fob s A f ull genuine J aguar to ol k i t , ow ner manuals and walle t and t he or iginal c olour in ter ior matching tonneau c over P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115768 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 3 7, 5 0 0 19 9 5 J aguar X J S C onver t ible 6 0 L H D in t he p opular and s t unning fl amenc o red wi t h f ull Tan leat her t r im, matching t an ho o d and c on t r a s t ing cream piping, feat ures include, diamond cu t , spun and p olished 2 0 sp oke jaguar alloys, air c ondi t ioning, cr uis e c on t r ol, t win air bags , elec t r ic mir r or s , memor y lumber, elec t r ic s eat s, C olour c o ded headlamp sur r ounds, c olour c o ded gr ill, colour coded wing mirror s, A ll ow ner s manuals, spare s e t o f keys and o t her J aguar re fi nemen t s P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115769 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 8 5,0 0 0. E x tremely r are special or der 9 4 / 9 5 M o del 6 0 L V 12 L H D C onver t ible in new show r o om c ondi t ion ha s to be one o f t he bes t examples in t he wor ld S t unning F lamenc o red wi t h a cream leat her and vibr an t red piping, unmar ked t an ho o d, rear sp oiler, unmar ked diamond cu t , spun and p olished 2 0 sp oke jaguar alloys, air c ondi t ioning, cr uis e c on t r ol, t win air bags, elec t r ic mir r or s, memor y lumber, elec t r ic seat s Please call 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115770 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 6 , £ 3 7, 5 0 0 19 9 6 L H D J aguar X J S C onver t ible 6 0 V 12 M anual! s t ainles s s teel ex haus t to hear t he V 12 r o ar B lack wi t h t an leat her hide t r im, br ow n piping and black r o o f S t unning V 12 mo del wi t h lo t s o f feat ures such a s C r uis e c on t r ol, t r ip c ompu ter, heated rear window, P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115771 SPEAK TO US ABOUT… S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

31st August 2022 Classic Car Buyer 37Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk JAG UA R F T Y PE 2 0 16 , 3 3 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 5,9 9 5 S wallow s are pr oud to o f fer t his 2 016 J aguar F Ty pe 3 0 S C V 6 C oupe, a simply s t unning sp or t s c oupe A beau t i f ul example, pres en ted in S tor m G rey M e t allic P ain t wor k wi t h C or r is G rey L eat her in ter ior C omple te Full S er vice his tor y, lo oked af ter by us at S wallow s in recen t year s, now having c omple ted jus t over 3 3,0 0 0 miles A ver y well c ared for C oupe t his F Ty pe is real dr iver s c ar wai t ing to be enjoyed now A ver y well speci fi ed F Ty pe wi t h a ho s t o f J aguar f ac tor y opt ions fi t ted including; O r iginal 19” C en t r i f uge G lo s s B lack A lloy W heels, Fr on t and R ear P ar k ing S ens or s wi t h R ear P ar k A s sis t C amer a , A c t ive B o o t S p oiler, H eadlamp P ower Wa sher s, P anor amic S un R o o f, P ar t A djus t able and H eated Elec tric S eat s, H eated S teer ing W heel ( W in ter P ack ) P lea s e c all 019 3 475 0 319, S ou t h Wes t 115835 JAG UA R X K 2 0 11, 14 9 0 0 mil e s , £ 2 4 , 5 0 0 Super low mileage, S wallow s are pr oud to o f fer t his s t unning 2 011 J aguar X K 5 0 C oupe P res en ted here beau t i f ully in L iquid Silver M e t allic P ain t wor k s e t agains t a sumpt uous War m C har c o al L eat her I n ter ior H aving c overed only a mere 14,9 0 0 miles t his is a near ly new c ar and s t ill ha s t hat 'new c ar' feel and smell N ever t heles s s er viced each year, i t c omes wi t h a f ully s t amped b o ok and impecc ably main t ained by b o t h J aguar main dealer and I ndependen t J aguar S pecialis t D r ives a s a new J aguar X K should wi t h t he wonder f ul s ound t r ack o f t ha t super b V 8 A really well speci fi ed c ar i t als o c omes wi t h many J aguar F ac tor y opt ions including; O r iginal 2 0" A lloy W heels, Fr on t and R ear P ar k ing S ens or s, P ower fold D o or Mir r or s, R ear B o o t S p oiler, P ower H ead L amp Wa sher s, P lea s e c all 019 3 475 0 319, S ou t h Wes t 115836 JAG UA R X F 2 0 0 8 , 5 7 6 0 0 mil e s , £ 10,9 9 5 S wallow s are pr oud to o f fer t his 2 0 0 8 J aguar X F S V 8 pres en ted in lovely all round condition it is of fered here in a cla s sic c olour c ombinat ion o f L iquid Silver me t allic pain t wor k and War m C har c o al leat her in ter ior wi t h O ak f acings A f air ly low mileage example having been us ed ligh t ly in recen t year s wi t h jus t 5 78 0 0 miles on t he clo ck , t he c ar wi t h c ome wi t h a f resh s er vice T he 4 2 super charged V 8 o f fer s a f an t a s t ic dr iving ex per ience and ter r i fi c per for mance O ur S R , t uning pack age is available (addi t ional c o s t ) t uned in our wor k shop wi t h s t age t wo S R pack age including, super charger pulley, 2 0 0 cell r ace c at s, S R per for mance air fil ter s and re map P lea s e c all 019 3 475 0 319, S ou t h Wes t 115838 JAG UA R MK II 19 6 5, £ 3 3 ,0 0 0 C hrome wires, res tored 10 year s ago, new in ter ior four gear and overdr ive Plea se call 07 9 2 5 87 7 9 6 8 , E a s t M idlands 115860 JAG UA R X J8 19 9 8 , £ 17,9 9 5 M adeir a M ic a red me t allic over B ar ley leat her, leat her s teer ing w heel wi t h reach and t il t and leat her gear k nob, 16 inch alloys, elec t r ic wing mir r or s and aer ial, walnu t veneer, sp or t s gear b ox , au to ligh t s, elec t r ic window s, p ower s teer ing, elec t r ic mir r or s, cr uis e c on t r ol, air c ondi t ioning (c old ) and elec t r ic f r on t s eat heigh t adjus tmen t P lea s e c all 07 7116 4 5 4 6 5, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115634 JAG UA R X K15 0 19 6 0, £ 19 5,0 0 0 X K15 0 S 3 8 F i xed head c oupe late c ar G enuine R H D c ar, a real t ime war p!! C ha s sis number : T 8 2 52 24 D N I ndigo B lue wi t h G rey L eat her Ver y or iginal low mileage c ar M atching number s, H a s no t been res tored, bu t ha s been respr ayed to a ver y high s t andar d P lea s e c all 019 0 9 7 3 3 2 0 9, E a s t M idlands ( T ) 115640 JAG UA R E-T Y PE £ 13 9, 5 0 0. G enuine R H D, wi t h f ac tor y har d top M o di fi ed engine and 5 speedo gear b ox , high r at io di