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Classic Car Buyer 3Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukSeptember 14 2022 26 If you like what you see in Classic Car Buyer, why not get it delivered to your door and save lots of money by taking out a subscription? See page 47 for the latest fantastic deal! 4 N E WS A ll t he lat es t cla s sic new s, including a rep or t in to high end cla s sic s a s inves tmen t s plus the retur n o f M G B bodyshell produc t ion 8 AU C TI O N N E WS We check ou t s ome o f t he mo s t in ter e s t ing cla s sic s heading for auc t ion at t he nex t H is tor ic s s ale later t his mon t h 12 M A R K E T T R E N D S S ee w hat ’s happening price wise with t hree A us tin H ealey sp or t s c ar s of t he 19 5 0 s a n d ’6 0 s , f r om ‘ F r o geye’ t o 3 0 0 0 FE ATURES 16 TH E C L A S S O F ’ 9 2 P aul G uinnes s revisi t s s ome o f t he mo s t imp or t an t launches o f 3 0 year s ago, f r om t he lates t N is s an M icr a to t he B en t ley B r o ok lands 2 0 B U Y I N G A FI E S TA M k 3 F or d’s super mini grew in s t a t ure in 19 8 9, w hen t he t hir d gener at ion mo del to ok over a c ar t hat ’s now t he ideal s t a r ter cla s sic 2 6 GT S E M I E S TAT E S T his week’s C la s sic C hoice reveals t he appeal o f R elian t ’s S cimi t ar G T E , c ompar ing i t wi t h t he L ancia B e t a H P E and Volvo 18 0 0 E S SALES SPOTLIGHT 3 0 TRIUM PH TR 3 A 3 0 JAGUA R M k 2 3 2 TOYOTA AV E N S I S CL ASSICS FOR SALE 3 4 FREE ADS 4 2 BA RG A I N S FOR EDITORIAL Email: ccb ed@kelsey co uk Tel: 01959 541444 TO SUBSCRIBE Web: shop.kelsey.co.uk Tel: 01959 543747 CARS FOR SALE Email: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk Tel: 09068 020279 TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS Email: ccb adsales@kelsey co uk Tel: 01233 228751 HELP AND FAQs Web: help kelsey co uk Tel: 01959 543747 Kelsey Media uses a multi layered Privacy Notice giving you brief details about how we would like to use your personal information For full details visit www.kelsey.co.uk, or call 01959 543524. If you have any questions please ask as submitting your details indicates your consent, until you choose otherwise, that we and our partners may contact you about products and services that will be of relevance to you via direct mail, phone, email and SMS You can opt out at ANY time via email: data.controller@kelsey.co.uk or 01959 543524. 20 16 H idde n a mong all the re cent pre s s cove rage of the Conse r vative pa r t y’s le ade r s hip c a mpaign ha s be e n a sugge s tion that our new p rime ministe r will s ho r tly f ind he r se lf b e ing c hauf fe ure d a roun d in a G e r m a n b uilt Au di A8 If s o, s h e w ill b e the f i r s t U K p r ime minis te r not to u se a B ritish built c ar, with he r pre de c e s sor s having e njoye d the opule nce provide d by ma rque s like Jagua r, Daimler a nd Rove r

r native is ava ilable; French pre sident Emmanuel Macron use s a r ange of French built m odels ( including a D S7 Cros sback) and G e r man CL ASSIC INTEREST 2 4 CL AS S IC SCE N ES A not her r ummage in t he archives for our week ly dose of photogr aphic nos t algia 4 6 L AST ORDERS T he lates t reader feedback , plus period ads and gener al cla s sic chat ter chancellor O laf
via Me rce de s B r it a in doe s, of c our se, c ontinue to p ro duc e s o me of the world’s fine st machine s of limousine like p ropor tions, de spite the los s of the Jagua r XJ But during the s e ‘c o st of living crisis’ days, s et against a backdrop of rapidly r ising inf lation, using a Be ntley Flying Spur or Rolls Royc e G host would ha rdly b e a p p rop r iate I’m no f lag waving jingois t, but surely a n a r m oure d Range Rove r is more suitable p rime ministe rial tr anspor t tha n a n Au di W hat do you think ? Paul G uinn e s s Editor Ke l s ey M e d i a D ow n s C o u r t Ya l d i n g Ke n t M E18 6 A L K E E P I N TO U C H Have CCB delive re d or re ad our digital e dition! Ca ll 019 59 5 414 4 4 or vi s i t s h o p ke l s ey c o uk fo r a p o s t a l o r dig i t a l s u b s c r ipti o n Re ad the late s t is sue online at shop kelsey c o uk Sign up fo r our newslet te r at w w w cla s sic sworld co uk w w w c l a s s i c swo r l d c o u k Classics World YouTube Great v deos on ine at www youtube com/ ClassicsWorldUK Classics World website News and reviews updated dai y www classicsworld co uk Find us on Facebook GREAT SUBS OFFERS AND MUCH MORE AT https://shop kelsey co uk/C Classics World Social Media Regular updates and a ook beh nd the scenes P r o d u c t io n e d i t o r J a c k G r ove r s p e n t t h e fi r s t we e ke n d o f S e p t e m b e r a t t h e Ch a t swo r t h C o u n t r y S h o w A v i n t ag e c a r pa r ad e f e a t u r e d o n t h e S a t u r d ay, l e d by c e l e b r i t y ga r d e n e r A la n T i t c h m a r s h in a L ag o n d a Bu t t h i s l i n e u p o f a 19 2 0 s M o r gan A e r o t h r e e w h e e l e r, f r o n t w h e e l dr i ve B S A S c ou t and Ro ll s Royc e 2 0 h p r eall y c ap t u r e d t h e s pir i t o f t h e eve n t .
Ac c o r ding to news p a p e r re p o r ts, the Me trop o li t a n Polic e h a s o r d e re d a ba tc h of b ulle tp r o of Au di s a s N u mb e r 10 transpor t, replacing the a r m our plate d Jagua r XJs that David Cameron spe cifie d in 2010. With those Jaguar s c oming towa rd s the e nd of their se r vic e a n d the nex t ge ne ration XJ being c a nc elle d just befo re launch, the re’s a sugge s tion that no British made alte rnative is ava ilable But is that tr ue? Bor is Johnson wa s re gula r ly se e n being chauf fe ure d away from Downing S tre et (including on his la s t day in of f ic e) a b oa rd a R a nge Rove r, a mo de l that he appa re ntly prefe r re d ove r the XJ With a n all new Range Rove r now launche d, sure ly this is a c a ndidate fo r the nex t g e n e r atio n of N u mb e r 10 tr a n s p o r t pa r ti c ul a r l y du r ing this e r a of SU V m a r ket domination I c a n’t think of ma ny Eu ropean leade r s who would appre ciate trave lling in a fo reign car whe n a dome stic alte S cholz is hauf fe ure d
4 Classic Car Buyer September 14 2022 NEWS & comment Subscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
which time James had already decided the newly reacquired MGA was going to benefit the Alzheimer’s Society, as he explained on his MGAlzheimers uk website: “In honour of my dad, I decided to use the MG to raise awareness of the disease When my time was done, it would be sold and all proceeds donated to the charity, hoping I would be around to witness it!”
The first public appearance of Austin Pedal Cars will be at the 2022 Goodwood Revival, where an all new J40 prototype continuation pedal car will be unveiled Austin Pedal Cars has plans to launch a series of new Austin pedal car models over the coming years
Mark Bur nett, Burlen’s managing director, comments: “Austin as a brand will live on in our hands, keeping the name alive, educating future generations on the importance of automotive history and giving them the first steps into car ownership ”
The late James Davis with his much loved MGA Twin Cam.
his dream is to take on the styling of a future generation Corvette
inside the mother ship ”
Ferrari wins Salon Privé
Rob’s son, James, spotted the MGA for sale and knew he had to buy it The car had been a major part of his childhood, with James helping his father with its maintenance and race preparation over the years Rob subsequently passed away in 2019, by
The story took a tragic twist, however, when James passed away in July 2021 In accordance with his wishes, the MG will now be auctioned, with all funds benefiting the Alzheimer’s
Society CCB editor, Paul Guinness, says: “James was a personal friend of mine who is dearly missed by everyone who knew him He was passionate about his MGA and the family history behind it, and saw it as the perfect tool to help raise money for charity ”
The car carries an estimate of £30,000 £40,000 For details, visit bonhams com

GT TdF is one of just five long wheelbase Ferrari 250 GTs designed by Zagato Chassis 0515GT was originally built for one of Ferrari’s best customers, Vladimiro Galluzzi, who raced the car extensively during the 1956 season before selling it to racing driver Luigi Taramazzo It was eventually retired from racing at the end of 1958
Julian Thomson was responsible for the design of the original Lotus Elise
J40 gets Austin brandingEx-Jaguar designer moves over to GM
The Twin Cam one of just 2111 built by MG was most recently owned by James Davis, son of the car’s long term second owner, Rob The car was bought new by London based graphic artist Renato Fratini, with Rob acquiring it in 1963
According to specialist press reports, Thomson will be working on GM projects for the USA, Korea and China: “We will be a kind of think tank and contribute to everything that happens
will be more far reaching Thomson has reportedly been studying GM’s product range since January, although his appointment has been kept secret until now He is said to be an admirer of the latest design developments at Cadillac, although
urlen, owner of the J40 Motor Company, has announced its acquisition of the Austin trademark for use on its pedal cars, allowing it to manufacture new models, parts and accessories under the Austin name
Alzheimer’s legacy for MGA
Julian Thomson stepped down as head of Jaguar design at the end of May 2021
rare 1959 MGA Twin Cam will be offered with no reserve at this weekend’s Goodwood Revival (September 17), when Bonhams sells it on behalf of its late owner’s family with all proceeds going to the Alzheimer’s Society
and remaining its registered owner until 2016, when it was sold to help fund his long term healthcare after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis Rob and the MG were in Canada by then, but in 2018 the car was acquired by a UK based dealer and shipped back ‘home’
Before taking on the role of design chief, he’d spent 18 years working alongside Ian Callum to redefine Jaguar styling
A new company known as Austin Pedal Cars is launching with immediate effect, with the existing J40 Motor Company becoming a sub division as a J40 specific parts, accessories, events and experiences brand A new Austin Pedal Cars website will launch later this year
1956 Ferrari 250 GT TdF Berlinetta by Zagato has been awarded Best of Show at this year’s Salon Privé Concours d’Elégance, beating all other class winners that represented 12 decades of motoring from veteran to supercar Owned by David and Ginny Sydorick, the 250
Thomson, who previously worked for Lotus and was responsible for the Elise S1 of 1996, will head up a staff of around 35 With GM having little representation in Europe since its sale of the Vauxhall and Opel brands in 2017, the European Advanced Design studio’s influence
ulian Thomson, the former head of Jaguar design who left Jaguar Land Rover in May 2021, is to lead General Motors’ new UK based European Advanced Design studio, which is due to open by the end of this year
Cars linked to the Queen also perform strongly, with Hagerty figures showing that nine examples associated with her have sold on average for 40 per cent more than an equivalent with no royal link
– report
with the value of a standard version of the same car with often startling results Cars with a royal connection often perform strongest, none more so than the Escort RS Turbo formerly used by Diana, Princess of Wales, which recently sold for £730,000 via Silverstone Auctions
Classic market offers potential ‘hedge against inflation’
John Mayhead, Hagerty editor, comments: “The UK Hagerty Price Guide values this model at an average of £35,400 for a totally concours, low mileage car. The Diana owned car sold for 2062 per cent of Hagerty’s top value ” Before the sale, Hagerty data revealed that cars once owned by the Princess of Wales commanded an average increase in price of 813 per cent
According to Hatlapa, demand for supercars and homologation specials in particular will remain buoyant: “I personally
chosen classic [or] moder n classic it could be £110,000 or more ”
But examples need to be in perfect condition with the
He reported, however, that some sectors performed significantly better: “The HAGI LPS Index for classic Lamborghinis managed almost 15 per cent for the year, followed by Porsche with eight per cent and Ferrari on six per cent ”
and GT replacement shells to an impressive 2244 so far A total of 2009 complete bodies were also built by BMH for the MG RV8 production run of the early 1990s
Commenting on BMH’s latest MGB bodyshell run, managing director Graham Payne said: “We are very proud of the contribution we continue to make towards keeping the MGB flame alive, keeping abreast of the never ending demand for existing parts, as well as introducing new ones, resurrecting old ones, and constantly investing in the maintenance and refurbishment of the historic tooling ”
think early supercars or motorsport homologation road versions, such as the Mercedes Benz 190 Evo II, Lamborghini Countach, Bugatti EB110, Porsche 959, Ferrari 288 GTO and BMW E30 M3, will do well We are noticing a younger generation of emerging collectors gaining importance in the market
This represents the biggest single MGB bodyshell production run for four years, bringing BMH’s total number of MGB roadster

ith inflation soaring in the UK and throughout the wester n world (and beyond), well heeled investors are increasingly tur ning towards classic vehicles as a ‘safe’ choice during these uncertain times That’s the view of Silverstone Auctions, taking its findings from the latest Knight Frank Wealth Report, which suggests that classic cars are outperforming many other forms of investment
The 2022 Knight Frank Wealth Report takes a slightly more cautious approach, quoting market expert Dietrich Hatlapa of Historic Automobile Group Inter national (HAGI) Hatlapa suggests that his company’s main index the HAGI Top rose by three per cent in 2021, a figure that was “well below the long term annual average”
Classic Car Buyer 5Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukSeptember 14 2022 Sign up to our newsletter at www.classicsworld.co.uk
Of the 512,000 MGBs built at Abingdon between 1962 and 1980, BMH estimates that over 38,000 remain in the UK alone, many of which have benefited from the company’s continued production of complete shells and individual body panels
As an alter native to traditional investment options like gold, gem stones, fine art and even rare wines, high end classics are in particular demand at present, a trend that’s set to continue according to a statement by Silverstone Auctions: “For the next few years, classic cars may well be the way forward in terms of protecting your assets £100,000 in the bank will be £90,000 this time next year, but with a carefully
lowest mileage ” Classics with famous former owners also continue to outperform the general market, according to the latest Power List report issued by Hagerty, which investigates how celebrity ownership can add to the value of a vehicle Searching databases for celebrity owned cars offered for sale, Hagerty has compared each sale price
New batch of MGB shells
High value classic cars remain among the safest investments during this era of rising inflation, according to an influential report. And it’s a trend that looks set to continue
The auction house suggests that a headline inflation figure of around 10 per cent will “motivate investors to look at alter natives” Stocks and shares are seen as risky by many due to current global political issues, artwork is too long term a strategy for some investors, and there are suggestions that the property market is due a correction: “So, it has to be classic cars and classic bikes, with the additional pleasure that you can ride and drive them ”
oinciding with the 60th anniversary of the MGB is news that British Motor Heritage (BMH) is building its latest batch of complete bodyshells 16 GTs and 14 roadsters as part of its ongoing long term support for the model
1992 who were able to take passenger rides in the cars The attending 200 Coupes ranged from an early ex press fleet car to a late T reg example.
activities Hagerty customers will be able to use the space to relax while visiting Bicester Heritage, and car clubs of all sizes will be welcome to use the venue to host AGMs and other member meets
agerty has announced plans to open a brand new facility at Bicester Heritage, which is now home to over 50 specialist automotive
Brian’s asking £12,500 for what is probably the most original Renault 15 still on the road a figure that sounds almost bargain like compared with what you’d pay for such a low mileage immaculate Capri of the same age To find out more, call 07803 029494
The Hagerty Clubhouse will officially open in 2023, with a firm date yet to be announced
Rover Coupe celebration
The Hagerty Clubhouse will undergo a complete interior redesign, adding bespoke member lounges, a sociable bar area and an exhibition space for curated vehicle
‘Time warp’ Renault rarity
The Renault 15 like its sister coupe, the 17 was launched in 1971 and arrived on the UK market the following year. Based
The recent commemorate event, jointly organised by the Rover 200 & 400 Owners’ Club and the Rover Coupe Owners’ Club, enabled owners to drive on the same high speed bowl where the records
Fiat has enjoyed more success than most manufacturers in the European Car of the Year, with the Italian giant regularly claiming victory Here we highlight five of its most successful winners.
Although Fiat enjoyed another win in 1989 with the mid size Tipo, we’ll fast forward to 1995 when its Uno replacing Punto took first place, leaving the latest VW Polo a distant second The original Punto was another hugely successful Fiat supermini, with three and five door options plus a two door convertible Fiat Uno 1995: Fiat Punto
escribed as a ‘time warp’ example of what’s now one of the rarest mass produced coupes of the ’70s, this 18,000 mile Renault 15 has come to market via the chairman of the Renault Classic Car Club Brian Whiteside, who lives in Wimbor ne, Dorset, told CCB: “I’m gradually reducing my collection of Renaults Looking after so many takes a lot of time.”
Regular events will be presented at the Hagerty Clubhouse, including industry presentations, celebrity talks and car culture inspired
A couple of years later came another Fiat victory, this time with the front drive 127 a compact two door saloon that soon evolved into a three door hatch, helping the supermini sector of the 1970s to get established Two minor restyles and regular updates kept the 127 in production through to 1983
were broken, albeit at rather more sedate speeds
he August bank holiday weekend saw almost 30 Rover 200 Coupes gathered at Millbrook Proving Ground, Bedfordshire, for a celebration of the model’s record breaking runs there 30 years ago
F i a t C o T Y w i n n e r s
This bright yellow Renault 15 a 1289cc TL version is said to be in “superb unrestored condition” and has apparently never been welded It is an original right hand drive car that was rustproofed by Ziebart when new, hence its lack of corrosion and all original paintwork
Hagerty Clubhouse plan
Fiat’s first victory came during year four of the CoTY, when the new 124 which debuted in 1966 attracted more than twice as many points as the second placed BMW 1600 The 124 was a big seller for eight years, but lived on far longer in Lada guise thanks to Fiat’s penchant for licensing deals
displays, creating a unique new venue within the Bicester Heritage site
on the front wheel drive Renault 12 platform, it remained in production through to ’79, finally replaced in 1980 by the new Fuego Although just under 208,000 Renault 15s were produced in total, only a small number were built in right hand drive for the British market
We had to wait 12 years for the next Fiat badged winner, with the Uno just beating the Peugeot 205 to the top spot Tall, boxy and bigger than many rivals, the Uno was as spacious and practical as it was pleasurable to drive a moder n enough design to remain on sale in Europe right through to 1995
1967: Fiat 124 1970: Fiat 128 1972: Fiat 127 1984:

businesses at the former RAF Bomber Training Station
Just three years later came Fiat’s second CoTY win, when the front wheel drive 128 took the top spot by a big margin Built in Italy until 1984 (but living longer with different badges in Yugoslavia, Egypt and Argentina), the 128 attracted more than three million buyers via its saloon, estate and coupe versions
It was in 1992 that a team of volunteers from Rover Group, including drivers, engineers and logistics experts, took two near standard, ex prototype cars to Millbrook and broke 37 UK Land Speed Records, 36 of which still stand today These included 156mph for the flying 5km distance and 138 43mph for the 24 hours, from a standing start
It was also attended by a dozen ex Rover Group staff members of the ‘Tomcat Affair’ team of
6 Classic Car Buyer September 14 2022 NEWS & comment Subscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
Our Autumn Classic Auction takes place on Wednesday 19th to Thursday 20th October 2022 If you would like to enter your classic vehicle at this auction, please contact us now. View all lots online at www.hobbsparker.co.uk/cars and in person on our viewing days from Monday 17th - Thursday 20th October at our Auction Centre in Ashford, Kent. 01233 506266 Ashford Market | Orbita Park | Ashford | Kent TN24 0HB www hobbsparker co uk/cars Classic Car Auctions Got a classic to sell? Call me to enter your c lassic vehic le at auction and the sale pr ice we could hope to ac hieve for you. Contact James Johnson 07786 927557 c l a s s i c c a r s @ h o b b s p a r ke r. c o. u k Enter Cyour tlassic oday 1983 Opel Monza 3 0 E Auto 1976 MG B GT Automatic 1966 Renault 10 1100 1,759 miles 1933 Austin 7 RP Box saloon 1998 Rover Mini Kensington Japanese spec SPI Auto 6,106 miles Classic Auction 19 t h - 20 t h O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 Car Bike Commercial Memorabilia

An early, pre turbo example of the pioneering hot hatch, this 1979 Renault 5 Gordini is an incredibly rare UK supplied car and has been sympathetically restored It’s now in stunning, time warp condition and is expected to sell for £17,000 £24,000
There will be at least a dozen Porches in the sale, but our eye was drawn to this stunning 1968 911E Targa A 1969 model year car with the lengthened wheelbase, it’s a matching numbers example with lots of history and is estimated at £100,000 £130,000
As you would expect of Historics, there are several headliners expected to sell in six figure territory A 1961 Aston Martin DB4 Series 2 carries an estimate of £280,000 £310,000, while a beautiful 1970 Citroën DS21 EFI Decapotable by Chapron is guided at £145,000 £160,000 Adding an Italian flavour is a 1961 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider Veloce that could sell for as much as £140,000, with a 1986 Ferrari 328 GTS expected to command £110,000 £150,000 There are also several Mercedes Benz models in similar territory, with a 1955 190 SL Roadster estimated at £135,000 £150,000 and a 1969 280 SL ‘Pagoda’ guided at £105,000 £125,000 These are joined by an altogether more moder n Mercedes Benz McLaren SLR Coupe from 2005, which could hit a sale price of £275,000
such as a 1966 Mercedes 230 SL Pagoda and a couple of Bentley Turbo Rs, with sportier entries such as a 2005 Alfa Romeo 147 GTA and a 1992 Mazda RX 7 Turbo Convertible also consigned Everyman classics are well covered too, with a 1970 Morris 1100 joining a couple of classic Minis, a 1983 Opel Manta and a 1986 BMW 320i A 1998 MGF and a pair of MGBs from 1964 and ’65 are all offered without reserve too, while more unusual entries are a 2002 Renault Avantime Privilege and even a Hummer H3 golf cart!

