February, 2021 Issue 45
Here to help
Driver killed on M5
A LORRY driver died after his vehicle overturned on the M5 between Bristol and Thornbury. PAGE 3
New plans for Turnberries
Almondsbury couple Hazel and John Watson met Boris Johnson as they received their COVID-19 jabs at the 'super vaccination centre' at Ashton Gate stadium in Bristol. They were among the first to be vaccinated at the centre, which was visited by the Prime Minister on its opening day, January 11. Picture: Andrew Parsons/No 10 Downing Street
Covid vaccinations begin PEOPLE living in the Thornbury area have started being vaccinated against COVID-19, as the national programme reaches GP surgeries. The first vaccinations to take place in the town were administered in the first week of January at Severn View Family Practice, at Thornbury Health Centre in Eastland Road, for patients from the Severnvale Primary Care Network, which also includes Streamside Surgery, St Mary Street Surgery, Almondsbury Surgery and Pilning
Surgery. The Healthier Together partnership of ten local health and care organisations, which is organising vaccinations in the area, said that by mid-January, 19 local centres were acting as hubs across the Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset region, along with Southmead Hospital and Ashton Gate stadium, where a "super vaccination centre" has been set up. Turn to page 2
THORNBURY'S Turnberries Community Centre could host facilities originally planned for the closed Armstrong Hall - casting the Chapel Street complex's future into more doubt. PAGE 3
Caller wanted
POLICE are trying to trace a man who vandalised a doorbell camera which had just been installed to protect and elderly woman's home. PAGE 6
Change for Marlwood MARLWOOD School is set to reduce its capacity to help make it an "attractive proposition" to families in nearby villages. PAGE 11
Property experts working in the Thornbury property market since the early 1980’s, coping with fast markets, slow markets, boom or recession but always working our hardest to achieve the absolute best for our clients. Please contact
Penny Skinner or Rowena Moncrieffe for further details‌
14 The Plain, Thornbury, 01454 858007