f f, s teering and suspension upgr ades P lea s e c all 019 0 9 7 3 3 2 0 9, E a s t M idlands ( T ) 115641 JE E P W R A N G L E R £ 11,9 9 5 S t unning L o ok ing J eep Wr angler 4 li t re Tomb R aider 2, F ir s t R eg O c t 2 0 0 3, 4 F or mer keeper s, M e t allic B lue wi t h a B lack S o f t Top, M anual 5 S peed G ear b ox , P ower S teer ing, A lloy W heels, Tow B ar, R adio C D + C a s s e t te music sys tem, F ir s t R egis tered O c t 2 0 0 3, 6 5,75 0 M iles L o ok s G reat L o ads o f f un, t he all A mer ic an R ou te 6 6 L egend, nex t bes t t hing to a H ar ley G reat L o ok ing C ar in G reat all R ound C ondi t ion P lea s e c all 012 74 5 610 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115674 JE N SE N F F MK1 £ 12 4 ,9 9 5 A s resul t o f t he wor k c ar r ied ou t , t his F F is in ou t s t anding c ondi t ion and is pres en ted in show room condition T he body work is except ional wi t h s t unning, clean panels and t he pain t fi nish and chr omewor k are fi r s t cla s s T he R ed leat her uphols ter y is ou t s t anding, t he level o f de t ail t hr oughou t t he c ar is top quali t y and on t he r o ad t his F F is s o enjoyable wi t h a br illian t V 8 engine no te, slick gear changes and ul t r a smo o t h r ide, handling and gener al per for mance T he c ar glides along gr ace f ully and feels quie t , o f top quali t y, and ha s a t r uly lu xur ious c omfor t and feel to i t P lea s e c all 019 4 4 75 8 0 0 0, Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115667 JE E P W R A N G L E R 2 0 0 6 , 2 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 16 ,9 9 5 H ere we have my ver y r are ver y low mileage , manual six speed J eep Wr angler TJ J amb oree T his wa s t he well specced fi nal limi ted edi t ion , I t 's c omes wi t h a pr ivate plate w hich really sui t s being TJ I 4 0 01 A ls o included in t he s ale is a spare br and new R ough C oun t r y b oxed s o f t top and br and new or iginal spec pla s t ic fender s b oxed ( w heel ar ches 4 fender s plus t he pla s t ic t r ims at b o t tom o f do or s ) Silver me t allic, 10 0 % or iginal pinwor k and r us t f ree , pain t wor k in lovely c ondi t ion, no big s cr atches and den t f ree ,, G rey unmar ked clo t h uphols ter y, R are and desir able 6 speed t r ansmis sion ( only found on 2 0 0 6 mo del year and in my opinion nicer to dr ive ) or iginal w heels in silver wi t h 5 matching B F G o o dr ioh almo s t new t y res , R emovable s o f t top in black , 4 w heel dr ive sys tem, P ower a s sis ted s teer ing, A ir c ondi t ioning, F olding rear s eat s, B r and new side s teps, C hr ome headlamp bezels wi t h guards front and rear Rear mud fl aps, R emovable do or s, F olding winds creen, P added r oll bar s, R ear moun ted spare w heel I f ad ver t is live t hen c ar is s t ill for s ale , S c o t la nd 115895 L A ND ROV E R R A N G E ROV E R £ 12 ,0 0 0. 19 9 9 D e fender T D S 3 do or, Z U alloys, B F G t y res P lea s e c all 07817 52 8 2 3 2, S ou t h Wes t 115784 L A ND ROV E R R A N G E ROV E R 2 0 11, 7 8 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 18 ,9 9 5. S wallow s are pr oud to o f fer t his ab s olu tely s t unning top o f t he r ange, R ange R over 4 4 T D V 8 A u tobio gr aphy I n super b c ondi t ion t his 2 011 L and R over is beau t i f ully pres en ted in S tor noway G rey M e t allic P ain t wor k and I vor y N appa L eat her in ter ior A lo c al vehicle w hich wa s or iginally supplied by Taun ton J aguar (J L R ) i t c omes wi t h f ull s er vice his tor y having c overed jus t 78 ,5 0 0 miles A f an t a s t ic ally equipped and ver s at ile S U V c omfor t able in all dr iving c ondi t ions A s a top o f t he r ange spec t his A u tobio gr aphy a s you would ex pec t c omes wi t h 'all t he toys' including; O r iginal 2 0" A lloy W heels wi t h P irelli S c or pion Z er o Ty res, Full P ar k ing P ack wi t h Fr on t and R ear P ar k ing S ens or s P lea s e c all 019 3 475 0 319, S ou t h Wes t 115837 L A ND ROV E R DIS C OV E RY 19 9 4 , £ 1, 4 0 0. L and r over for res tor at ion, no t us ed in 6 year s bu t s t ill r unning P lea s e c all 075 51 9 2 5 0 21, Wes t M idlands 115858 L O T U S E VO R A 2 0 18 , £ 6 3 ,7 5 0 R egis tered in M ar ch 2 018 t his L o t us Evor a G T410 S p or t is a ver y special c ar P r o duced to celebr ate t he 70 t h anniver s ar y o f L o t us C ar s’ founder C olin C hapman's fi r s t ever vehicle manu f ac t ured Q ui te fi t t ing in t hat t his par t icular G T410's 1s t ow ner wa s L o t us C ar s and a cer t ain M r C live C hapman us ed i t for P R s er vices P lea s e c all 075 7 7 5 75 7 70, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115679 LIMITED MILEAGE DISCOUNT S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk ROVER SPORTS REGISTER THE ONLY CLUB FOR ALL ROVERS www.thersr.co.uk EVENTS • CLUB REGALIA • CLUB SPARES • SHOP • PUBLICATIONS • LOCAL MEETINGS • BOOKS & MANUALS •

38 Classic Car Buyer 31st August 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk M A Z DA M X5 2 0 0 3 , 13 8 0 0 mil e s , £ 5,7 5 0 M X 5 I ndiana E xcept ional c ondi t ion, to t ally or iginal, his tor y and M oTs, r uby wi t h or iginal beige in ter ior, four new t y res, ideal for M X 5 en t husia s t C ollec tion only P lea se call 0174 5 814 6 7 3, Wales 115888 ME RC E DE S SL 3 0 0 £ 3 ,7 5 0 P r ivate plate, automatic, 13 0 k , dr ives ver y well, S er vice his tor y, t a x and M O T, H o o d no t wor k ing P lea s e c all 07521 6 3 374 9, S ou t h E a s t 115891 ME RC E DE S C L K 32 0 £ 3 , 2 5 0 M er cedes clk 3 2 0 pe t r ol au to 2 0 0 3,6 8 k mo t nov P lea s e c all 078 8 9 4 8 6 2 0 2, S ou t h E a s t 115944 ME RC E D E S BE N Z C L 2 0 0 0, 9 9 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 16 ,9 5 0. S 5 0 0 C oupe genuine f r om f ac tor y ver y r are P lea s e c all 014 8 3 2 8 2 8 3 0, S ou t h E a s t 115874 ME RC E D E S - BE N Z C L S 2 0 0 8 , 8 10 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 ,9 9 5 C L S 3 2 0 t ur b o dies el, four do or c oupe, au to M e t allic black wi t h black leat her in ter ior Full s er vice his tor y Immaculate condition Please call 016 52 6 78 417 , Yor k shire and t he H umber 116043 ME RC E DE S 19 9 8 , £ 4 ,9 9 5 M agma R ed