Another classic offered with no reserve is a 1984 Renault 5 one of the last first generation cars. It’s joined by a stunning UK supplied R5 Gordini from 1979, which is estimated at £15,000 £17,000 and is one of several hotted up hatches
An early production right hand drive example, this 1959 Karmann Ghia is described as the best that Historics has ever seen At an estimated £43,000 £53,000, the fully restored example won’t be cheap but it looks superb in black with a red interior.
One of two factory demonstrators and Used by Marvel films in the movie Loki, it benefits from an older restoration and comes with lots of history Temptingly, it’s offered with no reserve
This 1978 Chevrolet Corvette is an official limited edition built to replicate the car that paced the Indy 500 race that year (marking the Corvette’s 25th anniversary). Chevrolet built one for each dealer and they were instantly collectable This one was imported last year and is estimated at £20,000
You’ll also find a pair of immaculate Mk2 Fiesta XR2s, one of which could sell for as much £23,000, plus an immaculate 1989 Volkswagen Golf GTI 8 valve that carries the same upper estimate
just four automatic examples in right hand drive, this 1980 Triumph TR8 Convertible was originally built to US specification and is fitted with a low compression engine for unleaded petrol, plus Lucas fuel injection It was previously owned by TR8 Archivist Rex Holford and is estimated at £17,000 £24,000 The oldest car in the sale as we went to press was this 1925 Alvis 12/50 TE Sports Tourer in Dove Grey with blood red trim. Fully restored over a 12 year period, it’s in wonderful condition and carries a guide price of £28,000 £37,000 How about this as a step back in time? This 1949 Morris Six Series MS has been given the hot rod treatment and fitted with a 460cu.in. (7.53 litre) Ford V8, Jaguar rack and pinion steering, a leather interior and chucky polished wheels Be different for a predicted £14,000 £19,000 One of the humbler entries is this 1970 Morris 1100 in Mk2 guise.
A bumper selection of Fords includes this 1973 Mk1 Escort Mexico with period rally history Originally prepared for a ladies’ team, it was entered on the 1977 RAC Rally before being stored in the early ’80s and not emerging again until 2015 Now restored, it’s estimated at £49,000 £58,000
istorics will head to the fast developing mecca of all things classic that is Bicester Heritage on September 24, with the auctioneer’s autumn sale marking its first visit to the bustling Oxfordshire venue Fittingly, it’s put together a brilliantly eclectic catalogue too, with almost 160 cars consigned at the time of writing
8 Classic Car Buyer September 14 2022 NEWS, REVIEWS AND LATEST PRICES FROM THE AUCTION HOUSES Subscribe and read online at: shop.kelsey.co.uk
The very car featured in The Crown series on Netflix, this 1980 Daimler DS420 limousine presents well in Royal Blue and has been used gently but often. It shows 79,700 miles and is offered with no reserve
With other entries such as a rare Triumph TR8, a Mercedes G Wagen once owned by Eric Clapton and a 1978 Chevrolet Corvette Indianapolis 500 pace car replica, Historics looks set to enjoy a strong Bicester Heritage debut For the full catalogue, head to historics co uk
If your pockets aren’t that deep, there’s a pleasingly diverse selection of no reserve entries. These include more exotica,
01753 639170 auctions historics.co.uk www.historics.co.uk See the website for details of all entries and to register to bid, in hall, by phone and online 1970 Citroën DS21 EFI Decapotable by Chapron £145,000 £160,000 1980 Triumph TR8 Convertible £17,000 £24,000 2015 Evanta Barchetta £30,000 £40,000 2004 Porsche 911/997 Carrera 2S £25,000 £30,000 2009 Ford Focus RS £29,000 £37,000 A ROUSING AUCTION OF 180 FINE CL ASSIC & COLLECTOR CARS VIEWING DAYS Wednesday to Friday 21st to 23rd September 10am 5pm each day SALE TIME Saturday 24th September Commences 9 30am Doors open 8 30am


Auction 17th of September Visit our we bsite wba ndsons.com The A uction House , Sa mson Close , Ne wcastle Upon Tyne , NE12 6DX Entries Invited – Free Collection – Competitive fees ENTRIES INVITED, CALL 0191 268 9011 Mercedes Benz SL320 Guide Price £10,000 - £14,000 VW Beetle Type 18A Guide Price £10,000 £14,000 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow 1 Guide Price £6,000 - £8,000 MG ZR Guide Price £2,000 - £4,000 BMW 316 Guide Price £5,000 - £6,000 A ustin Healey 3000 Guide Price £55,000 - £65,000 Ford Consul Guide Price £8,000 - £12,000 Rover P6 Guide Price £2,000 - £3,000 Saab 96 Two Stroke Guide Price £5,000 - £6,000

The bargain of the Big Healeys
12 Classic Car Buyer Subscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk September 14 2022 Have you bought one of these recently? Tell us about it! Send an email to ccb ed@kelsey co uk You can join the debate online too at: www facebook com/ClassicCarBuyer and: @ClassicBuyer on Twitter! WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Image: Silverstone Auctions
The BJ8 leads the prices of Healey 3000s bank on paying £50,000 £60,000 for a good one and maybe as much as £100,000 for a fastidiously and freshly restored one that could win prizes Rougher ‘older restorations’ with tired paint fall into the £35,000 £40,000 bracket. Earlier 3000s sit about 20 per cent below those, with rare two seaters carrying approximately a 15 per cent premium Like the 100 6, the 3000’s values have been pretty much static across a decade, but unlike the older model the prices do seem to be very slightly trending upwards
Average prices off the boil
This famous sporting marque included both ‘Big Healeys’ and ‘Little Healeys’ by the end of the 1950s. We reveal how the range is faring on today’s classic market
smiling grille that even people who know nothing about cars will point at and photograph. Intended as a thoroughly moder n low cost sports car, the Sprite used the engine and front suspension from the Austin A35 and the steering rack from the Morris Minor in a brand new body with an innovative monocoque cockpit tub Rear suspension was by quarter elliptical leaf springs, like a miniature Jaguar D Type With only 45bhp and a top speed of just over 80mph, the Sprite wasn’t fast even by standards of the time, but few other cars offered so much in such a lightweight, affordable and endlessly upgradable package And even in stock form the Sprite was huge fun to drive and still is today
Rising interest in later versions of the Sprite has closed the gap between them and the ‘Frogeye’ that traditionally existed, but there is still a big difference between values of the very best examples and more average ones Cars in fair ‘daily driver’ condition go for about £10,000 (or less for those better seen as rolling restorations) while excellent restored ones fetch £20,000 £25,000 The middle ground seems rather uncertain at the moment we’re noticing a number of Frogeyes put up for auction with estimates in the £18,000 £20,000 range which aren’t selling, perhaps suggesting that these cars are being overvalued in some quarters or interest is cooling from something of a peak in 2018
MARKET TRENDS 1950s Austin-Healeys
The 3000 was initially distinguished from the 100 6 only by a larger 2 9 litre, 130bhp C Series engine and front disc brakes, while everything else was carried over including the choice of two seater or far more popular 2+2 cockpit The Mk2 of 1961 added a third carburettor and a hotter camshaft, an optional brake servo and a new grille with vertical bars Although still designated the Mk2, a major change arrived in August 1962 with the ‘BJ7’ cars (that’s the chassis model code),
improved manifolds The same year, production transferred from Austin’s Longbridge plant to the MG works at Abingdon In 1958 the two seater model retur ned to the catalogue alongside the 2+2
The BJ7 was only available as a 2+2, and for a brief period was sold alongside the old roadster bodied 2+2 while the two seater was dropped The BJ8 arrived in 1968 (only as a 2+2), with bigger carburettors taking power to 148bhp, a new wood veneer dashboard and a redesigned rear chassis to improve ground clearance, allowing for more suspension travel and an improved ride The suspension also swapped the rear Panhard rod for twin trailing arms for better axle location and stability
The 100 6 was (and still is) seen as an interim model between the original four cylinder 100 and the ultimate 3000 It also lacks the motorsport pedigree of either This means it’s the most affordable of the Big Healeys, or certainly the one that offers the best value for money Stunningly good concours examples are worth £80,000 or so, while very good but unexceptional cars go for £30,000 £50,000 at auction Post 1957 models are worth very slightly more (but only by five to ten per cent) than the earlier version, and two seaters carry a similar premium over 2+2s
This is the Austin Healey Sprite in its original form the ‘Frogeye’ with the bulbous headlamps and

This was the second instalment in the ‘Big Healey’ line and the first to employ a six cylinder engine, which really defined the breed Although using what amounted to the same chassis and suspension as the original model, the 100 6 had a slightly longer wheelbase and a redesigned cockpit that allowed for a very small rear seat The windscreen was now fixed rather than folding, and the bodywork was restyled for a more streamlined look derived from the aluminium bodied 100S racer, with a distinctive oval radiator grille Power now came from BMC’s 2 6 litre C Series, initially making 102bhp, but then 117bhp from 1957 courtesy of a free flow cylinder head and
Values are generally stable but seem to have taken a small dip (only by a few percentage points) since 2019, which represented something of a very modest peak
which were now true convertibles with a folding roof, wind up windows, a curved windscreen and a retur n to twin carbs for virtually no change in power
AUSTIN HEALEY 100 6 (1956 1959)
‘FROGEYE’ SPRITE (1958-1961)
AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 (1959-1967)
Late cars worth the most
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Well, probably not But what the RV8
A big proportion of that total was exported to Japan, where fans of traditional British sports cars were eager to snap up the RV8 while stocks lasted But with such a short production run, surely the car’s creator Rover Group didn’t make any money out of it?
Three decades ago, the UK was beginning to emerge from recession and there were grounds for optimism in terms of car sales, aided by these new model launches of 1992
Paul Guinness Editor
When Alfa Romeo’s new front wheel drive 155 went on sale in early 1992, it was the car that enthusiasts hoped would finally enable the sporting Italian brand to take on the BMW 3 Series and perhaps even beat it But as had happened so many times before, this particular Alfa was too full of compromise to excel at such an ambitious task
The Queen celebrated her Ruby Jubilee, John Major ’s Conser vatives won an outr ight major it y in a general election (despite opinion polls suggesting a narrow Labour win), and Manchester suffered a devastating bomb attack by the IRA And of course, there was no shor tage of activit y on the motor ing front, with a number of impor tant new model launches taking place dur ing this year
Still, the 155 was an impressive car in many ways, offering a terrific choice of classic engines, a wonderfully entertaining Italian style driving experience, decent handling and the kind of charisma that German designers seemed unable to recreate It was an executive car for the individual, gaining extra ‘street cred’ for its success in Touring Car racing, which
Among the major announcements was Toyota’s unveiling of its new Carina E, which would go into production at the company’s newly established UK plant in Bur naston, Derbyshire, by the end of the year And just as important was the debut of Nissan’s K11 generation Micra, which would become the second Nissan model to be built at its Sunderland factory Each newcomer would go on to be a major success, with a high proportion of export sales throughout Europe
The resurrection of MG as a builder of genuine sports cars occurred in 1992, when the V8 engined RV8 took a bow Essentially an updated and upgraded MGB, the RV8 featured a more muscular looking bodyshell, a 3 9 litre (190bhp) powerplant and uprated but not drastically updated steering, suspension and brakes This was very much an ‘old school’ model intended only for limited production, which explains why the final RV8 was hand finished as early as 1995 after a run of just 2000 units
did was bring attention back to the MG marque before the arrival of the all important MGF in the mid 1990s. The debut of the hand built RV8 meant that, at long last, a ‘proper’ MG sports car could once again be bought brand new and buyers were guaranteed an entertaining experience This was a genuinely quick machine, with a top speed of 136mph and the 0 60mph dash in a mere 6 9 seconds although with old fashioned leaf springs bringing up the rear, the car’s handling could be tricky at the limit
The RV8 should be remembered for bringing the traditional MG sports car back to life and for giving the classic MGB one final outing
16 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk

Of more importance to the general new car buyer of 1992, however, was the gover nment’s announcement that Special Car Tax (first introduced in 1973, adding 10 per cent to the ex factory price of every model sold) was to disappear It had already been reduced to five per cent in the Budget of March 1992, but would be dropped altogether by the end of the year, giving car manufacturers a much needed boost after what had been a major recession So, let’s take a look at some of the biggest new model launches of 1992
generated headlines throughout Europe when the 155 won both the German DTM and the UK’s BTCC
y any standards, 1992 was an eventful year here in the UK
Entry level British spec versions came with the 1 8 litre Twin Spark engine, though our personal favourite has to be the 155 V6, which featured the power (166bhp), performance (131mph) and aural delights that any six cylinder Alfa Romeo is renowned for Most interesting of all the 155s, however, was the Q4, with 2 0 litre twin cam power and the all wheel drive set up from the Lancia Delta Integrale; but with fewer than 3000 built in total (and only a handful of LHDs sold in the UK), this was always destined to be a very rare sight on British roads
The third gen CRX offered sporty open top motoring
the Escort RS Cosworth a bespoke machine based around the platform and mechanicals of the Sierra Cosworth but fitted with Mk5 Escort body panels
The Escort RS Cosworth never did win any of the drivers’ or constructors’ championship titles, but still proved itself an impressive performer in the Group A era, with 10 WRC rally wins between 1993 and ’97 The Escort RS Cosworth was
Unveiled in October 1992 was the Brooklands, effectively replacing the two non turbocharged models in the Bentley line up The entry level Bentley Eight cost £84,867 by ’92, while the Mulsanne S came in at £92,246 In their place came the Brooklands at just under £90,000, bridging the gap between its predecessors and simplifying the Bentley line up via a single trim level instead of two Like the Mulsanne before it, the Bentley Brooklands featured a name strongly linked with the marque’s motor racing successes, with the official motor show car’s Brooklands Green paintwork adding to this homage to history A new front air dam (incorporating a pair of discreet fog lamps) and an all new alloy wheel design were introduced, while the old style chrome moulding that previously ran along the centre line of the bonnet was deleted The interior also carried a number of subtle improvements, with pleated leather door trim being a neat touch, as was the leather stitched gear selector and the option of Turbo R seats complete with fold down picnic tables in the rear.
After the motorsport success of the Sierra RS Cosworth, the final Sapphire version of which was due to cease production by the end of 1992, Ford went in a different direction for its next contender With a corporate eye on the ’93 World Rally Championship, the company developed
The latest front wheel drive CRX was as entertaining as its forebears, with the flagship model boasting Honda’s 1595cc twin cam V TEC engine pumping out 158bhp in this guise to provide a 132mph top speed Strangely, the third generation CRX failed to capture the imagination of British enthusiasts in quite the same way as its predecessors, perhaps because it was less practical thanks to its tight two seater cabin and tiny boot But on today’s moder n classic market, it’s rather more sought after and makes an interesting alter native to Toyota’s more successful (and therefore less exclusive) MR2
eventually retired from the Works rally team after the final round of 1998’s WRC season, with the following year seeing its Focus based successor taking over
Despite the fact that the SZ family of Rolls Royce and Bentley models wasn’t exactly box fresh by 1992, having been around for a full twelve years, the Brooklands was warmly received It remained in production for almost six years (finally replaced by the long awaited new Ar nage in 1998) and managed to attract 1719 buyers globally during that time with 190 of them opting for the significantly more expensive long wheelbase derivative

The Escort RS Cosworth was based around the previous Sierra platform
Classic Car Buyer 17Sell your car for free at: www carandclassic co ukSeptember 14 2022
Created under the guidance of Ford’s SVO department, the styling was finalised during 1989 a year before the standard Escort was launched by MGA Developments of Coventry Changes were also made to the car’s engine management system, and a new Garrett turbocharger was fitted Permanent four wheel drive with a 34/66 per cent front/rear split came via an uprated five speed gearbox from the Sierra Cosworth
After two generations of Civic based CRX fastback coupes, Honda went for a rather more radical style with its 1992 on Mk3 range, which featured a low slung three box profile with distinctive rear buttresses And it also brought with it a removable aluminium roof that was electrically operated on the most expensive versions For the first time, CRX buyers could now experience open air fun
As Japanese manufacturers pushed their more upmarket offerings in an attempt to beat the Germans at their own game, Mazda decided to have a bash at the compact executive sector that for years had been dominated by models like the BMW 3 Series And so along came the front wheel drive Xedos 6 in 1992, a ▲
The two door coupe version of the Rover 800 was always a rare sight
inevitable that Rover would want to build momentum with the launch of the second generation 800 range, planned for 1991

It was a great shame that a car as rewarding to drive as the Xedos 6 should be such a rare sight Launched in 2 0 litre V6 guise (with a 1 6 litre four cylinder arriving later), the Xedos 6 was a high revving gem with 144bhp at its disposal Not only did it offer superb performance, it came with one of the best engine soundtracks of its generation
In the same way that Toyota had Lexus as its prestige division, Mazda saw potential for the Eunos brand (already established via the Eunos Roadster, the Japanese spec version of the Mazda MX 5), hence the Xedos 6 being badged as the Eunos 500 in Japan and Australia In Europe, however, it would be sold as a Mazda, hitting the market in ’92 and remaining on sale for seven years during which time just 72,000 examples managed to find European buyers
a genuinely fun experience on a winding B road Where the old Micra had been anything but entertaining, the newcomer could surprise even the most cynical of drivers
A mid life facelift helped the long running K11 to remain competitive.
To give the new line up even more American appeal, Rover designers started work on a two door coupe version, complementing the anticipated four door saloons and five door hatches It was a plan that made sense, as executive style two door coupes were big business in the USA But then disaster struck: sales of the existing (Sterling) 800 were proving so disastrous that Rover had little alter native but to pull the plug on American sales altogether by 1991, the same year that the second generation line up was launched in Britain
This car was fresh from the ground up, with fuel injected 1 0 and 1 3 litre powerplants that were clean sheet in their design, featuring 16 valve technology and impressive outputs of 54 and 74bhp respectively The engines were silky smooth in terms of power delivery, ensuring the Micra was one of the most refined superminis of the early ’90s And even the 1 0 litre version felt surprisingly quick, aided by the kind of agility that made for
Nissan’s ageing first generation Micra was finally phased out in 1992, replaced by another supermini bearing the same name In reality, however, the latest Micra known inter nally as the K11 generation was a huge leap forward from its rather dated predecessor For starters, its styling was bang on trend, with curvaceous good looks that made many of its older rivals suddenly seem behind the times But the biggest advance could be found under the new Micra’s bonnet
Rover then had the choice of either scrapping the 800 Coupe or putting it into limited production for European consumption and happily it chose the latter route, launching the handsome two door as a bespoke machine, claiming that around 80 per cent of the car was finished by hand This meant, however, that the 800 Coupe was mightily expensive, costing over £30,000 at which level it was competing against Jaguars and upmarket Mercedes coupes
The motoring press couldn’t get over this, only praising the 800 Coupe once Rover saw sense and began reducing prices, as well as expanding the range via a 200bhp, 2 0 litre Turbo version to complement the existing 2 7 V6 Nevertheless, the 800 Coupe remained a rare sight when new, appealing to far fewer buyers than its four and five door siblings
Throw into the mix the Xedos 6’s sensationally sleek styling (we’d argue it’s one of the best looking saloons of the ’90s) and excellent build quality, and you have a compact exec that was genuinely desirable to those few buyers who craved something less predictable than a German built saloon with a posh badge
18 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk
The first generation Rover 800 series of 1986 had been responsible for the marque’s retur n to the American market, albeit using the newly invented Sterling brand name to differentiate itself from previous Rover sales disasters over there And so it was
model that promised so much and initially attracted plenty of praise from Britain’s motoring press
So good was the K11 Micra, it took top honours in the 1993 European Car of the Year award, pushing the Fiat Cinquecento into second place More important for the UK, however, was the Micra’s role as the latest product from Nissan’s Sunderland plant, with healthy export sales from day one Indeed, so impressive was the new British built Micra, it remained on sale with only fairly minor updates for an entire decade
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fu l history, previously supp ied immaculate cond tion and outstanding va ue £33,65 1995 M Rolls Royce Silver Spirit MK I I F nished in unmarked Wildberry with Sandstone nterior p ped n Mu berry and Mulberry carpets p ped n Sandstone On y one owner from new with just 49 000 m les and Fu l Service History mmaculate condition throughout £25 950 1997 P Bentley Brooklands Turbo F n shed in Si ver Pearl with Turbo RT a loys with Si verstone nter or piped in French Navy and French Navy carpets with S lverstone p p ng and comfort seating design Known to us for 9 years and very wel mainta ned Stunning and outstand ng value at £19,750 2005/55 2006 Model Bentley Arnage R Finished n S lver Tempest with electric roof and F y ng B Cotswold nter or with French Navy p ping and Wa nut veneers w th door nlays, p cn c tab es, van ty mirrors and heated rear seats On y 2 owners from new w th ust 19,700 mi es and FSH mmacu ate £39 999 2008/08 Bentley F ying Spur Mulliner Finished n Gran te w th 20 nch 7 spoke spl t rim al oy whee s, chrome radiator and matrix sty e gr l es Magno ia nterior w th secondary hide n Porpoise and Dark Burr Walnut veneers Only 55,000 m les w th FSH Known to ourselves for 5 years and immaculate throughout 32 950 2014/14 Bentley Continental GT V8S Fin shed n beautiful unmarked G acier White, with 21 nch 7 spoke al oys eather with secondary h de in mper a Blue On y 2 owners from new and ust 31,000 m les with fu l Bentley service history This car really is stunning £59 750 1978 S Rolls Royce Si ver Shadow II F n shed n Card na with St James carpets p ped in Magno ia and Walnut veneers Suppl ed by us 27 years ago and ma ntained by us with good h story and s complete y unmarked throughout the condit on s just amaz ng £36,950 1995 M Ro ls Royce Si ver Spirit Ser es I I F nished n Si ver Cha ice w th French Navy nter or w th French Navy p ping and matching carpets Th s car has been known to ourse ves for 13 years and has been ma nta ned regardless of cost Presented in mmacu ate cond tion throughout and fantastic va ue at £19,750 1989 G Rol s Royce Silver Spirit ABS EF F n shed n Royal Blue w th Magno ia nterior piped n French Navy and French Navy carpets piped n Magno ia with a special FSH and known to ourselves for 8 years This car s in fantastic cond tion, only £18,950 2007/07 Bentley Continental GT Mul iner F n shed n Si ver Tempest, with 22 nch mult spoke a loys and Beluga nter or, w th contrast st tch ng and F ying B s n Port and F tted with powered boot and Com ng Home controls 87,000 m les with Ful Service H story Outstand ng cond tion throughout only £26 250 1997 Model P Rolls Royce Silver Dawn LWB F n shed n unmarked Wi dberry with wh tewal tyres Magnol a nter or w th Mulberry pip ng and Mulberry carpets p ped in Magno ia Supp ied and serv ced by us On y 49 000 m les with FSH Only 2 owners immaculate cond tion throughout Not to be m ssed only £32 950 1996 N Bentley Brooklands Finished n Peacock B ue w th Magno a nter or p ped in French 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Ru s t is the ete r na l e ne my of old Fo rd s, a nd the Fie sta is a p rime example A lthough Mk 3 5s a nd Mk4 s te nd to rot le s s tha n Mk 3s, a ll c a n b e tu r ne d to du s t by the dre ade d tin wo r m
Fie s t a s hit the top of the UK s a le s cha r ts, a nd ranke d high until re plac e d by the Mk5 of O c tob e r 19 9 9 Me a nwhile, the Fie s t a Mk 3 c ontinue d a s the Fie s t a Cla s sic (until 19 97 ), plu s the badge e ngine e re d Ma zda 121 W hat ’s mo re, ma ny of the e a r li e r Fi e s t a’s un d e r p in ning s a n d oily bi t s c ontinue d into 21s t c e ntur y Fo rd s A nd it ’s tho s e simila r itie s that m a ke the Mk 3
up e r minis we re g rowing by the e nd of the ’8 0 s a nd Fo rd’s ba by Fie st a wa s o n the up W hat s t a r te d life in 1976 a s a r i va l to the Fi a t 127 gradually pile d on the pounds, f r o m the bi g b u m p e re d fa c e li f t of 19 8 3 (c ommonly k nown a s the Mk 2) into the third ge ne r atio n of 19 8 9 O n a c o mp lete l y f re s h plat fo r m, the Mk 3 Fie s t a wa s refine d with much improve d suspension, and a whe e lba s e ex te nde d by ove r s i x in c he s mak ing it finally ava ila b le a s a five do o r hatch alongside the tr aditional thre e door T he Fie sta c ould at la st c omp ete with Fiat ’s Uno a nd Peuge ot ’s 20 5 a s a ‘grown up’ sup e r mini
20 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk

