Thornbury Voice December 2020

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December, 2020 Issue 43

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Lights brighten end of a dark year

Treasured Land Rover stolen

A THORNBURY family has been left devastated after thieves towed away the Land Rover they were converting for overland travel to Europe and Africa. PAGE 17

Murder charge Thornbury's Christmas lights are bringing some much-needed cheer as the High Street tries to recover from a year many would prefer to forget. Gearing up for Christmas: Page 3

Why are they doing this to us? POLICE are asking for help to trace whoever is behind a 15-year campaign to terrorise an elderly Thornbury couple. Officers say the couple, who have not been named but live on Primrose Drive, have had their house, car and garden repeatedly attacked and have been sent threatening letters, including one which issued the threat: "We have a big sharp knife

waiting for you when it goes dark." The couple say they have no idea who is targeting them, or why. Now police are calling on the public to help catch whoever is behind the attacks, by reporting anything they think might be suspicious. Turn to page 3

AN Alveston man has been charged with murdering another man in a Bristol street. PAGE 2

Homes approved

A DEVELOPMENT of 80 homes on farmland on the outskirts of Thornbury has been approved. PAGE 4

Group needs help A THEATRE group which performs to thousands of people in Thornbury each year needs help to survive. PAGE 5

Property experts working in the Thornbury property market since the early 1980’s, coping with fast markets, slow markets, boom or recession but always working our hardest to achieve the absolute best for our clients. Please contact

Penny Skinner or Rowena Moncrieffe for further details‌

14 The Plain, Thornbury, 01454 858007

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