wi t h grey clo t h s eat s, 5 speed manual t r ansmis sion, alloy w heels, 4x elec t r ic window s, elec t r ic sunr o o f, A B S , elec t r ic mir r or s, folding rear s e a t s , upd a t e s s tere o w i t h u S B , PA S , remo te lo ck ing, unus ed fi r s t aid k i t , b o o t moun ted war ning t r iangle, f ull size spare w heel, wo o d fi nish, M er cedes br anded f r on t fl o or mat s and mud fl aps P lea s e c all 07 7116 4 5 4 6 5, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115638 ME RC E D E S BE N Z 2 5 0 £ 4 4 ,9 9 5. M er cedes B enz 2 5 0 S E B C oupe O M U 2 3 3 E F ir s t regis tered 01 0 4 19 6 7 F inished in t wo tone L igh t B eige wi t h a H avana br ow n r o o f and B r a zil L eat her in ter ior P lea s e c all 012 74 5 610 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115670 ME RC E D E S BE N Z 18 0 19 9 3 , £ 1, 5 0 0 M er cedes B enz C 18 0 M anual, fi r s t regis tered in D ecember 19 9 3 wi t h 15 0,0 0 0 miles showing, 7 previous ow ner s and i t ha s a rea s onable his tor y file F inished in Signal R ed wi t h grey C lo t h in ter ior and 8 hole alloy w heels P lea s e c all 012 74 5 610 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115673 ME RC E DE S BE NZ SL C 4 5 0 19 7 9, £ 4 0,0 0 0. R egis tered in A ugus t 197 9 t his C 107 s er ies ha s c overed 7 3 k miles W i t h a c omprehensive his tor y file and a f ully do cumen ted c o sme t ic res tor at ion c omple ted in 2 017, t his 4 5 0 S L C pres en t s and dr ives super bly F inished in A s t r al silver me t allic pain t P lea s e c all 075 7 7 5 75 7 70, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115735 MG MG B G T 19 8 1, £ 6 , 5 0 0 Ta x and M O T exempt good condition, leather in terior, sunr o o f, s t ainles s s teel ex haus t , over dr ive P lea s e c all 0174 5 814 6 7 3, Wales 115887 MG T F 2 0 0 9, £ 7, 2 5 0 2 ow ner s, heated gla s s rear s creen, black leat her, piano black t r im,16” alloy w heels, pioneer r adio, air c ondi t ioning, limi ted edi t ion c ar no 4 3 8 o f 5 0 0 made T hes e are t he la s t sp or t s c ar s to bear t he M G badge and are r are c ollec tor s c ar s 6 3 0 0 0 mile wi t h f ull s er vice his tor y and a ma s sive p or t folio O ne o f t he bes t available P lea s e c all 07 76 8 6 52 8 2 8 , S ou t h E a s t 116030 M G M G C 19 6 9, £ 2 6 ,9 9 5 19 6 9 M G C G T, £ 2 6,9 9 5 O ld E nglish W hi te wi t h weba s to r o o f, repr o duc t ion k no ck on mini li te w heels, plus re f ur bished wire w heels and new t y res available, C ar wa s subjec t to a bare me t al, bare b o d y, nu t and b ol t rebuild, adjus t able rear suspension, all i tems ei t her renewed or re f reshed N ew leat her in ter ior, new c ar pe t s and s o much mor e P lea s e c all 078 6 0 2 6 2 6 31, S ou t h Wes t 116038 MG MG B 19 7 9, 9 7 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 7, 5 0 0 M G B r o ads ter 1 8 wi t h wor k ing o /d for s ale I would c onsider t his c ar to be an excellen t us able cla s sic w hich c an be le f t a s i t is or be an ongoing bu t ver y ea sy pr ojec t O ver dr ive wor k s per fec t ly T he c ar c omes wi t h 4 r o s t yles and a f ull s e t o f minili tes w hich are all in f air c ondi t ion A l t hough t he c ar is t a x and mo t exempt wi t h i t being over 4 0 year s i t ha s an mo t un t il 0 9 / 2 2 T here is a sligh t f r on t end oil leak w hich is minimal and barely no t iceable P lea se call 07 7070 6 7 915, E a s t of E ngla nd 115760 MG T F 2 0 0 3 , 6 5 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 , 4 0 0 F or S ale Mgt f 13 5 sprint limi ted edition mo del in s t ar ligh t silver W i t h ligh t grey ho o d leak f ree and chr ome pack N ew U pdated f r on t c alliper s and dis c s and rear dis c s and pads all r ound N o r us t on t his c ar and no den t s usual elec t r ic window s p ower s teer ing elec t r ic adjus t able mir r or s adjus t able s teer ing c olumn s eat bel t holder s in chr ome P lea s e c all 07 7 3 6 4 4 3 6 0 6, S ou t h E a s t 115778 MG T C 19 4 6 , £ 2 7,0 0 0 T his 19 4 6 M G T C ha s had a c omple te rebuild f r om cha s sis up T his ha s included a new f r ame, panels w here needed, engine rebuild (no t r un in ye t ) and a new in ter ior, ho o d and side s creens I n f ac t jus t ab ou t ever y t hing on t he c ar ha s been replaced or re f ur bished leaving w hat is e f fec t ively a new c ar P lea s e c all 075 6 5 5 6 3 9 0 3, S ou t h E a s t 115805 MINI MK I 19 6 5, £ 14 ,0 0 0 19 6 5 D elu xe M ini C la s sic 8 5 0 cc c onver ted to a C o oper S R eluc t an t s ale bu t t ime for a change a s ow ned for appr ox 14 year s B r ough t lo c ally, Ta x and M O T f ree 12 75 engine wi t h t win S U 1 1/4 c ar bare t t a s, t win f uel t ank s, and t wo f uel filler c aps Fr on t dis c br akes, br ake s er vo, c oun ter dials (1 large; 2 small ), s epar ate panel wi t h 3 small dials, under shel f, upr ated s eat s, new c ar pe t s including b o o t c ar pe t , tow bar for t r ailer E ngine cha s sis and c ommis sion plates fi t ted, mag alloy w heels, lower suspension, r o o f ar ial, elec t r onic igni t ion, and new S U f uel pump P lea s e c all 07 78 378 918 0, S ou t h Wes t 115931 MINI MK I V 19 7 1, 10 0 0 mil e s , £ 14 , 5 0 0 B a s ed on shell f r om a 19 91 R over M ini 1971 ‘J ’ pr ivate regis t r at ion to lo ok t he par t , f ully rebuil t 13 8 0 cc A S er ies E ngine r unning t win 1 5” S U ’s and elec t r onic P lea s e c all 07 78 9 0 3 6 3 4 3, Wes t M idlands 115932 CLUB MEMBER DISCOUNTS S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D 1989 32 Years 2021 Robspor tint Robspor t International 01763 262263 RWWW.ROBSPORT.CO.UK obspor tint Units 1 3 Nor th End, Dunsbridge Turnpike, Shepreth, Royston SG8 6RA Wan t ed! Your Clas sic Spor t scar s E s p e c i ally T R I U M PH : Stag , Dolo mit e , T R4 , T R 5 , T R6 , T R 7, T R 8 , 2 0 0 0 /2 5 0 0 a n d S p r i nt Call Simon or Ben now ! FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