E xa mine the e ngine bay b e ne ath the
T he X R 2i a r r ive d nex t, fe atur ing a 1 6 CV H e ngine with ele c tronic fuel inje c tion and c olour c o de d b ody k it, joine d in 19 9 0 by what cla s sic Fo rd fans conside r the b e s t eve r Fie s t a: the R S Tur b o, which topp e d 129 mph Both of fe re d f ront drive fun, but c ouldn’t ke ep pace with the multi va lve e ngine s of Japane se c ompetition Fo rd finally introduce d its excelle nt Zete c 16 va lve e ngine in 19 92, powe r ing the late r XR 2i a nd R S18 0 0; numb ste e r ing me a nt neithe r c ould c ompete with supe r ior handling hot hatche s, a nd so w i th c r ip p li n g in s u r a n c e m a k i n g su c h c a r s an incre a singly ha rd sell, ove r tly spor ting Fie s t a s we re a xe d Ins te a d, a mo re
T he c abin fe lt more spacious, a lthough Fo rd stuck to c he ap inte r ior pla stic s a nd audaciously low re nt inje c tion moulde d se ats Still, it wa s a refre shingly m ode r n e nvironme nt, a nd Ford’s t ac tic of giving just e nough spe c fo r the money at trac te d ple nt y of bu ye r s Entr y leve l Mk 3s fe ature d a 1 0 H C S e ngine wi th four s p e e d g e a r b ox;
it wa s painfully slow, yet le s s e c onomic a l tha n the 1 1 litre ve r s io n with a five sp e e d transmis sion More impre s sively, the 1 8 die sel of fe re d 70 mpg, if you c ould stomach the c oa r s e ne s s a nd he av y ste e r ing Highe r sp e c s b rou ght b et te r e quipme nt a nd CV H e ngine s a 1 4 o r ( in the Fie s t a S) c a r b fe d 1 6
C o s m e ti c c o r ro s i o n i s e a sy to s p ot a round the re a r whe e la rche s, re a r qua r te r s (whe re they me et the back panel /re a r lights), front wings, t ailgate a nd door frame s, par ticularly unde r the r ubbe r seals
T he Mk 3 ha s a lo ck ing f u e l c a p, a roun d whic h the s te e lwor k rots away e ntirely, t a k in g with i t the pip ewo r k un d e r n e a th; l a te r c a r s have a fu e l fl a p, wi th le s s te nde ncy to rot.
T he Fie s t a wa s re e ngine e re d in 19 94, fe a tu r ing a s tif fe r b o d ys h e ll, s i d e imp a c t b e a m s a n d revi s e d su s p e n s i o n; to d ay k nown a s the Mk 3 5, this reva mp is re c o gnise d by slimme r door mir ror s T he imp rove me nts c a r r ie d ove r to the Fie s t a Mk4 of O c tob e r 19 95; a long with tr im up g r a d e s a n d a new fa s c i a wa s a Ya m a h a deve lop e d Zete c S E in 1 25 o r 1 4 litre fo r m N o b o d y m o a ne d a b o u t the Mk4’s glum lo oking face b e c ause the te r r ific p owe r pla nts we re mate d to a fa nt a s tic cha s s is
sub due d S i m o de l wa s intro du c e d in 1 4 o r 1 6 Zete c guise
a n d Mk4 s o u s a b l e M o d e r n p r a c ti c a li ti e s , gre at fuel e c onomy, che ap pa r ts and unlimite d upgradabilit y mix with retro c o o l a p p e a l to m a ke th e Fie s t a a p e r fe c t eve r yday c l a s s i c
Classic Car Buyer 21Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukSeptember 14 2022 ▼

Fie s t a p owe r p la nts r a n g e f ro m a n c ie nt to c o nte mp o r a r y, s o you r c ho i c e of Mk 3/4 ha s m a s sive impac t on refine me nt, pe r for mance a nd reliabilit y Basic Mk 3s we re fit te d with a n H CS (High Comp re s s ion Swir l ) e ngine a de r ivative of the Va le n cia , which wa s a low re nt developme nt of the ol d C r o s s fl ow in 9 9 9 c c, 1118 c c o r 1297cc for m A ll we re rat tly, unrefine d a n d unlike l y to hit high mile age By now, exp e c t a n H C S to b e wo r n o u t , p r o b a b l y smoking, losing oil a nd k nocking from the bot tom end; va lve s te m oil seals a nd piston rings a re common p roblems E xc e s sive tapping sugge s ts the valve clearance s
be cause skir ts and whe elarch ex te nsions a re get ting ha rd to find
c a m s h af t r a t tli n g i s t y p i c a l, bu t lis te n fo r he avie r growling from the c rank, and c he ck it ’s not b re athing f rom the oil fille r of te n cause d by air blowing past the piston rings, but c ould a ls o b e f rom a blo cke d b re athe r Ens u re the c a m b e l t ha s b e e n re p l ac e d re c e ntly; if not, e nsure it ’s swa pp e d ASA P D i e s e l p owe re d Fi e s t a s u s e d Fo r d’s 1753cc Endura D, which wa s tough but pa infully letha rgic a nd he av y to ste e r T hey go on fo reve r, get ting gr adually slowe r, noisie r a nd s mok ie r If it ’s a non r unne r, struggling to star t or misfiring heavily, ju st find a dif fe re nt Fie st a Zete c a nd Zete c S E e ngine d m achine s are a much b et te r p roposition, being quiete r, more refine d a nd e c onomical T hey’ll a lso c ove r ve r y high mile age without is sue s p roviding oil c hange s a nd c ambelt swaps a re m ade re gula r ly Major failure is uncommon but walk away if the re’s blue ex haust smoke or the b ot tom e nd is ove rly noisy; if the oil ha s b e e n ne gle c te d o r allowe d to r un low, it could me a n s e r ious proble ms Make sure it revs f re ely without s m o k in g o n c e wa r m Mo r e like l y w ill b e s t a lling, e r r atic idling a nd flu c tuating revs t y p i c a ll y c au s e d by s e n s o r s , i dl e s p e e d c ontrol va lve o r c oil pack (de p e n ding on model). Pa r ts a re cheap, although diagnostic s c an be time c onsuming
Run away f rom a ny gr umbling o r whining f rom the transmis sion, e spe cially on fif th ge a r or from the drive shaf ts; if the spe e domete r drive isn’t wo rk ing, star t to wo r r y Ju dde r ing whe n pulling away c ould
Body panels a re ava ilable, so re storation isn’t p ro hibitive but only on a spor t y XR or R S will it b e financially via ble In which c a s e, e n s u re th e b o d y k i t is c o m p l e te,
THE TRANSMISSION B a s i c Mk 3 1 0 s (a n d s o m e 1 1s) we re fi t te d with a BC four s pe e d m a nua l ge a r b ox, which is b e s t avoide d Fo r tunately, it ’s s tr a ight fo r wa rd to swa p fo r the five sp e e d BC5, as found in most Mk 3s A revise d ve r s io n k nown a s the iB5 wa s in the Mk4 Both t y pe s a re ple ntiful, re a s onably re lia b le a nd che a p to re plac e o r re pa ir T he BC5’s gearchange is t y pically vague but the iB5’s should be slick A ny sloppine s s sugge sts a tire d linkage but cr unching b et we e n gea r s (e spe cially se c ond to third ) is m os t like l y a wor n sy nchromesh (a rebuild o r replacement ge a r b ox is re quire d ) D if ficult y sele c ting ge a r s c ould b e due to b roke n te eth on the ( plastic) clu tc h s elf adjusting ratc het; lis te n for click ing w he n lif ting the p e da l Rat tling at idle that dis a ppe a r s whe n you pre s s the clu tc h sugge s ts a fault y clutch re le a se b e a r ing Clutc h fa ilu re is c ommo n, so b ewa re of a low biting p oint, a nd che ck fo r s lip by s e t ting of f in s e c o n d g e a r a n d e n sur ing the e ngine s talls
fuse box (which itself can c ause trouble due to c or ro sion), bat te r y tr ay, inne r wing s around the bulk head a nd cros sme mbe r Look for r ust a round the windscre e n s c u t tle, A p illa r s a n d o u te r sill s Che ck the inne r sills a nd f ro nt flo o r pa n A nd do n’t b e a f r a i d to lif t the c a r p e t to inspe c t the se at mountings; if the c a r p et ’s da mp, su sp e c t le aks f rom the bulk he ad o r s u n r o of, a n d exp e c t the flo o r to b e cor rode d Have a goo d look unde r ne ath, a n d in s p e c t th e b o ot flo o r, r e a r s u s p e n s i o n tu r re t s a n d ou te r va l a n c e
ne e d adjusting (e a sy e nough) o r new c a m followe r s o r va lve s a re re quire d D on’t wo r r y though, b e c ause this unit continue d in the Fo r d K a u ntil 20 0 2, a n d re p l a c e m e n t / rebuild compone nts a re che a p CV H e ngine s we re u se d in 13 92c c a n d 159 6 c c guise, the lat te r in c a r b fe d, fuel inje c te d and turbocharge d s et ups A lthou gh it wa s a m ore s op histic ate d (ove r h e ad c a m) p owe r p la nt tha n the H C S, i t wa s ha r s h a n d su s c e ptib l e to we a r f ro m a round 6 0,0 0 0 mile s Noisy t appets a nd LANCASTER INSURANCE IN ASSOCIATION WITH BU Y I NG GU I DE EV SAYS... A ndrew Evanson S e nio r O p e rati o n s M a na g e r at L a n c a s t e r I n surance S er vice s , s ays: “The Mk3 and Mk4 Fiesta might have escaped your at tention as future classics, but with such a variet y of models and ever yday prac ticalit y, it ’s a car that can be enjoyed by enthusiasts of any age ” FOR OVER 35 YEARS SPEC IALIST CAR INSUR ANC E WITH YOU IN MIND Quotation supplied by Lancaster Insurance Web: lancasterinsurance.co.uk Tel: 01480 809176 INSURANCE QUOTE 1991 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Ghia, worth £3000 Standard quote: £102 30, or £120 30 with Agreed Value Quote based on a 45 year old marketing manager, access to another car, no claims or convictions, club member, 3000 miles per year, no modifications, living in SP2 0HL Disclaimer: Policy benefits, features and discounts offered may vary between insurance schemes or cover selected and are subject to underwriting criteria An additional premium may be payable. The Mk3 Fiesta was substantially larger than its predecessor, enabling it to offer a far more spacious interior
Fie s ta Mk 3s suf fe re d from stodgy handling, but the Mk 3 5 intro du c e d imp rove me nts, a nd the Mk4 b e c a m e k nown for dr iving e njoyme nt; inde e d, the Mk4’s p lat fo r m wa s use d a s a ba sis fo r the much laude d Puma of 19 97 A ll ve r sio ns a re e a sy to wo r k on, a nd pa r ts a re che a p ly ava ila b le
T he Fie s t a Mk 3/4 bu cks the tre nd fo r high va lue old Fo rd s Pr ic e s a re cur re ntly be hind the ave r age Blue O va l cla s sic, a nd eve n the sp o r tie s t mo d e l s a re a fr a c ti o n of the ir Mk1 a n d Mk 2 c ou nte r p a r t s Ta ke the X R 2i a s a c a se in p oint: a u s a ble exa mple c a n b e p u r c h a s e d fo r we ll un d e r £50 0 0, yet you’d ne e d thre e time s m o re fo r a Mk1 X R 2 T he R S Tur b o is simila r, fetc hing lit tl e m o re tha n h a l f the p r i c e of i t s Es c o r t e quivale nts B ewa re though, b e c ause fake s a n d re p lic a s a r e c o m m o n
Ele c trical problems a re c ommon, of te n due to a c or rode d c onne c tor or bad e a r th If the c a r ha s a sunro of, c he ck fo r le a ks a n d stains on the headlining a nd car pets
Ma ny late r m
b e a tire d ge a r b ox mount; click ing on full ste e ring lock is most likely a worn CV joint Both a re e a sy to fix CT X c ontinuou sly va riable automatic transmis sion wa s of fe re d o n the Fie s t a 1 1, 1 3 a nd 1 4, bu t it ’s unple a s a nt to use a nd suf fe r s from oil leaks It wa s t ypically orde re d by old folk on hig h s p e c c e d c a r s , s o s u r v i vo r s a re quite common; the be st option is to replace it with a five sp e e d ma nual
22 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk

s s ic
MODEL Fiesta Popular Fiesta XR2i Fiesta Zetec ENGINE 999cc, 4 cyl 1596cc, 4 cyl 1242cc, 4 cyl MAX POWER 44bhp 108bhp 74bhp TOP SPEED 86mph 119mph 106mph 0 60MPH 17 5 secs 9 0 secs 12 7 secs ECONOMY 46 61mpg 29 50mpg 31 48mpg GEARBOX 4 spd, man 5 spd, man 5 spd, man LENGTH 3744mm 3744mm 3830mm WIDTH 1610mm 1610mm 1630mm WEIGHT 770kg 890kg 975kg
INTERIOR et te r tha n a Mk 2 bu t s till a se a of pla s tic, the Fi e s t a Mk 3’s c a b in a n d eve n the Mk4’s much improve d fascia is likely to b e t at t y i f the c a r’s c ove re d a lot of mile s Eve n a l e s s u s e d exa m p l e will b e r a t tlin g from the da s hb oa rd a nd tr im pa ne ls, a nd m a ny t y p e s of fa b r i c up h o l s te r y s t a in e a sily S e at b ols te r s we a r through, ba se s c o lla p s e a n d do o r c a r d s b e c o m e s a g g y D e sp ite millio n s of Fie s t a s b e ing b uilt, the wide va r iet y of tr im leve ls c a n m ake it tr ick y to fin d mint c ondition re plac e me nts fo r your pa r ticular c a r
sure it ’s not b e e n b odge d back to gethe r
En sure a ll of the e le c tr ic a l ite m s (whe re fit te d ) wo r k c o r re c tly: e le c tr ic windows, ce ntral lo cking a nd boot rele a se moto r s and c o nne c tions c a n b e c ome stick y o r wo r n out Pay at te ntion to the he ate r and e nsure it ’s not b lowing out only hot air but c a n ac tua lly b e tu r ne d down Non c a nc e lling indic ato r s a re c au se d by a defe c tive c olumn stalk, a nd if the fo g light switch (o n spor t y m odels) glows with the ignition on, it ’s a wir ing lo om fault
Tire d springs a nd dampe r s re sult in soggine s s on the road, while wo rn out b us he s c au s e wa nde r ing a ls o a sy mpto m of play in the s te e r ing r ack or tr ack ro d e nds If the ste e r ing whe el c a n b e p ulle d upwa rds, the c olumn bush will be to bla me L iste n fo r clonk ing f rom the f ront, probably c ause d by broke n drop links a nd / o r l owe r su s p e n s i o n a r m s; c h e ck th e s tr u t top m ounts and look for snappe d springs Fie s t a s e at whe e l b e a r ing s, s o liste n fo r r umbling, a nd give the whe els a wobble Judde r ing through the brake pe dal is a c ommon sign that the front disc s a nd pad s a re wo r n o r ove r he ate d bu t c ould a l s o p oint to a s ti ck ing c a lip e r e sp e cia lly if pulling to one side A ll a re che ap and e a sy to r e p l a c e. Re a r dr um s te n d to s e ize o r stop wo rk ing on the handbr ake me c hanism (of te n due to le ak ing w he e l cy linde r s), a nd re a r b ia s va lve s a ls o s tick , c au sing exc e s s ive b r a k in g to o n e e n d of the c a r A BS (whe re fit te d ) c a n b e p rob le m atic, so e nsure the da shboa rd light come s o n with the ignition a nd go e s of f af te r a few se conds o de ls we re e quippe d with p owe r a s s i s te d s te e r in g, whic h m a ke s li fe e a sie r for town dr iving a nd is well wor th looking out fo r
Mk 3 a nd Mk4 Fie s t a s m ay lo ok to o mo de r n fo r m any re ade r s, yet they fill the role of a u s a ble cla s sic in mu c h the s a me way a s Minis a nd Mo r r is Mino r s of ye s te r ye a r A Fi e s t a i s the p e r fe c t be ginne r’s cla s s ic, b eing af fo rdable, ac c e s sible, e a sy to wo r k on a nd da re we s ay it s u s c e ptib l e to a lm o s t eve r y t y pe of malady fo r the DIY re s to re r to le a r n new spa nne r ing sk ills f rom A s u sua l, the Blu e O va l badg e give s b onu s p oint s fo r c o ol k id s, a nd a ny fo r m of sp or ting Fo rd c a n b e tune d fo r gre at dr ive r a pp e a l not to me ntio n tur ning he ads at c a r s hows, while appre ciating more than money in a p e nsion s che me A n X R o r R S is m os t de sir a ble, of c our se, a nd at cur re nt p r i c e s ha s s e r i ou s inve s tm e nt p ote nti a l T hat a side, our money would b e sp e nt on a late mo de l X R 2i 16 va lve (for its s mooth a nd reliable Zete c e ngine) or a Mk 3 5 S i 1 6, which b oa s te d funk y wing backe d se ats a nd p owe r s te e r ing a m ajor plu s p oint a n eve r yday s t a te cla
D rop the fu se b ox a nd exa mine the wiring, which is prone to failu re, a nd make
At the op p o s i te e n d of th e s c a l e, b a s e m o d e l Mk 3/4 s c a n b e p i c ke d up fo r s c r a p money, a nd you s hould find a r unne r with a n M oT fo r £50 0 Me a nwhile, fo r £10 0 0 £150 0 you’ll bag a tidy Fie sta with de c e nt s p e c a n d u s a b ilit y (su c h a s a 1 4 G hia), a n d eve n a low mile age minte r is unlike ly to b re ak the £ 20 0 0 £ 250 0 ba r r ie r