31st August 2022 Classic Car Buyer 39Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk AGREED VALUE S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D MINI C O U N T RY M A N 2 0 12 , 5 7 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 6 , 4 0 0 individual s eat s*p ower s teer ing *elec t r ic window s*air c on s atelli tes navigat ion * par k ing aid * d vd *mp 3 player *cd player * blue to o t h* heigh t adjus t able dr iver/pa s s enger s eat s * folding back s eat s *p ower s teer ing *cr uis e c on t r ol *alar m sys tem * 4 w heel dr ive* 3 r d br ake ligh t * hill a s sis t * an t i lo ck ing br ake sys tem ab s*sp or t s mo de*grey clo t h s eat s*mini b o o t mat * mo t to mar ch 2 0 2 3 *dies el *par cel shel f * 2 keys* manualand s er vice b o ok pack *chilli pack in b o o t *is o fi x *air bags* cr a sh s ens or s ( f uel o f f/do or s open) *d y namic s t abili t y c on t r ol ds c * t y re pres sure war ning * br ake pad wear indic ator * fo g ligh t s *new bat ter y mar 2 0 2 2 * br ake pads f r on t and back replace mar 2 0 21 * new headligh t bulb s mar 2 2 * new wind s creen wiper s f r on t and rear mar 2 2 ser vice 2 0 21 / 2 0 2 2; other ser vice s t amp in b o ok *mileage 5 70 0 0 * 16 alloys w heels* w heel nu t in b o o t panel * c ondi t ion is excellen t inside and ou t * no pe t s /non smoker s elling a s no longer fi t s my needs , P lea s e c all 078 3 4 375 4 0 5, S ou t h E a s t 116003 MINI M AY FA IR 19 9 2 , £ 9,0 0 0. R e f ur bished 12 75 M G M e t r o engine, f ull b o d y respr ay J une 2 019 and largely res tored G reat f un to drive and will be s orely mis s ed C an pr ovide pic t ures o f all t he wor k alongside f ull paper wor k back to 2 0 0 5 M O T un t il O c tober 2 0 2 2 A ll reasonable of fer s considered Please c all 07 7 2 5 8 4 878 9, S c o t land 116016 MINI M AY FA IR 19 8 9, 3 0 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 7, 5 0 0 Fully res tored to a high quali t y s t andar d and all par t s renewed wi t h her i t age par t s f ull pain t wor k done by pr o fes sionals to exac t c olour w hen new M O T t ill M ar ch 2 0 2 2 G reat r unning we c ar never mis s es a beat A ll reasonable of fer s considered P lea s e c all 07 76 3 14 0 8 8 0, S ou t h E a s t 116036 NIS S A N E L G R A ND £ 10,0 0 0. 7 S eater all fold in to bed and all swivel r ound E xcellen t c ondi t ion inside and ou t P lea s e c all 013 6 0 3115 87, S cotland 115976 NIS S A N MIC R A 2 0 0 1, £ 2 ,9 9 5 Immaculate c ondi t ion, f ull s er vice his tor y P lea s e c all 07 9 6 7 8 2 2 2 51, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115847 C A RS 19 8 3 , 10 0 0 mil e s , £ 7,0 0 0 O ne previous ow ner, ow ned 2 0 year s,1970 s in ter ior in black , 70 s ins t r imen t s in pr imer, all par t s to fi nish minus engine and b ox P lea s e c all 07 742 52 2 371, S ou t h Wes t 115867 P O RS C HE 9 4 4 19 8 7, 2 P r ev i o u s ow n e r s cu r r e n t ow n e r 18 year s , 9 4 0 0 0 mil e s , s u m m e r u s e o n l y, al way s gar age d, well main t ain e d and in exc e ll e n t c o n d i t i o n . P lea s e c all 07 7470 2 075 8 , S ou t h Wes t 116025 P O RS C HE 911 19 7 7, 10 0 mil e s , S T O L E N! 197 7 P or s che 911, V I N: 9117 3 0 0 972, R egis t r at ion: 9 0 F F, G uar ds R ed wi t h black leat her, Fuchs alloys, sunr o o f S T O L E N f r om B at ter s ea , L ondon, evening o f M onday 2 5t h J uly A ny in for mat ion plea s e c on t ac t M e t r op oli t an P olice and ow ner at sr 313 @ ou t lo ok c om , G reater L ondon 115786 ROV E R MINI 19 9 4 , 4 6 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 6 ,9 9 5 Special E di t ion M ini 3 5 A ll or iginal, M O T A pr il 2 0 2 3 , pa s s ed w i t h no ad vis or ie s O nly ar ound six t y le f t regis tered in t he U K C ar is in N evada R ed wi t h unique uphols ter y for t his mo del 12 75 c ar bure t tor engine s t ar t s and r uns wi t hou t f aul t , gear b ox excellen t P lea s e c all 078 81810 4 8 8 , E a s t M idlands 115913 ROV E R 2 6 0 0 19 8 4 , £ 5,9 9 5 a reg, lo t s o f his tor y, handb o ok s, mo t s t unning P lea s e c all 078 9 5 6 75 8 51, S ou t h Wes t 115940 ROV E R 75 2 0 0 3 , 6 3 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 1, 4 9 5 R over 75 1 8 S E manual 2 0 0 3 2 ow ner s f r om new 6 3 0 0 0 miles P lea s e c all 015142 6 7 70 9, N or t h Wes t 115990 ROV E R 75 2 0 14 , £ 2 , 2 0 0 R over 75 2 5 V 6 A u to H i L ine S E s alo on: 2 0 0 2 2 ow ner R are Zircon Silver with Smokes tone / a sh grey leat her : 78 147 miles: Fully lo aded, air c on, cr uis e c on t r ol, C D changer, S at nav wi t h dis c, D r iver s pack , hand b o ok s: no wear to s eat b ols ter s, c am bel t s changed 10 / 12 / 21 R uns and behaves per fec t ly £ 2 2 0 0 ov no P lea s e c all 075 3 0 6 4 9 2 24, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116040 ROV E R MINI 19 9 4 , 12 19 16 mil e s , £ 12 , 5 0 0 19 9 4 R over M ini 12 75 cc in excellen t c ondi t ion F lame red wi t h a w hi te r o o f and 12" alloy w heels Twin H ella dr iving ligh t s and a matched pair o f fo g ligh t s S uper b or iginal in ter ior wi t h f ac tor y fi t ted walnu t da sh, s eat s and c ar pe t s in go o d c ondi t ion F ac tor y fi t ted alar m and immobilis er T he c ar is in excellen t c ondi t ion and c omes wi t h f ull s er vice his tor y including receipt s for par t s and wor k s c ar r ied ou t Ver y reliable c ar M O T valid to M ay 2 0 2 3 P lea s e feel f ree to ge t in touch for more in for mat ion P lea s e c all 0174 0 6 21787, N or t h E a s t 116062 ROV E R 75 2 0 0 3 , £ 1, 4 9 5 M ech ver y go o d A bi t o f wor k on t he b o d y P lea s e c all 01514 2 6 7 70 9, N or t h Wes t 115861 T OYO TA C O RO L L A £ 5 5 0 19 9 2, 5 D o or li f t back M O T J uly 2 0 2 3 10 3, 2 0 0 miles P lea s e c all 07 7 74 6 7414 8 , S ou t h E a s t 115954 VAU X H A L L V I VA 7 0 0 mil e s , £ 5, 5 9 5 A u to L R eg black uphols ter y, always gar aged can be delivered Please call 0752 6 9 5 0 474, S ou t h Wes t 115872 VAU X H A L L T IG R A 2 0 0 5, £ 1, 4 9 5. Vau x hall T igr a S p or t Full S er vice L eat her in ter ior, air c ondi t ioning, elec t r ic window s alloy w heels P lea s e c all 0752 7 4 4 6 242, Wales 115985 VO L K S WAG E N G T I 19 9 1, 15 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 , 2 9 5. V W G ol f G T I M k 2 1 8 ( B ig B umper ) R oyal B lue O r iginal B B S alloys, 15 8 k miles M O T to N ov R uns well H ones t example bu t needs s ome T L C P lea s e c all 0113 2 6 8716 3, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116000 VO L K S WAG E N T O UA REG 9 9 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 5,0 0 0 Touareg 6 cyl, 3 6 V 6 au to t r ip B r at islava buil t on s ame line a s C ayenne and A udi A 7 H ad pr op shaf t replaced at 75k , usual cen t re bear ing is sue 5 7 plate, c at c ten year s ago no sign o f any repair w hat s oever, D r ives ver y well and is open to any inspec t ion N o r us t and b o dily excellen t s ave one small t r olley ding in n /s rear do or P lea se call 07 78 070 4731, Wes t Midlands 116002 VO L K S WAG E N G O L F 19 9 6 , 6 7 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 , 5 0 0 G ol f M k 3 C abr iole t au to in red / char c o al clo t h in ter ior C omes wi t h b ox f ull o f his tor y inc or iginal s er vice pack , rear window s t icker and number plates Recent M O T, no ad visories B o d y wor k and elec t r ic ho o d in excellen t c ondi t ion P lea s e c all 016 52 6 78 417 , Yor k shire and t he H umber 116041 FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

40 Classic Car Buyer 31st August 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk CHOICE OF REPAIRER S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D VO LVO 9 4 0 19 9 3 , 10 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 2 , 8 9 5 Volvo 9 4 0 S E 2 0 S alo on, A u tomat ic, 19 9 3 mo del year, 19 8 6 cc P e t r ol F inished in M e t allic F er n G reen L ong M O T J une 2 0 2 3, c omprehensive s er vice his tor y, or iginal walle t wi t h s er vice b o ok , ins t r uc t ions manual e tc G o o d spec mo del, includes p ower window s and p ower heated mir r or s, heated s eat s, p ower s teer ing, manual sunr o o f and A lpine s tereo sys tem P lea s e c all 07 9 5 6 2 513 2 8 , G reater L ondon 115751 VO LVO 9 4 0 19 9 3 , 10 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 2 , 8 9 5. Volvo 9 4 0 S E 2 0 S alo on, A u tomat ic, 19 9 3 mo del year, 19 8 6 cc P e t r ol F inished in M e t allic F er n G reen W i t h only 10 8 ,0 0 0 low miles, long M O T J une 2 0 2 3, c omprehensive s er vice his tor y, or iginal walle t wi t h s er vice b o ok , ins t r uc t ions manual e tc G o o d spec mo del, includes p ower window s and p ower heated mir r or s, heated s eat s, p ower s teer ing, manual sunr o o f and A lpine s tereo sys tem P lea s e c all 07 9 5 6 2 513 2 8 , G reater L ondon 115810 T RUCKS/ L ORRIE S A EC MIL I TA N T 19 5 6 , P OA cha s sis c ab, 11 3 li t re engine, V G C P lea s e c all 07 710 2 5 6 4 8 9, S ou t h E a s t 115871 A L BIO N C HIE F TA IN P OA . F our cylinder engine, six speed gea r b ox , s h ow c o ndi t io n P le a s e c all 07 9 3 4 0 2 9 9 4 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115984 BE DF O RD D O RMO BIL E S £ 8 , 5 0 0. Two 'C la s sic' B ed for d D or mobiles ( B edouin: £ 8 5 0 0 + D eb onaire: £ 3 5 0 0 ) for s ale, one wi t h a V 8 P lea s e c all 07 7 2 0 3 8 0 8 6 6, E a s t o f E ngland 115939 BE DF O RD T K 19 7 3 , I am s e lling my B e d f o r d T K w i t h S t a t i o nar y e ngin e an d D y nam o I t is a previous show winner, 197 3 mo del, in dar k blue P lea s e c all 07 752 5 52 5 8 5, N or t h E a s t 116055 BE DF O RD C F 19 8 7, P OA B ed for d C F 3 5 0 pe t r ol, 2 0 l t r opal engine, unleaded c onver sion , new br akes all r ound , lo t s spen t over t he year s , ideal t r uck for small show t r ac tor s P lea s e c all 078 8 5 8 52 76 9, S ou t h E a s t 115804 BRIS T O L 19 5 5, £ 2 0,0 0 0 8 w heeler, f ull res tore, ab s olu tely beau t i f ul A ls o 2 B r is tol T/uni t wi t h 24 fo o t t r ailer G ar dner 6 LW engine in V G C £ 14 0 0 0 each P lea s e c all 07 75 9 47 3 3 8 0, E a s t M idlands 115828 C I T RO E N H Y £ 2 5,0 0 0 C i t r oen H Y f ully pr ofes sionally conver ted for ou tdo or C ater ing R ead y to rec ommis sion since C ovid P lea s e c all 07 7 2 0 3 8 0 8 6 6, E a s t o f E ngland 115938 D O D G E K E W 19 5 2 , £ 12 ,0 0 0 E aton t wo speed a xle, new bat ter y, s eat s reuphols tered go o d t y res and b o d y wor k P lea s e c all 014 0 3 75 3131, S ou t h E a s t 115851 F O D E N S 8 3 19 7 8 , P OA Fully res tored R ead y to S how, P revious C V C C over S tor y D ecember 2 017 G ar dner 18 0 E ngine T ipper B ulk B o d y Immaculate C ondi t ion P lea s e c all 012 9 8 8 4 312, Wes t M idlands 115942 G U Y £ 4 ,7 5 0 15 0 G ar dener, r uns and dr ives C ab needs res tor at ion, c omes wi t h build shee t s P lea s e c all 0787 9 210 0 01, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115889 HIG H L IF T £ 4 9 0. 15 0 0 kg c apaci t y L i f t s up to 8 2 0 mm or c an be us ed a s s t andar d palle t t r uck P lea s e c all 07 910 9 2 3 6 5 7, Wales 115918 I V EC O 3 5 19 9 4 , £ 4 ,9 0 0. 7 5 T I V E C O 19 9 4 F lat wi t h H iab 1 5 T li f t M O T to J uly 2 0 2 3 N ew f r on t t y res S ame ow ner since 2 0 0 5 (now re t ir ing P lea s e c all 0142 3 5 0 2 7 97, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116035 ME RC E D E S 5 0 8 19 7 8 , P OA Two ow ner s, wor ked c on t inually to 2 0 2 0 E lec t r ic cr ane in b o d y P lea s e c all 0781214 6 478 , Yor k shire and t he H umber 115820 MORRIS DROPSIDE 19 6 0, £ 7, 5 0 0 M or r is F F 5 ton Dies el F lat bed L or r y G o o d or iginal c ondi t ion no t res tored all or iginal, c ab me t al wor k s olid W ill require t y res and rec ommis sioning G o o d vehicle for r allies and sui t able for t r a nsp or t ing t r ac t or e t c P lea s e c all 07 76 5 42 5142, Wes t M idlands 116006 SC A MME L L HIG H WAY M A N 19 6 3 , 18 0 g a r d e n e r e n gin e w i t h o r w i t h o u t f o u r c y lin d e r G a r d n e r g e n e r a t o r m o u n t e d o n b a c k , S c am m e l c o u pling s a t back an d f r o n t P lea s e c all 07 974 476174, S ou t h E a s t 115866 WO RL D C O PY P OA N ew t r uck , o f fer s P lea s e c all 0 7 9 31 4 4 5 0 2 1, S c o t la nd 115983 VA NS VO L K S WAG E N C A MPE RVA N £ 4 0,0 0 0. L H D 15 window delu xe Imp or ted and rebuil t by G r aham f r om C ali for nia at F B I V W S wans ea C omple te build in 2 0 0 6 I h ave a c o m p l e t e c o m p r e h e n s i ve p o r t f oli o o n t h e b u s , as we ll as r e c e ip t s o n par t s b o ugh t s in c e b u ild P lea s e c all 078 5 5 3 5 6 517, S ou t h E a s t 115991 VO L K S WAG E N BAY C A MPE RVA N 19 7 2 , 6 0 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 12 ,0 0 0 5 bir t h Wes t f alia E xcellen t bus Ta x and M O T E xempt H ad lo t s o f welding done R uns really well C omes wi t h lo ads o f equipmen t and s ome spares P lea se call 07879 4 5 3 8 37, E a s t M idlands 115752 FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