24 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop.kelsey.co.uk

Classic Car Buyer 25Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukSeptember 14 2022 Taken in July 19 6 9 is this photograph of the re c e ntl y c o m p l ete d R h o n d d a Road B r i d g e, over t he R iver Taf f at Po nt y pr i d d T he new junc tion was d esigned to m ake the lives of l o c als and tour i sts alike a lit t le easier, althoug h 5 3 year s ag o it was n’ t exac t ly over r un with tr af fi c N ow though, it makes a fasc inating sight, with an interesting selec t ion of vehic les in shot H ead ing away fro m t he c am er a are a M k1 ver si o n of B M C ’s AD O17 ‘ L an d c r a b’ (c o m p l ete wi t h rust y front wing), what looks like a PB ser ies Vauxhall Cresta, plus a Ford Zodiac M k4; and h e ad in g in th e oth er d ire c t io n ac r oss t he ju n c t io n are a Tr ium ph 20 0 0 M k1 an d a B M C 110 0 est ate, c ut t in g in fro nt of a M orr i s FG l orr y, an ag eing For d Consul Mk 2 and a relatively new look ing M ini Par ke d u p o n t h e lef t of t h e p h oto g r a p h, meanwhile, are another c ouple of Minis, a M k1 C or t i n a e s t ate, a Tr i u m p h H er al d, a For d A n g lia 10 5E and what we think mig ht b e a Renault 10 If you’ve any other suggestions, drop us a line v ia c c b e d@ke l sey c o uk C C B Wo r d s: Paul Guinness I m a g e: Get t y

Combining the qualities of an estate car and a sports car seems an unlikely recipe, and yet it’s resulted in some brilliant all-rounders over the years – including this particular threesome
than its predecessor, and was intended more as an executive car targeting company directors than dedicated sports car enthusiasts This was short lived though, with the SE6A quickly bringing new brakes and other minor revisions in 1976 The final Scimitar GTE to be built by Reliant was the SE6B, which saw the replacement of the old Essex V6 with the new 2 8 litre Cologne unit as seen in the contemporary Granada and Capri models These later cars may seem less powerful on paper but they’re smoother and more rev happy, bringing back an element of the sporting nature that had made the early Scimitars such an appealing prospect
The attributes didn’t end on paper All Scimitars can feel tight for the larger driver (while the later SE6 was wider, the extra width was in the centre console), but once you’re in they have comfortable seats and a good ride
for a sports car There’s plenty of poke, and it’s easy to have fun with the handling courtesy of the car’s progressive grip and long wheelbase The dashboards are clear and well laid out, and the styling while always a matter of taste has almost more fans than any other classic shape With a GRP body, the only rust risk should be in the chassis and even then, the last SE6Bs and subsequent Middlebridge models had galvanised chassis to obviate that issue
TOP SPEED: 123mph
and for what they offer in terms of performance, Scimitars aren’t even especially heavy on fuel Even from an automatic, 25mpg ought to be possible if you’re gentle on a long run
There are five basic eras of Scimitar GTE upon which we should focus our attention or six if you include the Middlebridge cars The first GTE was the SE5, launched in 1968 and developed from the Ogle GTS as a more practical take on the sports car theme The SE5A brought a new dashboard and an extra seven horsepower from 1972 For 1975 there was a new body the SE6, which was longer, wider and softer
POWER: 138bhp
Sam Skelton Contributor
26 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk

The Scimitar GTE might have been the answer to a question very few people were asking, but it was such a good concept that it endured beyond the end of its own production, joining the ranks of the Avanti and Jensen Interceptor in being reimagined after its death by a new manufacturer And it’s not hard to see why; a sensible Ford V6 engine, space for four and a useful boot was good, optional automatic transmission was even better, as was the undeniable credibility of being used both by the husband and daughter of our monarch A better public endorsement was hard to find in the 1960s and ’70s
0-60MPH: 8 9 secs 24 2mpg 4 spd, man £3000 £10,000
They’re not even dear cars to run; they use tried and tested Ford components, which means there are plenty of marque specialists happy to provide spares and service items or to even maintain your motor for you They run on basic oil and coolant with no frills,
With active groups like the Reliant Sabre & Scimitar Owners’ Club, it’s possible to keep your Scimitar going with very little difficulty Where’s the catch?
Apart from the risk of a rotten chassis on early examples (and let’s be honest, if you’re careful when buying, this shouldn’t be an issue), there really isn’t one
The best bit is that the Scimitar has always been an excellent value classic car, with rough SE6s still attainable with a budget of just £2000 Those sorts of cars have gone up by only about 10 per cent in the last decade, meaning that in real terms against inflation there has never been a better time to buy one However, the very best have risen in the same period by as much as 50 per cent, meaning that if you’re canny about how you buy a Scimitar you can even make money in the long term With good examples still under the magic £10,000 ceiling today, it’s a better investment than a savings account and far more fun into the bargain
The GTE is a pretty, family friendly classic that’s fun to drive, affordable and offers investment potential if you buy the right example There are plenty of cars and enthusiasts out there to help you keep it going It’s cheap to run, seats the whole family and will also take luggage if you need it to You won’t even be fighting eter nal rust in the arches or door bottoms, meaning more time to get out on to the open road and enjoy the car for what it is Could this be the ultimate practical family classic?
most expensive car of our trio, with the very nicest examples selling now for somewhere in the region of £26,000 But with the best P1800 coupes commanding considerably north of £30,000, the ES offers Volvo enthusiasts a way to have their cake and eat it, by giving the most usable and up to date 1800 the greatest level of practicality and the lowest price And P1800 based cars are hot property, having tripled in value in the last decade and
If you’re canny and you’re quick, the 1800ES might just seem like a little bargain
GEARBOX: 5 spd, man ONE FOR:£8000 £12,000
New engines followed in November, in 1 6 and 2.0 litre sizes. Automatic transmission and power steering joined the options list for 1978, while in ’79 we were informed that the initials now stood for High Powered Executive Fuel injection was offered on the 2 0 from 1981, and in ’84 a Volumex supercharged option became available The latter would be short lived, however, as Beta production would cease that year So, why do you want one?
It seems odd that Volvo, having ear ned its reputation on the strength of its estate cars, saved the most practical variant of the P1800 until last But then, it took the Reliant Scimitar to invent the genre, and Volvo recognised this was a bandwagon worthy of additional riders Effectively, it took the by then decade old P1800 and replaced that swoopy Simon Templar roofline with slim pillars and plenty of glass, creating a shape that Volvo would retur n to in subsequent decades
GEARBOX: 4 spd, man + o/d ONE FOR: £20,000 £26,000
While it’s perhaps not as sporting as a Scimitar, owing to mechanical parts lifted from the Volvo ‘Amazon’ and a driving experience that feels like a heavily revised 123GT as a result, it’s still an entertaining thing to motor about in Disc brakes all around mean it’s a sharp stopper, and the fuel injected engine offers poke beyond what you’d expect of just 2 0 litres The Volvo Owners’ Club and Volvo Enthusiasts’ Club will make running an 1800 easy enough too, given that the
mechanical components are widely shared with the standard saloon and estate car ranges
ENGINE: 1995cc, 4 cyl POWER: 119bhp
the saloon’s softer ride, a practical hatchback and a style all of its own This is the sporting Italian that you not only covet but can
TOP SPEED: 116mph
By buying an 1800ES, you guarantee rarity and tur ning heads more of both than the Scimitar, and while the Beta may be rarer it’s also of an era that fewer people outside the classic car world regard as special Everyone knows ‘The Saint Volvo’, and by buying an 1800ES you can enjoy the very last, most developed model in that illustrious line
It’ll take £12,000 to buy the best Volumex in the country today, and around £8000 for a really nice naturally aspirated HPE It may be harder to find panels for than the other two, but look at the package: the Beta coupe’s low slung driving position combined with
ECONOMY: 26 7mpg
with the 480ES and the C30
The drawback is that it’s the
justify as sensible family transport if you so wish And unless you’re at an Italian car show, you’ll never park next to another example
ENGINE: 1986cc, 4 cyl
The Beta HPE later just Lancia HPE was one of a series of sporting models to use Beta mechanicals under a new body
TOP SPEED: 116mph 0-60MPH: 10 6 secs
It bore perhaps the closest resemblance to the Beta Coupe, whose front end and doors were matched to the longer wheelbase of the Beta saloon platform The idea was to capture some of the executive market from the likes of Volvo and Reliant, selling to people who wanted a personal car but without compromising practicality
HPE stood for High Performance Estate at launch in March 1975, when the car was offered with 1 6 and 1 8 litre
ECONOMY: 23 5mpg
Classic Car Buyer 27Sell your car for free at: www.carandclassic.co.ukSeptember 14 2022

also the most practical of the cars here, with a low loading lip and real space in the back seat The Fiat derived twin cam engine is an absolute honey in the Beta and is both easy to maintain and blessed with good spares availability, to say nothing of its fuel efficiency This Lancia is also the rarest car here by some margin, not helped by Lancia’s rust reputation of the mid 1970s
0-60MPH: 11 3 secs
POWER: 112bhp
For a start, the Beta chassis is rather good; front wheel drive it may be, but that doesn’t stop it from being entertaining and in 2 0 form at least quite quick It’s
showing no sign of stopping here

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ne of the enduring appeals of the classic British sports car was simple mechanical parts that could be easily upgraded to suit the owner’s tastes and needs For the Triumph TR line, not only were those mechanical parts straightforward and rugged, the steady evolution of the breed from the original TR2 to the final TR6 meant that in
Jack G rover Production Editor
possibly therefore had a longer second life than the first which means it’s hardly surprising that all the ferrous metal, organic rubber and weather battling paint needs another bout of work
front suspension
to be said for the MGA not as fast as the TR, but more refined and arguably prettier There’s no shortage of ways to upgrade one either, especially at this budget
manifold certainly other upgrades lie under the skin
This Jaguar Mk2 is an older restoration That probably means it was fully restored in the boom times of the late 1980s, when the Mk2 was one of the darlings of the emerging classic car scene But that was well over 30 years ago, so it shouldn’t be surprising that the Jaguar was treated to new inner and outer sills in 2016, plus a recently refurbished fascia and rebuilt
restoration, the rest of this Mk2 still appears to be in fine condition As an early model with the 3 8 litre engine and the pre facelift bumpers, it already has a lot to recommend it Power steering, a manual gearbox and overdrive (reported to operate smoothly) add to the desirability, as does the fact that the front suspension was rebuilt with Gaz dampers and polybushes It also comes with reclining front seats, a choice of standard or Coombs style rear wheel spats and a Heritage Certificate
rebuilt to what is described as ‘fast road’ spec by Bradbury Engineering In the images of the (delightfully simple and very tidy) engine bay we can see a modern high flow air filter on the twin SUs, an upgraded breather system with a catch tank, and what looks like a free flow exhaust
30 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk ONE TO BUY: Yea r : 19 62 Pr ic e: £ 25,0 0 0 MoT: E xempt E N G I N E : 3781c c , 4 c y l P OW E R : 2 2 0 b h p TO P S PE E D : 12 5 m p h 0 - 6 0 m p h : 8 5 s e c s E C O N O M Y: 16 4 m p g G E A R B OX : 4 s p d , m a n + o/d TECH SPEC OR MAYBE..? ROVER ‘P5’ 3 LITRE The Jaguar Mk2 had the segment of ‘attainable but serious sports saloon’ pretty much to itself in 1960s Britain everything else was either much more expensive or not as potent The closest runner was something like the Rover 3 Litre, which had the Jaguar matched (or even beaten) in terms of prestige and refinement but lacked any of the Mk2’s sporting vigour

f you’re anything like me, you have a habit of thinking of restoration as an almost permanent ‘fix’ cars are cured of all their age related ills, returned to as new (or better) condition and that’s that And so it can still come as a bit of a surprise when I realise that a car I think of as ‘freshly restored’ was actually rebuilt 25 or 30 years ago, and has quite
The rivalry between Triumph and MG continues to this day, and there’s certainly a lot
many cases it was and still is possible to fit standard parts from later models to easily improve the performance of an earlier one This attractive Primrose yellow TR3A is a case in point, having been fitted with the steering rack from a TR4 in place of the original steering box a fairly simple conversion that offers immediate and big improvements in steering feel and accuracy It’s all the more welcome because this TR3A is also packing a bit more power than normal; while it retains its original 2 0 litre engine (many have gained the 2 2 litre unit from the TR4), it has been fully
Of course, a restored car having a second life as a classic isn’t going to suffer from the passage of time like a 10 or 15 year old car used daily in all weathers and run on a shoestring budget So, despite it being an older
Sales Spotlight Contact: TR Bitz, High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 0SD Tel: 01925 756000 trbitz com Jaguar Mk 2 3.8 ONE TO BUY: Yea r : 19 6 0 Pr ic e: £ 25,50 0 MoT: E xempt E N G I N E : 19 91c c , 4 c y l P OW E R : 12 5 b h p (e s t ) TO P S PE E D : 10 6 m p h 0 6 0 m p h : 10 s e c s (e s t ) E C O N O M Y: 2 3 m p g (e s t ) G E A R B OX : 4 s p d , m a n + o/d TECH SPEC OR MAYBE..? MGA
T riumph TR3A
Speaking of skin, the Triumph has also recently been treated to a full body off restoration As well as that eye catching Primrose paintwork, the cockpit seems to have been freshly trimmed in black, with matching new seats, a Mota Lita wheel and a pristine tonneau cover. The car has also had its front bumper removed, which to complement the tuned up engine, gives it a pleasing stripped down ‘café racer’ look

We thought the 600 was an obvious counterpart to the Avensis, with both being Anglo Japanese creations While the Avensis was tailor made for British production, the 600 was effectively a reskinned Honda Accord That’s no bad thing, and the Rover styling and Honda engines certainly make it less anonymous both from the outside and behind the wheel
Toyot a Avensis 2.0 CDX ONE TO BUY: Yea r : 19 97 Pr ic e: £10 0 0 MoT: March 2023 E N G I N E : 19 9 8 c c , 4 c y l P OW E R : 12 6 b h p TO P S PE E D : 12 4 m p h 0 6 0 M PH : 10 . 6 s e c s E C O N O M Y: 3 4 3 m p g G E A R B OX : 4 s p d , a u t o TECH SPEC OR MAYBE..?
Once the tracking had been brought into spec and the perished Jinyu tyres on the front were replaced by rubber from the other side of the Sea of Japan, the Avensis still drove sweetly and had an amazingly supple yet well controlled ride of the sort that seems non existent in cars from the 2020s Zero mechanical maladies were reported and Jeff set to work restoring the cracked and faded bumpers and replacing the chipped and foggy headlamps, which didn’t render the Avensis anything like perfect but smartened it up for very little effort Jeff used the Toyota’s capacious boot to move the contents of a garage in one go, we took it on a full lap of the M25, and we then lent it to the Association of Heritage Engineers who put it in the hands of three apprentices for the Parallel Pomeroy driving test day None of this fazed the Avensis in the slightest
modern fare with nothing of interest or just an old crock to be run into the ground on a shoestring And the Avensis is objectively a much better, more usable car than the likes of those. In the not so distant future, we’ll be saying “Oh, you don’t see many of those now, do you?” at shows, while pointing at things like this Avensis Until that day arrives, for £1000 you get a practical and utterly dependable runabout that will reward some basic care and upkeep
Something of an unsung hero and now a rare sight, the second generation ‘P11’ Primera was also built in Britain and tailored to the European market With build quality and reliability almost on a par with the Toyota, the Primera’s star card was actually its handling Thanks to a full multi link rear suspension set up, it was deemed a class leader in this department
32 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk

This is the one the Avensis had to beat in the company car parks After a decade of minimal effort fare, Ford became the standard bearer for the 1990s with the Mondeo, which offered zingy engines, a brilliant combination of ride and handling and a wide range of trim and body options The Avensis was specifically developed to meet the challenge of the Mondeo
n the face of it, this might be one of the blandest and least appealing cars we’ve ever put under our Sales Spotlight It’s a five door, mid size, Japanese family car of an age that awkwardly straddles the line between ‘old’ and ‘modern classic’, without enough distinguishing features to readily shove it into the latter It’s got an automatic gearbox It’s not even interesting enough to be one readily identifiable colour it’s a limp green/grey
It certainly lives up to its maker’s ideals We bought the Avensis last year as one of a pair of project 1990s repmobiles (the other was a Rover 600), and it was ‘gifted’ to Classic Car Mart editor Jeff Ruggles, with a hint of it being a booby prize But we were all pleasantly surprised Under its scuffed bumpers and badly repainted wheels, the Avensis was entirely solid After 25 years, the interior leather seats, wood trim, Sony double DIN stereo system and all was still immaculate The air conditioning still blew cold, every electrical item still worked
Avensis is unusual in being a Toyota specifically designed to be built and sold outside Japan In fact, it was specifically developed to be built solely in Toyota’s Burnaston factory, replacing the Carina E with a model tailored to European tastes, arguably making it more of a British car than any contemporary Ford or Vauxhall And this Avensis is not only from the ‘peak car’ era that period from the mid 1990s to the mid 2000s when cars reached high levels of reliability, refinement, safety and performance without growing into overweight, electronics laden pillboxes but arguably from the time of ‘peak Toyota’, when the company led the world when it came to turning out consistently reliable, long lived cars
and there wasn’t a squeak or rattle anywhere none of which applied to the Honda based Rover of similar age and mileage Speaking of which, 122,000 miles had also had no effect on the smoothness and soundness of the Toyota’s engine, nor its four speed automatic transmission
Contact: Kelsey Media Instagram DM: @classicsworlduk joe miller@kelsey co uk classicsworld co uk Jack G rover Production Editor
But with a bit of digging, any car can yield positive qualities For instance, the Toyota
There was a time when an Austin Cambridge or Ford Cortina would be dismissed as dull,
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● Don’t get involved in any complex arrangements involving giv ing ‘change’ for a payment that’s more than your asking price, especially involving overseas buyers or transfers using methods such as Western Union these are almost always fraudulent
● Ensure you drive your car first to demonstrate controls (etc ) and then, once you are at a suitable place for the buyer to drive, get out, taking the keys with you, and hand them back only once you are back in the car
● Test drives need to be handled with care on the one hand it’s perfectly reasonable for a serious buyer to want to drive a car before buying, but you need to remain in control Make sure they are insured to drive your car too, bearing in mind that ‘driving other cars’ clauses on insurance policies normally cover only third party risks, not damage to your car
● Serious buyers will want to examine the car fully that’s fine and you should be prepared to answer fully and honestly any questions a buyer may have about the car Be wary though if they try to steer the conversation towards more general matters concerning you and your family Similarly, while a genuine enthu siast will probably be interested in your other cars, so will a would be burglar
● Do not accept a personal cheque from someone you do not know; there is no longer any guaranteed clearance time, and a cheque can now ‘bounce’ at any time even weeks after it’s been banked if it’s discovered to be forged
34 Classic Car Buyer 14th September 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk C A RS A S T O N M A R T IN V8 19 8 7, 2 2 8 5 0 mil e s , £ 2 2 5,0 0 0. 19 87 A s ton M ar t in V 8 Volan te wi t h manual t r ansmis sion 2 2 5 0 0 miles f r om new and jus t 3 previous ow ner s Kensing ton Silver me t allic pain t wor k c omplemen ted wi t h P or t land G rey piped black C onnolly leat her in ter ior Fully rec ommis sioned in 2 017/ 18 af ter being in a c ollec t ion for t welve year s P lea s e c all 07 97019 0 47 2, S ou t h E a s t 115643 AU S T IN 110 0 MK1 19 7 8 , 15 0 0 mil e s , £ 10, 5 0 0. L H D 1978 C la s sic M ini S pecial E di t ion to t ally re f ur bished P ain t , zer o c or r o sion, engine w/ 15 0 0 miles, t win c a r b s , elec t r ic f a n, R c 4 0 ex haus t , f r on t disk br akes, s er vo a s sis ted, spring suspension wit h Bils tein sho ck s, f ull new in ter ior, c ons ole, new w heels 10” x 5”, new t ires Yoko A 3 2, except ional c ar French plates S ever al pic t ures, e tc P lea s e c all + 3 4 6 4 6 97 2 0 4 6, R es t o f t he wor ld 115774 AUS T IN MINI C L U BM A N £ 5,9 9 5. A us t in M ini clubman es t ate 1976 , 9 9 8 cc R ec ondi t ioned engine Ta x and M O T exempt G o o d c ondi t ion A ny inspec t ion welc ome D r ives well P lea s e c all 07 74 6 9 21761, S ou t h E a s t 116124 AUDI T T 2 0 0 6, £4,75 0 Audi T T 3 2 Quat tro 6 speed manual fir st registered in 20 0 6 and only 8 4,0 0 0 miles Bright Red with Black Leather seat s fully electric with seat heater s Please call 01274 5 610 9 8, Yorkshire and the Humber ( T ) 115668 AU S T IN HE A L E Y 10 0/4 19 5 5, £ 4 2 ,0 0 0 19 5 5 A us t in H ealey 10 0 /4,C ali for nia C ar, no r us t , L H D, new r adials, new s o f t top, new side s creens, leat her s eat s, H ealey 3 0 0 0 f r on t dis c br akes,all elec t r ic s wor k including indic ator s! B es t c olour c ombinat ion, would c onsider in teres t ing par t exchange, would deliver to E ur ope P lea s e c all 07 9 8 9 76 2475, S ou t h E a s t 116113 BE N T L E Y C O N T INE N TA L 19 9 3 , 5 0 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 4 ,9 5 0 1s t cla s s c ondi t ion inside and ou t G reat c olour c omb o , leat her in excellent condition Runs super bly R ed lamb s wo ol over r ugs to o N ew bel t s 5 0 0 miles ago ever y t hing wor k s a s i t should L o t s o f his tor y and do cumen t s S elling due to hous e move and jus t no t dr iving i t ver y much N umber plate no t included , E a s t o f E ngland 115831 BM W 32 3 19 9 7, £ 4 5 0 B M W 3 2 3 i 4 do or 19 97, 2 5 0 0 cc 141K , black f ull leat her in ter ior, M O T un t il F eb 2 3 bu t will need welding, new br ake pads bu t s ome br ake judder, over heat ing, A lar m, t y res go o d I have more pic t ures £4 5 0 0 0, c a sh on c ollec t ion f r om S ou t h H er t for dshire 078 6 0 24 6 9 0 0 P lea s e c all 078 6 0 24 6 9 0 0, S ou t h E a s t 116021 BM W 3 3 0 £ 4 ,9 9 5 0 3 B M W 3 3 0 ci c onver t ible au to M sp or t wi t h har d top me t silver/grey leat her in ter ior 9 0 K wi t h F S H charcoal alloys wit h newish t y res ver y nice or iginal c ar P lea s e c all 016 52 6 78 417 , E a s t M idlands 116042 BM W 5 SE RIE S 2 0 0 5, £ 5 0 B M W E 6 0 lower ing spr ings f t / B k S t ill b oxed 3 5 0 A ls o f t gr ills £ 2 0 B u yer c ollec t s P lea s e c all 07 7 2 9 5 9 3 8 2 7, N or t h E a s t 116081 C I T RO Ë N 2C V 19 8 8 , £ 9 7 5. Res tor ation projec t O f f r o ad for 2 0 + year s R es tore or us e for spares P lea s e c all 07 7470 2 075 8 , E a s t o f E ngland 116102 HE V RO L E T C O RV E T T E £ 2 3 ,9 9 5. M illennium Yellow wi t h black leat her, heads up display, air c ondi t ioning, t win air bags, A B S , a f ull hous e s tereo, six way p ower dr iver ’s s eat , elec t r ic window s and cen t r al lo ck ing, manual r o o f (an elec t r ic opt ion wa s no t available) P lea s e c all 07 7116 4 5 4 6 5, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115636 DA IML E R V8 2 5 0 19 6 7, £ 2 7, 5 0 0 B lack wi t h bis cui t t r im, A u tomat ic, p ower s teer ing, front flog ligh t s, L umition ignition N ew M O T tes t , ver y go o d c ar, 78,4 8 4 Miles Plea se call 019 0 9 7 3 3 2 0 9, E a s t M idlands ( T ) 115644 DE T OM A S O PA N T E R A 19 7 1, £ 8 7,9 9 5 S t ill fi nished i t s original colour of Spring Or ange ( A r ancione a M olla), t he D e Toma s o is a ver y or iginal lo ok ing c ar wi t h a deligh t f ul pat ina T his is a ver y nicely aged, us able c ar, i t feels genuine and ver y hones t , and ha s a lovely shar p b o d y and excellen t under side T he in ter ior is similar, i t 's ver y well pres en ted and feels ‘r igh t ' T his clear ly ha s never been a c ar le f t to de ter ior ate, i t s s t r ong, s ound, and on t he r o ad s t ill o f fer ing fer o cious per for mance f r om i t s rep or ted 3 6 0 B H P engine P lea s e c all 019 4 4 75 8 0 0 0, Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115661 DE T OM A S O PA N T E R A 19 7 3 , £ 19 4 ,9 9 5 T he D e Toma s o P an ter a c omes wi t h a huge ex tensive his tor y file, var ious li ter at ure, feat ured maga zine ar t icles and o f c our s e t he receipt s for t he recen t pr o gr am o f wor k T he c ar als o c omes wi t h i t s c or rec t to ol k i t and to ol bag, including c or rec t jack T his is wi t hou t doubt an incredibly s ough t af ter c a r, a t r ue c ollec t or 's piece and one o f t he ver y few R H D examples ever buil t P lea s e c all 019 4 4 75 8 0 0 0, Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115663 F I AT C O U PE 2 0 0 0, 5 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 ,7 5 0. P inin F ar ina S t yled F ive cylinder 2 0 0 0 cc 5 speed man 3 ow ner s including dealer f r om new G o o d all r ound, dr ives ex t remely well P lea s e c all 01613 6 813 8 5, N or t h Wes t 116208 F O R D E S C O R T 19 7 2 , £ 3 4 ,9 5 0 M k 1 E s c or t C o swor t h Tur b o, M a s s engineer ing buil t G PA engine, r oll c age, B ils teins, M ini A t la s L S D a xle L o ads o f quali t y ex pensive bi t s, all s teel bubble ar ches P lea s e c all 07 9 8 9 5 8 9 6 24, E a s t M idlands 115749 FOR OVER 35 YEARS S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk The overwhelming majority of car sellers and buyers are honest However as with everything else in life, there’s a tiny percentage that aren’t However it’s dead easy to protect yourself from fraud sters by using a bit of common sense

Stay Safe!
● Always arrange a specific time for viewings don’t accept vague ‘I may come sometime today’ type arrangements
● Be very wary indeed of anyone calling and trying to sell your advertisement in another publication Such publications don’t al ways exist, and claimed distribution figures will often be vastly exaggerated Calls are also often recorded as ‘evidence’ of a binding contract
● Above all, trust your instincts! If something seems dodgy or not quite right to you, then there’s a good chance you’re right
● Stay safe! Don’t give a buyer your address until you know they are definitely coming to view Better still, give them the general location only at first and ask them to phone for the full address once they are close
ADVI C E F O R B UYE RS Crooks sometimes adver tise cars that don’t exist solely to collect deposits from would be buyers
● Always check the chassis number/Vehicle Identification Number (VI N) on the reg istration document matches that on the car A proper data check is also essential to avoid buying a car that’s stolen or an undisclosed insurance write off
● Always view the car at the seller ’s home address If they want to meet you in a car park or bring the car to you they may be trying to prevent you finding them again.
Stay Safe!
● Star t by asking ‘is the car for sale?’ If the seller is a trader pretending to sell privately, they will need to ask you ‘which one?’ ● Be suspicious of a car that seems cheaper than it should be; if something seems too good to be true then it probably is. ● Be wary of sellers who can only be contacted via a mobile phone or an easy to obtain email address such as hotmail or gmail. They may ‘disappear ’ once they have your money. ● Ask lots of specific questions about specific model weaknesses such as “is there any rust around the headlights”, and listen carefully to the answers; do they actually have the car? ● Never, ever send anyone money for a car that you have not seen
● No reg istration document? Don’t accept excuses, don’t buy the car!
14th September 2022 Classic Car Buyer 35Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk F O R D E S C O R T 19 9 4 , £ 2 ,7 0 0 R are ( in t his excellen t c ondi t ion) M e t allic B lue /green R e t r o old s cho ol C la s sic M K 5 19 9 4 1 6 16 V D O H C Z e tec G hia top spec F or d E s c or t , ideal for f u t ure inves tmen t or s t rong ba se for per formance projec t 11 mon t h M O T A ll r us t cu t ou t ,welded and plated A lo t spen t on mechanic s f r om t y res up G o o d t y res and br akes ,f ully s er viced P lea s e c all 07 7 7610116 3, S ou t h Wes t 115856 F O R D Z E PH Y R 19 6 8 , 5 5 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 5,9 9 5. F or d Z ephy r M K4, 2 li t re, v4, w hi te, black in ter ior, t hir d ow ner, recen t M oT, rebuil t or iginal engine, new clu tch, new weber t win choke c ar b , four new br ake c aliper s , unleaded H al f s t ainles s ex haus t , go o d s ound b o d y, r us t f ree cha s sis , never welded , r us t pr o o fed t hr oughou t , nice dr ive, s t ill r unning in P lea s e c all 013 0 5 5 6107 3, S ou t h Wes t 115978 F O R D F O C U S 2 0 0 2 , 17 2 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 1,0 0 0. T he c ar r uns and dr ives f aul t les s i t had M o t t ill J an 2 0 2 3 , w r c rep w r ap , fo cus s t 170 w heels and s eat s i t als o ha s a back b ox change gives a nice no te bu t isn' t noisy T he w r ap isn' t t he bes t by f ar bu t does lo ok t he par t c ar ha s previously been welded bu t wa sn' t gr ound smo o t h s o you c a n s ee w here i t wa s plated and f r on t wing ha s small r us t bubble o t her t ha n t ha t i t 's sp o t on P lea s e c all 07 3 9 9 6 4 4 411, E a s t M idlands 116001 F O RD G R A N A DA 19 9 4 , 13 2 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 9 9 9. f o r d gr anada ghia 4x4 es t ate 19 9 4 a ver y r are and genuine for d 4x4 f r om new, regis tered by for d a s a cha s e / supp or t vehicle for t he es c or t c o swor t h r ally c ampaign 19 9 4 / 9 5 s ea s on ha s done 13 2k miles bu t r uns lovely and no is sues wi t h emis sions, ha s had new dr ive shaf t s and spr ings at t he f r on t , replacemen t br akes and dis c s plus t he w heel ar ches have been done P lea se call 07879 8 97 75 5, G reater L ondon 116010 F O R D C A PRI 19 8 3 , 8 4 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 ,0 0 0 P r ojec t c ar, c omple te and or iginal apar t f r om needing t wo bare f r on t suspension s t r u t s, windscreen and a s e t o f pepper p o t s, i t c omes wi t h R S alloys N eeds welding in t he usual places, s t r u t tops, rear leaf s pr ing moun t ings , b o nne t leading edge and a couple of other places bu t no t hing a go o d welder c ouldn’ t manage, ge t t ing r are and valuable now, neares t to 4 K bu ys i t P lea s e c all 07 9 8 4 4 6 6 2 01, N or t h Wes t 116020 F O RD F O C U S S T 2 0 0 7, 10 7 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 5, 5 9 5 T his c ar ha s been my pr ide and joy for t he la s t 18 mon t hs S ubt ly mo di fi ed, w i t h no ex pens e spa r ed w ha t s o ever A ver y nice, clean example, wi t h potential for more per formance upgr ades M o ds and upgr ades include: R S injec tor s, A ir tec s t age t wo in ter c o oler, P r o ho s e c o olan t and b o o s t pipes, D ream S cience 3 inch res onated c at back ex haus t sys tem, D ream S cience map, R S L uk clu tch k i t and fl y w heel, t iming bel t k i t and water pump, E ibach sp or t s lower ing spr ings, P ower fl ex f ull c ar bush k i t and new b ol t s, genuine F or d f r on t and rear sho ck ab s or ber s and b o l t s , A n t hr aci t e B ola B1 19 inch alloy w heels wi t h G o o d year E agle t y res (c overed 8 0 0 miles), J P C ages 4 p oin t show c age A f ull lis t o f mo ds and main tenance c an be pr ovided, bu t needs to be s een to appreciate t he amoun t o f wor k t hat ’s gone in to i t , and c an be viewed on a r amp W ill be s old wi t h 12 mon t hs M O T P lea s e c all 07871714 8 5 5, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116066 F E RR A RI 575M M A R A NE L L O 2 0 0 3 , £ 7 9,9 9 5. 2 0 0 3 F er r ar i 5 75 M M ar anello F1 R igh t hand dr ive 5 75 M supplied 2 0 0 3 fi t ted wi t h t he F1 gear b ox F inished in A rgen to Silver wi t h a dar k blue hide in ter ior, i t is acc ompanied by i t s or iginal leat her walle t and s er vice b o ok T his c ar ha s jus t c ome ou t o f a f an t a s t ic c ollec t ion and ha s received signi fi c a n t ex p endi t ure sin c e i t s pur cha s e in 2 015 P lea s e c all 0176 5 6 0 97 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115651 F E RR A RI DAY T O N A £ 6 2 5,0 0 0 We are deligh ted to o f fer for s ale t his s t unning F er r ar i Day tona ‘ P lexi G la s s O ur c ar ini t ially le f t M ar anello on t he 3 r d S eptember 19 6 9 and wa s s old t hr ough C ol R onnie H o are to L or d C owdr ay 1s t U K D elivered c ar 4t h U K R egis tered c ar I t remained in E ngland un t il 2 0 0 3 w here i t wen t to a large Danish C ollec t ion T he c ar ha s since re t ur ned to E ngland ar ound 2 015 and i t si t s to day in ver y go o d c ondi t ion I t ha s been awar ded F er r ar i C la s siche C er t i fi c at ion to supplemen t i t s alread y s t r ong his tor y file w hich includes a M a s sini repor t , period correspondence, plus many M O T ’s and als o invoices for var ious wor k s over t he year s P lea s e c all 0176 5 6 0 97 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115653 F O R D M U S TA N G 19 6 8 , £ 6 9,9 9 5 19 6 8 F or d M us t ang J C o de 3 0 2 with r are manual t r ansmis sion G T Equipmen t G r oup F 70X14 W ide O val W hi te Sidewall N ylon T ires, S p or t D eck R ear S eat , C ons ole, A M R adio, D elu xe S ea t B el t s , Tachome t er a nd Tr ip O dome ter I n s t unning c ondi t ion t hr oughou t and dr iving beau t i f ully C ur ren t M O T and V 5 C P lea s e c all 0176 5 6 0 97 9 8 , Yor k shire and t he H umber ( T ) 115648 F O R D C O R T IN A 19 7 0, £ 2 1,0 0 0. 1970 F or d C or t ina L o t u s C ompe t i t io n C ar, C ali f o r nia C ar, L H D, no r us t , all or iginal panels, never welded, no filler! A ll s teel F I A 15 9 8 cc Twin C am engine wi t h 16 8 B H P on 4 5 Weber's Ty pe 9 S C C R Q uaife in ter nals, bia s br ake adjus tmen t ab ove pedal, f ar to many de t ails to des cr ibe here, c all for more de t ails, would make excellen t his tor ic r ace or r ally c ar or ver y ea sy conver sion to concour s road car P lea s e c all 07 9 8 9 76 2475, S ou t h E a s t 116115 F O R D F IE S TA 2 0 0 1, 3 3 0 3 2 mil e s , £ 2 , 5 0 0 F ies t a fligh t 12 9 9 cc, 3 do or, f amily ow ned f r om new, gar aged, s er vice his tor y, or iginal c ondi t ion, ver y clean inside and ou t , no ex pens e spared M o der n C la s sic P lea s e c all 078 8 5 8 616 8 5, E a s t o f E ngland 116121 F O R D F O C U S 2 0 10, £ 2 ,9 0 0 R eg manual dies el, jus t been s er viced and M O T P lea s e call 078 0 5 9 3 3 52 8, G reater L ondon 116209 CLASSIC CAR INSURANCE EXPERTS… S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk The overwhelming majority of car sellers and buyers are honest However as with every thing else in life, there’s a tiny percentage that aren’t. However it’s dead easy to protect yourself from fraudsters by using a bit of common sense

● Does the name and address on the V5C match the sellers name and address? If not, why not?
● If you’re suspicious that someone is trying to ‘sell’ a car they do not own, ask them to email or send you a photog raph of a specific par ts that they will not be able to provide without having access to the car This isn’t 100 per cent foolproof a fraudster may have access to a car he doesn’t own but it can help
36 Classic Car Buyer 14th September 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk F O RD F O C U S S T 2 0 17, 3 4 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 18 ,0 0 0. F or s ale is my F o cus S T 3 in S teal t h G rey O nly 3 4,0 0 0 miles on t he clo ck , bu t will r is e wi t h minor us e t hr ough t he week Full s er vice his tor y la s t s er vice M ar ch 2 0 2 2 M O T due 6 t h O c tober 2 0 2 2 M echanic ally s ound and dr ives sp o t on M inor blemishes on pain t wor k , bu t no t hing t hat s t ands ou t H a s recen t ly had t y re valves and s ens or s replaced along wi t h new s e t o f lo ck ing w heel nu t s Small amoun t o f pain t fl ak ing on 3 w heels, c ould ideally do wi t h a re f ur b To t ally s t andar d, no mo di fi c at ions N o silly o f fer s, I ’m no t in a r ush to s ell W ill be ad ver t is ed els ew here B a s ed in P or t Talb o t , S ou t h Wales P lea s e c all 075178 9 6 9 0 8, Wales 116145 G IL BE RN IN VA DE R 19 7 2 , £ 2 ,9 9 5 3 li t re N R 3 L R eg, B r i t ish r acing green, C or t ina C ha s sis, F ibregla s s no r us ted, dr y s tored since 2 0 0 0 P lea s e c all 07 75 4 6 8 8 6 3 6, S ou t h Wes t 115937 INNO C E N T I MINI DE T OM A S O 19 7 8 , £ 9,7 5 0 Ver y r are, r us t f ree example o f t his appreciat ing cla s sic, imp or ted f r om G eno a in 2 017, L H D, matching number s, no replacemen t panels, me t allic black wi t h gold s t r iping P lea s e c all 07 3 0 6 8 0 6 7 3 6, S ou t h E a s t 116022 JAG UA R X K 2 0 11, 14 9 0 0 mil e s , £ 2 4 , 5 0 0 Super low mileage, S wallow s are pr oud to o f fer t his s t unning 2 011 J aguar X K 5 0 C oupe P res en ted here beau t i f ully in L iquid Silver M e t allic P ain t wor k s e t agains t a sumpt uous War m C har c o al L eat her I n ter ior H aving c overed only a mere 14,9 0 0 miles t his is a near ly new c ar and s t ill ha s t hat 'new c ar' feel and smell N ever t heles s s er viced each year, i t c omes wi t h a f ully s t amped b o ok and impecc ably main t ained by b o t h J aguar main dealer and I ndependen t J aguar S pecialis t D r ives a s a new J aguar X K should wi t h t he wonder f ul s ound t r ack o f t hat super b V 8 P lea s e c all 019 3 475 0 319, S ou t h Wes t 115836 JAG UA R X F 2 0 0 8 , 5 7 6 0 0 mil e s , £ 10,9 9 5. S wallow s are pr oud to o f fer t his 2 0 0 8 J aguar X F S V 8 pres en ted in lovely all round condition it is of fered here in a cla s sic c olour c ombinat ion o f L iquid Silver me t allic pain t wor k and War m C har c o al leat her in ter ior wi t h O ak f acings A f air ly low mileage example having been us ed ligh t ly in recen t year s wi t h jus t 5 78 0 0 miles on t he clo ck , t he c ar wi t h c ome wi t h a f resh s er vice T he 4 2 super charged V 8 o f fer s a f an t a s t ic dr iving ex per ience and ter r i fi c per for mance O ur S R , t uning pack age is available (addi t ional c o s t ) t uned in our wor k shop wi t h s t age t wo S R pack age including, super charger pulley, 2 0 0 cell r ace c at s, S R per for mance air fil ter s and re map T his highly speci fi ed mo del c omes wi t h a ho s t o f J aguar f ac tor y opt ions w hich include; O r iginal 2 0" A lloy W heels wi t h go o d quali t y premium t y res, Fr on t and R ear P ar k ing S ens or s, R ear P ar k A s sis t C amer a , S un R o o f P le a s e c a ll 019 3 475 0 319, S ou t h Wes t 115838 JAG UA R X J 19 9 7, 9 3 4 9 9 mil e s , £ 3 ,7 5 0. I t 's t he 3 2 li t re i t 's t he bes t A J16 engine I t 's in a r are c olour A n t igua M e t allic B lue, I've always lo oked af ter i t , i t had all c oils and plugs changed 6, 0 0 0 miles ago by S ur rey J ag C en t re T he dimple alloys are excellen t B o d y wor k is go o d no den t s no r us t , I had t he f ull K r ow n r us t pr o o fi ng t reatment done N ew bat ter y fi t ted P ain t wor k go o d except b onne t ge t s a bi t dull bu t p olishes up well H eadlining is pinned C hr ome is excellen t all r ound M O T 'd un t il M ar ch 2 0 2 3, I t 's a s olid smar t c ar, t he cream leat her is in ver y go o d c ondi t ion C omes wi t h 2 keys and 2 wor k ing remo te fob s P lea s e c all 07 9 0 5 6 8 876 7, S ou t h E a s t 115893 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 4 , £ 2 2 ,0 0 0. T he c ar ha s c overed 8 2k miles and in super b c ondi t ion wi t h s er vice his tor y b o ok and invoices to c on fi r m A c ar k now n to us for 11 year s F eat ures include, 16” J aguar C elebr at ion w heels, wo o d gear s elec tor such a s elec t r ic window s, heated rear windscreen, P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115761 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 4 , £ 3 4 ,9 5 0 19 9 4 L H D J aguar X J S C onver t ible 6 0 V 12 in U nusual S pindr i f t w hi te wi t h t an leat her hide t r im, br ow n piping and c on t r a s t ing t an r o o f S t unning V 12 mo del wi t h lo t s o f feat ures such a s C r uis e c on t r ol, t r ip c ompu ter, heated rear window, unmar ked diamond cu t and p olished jaguar 5 sp oke alloys wi t h gold inlays, f ac tor y rear sp oiler wo o d gear s elec tor, t win air bags, c olour c o ded gr ill, air c ondi t ioning, headligh t sur r ounds and wing mir r or s, t wo s e t s o f keys P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115762 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 2 9,9 5 0. X J S C elebr at ion c onver t ible in unusual Tur quois e wi t h cream leat her t r im, C on t r a s t ing C o f fee piping and a black ho o d wi t h t r im matching cream tonneau M any feat ures include, later A J16 4 0 E ngine wi t h impr oved per for mance, elec t r ic seat s, Elec t r ic mir r or s, E lec t r ic ho o d, C r uis e c on t r ol, Tr ip c ompu ter, air c ondi t ioning, H eated rear window, A ll ow ner s manuals, S pare s e t o f keys and only feat ured on t he celebr at ion mo dels a hal f wo o d w heel, wo o d gear s elec tor, emb o s s ed s eat s and s t unning diamond t ur ned polished celebr ation w heels P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115763 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 3 2 , 5 0 0 J agua r X J S C onver t ible 6 0 V 12 L H D I t is F i t ted wi t h 2 0 sp oke diamond cu t p olished w heels and many o t her J aguar ex t r a s a s well a s t he usual re fi nemen t s S ome include, headligh t je t wa sher s, hal f wo o d w heel, 6 C D s t acker, inlaid wo o d, space s aver spare wheel, heated lumber supp or t s eat s T here are 2 s e t s o f keys pres en t wi t h 2 remo te fob s A f ull genuine J aguar to ol k i t , P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115764 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 5 9,9 5 0 19 9 5 L H D J aguar X J S 4 0 C onver t ible A b s olu tely super b 19 9 5 4 0 l L ater A J16 model wi t h upgr aded per for mance X J S c onver t ible in breat h t ak ing signal red wi t h fl awles s cream P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115766 JAG UA R X JS 19 9 5, £ 14 ,9 5 0. X J S 5 3 V 12 c abr iole t au tomat ic G reat c olour c ombinat ion, B lack wi t h matching ho o d and cream leat her B eau t i f ul c ondi t ion c ar wi t h 8 5,0 0 0 miles and a ma s sive, in dept h his tor y file s er vice to c on fi r m F eat ures include, 2+2 rear seat s, elec tric window s, A ir c ondi t ioning, t win headlamps, 15 inch J aguar s t ar fi sh alloys, t r ip c ompu ter, t win pins t r ipes, or iginal jaguar to olk i t , Two s e t s o f keys, all ow ner s manuals included and many o t her jaguar re fi nemen t s P lea s e c all 014 3 5 8 6 3 8 0 0, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115767 JAG UA R S -T Y PE 2 0 0 4 , 7 2 2 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 , 4 9 5 S Ty pe 3 0 V 6 S E A u tomat ic R adiance red, s and leat her in ter ior and wo o d t r im wi t h matching wo o d s teer ing w heel, cr uis e c on t r ol, B lue to o t h adapter, six C D player, elec t r ic foldback dimming / heated mir r or s, memor y elec t r ic s eat s and much more Full s er vice his tor y (rec or ds and wor k shop manual C D in folder s) P lea se call 078 0 8 5 8 4 3 91, S ou t h E a s t 115894 JAG UA R X K 2 0 0 8 , 5 6 4 0 0 mil e s , £ 18 ,0 0 0 J aguar X K 4 2 L A u tomat ic 2 0 0 8 Vap our G rey E xcellen t c ondi t ion 2 0 inch S en t a w heels A luminium pack and piano black ins t r umen t panel etc Blue tooth connec tivit y C D changer in da sh Dis cre te af ter mar ke t D A B r adio receiver t r ansmi t s t hr ough t he J aguar in c ar sys tem Fr on t and rear par k ing s en s o r s P le a s e c a ll 0 7 9 9 0 8 0 0 4 0 5 , S ou t h E a s t 116005 JAG UA R S OV E RE IG N 2 0 0 6 , £ 6 , 5 0 0. 2 7 Dies el, 7 2 0 0 0 miles N ew s er vice and M O T S er vice H is tor y, heated s eat s f r on t rear , s at nav Fr on t rear s ens or s, t y res go o d, includes matching spare w heel, go o d c ondi t ion t hr ough ou t P lea s e c all 07 9 61 9 9 37 7 9, N or t h E a s t 116137 JAG UA R X JS 19 8 7, 6 9 6 0 0 mil e s , £ 11,0 0 0 F or s ale is t his beau t i f ul R acing G reen example t hat ha s been in one f amily ow ner ship since 19 87, b ough t fi r s t by my dad and t hen pa s s ed on to me T his excellen t G T ha s been regular ly dr iven on t r ips to Fr ance, I sle o f W igh t and t he M idlands dur ing t he la s t few summer s, bu t now i t is t ime to pa s s i t on to a new ow ner for more ad ven t ures T he c ar ha s been gar aged dur ing t he win ter s, and been well lo oked af ter, wi t h regular annual s er vicing and M O Ts T he s o f t top panels and folding r o o f were als o recen t ly c omple tely re t r immed by A ldr idge t r imming and s o are in per fec t c ondi t ion S t ill under 70, 0 0 0 miles on t he clo ck , and values s t a r t ing t o a ppreciate, t his b o t h a super cla s sic to ow n and enjoy for many mor e yea r s , a s well a s a gre a t inves tmen t opp or t uni t y S er vice his tor y available on reques t P lea s e ge t in touch i f you are in teres ted or i f you have any addi t ional quer ies Valuat ion f r om t he J aguar E n t husia s t C lub for £ 13,0 0 0 2 0 2 0 P lea s e c all 079 3 4 4 0 52 5 0, G reater L ondon 116157 JAG UA R X K 8 19 9 7, 8 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 7, 5 0 0. Full M oT P lea s e c all 016 9 5 5 7 9 6 6 9, N or t h Wes t 116180 SPEAK TO US ABOUT… S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