31st August 2022 Classic Car Buyer 41Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk VO L K S WAG E N C A R AV E L L E 2 0 0 3 , 15 3 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 7,0 0 0 V W c ar avelle c amper van 12 mon t hs mot , ser viced 14 / 7/ 2 2, er ber spacer heat ing sys tem (wa s told i t wor k s bu t never us ed i t a s i t needs a new pla s t ic pipe ) c omes wi t h a dr iveaway aw ning wi t h r ail fi t ted and a blow up bed t hat goes over t he f r on t s eat s , small age related s cr atches and den t s P lea s e c all 07 97 3 8 3 2 3 6 7, Wes t M idlands 115756 VO L K S WAG E N C A MPE RVA N 19 7 2 , 3 0 17 5 mil e s , £ 14 ,0 0 0 197 2, le f t hand dr ive C ali for nian imp or t 3 0175 miles, main t ained well wi t h go o d s er vice his tor y O r iginal Wes t f alia in ter ior 2 li t re engine P op up r o o f, r o ck and r oll bed Side s tep re t r o fi t ted L ike new aw ning breat hable c over included a go o d r unner w hich ha s c omple ted a number o f t r ips to S c andinavia P lea s e c all 07515 7 9 8 9 5 7, S ou t h Wes t 115844 PA R T S A ND AC CE S SORIE S A L FA ROMEO L O ND O N MO T O RFA IR 19 87 O F F IC I A L C ATA L O G U E 19 8 7, £ 5 L ondon M o tor f air 87 o f fi cial c at alo gue o f ex hibi tor s I ncludes major and small, low volume ( including k i tc ar ) manu f ac t urer s, t uner s and c o achbuilder s I ncludes b o t h black a nd w hi t e a nd c o lour pho to s Ver y no s t algic 216 page c at alo gue do cumen t ing t he indus t r y and all t hat w hat wa s available in 19 87 S o f t back , in excellen t c ondi t ion C all Dave 07 7 9 5 1218 4 5 P lea s e c all 07 7 9 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 116065 AU DI SE AT S £ 12 0. A us t in / M or r is 110 0 / 13 0 0 pair o f blue s eat s, one ver y go o d, b o t h f r ames and ba s es ver y go o d, one c over needs repair P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115946 AU DI SE AT £ 4 5 A us t in / M or r is 110 0 / 13 0 0 Fr on t s e a t , g o o d f r a me / b a s e e t c, P le a s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115947 BE D F O R D RO O F L IN I N G £ 9 0. B ed for d J t y pe new black r o o f lining, may fi t A and D t y pes me t al r ib ex t r a C an s end for a pr ice P ay pal or bank t r ans fer P lea se call 07 74 9 5 8 6 75 7, S ou t h E a s t 116027 C OMME R K A RRIE R W INDOW £ 13 0 C ur ved t y pe full windscreen and c or ner window C a sh on c ollec t ion P lea s e c all 07 97 7 10 9 0 4 8 , N or t h Wes t 115885 F O R D C Y L IN D E R H E A D S £ 18 0 3 F or d C ylinder H eads 1 8 cv h, 1 3 cv h and 1 6 ohc 0 r 6 0 p ound each C ollec t ion O nly P lea s e c all 01787 37 76 0 2, E a s t o f E ngland 115995 F O R D R A N G E R £ 8 0 0. R oller shu t ter to fi t a F or d R anger G o o d c ondi t ion only a few mon t hs old Keys fi t P lea s e c all 0797116 6 6 6 8 , Wales 115797 JAG UA R S T Y PE 2 0 0 7, £ 16 0. S e t o f 4 J aguar k r ono s 17" A lloy w heels C ollec t ion only P lea s e c all 01787 37 76 0 2, E a s t o f E ngla nd 115994 JAG UA R X JS E T Y PE X K 8 19 8 9, £ 1, 2 9 9 J aguar 3 6 G e t r ag 2 6 5 5 speed manual gear b ox , minimal mileage and in excellen t c ondi t ion C omes wi t h c onver sion t o b o l t i t t o a n A J 8 J agua r V 8 engine: fl y w heel, clu tch and s teel adaptor plate I t 's though t that this wa s a J aguar developmen t s e t up f r om ar ound 19 9 0 w hen t he A J 8 wa s being developed Ever y t hing is super bly made and no t s ome af ter mar ke t or home made la sh up C a sh on collec tion from Shef field P lea s e c all 07 76 6 910 3 2 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115750 JAG UA R E T Y PE JAC K IN BAG A ND JAC K IN G H A NDL E £ 10 0 E Ty pe J agua r J ack I n B ag a nd J ack ing H andle P lea s e c all 07 9 6 8 6 5 9 9 6 7, S ou t h E a s t 115849 MINI C L A S SIC MINI H Y DRO L A S T IC DISPL AC E RS £ 6 0 0 C la s sic M ini H ydr ola s t ic Displacer s, s e t o f 4, ver y go o d P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116033 MINI MINI 8 5 0 C C E N G / BOX £ 6 5 0 M K1 M ini 8 5 0 cc E ng / B ox L ow miles, excellen t wor k ing or der wi t h all A ncillar ies and E x haus t P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116034 MINI RIMS £ 2 5 0 M ini or iginal D unlop A lloys 4 x 5 x 10 P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115780 MINI E S C O R T MK1/ MK11 £ 18 0 E s c or t M K1/ M K11 R S 2 0 0 0 M exic o e tc rear A xle P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115781 MINI R5 6 SEC O ND G E NE R AT IO N 2 0 0 9, £ 2 0 0. Full gla s s panor amic elec t r ic S unr o o f, ver y go o d condi t ion P lea se c all 012 6 47 7112 6, S ou t h Wes t 115833 MORRIS MINOR £ 2 5 0. N ew S pares, H al f shaf t s, k ingpin, t r unnions, M ater cyl, do or handle, br ake cylinder s, t ie bar s, water pump spr ing hanger and more S / H w heels and t y res, engine (wor n) wi t h unleaded head and more J ob lo t £ 2 5 0 N o o f fer s P lea s e c all 01914 87 7 311, N or t h E a s t 115886 MO RRIS M A RIN A VA N PA R T S 19 7 1, £ 12 5 W indscreen, rear door s gla s s, f r on t gr ill and sur r ound, rear ligh t s, rear do or hinges, chr ome f r on t bumper, M or r is D elu xe badge P lea se call 07910 874 975, E a s t of E ngla nd 115815 O T HE R P OA 9 0 0 / 2 0, 10 0 0 / 2 0, 12 0 0 / 2 0, 2 piece + 3 piece spli t r ims to sui t mo s t cla s sic c ommer cials A ls o have L eyland /A E C s t yle wi t h ex t r a holes for dr um b ol t s P lea s e c all 078 6 0 2 5 9 7 9 8 , S ou t h E a s t 115933 T Y R E S £ 5 0 Ty res 7 5 0 2 0 li t t le us ed P lea s e c all 013 878 6 0 242, S c o t land 115813 WE’RE RATED EXCELLENT ON TRUST PILOT S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