14th September 2022 Classic Car Buyer 37Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk JAG UA R X K R £ 18 ,9 9 5 2 0 0 3 J A G U A R X K R 4 2 C O N V E R T I B L E P ur cha s ed by t he previous ow ner in 2 0 0 4 f r om L anc a s ter o f R eading and s er viced by t hem, 5 s t amps in t he s er vice b o ok N ow c overed 6 0, 3 0 0 miles U n for t unately due to ill heal t h t he c ar ha s had ver y li t t le us e in recen t year s F inished in immaculate M idnigh t B lack wi t h unmar ked I vor y H ide Ver y high spec includes in ter ior c ompa s s, premium s ound audio and c a s s e t t e, w i t h C D cha nger, B r emb o br akes, super spor t suspension, 2 0 inch D e t r oi t spli t r im w heels, S at N av, cr uis e c on t r ol, heated s eat s e tc P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, E a s t o f E ngland ( T ) 116215 JAG UA R T Y PE S 19 9 9, £ 14 ,9 9 5 19 9 9 J A G U A R S T Y P E 3 0 S E A U T O O N LY 14,0 0 0 M I L E S T his s t unning t ime war p S Ty pe is fi nished in immaculate and to t ally or iginal J aguar S eaf r o s t with unmar ked S and Hide Kept in a c ar c o on w hen no t in us e and over win ter mon t hs H a s an E lec t r ic S unr o o f and c omes wi t h t he or iginal J aguar walle t c on t aining handb o ok s, s er vice b o ok and 2 s e t s o f keys A s near to new a s you c an fi nd mus eum / c ollec tor inves tmen t Free deliver y to E ngland, Wales or to any U K p or t Inter national t r anspor t ation can be ar r anged P ar t exchanges o f b o t h cla s sic and mo der n c ar s welc ome P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, E a s t o f E ngland ( T ) 116217 JAG UA R X JS £ 14 ,9 9 5 19 8 5 J A G U A R X J S C 3 6 M A N U A L F inished in C lare t wi t h doesk in leat her, la s t ow ner since 2 0 0 8 E x tensive his tor y file f r om N ew, 16 s er vice s t amps in t he S er vice b o ok and many more in t he his tor y file M O Ts dat ing back to 2 0 0 8 T his c ar ha s now done only 9 6,0 0 0 miles in 3 6 year s and lo ok s like a 4 0,0 0 0 mile c ar T he ex tensive H is tor y show s how well t his c ar ha s been lo oked af ter P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, E a s t o f E ngland ( T ) 116219 JAG UA R X J £ 2 1,9 9 5 2 015 6 5 J A G U A R X J L P O R T F O L I O LW B F inished in Dar k S apphire B lue wi t h I vor y hide piped Dar k B lue C omplemen ted wi t h r ich o ak gla s s t r im S pec s include M er idian S ound S ys tem, P anor amic sunr o o f, elec t r ic hea ted a nd c o oled memor y s eat s, 19 inch aleu t ian alloy w heels B usines s t ables to rear s eat s (an ex pensive opt ional ex t r a) 5 4,0 0 0 miles wi t h a f ull J aguar S er vice H is tor y P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, E a s t o f E ngland ( T ) 116220 JAG UA R MK II 19 6 5, £ 3 3 ,0 0 0 C hrome wires, res tored 10 year s ago, new in ter ior four gear and overdr ive Plea se call 07 9 2 5 87 7 9 6 8 , E a s t M idlands 115860 JAG UA R X J8 19 9 8 , £ 17,9 9 5 M adeir a M ic a red me t allic over B ar ley leat her, leat her s teer ing w heel wi t h reach and t il t and leat her gear k nob, 16 inch alloys, elec t r ic wing mir r or s and aer ial, walnu t veneer, sp or t s gear b ox , au to ligh t s, elec t r ic window s, p ower s teer ing, elec t r ic mir r or s, cr uis e c on t r ol, air c ondi t ioning (c old ) and elec t r ic f r on t s eat heigh t adjus tmen t P lea s e c all 07 7116 4 5 4 6 5, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 115634 JE E P W R A N G L E R 2 0 0 6 , 2 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 16 ,9 9 5 H ere we have my ver y r are ver y low mileage , manual six speed J eep Wr angler TJ J amb oree T his wa s t he well specced fi nal limi ted edi t ion , I t 's c omes wi t h a pr ivate plate w hich really sui t s being TJ I 4 0 01 A ls o included in t he s ale is a spare br and new R ough C oun t r y b oxed s o f t top and br and new or iginal spec pla s t ic fender s b oxed ( w heel ar ches 4 fender s plus t he pla s t ic t r ims at b o t tom o f do or s ) E Q U I P M E N T Silver me t allic, 10 0 % or iginal pinwor k and r us t f ree , pain t wor k in lovely c ondi t ion, no big s cr atches and den t f ree ,, G rey unmar ked clo t h uphols ter y, R are and desir able 6 speed t r ansmis sion ( only found on 2 0 0 6 mo del year and in my opinion nicer to dr ive ) or iginal w heels in silver wi t h 5 matching B F G o o dr ioh almo s t new t y res , R emovable s o f t top in black , 4 w heel dr ive sys tem, P ower a s sis ted s teer ing, A ir c ondi t ioning, F olding rear s eat s, B r and new side s teps, C hr ome headlamp bezels wi t h guards front and rear Rear mud fl aps, R emovable do or s, F olding winds creen, P added r oll bar s, R ear moun ted spare w heel P lea s e give me c all in t he fi r s t ins t ance i f your genuinely in teres ted , ini t ial e mails and o f fer s will be dele ted i f we have never sp oke on phone , T hank s I f ad ver t is live t hen c ar is s t ill for s ale , S c o t la nd 115895 JE E P W R A N G L E R £ 15,9 9 5 J eep Wr angler 2 0 0 6 4 L , 6 speed , 2 8 k , F S H , pr ivate reg , or iginal immaculate P r ivate reg , ex t r a s big s er vice jus t done P lea s e c all 078 0 3 0 42 519, S c o t land 116123 JE E P C H E RO K E E 2 0 0 5, £ 1,9 5 0 Ver y clean 4 x 4 clean jeep, top o f r ange au to, leat her s eat s M O T D ecember L arge G r ipper t y res, never towed, large s at nav s creen P lea s e c all 07515 9 3 9 8 01, S ou t h E a s t 116138 L A ND ROV E R R A N G E ROV E R 2 0 11, 7 8 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 18 ,9 9 5 S wallow s are pr oud to o f fer t his ab s olu tely s t unning top o f t he r ange, R ange R over 4 4 T D V 8 A u tobio gr aphy I n super b c ondi t ion t his 2 011 L and R over is beau t i f ully pres en ted in S tor noway G rey M e t allic P ain t wor k and I vor y N appa L eat her in ter ior A lo c al vehicle w hich wa s or iginally supplied by Taun ton J aguar (J L R ) i t c omes wi t h f ull s er vice his tor y having c overed jus t 78 ,5 0 0 miles A f an t a s t ic ally equipped and ver s at ile S U V c omfor t able in all dr iving c ondi t ions A s a top o f t he r ange spec t his A u tobio gr aphy a s you would ex pec t c omes wi t h 'all t he toys' including; O r iginal 2 0" A lloy W heels wi t h P irelli S c or pion Z er o Ty res, Full P ar k ing P ack wi t h Fr on t and R ear P ar k ing S ens or s and R ear P ar k A s sis t C amer a P lea s e c all 019 3 475 0 319, S ou t h Wes t 115837 ME RC E D E S BE N Z C L S 2 0 0 8 , 8 10 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 ,9 9 5. C L S 3 2 0 t ur b o dies el, four do or c oupe, au to M e t allic black wi t h black leat her in ter ior Full s er vice his tor y Immaculate condition Please call 016 52 6 78 417 , Yor k shire and t he H umber 116043 ME RC E D E S - BE N Z E- C L A S S £ 5,9 9 5 19 9 9 M E R C E D E S E 2 2 0 5 S P E E D M A N U A L F inished in immaculate M er cedes C la s sic W hi te wi t h B lack L eat her w hich is unmar ked and vir t ually a s new 8 3,0 0 0 miles wi t h a Full S er vice H is tor y S pec includes a 5 speed manual gear b ox , air c ondi t ioning, B lack L eat her, r adio /c a s s e t te and c omes wi t h or iginal b o ok pack , s t amped s er vice and 2 s e t s o f keys P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, E a s t o f E ngland ( T ) 116218 MG MG B 19 7 9, 9 7 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 7, 5 0 0. M G B r o ads ter 1 8 wi t h wor k ing o /d for s ale I would c onsider t his c ar to be an excellent us able cla s sic w hich c an be le f t a s i t is or be an ongoing bu t ver y ea sy pr ojec t O ver dr ive wor k s per fec t ly P lea s e c all 07 7070 6 7 915, E a s t o f E ngland 115760 MG T F 2 0 0 3 , 6 5 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 , 4 0 0. F or S ale Mgt f 13 5 sprint limi ted edition mo del in s t ar ligh t silver W i t h ligh t grey ho o d leak f ree and chr ome pack N ew U pdated f r on t c alliper s and dis c s and rear dis c s and pads all r ound N o r us t on t his c ar and no den t s usual elec t r ic window s p ower s teer ing elec t r ic adjus t able mir r or s adjus t able s teer ing c olumn s eat bel t holder s in chr ome P lea s e c all 07 7 3 6 4 4 3 6 0 6, S ou t h E a s t 115778 LIMITED MILEAGE DISCOUNT S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk ROVER SPORTS REGISTER THE ONLY CLUB FOR ALL ROVERS www.thersr.co.uk EVENTS • CLUB REGALIA • CLUB SPARES • SHOP • PUBLICATIONS • LOCAL MEETINGS • BOOKS & MANUALS •

38 Classic Car Buyer 14th September 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk MG T F 2 0 0 9, £ 7, 2 5 0 2 ow ner s, heated gla s s rear s creen, black leat her, piano black t r im,16” alloy w heels, pioneer r adio, air c ondi t ioning, limi ted edi t ion c ar no 4 3 8 o f 5 0 0 made T hes e are t he la s t sp or t s c ar s to bear t he M G badge and are r are c ollec tor s c ar s,6 3 0 0 0 mile wi t h f ull s er vice his tor y and a ma s sive p or t folio O ne o f t he bes t available P lea s e c all 07 76 8 6 52 8 2 8 , S ou t h E a s t 116030 M G M G C 19 6 9, £ 2 6 ,9 9 5 19 6 9 M G C G T, £ 2 6,9 9 5 O ld E nglish W hi te wi t h weba s to r o o f, repr o duc t ion k no ck on mini li te w heels, plus re f ur bished wire w heels and new t y res available, C ar wa s subjec t to a bare me t al, bare b o d y, nu t and b ol t rebuild, adjus t able rear suspension, all i tems ei t her renewed or re f reshed N ew leat her in ter ior, new c ar pe t s and s o much mor e P lea s e c all 078 6 0 2 6 2 6 31, S ou t h Wes t 116038 MG MG B G T 19 7 5, £ 18 ,9 9 5 1975 M G B G T J U B I L E E P r imar ily us ed to en ter C oncour s d'Elegance event s T he M G c omes wi t h a c omprehensive his tor y file c on t aining a C er t i fi c ate o f au t hen t ici t y, maga zines, b o ok s and manuals feat ur ing t he c ar i t s el f, ow ner's handb o ok , or iginal pa s sp or t Free deliver y to E ngland, Wales or to any U K p or t I n ter nat ional tr anspor t ation can be arr anged P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 116214 MINI MK I 19 6 5, £ 14 ,0 0 0 19 6 5 D elu xe M ini C la s sic 8 5 0 cc c onver ted to a C o oper S R eluc t an t s ale bu t t ime for a change a s ow ned for appr ox 14 year s B r ough t lo c ally, Ta x and M O T f ree 12 75 engine wi t h t win S U 1 1/4 c ar bare t t a s, t win f uel t ank s, and t wo f uel filler c aps Fr on t dis c br akes, br ake s er vo, c oun ter dials (1 large; 2 small ), s epar ate panel wi t h 3 small dials, under shel f, upr ated s eat s, new c ar pe t s including b o o t c ar pe t , tow bar for t r ailer E ngine cha s sis and c ommis sion plates fi t ted, mag alloy w heels, lower suspension, r o o f ar ial, elec t r onic igni t ion, and new S U f uel pump P lea s e c all 07 78 378 918 0, S ou t h Wes t 115931 MINI MK I V 19 7 1, 10 0 0 mil e s , £ 14 , 5 0 0 B a s ed on shell f r om a 19 91 R over M ini 1971 ‘J ’ pr ivate regis t r at ion to lo ok t he par t , f ully rebuil t 13 8 0 cc A S er ies E ngine r unning t win 1 5” S U ’s and elec t r onic f uel pump H ighly t uned wi t h a big valve unleaded head pr o ducing c 9 5 B H P, ligh tened and balanced, high li f t cam, competition clu t ch S t r aigh t C u t G ea r B ox , S t ainles s s teel s emi sp or t s ex haus t Full bare me t al respr ay in O ld E nglish W hi te wi t h black r o o f M iniligh t alloys and Yok ahama t y res Twin f uel t ank s, Fr on t dis c c onver sion, H i L o adjus t able r ide heigh t R e t r immed in ter ior P lea s e c all 07 78 9 0 3 6 3 4 3, Wes t M idlands 115932 MINI C O U N T RY M A N 2 0 12 , 5 7 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 6 , 4 0 0 individual s eat s*p ower s teer ing *elec t r ic window s*air c on s atelli tes navigat ion * par k ing aid * d vd *mp 3 player *cd player * blue to o t h* heigh t adjus t able dr iver/pa s s enger s eat s * folding back s eat s *p ower s teer ing *cr uis e c on t r ol *alar m sys tem * 4 w heel dr ive* 3 r d br ake ligh t * hill a s sis t * an t i lo ck ing br ake sys tem ab s*sp or t s mo de*grey clo t h s eat s*mini b o o t mat * mo t to mar ch 2 0 2 3 *dies el *par cel shel f * 2 keys* manualand s er vice b o ok pack *chilli pack in b o o t *is o fi x *air bags* cr a sh s ens or s ( f uel o f f/do or s open) *d y namic s t abili t y c on t r ol ds c * t y re pres sure war ning * br ake pad wear indic ator * fo g ligh t s *new bat ter y mar 2 0 2 2 * br ake pads f r on t and back replace mar 2 0 21 * new headligh t bulb s mar 2 2 * new wind s creen wiper s f r on t and rear mar 2 2 ser vice 2 0 21 / 2 0 2 2; other ser vice s t amp in b o ok *mileage 5 70 0 0 * 16 alloys w heels* w heel nu t in b o o t panel * c ondi t ion is excellen t inside and ou t * no pe t s /non smoker s elling a s no longer fi t s my needs , P lea s e c all 078 3 4 375 4 0 5, S ou t h E a s t 116003 MINI M AY FA IR 19 9 2 , £ 9,0 0 0 R e f ur bished 12 75 M G M e t r o engine, f ull b o d y respr ay J une 2 019 and largely res tored G reat f un to dr ive and will be s orely mis s ed C an pr ovide pic t ures o f all t he wor k alongside f ull paper wor k back to 2 0 0 5 M O T un t il O c tober 2 0 2 2 A ll reasonable of fer s considered Please c all 07 7 2 5 8 4 878 9, S c o t land 116016 MINI M AY FA IR 19 8 9, 3 0 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 7, 5 0 0. Fully res tored to a high quali t y s t andar d and all par t s renewed wi t h her i t age par t s f ull pain t wor k done by pr o fes sionals to exac t c olour w hen new M O T t ill M ar ch 2 0 2 2 G reat r unning we c ar never mis s es a beat A ll rea s onable o f fer s c onsidered P lea s e c all 07 76 3 14 0 8 8 0, S ou t h E a s t 116036 MORRIS MINOR 19 6 2 , £ 3 ,0 0 0 4 D o or old english w hi te, dr ives, s olid b o d y, needs a few bi t s to fi nish, no t per fec t bu t usuable, qui te a lo t o f spares included P lea s e c all 07 7 9 0 2 8 5 5 01, Wes t M idlands 116069 MO RRIS T R AV E L L E R £ 12 , 5 0 0. 19 6 3 /4 M or r is Tr aveller, P ain t wo o d wor k and in ter ior all excellen t , 9 2 70 0 miles, Full his tor y and lo g b o ok , U s ed regular ly, M O T M ar ch2 3 P lea s e c all 012 0 6 3 8 42 7 2, E a s t o f E ngland 116116 P O RS C HE 911 19 7 7, 10 0 mil e s , S T O L E N! 197 7 P or s che 911, V I N: 9117 3 0 0 972, R egis t r at ion: 9 0 F F, G uar ds R ed wi t h black leat her, Fuchs alloys, sunr o o f S T O L E N f r om B at ter s ea , L ondon, evening o f M onday 2 5t h J uly A ny in for mat ion plea s e c on t ac t M e t r op oli t an P olice and ow ner at sr 313 @ ou t lo ok c om , G reater L ondon 115786 P O RS C HE 9 4 4 19 8 7, 2 P r ev i o u s ow n e r s cu r r e n t ow n e r 18 year s , 9 4 0 0 0 mil e s , s u m m e r u s e o n l y, al way s gar age d, well main t ain e d and in exc e ll e n t c o n d i t i o n . P lea s e c all 07 7470 2 075 8 , S ou t h Wes t 116025 P O R S C HE B OX T E R 2 0 0 4 , £ 4 0 0. 2 0 4 s e t o f 4 P lea s e c all 016 9 5 5 7 9 6 6 9, N or t h Wes t 116109 PORS C HE BOXS T E R 19 9 8 , 12 10 0 0 mil e s , £ 5, 4 9 5 P o s sible S wap? 07 9 5 718 6 0 4 8 , P O R S C H E B OX S T E R 9 8 6 C O N V E R T I B L E , £ 5 4 9 5 P X S WA P ? R A R E R E D I N C O L O U R A N D T R I P T R O N I C W I T H S T E E R I N G W H E E L S H I F T, A S C A N B E S E E N I N P H O T O S T H E C A R I S I N V E R Y N I C E C O N D I T I O N F O R I T S A G E , B E E N I N FA M I LY F O R Y R S , C A N B E P R O V E D W I T H PA P E R W O R K , O N LY U P F O R S A L E A N D P O S S I B L E C H E A P E R PA R T E XC H A N G E A S N O T P R A C T I C A L N O W F O R M E , N I C E R E D B O DY W O R K L O O K AT P H O T O S B L U E C O N V E R T I B L E M A N U A L R O O F TA K E S 3 0 S E C O N D S T O P U T D O W N O R U P, B R O W N L E AT H E R I N T E R I O R A N D C A R P E T S P lea s e c all 07 9 5 718 6 0 4 8 , E a s t M idlands 116146 P O RS C HE 911 2 0 12 , £ 5 0,9 9 5 2 012 P O R S C H E 911 C A R R E R A 9 91 F inished in unmar ked C ar rer a W hi te wi t h B lack H ide P D K 7 speed t r ansmis sion wi t h s teer ing w heel paddles S peci fi c at ions include S at N at , C r uis e C on t r ol and L aunch C on t r ol, C limate C on t r ol, H eated S eat s and R ear P ar k A s sis t P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 116212 CLUB MEMBER DISCOUNTS S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D 1989 32 Years 2021 Robspor tint Robspor t International 01763 262263 RWWW.ROBSPORT.CO.UK obspor tint Units 1 3 Nor th End, Dunsbridge Turnpike, Shepreth, Royston SG8 6RA Wan t ed! Your Clas sic Spor t scar s E s p e c i ally T R I U M PH : Stag , Dolo mit e , T R4 , T R 5 , T R6 , T R 7, T R 8 , 2 0 0 0 /2 5 0 0 a n d S p r i nt Call Simon or Ben now ! FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