42 Classic Car Buyer 31st August 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk L U C A S F O G A ND SP O T L A MP S £ 8 0. Two matching L uc a s fo g and sp o t lamps wi t h br acke t s and bulb s, per fec t chr ome I deal for cla s sic c ar P lea s e c all 0170 4 2 2 7 312, N or t h Wes t 115822 6 CY L INDE R £ 15 0 6 C ylinder jaguar igni t ion k i t dis t r ibu tor and ampli fi er P lea s e c all 0 2 0 8 3 9 975 41, S ou t h E a s t 115852 A EC ME TA L BA D G E PL AT E £ 5 0 A E C M e t al B adge P late P er io d blackou t plate number : £ 3 0 P lea s e c all 016 8 42 9 3 5 9 4, Wes t M idlands 115869 ROV E R MINI £ 10 0. S e t o f 4 C la s sic M ini 12" A lloy W heels, bu yer to c ollec t P lea s e c all 01787 37 76 0 2, E a s t o f E ngland 115996 MISC A L FA ROMEO SPIDE R 19 6 6 19 8 7 BRO O K L A ND S B O O K S 19 9 0, £ 16 B r o ok lands B o oks c ompendium o f A l f a R omeo r o ad tes t s ar t icles, his tor y, bu ying guide, technic al dat a and s o on A ls o, ar t icles c ompar ing t he S pider wi t h o t her A l f a mo dels (G T Velo ce 19 6 6, 175 0 G T V 19 6 9) and als o t he J ens en H ealey 1975 Ver y c omprehensive L o t s o f pho to s and dat a P aper back , 10 4 pages, in ver y g o o d c o ndi t i o n 3 r d E di t io n (19 9 0 ) C all Dave 07 7 9 5 1218 4 5 P lea s e call 07 79 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 116064 AU S T IN W IND S C RE E N A ND C HROME 19 3 8 , £ 7 5. W inds creen and chr ome sur r ound f r om 19 3 8 A us t in C ambr idge, C hr ome sur r ound mea sures, W id t h 3 8 inches (9 6 5mm) H eigh t 12 5 / 8 inches (321mm) P lea se call 075 0 8 3 4 0 6 42, S ou t h Wes t 116044 C I T RO Ë N 2C V RE S T O R AT IO N G U IDE 19 9 6 , £ 10. C ar M echanic s C i t r oen 2 C V R es tor at ion guide I n ver y go o d condition 5 8 pages wit h ex tensive colour photogr aphy C over s the re cha s s eing and renovat ion o f an M O T f ailure 19 8 6 2 C V D olly I ncludes engine s er vicing and b o d y wor k repair s egs s cu t t le and ba s e o f B p o s t A 4 size, s o f t back P lea s e call 07 79 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 115775 C I T RO Ë N 2C V, A MI A ND DYA NE H AY NE S WO RK SHO P M A N UA L 19 9 0, £ 16 . H ay nes O w ner s Wor k shop M anual no 19 6, c over ing 19 6 7 to 19 9 0 2 C V, A mi and D yane mo dels and 42 5 cc, 4 3 5 cc and 6 0 2cc engine c apaci t ies P ublished 19 9 0 H ardback , ver y good condition, 213 pages U sual clear, s tep by s tep illus t r ated ( line dr awings and pho to gr aphs) ins t r uc t ions P lea s e call 07 79 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 115776 M A Z DA 818 (8 0 8) A ND R X3 RO TA RY WO RK SHO P M A N UA L 19 7 2 , £ 2 6 Intereur ope Wor k shop M anual no 18 5 c over ing M a zda's 818 , 8 0 8 pis ton engined and R X 3 r o t ar y engined mo dels ( f r om 197 2 ) C over s s alo on, c oupe and es t ate b o died der ivat ives ( including R X 3 C oupe D e L u xe) I n ver y go o d condition H ardback (wipeable c over ) 124 pages C lear black and w hi te pho to s and line diagr ams I ncludes Technic al Dat a , and S er vicing Dat achar t P lea s e c all 07 79 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 116063 MINI MORRIS MINI G RIL L £ 8 0 M K1 M or r is M ini gr ill, ver y g o o d c o ndi t i o n P le a s e c a ll 0 7 9 7 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115779 M AG A Z INE S Fr e e i f yo u c oll e c t f r o m DN 2 1 I UZ , I UZ , L IN C S c an d vc an d v in t ag e r o ad s c e n e a n d h e r i t ag e c o m m e r cial maga z in e s 2 0 2 1 c o m pl e t e plu s , 2 0 o d o m e n t s P lea s e c all 0142 7616 917, E a s t Midlands 115876 O RG A N RO SIE £ 2 ,7 5 0. O rgan R o sie, 2 0 no te keyles s ly nzena buil t 19 9 2 P lea s e c all 019 3 8 5 616 52, Wes t M idlands 115892 DINK Y FODE NS £ 7 5. 19 47 dink y F o dens a high sided one and a t ailb o ar d ver sion b o t h previously ow ned P lea s e c all 07 9 0 3 9 0 419 9, Wes t M idlands 115915 U N I Q U E L A L IQ U E M A S C O T S £ 12 5 T he A u tomo t ive R adiator H o o d, D esk O r namen t s and Tr ophies o f M a s ter G la s s ar t is an R L alique including auc t ion realis at ion pr ices and mar ke t values guide I n t r o' by L or d M on t ague a nd B B C A n t ique s R o adshow ex per t E r ic K nowles A few c opies here at £ 3 5 + £ 3 pandp W i t h a limi ted edi t ion o f only 5 0 0 published, t hey a r e mor e t ha n t r eble t his on A ma zon! P lea s e c all 078 9 0 8 3 6 7 3 4, S ou t h E a s t 115941 R E G I S T R AT IO N PL AT E £ 8 9 9. V 7 7 7 M P H P lea s e c all 019 3 2 78 6 0 3 0, S ou t h E a s t 115980 O T T E RVA L E MO T O R £ 4 5. C lub B adge S eaton D evon P o s sible 19 4 0 19 5 0 P lea s e c all 074 3 2 5 8 3 8 8 3, S ou t h E a s t 115989 T R A IL E R . £ 2 , 5 0 0. G r aham E d war ds t r ailer, li t t le us ed, vir t ually a s new Ty res, ligh t s and indic ator s all excellen t P lea s e c all 019 0 470 6 0 91, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115992 T EC A L A MI T RU N O N VA LV E £ 8 0 Tec alami t r un on valve U nus ed P lea s e c all 01217 0 5 0 8 4 9, Wes t M idlands 116023 ME RC E DE S TA BL E C OA S T E RS £ 15. M er cedes t able c o a s ter s S e t o f 4 in B urgund y E xcellen t c ondi t ion P lea s e c all 01475 7 2 6 3 6 0, S c o t land 116024 E S S O K E Y RIN G £ 14 O ne E s s o t iger t ail 19 6 0's L ambre t t a S c o o ter C an p o s t for £4 ex t r a P ay pal or bank t r a ns fer P lea s e c all 07 74 9 5 8 6 75 7, S ou t h E a s t 116026 V E SPA L ML PX 12 5 2 T D E L U X E £ 2 , 2 5 0 lo g b o ok in my name, no r us t or den t s, M O T 1 year and t a x , dr ives ver y well for a 12 5, c an be delivered wi t hin 2 0 miles may P lea s e c all 07 74 9 5 8 6 75 7, S ou t h E a s t 116028 RE A R L IG H T C L U S T E RS. £ 2 0. Rear light clus ter s believed I nher i ted s o c an’ t be sure bu t believed to be for a Vau x hall Fr on ter a B r and new bu t b o t h nsr £ 13 each or b o t h for £ 2 0 P lea s e c all 014 8 4 6 8 47 97, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116029 CONTACT US TODAY S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