14th September 2022 Classic Car Buyer 39Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk AGREED VALUE S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D RO L L S ROYC E SILV E R C L O U D 19 5 8 , £ 6 9,9 9 5 19 5 8 R O L L S R OYC E S I LV E R C L O U D I F inished in i t s or iginal and unmoles ted S age G reen over Smoke G reen wi t h G reen H ide, lamb's wo ol r ugs to t he rear a s speci fi ed on t he build shee t s wi t h t he c ar O ne f amily ow ned f r om 19 5 9 to 2 0 2 0 T he Silver C loud wa s kept in t heir c ompany's dr y warehous e par ked up for 3 0 year s before being recommis sioned for a f amily wedding in 19 97, af ter t he wedding t he c ar wen t back in to s tor age P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, S ou t h E a s t ( T ) 116213 ROV E R MINI 19 9 4 , 4 6 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 6 ,9 9 5 Special E di t ion M ini 3 5 A ll or iginal, M O T A pr il 2 0 2 3, pa s s ed wit h no advis ories O nly ar ound six t y le f t regis tered in t he U K C ar is in N evada R ed wi t h unique uphols ter y for t his mo del 12 75 c ar bure t tor engine s t ar t s and r uns wi t hou t f aul t , gear b ox excellen t P lea s e c all 078 81810 4 8 8 , E a s t M idlands 115913 ROV E R 75 2 0 0 3 , 6 3 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 1, 4 9 5 R over 75 1 8 S E manual 2 0 0 3 2 ow ner s f r om new 6 3 0 0 0 miles P lea s e c all 015142 6 7 70 9, N or t h Wes t 115990 ROV E R 75 2 0 14 , £ 2 , 2 0 0. R over 75 2 5 V 6 A u to H i L ine S E s alo on: 2 0 0 2 2 ow ner R are Zircon Silver with Smokes tone / a sh grey leat her : 78 147 miles: Fully lo aded, air c on, cr uis e c on t r ol, C D changer, S at nav wi t h dis c, D r iver s pack , hand b o ok s: no wear to s eat b ols ter s, c am bel t s changed 10 / 12 / 21 R uns and behaves per fec t ly £ 2 2 0 0 ov no P lea s e c all 075 3 0 6 4 9 2 24, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116040 ROV E R 2 6 0 0 19 8 4 , £ 5,9 9 5 a reg, lo t s o f his tor y, handb o ok s, mo t s t unning P lea s e c all 078 9 5 6 75 8 51, S ou t h Wes t 115940 ROV E R MINI 19 9 4 , 12 19 16 mil e s , £ 12 , 5 0 0. 19 9 4 R over M ini 12 75 cc in excellen t c ondi t ion F lame red wi t h a w hi te r o o f and 12" alloy w heels Twin H ella dr iving ligh t s and a matched pair o f fo g ligh t s S uper b or iginal in ter ior wi t h f ac tor y fi t ted walnu t da sh, s eat s and c ar pe t s in go o d c ondi t ion F ac tor y fi t ted alar m and immobilis er T he c ar is in excellen t c ondi t ion and c omes wi t h f ull s er vice his tor y including receipt s for par t s and wor k s c ar r ied ou t Ver y reliable c ar M O T valid to M ay 2 0 2 3 P lea s e feel f ree to ge t in touch for more in for mat ion P lea s e c all 0174 0 6 21787, N or t h E a s t 116062 S A A B 9 3 £ 6 ,9 9 5 2 0 0 9 S a ab 9 3 1 8 P e t r ol E ngine F inished in immaculate S now Silver wi t h B lack / G rey in ter ior and B lack E lec t r ic al H o o d W t h climate c on t r ol, R adio / C D P layer and cr uis e c on t r ol Full s er vice his tor y and 8 9,0 0 0 miles C omes wi t h all or iginal b o ok s, including a s er vice b o ok wi t h 6 s er vice s t amps and a spare key L ovely summer c ar P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, E a s t o f E ngland ( T ) 116216 T OYO TA YA RIS 2 0 2 0, 8 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 14 , 2 5 0 A U X / U S B c onnec t ivi t y, A ir c ondi t ioning, C r uis e c on t r ol, A lar m / immobilis er, D A B r adio, A lloy w heels, P r ivacy gla s s / t in ted window s, B lue to o t h, R ever sing c amer a , A u to up and down func tion on dr iver s window, A u tomat ic wiper s, E lec t r ic f r on t window s, P r ivacy gla s s, R ain sensitive windscreen wiper s, Rear window de fo gger, R ear wiper, Y 2 0 B adging, Day t ime r unning ligh t s, Fr on t fo g ligh t s, H eadligh t cu t o f f reminder, L E D H igh moun ted s top lamp, S afe t y, A B S + E B D + B r ake a s sis t , C ollision mi t igat ion br ak ing sys tem, E mergency br ake ligh t sys tem ( E B S ), C r uis e c on t r ol, P ower S teer ing, R ever sing c amer a , Elec t r ic adjus t able do or mir r or s, Tur ning signal in tegr ated indic ator s in do or mir r or s, Front pa s s enger air bag on /o f f swi tch, Fr on t s eat bel t reminder, H eigh t adjus t able f r on t s eat bel t s wi t h pre tensioner s and lo ad limi ter s, R ear child pr o o f do or lo ck s, R ear s eat bel t reminder, R o ad sign in for mat ion display, S eat bel t war ning lamp and buz zer, S upplemen t al res t r ain t sys tem ( S R S ) air bags 7 air bags including dr iver, f r on t pa s s enger, cur t ain, side and k nee air bags P lea s e c all 017 973 6152 3, S ou t h E a s t 116131 VO L K S WAG E N G T I 19 9 1, 15 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 , 2 9 5. V W G ol f G T I M k 2 1 8 ( B ig B umper ) R oyal B lue O r iginal B B S alloys, 15 8 k miles M O T to N ov R uns well H ones t example bu t needs s ome T L C P lea s e c all 0113 2 6 8716 3, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116000 VAU X H A L L T IG R A 2 0 0 5, £ 1, 4 9 5 Vau x hall T igr a S p or t Full S er vice L eat her in ter ior, air c ondi t ioning, elec t r ic window s alloy w heels P lea s e c all 0752 7 4 4 6 242, Wales 115985 VO L K S WAG E N T O UA REG 9 9 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 5,0 0 0. Touareg 6 cyl, 3 6 V 6 au to t r ip B r at islava buil t on s ame line a s C ayenne and A udi A 7 H ad pr op shaf t replaced at 75k , usual cen t re bear ing is sue 5 7 plate, c at c ten year s ago no sign o f any repair w hat s oever, D r ives ver y well and is open to any inspec t ion N o r us t and b o dily excellen t s ave one small t r olley ding in n /s rear do or P lea se call 07 78 070 4731, Wes t Midlands 116002 VO L K S WAG E N G O L F 19 9 6 , 6 7 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 3 , 5 0 0. G ol f M k 3 C abr iole t au to in red / char c o al clo t h in ter ior C omes wi t h b ox f ull o f his tor y inc or iginal s er vice pack , rear window s t icker and number plates Recent M O T, no ad visories B o d y wor k and elec t r ic ho o d in excellen t c ondi t ion P lea s e c all 016 52 6 78 417 , Yor k shire and t he H umber 116041 VO L K S WAG E N G O L F 2 0 0 6 , 13 9 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 6 ,9 9 5 V O L K S WA G E N G O L F R 3 2 4 M O T I O N M O T 2 6 / 11/ 2 2 2 5 0 B H P 2 O W N E R S H P i C L E A R P lea s e c all 07510 0 6 476 8 , E a s t o f E ngland 116147 VO L K S WAG E N P O L O 19 9 2 , 7 6 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 2 ,0 0 0 19 9 2 V W P olo C L S alo on 1 1l t r wi t h jus t 76 0 0 0 miles N o t a c ommon c ar wi t h a lo t o f mechanic al area s addres s ed; C ylinder H ead and G ear b ox re f ur b, new C lu tch, c am bel t , al ter nator bel t , new pe t r ol t ank , new engine and gear b ox moun t s Wa s a pr ojec t c ar bu t t he ow ner ha s s adly pa s s ed away s o no t lo ok ing to c on t inue T he b o d y wor k ha s s ome den t s and sp o t s o f r us t a s ex pec ted for age, pain t to t he b o o t and r o o f needs addres sing (s ee pic s), wa s due to be prepped and respr ayed to fi nish t he c o sme t ic side bu t lo ok ing for s omeone els e to c ar r y on and fi nish w hat will be a great c ar! M O T due end o f S eptember, plea s e c all for more de t ails 07 7 74 75 4741 P lea s e c all 07 7 7475 4741, Wes t M idlands 116159 VO L K S WAG E N BE E T L E 19 7 3 , 9 10 0 0 mil e s , £ 10,0 0 0 B eetle 13 0 0 E xcellen t condition R egular ly s er viced C onver ted to r un on E10 pe t r ol O w ned for t he pa s t 15 year s A lways gar aged Spotligh t s A lloy w heels Var ious acces s or ies M O T t ill J une 2 0 2 3 P lea s e c all 075 0 4 3 9 3 5 31, Wes t M idlands 116183 VO LVO 9 4 0 19 9 3 , 10 8 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 2 , 8 9 5 Volvo 9 4 0 S E 2 0 S alo on, A u tomat ic, 19 9 3 mo del year, 19 8 6 cc P e t r ol F inished in M e t allic F er n G reen L ong M O T J une 2 0 2 3, c omprehensive s er vice his tor y, or iginal walle t wi t h s er vice b o ok , ins t r uc t ions manual e tc G o o d spec mo del, includes p ower window s and p ower heated mir r or s, heated s eat s, p ower s teer ing, manual sunr o o f and A lpine s tereo sys tem P lea s e c all 07 9 5 6 2 513 2 8 , G reater L ondon 115751 VO LVO 8 5 0 £ 9,9 9 5. 19 9 2 V O LV O 8 5 0 G LT A U T O O N LY 2 0,0 0 0 M I L E S W i t h an impres sive 14 S er vice S t amps in t he S er vice B o ok ! F inished in Volvo C la s sic R ed wi t h B lack / G rey Tr im S pec includes air c ondi t ioning, elec t r ic sunr o o f and window s, heated seat s, boot spoiler s, H / L wa sh wiper s 5 C ylinder f uel injec t ion engine 2 0 li t res wi t h 14 3 B H P P lea s e c all 014 8 5 5 4152 6, E a s t o f E ngland ( T ) 116221 FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

40 Classic Car Buyer 14th September 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk CHOICE OF REPAIRER S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D T RUCKS/ L ORRIE S A L BIO N C HIE F TA IN P OA . F our cylinder engine, six speed gea r b ox , s h ow c o ndi t io n P le a s e c all 07 9 3 4 0 2 9 9 4 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115984 BE DF O RD T K 19 7 3 , I am s e lling my B e d f o r d T K w i t h S t a t i o nar y e ngin e an d D y nam o I t is a previous show winner, 197 3 mo del, in dar k blue P lea s e c all 07 752 5 52 5 8 5, N or t h E a s t 116055 BE DF O RD D O RMO BIL E S £ 8 , 5 0 0 Two 'C la s sic' B ed for d D or mobiles ( B edouin: £ 8 5 0 0 + D eb onaire: £ 3 5 0 0 ) for s ale, one wi t h a V 8 P lea s e c all 07 7 2 0 3 8 0 8 6 6, E a s t o f E ngland 115939 C I T RO E N H Y £ 2 5,0 0 0. C i t r oen H Y f ully pr ofes sionally conver ted for ou tdo or C ater ing R ead y to rec ommis sion since C ovid P lea s e c all 07 7 2 0 3 8 0 8 6 6, E a s t o f E ngland 115938 F O D E N S 8 3 19 7 8 , P OA . Fully res tored R ead y to S how, P revious C V C C over S tor y D ecember 2 017 G ar dner 18 0 E ngine T ipper B ulk B o d y Immaculate C ondi t ion P lea s e c all 012 9 8 8 4 312, Wes t M idlands 115942 F O R D C A RG O 19 8 2 , £ 1, 2 5 0. F or d C argo L or r y O r neares t O f fer P lea s e c all 07870112 3 3 5, Wales 116150 I V EC O 3 5 19 9 4 , £ 4 ,9 0 0 7 5 T I V E C O 19 9 4 F lat wi t h H iab 1 5 T li f t M O T to J uly 2 0 2 3 N ew f r on t t y res S ame ow ner since 2 0 0 5 (now re t ir ing P lea s e c all 0142 3 5 0 2 7 97, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116035 MORRIS DROPSIDE 19 6 0, £ 7, 5 0 0 M or r is F F 5 ton Dies el F lat bed L or r y G o o d or iginal c ondi t ion no t res tored all or iginal, c ab me t al wor k s olid W ill require t y res and rec ommis sioning G o o d vehicle for r allies and sui t able for t r a nsp or t ing t r ac t or e t c P lea s e c all 07 76 5 42 5142, Wes t M idlands 116006 T RU C K S £ 9, 5 0 0 19 87 N on H G V O nly 6 0 k miles Full living E xcellen t hor s e area N ew t y res N ew bat ter ies M O T F eb 2 0 2 3 L o ok s and dr ives super b P lea s e c all 078 8 5 5197 70, E a s t M idlands 116127 VA NS F O R D C A MPE R £ 10, 5 0 0 F or d C argo M o tor home 19 8 4 R eplacemen t 15 0 hp R enaul t E ngine /G ear b ox , S olar P anels, A /C, H ydr aulic W heelchair L i f t , W ind O u t C anopy, P ullou t Side, Fully F i t ted K i tchen, Toile t / S hower, D ouble B edr o om wi t h fi t ted War dr obes, S wivel R ound S eat s 8 M on t hs M O T P lea s e c all 07 976 710 2 51, S ou t h E a s t 116132 F O R D T R A N SI T 19 9 6 , 6 7 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 4 ,0 0 0 F or d Tr ansi t Vans, S W B , M O T,19 9 6, 2 6 Y E A R S O L D, A U T O M AT I C, or iginal engine, 6 70 0 0 miles f r om new P lea s e c all 0 2 3 8 0 6 3 210 8 , S ou t h E a s t 116141 L DV C O N VOY 19 9 5, £ 51,7 2 0. U s ed O f f r o ade on pr ivate es t ate G o o d c ondi t ion bu t needs s ome wor k ing to fl o or in c ab, P lea s e c all 078 6 0 3 8 5 3 2 5, Wes t Midlands 116185 VO L K S WAG E N BAY C A MPE RVA N 19 7 2 , 6 0 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 12 ,0 0 0 5 bir t h Wes t f alia E xcellen t bus Ta x and M O T E xempt H ad lo t s o f welding done R uns really well C omes wi t h lo ads o f equipmen t and s ome spares P lea se call 07879 4 5 3 8 37, E a s t M idlands 115752 VO L K S WAG E N C A R AV E L L E 2 0 0 3 , 15 3 0 0 0 mil e s , £ 7,0 0 0 V W c ar avelle c amper van 12 mon t hs mo t , s er viced 14 / 7/ 2 2, er ber spacer heat ing sys tem (wa s told i t wor k s bu t never us ed i t a s i t needs a new pla s t ic pipe ) c omes wi t h a dr iveaway aw ning wi t h r ail fi t ted and a blow up bed t hat goes over t he f r on t s eat s , small age related s cr atches and den t s P lea s e c all 07 97 3 8 3 2 3 6 7, Wes t M idlands 115756 VO L K S WAG E N C A MPE RVA N 19 7 2 , 3 0 17 5 mil e s , £ 14 ,0 0 0. 197 2, le f t hand dr ive C ali for nian imp or t 3 0175 miles, main t ained well wi t h go o d s er vice his tor y O r iginal Wes t f alia in ter ior 2 li t re engine P op up r o o f, r o ck and r oll bed Side s tep re t r o fi t ted L ike new aw ning breat hable c over included a go o d r unner w hich ha s c omple ted a number o f t r ips to S c andinavia P lea s e c all 07515 7 9 8 9 5 7, S ou t h Wes t 115844 VO L K S WAG E N C A MPE RVA N 2 0 12 , 9 8 5 0 0 mil e s , £ 9, 5 0 0. 2 012 Volk swagen t r ansp or ter T 5 1 T he van is fi nished in black wi t h S p or t line f r on t bumper and 2 0” alloys I ce c old air c ondi t ioning and elec t r ic mir r or s, M O T un t il J anuar y 2 0 2 3 P ioneer double din s tereo, upgr aded speaker s and kenwo o d rever sing c amer a C onver sion c onsis t s o f : I nsulat ion and s ound deadening , Fully c ar pe t lined, A l t r o fl o or ing , C ur t ains, U ni t s made f r om ligh t weigh t ply wo o d , Smad f r idge, Smev sink / hob , M1 tes ted r o ck and r oll bed fi nished in leat here t te , L E D L igh t ing ,12 v p ower and usb charger s , S pli t charger , L eisure bat ter y 24 0 v ho okup P lea s e c all 07376 4 42 3 42, G reater L ondon 116158 PA R T S A ND AC CE S SORIE S C A RS A L FA ROMEO L O ND O N M O T O R FA IR 19 8 7 O F F I C I A L C ATA L O G U E 19 8 7, £ 5 L ondon M o tor f air 87 o f fi cial c at alo gue o f ex hibi tor s I ncludes major and small, low volume ( including k i tc ar ) manu f ac t urer s, t uner s and c o achbuilder s I ncludes b o t h black a nd w hi t e a nd c o lour pho to s Ver y no s t algic 216 page c at alo gue do cumen t ing t he indus t r y and all t hat w hat wa s available in 19 87 S o f t back , in excellen t c ondi t ion C all Dave 07 7 9 5 1218 4 5 P lea s e c all 07 7 9 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 116065 AU DI SE AT S £ 12 0. A us t in / M or r is 110 0 / 13 0 0 pair o f blue s eat s, one ver y go o d, b o t h f r ames and ba s es ver y go o d, one c over needs repair P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