31st August 2022 Classic Car Buyer 43Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk C L A S SIC MINI G T W HE E L S £ 2 5 0 C la s sic M ini G T W heels £ 2 5 0 S e t o f fi ve x 4 1/ 2 x 10 P lea se c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116031 C L A S SIC MINI R E A R SE AT S £ 15 0. C la s sic M ini R ear s ea t s, s / panels, r/shel f, Black wi t h red s t r ipe P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116032 BRO O K L A ND R AC IN G C L U B S O C IE T Y E N A ME L , 2 015 18 L A PE L BA DG E S £ 12 5. T hese are s old in or iginal B r o ok lands S o cie t y pla s t ic packe t s T hese are 'a s new' le f t over s to ck o f t hes e limi ted is sue 'B S' mee t ing badges at t he f amous cir cui t in t ho s e year s Ver y limi ted number s pr o duced! M aker s name on t he rever s e ' W O L E W I S , ( badges) LT D, B'ham ' P lea s e no te t hat t hey are s old O N LY a s a s e t o f four (4) for t he £ 12 5 P lea s e c all 078 9 0 8 3 6 7 3 4, S ou t h E a s t 115811 6 T IN SIG N S £ 4 0. 8 inche s by 12 inche s M ichelin, E s s o t iger, pump go ga s, F or d F or ds on, E t y pe jaguar, M us t ang P lea se c all 07 9 6 8 6 5 9 9 6 7, S ou t h E a s t 115825 VA N S SM A L L BOX VA N RO L L E R C U S T OM M A DE £ 6 5 0 Small cus tom made t r ailer for all needs, r oller do or 4 9 wide, 74 long, 52 high, P lea se c all 07 9 5 0 6 2 2 2 3 2 , S c o t la nd 115829 RO TAT IN G WO R L D G L O BE £ 4 5. R o t at ing Wor ld G lobe on chr ome ba s e wi t h C H R M D je t plane on top P lea se c all 07 9 6 8 6 5 9 9 6 7, S ou t h E a s t 115845 JAG UA R BA DG E £ 16 5. r oyal mar ines G ibr al t ar c ar badge P lea se call 074 3 2 5 8 3 9 0 4, S ou t h E a s t 115853 6 U S A PL AT E S £ 6 0 U S A P la te s M ar yland, I owa75, M inne s o t a 6 8 , M ichigan 7 9, O hio, new jer sey P lea se c all 0 2 0 8 3 9 975 41, S ou t h E a s t 115854 PE U G EO T PE U G EO T 5 0 4 PE T RO L A ND DIE SE L H AY NE S WORKSHOP M A N UA L S £ 7 9 5 peugeo t 5 0 4 pe t r ol and dies el hay nes wor k shop m a n u a l s , h a r d b a c k u n w r a p p e d , unus ed, unmar ked P lea s e c all 07 3 9 9 3 5 9 07 2, S ou t h E a s t 115950 WA NTED AU DI T T Wan t e d R o o f d ow n c over A udi T T M K1 r o ads ter r o o f dow n c over required any c olour P lea s e c all 07 7 31 41474 9, Wales 115979 F O R D E S C O R T Wan t e d . F ies t a or E s cor t /C or tina / Sier r a E s t ate P re fer ably in us able condition alt hough s ome wor k accept able W ill c onsider o t her makes o f es t ates and small vans over 2 0 year s old P lea s e c all 075 3 8 6 9 615 7, E a s t M idlands 115935 F O R D F IE S TA Wan t e d . M K1/ M K 2 or any E s c or t / C or t ina / Sier r a es t ate P re fer ably in us a ble c ondi t ion al t hough s ome wor k ac cept able W ill c onsider o t her make es t ates /small vans over 2 0 year s old P lea se c all 075 3 8 6 9 615 7, E a s t M idlands 115936 VO LVO 9 4 0 P OA V O LV O 9 4 0 E S TAT E 2 0 li t re G L , 19 9 0 / 9 2 M A N U A L I N J E C T I O N I N V G C P lea se c all 07 9 8 6 9 5 9 015 , S ou t h Wes t 116039 T OYO TA HIL U X Wan t e d P ickup mus t be V G C P lea se c all 07816 3 476 2 3, E a s t Midlands 115814 MINI C O O PE R S MK1 F RO N T SE AT Wan t e d C o oper S M K1 Fr on t S eat ba se red /grey/gold br o c ade and any in ter ior br o c ade mater ial and panels in any c ondi t ion, als o speedo, P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115948 T Y RE S P OA P air o f 9 0 0 x 2 0 Tyres P lea se c all 07 3 6 5 818 314, Wales 115878 MINI AT U R E MO DE L E N G INE S A ll Mina t u r e M o d e l E ngin e s s t eam an d p e t r o l P lea s e c all 07811 4 8 4124, E a s t o f E ngland 115875 PE T T E R L IG H T C O N T RO L BOX Wan t e d P e t t e r L igh t ligh t ing plan t s c o n t r o l b ox w i t h i n s t r u m e n t s , 19 3 0 s . 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Re ade r Ma r tin Cr uddo ck ha s b e e n in touch following our re c e nt me ntions of old stock c a r s that we re f ir st re giste re d long af te r they we re p ro duc e d : “I c a n re me mb e r whe n MG Rove r we nt bu s t in A p r il 20 0 5, it wa s s till p o s s ib le to bu y ‘new’ Rove r s fo r t wo o r m o re ye a r s af te r wa rd s In fac t, I’ve s e e n a c ouple of 0 8 re g Rove r 75s I think 20 0 8 wa s the cu t of f fo r re giste r ing the m new, dur ing to e mis sion s re gulations ”
46 Classic Car Buyer August 31 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk Last Orders Join in the CCB social scene by sending us your photos and emails, sharing your thoughts and opinions Write to: ccb.ed@kelsey.co.uk. The printed version of Classic Car Buyer is available in ASDA, Tesco, Morrisons and WH Smiths, plus all good newsagents ORDER FROM YOUR NEWSAGENT NOW! Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classic Car Buyer is available through any good newsagent. To ensure they save/ deliver your copy every week, complete this form and hand it to your newsagent DOWNLOAD THE DIGITAL ISSUE OF CLASSIC CAR BUYER FROM AS LITTLE AS 94p! Visit: www.pocketmags.com or download it via the App Store; search ‘Classic Car Buyer’. N E X T I S S U E O N S A L E W E D N E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 7 P L U S . . . 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O ne of tho se late mo de l Rove r s is cur re ntly fo r s a le via a de a le r in G a la s hie ls T he 20 0 6 re gis te re d Rove r 25 1 4 G LI ha s c ove re d just 940 mile s a nd is s a id to be in a s new c ondition thanks to c a reful s to r ag e. It will b e s old with new t y re s a nd a c a mb e lt cha nge, a nd is cur re ntly ava ila b le fo r £ 8 9 95 via ada mpur ve sca r s c om O l d -s tock Rove r s
Ad va n c e d H e r a l d By 19 67, the Tr iump h H e r ald wa s get ting on in ye a r s Bu t ac c o rding to this adve r t, time d to coincide with the E a r l’s C our t Moto r S how, it wa s “ the m o s t a d va n c e d fa m ily c a r in B r i t a in to day ” , de s p i te i t s c o ntinue d u s e of a s e pa r ate c h a s s i s Adva n c e d? A p pa re ntly s o, tha nks to the H e r a l d’s a ll inde p e nde nt s u s p e n s i o n, adjustable s te e r in g c o lum n a n d 9 3 p e r c e nt visibilit y Eve n its old fa s hione d c h a s s i s wa s m a r ke te d a s a b o nu s, c o mbining “s tre ng th with a l ow c e n tre of g r avi t y fo r s p o r t s c a r ha n dling” T he 19 67 H e r a l d line up r a nge d f rom £ 627 fo r the 120 0 s a lo o n throu gh to £711 fo r the e s t ate