14th September 2022 Classic Car Buyer 41Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk BE D F O R D RO O F L IN I N G £ 9 0. B ed for d J t y pe new black r o o f lining, may fi t A and D t y pes me t al r ib ex t r a C an s end for a pr ice P ay pal or bank t r ans fer P lea se call 07 74 9 5 8 6 75 7, S ou t h E a s t 116027 BE DF O RD G E A R BOX £ 12 5 B ed for d G ear B ox wi t h P T O hydr aulic pump F i t ted P lea s e c all 078 6 0 2 6 4 4 3 9, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116108 F O R D S U M P £ 6 0. X / F low 16 0 0 S ump P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116103 F O RD E S C O R T MK1/11 F RO N T S T RU T S £ 18 0 P air o f upr ated f r on t s t r u t s, lowered spr ings, br akes, e tc P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116104 F O RD MK1/11 E S C O R T BONNE T HING E S £ 6 0. P air o f b onne t hinges, ver y go o d P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116105 F O RD MK1 E S C O R T NE W PA NE L S S T RU T T O P S £ 10 0 M K1 E s c or t new panels s t r u t tops supp or ting bar s plus other panels P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116112 F O R D C O R T IN A £ 15 0. C or t ina M K 2 S teel w heels (13 x5 ) x 5 P lea s e c all 07 7 21010 2 9 3, S ou t h E a s t 116126 F O RD / BE DF O RD RE A R L IG H T C L U S T E RS P OA Period F ord / B edford rear ligh t clus ter s P lea s e c all 07 75 9 3 4 6 4 5 9, Wales 116166 F O RD F O U R BL AC K T R A N SI T 5 "N U T" T Y RE S £ 10 F our B lack Tr ansi t 5 "nu t " t y res, £ 10 each or £ 3 0 job lo t C an D eliver P lea s e c all 0 2 0 8 3 10 5 018 , S ou t h E a s t 116200 JAG UA R X JS E T Y PE X K 8 19 8 9, £ 1, 2 9 9. J aguar 3 6 G e t r ag 2 6 5 5 speed manual gear b ox , minimal mileage and in excellen t c ondi t ion C omes wi t h c onver sion t o b o l t i t t o a n A J 8 J agua r V 8 engine: fl y w heel, clu tch and s teel adaptor plate I t 's though t that this wa s a J aguar developmen t s e t up f r om ar ound 19 9 0 w hen t he A J 8 wa s being developed Ever y t hing is super bly made and no t s ome af ter mar ke t or home made la sh up C a sh on collec tion from Shef field P lea s e c all 07 76 6 910 3 2 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 115750 JAG UA R C HROME D SPRIN G M A S C O T. £ 5 5 J aguar C hr omed S pr ing M a s c o t , for new S Ty pe , X t y pe, X J s N ew in J ag B ox P lea s e c all 07 78 0112 3 6 8 3, S ou t h E a s t 116151 MINI R5 6 SEC O ND G E NE R AT IO N 2 0 0 9, £ 2 0 0. Full gla s s panor amic elec t r ic S unr o o f, ver y go o d condi t ion P lea se c all 012 6 47 7112 6, S ou t h Wes t 115833 MINI C L A S SIC MINI H Y DRO L A S T IC DISPL AC E RS £ 6 0 0 C la s sic M ini H ydr ola s t ic Displacer s, s e t o f 4, ver y go o d P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116033 MINI MINI 8 5 0 C C E N G / BOX £ 6 5 0 M K1 M ini 8 5 0 cc E ng / B ox L ow miles, excellen t wor k ing or der wi t h all A ncillar ies and E x haus t P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116034 PE U G EO T 2 0 0 5, £ 6 0 2 0 6 C C F ac tor y b o o t luggage c omple te wi t h b ol t s P lea s e c all 078 24 3 2 8 4 5 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116074 F O R D F IE S TA MK 2 F o r d F i e s t a 1kc, M K 2 S t e e l pan as n ew, c o m pl e t e w i t h gaske t s an d s eal s £ 3 0. A ls o 2 5 cla s sic c ar manuals f r om 19 6 2 A ll a s new to 2 0 0 6 P lea se call 01912 9 215 9 4, N or t h E a s t 116114 T Y RE S £ 9 0. I vor W illiams t r ailer t y res and w heels Size 19 5 5 0 13 8 5% t read 5 s t ud P lea s e c all 075 0 2 74 9 6 8 4, E a s t o f E ngland 116119 SPL I T RIMS P OA . 9 0 0 / 2 0, 10 0 0 / 2 0, 12 0 0 / 2 0, 2 piece + 3 piece spli t r ims to sui t mo s t cla s sic c ommer cials A ls o have L eyland /A E C s t yle wi t h ex t r a holes for dr um b ol t s P lea s e c all 078 6 0 2 5 9 7 9 8 , S ou t h E a s t 115933 SUNBE A M A L PINE A L UMINIUM H A RD T O P P OA D ow n to bare me t al R are par t P lea s e c all 078 6 9 814 813, Yor k shire and t he H umber 108925 MISC A L FA ROMEO SPIDE R 19 6 6 19 8 7 BRO O K L A ND S B O O K S 19 9 0, £ 16 B r o ok lands B o oks c ompendium o f A l f a R omeo r o ad tes t s ar t icles, his tor y, bu ying guide, technic al dat a and s o on A ls o, ar t icles c ompar ing t he S pider wi t h o t her A l f a mo dels P lea s e c all 07 7 9 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 116064 AU S T IN W IND S C RE E N A ND C HROME 19 3 8 , £ 7 5 W inds creen and chr ome sur r ound f r om 19 3 8 A us t in C ambr idge, C hr ome sur r ound mea s ure s ,W id t h 3 8 inche s (9 6 5mm) H eigh t 12 5 / 8 inches (321mm) P lea se call 075 0 8 3 4 0 6 42, S ou t h Wes t 116044 C I T RO Ë N 2C V RE S T O R AT IO N G U IDE 19 9 6 , £ 10 C ar M echanic s C i t r oen 2 C V R es tor at ion guide I n ver y go o d condition 5 8 pages wit h ex tensive colour photogr aphy C over s the re cha s s eing and renovat ion o f an M O T f ailure 19 8 6 2 C V D olly I ncludes engine s er vicing and b o d y wor k repair s egs s cu t t le and ba s e o f B p o s t A 4 size, s o f t back P lea s e call 07 79 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 115775 C I T RO Ë N 2C V, A MI A ND DYA NE H AY NE S WO RK SHO P M A N UA L 19 9 0, £ 16 H ay nes O w ner s Wor k shop M anual no 19 6, c over ing 19 6 7 to 19 9 0 2 C V, A mi and D yane mo dels and 42 5 cc, 4 3 5 cc and 6 0 2cc engine c apaci t ies P ublished 19 9 0 H ardback , ver y good condition, 213 pages U sual clear, s tep by s tep illus t r ated ( line dr awings and pho to gr aphs) ins t r uc t ions P lea s e call 07 79 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 115776 WE’RE RATED EXCELLENT ON TRUST PILOT S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

42 Classic Car Buyer 14th September 2022Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk FORD MORRIS MINI GRIL L £ 8 0 M exic o M K1 G r ill, £ 8 0, for r ound headligh t s mo del P lea s e c all 07 97 9 4 0 6 5 3 6, Yor k shire and t he H umber 116107 M A Z DA 818 (8 0 8) A ND R X3 RO TA RY WO RK SHO P M A N UA L 19 7 2 , £ 2 6 Intereur ope Wor k shop M anual no 18 5 c over ing M a zda's 818 , 8 0 8 pis ton engined and R X 3 r o t ar y engined mo dels ( f r om 197 2 ) C over s s alo on, c oupe and es t ate b o died der ivat ives ( including R X 3 C oupe D e L u xe) I n ver y go o d condition H ardback (wipeable c over ) 124 pages C lear black and w hi te pho to s and line diagr ams I ncludes Technic al Dat a , and S er vicing Dat achar t P lea s e c all 07 79 5 1218 4 5, G reater L ondon 116063 MINI 12 IN C H O RIG IN A L W H E E L S £ 8 0. 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E namel Signs 12 inch Dia , golden shell mobile ga s P lea s e c all 07 9 6 8 6 5 9 9 6 7, S ou t h E a s t 116142 JAG UA R T Y RE S 2 0 13 , £ 15 0 D B V lapland 17" alloy w heels, f air c ondi t ion T hree go o d year, eagle ul t r a t r ip one P er for mance ul t r a t r ip P lea s e c all 078 3110 5 875, S ou t h E a s t 116144 R E G I S T R AT IO N N U M BE R PL AT E 19 5 8 , £ 1,9 9 9. R egis t r at ion number F E Y 3 81 for s ale F ir s t is sued 19 5 P lea s e c all 0124 87 24 8 9 2, Wales 116148 6 T IN SIG N S £ 4 0. 8 inches by 12 inches M ichelin, E s s o t iger, pump go ga s, F or d F or ds on, E t y pe jaguar, M us t ang P lea s e c all 07 9 6 8 6 5 9 9 6 7, S ou t h E a s t 115825 CONTACT US TODAY S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D FEATURE YOUR MOTOR IN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGS! Email cars@kelseyclassifieds.co.uk or visit w w w.motor freeads.co.uk

14th September 2022 Classic Car Buyer 43Sell your car for free by emailing: cars@kelseyclassifieds co uk MIC H E L IN E N A ME R SIG N . £ 5 5. 12 x 9 inches sligh t wear, p o s t f ree P lea s e c all 0 2 0 8 3 9 975 41, S ou t h E a s t 116149 M AT C H BOX MO DE L S M a t c h BOX M O DE L S A ND M A J O R S W ill s ell a s one lo t or individually T hes e mo dels are a s new N ear per fec t c ondi t ion B uyer c ollec t s P lea s e c all 012 0 4 3 970 3 3, N or t h Wes t 116152 SY K E S PIC K AVA N T T O RQ U E . £ 3 5 0 M ul t iplier 5 1, unused P lea se c all 078 6 4 513 914, Wes t M idlands 116153 M A N C U N A 19 8 6 , £ 12 5 24 0 V M ancuna M o del 8 0 0 key cu t t ing machine, moun ted on b o ar d wi t h angle p or s e lamp will cu t many t y pes o f key bu t no t mo der n c ar keys B u yer c ollec t s P lea s e c all 075 6 8 4 9 6 8 42, E a s t o f E ngla nd 116178 SE BRING 2 0 0 8 , £ 19, 8 9 5 A us t in H ealey R eplic a S ebr ing S x 3 0 0 0 mk z buil t in 19 91 by S ebr ing N is s en, 2 8 li t re engine speed b ox 3 8 0 0 0 miles all, M o t s, t a xed and mo ted c ar is immaculate P lea s e c all 016 3 3 4 8 5 8 3 6, Wales 116182 VA N S D O D G E VA N 19 8 2 , V in t ag e c oll e c t o r s 4 cy lin d e r p e t r o l n o t r u n ning b u t r u n n i n g w h e n p a r ke d i n s h e d 2 0 year s ag o t a x b o ok u k r e gi s t e r P lea se c all 0 2 8 417 3 876 0, N or t h E a s t 116184 DOREM A DAY T OM A A IR 2 0 18 , £ 9 0 0. C ar uana Awming Size 14, 975 10 0 0 cm B ough t apr il 2 018 U s ed t wice, ideal for show displays, buyer c ollec t s P lea se c all 013 87 7 2 013 9, S cotland 116201 6 T IN SIG N S BP £ 6 0 6 enamel signs, B P golden shell, ga s oline micheline, t iger es s o £ 6 0 each or £ 3 0 0 job lo t P lea se c all 074 3 2 5 8 3 9 0 4, S ou t h E a s t 116211 PE T RO L TA NK E RS P OA Diec a s t mo del pe t r ol t anker wagons ad ver t ising B P, C a s t r ol, E s s o, F ina , S hell, e tc O ver 5 0 mo dels, ever y one is di f feren t , all in or iginal b oxes P lea s e c all 019 0 9 7 214 6 4, Wes t M idlands 108647 C O RG I C OMME RC I A L V E HIC L E S P OA C orgi 1 5 0 s c ale c ommer cial vehicles A ll min t c ondi t ion P lea s e c all 07 75 9 3 4 6 4 5 9, Wales 108650 RO L L S ROYC E C A R M A S C O T P OA . T his special presen t at ion R olls R oyce c ar ma s c o t w hich L or d M on t ague's G r and f a t her c ommis sioned t he wor ld f amous s culpt ure named ' T he S pir i t o f E c s t a sy' by t he ar t is t C har les S y ke s, o f w hich I have t his fi ne and unique example c omple te wi t h o f fi cial cer t i fi c ate C omple te in i t s grey pre s en t a t ion L alique ( lo go) b ox wi t h f ac tor y slip c ar d, i t s o f fi cial per s onal cer t i fi c ate and f ull pr ovenance f r om R apidi t a s t he app oin ted dis t r ibu t or s , along wi t h o t her rela ted ephemer a and wi t h a f a s cinat ing pr ovenance A super b t r ue blue chip c ollec tor's inves tmen t piece P lea s e c all 078 9 0 8 3 6 7 3 4, S ou t h E a s t 116118 WA NTED RO L L S - ROYC E SILV E R SH A D OW 19 8 0, U r g e n t in n e e d o f au t o t r an s mi s s o n b ox , 3 s p e e d P lea s e c all 01613 6 813 8 5, N or t h Wes t 116176 T RI U M PH 2 0 0 0 19 7 0, M u s t have c u r r e n t M O T N o r u s t ever y t hing works ver y good G o o d P ain t wor k H is tor y F ile c ar s near L inc olns an advan t age C a sh for r igh t c a r P le a s e c all 0 75 3 9 2 0 017 7, E a s t M idlands 116082 VO LVO 9 4 0 P OA . V O LV O 9 4 0 E S TAT E 2 0 li t re G L , 19 9 0 / 9 2 M A N U A L I N J E C T I O N I N V G C P lea se c all 07 9 8 6 9 5 9 015 , S ou t h Wes t 116039 C A RS T R A IL E R WA N T E D 19 7 0, m A R S T O N 2 3 T O N , 19 7 0 S par k u t ili t y t r ail e r w i t h r oad s p r ing s an d ligh t s , t o g o b e hin d in d f o r d 19 7 0. A ny c ondi t ion P lea se c all 075 3 9 2 0 017 7, E a s t M idlands 116083 C A RS MINI M in i wan t e d t o r e s t o r e d by p e n s i o n e r e n t hu s i a s t A ny c ondi t ion c onsidered P lea s e c all 078 9 2 619 9 912, S ou t h Wes t 116090 C A RS MINI AT U R E MO DE L E N G IN E S A ll Mina t u r e M o d e l E ngin e s s t eam an d p e t r o l P lea s e c all 07811 4 8 4124, E a s t o f E ngland 116204 C A RS MINI AT U R E MO DE L E N G IN E S A ll Mina t u r e M o d e l E ngin e s s t eam an d p e t r o l P lea s e c all 07811 4 8 4124, E a s t o f E ngland 116205 WE’RE RATED EXCELLENT ON TRUST PILOT S PEC IALI ST CAR I N S U R ANC E WITH YOU I N M I N D


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Long-lived S pa n ia r d
whi c h ha s b e e n in the fa mily fo r the la s t seve n ye a r s a n d ha s ju s t ove r 70,0 0 0 mile s o n its o domete r T he f ir st owne r ke pt the GTI for 20 ye a r s a nd it re m a ins imm aculate to thi s day B oth c a r s a re he ad tur ning exa mple s of the Mk1 G olf a nd a re surely the p e r fe c t ‘his a nd he r s’ pair ing If you and your pa r tne r a re a l s o p r ou d owne r s of cla s sic s that c o m p l e m e nt e ac h othe r, we’d love to he a r from you! Em a il us at ccb e d@ke l s ey c o uk
A s you’ll alre ady have re ad on page 6 of this we e k’s CCB, Fiat ’s 124 s a lo o n which wo n the 19 67 Ca r of the Ye a r awa rd had a hu ge l y su c c e s sful c a re e r, re ma ining on s ale throughout Europ e until 1974 O the r 124 ba s e d models we re eve n mo re lo ng live d, howeve r, the m o s t fa m ou s b e ing the o r i gina l L ad a that we nt on to se ll we ll in the UK Bu t the re’s a nothe r that ’s u sua lly ove r lo oke d by most Br its, having neve r b e e n of f icia lly s old he re: S pa in’s S E AT 124 Fiat ’s S pa nis h sub sidia r y launc he d its own ve r sio n of the 124 in 19 6 8, the va s t m ajo r it y b e ing s old in its home la nd In fac t, s o p opula r wa s the S E AT 124 in S pain, it re m a ine d in p ro duc tion r ight throu gh to 19 8 0, de sp ite m o re mo de r n de signs like the S E AT 128 a nd 131 b eing of fe re d at the s a me time T his 1978 S e at 124D b ro chure shows how (new f ro nt e n d a s i de) this g ol de n oldie c h a ng e d re m a r ka b l y li t tle ove r the ye a r s
46 Classic Car Buyer September 14 S2022 ubscribe and read online at: shop kelsey co uk Last Orders Join in the CCB social scene by sending us your photos and emails, sharing your thoughts and opinions Write to: ccb.ed@kelsey.co.uk. The printed version of Classic Car Buyer is available in ASDA, Tesco, Morrisons and WH Smiths, plus all good newsagents ORDER FROM YOUR NEWSAGENT NOW! Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classic Car Buyer is available through any good newsagent. To ensure they save/ deliver your copy every week, complete this form and hand it to your newsagent DOWNLOAD THE DIGITAL ISSUE OF CLASSIC CAR BUYER FROM AS LITTLE AS 94p! Visit: www.pocketmags.com or download it via the App Store; search ‘Classic Car Buyer’. N E X T I S S U E O N S A L E W E D N E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 P L U S … L i v i n g w i t h a M a z d a M X 5 , a n d a l l t h e l a t e s t cl a s s i c n e w s , u p d a t e s a n d a u c t i o n r e s u l t s . BUYING A PORSCHE 928 If a V8 engined European grand tourer a ppeals, Porsche’s long running fla gship ticks man y boxes but is it actually a wise buy? We reveal all FOREIGN EXCHANGE With so many British cars going on to enjo ying extended re badged lives elsewhere in the world, we take a look at some of the most successful COMPACT GT SALOONS We compare three compact GTs that debuted in the la te 1960s sporting versions of the Austin/Morris 1300, Cortina Mk2 and Viva HB www classicsworld co uk Kelsey Media The Granary, Downs Court, Yalding Hill, Yald ng, Kent, ME18 6AL EDITORIAL Te : 01959 541444 ccb ed@ke sey co uk GROUP ED TOR PAUL WAGER EDITOR PAUL GUINNESS MARKETS EDITOR JEFF RUGGLES D GITAL CONTENT EDITOR JAMES HOWE PRODUCTION EDITOR JACK GROVER HEAD OF V DEO JOE MILLER CONTRIBUTORS Sam Skelton Jon Burgess Nige Fryatt, S mon Go dsworthy, Pau Wa ton Maurice Hardy Peter S mpson DESIGN ATG Med a ADVERTISEMENT SALES TANDEM MEDIA MANAGING D RECTOR Catherine Rowe cather ne rowe@tandemmed a co uk SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER Laura Crawte laura@tandemmed a co uk 01233 228754 PRODUCTION TANDEM MEDIA PRODUCTION MANAGER Ne Hepden 01233 220245 ccb@tandemmedia co uk MANAGEMENT Chief Operating Officer: Phi Weeden Ch ef Executive: Steve Wright Reta l Director: Steve Brown Audience Deve opment Manager: Andy Cotton Events Manager: Kat Chappe l Pr nt Product on Manager Georgina Harris Print Product on Control er: Kel y Orr ss Subscr ption Marketing Director: Gi Lambert Subscript on Market ng Manager Rochel e Gyer Sm th SUBSCRIPTIONS UK 51 ssues of C ass c Car Buyer are pub shed per annum UK annual subscription price: £142 80 Europe annual subscr pt on pr ce: £199 USA annua subscrip ion price: £199 Rest o World annual subscription price: £225 UK subscript on and back issue order ine: 01959 543747 Overseas subscr ption orderl ne 0044 (0) 1959 543 747 Tol free USA subscription order ine 1 888 777 0275 UK customer service team: 01959 543 747 Customer serv ce ema l address subs@kelsey co uk Customer serv ce and subscr pt on posta address: C ass c Car Buyer Customer Service Team Kelsey Publ sh ng Ltd The Granary Downs Court Yalding H l Yalding Kent ME18 6AL F nd current subscription offers at: shop ke sey co uk/cbu Buy back ssues at shop ke sey co uk/buyerback A ready a subscriber? 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